Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 24 Feb 1911, p. 9

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LXXJ~ INDEPENDENTI WAUK~GAN WEEKLY SUN LIBERflVILLE, fl~L., 'R~A~~'tBRAUARY 24, 1911. !':2~~~ PAGES $1.50 PER YEAR tt~ ADVANUE. lc~an an~ Lau. ca~tnty ijeopie viii r&d tii. other day 0f a lAite aliegea defaulter. Wbo bld for Ove yeara down An St. Louis. viien he Wl, vanted An a clty as udr a. CilicLia, are Ancllned to believe that Fred Âmes dldn't have to leave tii. oountry ta be safe, that ho niay flot iid a fearaanip distance avay. Tii. Fluberions bave been viA h. dravn from tii. chai. entirely and Ah. only w~tcb kept for hlm nov ~ ~**,., - ~ ~ la by' means o! county' sheriffi and ;.f Coty r'us~ ~W5~ U~V5~ chiefs o! poUce. vbo bave reàd the ~ farnous 850 revard circuler., vbich .acAt~d tii. rlahbulitiei 0f tii, oouflty. Tii. main tact tbdt tb case cf Âmes us ~ar a~ Th<~ re (~onoerned persanailyta notaffectedb7tbO5<llil~ any Urne lit the AAnm.diate (Vrorn Weditsadays SUN.) a certain extent, and that tbey cotiN future. perliape today or tomarrov Altur as ail day mnf.reaoe sud lot b. hoiden for auytbing beyond 10 bav* taitea place Ilonday and lait- cestain items speciiled a due the FOWLER FAVORS lug tir mb tiie eviniag, tii. State etate. ced oouaty bondarnen on tbe bond 0f Thmn tii. county iioudsm.n'.hpld off, COMMISSION PL4~ Ttad E~ Amis. missiug ix-treesurer An atiii furtiier .itil Statua AttOrli.7 - Los Bec. viiose bib. a abêctage cf over 827,000 Dady thr.atened and ii.gsn suit. Says Wuutoegam bus q bas bac, fouad, bave come together sut. snd CeUnty Togetiior. flic et FCIIOOSI PEIII - Siade an apuenlint tO settiE tii Folloving Ibis and (ho impll.d UÇS.UdI<.pU~dS CffliflISSIas t*Ieont cf the siiortige vitb tUe onun- tiiriat that tue stata bondarnen vaqld ruub flOPCIUUY .~7. ' aiso be sued on tii. total ll*iiity OS Wbat tii. tiflS.'Of agreisient are it. tileAr bond, a conferenci betvumn tii. <FroiD Wedneday's SI'~~ ~ Wgbiy ptOlSW that tii. public viii tvo ~ cf iiandsmmn ~ <~5j~ ~ God and voliien bave don. muci ~ *~~l'~' tus cAty sud MondV mIter a ienathy fat Waukigali. The mec notblng n The fret effeés visible viii viry Oiipsikltatiofl tha adjustment vae speait 0f. lhkeAY be tii. ~mmary ondinS ~ r.acbed. Tbat's tii. vay Fraiik T. Fovier. i S~ates Attorney Uaibii Z. Dadl'5 suit luit vbat arrangements ~ ~ former SUN edîtor. put At forchbly yea eoqty tarday An an Antervi.v on Waulcegai Bliulit tii boadimen aid the ~ knavn. sud ail thai realiy sud tii. commimiion for. of govei~t Pqt cf tii. siiortage. IL ~ ~'~- ~ ~ ~ Amis aboitage iii) aile tut suit viii neyer ii~ b.gtn ment. apsimst ~e stat. bondamen. n. cotm- bu met. and that rigbt SPOidiiY. b? 