av* " L OPP ER jitz cousttta4 i' fa nd ti es i@ BiWho8 1G u amV OEMIYM It ma -- J ~welli sequited miti the woringee j«»0 7.1tak&en ýProM pro,>. theutie otndie4c ameetri- m . Eloa N utin'a W qIT dGve . erty of Telephone Co short tue ugo a baudi of meen limbai. BUl md*i. ent Chook Pays Penalty. Copper cere thievea. which bauveta number of poies of the telepiene grestly annoyei btb the North Shiore compani- sud eloctrie light Peope Contrari- tu expectastl onee a-tii ForeraiCapt Danîia. Keller ot tee eloctnlc compan!' and the Chcago sud eut front theni vire C uDtai-beMose t hcago and tiLa ttea csvalry St Fort Sien.- Telapione coinpany committed aneth- aori 11200. It a-se thaonuitt at tiat Man ui a ut the beau liif.the W ian -ofro hck nPyie or tiepradatlen a-eote t iyý ,esten- finie tiat tie mon cartaitue a-ire sd resinty e di.eaichanet athouWi-W"e aundi as captue tPalp ;day monulng. .The Chicago Telephone off lu a wagon, but tien. awsanu trace negetlutions are stili pouding sud B l yMrblWren Wilmott of conapeny or rallier thb. Ug dtstauce, of suy wagon near the acen et fthe sucb a state of affaira aillibhlli forth! Wauskegau, freona-bhoniKeller occtpcd bîanch of the coiplny, a-r. COn- las theft. smtîme i) the. future. by jumping fronia train up ln Wiacou- structlug a lise about four miles e est A s-chiche et cotte sort muet bave BTubes taits the substnce of an Inter- ein onl the wuy baci, but -au reap- of the clîy. a-heu upon .ieavtng s large been usei, us thie 1800 tout of a-ie iiew beli Sionday wiub Maseu B. Star-' Ured soon attera-ari, bas been ceu. coil of the wtre tinguarded. tivea a-euhlbe ton heavy for any mnute ring, preaident of the Nortia-setein tencesi feRil ,ycara lu Stillateg by etole about 1800 feet. carry off lone. *'V' of Chicago, ever a-base tratcsît Jud.ge Orr- et St. Paul, blin., for Staal- The aire eBInuaisclassai as No. 12 a- as expectefi that the cars of dithe 11Mi-ug a diSmeuf ring, vluei St $4861, topai- aire, sud le worth neoentalli1 Pneumnona eFollowî a Cold waukee line a-ouli enter nto the. city f froni thi e eiry stoeofetMolle, Kini- gamounit. Plhe theisos apisrently stoie But aevi foliows tht'e niofFOIPY'a temerrea-. Nether a-ii Sturring lie keic5tein, Seventh and Cedan etreetii. th iia-re.aid telIt eltber lun ','uk- tIaneY -andt Vr, svtieb check# tire ,'uustchosea 'as the one receiver for the. severai veeks ugo. egan lna auali lots, or ehip t te Chi- à"'] e u'cold luM. Stock a-til. thredvson fteMlwueaise Kle..t notejeer tr Ha,îîiiual. Iao, ,.ae. bears ail the iionetle uauIli. Klra-ttaehee-eyate caége, ahere a prtce Of 12«c) t Ilb -a de ..ruc.d. 1 corcted oI s an aras lhe knôws nov, luspitaetfsud a-hile 1spectIlig a tray of-dia- la puifi. Tie P.lc ! i. wiltene b 1d n aud ougliansd waietbreart-aîed aIl reports tht a iodit. settlenientLmonds, throa- jepper Lto the clerI's notIfied o! the tieft, sud "ion the wla -eui~a-naeia. Oas bOrl.. aO!Foisse iba<been neacbod, it seeea, tiat ail eYeu, grubbeti'the. ring sud rau aWay. a-atch te see thatuno wine'ie sold hon. uan ad Tur r,,uulbeI' cured n»,."asin Kelrw eeets ncotbyP er.No 'jlae.ju.t ai rlalip