Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 3 Mar 1911, p. 4

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LAKE COUNTY 1 I) ÊEN D fNÈ IMPORTADEI8IN8 OFFICIAL. PAPER 0F LAKE CO UNTYj SupriCom tRedflTo ________________________ T4nnim cif Tmnort to'- >Oo. Tleph.'ae No. 1, LUtors Eesldenoe No. 1141. lUbertY71le neaingOe - nie Eo atheIIIP;ntomiet Ubert.rvtlle. MI.. SO Stecud 01.-SM ttOr menu wenarý. V an'CNQ D STUa SAu ENOWIf os A55L10AT105. SUBSCRIPTION PRICS81,.50 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN AOVA4C£ ,FRANK H-. JIJST .............. .-............................................. Eior t RAY L.. MUBBARO ...>.................. --........ ................... City Edior il - ~ - 4RùIAV,. ;ýi1R(k11 3,191. TYRANNICAL POLICE. il s' b' tE a e t' El p 't In the annual message of Mayor Osynor of New York, hoe sud February wl 21 that the abuse n that cty. of reugh and tyrannical hapdllug cf ctîzerit by it the police ha* beau mueit abated. Hi ha. deasît everoly with meny officera du who have thvs How far are the police oflicere îlsewhest gulity cf brteityt If you ~ asicte ons f Porpetual Rust wité focrata th it. lfwallcs, tioy would,1Il 1 you anywitere tht the.police are à bfssbeu geol AS iles»14 ieulU.ouébed c tempar spenda ilseif In cuit s qilkiecs on ttM pofebabt snd uooflnig. ci To cmbina gentlentasawit*, pçwer 40 a bonaaMm#tart. lde&IIt eery policeman beeda 10 bha agentleiianw ln evary mafttfeat*ttinof- forte ho sitouid usier b. the aggresael'. If hho a. te at aen aiMt, ho ahanAli firal command thtieff1eéer fo coma iong, sud.abo*4 ne tracu q violente untilithe c dispoikionýto rest has bmcor manifeet.C To reatize titla Ideal, however, la anether propealtlofi., Uvay arst atasIo lie probient of it. own ihuntan admini4traüopt.difftontL froe in ittprea-e cedsd i. lTe pdasbilillaa cffitsrm ln the prlaoer, the passo» n forces I cf evil titat may lie witliln hi. heart. irae bfie.alod by that Upentrabie ad moutle. human face. With reason and conduet diatorted by ltexlcstlng tiquer, t takas s akeeniIntelligence, ý* loegtudy cf humaitnalMyr@fe r -a peI"n offces le .1toitt pcsbliitasfor damageIl*e wthln the mai whrn mhaoiuet, itare or laits nte custody. lTe sreat erowd E; usually agalnet the police man. It cipoebt hm te bear unovad thhiàunts f drunkeut mon. lit oupatatI ta tpersuada by fine worde main Who yld te .thlegé but terne powar.that tley droas& In great eli..e, wher policen'a jobs are pltee«ted by poerfut peltîl puli, as in te avili referréd te by Mayraeyfer, tisa voitesof prétéet of ait IransElet n a mountilu of rad tape end police ntsy heeoibm itasb ft amaller tewns titey are more apt te siiit-t hhe cate Ihe-rougit hoée, et #treet crowd titan te gIve.aiedIe&s buffeta TH-E I.UMBER MONOPOLV. "PForly years ego thrae-fourths of iaangthe bai sèpu jly owel New about feu rfIfthit lati.privstaUy ows.d.» Thiasatrtling eontrasl le quesifrel te r"cent Mrie-if Corperalon C;mmt@WJoner K. K. Smth. t la ena ealeuiated te tir meIsnchoWy'taflfelets Older man ean Weil rouai the populer words of an old song, tetto h* t that "UncUe le rcit aneuit ýt ithant&1EE a farm1 0f e, Ufta. à a cer- tanpint it adtied te public wealtittegleayEnd IftaeOe1s t plant lai. wn erop, sdui slit, hie contributien of hile wri or itissi abo te the dev.Uopme.nt of tite country wai sueh tai ha mode s rature for'wht a td bae geu hEu.. 14 But when te goveruiment lave away timber, to ralirone an d thoms the owurs hat uothing