'Wauiegan'5 an idealir beautlît ~ ~ ~ A1I~A0CbUI5. tb. ~ bondsmp a. a yiiaie. Uta ai clty," be i8id, "aid i shah aluays n itate. ail Wsskeganiti.. couy Lard iL viii deep and true afectioz Tonna .4 Llaiuilty. Bull Aftet Auisi. But lt bas for years been tom vit Au viii bu reealled, 2b.a tii. Amis Meantîme. tii. idictmet)li sud ~ap factlonai poUtici 0f tue bîttereet Icinu siortige dav.Aoped, atibntion st allie laies againat Fred R. Aine. viii flot. I arn deligiit.4 ta se. tbat the con b bandais., 0< tii. rnissiag dle. Tii. states attunérs Odici lu mission for. a! gaverument bas b.. utilI la kiep th.rn aur., so that if hi adopted An tus city. i IIDOW tiat Tii. peint? bond Wr $300.000, vs. turus Up ber. auy morning even aftar viii do avay viti fac$Ioiiai poulie bir tventy-fltre me. of An- Uic settiement, vbin ail As aqusina and tut tii. clty viii pingres. tei alate bp.& for $115.000. up sud turc lana abortage, bu' viii laid rel.ased fram tus burden. ii~ a number af bu taken An chargi sud pra.ecutsd la t Mr. Favier As a close persani Wmui~itaB. tic extent of tii. iav. At la deelaed. frlend cf lait Macyicksr. Des Mbiuu 005.41 VéediOui fiat diffited Ne Tqec f Amis fqow. noted commisàloiiar. ha. investigatE *Bsnussu. to.k . There la mliii e. brase 0f Uic misa- tii, Des. Majiies plan tbene and A,10t â atate las .x-tressnncr and urne guis- lp jet 1er citAis, fayora t)'. iiltIioialW. sAut lb 4c~ pe ~e.d .ai anotbcr. but tue claredter 1an pdebit iQlièrter et fUêmotniaai< vu'., W cf tue gueuses As cb4~gt5& an4' Wan- plan. ______________________________________________ t WIth us means ju~w~at we say, we won't 6e In the c$iuhig busi- ness lnWaùkegan after NIar~h 20 Corne now and buy apy article in tiqis store at cost or I Se Noth" I~ reserved' Eve - ng must *1 IM le SSM Suifs toi.18.75 J KmIekq~iN~ek~t style.....25e LIN Semis for.....1.75 Uc wsoe~4u Shirt.......39e 15e Lios ~am4 Voilais.10e L50 ~~Iiaitam Shirts.95e Se 3W. Urnes l'amis, moi 50e OIs~wm~ 5geas. 35e Éi.y se ~see Pami semis. se s*s*u l'amis.......3e4~ Wai~i5Ki..........~45 ,o, m~bd ESt.... 1.95 Tutu gives pou oaly a sli~I1i tels. et whai we aie eoisg y wIII ltwtIIpOy o~ato 4 yea r. ~arefo oùtof t1 drive, htween Kenoalia and Racine, i g~ ~ mlîîed tiiat. the ovuers vAS seUle Ijif an ixtention or rather a conjinuatioi? . uw'n the route ta .n~er the clty." TO AS~~ AX ~ t~~SberAdan driv~IA~iiICh~l.adBM0U~ AIRS AGAIN ~ ~A:A~ tAie other :ecunity TW e; ofth.disfanct rues ni:g tue top af AFF sure piaceedinga sud a rearganiiatiott vis the Airat necessary step, aid ne TO Tii. te» iuli,.,tretch between Knoeiia L COURT plan 0f entering tii, city viii iii ~5- and Racine vas partlaily graded sanie FEDERA cid.d upon îîntAA tie roorgauisatio. y.ars aga, but has neyer Ajeen macad- plan As formillatea. dalnized. Uiitli mOtar tramc becami Win' tii, conferenci adjonrned it What Was s for Sut. iioav.y tii. sou, wiiîcis packed veli in Plans are Presenisi te iudge was aareed thît anotiler '.111 b. dalied -~ tii. aeeuiity Sohols Fer rrom or,..narr veatiier, waa cousldered Groscup YesteriaY as te holders absent yeeterday rais b. biard muet of tii. year. i~way~ it ha. M,.A ah * taLer, ~, won, suvu. vu. m..u.vuu..~ fr0. regarding the stîpulatlan net W loto ruts sud baies by tii, cambined appeal f rom tii. decision oS Jadis Bernerai ~s Biais te traib~ 0< motor and bora. drax» v.