Nws'ôof lansuréutmsd lu tle Ou plet cf the.AUMerlo id Wlre Comptsa thf enualt sat-urdayeycmreno.betvnon lMIi. efeIa. im mf:*mme t about- :3mtnr- ibt àààremolotithe 0"t- Post- thieactlvity 0f Wauime alars- »4afry vas for a Utimetr jt' @ue,étateàdMt Wald& inta OsentMadie rWii- ater th. set'- lut 00n4 tho-t- eechaid. liaSdtonnA »4g«atautitansd bluetmutuel nomeled ta tii, semiemeut. M cel', about tire luidred lu bar, a&l vent bac to wvakneuxt gag on tue day lonce anS tint iag ou theenlght force.- ekeqan breathes efaer. eo nad of fie stike ai the vire à Saoosdered a victary for the, M a. At tiie meeting blS be- M ÙÀ mmieu ho vere an the, valli- aud tii. omeiiaisolfthe Company, Wintendeut Gedge o! Chicagoa vas snt sud the, outcomie af thecon- Omo the "kn losC11m, vas that tompzy r ansted everythîns fiieyý bd,- ire ver. n* demauda matie for 0 Monèy on nhoitr Iours, tie r point atisue belng fhe candi- . « tue rod et Ilu otebn, of vhIcim Uiey vers f0 drav the b. As a recuit o! tue meeting, the, -hb4aerturued ta tieir vorli, sud uept-loua have hen settled, Timre * but- t-vamen, It te said put on by Amenica Steel sud Wlre coin- Y t taie t-be plac, o! the, strîkers, abi the mon have returned te ttie Mious tuy lormeriy ield. 60*8 SUMeted Crook *0 Clilcagadetectîves ant i Hgi- o!fiealfh. a 1Park poice aut veei tralet Hi' omplayes muet vearwhilte U»a who paseti as a te*- auits. waab tiin banS i lu runnîng %l Inapeçtor but, viia la aiS to vater and refraîi tropi thç ig 9i ha resuty a mfooi pigeti tor a pou- fabacco lu fie dalry, lu sddtithe 1, * ~g of cracheansd yeggmen, hersa train viliciheogeta lus mliiZ m$g arida u fie on etecanti cty a, rogularly inspecteS by specal lu- 01 Zi&R eeety. spactors, vbo aiso enlorce rWd S e- l b* am caflesat fie John C. Mat*. quiremouta renartitas fie ",mmilfons *eaSece mong otiurs a notables or the. farinera bulîtiluan anti premia- e ,*M#rts of defectvée.anti oticrs es'anti preveuf fi» use o!f certain l hoso lihWi' vin flhey'toci fie leeda or -the, eiling e! tue mliofaIl ýim"r lu vain lo h. mado a geta- tisesad covs, ait uhese regulatîanf * - - _1-~ jelng lu addition f0 the tialry e-Z - - qulemeto sud pateurisation.- n luw Fre ront Plat Sité. ilu- comparilon, consider conditions bla la s u 1 tory, but ïïl aaulu Waulias.n élu renS dilysudt-agefa ief- No inspection o! farms or Sallies or mn mfre couvincus hearlng. iovm. 0 Iý ineporteS agnin th&tp. . Seen- No apeclai taxes an liceise-fees, nof ,l *"eet- visita tu fils clfy menu pasteurisation requînei-nus. I t tbe on Frogt- paver plant site, True, vs bave "panfeunlzoi" mnlkà u»d useiiian recoutly pur- but ortiiuary commercial pasteurisa- OK by James O. Sumith of fis Cty flou except unden nIgIS supervision1 lmss*neS IndutrWIa nternts, la to anti- by experts, an far san fhe cousu- *Md b »U«Sen for th. conatm-uc- mer la conucerued, la vorne flan use-j ko an u depentielt guýcose, salgar lesa lu destroylug diseane germs, ho- Uta* pioducesPlant, lug doue solely lu fi. lt erest, e!fie tir. eukeor bhan elethia report deniers tf0 malte mik stay aveet S*vOral eccaso at.ut IolasaiS l'as longer. e.râdbarsvit- plans for sncb. an Drivers are palS tram 810 to $12 n tqty]r mile troquent andi repenteS weei, except Ilu, ouor twa case, aun her. aëin ta lutre fihe Infereuce In hilci tbey recelve $14 a veeli. en fiat b. mai regaly lhe planning If fie dealers of! Wauiegau are Ch an lIduntny but coceaUih is paylng more than markiet prlces lori mm freni motives o! poler. ,Smithf their mîlli, tiey an, phlanthropiB' f a nuet-yet tolS vby ha o bugiftue onrsae if le possible fiat th, tru, sa- 04 an doms nof maie denal o! tue lution o! the caaei la Ie explana- «MS*tory.ton affeneS by a local denier, that the - deaers lu cambinaf Ion have agreed L"OMl BoUSE l1P OUND vwith local praducenB tint tiey vîli 1 1 ay thoi a ureiumin tacensîderation 4Animal Stolen at Elgin Near Lake porest I but of melodnmaaccompanieti 9 m ue ocf a borne a"oen t El- - basf September sud tounti Icos <edMyam neer e-For-ent I. ewsogr drave belon, the place l.aViunc Kennedy Thmaaiarant W0 hlm vf le voulS ie ta bay e 00& Kea*au lookel ntthefi.alin »Ml' sautuat- bora, b.