ME ALLEN PoQrTABLE BATH APPAR.ATIJS TUH IDEAI.BATH FOR 810 AND> UrLE SHAVERS A AI1VELATION IN BATHING, OI49VERE8T INVENTION 0F THIE AM.,, OLEANSINO, FRICTION, lsIA4*fE. 8NOWER._ FOR .àALE BY W. $. MCCLMiN AGENT ibertpllle, linois. o PHONE 1302 It may require a short «cempalges" Of *Ait advertlslng to flnd the klud 09 woek Yostre looklng for. But.jt l'MMd requiM a LONG campalges Of MaÏ otlier sort Of "looklng."1 If I's a job for a want ad DON'T LZ4VE IT TO A PLACARD! g RV Il that catch o! yours aud c-bat la necessary lo be do will cost to put Il n Perfect Running tisen you eau leave it oresot In al kiucis ai repir wo thse very hast woik andi yot hasitaiscy in leaviug tise fii les Our care. A. MUS JEWELER Libertyville FOR BREAKFAST BIJCKWI'EAT CAKES MADE FROM f ~RMILLS BIICKWIIEAT FLOIJR Pure. Maple Syrup And HOME MADE SAUSAGE FOR SALE BY J. ELI TRIGGS ?hone 25 Phone . BIG REDUCTION SAL NOW ON TO [AST TILL FEBRUARY 23 COME IN AND TAKE ADVANTAGE 0F SOME, 0F THE BARC3AINS J. B. MORSE & CO. Everythlng for tien LIBERTYVILIE 10c BLEACHED MU GOES FOR 1- 0c LONSDALE BLE ED MUSLijN GOES1 7c FINE CHECK AF GINGH'AM FOR 12 CENT PERCJ<LEe FOR 10c GLACE CJ4ECKpm LINEN TOWELINGIà 10c FANCY DRESS G ~N~Àt)lPN? HAMS GOES FOR ~&'~-.'I-.IL~ 18c PLAID SUtTI NI GO FOR ^LE BEGINS ON SATURDAY FEBRUARY Ith AN~ NE WEEK. ALL NEW STOCK JUST RECEIVED 1 VIUETY STORE LIBERIYVI iYVuI Il LARE COUNTY lINDEPENDB'r, 'RIDAY, FJEBRUARY 10, 19u1l Tisera ia a rumor to the off oct a garage wil be erected on Lake Stroet rieur tise L IB E RT YV IlL L E B R IlE S site of tise proposed Lîhertyvilie Coin- essneitY bauooleumni u[at thse project le under advssetisot. L 0o AL ^ANo P E R 00N ALt- M EN -7IO0N At a meeting of the Lake County Milli Producers' Pratective Association To isur pulictionln he ndeen- Tbe heavyj l 0w storm ofaiSuuday lseldles thse Libertyville ,town hall lest To nuirepublcatin intha ndapn- Rtuîday atternoon Ç. 0. Sstal of dent, copy must be in thea office no tater net only serres as a blanket for thePrieVow aseeetddrcori thnTedyo ai ek da-ground, but as a moat tisaukini cover.Prie ew aseelcddict o tha Tusda ofsac ... A,,.r-iug for garbage dumsep which usartise tise trl.eîate argeuizatiasi. tisera, sepecially, ara asked 10 taks beauty of salie of our mnot public Tise political pot je beginniug to particular notice 1t i affect. thrrdugisfare. Lt us hope that wisen werm op in tisa malter of village Fiise warin spriug days cotse aur eitirene polies, Wa iheur tise nams ot Cisarles AMINE J. 8. (rley and wlle visitesi ovor elli Le more carafesul were thev dispose Kaiser nlau:ioned by @ouse of hie frionds gund % n Evantan. of tiseir rofuse. as a candidate for preideut of tise àtell yoU jos5I Tise membersisip etitemeut in tise village bsoard st tise eouin prii3aries. one anu wha t Nis Florence Evilsizor wae Isome froi Evntion verSunsy.Modern Woodmeneociety for tise monthe Frank Dyer wae Wednceday right frutsEvastn oerSunaofa November ansd Doeiibor, 1910, bas tise victim aif a moast pleaeane, surprise Order Tisere wvill bes ervires aet St. Lawrieoe et been coenpleted by Headi Clerk C. thuaottet.fv ihefrendu t, synpcae.Missione Sunday atereso:: et 3:30. iW. Hawes. Tise etatement shows a net gatisoros at his home weet oai.isCity. trw o oniy William Docker ofthedrng Om fgaies ins tenefiial meusiena of7,141. andi Carde aud oiber gaules were ludulwedsinl nu ueed have nue[Docker & Bond, traneiautesi buinees 1in nef iureasole inrinece ai $9331,000. until a late iseur wison a hearty repas$ ast article in Chicago