- Gross~cup. ~,WTU, 0f mada ai la its aiiieclally Ca. h h. Tva plans for enterlng tue dty are~- e. aid rnany coiuplalnts bave bien D:clslo.:f Judge WIII h Visai . Twe fiat,. Conaldsred. I aulaxisuubuilats." . APpeel un<Ier conaideratian, anc ever Ui4~ _____________ From Dodues - Nartiivestern Elevated and tii. @tbei~ - MRS. -CASUIMORE over the Metropaîltan fram Atm Logad,. Ides et tf*~~x Sud ta Se DIEI) 14ST NIGUIT Motbed et EmhuIm~1s .~ ~ Squse terminus. Tiie latter plan tuvalves Lb. bulld- Dsasww.u #J%4 SOt te - - luige, Baya A~rmsy for lng of a lin. frcm Logan Square W We~ Harduhlp Resideot et Lake ~ Wilmette. ani At va. sald IL could not Y Il ~~u~s' fer ~ bei RuIes be campieted lu tvo jean under tii. Cpsh. maiL favorable clrcumstancOs, vilile (Prom W.dnesdi~'s SUN.) more Sooeumbs te Diabetes <Fr0. Wedii'esdnye SUN.> the otber route As open at a~ tiine tii.' canliîctina lntoi'iati Oui. (àgitiei. What vas gancroslty to the ichool Ather hl.n. .~ M..u~ Avenue Plans for a speedy reorganîsation A majority 0f both tAie Wiicesslll- syste. cf tii. stite An 1171 ha. b.- rom. Lb. oppoalte An .Lb. prisent day aI tii. mandai affaire 0f tii. Cbicago and tii, lilînols hiudboidus er*, andtheleataiat!te lu ta W atiked to tFro, Wèdnesday's SUN.) anil lhilwaîîkee Electrlc rallvay vere agrerd on tii. mute Ove, Uic Norbh'. aId wny. ~irs. Almira casusinore, vise O! .dlecussed lu Lb. chambers cf Judie vestern Elevatid, ai~d it As aald that The Ulinoil mat. Teacher'. ~ Alan, Citebmare, Sr., dled St ber resi- Peter S. Grosscup An tii. 1!uited mates as soon au rearganisation pAins aie- i nation IL 4W fecelit meeting ~dopted d.u'ce, corner cf Nartis avenue and campieted tii. cars flous MSWaUkAi i. a resoinUon ana appolated a commit- (lion Flore., lait nAgbt about 9 o'clock Circuit courtjesterdaY by tue varlaus vili be run tathe dovatovu diftxIM.. i tee for esci ehiaborlal district ta urge fro. diabetes and cempllcatlane. fol. aecuri(y balders lntrestusl. A gtliiu. Tva veeka ago Judas OtqeuBiê*it on senatars au rei'resentatives tii. lowlng an Alînees une. TbutadaY. j latian vas dravn tlp that ail ques- gave tise secuuity bobters aOtlec j~u necea.Aty cf makina a change An L$x~ Almira Knox va. hotu lu lb. Lavo Lions caused lltiulation shah b. decid-, unlesa tbey got together il Marebti il aLla» for of Nevport An 1845. and bas made ber ed hy Judge (lrosscup and there ubali' he wauld uaL deiay foa'uoiosurc ~. i ~Ui*i~O5 home An lii As cOniity ail ber il!.. ~ b. ne appeai fra. bis declulon. oeedings auj longer. Be snuoiinied * The plan ps'i0< 4. 1172 va. b levy a tait aI tsi, fuIs aid at tb~t date vas ,arried La Mr. whUiarn Chubore Attorney Levy Mayer, repreaeuting u.iat meantime b, vouid appoint ** h tus praducod an income af alaait ~» ~ Bealde ber husband, vbo As the bolders af $4.000.000 vbrth oS Wl.- operatAng receiver, but se a,~mo.UAie. 8800.000 for 5*001 purpaiea. Tii, a retired fermer, she leaves Lin steiu conuin )'onds. sîrLed lmedlate- fora- ment on tiat paInt vas made yisWl'-~ ~ legîsiature bult.ved tii mcliool need- I chlidren. Tii, funeral arrangements cîceure pracitedinia and an mcd cf day. cd more aul ,boiiabea tii, Lvo-m¶Ii bave not as yet been ccnipleted, and tue iitlgatlôn vhicii As keepAng Lb. ut vas said tuat as long ai tii. wo~i ~ »~~»g ~ apprepulatian af tii. date