- a I Iheiee 1 knov viier ft walaebut here b. could ffinih fi. astm-aget uet eut- t-bs li ni vit-h fie lb 4aoet ot. levlug Kennedyi thselu fie roati fie a, vitheutiarn.s, fie bM - od baM-gof the.*aima havls bhffem fie ieu ait »» unkaovn e196 pi5es ie Bglaoynt, Oeuf 'jug abeW d n »ameun& prepoty,,, .ti Laie Par- -th Ower -ofmlier lia- ae o icnity aI Waiegsn agnee not- ta aell te auy denier via does nof exact fie fuil pice o! 8 cents per quart and fuirtiermmre as. flein ut mot efferta to prevýent "euaide" producera Irm. sellng tuir mliita Waakegan, If fhislael fot a cembipaflon lu re- streint or trade, flounviet- la If? About tvoa rneago fie hug denI- ers lu Chicago vîitna a ev tiayg o! oaci et-hem misaeS fie prie. toa 5cetse sud for tfils fey ver. lmmoeilat-ely ludictei by fie gmanS Juryno bb.- c ause flore vua sy direct-evitience af combluetion, but hemaso! a sus- picloas "concert ofat Waukegan poople truly are en" lu viev a! the universel une of mujl sud the ligit o! thaproof or lis <inoane tiunimiuang propont-lea, pure, clean mili la vot h a gecs price but lu fie absence -ofai sauper- Vision or - regalatlons, viiy -lia- fieé higiiest price Ior mlii iat- oeot a be solS ta dulcago for more flan q» duy? Thee vnlten kuova tof but coetavun via- conditionsatsmilar t-c tble pro. Vaul anu ia thi coSit-luakm have hbein bs'On otbot by itarese t a Ihited vit-h flu.Wh"cnov ie.k t- cectrol the mlii buainega tu Wauke asu. itours Uuly, -f A VICTIME. tGIVUS U7 TÉI OHOBT -ThTiO Interupted Sicu City William Allia, love iom ilion Cty avaig. tinc, Iterrapted ta cerfuiiaY ponned elopmenfn ultii Mm ias asi Neyera of fiat clfy, has ivesi up th* ghoot ut luansd cousn«nghmora atux- dey nuvndtest a mucii vr marri- ase lieuse h. han carried stace July vifi tue sad annouaement te Oouty Clark 1ev. Rende. t h . vSe iiunt, effer ail; s.mmit mutrmany. S"I've given thbe gil up." saiS Allis, Iconvlac.d t"-at1Ihave beau fIold apd, that she hati athen, beaux on the atrig, notables Mek Gladstone Dowi. sand othera vii. cen veat'aaent les- ther ahoea, anti 01ev halmuer OOt5 and wite strng fiee,- and befiovereti docksa. "My Ifllkaobjecteti sa mach that I mast bad ta give ber up. Valviioh- jected, tue. Hevwauteti me ta maie a botter match-mary an iieiress or some tltlcd person-so 1Ilfnally gave lu anS returneti the mariage license fa fie pince f rom vbicii I originaliy ebtatued If.1 "If's ton ba-this bnltlng a mar- rnage te wed the ginl yen love-elop- lug fiiree times and gettlng caugbt at lt-only f0 be lanceS to sunnender te # bard anud nnnually cruel fate at the last. But Pli trust In fi, Lord. 'm a gond man and He'll help me aloug. Even disappoîintluI love can't malte me any thinner than 1 amn. "Have 1 any othen girl lu viev! "Bah-gond day, air." WHT PÂY mnIGET SN1'? ,WHter Pute Forth .à.- ime1 The. vnlfr han baen vo.eninmg viiy the people êc f Wanegsn, -hio Motf lppaallg aY restret&an -or rqm AaUons ou lia mllii Seain 4are a- pseied t'm psy 8 cuit par quut Ion it. iMe.Ioane scareIty cf miii; &à, jgmeutry l le! ftnmgny farme"s a-. neing thelr milk ta crsaruneat for about one-haif 0f sbipptag pi-Icea; la dme day lant veci ,lghteen - larai- es *4e. laid off" et, eue ahIppng gutos.n fie coanti. 