a4.oo~ e Rock and pIymoutý =okaaiu'Y'0= 10 ,Aloo eaood &eydiake, DLi.Phono Grayoela e1011. 024" FUR 8*U-Omd o*@,fearly W bita Rpolo, tU 44 Ib »coeW d. Fi*s * l»M ooqsz mus cmai. ood ,i.ld.. P,4o &Oopwerb, bâexhezs. - Y"*&I Uowa, Prisrvie Vo. LP-2"4 FORSMcE*-OrUd ut-,i range ctb cniqoves md coppor rervefr, new m 0.Appt, tu J. Mý 5cM' or 80 bom 8À 10& ffce c2et FON SALE-Oalsasay md touatan,, ou. druni *eulmg outit, tbrcetable. md eira, modffnetyleholde a. epoca. à" maverstinx om0tpte tu tat anl es essns pvw «»pf mtylot i ne for, noce &t Gteyeleke Pbarueay, Graye- lot$, 1*.tf FOR BALUL-4ood, Jerpey faiily coti du. k) cal". la afle 'desc. [equire- of WI.UàU 85'NLLàlAN, tlbertyvfiie, 111. p-24-8 FOR SALE-Nice higli building Iota Igt ail pete 4u9tloch; ai»() tiret elâse bogi- e.ltsoiMila4e. Arenne, The prte.are riglt. better boy yors 3)0w. SC9..EILE & M iitEILztt, Liberty vide. FOR SALE-Mly prupert>. on Firtc treet, ens-bail bloek rt,îrtit tf titidepot lr Aditreu E. il io. iî, .bertyrllt. 111. Teiephoné.664. .-t-17-f FOR SALE-Acre lits ut >,înt coîlkiiicl,tice tu tiwn.aiid eýtrii. rarit. Prie. 520<>1>. Uvîtîmo & .Aert 40-if FOR SALEÈ-ldetu.it iti- f>matd andi Atîciri eubtiîvl,în, .iOsi4O- $ £00 tacli; $5 docti,#r ix-r mntih. )VMordô & A UbTI N. -44-tf FOR SALE-CIaoire iota ln C. Franb IN'riu iî'm ,ilditlo)iî, 50%150, f-r 420 o-01) $25iLîtt nd$1l4>.tt. i à r,.kAu ris 40 tf FARMS-9ie have s largefo t OfetLait cx ont>. lamt-îcoeilt.&Wuo umes andi Ii'. lu villosesa. Uvliioui &AtTî. --I/I- FOR SALE-.lMiproport>. un frrerof milsauke. Are. and hIiver Road halL mî.north of Letsviile, cuîttinlit e5j acre. go<>J buldings, andt pienty ý-f fruit andi estide trms, goot catir anti s tsi, anoi location. Inquire oft. i. M bka. .lie myv.isli. -21-tf FOR SALE-lstou taous bouse clîl bath sai aIlmodmIipnoveunute, tut SOxiS, enSecon clit. Inqure o 1-20-7 FOU SALE- A a S o bouse ait batit-c met sa lot 50 i.. 150 ou Second 8t. inquire etfId. A. iliANL»N, LibertyviUie, lut.p234 FOR SALE-U6aceff.fi l mles nortcesl oi Libery vile.. Ail it,. improceti lesai.t Pieity ail caler, guait Mill. <corunaing1 eplici ngoltvatr gooti builinugs Inquire et Ithu e. P-28-3 FOR SALE-Lot. ln Bamntoîtt ub iiviaiau. llochekelln. feawouablepi. t . Ffasy payresea. laquire of IL . Rloues,. Itcketlier. lit. p-28-.4 fiat ggsto baebsg.5100 for 151 $800bunrai. Witeor ppt, L. A, e. 224 FOR SALE-At Deerield,. 1Û., 5 rootu cottage. e#oot barn and w alk, lot 5i0310 ft; mie uttu ve, ctktrem etation. Calor c.t-lebsoffl.. FOR 8ALE-4f. P. Motarcycs. T4res navet punclureit. Thior mocor. Addittea eà.ay viarse fLakte Ce. lInependenl P-135.2 FOR SALE-Gooit, true andi haset îAMo ib, borse. ntpbte for Taatm or toms t wb-ç bar* agond fr hlm. Win M oipyon>anmd bmrnmeeatst. JeuiJ. Berna, 601 *Venter-St., eouth-1 tut eorner of Pepiar, Wanhegan. P 25-2 FOR SALI-About tcuty boiliers, tht-ee wichattU i aide, balance sprlnging, lo4uire of Jots Lawasec, Libentyvttle, FOR SALE- Rhodie laisd lied efgs toi u.ttimg abec top buggy, good sngleo bernusemanA ectber A>. net. loquirs 01i FOR SALE-Fuil btond suit grade. tockiloHotetsi-Fleean estde, Potand China boas; bartcit Plymouth Rock ben; hersne. N. B. Gài an. Lberty- tille In. C-25-tt FOR SALE-ithode iid[ted egg», 4 orntaeac.Aio e te ehads trese. J, .latm pagu. lit, Libertyvllis. FOR8L- goapin ! ot 21 tOolede, ,b. tee us pI~ *n.. . I CuUt tbAre. FORSLEBrns , olhk <oo,4. LM ri osaItfii.e- FORSA.F-omtli of oW dsa h àl> . W. Loo-ki, Uakéie. BiI ?-, . , 48-tt FOR SALE-Purs bred t*sdReck 15 erl frytou., ,,. 