Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 24 Feb 1911, p. 5

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LAKE OOUSTY INDEPENDHE1T, PRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1911 TISE ALLEN PORTABLE BATH APPARATUS VIE IDEML BATH FOR BIG AND UTILE SP4AVER.S A REVELATION IN BA- G, CL.EVEREST INVENTION C%- T1M AGE. CLEANSING. FRICTION. MASSAGE, SMOWER. FOR bALE DY W. 3. MCCLAN ,AGENT Ulbertville, ilnos. P>HONE 802 It m oi rie a short «Cempalga" of walt adv.rtilalg to find the klnd 09 work you're looklug for. But It would requir. a LONG campago of Loy other sort of "looking.1 If ts a Job for a want ad DONTr LXÂVU IT TO A PLACARD! aaa WB WILL EXAMINE that watcb ai yours aund cli you js wbat il e cccsary Ca ho donc dwiat it will cnt Ca put It in Perfect Runnlng Order ten you cao heavailt or not, sajou plama, "In al kinds af rapar work, wa do only the very hast work and >ou nacd hava no hasltancy iu laavng tie fineet article i in Our cava.1 A. MUSS imanLE Llbertyvie i DES I EVE EXAM INATIC WICK ORÂDUATE 0F ETE4ILASSES AND SPECTACALES We fit the lateat Mthodi wich do not roguire the eye te-b. drugged. Ws fit with a positive Guarantes ta bonsfit the patient- if yau euffer wih hadichsor sny aye troubla hava your oyse tested andi find out if theyre ut fauît :and get the prape r gîase for tham. ON ARE FREE . TIlCIAN LIBEIR[YVILLI. THEf RAY L FRNIURESTORE "U113EITYVILLE'ILL 7-7 - LIBE'i,%TYVILLE BRIEFSI L.OOAL. AND PéRSONAL. MENTION To insure publication in. the indepen- dent, copy muet be in the office no later than Tueeday of each week. Adve' tisers, especiaiiy, are ssked ta take particular notice ta thise ffect. Ctiarlee Herrington look in the cerent show in Chfc aTueeday. Mr. and e. OEldon Clark, of Urbana. fli., are vislting relatives bere. There will be services t St. Lawrence ision suuday atternoon at 8:80. Mr. and lire. Thas. E. Brnett viited relatives and friends in Antlach Over Bunday. Get your chieken teed at the HoldE LumBnauCo ansd get thebeet. C-22-2 mise Gertrude Evilsisar spent SatUr. day and Sondainm Evanatonan Cbicago. M lss Isabel Clark viuted ber brother, Ed Clark and fawily at Urbana, Ili., Williams. O'Brien, one ai the Most tamoa strotting borsestrainera 1bnthe country and for sorne ime attacbed ba the stal! of Dlck Mctlon lui hie travelo about the country wslClma tring oi lamous trotter@ dled Friday at the McAlister baspital in Waukegan oi pnoumonia. The funeral was beld Suinday tram the eemetery chapel under thc auspices 0i the Eagles. licarlet tever discovered Wednesday in h. home of Ilerman Garbloh, ai' Barrington, fil., boas pread ta dive other hâla.. sud Friday the Barrngtan higb echool wae cloeed by the board of edocation. The lever iwae discovered Wedneedaylanshe Garbiocb home, where here are div.e tlldren. The honse was qnarantined, but osmtuchat ime tdv. ather case have beau found la as many ban heen ordsred. On. car yel>ow Gluten on truck at $24 ner tan._ The greateet mut tc'tter an foin week. the market at HOME LcUBER Ca. 