houusbold controversezearmain ln about tihcm etrvsnpeetdl or ~F The dopradatlone are apparently n edacaaa., Sold by ail DWit. statua as they did nme-Uie &.90lH. Ayers of Minueospslla. accolupsniei a-heu thie firet report via sent o4 hy Mrç. Keller, a-be. parents Feuil - t-bat the Chicago sud Mlaukee hal ta Minneapolis. Miten sentence a-ce ucceedeti lu ehtainlng the. rlght te Prcnouicc sud the captain tuken Pnnc Yb a S otlrd lth 474 9 un liste Chicago ovrrthei.tros e! razin tie court roons by tieputy alher. Calved Feb. 3. 1907. 8tarning Net Reoiver. grief and ied 4toe b asistest rom the. .. Ir. Stsrng deulied Mouiay lie bai courtrooni. Keller a-as isIten te Stili- A young Holstimn Frie.ian stae hred in great prnduici'ig sud irasmtting lanes accep tbeePost of recelvrhilp ton wasen Saturdsy. on both aides. His tour ncarestt lss t two andt tre. yesrs and nue at four years the treelunes of theii.lauItee, theo Afler pranouffeing sentence sud die *ld, have records uvereging 25.57 pounds butter ýin ses-en days. If a-tii lie notadI llinois brandi, the. Wisconsin brauci,'court hall adjounnei, Juige. Orr, lnUti that his a agriendsn of tiecffnions 1w lb. cois Ybms 83rd's i'ledge Ciothlde, a-ho sud. the. cty railwuy of Milwauee. Il matiedte caverai frians0f the con.- *as sold for 3locoo at public aiiction. late rie, ho asdt tie bai heen up- viceaiminu tua ie ho uldhieb.pre- iKATY Si'OFFORD CORONA proached by the boni haldoresud.- pari ai any tinte te go befooteh i SON.2ai21. 2A.RO.daU8hter-a siedthtih serre ln thie capacity. board ot pardonsud airocate Kel- IPledgee Omaffor . ...........20 04,-6 but the. igit of accepttng the. duties ier's pardon. IPRINCE YBMA SPOFFZbRD, 34-M Kete iioffIord. 44 Y,.... . 1-5: a o pnbs5hudr.I e * ~~~~~~~~~Grace Creenwoas oOuia at),u -sno pniseoudr.I e Veema o pSuofr ld tirta or, n .....t . 21.68 - nueti entirely alth the court unden, 3TFr. ... ......... ... ....a.i1 Of IlA. RB. an0. SU.Judge Gresscup. and ti wausup toter axrier' Institut. Yeemensofinra Cesona. 2 Fr,.16e.5YBMA ids, PLEDGE CL OTH ILDE ilitge _tesy a-bn aould lho île ne*- Farinera af Laie Counsty heet. et Orpar DehIol ïbmî aunioffrd ims recelvor. Vie judge refused today to their auai ins;titut. Tiuesday te Fnl- 22?.. -...............607 ïy a 8 gfrid e i e 3Fr 41utr3 te..........~ say wa-lie hohai lu vlea-, cilmiug day ai Russell, Antloci anti Garase Boy'$e3d. a-bo bas M A. B. oi daumbia - Uiy record- .tha ie a o inthuh nuhtil er adla gtnue r sersud 39 A. K. 0. ,oa-i larrer....,.......................52. ebintgvntegteog iiyasdlaigfaue r number Uhaen as, otiei $ire. Butter .................. 121-%4 te the "I~t.er to>e aJie te aunounce a the gajot rosis agitation wici lai D EHHAAN PIETEETE 2=5 decisîonu. Stîll tue tact .reotmastiat aaoepiug the. ceuuîy, asudîomseetc 5 A. BR . Odcutteb- * KAT SOFPRD CRON ~ ruceeerwoaldt. 44 m.ni .02 every beuubeider of the rousi wanta science. Vile prograni ln detail: an PFOR EON d aty inilond Coron*as2.4 FTl5-b .1Mr. Siarrng te a-on us the recelver, ANTIOCil, TU EiDJY, FEI. 14. DAM tt r lno ala-,-KATY SpoNi-osu CORONA.SOtan sd It le probable that the aiaac cf 9:30 Musical Selecton. DAI* Ati..................As 3ir. t me. 6 daF-diahebondbeider ill -11have norne Invaston ...lIey. Stitruti autter...................4.9 41k .................. *.. ....