Tuesday. on Dec. al thoera -wera 1,128,801 boue. was served. lu tise wee lina' heoure tise Mir. and mtrd. J. J. Pornsons andi familY fciai members les gondi standing carry., guesus departei wieiing tiseir gnal opet sunday et Rouckofeller vlsitiesg theisasg $1,786,099,000 lesurancr. hast andihosse many happy rotures, formr'@parete.Nionayeveiiug et tise Libertyvilla of tisa day. miss Belen Wrightl @penit Tueday andi bowling sloe tise local baye rolled at Jerome Baker, of Miexico, N. Y., visitesi with a former scholmate eItstree gainesiles witth ti litatinofaish autit, NMrs C. NI. Fuller andi othor Eligiland Park. WSukegaii, meeting defeise to t15 tunle relatives haro Mouday. Mrs. C. F. Wrighst let ou SaturdaY for 0a i iilsty-oue pins. Tisa l,ca1l . oy, 1. W. Fuller, of Chiecago, ansd J. M. ___________ EIgrtors. Win., for a two weeke, vis realazînurListat thse.y were up againet a, Fuller andi daughtor, ai Wanconda, .Wsîh ber mon Rtoy. elrasg proposition apparently lut tiseir siutSnnday witi tiseir motiser, lts. * 0 * Jaes n, Prec ll er and Harry lai.Waukogan winesingsg l;Bot Cieir 'C. Il. Fuller. Jasllran 8i uîna, petauda goasi work but au tise pour u ork douei-'li,"d!o wsletfb acodsi ht atrdyby aur boys. Nlamsa," saisi littia Elsa d o wlirelatives r. 'vr go ta ieavets?" S.S. IWheeler je canllned ta hisiehome llanday eveuiesg of thid woek at tise e"Why, ai course, my dear. Wiat r o Mswaueeaveue îts asevreM. W. A. hall occurrasi a vry pleasant maite@ yosasak?.» 0 attaclt ai typhoisi lover,.oilafari wa-ia srrs Becanea 1 nover sas aesy pictureai party with Bey. Fathor Kinslla tisa angel oiti wisske." 0 Fred Croker uow bas bis tax books victhto. Tisa meusbere ai St. Josepiss Weil" @saisitisa mother, tisougistfnlly, FXansd wll tart un Tsteday naît Clleet- paris oera thea perptrators ai tishe uemn og aieaa;btte -OX lng taes aseasse for 1910.surprise aud prsseeted Fatier Kinslla ga Horabya loemhae * Ie ary Bush leaves tise ek for witis 075.00 les guls. A vry interesîin esg _______aclos ______- OChicagu ta become a stydat lu Madaus prugrant, c-as rmedred whicis will 4o * Bal's isair dressing parlor. publiehleilun net Ivaek's issue. XocCofmiok-DoremnuB. M tr. asid Mrs. E. L. Ehrlch, of Cedar A chorus oi 75 usan, uedrtheadirection Ou Tueoday alternoon, February 7, * Rapide, foc-a. visilesi tieir aui ansi ai Prof. R. R. Laugihin, will giva a War et 4:00 o'clock et tise home 01 the bride'@ Snucle, 1fr. and Mirs. J. E. Bond rsoePtt -l3o )u eertlestie Armeory in Wankegan, parents, Mr. ansi trs. Frank H. * Miss Lulla Paleier, 0i Chicago, boa Weduesday eveaslg, Fais. 22. Tise Doreuss, occurras tise martriage oi their *beeu viiesag tise uast two wese itis choruswillisedraeed ln mlitaryuuiform. daugister, Ethel toatMr. W. Esicerd *bar Cousin, lirs. Frank Nichas et tieA doubla quartette of plan taioesslarkies, ticCurmick, only members of thisalmedi- * place. dreserd in tise old lave costume will aIe iarnly beiesg present. * i8se tsee Botlier ansi Ethel Giraces ig tise plantation melodiee. Tisa Tise bride le e wiesome yanesg lady., * % beleî, c-ho are attandiesg »stt oicocrt ia forth. baeet of tise Y. M. C. A. witis mauy accomplislisints, havlesg a ONormal echoolat DeKalis, vteted aI fond. Tickets SOcauls. wide circle.of frieudu wba asentaober * home over Sanday. Tise Libertyville Pira Deparîmeut will Muet bisrty wisises for 'a long end o Tise W. C. T. E, will menit et tise borne gve Iheir firaf annuel bail at tise happy jouruey throogh lufe. o f tira. Mary Beninger on Tuessiay, Fois. Libertyvila