1qlç, mlii la 8 cents lu Chiceo, bat iMder'fie rÇstIctons Imposait by the, elqagoor4bnoup it la vonuhii f sud lte Chicago dealier wio gela 8 cents nmuet pay market priai lu the contry. If he han If siianetiluncèmna if conta 'hlm -% cent per quart for sippinag gane. If ln bottion. about 13-16 cent 'a qumart. Hf, muet etiier pasteurize it or get i% mlii fnam tubercullu testeS cews. He muet subit ta continuai aud sever, In- spectIon of wagons and dalry and milli for ricimnes, sedrneuf, preserva- tires and ceuineqe and bie bottles sud caps muet be absolutely dlean. He must pay lu addition te a wheel fax on ail veilcl.es, a license tee af $10 per year for, ea.eh wagon ho uses. -RH muet pay bise li ivers union r ages wîtii a minimum ticaleofe $17 Bper weci and up ta $25, on more, de- pendlng upon fie am' nt -cf vorli done a.nd Iougth o! eniplayment,,with a bonus lu -addition for tie sale o! abutter aud buttermîlli, the hours o! sertIceare aieno ticfly lImiteS.. e If b, bas a iattiug plant lu the, ycountry, If Is lrequenfiy sud vlgoroaly Inspected. He umuet pas- teurIse at nat lesa tbau 160O degrees, aann uthe, near future muet Install an autoanatie attacmment for pasteur- mzens that viii contrai tbheatlng unS contiualy record fthe feniperature fie records fa ho sent fa the boardi WAN? PEmtnnm REMt trem o t Vukegan The - new trac¶on comujmy the VfflkeaauRI ooUfod a lagin Trae-l tibu comiiane~. iioh la aeeklig a fran-I chine opre am 0*5upon tIi. tresta 0f Waukmgn, oe.rs<Ifa proposition to the. councli Mday uleht et an inU-1 formai meeting. The. franchise hadi hua sont ont f0 mont of thee mià boertofthe. coucll îSd the clty tath-1 eru wer. vell ýversedlu Ifs provisions before tth. meeting vancalled. 1- The 4ialsu abject <« the. camps» ina obtaiuiug aauaf0 Waskegnn lai. b give the. conpény tLie profits of the . eity Mîms t 14 idtiim lni caflatfuedag tii, literuii. linos tiirough the vent-0 era pari of the coimnty. The rosi! Io pledged Dnot to mortgag, ltnelf vithamut a major#ty of the stochholders agiee- lng In the plan, and aIl the wonk don, muet be pald for -iniUic money ob- ta4ned tram the, mat, ofstock. Thie mean that the mont rlgid ecouomy will be practlced lu al vays possible, and wlth tlis end ln vlew tii. franchise appears ta have more benefite ta, the company than If dons ta the, clty. The franchiselaisntaru for fitty years, an tiiere 1sna use ln building a road for a fr'ancise of ahorter duration. There ver, sisal!--fev Buggested by the council and the city attorney ln the. ordinance au it vas printed ln the SUN ia*week. Poesibly the mont importat point la l the matte- 0f tye rails ta l-ine by the of fie delenses of CorregidornIlanmd, wbici la the main strougiiold of ftbe UnîteS Stafes lu fi, Phlippines.ý l'abalaftid on saine o!fie bîneprints was miiitary information as otafho- eighfs o! guns abave fie ses, accu- rate mathinetlcal location o! search- liglufs, fine conmol anS mne stations anS other Information oI a igbly con- fideutiai chemacter. In facf, thons tasno Ianformation connecte&! vîi the dSeteusci o! Corregidor Island f int could passIbly heofa any mllfary val- u, wici vas nof set folilulu the mnt cemplete defal. Tiiese bIne- MUS DO IE TRIKEN conbpany on tiie streets o! tue city. lu MR& OWI ST CRM Thi point pravalced a. Iively discus- th "ion. Aldermnan Fluer vas lu tiecca Widow of Former Zion streugeat laver o! the rail useS lu the.m, Leader 111 ÂtI Hier streets o! Chicago called'-thé groove ne igNicigan Home - rail.