te do but le lot thi forciss oel enau shiiie de- v.Uop a rch ferest.growth, witeEiy spart front any contribution of labor oun thoîr part. A general Incres hi th.e cet of tiuilding materîas ha@ oceurl during the. put few years. t la a commen testlmofiy tht It cos15 à Ihird megle put up a gîven type of houai titan 15 yiars &go..The. change heu lad te a raid lciasa lu lthe usa cf. cemînt eud ether subtttes for Wood. Ifaf titii govorumet given away tmbir resourci. las lavsly, It 'aeuld nt hava bae pé"e -Eafor tioele ttreserves te hbus» elaeely co-tled by a 5mw h"d MAuait o!thi .southern pine, whlah sortilfor $125 ait cor, à$ uew Worth W& me% eerian. t-ofr. -Bmlhh'i eheefut remars. Oue oflan ams mon undes the. Influeece oSflquor. wite ll haut s roltof bils eut of tthepookel, sud i.ak te show thoir,goo foleUouiip by dEitrlbWntlt tentamen@ hoîr friands. Uncie Sami anduifpolley -h»sbop e utuehIItitI .uet wht tIntoxicant lad hlm te tiis «" of c gnoeus exhiarOtEoli W. flever *feuni eut. But. il muut hav, beau a omothleg plretty warm fln the blêbal Lake Oounty. lwîs fiud onth i, e ra*s- imail sic.. ln thia ouety ais0 oa id contro i te SIca wsJte? >fid t8s ýtomg, afflrdlng tu a deeMubU f fthg 3preme coure roafejal Baturda'IX th cis ofWil4tlankWlto and éther gaiust *udeipit Vânan spi end .tl ra lnn naCtion aaM tu hai'Peb»"ntoi *eapisesiug @4qgbetiy; FrenitT. Feu fr %#a actil, fi ti.ti mr. îhe Uic cJee cls cf greuSolt 110 porta.nce to t'ba connty-tbOea ore3t Water CeMpany atest tN City et Liaisa t Io i 'hich, aupeatue Courttoday reridqt thi ruieïd tlha4the p"e«LntactiOt b' diainised ait b-1ave bc> 1gi tu Ile .0w suit. This was tltO decISIOD tb. ai>pellecourt, Whtelt lea aormiw Thé ictIonIl a a Protebt Of lb$. AM comwefy in-action of t Lake;yort 2it councl In 5f<tcibby e ràl»ali ueltin g tlu rit* , *gr rate$ rII rate o e- . enu t, l'Ni.o Iaibons a imiuiinmate oetS89tii the inutil Consumer, tn 20 centn per 1,000 g. ong and 14 te th.eiMinimnum iconsuU Wm.ILAYCOCI( Ce. Opotit a it pdralli t epot .Machn Sw Rug .egDes OverrhàaeC A lai Lino of Sundries. Trs paired. Whou in Truu.ll 66or 1262: 110W SOCIETY AMUS<S ITSELFi - An lnteraatng aidligitt on "how tie ti her haIlî Va"s- iven ln4ta try a MEDYGIIS DLM lent outl of s flate battis bitweau Mon Selon Rbbett briedyugruie-a- ter oS Lord 0Dodue, sud Aîtitony Draxek ;- eauly ttai kby aàPh.* ffa"eht expresistSas 1iettIa*nd ntaMbattis." "s.nashlug loft hoite 1,o hio eVat ua jaw,» "terrifie loft swing" and."oW ilIcs" tuend by @sethe Ireporta., 0 faly deeribif tIs internatiouSl combat, t won avidently ne pussy fot aSl- tlaak EXPouianuac- fair.r n». ' IL Starm b«4aet- Of courss, tiis le a day et tue mueit lazy softne»As A $part demandng: Sta.14.d" a lpçgsoy. cour*ge. pef endurance pute iron n Jte saf.leoW'aseul,sud, nakas hlm -able t. wsé ube OUA1 o look t ai 15V physical parils'anf Ille wit eut thte pale heurt oS a cowgsd. :wai ebe asaal No douflt is was a perfecliy cean sud sperteuttsulke cofiteet,.iflit theoU"$Wito are IIL Write ta de- yoq!eg mon eflplt .tuirpirs, ne tey probably did, thte sprit of he match a t er.cea j osti unotuleS.&Hoz prum..l fter. h fetooi 'Berry patient la gtan li ta l-: But althbugh boxlng le, husana exoaediuig(y useful brsuet f îh onlc, 0 dîvidual attention of Dr. Slari4 ift4tugh Il may bhansd eten ls a gell.oms'sante, eue May w0 leethl:whociefexpriene of mny .y ealu , our .11e social cErrcla ara nt golua fo ltroduce sucit enreuntteas a usuel : enables hlm toecorrectit dlag. teent ef social entertainlng. e Iblitaf I'rnce betweau te more cevare ferm of bexiug sud ellier gentti.a. 