-eight lu the, deeision er Jnigè ciroe- Aidrec ot Weîcanto.C. J. J&mn A sister te Kty Spoffnrd Con*e 2A. il.o. dauxhters and t A. I. 0.1 cup.94 xemntinCoPodc Son. ISce chose.) ~~son. fir sint recordasmtise lamcal :5 xtrmut uCop.dc Scu (eeaboo. eer maie bit a Jnainr -rr-d. Mr. Starring cluimeti tht n road tion aith Rafenance tu Io- To ntoine oiencurgeticbrodng t oîtem Fiaiancati lutii adi ubi S daproposition tte aCiii! cal Condition,........... To ntrdue ad ecorag te beedngof olsei Fresau atte n tîscago mani Miwaukee, clalmlug thut the; .. . .Arthur Lumbrici, U. of 1. section, Prince Viii Spoffordiiîtb, a-II ha lun pubitc sericie foi c vUr noninal statamoent cf the Metropottan mlers- 11:00 Itind of Reai Developnu fS. durnig tha coning ceason. Arrangemsents en au maie for entire borda. AhI td as a simiple ceItiug ithe nght te Neici la Illini.... A. N. fluirynsen ere cerihhy invitte rIoaouleuni seii grest bll. iay & proposition te the îafunct roui. Johnuson or Assistent, tate LIBERTY VILLA STOCK FARM The spt5lin nEineerf tM e. 13 heU fCoemiteon th ONoE MIE WEST OF UBW~YViU.E ropoitan I'L" iieaer, hl a diffreat Fui-ni....C. W. Boyatoft ctory ttel. R le clamai tht hie rousi 3:00 Addrec u on iesmtie Sctencec MMuOE 2784 . N. E. GATZERT biaigiffln a propoeition te the Milwa- n. .Missca Robnson. UY o!C. Mlwaukee Ulo e irn vii faorup- 7:.30 OIe. mtertâannent. LS OF fl SE -SnO .th. suit o elat. Tier, a-euh Aidreea-C. W. Parir, Aaet.Ce. ~'E ' LL 0 II SE S i~ slaifrem thepreeent tr nl :o teANTIOCH, WEDNESDAY, FPSU. IL Mrisi eavn niliac tutenaof te 9b. 0 Supt. le ceei. o oioat Are double and Independent leaving an interrnpted Milaaukee lin. ut Silînette. uni tiist 9:45 Comcrets sud Cuivet Conatruc- ,Oo4Ibuouaair space.- ail the .way around .from ta-euh .,,,yme robablysitent. .lmmno totto.l, thus affording perfect fpSt protection. 1 would wh.ie NMatter Up t. Judfs 16:46 Forage Crepes ultuble te Il. Ulm ti have iaterested peonseaUÈ and lot me demonstrate No malter a-bat the* preJecie may li. lints Inciuiing A..lf... whlci ure teadenaid thea-bol. a-I . Arthur Lumbrick, . o . e lad prove b yôu the superiorfty o! construction of thfue ter resta ail a-lh us dge Groeup, niJ1-36 Buei-«mau eeting. hliasunet bheenable tg arrive autig 1:45 Bird.s a WeaDetroyers.... declalon la tic malter ce far-. Tiee. ret. Cee. M. Broa-n. South- ln -but on. dhin .g positive lu the au-i thora Illinois Noramai Scilool t., ire ltigation, adth dlatat the ZI. A, i dreca op» jdiuo e e c cai~et tc Mlvauee n aiiont Mile Evu Robinson, T. ef C. bie running lista Chicago toenorboa-, RSE~.TUSAF5 - nor ai any tInte la the. near future ce 9:30 Maniai filection. furas c c e a een St tua tue. It Invocation. th. ~ e manager of the Nortia-seteru mle- Aidreca of Welcome .... t vratai taaluloa-ed ta act as recelver for................. Dr. W. B. Lei-l -the. road, andtheîî mater ta piacai lua 9:45 Tile Neceuctîy of Uve Stock I l~~~~~ita iaudc h a-ihl nieun a heteninr et *l Wh ahn Sycteni the action, as the n,îuraî eveuts a-iîî of Furming...Dr. T. A. lie <bat the. camsa-i rua over the file.,. Petons, Illinos lIve stock et o the Northa-entenus. Thisjwilman. Comisiaon. ou tracks te bie laid. the ta-o tenai- 1.15 Wheat, Oais and Ciover .. nail meeting ai Eraustqn, sud mai hat .. .. Arthur Lunibrtci, U. et 1. a-ill b. neceaaary a-l tii e .ui agnng 2:50 Birds as Irimact Destroyers.. 