'Le Presc-22-2 Dan't ferget the dinner at t h Pe-1 byterian cburch Thoraday eveing, The International Mausoleuni cain- Miarets 2. pany have agrssd te appropriate a lund tire. WarrenG rummitt spent a couple ot $300 ta beueedin paying heexpenes of date Ch. latter part ot lait week wîth of an inepectoy Appointait hy a coan- iriende in Chicago. mittee who are crýpt owners lu the ' Mr@. tF. . Cleveland visitait frieA.e at Lihertyville Mausaleupi ta inspeet the DeePlalno Tuemday and while her. was erection af h. building. The Inepectar a gamet t a lamýbeaU. will have absolote aothonity Ca compelm A business meeting ofth. Epworth the contracture tu cntruct the 'build- Leaue ijlbefied a th coseof heing sArictly accordmng ta plane and leatue wil h. hei aofthi ls e a eeecPilbCtons. eTwo copies ai h. lectue Frday venig of hie eek. conta ,, lllh.ft in the~ bands of well 'rueeday February 28 ait 2:30 the W. kxowu Libertivillo reeîdento. pro- C. T. U. will néeet at the borne o? Ers ,atr$ ai the Mdausoleumu report rapid Ritta (>vero, Capic. "Franchise.ý progrese.1 lIre. Ronce and son Joseph, of! -.P , lio ftp o hS r Eý'atuetou. vioited over Sunalay at the vlizra h. ot hr boofrr ndM@e. .Cevln. Electrm. campany leavew about Mdii ai lr. muilir. F G.Cleelalit i h for Paxtoni, Ill., bmvug reiged The RIoyal Neîglbors give a tard lim@ pmton bore and ne-tela etua- party and dan'.' ii he .. lW. A. bal i Clan as cuperintendent ai Cihe Paxton Itlmmeî Yiday emrr.mmîg, F.u. 24. Ad- Am eu 5. tg-,d Cin,. le areured aiII. eutrmc colupauy. Mr. Ecilmizor came ta ILiberti ville in February, 1903, as i. li iittiid. uleruttdeut ofth Fr.mau Power .. . Lit..lmi~d iaves Saturday lfor î ,imîply rolpauy and wl,.,n that nri ..t,wiurf ti. thruugh thte outli. 'C IcII ru coud ta the North 'Smore people Fi, ex4oTUt., e gone about a umm,,î,til] till retaiued in iiiee Ciiic aiaity. '11 %%il vsit Mobl, la., New <tIC1e rbâs mande a flte tudy oi electricity, I.,and ph.r oute aif inteet. lmmvmg marted at he Iottomu ai the .%r-mFai. t'rigLIt and MmNl .Evîlri n adiler und worKed bise wCI3up. anmd Trirege '.mete-d fimemds mmintaci!,e-.\% e , ;pu>meci.ecea Clorough ki. ,wledgu (ml the Iromii Fiday til munday, Mr. Wright buemmmv.'s. Mr. Avilsizor bas madei may nîmel Mmis Blanîbhe Tngg" îoiumnmt tlmniclose lrin.nleduring his rosidence [mers ,iaturdmîy. the p.mty ieturnimmchbore'abo, whle tbry einerely regret ta set $iunday evenmmg. luima go, ..xtend ta )inm their beanty George Quentin, ai Long Grove, ha@ 'aishem for sutr'ese in bis new fiel.1. purchased atf lirs. Lulu l'enniman Mr. and tire. J. B. Gray were the Mattocks two lots at the moutbwet victime ai a very, pleasant surprise an crner aifP'Milwaukee avenue and LaCe Nlondiay ev..ning, Februany 21), wben treet aud it is reportedl willerect a large ,aetemr. a ahru garagethereo thisspring ývmnten reaiveseand trienagted garag tbeeoî his eringoaC heir home au Second stret. the Mr. F. P. Christy baq been traubîrd occasion bming thetf iC annivereary or the past two yeare with on.. ai hi@ ai uieir marriago. The eveniug was and as a remult t was iound spent in pleaant social intercouree until ntýeeosary Ca nemuave fim ta ie Paet a hâte bour when Ch. table was spread Graduale hosoitai lu Chicago wlere the and ail sat down ta abounteouesnpper, diseamed member wR. remored on h. gueste havmng prepared for the toast Tliureday. in acjvanoe ta mare h. occasion a For maieriai ta put up hat barn or comploe surprise for the.hoooreitcouple. bouse or whatever you have to build, Those present were: Mr. sud Mmr. Fred let ue figure with you. HOISmg huMDviaPreran auht C). c22-2 àrb. ai ake n agtr Mr. and Mr@. Abert Goold And eau, Mdr. C. H. Smithm Tueday cansummated a