soif iag eac con et $15 per ton. sllta<r ona$1 pmr tn. Iviber ut pissant. e M. W. Koedler epeat Tueeday ýjW Ni andgmr.,Robert.i lchadsou, and lirs.Humr Sapell ha. bus ea c Chicgo.danabter R,., vfsitedai tVoleansd villa lagrippe, but le botter ai th. pihmty of fr0'> ifr. 'FTill.NitchellI apei Saturalay nfghti <rayoe lait5.1wok. vrition jopngoa.dos.~d~ and Bunday wth ber aitarinluLiberty- Theo Chri i Edeavor eoioii vil 1I Ni. vapBr n tar euat i thfrble 1 dmîn«out-oonand vile.givoasocial, utiheibmeoratoMi. snd pàrty ut ber borne msently.-1 pi s, n;dshng d9 The concert and basket social giron by 'Mr. Beach. Ou vOlsuilOUe ugh. Pcb W. i . (»t aud irilewill leave fiai un food and hdbu, ut ibe band boy. vas a tborougb succeas. 141h. A vaeailue box ilîl b. a festure iaulas, Texas,. tofiait thefi' brother *0 nia timpotan of Blxty dollars va. lenred. ai1litse vsnlng. . ud fual in atIlpucai future, Grâsescburch wilf observe le irai Misées Efifabtb sud Emma Kusibker. Miu iRattW Beaumnont, of Arlling" uncommninon Ibis sear next Punday apeut Baturday wtlb Autiocla frionds. HEiglata, sud kabU owt a nytiPalaine *' ~evenlug, Ber. F. F. Jordan ai Oak Park , Tha Myotfc Workersana prqxarng a poopledid Taida4 ,noruug, Jab. ai. proslding ider for Chicago district, vHi play, ta lien ths lust of theo meuh Aio nsham gone tO Flartié to LUIIfhI pr'amcb the sermon. Mr. Jordon wili Rudolph Dorder vas a Waukeon au bis gàruaielf hs aa rded(ýb it ie t4 etotlailmaima0preacb at the propraai- ovisitor Suaday. l h e tEaie oiiot on ridaysvaegi. EsybdJWon. L Cbborl n ad ia.Emma Chuteas DMea s aInNv York On - - 1>7 byplS M". M. W. Kuedior le eiu nder dame @pont WOA*moàdof lutiwSk la Cblo. b@n»rmil. «« s iovethe workl cm a r a siled nurse 1.utahpreeit Qoito a number of the farmare o! tii ~î. a~.o, iftlng lanf rprovlug and Ws. hope for&~ vieiaiq, atianded a mlk mheetinl The businessmon 0i Paliinp have it peed recovry. - dm ausufieeult toclose tb iiplaies te spmadî recorery.Chicago Nanday. bsit six 'lokonu md" filé Î" fo0d4fl<h. lra.GCODon p@t.a w dara thîs veek lMatoun1Volby bai beau quie II l h b. a 'Fumaa eeiaa ec eek. t 1boa *t0>. uqm nla Wakeganirait vosk. =.idMUO'M" h le a i ih à0110% Wl dm u tsewatinLg Ethel Beynolds of Grayslake, .$P"%1 lre. Frak Dolpbhbil thue rnsfortous î a u a i-, a0sud ihir employis sà Mondas suif Tue.dai. vlrh Viola ta burt ber aukl. 1lui wk, but le able peopleagourai the iéi utuuii O! gsi around on cruiobes noe. -early cîoing. VM RSAL&t ALL It DRUGl.Tý Flosefe Knedlor la conllnod ta the Mies Florence Watson apont Baurday 1______ - M .i a a-eje.,: ,,,bouse vith touelîti. at lier borne lu Lake V illa. @W 11-ikoaaIW d"Annie Loekhead o! Chicago, epent ,b. ' *BroLSaturday sud unday witb ber mother RM R ne=&BOWME.4ou rw! _ sud brother. FEOT Seveai roa hee~stene.ithecar Beule o!Mr. Robert EwSrterand Ume ta Sevralfro heeýatened he ard BeaieWagner, o Waukegan, @peut a poehler sud soter Violt o! Chîcaga ____________________parts sud dance at Buffalo Grave laut few deys with i brother, Philip an u t uywt FredHoreubergs (iZTIIIIIZ~~II~ Tuesda nigt. farils. aopelit ouawt John Kuoppi o! Chicago, apent Satur- Adrev Wagusr, ai Waukegan, visted dmIaeBiortt.f-Hgln dyand sudnuday vith bis parente. aver SBunday boe. Niesrleael lSuderiad. ay iglu Tb, l.,stU5AMi1d Imond Lakte vili 'Tb, Royal Nigabors o! Wlllrd Camp MPark apoWantr-Bondaia suddysMondai hd Mortwit Mmoeo.B«,Thued&Y Fe. wll gre car! prtyon rid«uigtvitb ber brother, Aflbrt Stabl ut Long d adMs-Iae«t 14. Tbey will serve dinner and aupper Feb. 17. AIl are cordialslgrteted ho Grave. WaodinanTddndMiIa ge sjd havisa bkeri a1" i theveuties. coins. r. au ra. re Bln, ofWauke- vistei with Mr. sud lire. B.L. Rasila on Wdedy Feb. lot, ooeuri'od the The Prairie VlvIgwRls Neighore gal. uta Bunday oeulung wvith Jabe ln SvSMatou BoSnday. Nas yds Grbr t lr.announce acard parqt ta b.given on Dietb 'bote, vers 10w. .Mri. Bermas udwghgbe i H esr .hsbrg. The wedding to- Fi!ay, the 1Tth, aRrcre' a il thuln a t ev da'ilatdurin.theps ve. pl a hr edoter'@, liMM John Batetw éek vith Dr. sud Mre. John Drior. M.r. Ware Wifmot and daughte' lThraoudiLha b .E chc Ol Ft the Mi. Alcfer le aunte alck it. KiaraKeys, spent several deys vitl .veu, aF I. B . b r thoneFi ailbWAUCONDA I Mr. sud Mm . .M. Vaut. ro. ehr tebondEt 01btde CaTitua le spendiug a fevwsaek@ Sudiechool sud c. ,.-., D r.C .Bvo a ien br.owl e rthr o uManl.lre. Lord snd eau, o! Rareuewood fsvihd ta corne.Ailladis piu 1rng DrCa.gwuvasa;SD bep ihbrbohr o n eiy peus severai day@ vlth ber parente, MN bai~.vwator. Mir. sud lire. Wrn. fertei are happy sud lMre. C. W. Pettie.- biasLsr Tvur upahAn r . aud lire. B. E. Maman @peut oror the arrivai et a baby girl, bora r.tie Iralplulre. ohne Bage.u . Boe Snday sud Mndai a ei ceiiii. unda, Feb. S.r. M. fioreubeger enteraie 'lh,. r ulpgM onHe anuhrvo D.R upytsuatdb unumuber o! ber friand@ lfarmally lai sU ad d le ar ve l su pr se p rt aw h i . B Mrpag M o n ai te Tbutausseb ar l b uminlc T ueed ay a i au aiteno an colles. *w. ud telr.oea.i. TIM P-ver.On Be sure ta attend the upper ai thir ot bave deterluifed ta lied HOME Mise SMIde Oslovay lefti onday If pomief»d vib a dosen olIver tmospoona . W... hall. Baturdai evsiug. girs A a oaretidtds u xsddtpt Waautu .1 le remlnd thoin oi ihef r Irieuds ahthi the ladieso!theBlapU*ieburch. - Dlamond Lak. The ladiee af Traslfiguration church ---- * Ia. Anis Rouas vas able ta attend mt lait Saturday sud orgamitl a s ts ,svsll part" alter a long siegleet ! ocity toa b.knovu as