LAUCOUNTy INDUPS14DSM,ý.FUIDAY, FEBRUAY Y 17. 1911 j FOR SALE FOR SALE-Nice blgb building lot* i onl part tftuwu;aalfait cI"». bul- .S l ots on Milw@k liýetAue. Th'e gciu are rtght, better boy Sour@ now. oreiàaEDLz & Wnîtgutai, Libertyvitie. FOR SAL.E-Mly property on Firat ftt'ut, otte-bielf block nritofut ld depot. 4 . drm . m . Boat,, Libert.yville. Ill. Teloephone664. ,------- -17tl _ FOR SAL.E--Ac'te lut». un Dyntond'a eubdlvsion, cloue ta rowtî anti ele.trlc car.. Erlc$M0.00. DYteogo& AtteTti FOR SALE-Lot ln the DYtnond and Austin subdivieIon, 50z140- $i00 euhc; 45 down, 85 Pei mathb. IjysiaN & Auru<. 40if F<OR SALE.-Moicle lot. ln C. Frack Widtadon, 50z150, fur OM00 #25000«dffl00. DmoiçD& Auiersa 40-t $rAIMS-18e bave a large litaf1 La ocunty farîneto soilaeu baues and loita la village. DTxoxN & A iriTt. 40-ff FOR ISALE-BY AIt-r Kohlitk a meyen roou bouéae witb twa lofe fojr $1600; on Vfth etr*et. pi Rhrode Irtiti tii-rieotcen->le; alint quanttty aI pratrie bey. Addntâ .e1$ tAti2Ar.Grayleike.II. Pli. ir*yolake 14 12. c-18 t FOR SALE-A Set-ca camatra Î,z B good e4ondit iOÏ. wirh ix plate boîter. nad tripod. Inquir.. ai LnWAUa.SEMLER, Libert> ville, 111. e- 181 ___FOR SAL-Barrpd Plytmouth Rao-ks. JACOB lIEIET9WILLES, lRockefller. p-l"- Xy Hors..Al For Sale Elgbf pure ycsnng Plaucd brooti mare sich foal. 2 pair .5 tar aid btavy grayce. 5 pair 4year-old heavy grayc v. A feet 2 antd 1 year aIde; f; last cjring coite. aili are goond Suru Iieavy @Iaale driv-rs. Miy esilîlît6 Julitte. ri-gisitrel Psr-h- t-non. 4 yoem d, oouud, ciai flai-k, e-andt rnoue ntirlc t-ach. WiIi psy for btaselt thie ytar if tratelt-t. Tt-rmtuo siuit purciraa.r. il.DAI.Y, Wauketga, 111. Phutue9OOl. I I I raom @et@,tanda, table.. btOle, Yume, plaa ceap M B.COLTOk Ave. FR FOR RENT-Honue on Ochool street ýInqUr» 01 PArL MÂgttffltI. llbe,,. 1FOR RENT- We bave a few pgud mod- wrii rjuum eatnd t"te ta rent 81.0 fur- aished mrne, wiîh ieteelu'boaet. wlf bor soithotboard. Dyuox» A uàTt FOR RENT-fleveral am houmes and Biat& la village; aima new houe. barn aud chieken houm. wlth hfalare of land ioot outelde clty lImita. SCioEAUSELz WUEEILCU, Llbertvlle e-16-t0 FOR RENT--For farming about 30 acres ai My fart in Skokie Valleji, near Evereit. Wuuld coiteider a @haro pro. iposition. J. iR. &loitsî, 150 Mirblgat Ave.. Chicago; c-lIS-tf %U MSCE£LANEDUS GOL D -FIL.LED SPEOTAOL-S-witb carefultfet lnluded for $100 and up. Have your prenet Jiette.n chaffed ar bave*now tratue. fur yaur preetwtktipe * thai hald with eoufart, tram, $1.00>and lin. Ia-eal drug &,tare te Bezal trug tore, canrte.'Gene.. et, andi Madi*on Wukegan, 111. c29-t FOR SALE OR RENT-Hatel frwrtl________________ tbear uId dertt knawn a.Klu-n Hîtu1' Iuquiro ti k A. Buaw. p-11- WANTEO-Man past 30 wlîb hars. - ----- -. a'td buirwy ta .e.ll tock cttudirt FOR ALE -4i-.-n ci oua. ..d 1lot pawder iii Lakte Gmtutny. Slsry $70 FRASE 0. onijAit, itrt. Ie, fl ýrront I».drese 301 -il B- 5Cr 10. at St'% ionertreel. 111.q jnd nt riAdian.-e130 >21-1Bî C-)_20-7 _______________ FOR SALE-Altaui 54îlii, & WANTED-To buy abaut 12 pairs lIt v41l0, lii ; 2 urk - Lemantd 1 gobh 1.r. Aduir.-.-. .Il' ...... .. o. l t. 211 FOR SALE-Bted l f-kt-îi-r-. tutt-I tgsfur ltntellinig. G. C ~s thluwrt titIl..It 1,h . 1-' -i FUR ziALE-Ttinrut I lîsras --,anti 8 yesrm otilul. at aborut 2400. ifuitabli.ftor tarin tir ruaj 54tuld s-Il .-ina Phutite2671 -,r cui ai F. t tttW ttr 1.q imil i. ctnibi-et oftifIibpîyci;. r-21-3 WANTED-iitusid ltiht îho,7%ta vont ieftrt'éàtd afts-r mec-l Ial lîire aitis WANTED-To r-ti t arrot trstta80t ares up. 4ddrvot-.'s l HiAFiAEK. loRua tor ptiue Wauttegen ¶'.)24. P-19-3 jMONEY TO LOAN FORSALUtIIt-uuiti- Eaît MONEY TO LOAN--n tprtt4i- FRcli-î,Ib.r II. tKi a rifnte. rt.,cid & Ausotin, . 0t A FENCE BARGAN-For a hiott tine. ottîy M .wiru, ,24 it-lt bw o n-- wtlî titi-i-st anti. ai îarijstirt- 2M t î-csptr r-id. 4-k frott ht-argaie m ctttt 4ttttE F ENta ('u.t-1i FOR SALE-M vpe, i y ait u-rtpr of Nlilwaîîk.eA'.