and Mire. Lincon Luet and dangbter, iraI ywheretmy h.. canme juta pagetm)n of and William Gould ai Libertyville; Mrs. he geieral mercbandim'e stock ofain. Cari ai Canada; Mir. and ire. Clarence Nebriich at Rockefeller, giviug hl Flagg and daugbter And Mir. and Mre. excbiange a tract ai land in New Mexico. Oscar Mehaughiin af Milwaukee, Wis. Hes aBers the stock for @ale. The gueste departed at an sarly baur lu tt fce i te sver eîrm auyTueoday morimng wisbing Mir. and Mr@. lue rdfaeo the leture so Chna ait Gray many hapvy returne is h. dey. *SPECIÂL PRICES FOR À SHORT TuVE ONLY i Emp"r Sterch. was 10 now .................»............ 07C * GoId Dust Brand Asparagus 3-1b. cane 20c, now .... 12 12' Pure OeisOocoa White Horse Brand Was 60 6c now 3016 Hidppo Wàshing Poadr Large Size........-r....... 06C O Wonder Washing Wax. was, 06c now .................... 03c * Eagle Brand Lye. cas, 10c now........ .......... 08 * Hard Wood Toothpicks large box, were 06c now ...03c Bremner Bros. Graham Crackers, 10c, 3 for.......25cj * WATCH OUR WINDOW FOR A BARG'AIN IN FANCV B ERRY SETS ONLV A LIMI fED NUMBER AT .....37c < J. ELI TRIGGS * Phone 25 Phone 3 REDUCTION SALE NOW ON TO LAST TILL FEBRUARY 23 COME IN AND TAKE ADVANTAGE 0F SOME. 0F THE BARGAINS L ~J. B. MORSE & CO. thing for flen LIBERTYVILLE, ILL Low prices on ail feede 00ow an at h. HommE LumBER CO. -22.21 I hia week h. audience wha are makbng a tour of the warld with h. lectuier Wbat aight have been a horrible wili craose Ch.Yellaw Sesanmd s@pend fatality wai narrowly avrt.d on lait twa weeks in h. "Sumrise Land" ai Maunday night whon a fright train an japan. h. S't. Paul berame uncouplod and four came of the lait section jumped the rack fLast Friday Manehai Limberry arneet- blacklng h. north boumé rack just ed a rsidnt ai Libertyvillo for hrutally nortb airitondout. The tfet mail wati beàting a borne. whicb wae ti.d Ilu hie han due and a brakeman ou h. ireight baru. The offendor was brouoeht befare train, realiziug h. danger, taak hle Justice Baswirk and flned $500 and lI"tern and damhed toward the Boudant caste. This example shonld ho a ga<>d station tu tlm;g h. mail train. In lesson for othere wba bave been in the ruuning ho atumbhed sund teli such a ht i maitreating dumb animaIs. way nasta break is lanCera. Witb Ch. The meinhers ai Libertyville Ire lanteru out oi co mhission ie ou hope Dpartmaut wish ta if nrerely tbank was ta rearh Che Raudout tower befare t h. public 'for h. libecal patronage h. mail train and natiy th watcbrnan. sarcorded Cbem at Chir dance lait w..k Stunned and hruisee by th. tali ho sThnreday evaning. A gond orderly etagnered t bisetet and selumbed, on Icra.wd was lu attendance and a seat towqrd h. station, tallies compietely a um wai uettéd the departimout. 151 exhausted jut ai he rsacbed the staies tickets were eald andt between $90 and laading up InCa h. Cawar.' The watcb. I$1 00 was rsalized. mansi ebg h. mani fail, burried dowo Where Does Your Money Go Vouwouid ha pieased to see how simple and how complète r h. record of yaur le made by handlng your money 'bcheck. A glance at your Bank .Stetement telle you &il to a penny, and the use of the checklng ac- cotant ha* a dozen advantages &..,beeldes 'which %wllI prove in- valuable ta you. WO Invite you rw t pn such an account with us Mst Door taO the Post-Offtce anSat"u Evenlng reochlng