- This rail la useS ta repl1ace 1, Tia Mr. Aexaderfloîeforer-ail otber rails elfiier flauge or "T"' ThatMrs Aleandr Dwleforer«rails ou tic streets o! Chicago snd theCI y tie tiret lady cf ZIon City, sf111 uns alderman, freinthe, Faurfu yard heltior frlene loftinluMZon, even amnoug tho out strongly lu Ifs favor. pi eaders of-the factions ber hushaud Ask Groove Rail. t opposed, ls evidenced by fie tact fiat ncv nie la luneed and 111 unta Seati Tii, rail 1, o!fii.avy steel sud la te ef ber home lun Ben Manfluhl, Mlch., aunt l i tfortie!o a groave, tue ni boere ar, varda aI -sympatiy tcb be fiange, o! the vimeel o!fie car ruuulng Ili heard lu fie cif y aI-br former powlkr. lu fi. groove, vimich do"n away vifi ct Iu couversaLami wvith thrge e(ides c flqbuPu sIo a u l Meeting lunZMon 'tabernacle Suuday smache oso! lqbmf thegran i Tearmaincl Ing lif -developed that the people o! obecfie on otserfi murs Tii- n Zien are lu Ignorauce o etsi eaiteoiclast.-e alapar a of hen heatm. Ovenseer Brmyant, the. tii. cotnt.sd sothe, facf fiat lu leader ot a fdock aI taithullfoliovers tus vinter tii. vater vli uin uthe..il tu Monl, h"ti eard notula I- ficee.gronvb andtirousze ucenaifeting fthe w supposing ftMMns, Dovie vaa stl eujoying hon lite at ber hoine lu Mii- .raIi beîug cleamit out once ta a vhIle, la Igsu. Wlmcn ho vas InformeS an to Other Miner Poignea, cg the true state af affaire he van sfrang Tispoint vw u aveS fe, reset.- lu IN expression o! sympathy for ber. fer fie discussion, anSdofiion sxnaller "IwîlIl oliov the true teachîugs of Zion," saiS Eider Bryant "aud vîli pointa ver, talien up. ,Tic clty asied melie snre fiat If timer, la- anytulng tint tiy he glven the. nlgbt ta une ' fiat 1 cmndo fon her, 1 viii e ho nythe pales o! the, compauy for fie usew ton glad ta de If. If bas always been o! alarfti systeins for #re and policeb my plan te 'heip thonslu trouble ai tiat I can anS 1 would Malte no ox- tiel>rtmentn. This van granfed. The re ception lu her cane, even thougi site comnay offenedti t place lu fie Iran- I fougbt us in the, courts .o!fie land." chise the, promise ta give the, city aa Genera) Ovenseer Vehiva, strong lu service a! tvelve fîmes aven tue route fi is ueviy acqaîncti paver o! contraio! fo h isprdy affaira lu ZMon, protesteS hie sîncer, Itbe i.prdy syrnpafiiy vltiiMrs. Dowle. Be maid Tii.fandtifons beta'een the rails t ho vasvlilling ta exteudti fa ie&li ie te ha matie o! conmentanti this van the imIp tint ho couid, sud vfilti put -lu the franchise lu place et tiiu malte sure fiat site nover saiferedwr*'als.Th oPY i R-l for vant; o! food, sielter or rslmnenf. wr blat"Tecipu u I "I tm"yta maie sune tiaf ne one, loy tiie city ail fiat le lare lu tue eltimer lunZion or ont o! If. cvr suffer: vay oI Ire, transportation, glvlgie il for 4~e vénfa a! lite. I neyer muake rlgiif ta liremnuan id poltcéeieulm uni-0 any appeal te my peple Ion money' taninto ride Iree!of charge.* For Ij Ior this purpose, but If le a penanai ècicide hreaswl pc matter vltb me-.I lumov fiat I amisio hlie.fer iovi pc ID a ratmer peculIar position, but fiat tl tickets, fhe- Company selliug aa vîli maiL no Siffereuce viii me. If tlIcet aofeu nrides for:25 cents, or ý fie varst onejny 1 bail an carti vere adults thcre vîli be a comnmuatintii lu vant, i veuld taie ail thi ecare I conta cf hlm,.,anti se, tînt-as Iar as ticl<i of fwenty-five rides far $1. lay mn my paver, that he sufferti ne Mn. J. K. Orvis, as the, nepresenta-t vaut." -tîve o!fie campany offenedtito taie upt Tiie onîy leader lu Zion wvi a i thfe maffer aIof sreot'aprnknlina - vtb anyfhing but wordBe!o synipntby forth teofirsadeptterd-c eMm-. Dowle vas Ilenerai Ovenseertiaerofcranieptfird- jLewIs. The atiug oaIis doent ai the clalon lu