- and lHi-rfoatI hait tmi.,, iortit -f Llitytvsili, rîtrtiatîit] 6% acre.. goua.buiitinge. sutd î'ienty tot !rtsit and siaui, tr.-t-, gttad watt-r anti a D y Kou(] gtit) c-at ittt. luijfirertf le. M.- FOR SALE-Altatr S ton gotiitigu tittol ' vtav in ltarm. rquiri- at l. lMti-rtpN, rtymiaki-, liti, l1). 1. P-21-1 LOST snd FOUND STRAyEO)-A iblacki &baagy dag wlta aticuecrero the ttamn- At But-k." HP, nîay b. rotcagniztd by tbhe fallioang itarkie H' ua. .e and tail ail tipp-ti uTiltetd about Fi-b. 3. A liberal rewarti adfer«d. '.tAm)tiBEEgTEE, RID-1)- LLry Ili. I. -2l-i.f LOST-i~,f. 19.b-tweiftt Elm -t atrt ted the EI.-.-tit- etîtringa tt Stewart Ave., il ladly. gai ti -ah wth M. ntattaicrshn. Findit- lat.- ritureta MUR OaRut Liberty 19:.-li S. L. Tipp, R.F. Rouse. Irving E. Payne. Presîiunt. Vtce Preardeni. Caahuer. THE CITIZENS9 BANK ROCKfELLER. IL, Our Savinga Dt-armntclaffrd the tarmten. lahorer, childi and w omact a canveeni, erfe and profitable means of laying away Itir surptus dollars. 81.00 opens ant accauntf. interesl elowed aI 3 par cent per annunt, compounded semi-annually. S. L. Tripp. Ben H. Miller. PARTNERS AND DIRECTORS: R. F. Rause. j. L. Taylor. rving E. Payne. J. S. Gridley. I'ertutera' Memponnibltty Approxlrnetely $100,000.00.- Âuction Sales. ArthriPeter@ havIng dscded trtquit farmlng aisf ethe rni bas tuten sulti. su !Ji oeil!et public suction an the Vilisus Pittere ti-m in betoi-u - i stg tiitute ricar tht-cbeiee actai-y onî iltndai-. lt-b. 20, cominttncing rt 10 ot-icsck a. mu marp tie folutaing descibet pnuperfy ta-wit: 38a-tiik hou-ec, 1cull comiitg 2 yue Inidmane litJoai, ta u lt Pelatter part of Mai-ch; 14 bt'tstiotecîfli-, 3 ciii caîf by ëîei, 3aeiliing ta-a niuutte, 6 eprntgere, 'a b.ifrc; 6 soaa-stt !irta- tie latter part 0t Maicl. i Cheter slit -bte! 1 yn aIdlumtrohir agaui witliox, :J truck waagae, 2 miik a-agace. 1 ruuabout, fa-o sesteti buggy, ns-W; Plana grain binder, MCormick iader, cern planter , 2 s.edèl'e, 12Dis Pul- verleer. sulkiy plat-t. 2 hand plovO, paodlgger, sliovtl plOa-. sulky- cutait-aton. 2 Tover cultivators, landi culfîvatar. Mt-Coruick maver, set ot ~<'-rsdrego, set . of- wo n tirage, bey -re,2 iray tache, ClaverLest ritenre apreadet', a- »on@ yea .r gridatienea-; - uihdingl?2ilfigond aesat-w , set ot gravel plenk, 800 ls e@cales. bob sedet, Bout1 cutter',lte box &X6, 7 soemnidt-ro, S lmc. onaga, nnlng Mill, 2 @et@te01 work barneem, esai dutvtuigsernuse. 2 set. Of cingle arnau. bay foaik, nope anti pileys, 2 grindatone, f10 grain eaoke, efleu,4 geai.,110 milk cbns, lot 01 -- banele, viii tart, 16 ton oI tlmotby t ia l barn, tatuk aoftee t-rn, stbt-k of @taIo, trav atuel, 800 buahele a! oatsI bo lugl oril., eoavohe and lot 0 othero tiigo tua-t eu-iroue taunenfli.. Iree lunch ai uuoi. Usutal ternis ' Aý . CPETERa. PtOp. W. C. PETEaS, Atttiotteer. (QurnrClerli. The under'.igneti wiIl peeii atpubilier auction on te tarnuitcaown anthfli Basael Wlcox tarai situau..d 19 mîils cAulho i aimarutîlt-att13 mtleseaetstt- Gifilmet ottFi-h. 27. 1911 ,coameriiiig atf 12-ti., tire tiolwng detcribt't praperty, ta-wtt: il toas, 10 tinlitere, 1 springen due ta camne in the- day o ai es, 1 Dntttam hull, 3 yrs aid]; tay hors. H yrs olti. blaek bore. 9 yrs aid, 19 shoste average 100 Is, Polanti Chna hoar 150 Ibo, t-i-l tfcorn. 50] bu. barley. 2<0titi oaaî, 8 toe.. limtby bey, stack fritider. corn, 2 @tfat'. corne aallis. 4 Inchtire truck. litmber wagon. "eeer. eulk.v cultivator, ronaer, cote planter, plsil- venîizer nearly fit-a-.Piano lînder ueafly tev, bol sedat, lors. relie, bey rack, 2-section drag. iray tort aed nope, @et double harnegs, 4 dasen ebci-en, anti roosiere. Usual termec. MIttTis BlraasrnALEa, Prop. V4IttUM sPîrSa.. AntiOneelr. GEtaRairQUaaNrII, Cerli. 