1 oftheaio.rnsou paliersansd tie cars cin1 Prof. Gea. M. Broa-n, Southi- iaIethtbaloop i nto the bumeluestasc- -0 o enuIllinos Normal School ion ot Cbioago wîthout any trouble.1 3:.0Attres, ou Douestic Science -fiere a-lu hure t& ieb a tea- miner Miss Eva Robinson, T. o! C. -manges In the b mli of the- cars. suchi Evohing. su nrrea-îng tihe pîatforms, but dis :10a .rt... ... .........vanto a-th a force of gond mon can hoe douens ......Mr ii1Eaae au a short Ue. ln muci leus tio Adires... .1ev. Geo, McGlnt. tuan h a-osld tait, to bulli the ele.veu GURNEE, PRIDAY, FEU. 17. 9 mises of tracItase proposci hy the 9:30 Musical Selection.9 bleiepolitan mLevatoti. Invocation.... Roy. Hanley Atidresa et Welcome... Suat......9....... H. a. Hughes Mn. A. C. kincolu. ageti about aevait- j. P. Crier, secretary Mii ty years, and a-eiiug St WanrU. fell Proerua,. Asmsciti. Je L.1IR VI1N Gl <ENERAL CONTirkCTO1 ROCKE3FELLER, ILL. T- H-E RAY" PURNITURE STORE LIBERTYVILLE ILL. at i hmentelutht village ycsteniuy,.1 uni striklng bts iemi aganet a rai- lator In the bouse mihtaiaed S lover. cul lu hic beai. Mn. Un<oin bai met anleen -froinia Chauir' viaa be Vas strtckeu vijea scuides fmating epell. sud fe11 te tte fber.* Theo le-nauthe heai renierei the man Insensible, amdai s tue .cntaà- paarei la ho a deep one., a physcean a-as aummened. Mr. LiacotaInter re- LU vtvei uni .Tuesy appearcito e lta a bettor condition. alitoeai icla «Mi1 * aek front the loea ef blcoi Adjudication Notlpa. Publie Ntfla le erebrv n Sit"e .is certtuci. seestotetBeIofU m reasmms ofnI iew,« en.esect.mi atedthe ounti <ouas e9!le 7.ai tain emthercoft tebe boldanet 96.0 m OIsl Vauk a. l in d ceo .5i Mmia 0i Apral et. ii!.a-bc t ve. bavug laies ust mu00"unt ALM . RSS ectr l hé INIPIENDENT Iwo maietmB- scribes-s'ed ani Ue lacs ut medum lin ke euUy. 11-00 Bi-de as Nouloua Animal Do- troiarg. Prof. Coe. M. Brown, Sosetieru hIinolc Normal sclaool' 1.30 Plewa-nsd Pleint ......... ...... A iqMtc% T. of L 2:45 Adireca ounlhomneScience . tra. MaraetBangs, Ch-c"g avanitig. 7:30 Home Entertainent. Aidresa-eome PoeahblUties Pro.Davi TMOln Ileytute O.; G. Hua-Mac la preidn4 .5m aeu secretaiy. aid l. W. Citteni du-actas et the Tenti iateiu ebeeew may dvleaI 0pel osi a"e T l i,= t . I la à otbysiex Dueo s..è ...Farmnr Your pouitry are in danger uuleaa they aue pro. tected, by Pagte Woven Wîre Pence. No tarin mua- raude« un get thrWgb, under or over, Page Poultry ence. G.vanised by the mamn proceis, woven in the sarne manner as the famnu. page Stock. Fence. This feoe Is extraordinarily aîrong. It* moeshearange trou i136 luches close to the grouad to 4 luche, at the te-P., Its gmet strength iteps out itb. stO*. Tf nécess ci weav h* ,%Ve carry a full line of, Page Standard Stock Fence, Hog and Sheep rencir, etc. . L pa.