hlm met in Mme ta be him1 mutter "@top-fast-mail, track.blockod," hetoro iapslog imta uncofecioanee. He remalned in an unconectous condi- tion for some ime sud it was only alter repeated efforts hat he wam qufficiently reviv.d ta resume work. iad the tower wmtchman not seen the maxi when ho did the tast mail wouid have crasbe. inta the derailed irelgbt and a terribl Io@s otIlile would have been the ultimale mis Ali.ceely will oeil at public auction ou Wedneeday, Marb lot at 2 oclock p. m. at the reMieuce on Srhaal etreet althe furtiture ai the late lMre. M. Lynab, conestlng dl bede. springç,. mattrese, ruge, rarpete, chairs, rot-kero, courh, heatiug andi root staves, tables, trunke, suit case, rooklng uteusile, etc Terme af th. sale will h. cash. W. H. APPmLEY, Anctianeer. The inembere ai the St. Josep's cbureh Liberty ville, wili give a Grand Bail st the Town Hall, Feb. 27tb. Thopraceede ta go tawards the paylng for h. làtm retly purcbaeed. TheabWet ha avery commendabieaue and it shaxld h. well attended. Thêe, wl beh.good music and a generail goad ime. The ladies will prepare the supper and youan i know what hat means. Ail are Crdi. ally invited.' c-21-2ý A etammering prisanan upax iDlg airod hie Dame begau: "She s-e-sP -e-s-sp-" "Dou't got fiurrled my gaad man," sald Ch. judge, oncouralxmgiy, " what isi jour name?" Agean the nman begun. "S-sp-" ,,Oh, Chia wlll neyer do," exclaimsd Ch. magistrat. "What le ho cbarged wlth, officar?" ,*Pisses. yoor bonar," was Ch. grava repli, 11i ehanld say at a guses Chat it was soda water." Notice. 1 wmll h. Bt my place ai business ltu Libertyville each day except Friday Feb. 24 and March a. Call and pay your taxes. Fîtru Cioaci, Clliector. ]q. E. Churoh Serices. 10:00o a. m. Clasa Meeting, 11ev. J. B. liacGullin. 10:30 a. m. Preacbing by the pastar, W. L. Whipple. suhîert, "Reality." 12 m. Bible Scbool. 645 p. m. Epwortb League. suhjert, "The Influence 01 a Great Passi0u.' 7:30 p. m. Pr.achbng. W. L. Wbippla, aubjet, "M aster ai the lmmoîCal."_ if Ch. rigbC tenait la not tuclned toassit yjour property, make jour prapertyseelc the tenant ibrougli campaign ai classified advertielng. An evening ut solld pleasure le assurad Chose attending the lyrie. Stf vou u reli»frein INOgPEND. SACRIFICE REDUCTION SALE, 0F WINTER GOODS Man's Duck Coata ................................................. Haf Prieé, Mans Feit Boots.............................................. ..... HeIf Prlcé, Mans Fait Foxed Shoes. worth $3.00, et ................... 17 Mens 802.00,at .......................... 8.26 Mens Shoop-lined Shoos, worth 81.25, et ...............................T Mens Wool worth S$1.50, at.....................I.GO Mene " 81.00, a .et ......................... 6 Manes Gloves endMittens.................................... One-third Off Mans Wool Pante ............................................. One-thrdOif BoyesuiSues................................................One-thîrd 04V Ladies' Wool Underwoar, worth $1.60, ai ......................... 