anothor meetiug Tii, coin- bandes o!fie courts apaentîr mad pany aiso placeS lunfthe uov franchisei evu seeds a! bîtemneas, anti ho van fie promise ta paint ail the pales ta he bouS lu is denunclaflon o! Mca.,Day- uneS on fie rlglmt-of-vay. le- "I se, n iasnn hy fi, people of 'l'h. fraitchise, as aumendeti, appear-1 tZion City_ ahould mtersf hemaIveg ed ta i. faim fa ail fie aldermen pres- lui the, condition a! Mrs. DovIe," maiSet taperdt oth etmn Overseen Lewis. "Timers are thoun-u. IfapaeithateBulef 6aniseln lu fus oty vhebave heeu pîac- af ail prisaent ta get the moaS itt ci ed lu a worne contiltion tien ie, Wauiogan an Boon as possible, anti tirougii ber deals. W, have ail the net ouly' fiat, but te, have If counecIt- vomi ve cmn do rlght ire lu Zion.e ihteUeintewsenbg vithaut lnterefening lu any vayvIlth Svttehuluhé eso jar Mms.Dovie. Turtierr»on., 1 ilsay of tii.counify 50 fithâfhe t-radetramg 1that site wva loWeti mouey anti mlade t asection yull b bcaitofaWau- >ta the vaine 0f $100.00 by fie courts, kegan. sud fiat ought ta ieep iber. 'heuf. ________ sihe.ha absle botiietison, vho ought yte cmne or ber. Announce Engagement > "On, t-bing more i vit ta aay, sud M niM- nuba fiat la fiat vii nBot ha quoted lunGur.an HW.vm f n oruetue en-f fila matter lu yonm- papar. asdInithar- saigement e!f theur damghter, Miss mare, I nove- vant t a .MY' Dame ta lizabefh te .Tpm.n B. Caupbelî cf priat u..f0-sy paper agala. Yon, M&Y Chicago. The tiete-of tue veSSdng lu ýtehi about fie refo!fie leaders ta 1s. for Fol>. 1, anti the ceuple vili ZiMon ail yoU vaut«f0.but 1I at MY maie tueur boumlu Ciciago. name ke ouf." iri. eu f hebride ta h.an a "Bête et Wit- fu. exepton, ue eelig tfe local huih eot leavlm3s fit- Mm-rn. Dovie laeil BymOathy, and Plaie" nstitution lest year. me, groom la v iii haofomulateti viiebyite ill »a businessaminslanChicago. r- ho siveu assistance if $he qln.luactuel - - - ---WRLELY- REALTT-RXVIEW" w Petd&=Diffmato elraion The Laie Cauuty Titi. & Trust WrIS5J' mýoliin et s» i KçCOtt Comaffly'a weeily report ot negal ea- jL hu#'ltal, Dr. EdtivnFord (»Miepeil.tifat fransera o formo& a Sifflut end dellote opU- Niumber a o atuf ntlre areS c,8 re loD la u emlg the iP'of an age Doesti ieS------------...40130»00 g. citizon, RIchard J. locie, 7, 5. i.Laianegotiated---------37,M-500 Li *bo hurt iii e«*' lu hopping Wood______ a se don 01110 tgoa relateA laelth. SUN. 1at ho ,Mlm #lil t< Ur. Loekâ la réatma;g a ur se IâM Por e mey-MA dtkMe-e na. Mr ecui. baexpOcte. M- .~ e. nu eda 7" i !ge. 1Mucated te a loreigu coutry. P'ROF. ÂDDRESSZOCLUB Salisbury Speake of! "rigin o! the Earth." Lake Foresf,Ili., Jan. 27.-Special ýta the SUN.-Pnofpssr Ralla OD. Slisbury, bead oIf the geologicai Se- pertinent o!fithe University cf Chicago and editor o!fie Journal et Gealegy, gave an aSSrss on fh, "Origin o!fie Earth" belon, fie lUlcerslfy club et Calvin Durnd hill at Laie Forest asnt evening. -The veIl-knovu sge.- lcglst affadieS the Neinlan Hypatue- ais and adancodan bory e! more me- cent yenns for. fie formation of tic f4rfli. He propiesied tint the, tein- perature, ofthfe eanUi Inèsfead et grow- Ing colden *auld become mor e côn- geniai sud affractu. Ennui Grawing Langer. 'The eosrti lenot gclng- fa freeze up," bo saiS. "Every Indication le fiatth fe anti le due ton a long. bnp- OPtimislafc amaut If. Tieeano sn evl- douce tint fie conditions yl grow "Tiiearfb lastsf111grewlng langer ef the presont fume andS1 ookbon inI te he evon tvîce an -big ns If la nov tf SO-Ine malu fie future. The, Idea thaf fie continents vil slng -Ito f»e sea 113 anOfler Iallacy. 