ý's ta pro!ect vour poultryl Let us ticv wliat Page Poultry Fencc c.i-t 'u ciial tests. CmLi aud get cp' .' Austin Clement, V. P. Offce ud S&Wereoi 200 Monroe St. CHIICAGO 1Days Fr.. TrIa la Tour Own ]Hom@ diiIb top "Simplex" IImnd Vacuusn, Cleaner We want 10 cup- Wri* ed909tfor th. mmaitlibe of e ferewu made. The "Sju plex" le guarmateei to do .iercmachine# umctlng $100.00 and mar. Xtii Iighî a Weight (coy 20 h.) ma *an be7ed eepeton. Wjth ordinary mar the mvil lmi iftm Semier, and Agent& Waaied le »eIl heu*o Ou ad eliftute maohimes. Eectrtc Cleaner C. Mjahce Sel. CUICAGOCLZ. ]FOR ÂGE» PEOPLE Old Folkt Shonld be Lbeffl in Thfre1«tmo! 0Bhgu. I&tL. elXdiolni. W.e bave a ode, dep endable naïf altogetier idea rmmedy that la par- tlticury dapbed to the requiremnenta of oged people and poreoca of wm.l CeDatituttons Who gaver fronu concilpa. tin or other bowel disordere. W. are an ctel tiit Ftitwlli r.lleue lime Col -maise aud gie atmnluto .aiafuetii in em-Pry partîcuar thst we offer it witb our pertousi xunrantee thsimeh aej cnet the. uaer notiang Ili file te subatsntiale nur c<iirn. lTléie redy lcaHed. Reisil (rderliea. iuliOrd,.,1i" a. haro. a eolhlig. beaiiug. etrenatheffing, taisie aud h'grulatvoe action upun ihff iiwt-1lt. 'rbev rmnve aitiIrritation, dw*., enrenace and weekuwee Tbey reetoro the boWela sand asceate organe tu to mnor*igoouo and healthv aetivity. Tbey are eaten like candy, neay be takreu stany tiine vithout loconvenience, do bot eau.. any grlping. nausea, diarrhe, excemive loooeueme, flatulence or other diwkgreeabe effect. Pricm 25e and 104-. SoId oniy et ourtore--The Rexail Store. Docker & Boni. &tata of Illinois, County of Lake, ce la the County Court of liale Coun. ty. March Terni, . D. 1911. lu the. mutter et the eatate 0f Cathe, tue Schueler, deceagai. To'Christian Stans George @tang, 3r., M V!rgam tms, Leonard Stans, .oeMnaand Kag" Guerter, bie at law of caiddeeaec:, Ypu are hmrby aottfied that on hioaiy, thte iSth day of Mam-h, &. D. 1911, tieéesicruimci, 3cm Hofm-a Excoutorel thcéLatWilI und Teta- ment et Cathertne Achueler, deceusefi, voli pr*ent te S on. P. IL Pomms, Juigt ptbtic Ooty Court of Yak. Cblouty, liilot, at t" court Bouse t. the Clty ci Waukcgaa, ta catildie 4oo~p ty ms halreport uMi acouat cf te. uve mcat i té ami tdpécl, ut wicb t MsdB su = %~May b. preet t tii. Tffli"ae brr, It niayreunahotcmpi" *wn. 'u~oi xffl cesq u a rquttua LN aplae »Cqp 30 5 i;n wu. qS- tmn aUromtet "Oklng" îom<ifflTTAN,t ,,. I William Buit se.lm aon A. ",rmi!II su ad Tuclêmet, Ho.yt, deaOc. " ,iq dekvis.o 9 iaaetb m. *Uuknuatihaleaorl bvery. dececsed'5..U ".nkuoa-u haire or. Ranc. deeea#aa and of or ParsoaeInterteate de%,.bedinuthe Bill u lu Viacer Nos. 508! TbeorequisitastUil Noticelà hierotore b.i asit abose nameda tendantesimi ttheaba plainant boretofore Ceniplaint ltuRaliCoi aida tbera.e andtita upon iseeaed -eut cit a tba aboveanmidae on tiiafiieday ofthei Court uf Lake Conuy court Bouce lu waube Conit,, on td ixes: i A. L. b. *4î e la by1 wiehIciistifla atilli paut LXVIs O. i Wcakean, i., 3cm BsE B. AILLEU, Conip BENlm ff4LLai, Chanccs-y1 State 01! lllînoisI conttof Lake.), Circuit Court o! Lus Terni A. t). 