'e~ ali ent bave banwe su'.,. Eslit aumaned tendancy lu thfo frmer te take 5f vîfiage e i. 01ay r~iioi. e pityaiesE waakuess. a 0511 or writee If a man tel le faint eta Il came, 'ahîle d.fsndljg a baie.te oppeming : 'SERI REDICIL DSPEVSIR! leam *éieuld nt cr could nt laite afvenlsge. of Ils wesitnoisanfd dmatiltai ghbae9undefeufed. A substituts fron thlitplayers' tientit would los pro- 28&3269 De;rboru elt. CHICAGO.e vIded. But the purpqee of s pugililsUa beceu nler te preduca ttaltory, condi- e tIen of pitysical w.slmeêss sud fallure, whlch sperts lîka base hall ar ea.ea.isaiae ùWgôl0isc svanlage of. . tll --- The Cozg 'Corner BARBER S11O~ IIl..ri.4ce<ri ilLewý'Iagg. Propristo; 9e d à -W r or À' Il .Kxtn lI 'it-41,l ing an ii prn.Ite, ti rster -Of BUILDING MATIERIALS i LIBERfYVILLE. IL-lINIS LUMB!Re SASIl DOORS. MOULMINOGS Laundry ftgency Watera Moned GLASS, LIME.'CEMENT, SALT k I'!!D. COAL, BRICK TILE, SrWER PIPE, BUILD)ING PAPER STONE, DRAI14 TII!. Se!!D l IYST .AW - - POULTRN SUPPLIES W e Solicit a Shore-,Of Your Pot- rouage. No Orders ýtO large or 10 a"él to itilt. Give ýUs a, trial' and bcootvinced. r UEMÏ ï< FIE1 IIE13 MA E aW*PARJP' R Abùndant,,Capital Aeelto M D1ritorg. as uxgwnernce £*, - o~I Capital $50,000.00 Surpulu ad PI'rofltâ J0,000.00. ,"tmtkho1ator'o !lIabll1ty 50.000.10 Tdt *8000.0 SCIIANCK BL.K Matas, fat& e-la*o»iof t4 omit uaad timmiega Justnow vrw hava a me nawltof dsk lndgess ad Insertions, In uarrow 00>. terne et ......................). ...... ...... ....... cs.e ar* Thou asPeshke, ltae m.r4arizîd, Foulards. are- going fin. ànly ......... . ....... ........dc pr aw* +hoe ver nuwest tlght. fIttlný Corcata Covars. t.e Veronlqub, la ely 50C It colts Yeu mord ethor places. Drop lit and se. tii. 'Tlesu. OlGirtamt" lsn't a finer ssaart. GROCtR! Poll quart Blomarciteh"Ohow ..... ...........-.. .... . ... Seat.................ausa................ . .... Tu1yPOO achan....... ........... .......... .UO Wltab b"aa ulti ei TM. .............. ..... W.WeiCarroil 'j -, aaeaa~aaaaaaaaaaes~O*@~~ê o q o o o o o 'o 'o o- e-. lA g ~sI~ PHONE47 LIB:ERTY.VILLE Down by tIieOôy'Depot LL KINDS 0F'COAL, DSKE AOIIND BUT CL4EA COAL, I lE I T1113 B~$T. pI POR. CttANP SWEE T FEEDS - IOMEOF THIE-RED COMB POULTiCY SUPPLIE$ - -e..- nywher - tant exceptpmWi.hy 'tg> .j.e j=.Ào. b. -tuied into gcood fod-po w expçn he pok ay be. àn par&Uul-ioiiewfres ttel t he c=«>-th= tg Sa »tatLqflfd THIs~ W LasMore Oliver, 110. ïi Gang jaiabo- lutely the. liglitcntcdrap uit o.1 would bco hrwoti 'D!01cr-L atlz5 tand Ictpa1 sas uif etac, mtinde are =ad* for bN.a -aa to suitl&t e uu ste- utthora are lotb more. For .quirm0nt, esmpleffiec=luaime,patented draft IJ ipeul.Thfr le a very lnportaat featue., em you cean veadiy undrtad-om W".,hyoowdll apprecluto wt îargu- ain i and«on * a1eio *rango pm i ofekWl eWhn lumng eaay alba 4 mppito a4uwupde au 4crctinuit»aned un.- lar mqwi ma sztd py çofflsolof th eeao IuYipe And k woake1&e a. kitife going throîajh apime ofcicheese In tu linda o »Msud isgsuiteclto the. roquhwomotofa&U ki"dof plowing. Aok lOJteoaud yoila"Y it, thi cianfor7OU., Need à walklia, pluw ôt ea Uweo2~lIs's um CUVE that *dl Sait youI Il B GEt, ibrtvll, U tel FU, iî:i. effective. I VARM TOOLS-, F' ChahmmnigMl fpaimWagons ~pw pedr A OMPMUlNE AFIT' ip r

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