tac-e hall next Tisureday Tisa groom le tise only eaunailtir, and *14 et 2:30 p. m. . SubWet: *,Mernoriai avoniesg, lob. 16. -Yeu sbould plan ta tire. John McCormick and le c-ail aesd à ansT k Offrin." attend ansd by yonr patronage aid tisa iavoratly Snawo lu Liberty ville i. D)on'tfou gel tiseMuaik bail givan by boys lu their c-orS. If you dont dance entiroie isaving beau pat isore. He tisa Citizea' Rend iles ta tsn hall bu.v e ticket aun"sray. Thea doparîtant l5a aYoung iman aifszanplary habite aesdl o tonigit (Flday.ÀAflue ima jeinay he places inluaposition sanie dayta sterlng qualities, c-ail c-ortisy. uthtis ~***< pomleed il c-hoattend.ropay yout many tintes tise aun coeh a ae promsedailwhoattnd.invested in tise ticket shonld you neel Mtr, sud Mra. ticCortniek ciii make Mir. and Mlre..<30. A. Wrght visitesi Ibeir services. their home lu Lîbertyvilis takiug np tise latter part ai imet c-oaS ansitise fore .tiseir rasidouce lu tise cottage naît ta tise part ot Ibis week with tiseir nepbew, Tisa Alpha Club werea arong tise groomu'@ parants. Wit Wright ansi family aI St. Louis. wiuners un tise- Booklovers' cautocl Tise tcoEIENDENT joins in eXteUdiDg Elgisteen heas i oisoes errivesi et tise reeesly" conduetesi by tiseCiicago bearty congratulations ta tise happy mila truck et Liljertyviile Saîorsiay for Evoniitg Post. Tise club c-orked for theise lietaisn ad liais whre tey -hibenefillof tise Libertyville Public Librerypari mellabn andDeanwhereth nsii woiked liard ansi mucis credit ls due rocive traininsg for thse îomnllg ases.u a Il eke oî er l onot theus for "lis0 intereet hacu lu tiseir Gerber-Wehrenberg. ..Eit akè foty ear tatur ou aeffort tu i le!p sa greal a public Institu- Ou of lest week aItishe self-îisade mnan; but given eaibig mirai lion. Tiseir piirpaee le ta purcisase, home ai tise bride'. @eer, Mer8. John and a lot aiof tlssr thîings and tiesaoai- books for tise library wltis lie Mauey Barîletet Diarnu Lako, occurre h mad wmancole foth i abutauwon frous Ibis contest.. Tisy have marriege of Mise LyVdia Geibr,'o istir andi a hall. already pnrchsedansi ielped purcsse î)ad Lke ansi Hen G erebr Tise .tnicl Club divoit omewhat tram lu ail sevety.i ehbooks for tise library. of Libertyvillle. esnbr liseir ueuel progrant ts.week Thursday Çdward D. Sisurtieff, repraeentative Tise bride je a deugister aiftir. sud evoiug. Carde were plaYos tise fora Eigitis Senatoiial district and tise trs. William Gerber ai Diemonsi Lake lie aliug wiile dancing frmer' friand in the Honseofa Repre' andi ie weli ansi iavorably Suen haro- ociotiies tise rýanjder. setatives, 'visa gaieelise farmors bIs aid aboute. E. A. islop lias purcisased of F lu tise late tberuin testi malter, je Tise groom le a sounaiftir. andsMio.tirs i Sadussan two ltleoan Soithside Of- entdinsg.out sealy priestei copies ln H. 1). Webrenberg ai' Lbertyvllle andi Wright Court, lise cousidaraliaut bein@r pamphlet foras othlie detaîl report oi bas masy friandewc-o ara now afferiesg t171J0. We uudersslaud Mr. Bioisop tisa joint connittee au tuiserrullu, test, consgratulations. Ha le an employe o! irileude ta ertec a ine residaence tisereais tir. Sisurtleff lias sa partial lst oi faresere lise LakIt'Cunty Telepisone Comspany at un tlis ping. ottake eouuty ta wisam ie le seediug Ibis place. Tise postallira appropriation bill1 Was tisefeboake. Tour nomesiMay ai' nay Tise couple will make tisoir bomse lu paserd by lise bouse last wesk. Tise ual beau Ibioslt, bîut if It i. uat you tise Fisiser liaI on Lincoln avenue. pay