Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 10 Mar 1911, p. 7

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FUTDA, MXCH 10, 1911. Fii -la tsra an logewit qMd sr, WpertoR.J. .Caàmiors*te os.. O 2eui - ~~mbasioo blvud Gooti jsit, ~sIsd8Sepib 1.00 bis@Wb. Vfflt viniai ie.II p2- Fsr, mev, ApXls oJ il. Svalor ffliui 8 l i tofice, ebs-i E atiagba' 1.0or ach Cel10t1 o*OW 9. 111. ounori o ITORoud k-- 0- - 00Ii0 ogL. Will my oiàfti li on. dmu» eberuug otwIt, tire. tabWs aMtiebe.modlern style boldo . Options _Md ovonzhbg oomplet. hO .rart on0ses era~Wlu. xhruaty 1tov prk*-lot b.Addroe or PoeilxIsuPajugl fceah Grayolahe PhermacY, GJ 0. tae, lm. - I MERç,8,ANoTIER A AN-7 stuaud 2Inuch!hgb hog leneeGliiO .a12 atmui barb cirâ i 5c Per :zWîau Fasca Cait- c24-1 FOR SALE-gociJoersy lavitcol duet tocWieli aIle de. inquire î FOR SALE OR EXOHARGE-Wiiql or'ezebmpgs ure $ble wagon haud nae and 1100 Lb vost horseanor barpeo4 W divl bahise*sud liai bodup 'nob. CAs. A. Bowirr FOR SALE-Nice s biuldinot» 1t eliporto ut ova; laloilir& c-ubun nualesta aeu illeake AvoülWtieTI priis ares uhthh better buy your% nou P.CIIABBDELE & WE Li ILertylrtîle. FOR SALE-My propera> on Firi etret, one-bail bloci nortiî of aid ,k-çc AjidresaJ. . i. oun. Llbertyviite. Il Telephune 664. -17-tl FOR SALE-Acre loti. on i>yxoud bpudtvisioli, close tla aucuand ecIa-i -FOR SALE-Loto iu Lie Dymond ni -.Ata i bdiil<dol, 501140- $ 100 ese 45 $do*u, $6 palr moutb. iivmolo FOR SALE-4Choice iots lu C. Vra Wright'aodiitlof, 5<15U, fer #20:.l FARMS-9 bave a large bat ut la ccnnmty larme ta moel oboumso andlk i village. Dyssdoxi & Arse"*. 491-t! FOR SALE-My proMety u co rner llilwaujkoe Ave. ani River Rond hi mia., nîrtb of Llbertyville, cuntaioli d% acre. gouot buidng@, ani plenty fruit and shade ttees.goAd watt-r and verry gond location. iuqutru of iB. Fw, Klbiertyvi',le, fil. c-lJI-I FOR SALE-lSeven room bouse wv bath, aud ail modern improvements,1 50%150, o o ndl mrst. 1 Puire Vla Suvuahi, bertivllio, IIL1201 FOR SALE- A Gguu- bouse &ud base- mnt sud lOt.5Y 150 on Second St.- luquireofoId A. IlANtaN, Libertvilîle, Ili. P-4 F0il SALE-95 acres, 5 mils. oribvot ol Uberiyvlls-Ail nicesimprovet I lut. lat wni voter. gondi ml. tea runs*i FOliSALE-Loto Iu Bammomi suh- ihnD. RoelleSaasocalle pfice. Eay menho lquire or K P. 1 lit. ,P-2"4 FOR 8ALE-Tbotoughhred B. C. I. e foregsla batehlnir. 11.00 for 15 *6.0 hatisi.WrIte or sappt>v L. A. AMSUberhyvlo,IlIL, Boute 2. A>22-4 FOR SALE-At Derleli, lit., 5 room cottoas. goibarsuadti alk, lai 50x810 ; s4 minulsa alk fren station. Ca» or WrIte LIia iles.- .-22-tt 1 U flIT-sorn tl oui u M.ot An l eboh .Iffire l oI FOR RENT-c.utraJ Row.a oekelièr, lu. isquire *St Qomcaor o*1- l.. Huuc bargorfirsI oros0P ia os et Muleuihe vuas, amw tebiriCourt. er a nd dite t. rmai alto fur- olbimonse, wglu teei maes ith or- vltbout board. Drvou 9 AiaiI 40-tl FOR tENT-Bovaraàl 1ea4 bon sd am, lilage; &ao hbéea= ban aai çigkou boums vltli b1f era I&la lust astida cy aite . OMBcnAEflUE& banaLus, Liberhîvila e, -144-i -0fR RE4T-Fie oo -ouson tkhoci -dt O c am - endAIr. VL or. E I F CLas*ok -' u9 ilh Have joukr pressai louasa chsir»or litre ec trmes for jour preuslt105e ,obas. Liat Lodti vit .mirt-, rova, *1.00 ami np. Idachoueadru, *tore the Rexail rug Isacra, poumo n Gue Mt ,aud iMaison W*gu»ua.lit. :c 219t d'a WANMU I<WANTED-6 Paire or mor%, Ilt year's guneas-. laquire atbidchi lc. bd p-24-2 'eh;WAtiTED-Gooi fartn baud@stah900d aâge*. For parbieuiam-aw rite toi VLTOit I DuFEvaa. R 2, Waukegee,.lîl. p24-3 wk WANT-ED-Ilan, peut 80) wth h10-8 .0 ud biwgya , 41 alto*c4 oditlo0 ti powd..r lu LahaCountt>'. 