01.00 Ladies' «'" 81.0, at ..............................78 Th is is a Chance to, Make a Great Saving. WIIY PAY mORDE? MISS STEWART RESIGNS Left Friday tW Take up Work at Ponti o >ioh. Ulus Clara B. Stewart, teacher ln the prlmary routa af Ch. LîberCyville Public Seboola ciao. September, 1901, hast week haaded ta Ch.ecwheol board liar resIgnation and an FrIday bade farewrell to ber many friands hors and departed for ber home hi Pontlac, Micb., where eh. b la aposition hi Ch. primaqy departnof aiunafaith. large echoole of Chat City. . Ulm Stewart was aons ai the bout qnallffle and mosC blgbiy respected Ceacliers LIbertyvlle bas ever had, a yonng lay unlvermaly popular and belaved by a&l wbo knew ber, and ltla wltb sincere regret we are called upon ta -bronicle ber departure tram among Us. Ber wark was not alane confined ta 'ihoscbaolroam. Sue bail been, dirtn< ber stay bers, very clossly' ldentffle wlth the Preshylerlan cburcb, Sunday wecool and Christian Endoavor soclety aud will h. greatly miseed there. It fi witb regret aigo Chat @she haves Lihertyvîlle, having made many warm friends here wbam @eh. le loathe ta leave behiad, but ebe leela it le ber duty ta return ta ber borne city thst ebe may cure bor ber aged fther who was called upon last Doember ta part with bis wile wha diod an the 20lh of that month. While we impel remor,'e at being forcedl ta, bid tarewell ta lii..Stewart, aur momst liqearty wisee for the future go with her. Maose recolve Ch. goodly portion oi our Maker's blessingsofa which sbe i. su wel ...erving. The Ladies' Aidovi lreetîyteriau churcli will serve abat dinnerThru.'day eveninig, bbarch 2. in the churcli parlurs fimuni 7 until ail are sentit. MEN.U Itaet Beel ltoast Por& Masheit Potataes Corn Bread and Rails l)oughuuts Cranberry Sauce Apple Pie Pumpkiu Pie Codfe. and Tea Dinuer 25 centi. c-21-1 BOYS KNEE PANTS Knickerbockers Com.1 .P .lte .1assal'H i WE HAVE 6,5c and IERBOCKE 8 50c, 65c anc Corduroy At... LTHE PRETTII QUALI'TV i TI That "% ,M 1,Bloomers and straight Pente ihrtths most rtment you have ever een in Libertyville and E FAIR considerablvt beiow the, IreuIar prîce. CLOSEO OUT ONE LOT 0F1 207 PAIR AND U SOME SURPRISING VALUES 75C 'BLOOMERS AND KNICK-1 R S 5 c. 1 35 and -90C GRÀDIE 65c $1.00 QUALITY 75c id 75c straight Knee i'ants In Wooi or3 c' SPECIALS IN BOYS KNEE PANTS lET, NOBBIEST AND, CONSIDERING 'TIHE IE HEAPEST WE EVER HAD lE FPAI1RI" Libertyville, 111. CoId, Roo m on the side cf tuebouse wse winter blasts strlke bar est awn ) bas à lower temperaturethan tho restof the bouse. Thefre t<ips whei it la-neoessary tg fim W temperature qulchiy or tokep bé., temperature up for a long p«id. SThat can't bc donc by the sp$du method cf heatlng wikbow trom trouble and overheatig the o tc i the house. The only reliable metbod of heatlng such i rom ilonw by other im le; bto v which eau b. &opt at full or low berne for a short or long lias Four qcaris ofail vi! give a glowlng buat for aine OurOI, vhthout smoke or sunchl. An Indîcator slways shows the amount of 011 ln the font. Piller-cap doca flot scrcw on; but la put ln, lîke a cork in a boftis end la tîached by a chilé aud conniot gei bai. An authiUnali.MdUU ams. spreader prevèOlS Lb wlck from bcbng turied hlgh canough toa moke, and la e«V W80 remove and drap back o ii eau b. ecned in enUnsltant The. borner bd or gEr anibacome wadgad, end co uuloueWU lo an Instant for =elclj i FlniSbctd lul)&an or nickel, strons, durable, 150 Oide, buili fo service tî etnlgbt and ornimental. Bai a eWbheS. Ir StaàidardOil CmpWa TRI. OUR "WÂNT k11-P ýIl PAYS. Friday evening. Tht te Cie e L.mi alto bh.nlChina. Aftr the lectre of koet r.

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