'It May fequ.irea ihot 'oarnpaign" o!ut s dvertiag to fin t ie kind et voril youre loaklag for. putfit -ou drequir a a NG cailaism 0 any otiier sort of 1tqOek5g4 To Initiate, young tni"irrua tht- mysier-les o! telephone-vont andt f take lliem titrough a course oif In- struction, thaf tht-y msy lie filteti fer pasitione of respansubllify, thte Chicago Telephone campaity is inaifuting a tecirnical training ethool i ts ex- change et Aunara. Thisla choal le a resaIt 0f tiicuiter conditione thtiriuictlte tehcîuhane a-ai-d taday. Rect-nt yeare have brouglit a phenomenal dt-vtlopliient af thet elepiontand ifs universel 1tt-e liy tire public. loi- monthirethrerde- mnand tai- skild men iras greatly. e%. «cedeti tht- seppty. lTe Telephane caruvany bas edoptedthefi.techical scit-ac i.îthils suetilot- fecilties fui- stud>, as a solution of tht- prblem. Applicante viaai-e acceptedttrc-re a-i ire no discrimination in tire ta- amination) willI he paiti s salai-y o! $30 per montir ville tudyIcg tire a-omt. At tireend of a six mantbi' éd-acattonal period tht- ealarY a-ii ire advanced ta $50 per manti to ira.. a-ho, by tirur av application ai!d t-forfs. quaily fhernselvts for a reg- tuar poalfion. Tis vii perntit stei- dent. f0 pursue tfil.'telephone stnd- les vhile draa-izg a living sala.'>-. afth th ireu.rane tiat they a-il gain a thoroughs and pracf t-aiknovledge of tetêphons vork. in a circulai- exniaining the nea- REOEIVEO ES$ TItAN - t CENTS J W FOR SALE CHEAP-À full leat ber top buggy,; aso a gooti àma -rt- ALt. KiLcHmAs, Ltts.ryvle&... p2--l' FOR SALE-5050 -white oe"" hrta, hemcgtb 7ylfst. at the et. Paul dpi 8. P. A Gsi,<raysi. ii. u e21.1 - 1 FOR sALE-h out'. l 1 1 1 c 1 Before buying a Silo write or phonie O. G, HAWKINS Gurnee, Illinois for prices on the best tone Silo macle also his plan for erecting samne. PH1ONIE WAUKEGAN 9121 ALSO ARMERS PHONE Bil to Qiet Titie. taté of 1:î d. couîîty ai Laite j 1 lit t4 ii. îui r iG urtrof Lake Cutîti ty Ii.MrhTei-ut., tIl.1911. Arhrýredie--.<iStaildot. vm..Nt iliari Vif-kery. Jr., .et tif Puhîs nmtlic- i. h.reliY gs-lto Lvi walker. lirtiti lai-i, iilan VJeki-ry ( wido v. tr), fi.iinui. F 1111-1 ~n th b.ti,knoa wt, îarce I t ie oloRai.g d.-...rif.ed 1rop.-rty. to- lit: Cotitu u-ig t.t1t1w.N -,t1-1th Eas t l'Oriî-r oi the .Nor-th %V-.t Qlt e ofi S-r ion-iiiî princtipatl M.riarsiu Lat.-11lî'itv, Illinisl, aut.] i u.,î,liî,o e iîu-- . .-t nlo 118(St4 5 -i .-.- t tia put; tt--rt- tuth Sixi Httttred uiî «'9ir. (43>)1tt ta Ia j'oint; thene E -, parait-t wîîh the' ,Nuri blice i tiof -. 1 i. i t.- Thout- -anid eiglty-nit.- l t9.ii lýt It i ile land tiuw îîwtte-1 lv .îrt- a E. B",ilcr>mtt; theute'Northt * c. i <ud il 14-3Y d.rreeEast. i0-- (- :- l e3 i 4 (431)Wet, toîur î'2-1. (4 25) birmeri.v anedi biscariltuidr-r; Eat pjîralis-l wi il. the Nrfh fille. tf mait] Setit, Ei.-r.-ii ai -2s.100 (11-28) claine t'.the- Ettlii.- iti Raid Nartît t -t Quarrer iS-tîc.r.: tht-rtc.. Noth Threelîuitdred thit i :13îî let t ir>tire place utfht-slntiîtc. lau raid est-h .1 f litare' wr-by utitiled that Aithuit r.-dmeriu'k Sh.ldt.i ha. t.ild ii,. iii aift<.miairt it th-, ti l'rcuitCouaîrt o Aik" I ttvlilinoi.. wid tihat pri-r itlildavit utfuton- r. trdence il.-d ats r.quired liy lav, and a 8trutautit imtei.d against t'.>i and Pebofi'voit. rituritahîptu taitre %il<i--i terra if ,aiil Circuit Court. ta bp it-Id in the -ou rt Itou.--i ir tlie -ci t V'ut ivauLt-gan. ilihuoi, u.til tiu-tr.,t \luiiday ut Mareh, A. 1) 1911. and thitnt -se'm yotu appt-ar avil tlt-ad arnsas-r or derftttr ta Raid bildt-huit will lus-taitetîutaiirtt yau it tuertrdat'-wih the cuit-.# 01 Raid coualad sai Lii b i i e talieu as eaiîf-.std airainst au. [lattai at Wairlu.gai. Ililinoais. thi4 sescoind day iof F-ruary. %.1). 