'rie battomt OI the ses l hlukg, fias causina tpe seat tausînlu andt uas giving the'-Con- tiieqtfs more grounS. Thon. certalnly Wsno fleeti o! vom-ylng. StoPS Forrm.d Learfi. "Thon, ila a5reef intereat ta tii ,- ginnlng Of- tiuge. Bat fie salutien o! fie prablemase faneradvanced have noafiing tfa'Seovt fie origlu o! the eanfh. The thones do net- oxplgIn viere fie inaterfai t-he , .artb. van matie o! came tram. This eartb, ae uedlug ta fie most recent- theonles, vas larmeS by the union of millions of vimef aré nov caibed stars. They clustered around csh& @fl',. Grs. ualIy fie bail grew lu ie ' Tien animal ifelîto ma.,'mcm-, van nilmai. w-nhall lt-aprenent aise. Iflin tih grovlng la many vae.'/ * "Thin Idesaiftfueeafii vag a measof brnng matarlai flravn off by e largen baody la rUdlculous. Plant lite shows bief tue sorm ihan eq jColS and vt mn imea aIreSI3'. Lou cfrfluine ithoughifVae OMM «pbIaIymntrdam ac ae«W"lu"I toi tic hfa pa ha St MI eh teny anSliersouat conîderation tor efiers. The Chîcaga- financier sat opening bils mail sud telegràSia lu the. lav offIceà o! Franki Hagermnuthfi Commence Building lu Kansas City. H. vas preparnuç te go &0 luncheon etth fi ddSay club. The law oincce'a messengen panseS. "My boy," hc saiS, "voulti rau pissase taie Mfilsate paper anS put luavay?", Poit. fe the Office Boy, Tee. The boy praug tae, tan tk andi tonk a beap Of enveiapesansd 'lot- . tors Irainthfi fnanciers lep. 'I iank yen, my boy,"ý saiS Mr. Armour. If vas only an cxamplç o!fie finan- cier'% SefaileScansideaian. If van. nafural and spontauéous. "Nov, regsrdlng' general financlal conditionns," Mn. Armour saiS lu e- spouse te a question. "I dont bilevc evuers et nalîrcads anS great indus- trial entelpriseseaaal cronka. And I - eliee t. i .. na- aI.c. ....ns o tusa ceuntry are te continue lu a more or boss straleed condition until thme public geueraliy cemen ta fie saine form of bollef. "Aftua fu tme I linov ef neraibreada or Industries tint arc seeiing f0, maio extensive Investmnts lunove enter- prises. 'batsa because fiey are fIait- eueS. Capital la fimiS. Uutl the evuers are aune fie public anti 10iW latora viii nef harans tmntuey vIl continue fa conserve anS refrain troin uev entompriies." The Freight Rate Problem. "W, nev have fie treigiit rate prob- lem f0 salve. Timen, vili ha ev ev O enterprîses unt Il timat le sefled. An fie raîlreads juresper tiie4euralpuW., lic dose lkiivse. I menu fthe lutina- t-rial part a!f the public, nef so muii- the agriculturai. 'rie public sud buag- ucisageuenally voaltfeta mmch bet- ter vitu a troigif m-at-e igher ahanat - presnflw vîtiIfs sùuqueut ralircet presprif y, t-ian tiey voulti vîfi%, laver troigit rate t-bat vouid ceuse the -railroade ta curfail epeniture on Iprovmeit anSn.W -aenwIs.rt,. ereryaiverfisera retrreluX ~ ' 16Iaf le o et 'PU8UO e* 4wpue'n m Zay 1 1vwr devartment bore tiiet a certain 1~ 6iires an ctveIr uentd lu 3ee n» oowing records froni the . u es ftsV>tbé-*»OP t OU 'SUI lu.tUit olty. AboMt tue 511et»u A ba thle 3»pbuer.th "rier=can ihaaoiret a fore- DOW9 witii thiMgollaflnant. i40 capital uotifed the. tat. depait- 2To the. hobbies wlth'tii, nIsnt .yod meutfIth"'&ertain C&Ptalu betOàtg L.M. - l f o tii. army o! that country Un4 been This mac' ha the-rule wvtii imle 4etàiéd f0ariait the il»Imteil States sud kn heree .fter la tiie vtcinity 0f i.spen fd tire.rY«s bore, eaoertsing1 al regtvaious and =Ulftary posta. the str.uigt Oaithi. trOOP eto thi1 id the, uomtih o4m. vth Its acres <lOUhtrl7 locatlUg the forifications,1 ind hundreda 0of Jap momn servants, t. iok macoiuplainlng aud obliglng. Lunt Yser the. police departmnt of1 iris trotb l1. Uncle Mmlirarit of New Yonk reporteS