the Womneu' lisses. Cathalle Leasgie. e-- Ihêre vill hb. ialen ex o ni u- Aànrnmaeîof aur young people atten. L O U I $ J e Y E i OM A N dmp et tlb.chureb. LIucOllu'ibirthd*y. ai a rnsquerade bail uti Nceary luet »fflîbody cote sid notoish the >ataî. Fridair ening sud Dr. sud limaJohn BroWu ver. aww*dd tbe pris for tha t Fose av g gidibt ut dcouple. -E I' i ICA ýN Aun we Sl..Dont birget tÉe ci..qnerde ah the iribur Poehvu ç1e oqi Oakand bail, Fridsy éenalg, Feb. 10th. !sripag astbe fainbas beuso ,nid ii A. V. Martinisud . E. Maiman - Sali ai publie suctioli on the Wi llamn PeMIse lin athe twn a! Long Grave atieudeil the K. C. initiation ai NeRory MWa the ebeeie fâltory on Mondai, undsy. 0e". 20 conarencîa ah10 O'clock a, L lM . adlr.E J ok1llati A P I3v ad.rnrelube, o alth J atdur.E.JCokceba à" ;&;i~a foiiovlng decrlbed ,propertiy LA_____BA e.? ork boises, 1 colt cornlng their tiveny.iitb weddinog anniveriery ta hlr on55Tl~ oi t yunid mar infou, totou thelaser ut Sturay.Wrn. Elchrn, .î..made a trip tea as bllîo nestc i p Betan. patofilisrc; 14 heurt o! cotule,8, vithb îW.Fullor, 01 Chicago, .@peut Sai -Chicago Baturday. eligarcnut$5pro. fl.i.2 boiera; 6 soyra ho arrov dy with bie brther, J. M.~ Fuller sud Mrs. E. A. Ficke toit for Texasant W r ldt eotta ... -__ , _ u...m mjýd r theLauffenhurger te able ta b. onta th'itt r pat0March, 1 Cheter vhite lm iisW 1 yr nid, lutuber wagon witb bol, 2 truck ivagous, 2 rilk wagono..1 ruseabout. two aeated buPly, new; Pla"graln binifer, MCor-ick.bluder, cuon panter, 2 eeer,12 Dise, pul. ..nWisr,sulky ;>ow. 2 haud ploya, potato dirger, ehovel plow, eulfy çÇultvator. 2 Tover cultivatoTi, land culilvator. M"Crnick rowr, et-,o! trou draa, est o! w9oden drage, hay rails. 2 ber, racks, Clover LeNIl RusD0 spresei, rus oue year gocel eM ne*; 1 i huidng12xlo gond -DAme n 01 C arel planks, 800 Ib. ecaisq. bob iled, t 0hcutter, iebol 416, 7 seemanders, 6 les toum, fauÎng mlii, 2ate o! vork barw ,.Pt 6dtlvilug baruee. 2 beltA o! ,ingle barnes. bay fori. rope sud pullee, 2 grindetonDef, TiO grain sckg-a chiekena, 4 gaeé, 10 înlk eani, lot 01 barrele. ewili cat, I16 cou of tinotby- hay in baru, ,tack o!f id rard. etack or stalke. traw etack, 1800 buahels 01 oste, bof trougb. forko. shovol a aud lot o0 others tiup too numerouO ta mn@tion. Free lunch eX noon. Cijai termes I A. C. PETr8e. Prop. W. C. PETEDJ, AUCtionéer. . QEcirm, Clerk. Thuraay. February 2,,1911, st 10 ocdock, on the .indge Itpton farm ià the towu o Sieide the undetaigned wal self the flilowîng: 6 hort*ps- 2a cos. . bull. 10 boiItrs; 9O caltes. 2 bors, 2W0 claekeus. 230 lbusebe osté, 50 bubefa vheat. 