1911 Liýi aU It-ikirsY, CI.rk. C. N DaÂr oliîitor ,ruîldsiflf LÂtTNCH NEW SCHEME Chicago 'lelephone Comnpany ta Teach Younigbien the Business. j-ý. Hold Lincoln Services A larg e audicxe paclced the First fla;tist dhurn Sunday evening fa ilIt feu ta the litclu program. Mn1jor A. 1'. Sith read President Tafî's letter to thle Sunday schoal. The Iecteci of Pre.idenf Taft'to the voîiog <c)lde follows: . Tif E %HITE HOUSE. Washington. December 29, 1910. My Jear Young Fi-ltnde: The. excessiove useeof Intoxlcatlog I- quor la fthe cause of a great deal cf the. povert y, degradation and crime cf the. world. and one who abstains from file use of sucli liquot- avolds a dan- geraus temptation. Abraham Lncoln shawed tiret he beiieved ln thf hIn writlng ouf for bis boy frit-nde fhe îledge of total abotinence s0 often quofed. Each persan must deter- mine for hlui-elf fthe course he wil take in reference ta i. fastes and appeltifes; huutf base who exercîse the ,eif-reefraint ta avoid altogetiter the femltations tif lcohalîc Hquor are on the safe andi aiser aide. Sincerely youre, WM. H. TAPT. .AGENTS WIIED: e* Efter sex can eaU]ly mmm 83.00 *to $5.00 per day ellng Our bila0 grd jgt k No exporloac. ueo- Pa On",ry steady .uployment 0 : Out tram. Par Weey. SW. E. ROSSN!Yô CD., e* NURSERYMEPi, schadl, the Chicago Telepirone «cm- panysays: Cîrostiar Explains It. "Thc rapiti groa-tiroftiffie b"Ipicss or tie Chicago 'le-iioilt- impany ;e tht- v-aocsfaa-naanti citil4t-in ýf. terrlto'y oitguaista fa('hic-ega le rie- sponsfirle for the creaflon o! tiscatir. pany af a e-a departuient for flue ppjoat-o! traîining >auug rmen f0 titi poasitionsca fislavery intei-eatuug, cons- plex and I'Tht-rt- ias nevetr heen a dearh ofa aîpticants for positions a-ith the lt-le- phono company. but tire ligh stand- arda osf the Chicago company a-l isot penrmit 0f tire employrnt-nt of rotn wlio art- eGf natui-ally a-t-ll itfed ta ativance tram positions af smatll ré- sponsiblhIea f0 thase witli groatef anew. and fromn tht-m otof thase re- quit-ing ahilltlec of larger degre. "Tht- fetepirane of taday la acrepfed hy mont people as a matter of course; If la fa the majorify a veny useful. mach used and camtifmes sliuscd routine, in connection viii fireir Ilites or business, buf a rouîtinelt- ta ici less tirougbt or c-tittlderation n is îttn tirais faaImait naty other sout-c-caro ftie production a of oforleor lioCsin- esullo. "Tie intrIcacies of the teiephone are unst-en, unlctoSti anti consequrent- iy unapt.rtait-d y the geeral fele- put-tue ueing puhlie-, brut t-et-y rt-si fi those reaponcihie foi- git-ing goodti tlt- pliant-service. 'Tire Chicago Telephone complany bas t-ver heen fat-arable faetire ent- ployment o! local roenanol tht, oea- employmenf department ls ta lie caoi- ductet ivîitirebt Idea lu mid. Brief- ly, tht- plan i. as follua-er Grat chance Ht-re. "Ta-n or thme yauog nen i-esiding in tus t-lc-ity, hîgh sc-hoal or af a safisfactary grammer sc-hooi educa- lion. ledrusfriaus, ambetîons, uigi- grade, a-cllnt-coiirtitndid gentlemen a-ha have a deeire ta get loto the tels- phonme tusnesa-fis rost a-ondenful anti f rict-ae gaume tof aIl oui- business entei-pnle--wl he talcen as etutients. Tirey a-li ha lufared by an expetrt lit ai tranche. of tire telephont- businetss, anti, if lhey are as t-airisa in wisiring ta Is-ain as tise comlany i. to ae thu<ni do so, tirer. je elniost no lîrnit i-i rheir possible advanceuisoL lrt- viding tirey bave tht- ahiliiy, rellabillrýY enuranlt--ce and action oecesaty fat env groat Baccee. 1 ..As a raie, atudents specialiy lutar- t-d ln unlversitlea or tec-hniral sciroolr mulet have soins backer. a-ho nof onlu is fond a! them anti believes ln firm but h a-sal eahblef0 finance tireni thi-out Ir ie extraardlnary ht-at-y ex- --vIc uti naugurated by the Ci- c .go Ti1hoaie Campany,-. ahIle irit- rmug ail the- advaniag-s of rt-ha stutict ut at-aail himatIf le accor- anct- i-: hi., capaclty, dot-s net en tatiltht-e atru.flct- o! cther bis fime or mont-y. "Stîttents a-Il e coacheti andi ust- In their hoame hacallly as fan as pos- sible, but auay he assienedti f aor) et any point lu tire system ebraceti i, tht- tee counties lna-bnci tire Chicago 1Telephont- conîîîany operafes. c Affer lire six-month pt-iodti, ei fejephont- stédent la an tire ligis rau fa succese. having passei bL is sfîd- les anti uualufict i hmeelffat- pi-o- fltin. Tht- etudents 0f today a-Ilbu tmanagers. mini- ciereanti engin-ers ! f tomai-i-a-t- - -------------------- = wiý nrmmhae becîen' cf DlvIii.Incompetence ta L2dn2<tt iloc.tulnt e ro 0 TROSADS F EMOS ake betlr-tr arratîgeiia.s for ihera. Aug-er. wii e. sut.