8ir flermoutb Add4005 801CUnit> Bdg. ad ndspoilm. indibua.. p24-1 fPLAIN SWlGl»uath bo..a of o 'id d.pot. or wilgo tohomue ifpreferred, ait-rCIOnià M. Nas. -2- cfWANTE-fiiri for geral bousework. d î, odk<ages- N.weeateRotel.Libort.~ MONEY TO LOAPI MONEy TO LOAN-OS impi-ovai formes 1)>moud &Antn. P'50-l I LO)STaoÔdFOM& 10tbatglo1es l osk room -sa 1%. hjI, al Fb. 27. Ovuer hiuiot0 oeotgs iGridle>' arm à buk ful i etglu sace. Thi. lefterm B. B. appar othle saek.Fiodor ph-ais#$ase ah Bolt Brehts, Prairie View, It. e-Bs-i STRAT ED-A lack« wbo »swuers ro lb. neéof "Bus." IHe ma>' b recagniami by ttis olloDIn marks. Bié noum, fot àad tanl alpa wth vhite, the hody> bkLsi.Wa luad abMut lob. S. àA lbaraleward oSféea. Jmà c3smu*aBozl4, R. .1. iSt Patrièk's DayI Z Greeuarnatofls et 60Cents per DOZen 1 or' 5 Cents single. PIoe qour orders aow end gbebummthve tmm W,willhya fut amU à 01i Sids. Bulbs end ut 'Undof PPlants Etvergthiq et die L.west Prlce MfERE3DITHJ FLOWI3R -4, VEBfiABLe-CO. jw oo0ta omer cen of 0.1 à ."Éo Durs M ianée, Bet oOldiM ga," - h.i nefegtin irnr am inggrum tudaa io- , , A...lft- o bon~~~ *a --d brnes eu lof bn effls<a tnea ic aNews. lm gd. thst meho t m 04e wbich consisted of spoole 'of M ilm an Vu . tee~~~~ The U,=«"tinof heM m fft la ao one tu pro- MW t~1 i mat. If ar17Brao.n, act ity *ti meaainst LtheihunierWl sager ci Nme 1lev al.lter BSent. onth* gty IUMUa, stray bulleta rom Ler u lb the uaand fler Keller: whose 1»pUs rquently ondauger l tk »gMater, met thel r Waterloo at P-00 MdUI ym lit*-.L City ooqnCi U Md authorlttea general. oi. ro t a o ai4e Zurich It la ceb. p h , out t.vlhe v-il, r to "ui te épauldJng via thb. M1I-kegat ~M C1 .rsrc h u ak@e,#m4vhera u fre a t aru suMd tu, malle public the gju lut 0f1 100 bWo bai r Lunting licen- f11 grebflOu datcbiaa a freigbt aes. that tâtaq mepobslble for the du civOTthe Ilal. Joliet & jiasteru dition del bdMay blinowu. .s« tbe lake. The '5., J. & E. runh no! The peitiots à- t la clrculate mai!adwe, teugertrains sud would ho passen- 58 fOlIOW8'-5 'lu t 8 are accomadateil lu the cahoose City of Wanloega. County of Lake, tUr' trtst ha bppustacae State, 1INWW taand 'anytre»t hatb"pns o cme To the. Honorable. The Mayor and City l"' go -bgpDleli th"t on »lriday afLer-, 1. We kaUndralgned, because cf cm a quantlty of "taen merchan- Our serli oso,00 for the prosorva-so vas oundat paulingan<Ion ion ot .vwtlilus tb4t contribuiez to a vufoud e Spuldng nd-on:the natts élaru a ofaur Nort BbShre twic! there vfe a bey afdet;ec- region, ad jî CtklarlY of Our beau. es ad railroaâ toutha Bti the lune- t let' b-'àiËnwould respect- ,T n. Thbe-locul delegatlon. watlng for fallY eallYOUI attention to tbe follow- o d-inig conuidérsations and suggestions andfo rmn vue ordered to quit thede would petIto thtt you Lake such se- -il L 1 tLion Lberoo as la yuur judgment may lu Dne Stopped t0 argue and one f feem advtsable: oÈtcars Madie a crack at hlm wltb 2. W. befleve thut the practice or hunting wltlba ur corporate limita i bilie." The quartot tarted dOwB ahoulti b. everely outiawed and that' eB., J. & B. tracks only ta b. heai- efforts abould ho made to dîscourage Off by another -detectîve. Decld-'onch practice, la Lhe region immediate- that the. place was too densely po:.