300 bushelm barley, 200 bushels eatrorn, 25 ton tlrnothy hay, 15. ton ditmw, 2 sulky llowbe 2 walkiug ploya, 2 drage, 2 pulverzerr, 2 mowere.,corn lauter, meeder,. roller, 3 cutiçators. arate. bay te drer, hay laler, M0 teat o hay ropo., luniber wagon, mitlk wagon, 4 truck wagons. 2 ingle buges. cart, 2 corn sbellere. 2 ate of double harneL,,, 3 single harassa. golnst6k, keroaene tank, 2 grind- stooe, 1scale. potato digger, 2f1 milk eani. new cookîug tove. new dresser, karomne stove, il o cuter, 2 racks. Vouai terme. 1 Offl EsDAxL, Prop, LORonEzVOtIEL. Auctioauer. '<20-21 1ACENTS WANTEDF-D Melr et ca MI], «M $$.Wf daI" e Y semalle ur ma * # bars.Py ol. a 5* f» OSEeqàsO.,e. -Tbi$iC aa .i. Te7 on Md' msuda i i Crvms l s é % = e evuéms asI ene Iseil é :1 and "ic bed ni hor brother. ou fl . A number Iromu here attende! tbe Ed IUuderyouo d ler frana Vermont, @ioekboidere reealug o!the electrie rad bas been. -vliting relatives lu thiO si Palatine Mandai altonoon. 1vDelnts o Ispasitvnayveei.hfnd The vrestling match lait Baturday eo ie pn odsvt red night vue fairis vol attended. A goad inLibertyville. expostion vas gîren. . Mm. Baruey Amanna sd sou llermau Mr. sud itri. Wr.Tank mere Palatine isited rlatives at Lily Lake tbe lirai vistora lut Bondai, 'a!1ofthe veek. NMW Emma Beip viste! frieudeansd 1 Minea Barbara Amnun #peuat a ievW relapiven lu Chicago- s couple o a s adssà ai lent weeb >' vltb ber cousins ah thieveok. a1! iDy. IWn. Tonne vent ho Chicago lai mu$Ie .D.Co asa h Frîdvansd brougbt onitbree boisesa for aid folk@ daner nt.Wauconda. the aboe Zurich Golf Club. Mr. and Mr@. H. Meyer entetaiuied Fred Bisin veut ta Chicago Tuesdai co pany ovr sBuday. ~ta risit lbispatente. Helen leMr in spendlug s iew weeks 1 t ber oe. oe irThoaseaeither sbs,,tanom hardy frain .8dool <4urng the rnubtib o! Januari areCOMPORTINO WORDB se foliows: Sixth grade, Glas Elehwasu, EAstllr Blbrman, Boy Toung; llftb grade. Anus Frank; 'fourtb grade, Peais1X83Y a ibo;etyVillO Houe- UmayitIohn Firoolmcb; tiird grrade, hold Will nd Thom mo. DailagKashs. Leroy Bergblom, sy Imoud Wllla, Frank Schneider, Te'ne To bave tho painus!u aihes of a Ba"«, Edward Bausi';,tiret grade, ha! back rmaoe; ta b. entireir fies AdaI48llb.rnialf, Leona Llndey, £mil frm- anoylmîg, damgeroils urlnarY dis- Fraab, ElHa7Lieuri, Arhur yroellch orders la enough t) make mani kidney Ési Bos.,~Midre Dui. 'yr auf ergrateîni. Ta tell boy tu. ÈWJ am,.')Ldre, 'D$t ejmOd tchange rén b. brouillât &bout Dust *bd jarinaWille. vif f prove corfortifg woîks ta hun- drede Ô! Libertyvffl oreadors. __________ James .DugMW '888 . wet. Si., iWsâukeman, W.- bI, 'Il:"1eau' recoin- G U JttR m e d Dp an 's K id axai Piffa t a o u ofoiring frorn kîdus tobf v liM re. thur mec e t i !Waukell, yas a 1i3itook ru ais dirathe apeu tlias freOft a bO vesk vfth rher liiso called kidme remodies lia bbroheP J.E$ilàh busbaeu vOY e d i hin:e a lZ: a ". Foa Chlofl isiôrsfastFriay lons.