1911. Pranat Cooper va. Usîpb El- simd Binac Miadison. guardiasa0 Blanche Ely, "Cuba.o persona interemtedi daucribeti mai otalÊ Counry o! Laite aud WeUL..iaaset 6.11 17.59% oaina et tiseB o! the nortlia-eet quar T'oa-nsip 44 Norths tbp Pgnueipai Martdia. The requlîite affidavi Notice le tbereior lier seei ahore usmeda tendants thiet the.an plainant beretotore1 Comipaint lu ai tit aide tbcreof, adi thereupoin i.cucd out - Dalot the sbomr, n peturnable on the âfins ofthelb Circuit Court at be ld etthie Court R in said Lake Counij Mamday oi March a.1 lew required sud t peudiagr. Lzwa0 . i Wuuk.gan, lt.. Jan. BRX B. MILLER, CoMil - lhi @$"a autbiWs téi t 1 laesma iogrr« eme r cf.ve ceue x bk County, 1MaTchelgeWi liais ta the meideletua lIM Cimbut B. eo t trocd; ubeuce smoudrs.cen de. meuitors of t*. lea e Î it admddeo I tiiE. Wiciiaterrosi, on. cia an nety.tiree Unis. bii lte ePlacce ofheginni, and on- laha-n Dm or ning on. acrM aid binat te au»e M. îloyt, d«d1 devis...of (O. 1'. Preng$lw 0cnvaoed by Mornea Hub- joknoten haire or bard und i a-t.te Rodolpiiue RSm@by ). h1y duemai' dee idaiue'24, 1957, cubjeette dovWae.o! Davit d lMIS of tii. public ta btgiivmy "Unkiaoa-a naue.nov i'aselug over saii pramisu..Ai- aahevcsleatate an another paircel of land la the. f Complaiut.2' senti eUt quarter O! section Uiteme 19- lu Tea-uablp forty-tbrae nerti, Of rtbavnubeeilied. irange aheven matut orthe Thu P erabx given tethe liapal Menidian, aid darhfic s Smd unenowu de. oa-c: Comemnitg ta tbe.ceute'r of tbre aamed omi- tie Chicago aidMiaauee Rosi. filed hie 81i1 o! dictaunt tduc.cbalut, seti eftbt art 0n0atie CbauerY nerthlitreoretRaiquartersection; a OUMuiene thora- ubene muat ta-o ehainsunidfi ty liais raid Court agatnat tbamcb noricne cilulu;,.thoilc eca rdasaa, returnaslo five cbaincsud ten liais; tieuce, terni of lb@ Circit coti ta- e ciineuni tifty lnks, r. to te boli 55 the honte eut ta-o ciluin.s adta-enter euan la Raid Lake ta-o is; dience ceti four ehsn Mloutiv o! Mas-oh anidiirty elgiat iU. . jhmnc.n Jour required and eiglitY ta-o egrcc;eé. Iv ucn hlm lrk ami tity d«in k ns: tucue.,e1-1 Bcocw~i. Clrk. eigiity tire. iegmea- ait, clnioais. - 80 A.0.191. nd tirty throe liaks; thon"e norti plainanteseileletor. Oeechandi ty link-,ileutims c-.19>-4 cOutil eîgiatY uni eue bhâtfdemraco veut, oeeahalu. Sud aixty.«eli hnis; tiience ucati ta-o anti enehItdegres osai, oe echaln sud ta-onty--ive Uiuil i. leidtoc. theuco coutil eigbtY sud eue-ai! de. rNotice. greca-oct, ta-o chaius, te lie center of tho laid Chicago und ilwhaaukee ta. Rosi, cuti te a Point nortil twa-Ocd àk County.Mri onc.ialf dogrees enat, tbe chine su Iaeb ad seventy-one ins front au mon . Henry Cooper, bsn and Bitonos net et the intersection lés Ely sud G. L <f etndats lu the. Village of Hait Day, fie oi itaph Ely sud calei; thenca nortiierli- on ceutan a-n aimeraaifaor lin.et1rosi, tiree ciaint'uni eleven lu tht' iolowiug linksc te tue place et boglntag. In te aituateid lunthe Ciiancery. No. 5024. j Sttîe o! Illinoic, Vhe 'cquisiîle- aindarit havina 2.Chhaim. o! tbe mot beau fliid, notice la uheretone ber.