- ly bordarlng upi our confines. Of , bhe îlti gainesazImals that oriIlnall3' Led for them, the four started for haunted the fidtested areas of aur. up- me; The aleuthe gave chase. The landis andti ie 'arshy meadows and gli baya, overy one of thern a good ITroves of the g8kle acarcoly a repre- ilair, utariped hemandthen sentativa survivea and this wholere- deteoivea penedDre.glafolo lngerofforsa alegitîmate fieldi e d~Ies oened ire.for the activities o the hunter. one of the four retnmned borne wlth 2. If coesslfemetions or humanity amat aImait tarD front big back. and of thia charin which a touch ity eresult af a dive, headlong, through: the w ild i iveà te, ne's stirraunidings bared irefene.The aLlier Lhree avait anythlu, aurely tbe wild lits arbedvIre once.that stîl tiveilaithin our area or 1med tu have cleared the tour foot mîigrates t. asud tr across our boun- cql vithaut effort. ,darleis shoulti bave nooccasion ta fear the preseace of Min' _______________________ 4. It ta ol>fil the sprlng time that oeeeeeeebeeeeeeeee.ooe the migratug vilti fowls tarri' for e ani length oLUnie vithin aur area and 5that is jusl tb. lime ln whlch accord- A~~Ni W AN ED: ng to the tutimony of the most Intel- AGEN S W A TE *1 ligent iBportgmel. wild 10wl should : rer>vbere b.uter the protection of Ziter er ao aaly cru$3 othe game la*a. Etter el au soly arn$3.0 . Those vbo go out ostensibly Lo t.86.00 per day telling aur lgh e: se-k wild Saine otten make that a pre- grade stock. No experlence nec- * îcxt te pro> upon the bird life which ousar>. Sieady eDiplaymeflt. e j, aider Lb. perpetual protection of Oufi Ie. Py eelw the stato lawr-, There la pra.ctlcally : nothing to-huit for miles without our W. E. RGSSNEY & CO., area andif lia verav bhunter golng NURERYeN about in Our MUsl*eltMerins our eus- 9lomminglon, 11 : i . 6. FIre a=a.s@,J.bê lrrepooselbio euso..eeeueeOO*SCOsO eebunter area lalg monaco ta those living on Lb.epvhy of aur city. ______Surely dwellerç. witil'the corporaLe limilta of a city mbasuId be free tram ____________________ the dangers wbiebh ueked the condi- tions of 111e in:lb. froat4er towns Of t b'~p pit. 7. Fùr reasons Mch asi the above w.-t el :eie -evety' legltimate effort ,àlhoiid le made ta dlacourage huniitng ln and rmnrloiw ur City. 8. X"e 1,eiieve that aur city ordi- nances tol.iddmg lb. carrylng of tire arma and their use vithIn the citY limites hould h. rigitily enforced. 9. We do net belteve that violations of these ordinances> meot wlth the prompt Investigation and action that the situation demanda. We wauld. theofoie., suggest thaL your Honorâffe Body 500 that the proper officiais area atmanighed to on- force the sali aitsces effectivelY anti without bear or favor. -I Il. We woulti mufffat that your LANSINOBody une its Influffenost. restrain the llceulag of lire -arsi, eapeciaily Le minora, and that i r*nueut.'thecttY cleri to furniehb yaqr body vltb a liat 91, thote residontg ÈtWouegsn hav- Before buyins a silo iî1* or ia t the prestU l icenses phone, O. CJ4HAWK1NS to bear firearmi a, t inblform your Beltrom time 1: vatever prmao lw Dames are i dt 1eLt C.