-kerIfe, "wortig or Wbe-su-c Raiwili-d ati toreordalu- of rite th-I e Ai <p,,-rIe maye. are t00t IREST E4Rr'S ATMOSPIIERE ed it su bitture ürrsatlt,n. This do- compatiblerwithlit' love, oy sied trin of enios ba enlave man pene w i)t- <ug i tluise ta acondi- honorable peupîle a-ho would ftora-ton of boliless. Culer sucb circu-s s elves s ->î to n' k c- su uli t plan of th e stances n e otanno t w nutder t at, firua PASTOR RUJSSELL Shows From riges as oic-y atfrîlufe ta î;u,î.fallen aidge!s woud seek rssoclafloe Goti. Co. ti.s nt-îot fur dis- witit hunssnity. Ht-iig nter tbe can-- theBibe Tei Orginan tat wentht-se sedciig -spirits wIll trot of Satran as a cIief or primce et Ther Pernicicus Influ- - h conipletely bound. , traf:incd. antidev.Ils. tht-y bave rollowed bis couzooS decelve Iunianity thug no mire. Blot andi propagateà bis original faiebot ence Upon Mankind. . te ceptilon basus o long îitevalied -"Ye salal nelt aureiy dile." They'bat. thrit poor hrmririty Is tli.troughily on- conjuresi ta mcii". mincis tire boit et der ifs controI. The faisebooti lt-tding tht' iteathen, the bell sud Purgatory te "(living tiei to st-duclng aPîritsanad up ta ait t1Ils en-or is Satatîs fitst le1 the Cathicil., anti. wcret etf911, OW "ctift-pl-ir i 1 llatu otsi .1.tin"<p e aOur paretos liuEden. There, con- IPr'otetat in isi-onceptlan of a-wfm l " iaé VI, 12). -Th. iut'then sacrifice te tredlctlng tht' aoruis of e gala. I neniiulr< torture for ail except the decilà flal..nt t. Guai(Il corinthiens I. "Ye citaItnet surely die." Ever mince, eiiutlY lt-w, t ;for efx tboussnd yeirrs. ebelas wotked E nemies of God and Mon. Trpntots, N. J., slong tbis Une. and ail tbe fallen an- T s doctrines of demrons, bave* W February 12.-Pas- gels witf lihm, Hri., message Io, '*Yscreasethfe gui! lttreen God-and bu- to ut-i seet llofe- hal net ourely dt'." Vado net sure- nt nihv oneteBbe i - Brookyn Taberne- ly die. When mec soeut-madile, ihey message ot God's love, a book eftfta- cle prear-bet bors become more alive tlsan before tut-y rors-not ta tut lot- d, mt-rely te b. as.i - today in the Opera dictird rkp a ,ft.3 ascum Ie il 0IilseR on te " Oitacctit ocfft-se t-rror<s. that tiead elbli a conter place in prurgtory. Wq -. mdE Riu A tiîtR"l mecnrire alîve. Satan andthie fellen au-i may ,afeiy eay tlint ail the faine doc- and 'Tiiseeanglsgt-ls, corary ta tht' terchings o!flihe trInes o! Ciiristentiuni.rt-prcsented la wblt-l ~ not-Bible, buteie ntlleti into thre ivioit ail of tht- cr-etis o! tbe -Dark ASMa. wti rietet' ria. nosensical. hhebtn suhergtî' are doctrine% !uI-on, Bd*~a~-~ (Jutde 6). Excellenit attentionit s tiens respt-cting heaven, purgatory sud became dtiedtt-our hyman-haolcs. oult given nt bath services. We repart tht- ot h- ahoispo o toeWOcedq vrtig later s fllos:go ta Purgauriy. taeirelp tileraouft Tharnt G(lot theti. ight of tir ew latte.' uuilowa:Proftst-il a ttsde a li0 rry. heleving Dlapenétfion 19i.ow briuglng to usnfthe Tht-el,î'îtechinfli litif tieent-atlin h a!'e pi o -er abavnbgnn -fbesigrle»fre atm<usl>li-î-- lu!