- forth .38 chaîna& by giron t tiie catsi above mri o ectIoà 81, c@i eieof, and ibui a cnmmons Range 11, oact ut tioreupnn issuti eut o! Raii Cout n. "lu Wsukegau lu cai Lakte oeunty, vit hsviug Imerr 6iiet. againat the aboya uumed tiefeudate. BoebY giron ta the numed uni unincavu detend- anti unknowu de- unta hat the. aboa umai dCotai"- àbe gré aiuss C- sut heretofore filod hic BilioftCern- fll.d hie Bill O! Plaint lu cati Court, on the Cbauoery rt, On the Cbaucery nturnable ou thle firai day etfithe :hat a cumnInne terni of the Circuit Court e! Laie ut of sais! Court Couuty, ta b. hali et th. Court Houre aniai defenisot., on th,. FInit Menay caf Marcb A. D. nt ia"v (1 te.Sekvu1911, as lu by Ia- nequireti. unida-bch 4 Lake Cout, te suit 1l, ctl, peudIng. ionaeln Wsukegsaa le ta, n rusafir-.t On . BROCICWAY, 0.1911,l sa lebi Wsuluegau, Ilucalas, Jsuuary Ituh, A. eib cuit l cilil D. 1911. Bisomua-a, lark. W. C. Upton, ConipluInsants Soclieitr. i. 80. A. D. 1911. 18.4 plaini.nta tiobicitor._________ c-194 Choncesy Notice. B t 01l ia k . .M rd Cici ort of Lake Couutyr, ac Tcru A. D. 1941. aanaiZemacusa. Charlotte -id Pressa»a. jeanIL Parts-lig,,Horacse. Parldgo. Man"a Partridge. Kuiopen P. Carter, *Unknown haire or dorke 01 Lemuel Frcnch, deceaad," *'Uubaowu botre or dIeewcofMrà. à. T. Bradford, iccacec," 'Uebuown oner. sud boliers ni a mael moue of $1470.00 datai Aprit 4, 1873sudi cred by morigga reeoied lu tbc ecormdar flie of Lake Coucty, Illineois. lu Book 38 of Mortffce on polie 2»," sud "'Unknown owuare of or pereonc inter. aated le the ramiactata ddosatbed la sba 8111of Complaht." Tbe requidoteafihaviu heving baeu ied. Notice la tberefore bsrebl giron te the cci aboie mued ud maoukaown de. fendante thtthe abovea nanicConi. Planat berotoforufIlidber Bill oi Coniplalut ia mi teuiton tii. CiaBeery aide tbera0<,Ind that a sonmons thora- lapon lcuiout of eaid Court again tbe aboya amaid dfendante, returnabie on tihe fiaet ds.v o! tii terza of tbeCircuit Cour iLakeCbouutterbe beld at tie Court Bouse la Waukegan luncaiti Lake Couuîy, on the llret Moudsr oi Marci A D). 1911. se la bi- laa- requtred aud a-hiehi coit ia. mli i poding. Luwis 0. Banega-ar, Clenk. Wsnkeiau. Ill., Jan. 30. A. D. 1911. c-10-4 STATE 0F ILLINOIS, COunty of laIe, 08 Circuit Court of Lakte County, March Terni A. D. 1911. Reinholti Perliat vc. James flelkrig, and Tha uuiuowu owners of sud per- sons Intorected Iu Lot One (1) In the Village et Hait Day, Town of Vernon, Lalrie County, Illinois, curvoyeti as tcllows: Commnenctng at the coutil- a-oct corner of cai lot, about one Chaiu uorth of the nortiornU lne or the nortieru hunnie of the Port Clin- ton POsi, utIttc junctIon a-th the Mil- waukee Rosi aoceilei tilence rsaning eaut tbree chiats, cigilteen liuksto a fonce poat'asud atoe for corner; laence norti one chial. forty links te ctake sud atones for corner; tileuce weci tires chaînsansudixteen lUnke te stake ani