ai carriers on -tise rural free dèlivery eau procura one ai tise copine by writiog - routes le ta bc snereaeed $100 eacb per ta tir. Sisurtleif or isy callng et tise -year by an ameuidmeul assied just fbc- fIEECOIrNTY Ivas,DE1ENFiy OfiRsc-bers MmS Martin Lynch Dead. fora tise final vote waëi tabou. tisera are a limilîssi numbe' of tcopiee Tise Angel ai Deatis ias Ooure Cule R.L T. Pritchard ansi broîistr-lu-lac-, plaesi far ditribution. This repoîrt enteresi ouridelsft ansi removei, frousth' E.. J. Hanspel have gens la Cramer, givee fl detail lise proceSdilgsaiflise aMOnsg0 e o! afur aldesl ansi Most Indlilana, cisera Mr. Hauspel c-iltoiletrecent Invetigation by a joint cous. respectesirosldents, Mro. Merlin Lyncis.l trmtellt for rseuratieni front c-hich mitteO OifIbe fouse ansi Seuste of tise Miss Margaret tieTigis cas isamsiin _________ho bas been suffeing for corne lima. tubertulin test andi pastasjrizatian ai ireleqd iu tise year 1833. At tise age oaiv --Tbry expect ta remala tisare indellultely. milk sud its products, saud centaine tiirty @ee cause to Arnrica ansi raceivesicri SLIa ~ ~ Mis Emly ues lit uesay venugmuchaif vital intereet ta thle fariner. Be euspoymnu in tise hains of .Ioel Viîker th -SLIorMisemil, Buec-lotiTetcaro senintel'uneansi avail yourseli.of a copy. at Lihertyville, wisera ciso remaînies 7c frRsel ewMxcweeel utlhrmrig a r atnLnh s 'iii jin tise Baimtoc-e, Blackmere ansi tre. FH;Beuker ansi deugstar tiaude.uliTbrthisernian oMm. i a bne FORBC the frand, wo ae aendntîtise ai Losil,Wie., attenesisitise funeseal oaiohTIbis nesia ueith!îs in be, PR0N wcinter in ties uuny soutis. She expects Mm. Bunker'@si@eftr, tirs. truster WellssJohn T.,rc-9o9depeumesi tse bin tisaIrt 5c ta be gone about two moehe. t Wtkegar lest Tueeday ansi laet 99 nuoneblgts ýs GO Mm Mary Frances Black diesi et tise Weduesday tffoy visitesi allthe home ai Oua stepeon, Edward Lynchs survives w 8C binuse.1fJ. H. Weterfleld, neer Hait the former'@ nire, tirs. FredScilicker n laIo Mota hem deetis. Dao uday morniug et tise aeaoftii. city ratuiug homo Wadtessiay Tise funeral services c-are iselsi Tiurs. lie I 2 ixty.algist. Tise romains c-oie sipped eelesIg. day morelug et 9:30, et St. Josepis et, ta Jacksonville, 1W, for burial. MrI.- For shells4 corn see Tripp, Ha le aise Catisolice iurcis, ternent being iu tise et GING8C Black died et tise semae place anuà 'ugust "seliisu hr caris et $15 par ton." ' Catholie cemeteiy lu Waukegeu. l 30,1909. If tise -fnrnlshed ruatadil lockea ________ G . ' An eveeiug ci ealit] pleasure lea58s 'edgond," ru rounq ta ,tise addressenM moim t1e3ctssiigtia yie 1!Igivan, andi talcsèa look ut thse roumi. iM mO Bf. ID LASTS m lens sa<lbut loviug usemory ai oui deer th ________________________________________________ esu and brother, George James Dyer I whose usysteriaus deatis ocesiresi et tise Jane ticAlister hdoeptal Fois. 11, 1908: ILI£ ILL Loyal toiler thi curk ait, 13-O N D SBeautif Oh soi» liste glr gnone.L _____________Beaulifut lite club liceucwnue o- GusI livetb the e rat. INVEBTORS IN MUNCIPAL, CITY IMPROVEMENT. OR COR- Rt fromal sorrown and watehng, and Jean, Reet 1rot.aiposi.thiff sudtsars 6. SACRI FICE RE-DU.CTION SALE 0F WINTER GOODS Mans Duck Coats ...... .................................. ........ Haîf Prie* Man's Fait Boots..................................................Half Prie Mans Fait Foxead Shoea. worth 83.00, ait....................81.15 Mon 'a, . I8.7.00,a.......t.................... 1.25 Man's Sheep-lined Shoes, worth 01.25, et ................... I Mans WooI Undarwear worth.S 1.50, et ..................... 