tii. services vAîl b, an- mmd lu bankruptey. As pro~euLed <rom ranning Ata osre. Si- a y:rinstie& Bt hbat $1.000 nounced Aster. Mr. Mayer Anuisted that the route ~ ~ bs~ ~ ~ ~ viii bu a1~ t but byvhhch the raid rniaiit enter the cALy autloiiî andmast o~ tic 10* us tlnuid tIi. ssanq. pipa vALuant Rc5e~î upan .your pimenf sî1eubseuuuent leuboature. slmPirta~)n.; THE BRIGHT SPZ>T~esI ~ ~ ~. .. onsffi.tediitdtldi<*U dj mcisoal, and poA$l$SIlAi ai veul ai tie- f55, ci .vliitii ~tOtj mais hua miuiY~ *~WhaL ve vaut ta do." b. 0! lic ~-I tact that the t~e..uW tua would pro- I nuit >mur 1 0<huis. sald ~ Lb. Lb, court Tue mmd la boUeS Asjduc. much mée ~su, tuas tise ~ vhc~II uses have saune -duauka conference.. "le Le sud tue 000,000 abOut 48,000.0* OS rn approprtatlon. 'At present tii. tva ; D~k8iiue, - litIgatian aîîd lot us ~knav vho avns outatandina against tiie illimêgi 41*. yicl* .~bt.*l,400~0O0 sud A ,ti~opeity. Wisc~s mchaçîs gel ouy$IM00. Tise state au~qg~d~z)'5~S fornier lîlan illflltable meUlaS ci 100.ottlng Lb. selioola. Tii. tex iaMulsd au ail- - ~, ~ propertyandAadivif5~7 districts An propertleh~ a aurniier a.bcol cilidren. Tiqa tIi. mon.? As vibre Lier. is foot pmperty, la uied viiere tic As greateot for At. Tie mm reooivcd by Rock- tard iaCb yeer As aient 45.000. Tic idea o! tii. plan As dqmoerati vicier cammunlties sasipliai tue poor- or trom Lb. sebool Lez p~uel (bus f0,11- ~. id. aid tins aidu tiie viiole uchool populatian vitiiont regard ha tue rich. ai 0f tii. comunltj. The resolution passeS by tii. staLa association is ai fcliovs: "Wberoas: iL As tbê fundainbntal Ail fl.îag C1ernr~ t a* thes. Lw~r principle of tii. Amoriea systern OC Ire. soboola that It ta ~oBtablO W WOFê tw@UB $ZS 11,F t tii propetty haldorto pa~ good mon.?- for gaod ueigbiiors. baiapse b. As tins made mare seculS hi-tue passea- aisn cf bis pmperty: oU tiat At la tuorefore juat that tue p~-oIaerLy o! tue stat. shauld pay tii. Sijiense 0f Ibe educatiots cf tii. cilhiron cf, tii. Mate. sud: Wiierea.: The pmpeq' educatlais ~ ~ .~ *~ 4 0f tii. chlldren of IliAndis - r.qulris ~I1mIDSU n.tB, WOnRUp i AQ ~ tiat a much larger abat. o! tii. acbooi to $10 1)0 * ~' I4tJSIUOS '15C, et tpnds be raleed by genetil taxation. sud; Tise sobool îav Pur Tbrows, formerly sold for rqû ~J4s1e Hue> puilç, blue, blac~ o! -~ iey a gin. $200 at w '.,, et *iilch ~ ~ regular miaou 4v $100 Corseta, long modela et sud cbildreu cation o! tue cbuldresi5 thp ~ cf Sweaters, womon~s and 37c Polai Ce~>s, mil colon, misses, $1,50 VS1lIO $1JS values ta tua tuat tii. aflupi tvOtatli #5~ oriahn* Patent Leathor Boita, -i a.. )ieckwew, Jabot. and lut provlded for h. aga~u~11e*led; ansi I ~JL~ collais 95o .,~ regulsi' 50c value........ (bat ve eaU upon tue j~ms~i _______________ bly to4,atore ta Lh& sO~if ~fund tbla ________________ Hair Nota, ail uliad~s, tvo'inuU'taa ah 115 luit Wblte Tee Aprons, 35C .12c k ~ S quality, apec~al i. j W.heve Ail tue Lassai TD Wg -Wednu ton mile atret i VAiws'sbeP arc 0f Sud vi r.-L-V*se. Tht. Vocal sud Instrumental Plecos sud mut lJp4o.Det. je

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