ctoes efor corner, st MUi- s'aukee Rosi; tilmeaeoutii one ciain, tblrtY-seveunksmta te iplace of begtnnlng, containing about forty- tiireeue iluureithe 43-100 of an acrs;-slo ail tilat pert ot tie veet half orfh tii outhemat quarter of cse& tion fteen ta Townsiip Forty-thnee Northiof Range ]Neveu: enat 0f tii Thitr 'Principal MesIdia. witclà tbotnici se fail1ov, to-vit: Ooneong ut a etake near the niuiilc 0ofté roai. mi ncsriy epposite tic northeet owr- ner Of tic boace fornierly ocupiei by I 'Dr. J. EuB. t, niranalg lieues AucUftcalc nette.. hubU"« l a t" IniepeadMnt illir«&. far mor reaiorsU fumny ctbarpapala tic amaty. W. bsn4»fbe.ibrmlaf"lm o Wii cet théc ins. State 0f Illinois, County of Lake .Se Circutt Court of Lake County, March Terni. A. Dl. 1911. Antione Leyris vu. Martin Lewts, ln Cbucry. No. 5020. The. requiaite affidavit baviag bisea Miid, notice la tierefore bereby ilen te the ea&Meirtla Leute, defendeat as aforectald, thl;thei aboye a med Complatuant beretotor, fil.dber Btll Of Complatnt iu mii Court ou tic Cflancery aide thercof, sud-thàt a cuimmons tioreupom Icneil out of smii Court agalinothe a aloveunai!d defesl- dant réturmable on tic fiaet day of tic terni of tti. Circuit Court et Lake CouitY. to b. belh ut the Court Houa. la Wauiegan ltu nid Labo ContY, oM the. Piret Moaday of bMareb. A. D. 19114 1as la. by iaw required. und wbich cuit la stîli pendtng. LEWIS 0. BROCKWAY, Clark. Waukegan, Iillinois. Jan. 21, 1911. CHIARLES LANE, Comuplainat'a Solicttor. Biate of Illinois, County of Lakte. cet. Circuit Court of Lakte C6duaty. Marcb Terni, A. D. 1911. Mary L. Druae va. Mary L. Wiicox. Frank J. Gage, Alsena Sumith, Geai- tanna Clemons, flumstnnh J. Marshall, Nelte McBride the unknown heins sud deviceee of Nelite McBrtde, the uuknown boire, legatees and deviâm 0f Susaunah J. Marshall, anthe i un- kuown ownera of the reel estate de- acribed lu the Bill of Compiaint lu tht5 cauBe Ibled, lu Clmancery. No. The requleite affidavits havîngbeen flled, Notice te therefone hereby given to the eaid aliove named aud uubuoa-u defendante, that the above nainci Complainant beretofore Milar Bill of Compiaint lu cati Court, on the ChsncMr aide thereof, and that a gummons tiiereupon iccuei out of cai Court agaiuet the aboye amtei de- fendants, returnable on the firat day of the tenu of the Circuit Cotipt -cf îLaIte County, tn be held at the Court Houe luWaukegs n lu aidLakte County, ou the FIret Moiy of Marcb, A. D. 191j, as te by law re quired, aud a-hidi cuit hla tUI pend- iug. LEWIS 0. BROCKWAY, Cieri. *Waukegan, Illunois, January 2Oth, A. D. 1911. .% WHITNEY, DADY & RUNYÂItD, Complatuants Solicitors. 4 ~ SAM 3. 1111.1111. Atty. 8a01 Aehlcnd 5k. C~,i Adjudication Notice pubieo Notice le berabX i- c t biSthe 5mb- goribe.aAdmuoMtgator. UmataWifmxidot ltsc = eahet tUa 3b. <Ofth .icM ad. li OautyCuaufL1eu stcaue therel lugo De mdemam et couno ae l wack sa, UincufonteS99montai- t mit 1Llin d ena.m 0 hmv 'daM &tonex ai Bitai. are ani eoucic teeraes eame i t, E nV3A ffl1SO. 820a-N.Adtisatrator wlk*e WMI moed. Wuukaen. Jeultl 2M6l. . -ie Adjudication Notie. [Feb. 10-It