ý e.- Ilinis or ricbu 12. We would f rtirrqueu3t your the beet slave Silo madle Bai>' to suggem t I. bea lu autbority nme fealbie plan lia UtIng the hio liplan for erectiflg saine* intereat af tbe scoQ o liiren la the PHIONE WAUjKrGAN of the region. The, gtabe law requir lng tb. toaching ut* hUoautY to ent- masashouli iîtie ltsougbttul abserv- 9151 aes serve to mtim*la. lateroat lu aur vild Ie andItiLsproellUC. AnY roc ALSO I'ARM!RS PHIONE ommondation oU t b. art ;Ï Tour Hon orable Baidy relattlng t tuis mattel ________________________waulti carry great vufghl and wouid ~ ~ greatl> aissiat aur tobibu staff l In - - unencing the achoel oblldron ho re- Io,-,D ft T M apect the vii ildfe tOfu&r&a. la Tees'Owrn Kuma I13. ln furthering lthe burposes abovo set forth vo, thse undersigneti thle 1boum"4petitianers. pleigo yen sur cordial Sul)- , gport anti co-peraltli.. Roy. StanclIf, Prari'Vle W--------...23 I tnte Mller, sie t 1 ltpsd Vautouuui CIBSIOV Théodore Loef, KqtOO$ ..........23 T1 Cao. ha Cua .,ha Mary O'Harre, Raellio------------.2 C+me Tha CIOus e*om Robert Day, Lihorty'lI6 ...........19 W wate lup- Leuil Nelson, Aiitbca----------..21 la Benjamnusouthertofl, fhigland Pk -31 '*.l'Vacuuu Lydia Buchanua. lae roreat-..3 tlsifor adver- Autone Morawes. 1Mglvaukee- 3 bing pupomes.Lialhian l3oeder, aO»........... 2 5,,"Y orChautes GregermOl..Gliette, Wio.-.25 tbe entlib" ofGrace Goubar,Bmrne........... 2 b.U~liC elbert Whildon.. O91ao ... 24 fer =.Mde CI*=aGieseke, 9 e.-----------2 lebraguMtu do _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .!Wols 1Oigari mi »»»d 1t 4b$rty"flfles uto Blote Alter rieiag the pulice ahatement or de bdow.safr givalrslow. jlon iabi Onme îo «this *eoaeilu: - A -rom. Ir iwhlch uredei nra go. wbtehbas pt lb. kldnoe inlugoci bs ýaindcs, ka b. retlotiupon to perforgu lb.e mao oek le other anas. Rosi bi. !rank Joues, 208 N. oame. St.. caukoga , IIC.sso - A lo y e n a i cve a publiceshaternent 10 tIi.;rut mot aos'@Kidnpy Pilla bai curai me kidua> compteint. 1 wiliingly cou- n ail 1 said about Ibis roudai aia mo. 1 haît acute painm Iu ml kidoys id nu' bac va. so eransd lame it 1 couli mot stoosi or tit. 1I Bics. I tirai sud vas anuoyed by Irregular magea of the khune> aeeretion.1 met imes notited Ltat Lisaecreaîons8 erscat>and tbert vas a Ceimet ib.m. %Iterthe do,-trr bai fàtled ta ir nie, 1 pro,-ur-1 unrtt'- Kidmey Pilus id IL "uird-rl .it i h e"ntents of Lwo, )a" au le.tdîr- mlu ogouillî teb. IPrsile by étiieeler.Prite 0 cns »ter-Mullburit C. ' lfalwYurk, le agent for the ied Sutes. loumember the mr->as-u âe Dre uther. 24.2 The clue tu wviere you are to -.ok ra long timo ho cornenay ho. found tf yqu're oonklng for auch a plue- totiay's itelp Wanted adle. auls of aumtBking Powder. No dapinla- na fia.latbVY. scgY biecuia, cake. or peutry. Jua t hc lihit.igluiest, moat nniformly raised maitmeideli- cloua food 'o em ae SM MN. MILLER. Atteessy Adjudication Notice. Cor ! as(omany. osa 6W= eo tobs hoMes t theo CoriHoue.ln u nhgan b "M uti on the orsi Mndai o1May morsfi. 51.shn aud where &il pe boe iylu l i iaAN N IÈL EI. Admlna tix 0814 Nlo. atchL6 1911, te 28m11. Adjudication Notice. WlblcUce h hoàn» Sinon ID hat the Bob- striber Admnlslix oft he Estae of Simon Aikoter. Oueased,. Smatenod the Cnty Court ot Lake Connty. etia terni ereet ta b, hona h.Courtlioue ln cnegan. 