î ift-ud with ct-il spjirits tIla i~<~ ttt'iadrc ab-vn bgnigo lsit-eee il la eow set-:,, gt-rerally disbeijueiu-d. As atîti atofut iiiii-iiiitly go as dIrt-tly @orne o! onr tiarkncss. The seeelng et a resuit off ttc sisbt-liet tiausatrds of fa et t-tnul torture., the Irne wage o! slc-fthaf h I. death well-meanrii4 elet- are bting tire- If Ibils girit lit- wtrtrewith BAtRDan d coi eterrial forment-la one of tas. more essiiy entrapelb ueeei first sedunt-ulMterE.atmue- moat Important teatue. connected' Spris.Th bitiets by t- sea et-i oou-rac-e couilatie lue îrîy tllminnattd with oar eclightenmt-nt. When we anpirIt l. The bligl mti. b of - fheca rt-'moui- minde andi our creetia, l lerta iltthe- dead arre realiy deat cedure In t0a amuse curlosity. White a-oululimt-n a relîiiuus revoîntion fa anti, as tht- Bible deelerea. -wlU nmot tbe cillest for knooaleulge proceetis, an Lotit Cutolirsa nd Prottestanpr--back know anyfbuog untîl lte reenrrectioe. influence muet like tirai of hypnotisan ta tbe Bileitaind sway tram lhe dore- tion we begfin ta set- tirhettetf affets he fvesigafr. mpellaghlm Ination anti iedtîct ion o!flice lYing sPIr- Goos "lan--fbe neeti of Cbrlsf's deethI forwarti ta turrter Investigaffoc. -Ifs, tire fallea nes hoproaetire neeti o! Hi. second comIng; lie Sometîmea tht- curîoeîty le attracft-d humannty. needaifthie Kingdotn; lb. need t àf tbroug-hlite enter sueats ai spiritiÀalis- The. Faîlen Angola Lustful. resurreetion: the nella of an opitortu. tic menaces. witb ouija-boands, etc. Aft-Bo furras w.e ec learo frottuthoas nty for ait mankîndtet corne tae isi altier tîmes il I. by spirit rsppings. wbo bave onsce bt-en spirit mediluva, kiowledgea!of ire greaf Truth cf re. Agaln, Il mny lho by wblspering in tire trenti o! Spiritism la towarti un- tiemrption thraugb thre prectaus blond tihee ont, inaudible ta ailie. At ofirer- chastitY. lnîPurity. Atnd thi. agrees and the opportunnty tben by Goft fames tireinessage& camne throucgh weI. wifh file Scriptral declarafion grace. of attainnig eterna i ie-otii trace-metiinms. relative f lte sseIminrougir whlc h te» duriag Ibis (loupela go. rUa NeM wfs In every instance tires. communfica- faflori engeleiret irecame reprabate. tures.. spirit heinga Hike unie ttte Mt fiens piîrport ta camle fronotit-ati bu- Sf. Jutde t6t ant i S. Peter (Ir Peter gels, or In the New Dlapemsatiom 4mw' man timings. TItis of tsel! gît-es ta tire 11. 4). telllis re iely eo!flb. tali-oftithe tng the more gent-rai salvafltin f fie - communicaîtion a speclal charili ta angel-ithat **tbey toft tht-fr owa hab- worlti ta human perfection lnau Offet mitny. Thet- feel honored le belog itrtiotn anti litpt noi their finit ustate. ly ir-raise. % q, sougiit ont Iy the tierit ant In iiir-ng Bath Alotle'. mention file cîrcuin- Jsscs u ei ble. to consmunîrrfe a-Iftht-mer. They stance In runiiectîan rvlfb human las- OrgrJ Reerusat Of ela. aereti-us for Information respcctlng cit-fousness. The sttiiy ofthlie fatI of OrgetRdee sletd t tht- hereefier. Thety forget filrtbtey tht- angels in gît-en us brlefiy lu(lefl. powetr by castintg ouf damons hom -have bleuni anglIt front Infancy ibat t-is' vi. 1-4Aftt'r man'sc fait lo ie lutirose a-ha hAt bt-camp obseeseti. AOi 9thre holy deati are fer off le heaven. (lad tilrited the italy angeis ta bave a-e mati fuitier tfile eommileitd eandt ttrt the uîiholy titati are far off commurnication a-tbh hmanity. And- hie Aposties ta beni ait mannftet d0î4k t e I- ment.- <becauge hurtan t-yes canner mecs pinit t-s.anti fa cent out uncleau sptd&~ b. They Tesel, FaIs.DOctrirts. bt-lge. (ouKI î.ermltte theIi augels ta W. rire tolu liti tt-y dîId thbi-aad flotv fllytusla org tie. echten<taterluizu-. For instance,.t-te note the trumerons Instances, leIlliustration,. a'U< y Ha fllerwiashtaI reotelat c htcase O! the- ingels wa-lit-sted Aira- gît-en us. one man a-as obsessed, Iy , by a leter which1 r&irave on th ont-e plina of lNanire anti for a It-glon o! these spirits. No Wou"m firat day afIbis amontîs fromn a Catho- - a-b h preprireti a vet-t dinner. We the poar ft-low vas crazy. But aftS litrld. I-laveatelsow elle ie treadtilt Lmatetalîxed. thefteragoestht-y ver. «est out h. wtt, cloftafail oftle eIlvyn pwr-h t-rt- iîke men, anti takeon byAbraham le bié rlghtfriandi anti bt-ame a 41dlsoel of eeriog waht aiiers coulatilir. tfobe men, whlit- lLey rite and faîketi (Luire- vîi,26-36). YTis. la fui-n. permitteilitfa commu- -i t hlm. If a-as subet-queutiy thlet St. Paul ant ilan bati an experienc 1, cîcate wvîtir ie evl