- The biaIS assistions aiea laowd, idffl t Tom nd ero. sed ionfoqemiïud vsn attend. Shaimma. e! ys erartil esion vIle cme1oftbearff si 68 dfrsctly thé 1001 of my ilôtiNa sud )iondai ta sattepd lb.e mitât asbli!i enoq convlnced me cd ibeilf VtiO ussdmglahfcsga.povera. Icanna' piaf a.tbfse dy Mr. WmllPaitrsoa oel h go, @pont Formaisbiaidealor. Frics50 cpte. SM&i iag'tib frids luis. Fostér-NiIbuirOô C& fa-*New Ta*, ~ 1Mlu ~ ~ ~ soalenot for ie iuts! Sisiba. bot oeodai,&, ww w .labeo um..oi-r -20-2 loN. . .Rane uO asildys uiF Mnra«k$l s t l b.iiseiulh g4laabonéroli 9WRl a So boq"f ~ 1 5 .,a. '$W D orai, t o M . a d lMr & F isk Rliroulbou, tad, February tb a Nias oBeisDonuill01! Oicago, vas the Ira#pfber parente bore fat week lm' FIéber, of Wsauds, callod on f riens dblm sWedmMody svenlog. Mie. A. J. Rumnd sud rlaugbter Hotte $pen Weoudey of lait wa.k tu .89rs. Jouait Cowain d dangbter ]dort, of Round tek., vere visltors ab the Krvan hosne Batuadai. 1 . li. George Walrnsley and son George sas spmdtng a 1mw dans at thie Arna bomne ai West rerns. Orne o! thatturacton» at thes irna maci to b. hsld at the bomne of Mr. aud Mmrs th" .Rsught Tueoday evenlng, FebrurV,14tI, melli be a raientins poet Office. Comme sMd havea good Urne. »FOlm lnyPillsara ssrellabl. rsey fombak*dherhmaaîlsrnand urrry rmgl ie. Tby aen oute imasctiols. q, k lu ra an d afford s ~ropt, roilai rom a lkidney dfsordéea. I l l)U te. A cinuilue SURMTYBOND OUARANTU5 wltb wery roll et Congo. S..say wmn - rm - iaêiadoe Issu sty Cudplas dth»b& M"iuim .hqahm eas dis. f JW _ - bhr n I d u o q . dbi c m n a *a " @tj " r h e m .1 If n !r u .f r i s m S a udw sh o cm e m b u by~~~~~~~b ài SuaiSrt c.s ii Dccsac. homu w<oa muiàCSg HIOME IL*WMER COMPANY, __ELK'S MINSTRELS SCWIIARTZ THIEATRE WAUKEGAN Wednesday Thursday , Fri- day Februûary 15-16-17 DONT misS ROBIN 'IOOD TfRST PART GOOD MAL! CHORUS GOOD BALLADS AND SOLOS GOOD ORCHE!STRA OF SEVEN PIÈCES CHIICAGO GRAND OPERA cosTrum!S GOOD VAIJDIVILLE ACT% SPIECIAL SCENIERV AND LIGIITING !frECTS DONT MISS TI GRAND MIALE WITII CHORUS or 60 MALE VOICES Ticket .Sale -'Opens At The princess Corner, Washington end Geoessee St., Wed. ftiruarg8 t 10 o:clock g;. rxfo sale at pVrïcec> and on terms to suit -alt !npeinis invited of a quantity of pedigreed breeding stock which is in excess f the requirements f Hawthprn Farm. The stock is 0 registcred and consite f Brown Swams bail calves, Brown Swise year- Jing bulle, Shorthorn yearling bulle amd Berkshire mnd Duroc boars. Hawthorn Faim' Libertyville, . Illinois ?cmt Offie: F. F. D. NO. lePrre ie w, ex 41 't Ml 'il.' M N qhs N .od 'o, N 'ber N 'kw g 'ail T ~ Ps' .5' Adi Du b eps H I 1 at ber nome here. 1 WHO.Di, NOT».