f0 th;. var dsait. Orelia yp vhatover bu »tion, and Ment tint mnuitary coape and Informa-. mea.ure la uov Up befoi*e o lo u baen bo en fouad tiier. in a trnnk 0 sarsthm e MUry-iiiai mesbelcnged tn an AMenlran, vins tii.y1 lrt Uhenida11 M4 the Naval Tréanng lied reanons to belâme . va ntii . m WOçi «ma« Sthlm la timen of pMme ilo7 of a foreizu goverument veil ùsinawar. .Inoldont In. Phllpnes. PacliCeast Favers Il. Anotiier Incident ocured about six Tii. membera of coios from tii. MOiMthago lu the Philippines, viier, Palttc coant reet sater stace th. au imllald msn of the United stles1 Dmmlttee on the. judiclary o!rti= tenagin«crps aI a foei ovuentb iuse of reresimtatlvea han reported viii an aer i o 2.0If b. wouidn' *varably a bill "toa ptct the ne.wt uos- f1600 fh ol In against apyîug tas ofa peace. ' suply them wltii complet. detalled The. committee vas moveà ta fa- drawlugs and, iOtOgraPs of the.de ror his ill lterthe epreent tio enBes an Corregidor Island. Tii. en- irad beeilmafer tthi ereel iated man agreed ta do thls, and as id ben mad ie yatnyti ar dpe- he wua an officiai photographer for xartmben tht ttme andauaspedepartpuent, ne suspicion vas aroused eee Ienoratgion aboaunltgeInabed by bis taklng piiotograps cf the' 0lu- 3tcret defnformatindaott Int tenlor vorlis, etc. Havever, thls sol- Lats dfeuessud that natiilng dier, alter progressing a certain >uld be donu, wlth tiiem. length of time decided ta fell the au- wlthout f rsde .e c cinthlities '6! the, matter, wbj4ch ho dIS. It t rter delay," says the, c9m- He vans irected te praceed wltii the Bitteln its report'to the bouse, la negottalns In order to capture the. bmovu ln the greate.ctlvlty of farelgu v lieavi vimb a oa ~i, luthelat fw yar, prtiu-tiaiing. A4 trap vas laid wbich r,- nry on aur PacifiCecaoansd lu aur sulted lu the capture of the ollicerg [nular possessions." Accordlng ta rcîaî utiste eevn îe nomattion snith ae a tiith ram tb, soldier tiiese plans and osutte bythevardeprtiment photographe. Theattorney-genenal a! aore than a score of cases have been thei iIppines tien undertooli ta rported ta the, gaverument aine Jan. Proseeute the tva- men. They were 11907, thi-ovnuu prison, but habeas corpus -Dame tîme ago a man lu the clty of prqçeedings were lnstituted anS tbey Calcutta, a Britishi sublect plcked up were neleaned, as tiiere vs,noa mvln in the, streets of thaf City a amaîl ihe PhIlilppInes and noue lu tiie Unit- sackage of blueprints contaluing lu- ,d States under wblcb tiiey migit be frmation wlth refereuce 'ta tic de- prasecuted. fnsee o! Corregidor Island. Recog- T'erilelthe ccomumitteee bas' rèport- lzlug their character, ho dellvered dS pravîdes thst a person who aM- thm te fie Amenîcan consul at Cal- fained Information respectlug the, cutte, who forvarded tiiem tiirougii natianal defeuse ta vich b. le flot me stae. deparfmnent ta the, Secrtany îawfuîîy entifled may b. fineS $1.000 f van bers. or imprlsaned for ou, year. Photo- Ônlginals Not Vet Foufld. grapblng national deteuses. or mak- Siguificauce in attacheS ta the, tact lug Pou sketches of fthora, la prabibit- tat tues, ver. blueprints. ,Tii, el by the propaneS legIsIef ian. A dia- niiereabOuta o! the original fracluga iection letweeu an ordlnary case et Il sf111 unkiLown.. Tiieee bîeprin t lslre of secret Informationsamd- aontaised a Complets set of drawings cases vlmere the, Information la coin- P20M UGr"E YUEUY- Tii. » r tht i Ie sUbacrlptlon Dt for the flly 0f1IM. De Loof «f oQnre, vhlch auRoreSnterible .a but reeesxtly tbnougi ti.he ummtg i M eg~t he bhone ait rf. be=alvin ouf. I how that irni the, geeroty uornelgil bona fthe lamuy at (Mirnee.mil- -d fie formr Jrieuda ta Waaikege total etîa442vs5 cas mrlbuttd the. nedy fnmily. Basides the. money snuftisre Ver. menY wagol Oof 0f elions cl-' .tdaot th ici acntr or tfir home atmd girven ta the De Lad faÊlY. Top no110e Of the.stores la Wankeffl 001> tribufed beddlng and suppla to tii. tamoly snd the. lcunmfanoet' f, hé beesaval familiet prâeat areueli l'h.folovig rPort van bandeS f0 the. SUNU ?rlday !nom Ô. G. 11ev- Unea vbo toali thematter lu chargie si the ouset. Inubiai! of Mr. De foop, *i extend the, beant-feit tianlis e! hîmmel! nd famlly to thote Who go genenouaiy gave at this tîme or need. The foiiovlug contributions have beeu recelved: Mr. Laudugt fromn S. Wauliegau friends..... .............. $48.00 Emett ?Nlarsh front Worrenton friends..................... 7.00 l"reoinau Cloigli frein Drucea Lake finonda.............00 Hiram Fe"rry front ZMon City frIends......................&00 aiven te the Gazette .......... 3.00 (lven te the SUN ,............3.00 l"ram Seeurity Savlugs Blank.. 20.00 irÉt N'ationaltBank .......... .00O i'eople's iBanki............ «....2.00 0. G. Hlawktn f ront Guru,, vlcinity...................259 Mônt Resu ('cmetery Society, Russell, lii. ............ .....5.00 Oak M'lie Cemetery Society, Russell,.111 ................. .50 Ni E. b. A. S.. Iosecrane ... 200 Direct ta '.%Ir DeLoof .......... 35.00 Total....... ..............$443.35 Unpmid Subscriî,ulons ......... $16.00 -Merhiandwe f rount'G. R. Lyons, tva pair bed biankets. anc côruforten. Globe, Deluartment store, eue pair bed blaukots. 11*-lus store, duo bill for cent. Friedmau's £tore, due bill for $3. 0. G. HAWKIN'S. >POLITE TO EVERYBODY J. 0. Ârmour Baya "Thank YÔu", Td:Office Boy J Ogden Armour, the manager of, the Armour !amiiy's millions andtheUi millions of assoclate Industriés, dues flot permit tic consequent ceres and Itroubles to0.110v hlm ta forget cour- pnints von, nat copies cf any drmw- Ings. of -cbarte prepared for fthe use et t-b, USItéSStates, but vere 0,1- iently, the' resait of n enrOful, pains- taiing and Selibenate Investigation anS researci of thé officiai cotufiden- fiaI record e! the UniteS States.. -information Probsbly étolen. 'rie van Separtinont -uns by \ýmves- fiat ion affènipted tfasncont min lie manner- tu vhlcbfis Information got ouf or follInfo fie muandsof anaufb- orîzed persons; but *up teo fis fume ît uasnslt ;met wlti success. 'rie vie* oIfie Separfinuf lait, saine persen via had aces f0 fie coudl- dental umiifary recorde o!fie PtLîlla- ,plue Islnde deltberately abstracted fia inforat-ion vii timtheviev e! nelling Iftatesaine faoigu paver. Rep- reseufatîves a! the general staff o! the, armuy foIS fte judicnm-y commutte, fief many almilar Instances hidcoin, te tue attention o! the dopartinu. Ouealeisn ollovs: Iu 1907 sud 1908 a flamber a! reports ver, recelved, on. tram i e mayer o! Portland,. Ore., aue train the s.crtmy of the cm- -ber of commerce o! anofier clfy ta (.rgouL;,-eeImm a privaf e citizen mn r Alanti n numbef 0f efiers frein nail#r commandera, ta the. eltict flmst feregmers wve very active lu mnapplua t-h. -Pacifie coonta qdi fie harbe"s lu the vlcIlt-Y afPuget aciuti andtihte moufi of the Columbia river. 1 lI on, instance a lieutenantlin the énglimerina corps o! « s fonelgu coun- ~yWa grvng l fi.e~pcIt7 0f a valtor lu the omeca hti Seattle. Théa var, ifaken ta thme idetlty or the gem-sou vifi hom h. ouversti aate-j<pan aàlamber of gocagious fief -tevan lu difgmlaee; 'ýet leovan a mMltüry ofee sMd fit lii va"n sueWe of« e àparpose of obtalanina MMtOWariunOrmtiO. He - mardae A" Unadbto& Nu SPE7s' uS?. the »<llce depart Mien t lmle jo 1ç i«it tb*