1..f.00 Mons'a $ 1.00, at ............. .............. .75 MansGobvia and Mittons..................................... One-third Off Mans Woot Ponts ........................................One-third Ofr Boys' Suits-.................................................... One-thie.d 00 Ladies' Wool Underwear, worth 01.60, ai.....t.................. .8.00 Ladies' a LsîOO, at..... .......... ........1 This is a Chance to Make 'a Great Savirig WlIY PAY MORE? ONE CASE ( SDISH PANS, c STRIPLE COi MOTTLED C BV 4 1.2, STF FOR HAVE YOU SI OF WINTER WE CLOSE 0 ITrF m - (3 DOZ.) 12 QUART GREY ENAMELED .MEAPER THAN COMMON TEN.........19C )RED 6 QUART STEW KETTLES BI.UE OUTSIDE, PURE WHIITE INSIDE SIZE 10 1-2 rR0NG EAR8 AND WIRE BAIL. A 50c KETTLE 2.5c RFN THIE 080 BA RGAINS IN ,ODàâ'ANO ENDS t000DB IN OUR NORTH WINDOW WHICH DUT AT IOc- ÎE FAIR Libertyville, 111. 4'hat we guarantee, by the proper use of Our' Sharples Separator in your dairy, is as follows: ft.I if comssared wltls auyor hako nt etsrbtor. hta imun Yleld utbutter Inu laver Of te Sharploe Sctsratur wl) b l5 east cUfieleut tuo&pY 10 Par Cent Interees on the wisulstie* met titips ator oach 10cr, snd tisegain uver Most etiser saparatores wli Dnemrnta tan ths.. 2d. If rose, et th isescent tMme, oise one ut the bet gravlt r eemesr. usider tise mus erai.O ble condition», Tour gain tu rleld uf butter by thse usenoftthe 9Shartiles Tubular Separottor» wM be- lu orcets. ut innpourds torpvery iuudrsd xounds preylonlr made.l If rou arecusingevcocuthe bemt;gravtr Crmarner nuder favorable condsitons. ihat I.lait 5ci very cold wator or Ie, yuur gale wil bc an oeesu uttwenty peunds,. 41 ýuun ue au Interor creamer or Danis. roue gain W1l» run (truwtenty-ive tn llty pouds, deseesdlnir on bue lalerlqr bhey are. Id. On thse point ut quallîr uf ergam ur btter tîsa more dîlicuit te malte a deftise gnpaaelI. se hardîy aur hwou dalremn usec tise me amount uf carsabountt"er dalrlen or mus.Visanass nalltv utbutter. but, otiser thînge betinequai. sas guarentes tisaes utise bast dUryuajwma lid aes Impruvement lu thse qusilîr ut bie butter equivaleesi lu Ilre cents t. ive caete par Dess by tise un ef utur eepaistor. white tise aversges les$ careissi dalrkman cill] ceuse a batherWOM fromt lieper cent lu 100 Par cent more tisses ctisout tise aid uf lise Tuisus? BaparalIor. Tbeeklm-mllk. Seu àIn anud tresis, clii be mueS mure vainabta o to nétfoa. lciiitee wurtis trui twentY-tive cents in turly-ltve rents par bsudrod pouads for stock ieedbis. dusmelise arceei onthseageuofthe seotoc lwlch ltin fed. lue, coldmcatirlà wrs&bout otsegfs et lis &Mousnt. 4tis. Thse saviog lu bandllsîr uf th iseltIoy iaving thse separatinsmadifplâtbie te u etc.. aud tise cashîni sud cartur for&same, add a hundrecd sd unt otiser. lifQ. s&Vnes, nebtelms te estlmated, althDugi tisey amnunt tu a great dealttatisa afflregatil plis. Tisere wdll be a savîns utflfs. if any la used. ansd telise Ss asIesens a adftg It lm e escary unly oV l ussfp tise tiaranteed Inresseles tise ylèld ut InitIer and sa seà~ stasd lmproVelàeult luquslty lu naiste o u sec bw absolutely eseus ia , pe w , - for tu a dairymasi. sud hbwun eder n clrcumtauces. cau hî blie su ecceesful clitut as s aIls une. So Id hy M. . KER, îLibertyvite Ifnl and opposite tisa Peeta? LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS Wgm ansd Teh.scc ALeu flamaWa j 0* Ou O s O o O O O O O O O O O h O -S. i i i i. .0 ~t TU.E RAY JRNITURE.ST(