spirts. tire falt-n .Abra ainitanet ilethey were refît- wlf aIn 0155.5551 Young a-cosaa-hOo aangeis, Tht-se. representiog fhemost'ftes - Iy beavenly visitaints. practIset i soth-saying, fortuzne44Ul& ta1 ber as Inrates a! purgrtary. came 1 goi, aaswilh ailt the angels ht-fore by tht- powrt--cm thie et-Il sprtilt l ta ber for lielp. Tht-y solciteti ft- tht- flood. TIsty a-trt- permîtteti ta mal- obsesseti htr. As tht-et-Il sIsIits rec. prayers anti v c-i-t-pniigiessng ta get terializé anti ta appear Ie every senne ognîzeti Jette anti criei, "W. kuoW- bt-r more andt more entlier tireir centra.o. cf tht' aord l is men, Tire record show@ Thom.,a-ho Thon art. .leauo," .1n tb " -Just In time alie t-as rescuedt irough in tit the ange[@ becume lustual. Wt spirit linea tise Apoatles and. hirogl readlng my wrllttngs an tht-subit-ct.rat"Ttsoso adsu-trdug-fiynn aomealpced tS -Sînce tht-n eh. bas exenclBeet ler w111 ed 'Tesn f o a heduh ir-ougwoaslri,-idat - ati t-rpiar rs gaîts itvîn sn -fers a! men finat ttat-e es fair antd them,. "These h. tire servant ot th* ,r fello-sip rr-afever rvih tliese fauit-n, ook untra titemeelvres t-ives of snch Most Hîgit ld. a-bit-h show to it-be anges. 5ratiaiy tt' s burolngas tliey chose." Tht- angelof, a-tl u t- way ta obtain eternal lite" (Actfs rpf more anti mare etlIghlened ln thre -porter powers anti supertor knoaietige 101. aTristlso!fC.od's Word, ta mans. acfed as tht- masters ut men. Nether Jeses noir thre Aposttea IMM 3- Nownnqtnl oteesîîsp--taho were piactlcaliy oblgedt ta do wfhhIug tlanccept tieman testitneyelfe! tsonate thte Heave-y Fatiser and Christ, thtefi-bîidîini. The rt-ult le stateti In commantiedth e et-il spirits t eo urge moi-t' lryci-. accuse o! sin. recam- ý fea -nortie. Tht- chîltren aif tia mental-otut o! thei- victime. -- amendthie readiug a!ft.e Scnîpfîres. lance. rt-e are raid. wa-e.glinfea. Scientiste Seing Entrappud. etc. Thisq apîierrs ta lie wîîh a vit-w compareti witls the ordlnary menthe.' Tire Sciipinrus Indicate tirat, &M ta gainîng flic confidence, tise nelaxhng Of oer race. Andti ntny vert' they a-Ilha a wanecris activity sulc«M aof tht- wilI. Liter on dishonorable sug- glacttsphysîrtliy. bat aise Inftellect-terl- the faUèn rungele lu théir cloue 0£ Mh gestions rirematie. The Bible la scorn-- ly-I'tTiey rvere men o! renowu.," Poor (Gospel Âge. The t- 5f. declarqlediai 1- la, prayer lu Inugired nrt. If, tbon, the. humacity count compote iritir tifs tht-deceptions vault ieha uch tlia$tif 3-subject flies tright anti seelis ta break race. Tht-rt-suit a-as tirat strife anti if were possible, the "Tet! .ier ethe ti lipofic chate, tht-et-Il spirts contention anti l.stful. sînful.rsc- vouiti lie tieselveti. But that wiiM DM s8 leugis at bhit swear et bhlm. antisonne- tgssAbountiedIlenail tire eut-a ntis nl libe possible. hecauce Divine provldtesc tlues tell i iiitfft-ey a-Ilshortly (loti teclairtt eeiy Imarginationit aands engaged te prot-ct tire mIêc bave Iirîro ulIy in Ibeir powe.r ta rouet o!fihe tiiouglis o!fros'. h-attu-tas Tht- Ninety-Flret P.alm, viricir gtv bien foret-ci. If lie atf.mpfs fa prriy, only et-Il continufilly. a pîcture of the cloeing of tbb'&aM fliey letirîte ant itnterrupt anti toilt n (Olad ai reitnown ail Ibis, anti a ant iafssuutiry trial, anti tacts. de 3tthat (loti aoulti net[leur hilm now, tirtet rnopy of watters, t-thich tht-n sur- clares that (lad wtt give iis meU*B-' lie luis galo et> fan, ete. routiedthIe earrhh similar fa Saturn*s gers a charge coeceing the feet tRial a- Wit1i satom e mriltier goes t- arîa rings norv. w-as lit-uldit rtmimes.q ta bers o! tire lBody of ChrIst la ail tbe& thuit the humauit ailli la brokte dortn cause a lood. finalt sînful men andt ie ways-lest a fot shanît iehadft*a IL -anipieft-ly andithefli tpilis otsess filera isiuirn offsîîti*ng o!fteanugels might against a siane.o! fnrnhmllng (Pealal . anti use tht-m bodles foolisly-some- lie tit-troveti. Oaly Noarh sud I b iltm. nci,12). t- Uin