1 m1=I 01 the . $ Il rsi Monday of May Osi. 1911. shon a shere aSU persan@ havis. chimmja zs alI EtaI. are 50119.4 and j-ludlcaUount the DaeR. taIdWCout fo- ROSI£ *LOFZB. dlmteaO ix. Waukegan.1Di., . 7- .1911. c21-3 Adjudication Notice. tabicNtela hoebv alven liaI the tub scribe, sèdix of et .Lam Witt and Testament et Mgary F.Baa. doceaaed. vlU at"fd h. c-fot,. nrSo . isltcm tv.a Baia cour trocujimiu Rolie eWranVeLDEeur caukegau, MarrI,6. 1911 pl- Public Norias la hereby gciven ibatth1e buh- *rliber XItrIcx 4)01 at 1J ansd'l'esiarsonit William X. tebsu deeised. wsOl attend the Couniy Court of Lakrec Cueil. ai a terrothereet te be Solde,. ai the Couart fBosse lu Wfflk«i. hi ça lauiî. aunlthrsiMutnday or Mar saext, l911. wheu and ichere aIl pensonst ering claie,, afaiftit laid anate are neLl an Sd ELLILN RINEIiAN. Expeutrix. W aukeraili.. February 26. 1911. r-28-4 S. L. Tripp, 'B. F. Rouae, Irving E. Payne. Preosdent. Vice Presîdent.Csur TIE-C!TIZENS9 BANK ROCK!.ITLLER, ILL., Our Saringa Deparhmsnt afi'orda the farmer, tlabarer, Chiid andi lwaman a convenient, afs and profitable meana of lay.ig awaY their aurplusàdoiIars. lOop.aa account. Interest riiawed et 8 par 'Cent par annVm. compoundeçi aemr-annually.. PARTN2I1S AND DIRECTORS: EL L. Topp. R. F. Rous*.. Irving E. Payne. Bon M. Miller J. ýL. Tayiar. J. S.*0rldhey. Partuera' licapnueibility Aplroximahel7 $10000»M te date lurmitue. W - are compelled t. doue put our midwlnter stock et a great saciice ?Wlsoupërolit on Our lbus? values eah-............-.. . -... 14.86 016.80 values---------.... MIA Morrds Chairs S9 values..S5 48 Dînning -Rorn kTables 01&.50 values----------------BI........ $150 Library Tables BI6 valuces e 88.98 Daoonports $28 values at-..15 ISettees 020 values et-.......9 E il . KOULTiEe BON IL AIlAS Aluss, AdjuicahamNoteice. Wau - Pub] sc ribei luofAu& * çýoimt ,TélILE iE VLLMàjJO. ~l u. Mi.. Februari M., 1911.-"- Adjudication Natice. Adjudication Notice. Publie Notie in hereby iven 1h11 thé 5%b- 9sedlber AimnibItrâtrix oethel,, nats 01 jMal.ow t. Smith, ieceased. vwW talu f~ Me WnIyCourt 0f Lake County. ea aermU lbe 01 g e holden ei the CoultRuuse tu W&Rke5. lna od Oounty on the OrstI ionday 01f sv neIl. 1911, when end where aui îersomb hs1 l rie m ialasi aaid essae are î.eiped rejuoed te Dresent theine o 0lad court -for CLARA 1. SMITH Admlulrmtrit. Waukeoan. Ill., lebruary ié. 1911. P-2" - Qenhar Tablsaf ......... 1.8 Plate Racks ait-........ 2" Marris Chaira *5.00 valuesaia $2.48 Librarv Tables $3.50 valuesa t $2.80 Rock@ers $3.75 values si...*2SB ee et 82.50 Value at ......-...i1.7 A PNo 11 New Iron Bed. .43 values Stnard Colors S 1 .89 FI UOPEN EVVNINGS UNTIL SO'CLOC'< TRE LISOMTVILLE ISSION FURNITI*ICOIflh L K m miLr. LmmS Pm" Ou SPECIMENPEBALLO7 Village of Libertyville Primary Election to bc held on Tuesday, the l4th day of March, A. 0. Village Clerk. E0P-L E'S PR1MARY BALLOI For Preeldent (VOTE FOa offa) QM ROBT8CNAEBIELE Foi Truatees' (Vois rôt Tire) EF. G.(CLEVELAND Q. R.MACK J . B.MULHOLLAND For Cormtteemoeï For President, (Vote toc Onie) n- C. H. KAISER For Tvinstoee, (Vote for i-ue) Q ROB'. C lsG1BI ol.-7 the il -ý 1 1

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