viciously, sometirues irîsatuely. Ily t-ert- founti aorttsy af presenvation ' As Satan anti the fallen saugesop uafll tiialiy tbey are proisoîroceid dre- ta be te e ta trrt utflsumacîfy nuls t-rate lergeiy thrngir "the cilidresi o gerous andl comuitfcd fta ylurms e. V-aide o!fte iioad. The tieilaratiat o! tilsabediersce.'" se (lotianti is, bol do nef cirlai tli-t ailtfthe laguane ai-e tire Srîpfares respecting Noa's fam- messengers use net, anly thre- *rlptr*i obsess.d of et-Il spirits. but so tan as ily lm, "Nov Noah waa perfect in lis but Got'a chiltiren of ohetilence me a-e canlutige. nt-uîly oue-haiftbte le-- gent-raflant-le a-as proîit-ly gi-utr- mouthplec-es, as helpers, as ed'. alla, mates o! asyltirs are ob.ussed by ateti or boro-so w-tret-bs cilîtrtn. bassadors In 'bulding one anOtireapu l- dmatuut aho lit- tru i terosthile tbt-y Tht-rt- ans no sti-nîn or atixture le ine mont holy falir." RonCe fieII )f ara masferirug thelr wallie, -thi.angelle stock le that !amîly. rTe îewen 1busn hh ata t Propsrt-d For Thons e lusions. plain Information le flint tiere emaietier t~-sd nitetosn ttyi ei (luti tt-riiiiigî is word, bas fore- -tf bnmanlfy vert- se tegtrtit-d by tire bu"wi oae iuUn inti r aneetis pla)iteuii agalinut fhese tielu- -'eductlo>ns oif tire asflleir angels fiat en nring anti teceptive etcre a-t insiens. litrsînmittiug tht-m. nevertire- tht-y a-te netfiftoalit-e. Tire entire "tlotcamle niglh trn','-;--ot cu» aiggb- In ous ta fa; lao tese tra s, e l rae b d bcone crru t.tie membera o the Body cf C lrt tie ele.. f ga tut rltto lesals, . he ae rsibeoecarp.enee ereyiahu 1etlso.Tt Angela Retrairtd-Chalns of Dairli If aur untierafaatilng cit the I5.1W- eterrible rtsuit'. of disobeuileÜce. o!fes ~ t. acrrcv edntb n tgleci of Got's Word, rre not elernal. of course, the fallen lingotele -efot priseti If tht- talle» angala suay atalu r- The Divie arrang>ementislafilert ulti- tiestroye inlutise tiood, for f bey flt cny>glyuai a vlctory ove.' tise 3M il mfelythe ef l-t- urnutur uim ly shl anly htie power ta materîaîîze. but vine restrtrlnts andi matertl»tlze , id le releeseti frouitli, opuis of sin anti 5i50 the power ta tiemaler;alize. Tt irroati tayllght-perscuating neot oaiY le deatit, Ignorrance atu'tisrjîcnstifîois, and a-as airltIntie, iravever.fileat ail of thse dead ibut aise et ftaes persanaflu le ul e f u o nportt tily tt C -o ngT h li fa L . "~ugels w ere p u t u n ter e - th e lv ing. S p rit a f an d im edUM s In Into ftliuiaoryr-I Gt.T t rnts-not permitteti agein ta nia- are cIs4mig sulnt ttings as alrea. present lest-on il s-I llutrafe lteet--e. nil he l imitationi lasting 1"mmii begîismlng ant ilikely ta haeacornpllb cessity f,r seusnliug thle Seripture the judgtueni of fite great day.11 eti an a grand Realre shartlY. Siroalt M anti obei3ig Gotis voefirerele. Tbeir restreints or ciains are net coume ît a-tu ioaugurate a terrible tins 8educinq Spiits--Doctrinee ef Devila pitYsIcel. tae IlIee tht-ra tO a Place lt frouile scil ris has nat ibeen i Sf. Paul. lticdscriblng aur day. de- Tartanla- tht- eurrflaalmosphere. Ticy tfiefloodt. lot'. people, a-bite redtU clares ane ot is promîinfnt signa fa ho mriy rema- Il!; but are cined. or coeidentiy ant i afeneuntie. I»vis fief tmaey wst-I row gîtt ive t ta tire erestralle trorn materlallzag: TireIn. cupei-slon, shoult iehaon-fb. aiert fa e educiag spirits.,a-base teaclilngs anti timation o! fie ScnIpture scers ta b.e reeîst evt-trIing- akIn te 111PIMItBU511 *-practises t-ad auray fi-rnl oti. Stflithat. th fe ctIîng off ille G 1 e cultism. Hypitotieai n4 1tavel a peutiIntimates aisea intthy fiese rMIS- iÂge, moi prilà ta tirnaugitaflano!e, friends reepeetingtboue-ti>e--.-- - : lt-ating spirite many a-Ilcame fa haltijtise New- Dîspensation. tht-et il pu- Numerous ,rietlllc zmet are bui« C ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - dcrnsodmoî,odeîl tIorif may ho allaveti ta brea iei efrpprbyth-seiytng civt reaut-