8 B. ifOR MALE-Old «ttee -lieny snd rb.do tabe. Mmut èml o acmant if ote bmnes g&«& BALL, 2111 Ir. Lake 8t., tebiesp, likiip25-1 FOR SALE-Tho Empire Wlll maiset celga& Sabutîci, fres <&4 fuI aod. Addilos or cati W. J.BASe, Ormycilake, in. L -25-2 CAM YOLS SEAT THI.S14-21lçce ra tut- a 10-tii-e 41 Iilcb ositabtlard bWgi earbon cire fece.. VIit Our fatorr udI mee ont- liaI et feucesbamraini.. *UAualIRE WîutT ncC, Iberlsvllie, Ili. C4-1- NOTICE-laviîîg diacootlnoed Matefftt 8-inch tay felwe se offer our 8 itut-ti 85 incbh àg, 8-ilielà alav hog tatdi dock fene aI 2%c pet roui.lllW perfect eiîndi- utAMiON*Wsa} ict(.0, Librtr vi1i, Éli. -251 I FOR RENT FOR RENT-Iloute ou(intehool cia-i-t Inquite tii PAUL tMiCFFIN. Liberty- FOR RENT- Ive bave a tew guod tîtu<i. 1.... b.tU»M a aittI iatL.te it,,*1t,0 ul- tiieheti rouir,, ct> eteain htt.t, witb ol- witbout iuard. UYàuuit& Atrr 40-i kFOR RENT-.Se'isi gî, lui.ua-M id j Huah i illîogv; alo41i> wwu. i)um, bath eN d CtiîckeU i,îu>. iihI if ftâ"e 911iîî. jtlet outi& id*ty lîtiii,. &SCiIELE à WatgLai, Libert.vville et.t aFOR RENT-'iv roin houemOut lihool atreet. (Iî>t id t.trtn and "rIL itiqin Uit preuuime. c..>3 < MISCELLANBOUS 'Il Ceèý ont>Title &A Trust C. Abtraef te Titie.. Titl"c uarsiît"cd blutetîtkTampwgMig.Aiukfflo,llli. Louis J.- qea«u,,iev. P. A. Duea and tif. tà Michael Leabe, uDAviAsA Ic-itihseto!80 acres lu t1. eeuthwet quarter cf eOK- tien 22, Newpoert tecaship Q. C., $2, 016. I T. Cleoland ei ai te Fleaee J . Bruse, lots 7 and & block 2, Pal-er addtonW o ayelake, W. D.,- $860. Florence MILRtollllq snd hushend. Oc X. B. Toton, 80 ion.. ln h. north- eaet quarter et section 2 Aven totu- aide W. D., $. Merchi, ,1911. Androt 0.0ok. and tife, 10 e-Gent- - cmlisfgent tor the -~ ' *ukee Ilectric 1ROI. 'Ith le nunnlng ontut fChi eàm aned OM*Oeted titI bt laitepais- saner aum fgt,limes. Hesbu. been iateA W 9- <0et for six menthe. -Mr. VUý Ivis abftnm daimagent sud tulSo ffMr tb. nertIlshoeoIlu terurbasM&0.for thinteen yearesud, in pueofflw 00 hat knecin e15clsl. He ln the le«t of 8h. elA A. C. Fr0n1 os- ptoy..s Bt 8 h lboou offce. competeae4 ilai, 'efficient and a Prince of 00dfaiocs, he ciii h. misi. ed gwee.ty. mien tle nortb h«e, cher. iesl34flUlte bas heen tit. sud tbhe et tthm o0f many trienda ciii folot king to hi. nec Doigt, tbch la In the nature ef a etep up. Beeit tairle>. Ires frotsfoui seed. Foý sae b>. Hons Lumuu tCa C-25-1 rude lCntaioy, lot 19 Asi &Lashers The clan té tuer. you are tu cork subdivieaou of Indian Point. Fox Lakre, for a long Ilime te comae may ho founai W. D. $900.' -if you're lookina for such a dlue- Mdary H. scott tocLU B. Hughes, ln today's }llp 48antrd ads. 181% acre. lu th@ test hait or sec- tion 30 Wt'raoût totEuhip. W. D_,$110. All indicf tiiilep for fruit, grain L. I. Hughes and wtf, tILR C. Kent, and vegtabi.. LmnErTYIL.LE LriIuen undvdd blaItof 181.75 'acre, In th e C.c-24 2 cest haIt of section 30, Freont town- ship, Q. C., $1. ___________ Helen Lux and huaband to MauriceI Lux, 10 acres ln the northeast quar-! ter et section 44,,Newport township,! W. D, $1,100.1 1 Wrn. Richardison and cIte te Theo.' Worte, 3 acres lu the nortbest quar-. ter et section 3, Grant township, W. D., $400. E. B. Williamns antI wife et al to F. W. Hatch, 30 acres lnte southu est quarter of section 10, Wet Antîoch township, Q. C.. 8,950. E. W. Parkhuret and v,lfe te J. L. Hughes, lot 8 'and the east 15 feet of. lots 9 and 10 bock 1, Parkhurat & Cunningham's subdivision, Lberty-' *Ille, W. D.. $500.LASN -Auction Naes. _________ errian. AKNOIJNGEMENT-1 have opeued 0a harn#, et cii liwlc stsicment lu Lilbirtyvlkii. bernies.. 4 netsmit orltstca ork <et au me. Ai (A>fHeIn bat-nec., work gomuanued. Dave baà <cent>. roe. 12 pâcei e ri'ibes lu Ibis line. Ciii. A. icsnapy top. 1 p ql¶ugr 11. 1>v28-4 surrey, 8 buggies, COLO FIL LED SPEOYTACLES-ctOli 'ail"lther ttaPc euetaitttueinustifor 51.0 Mmd .p. SI tbx Z1 Have Four pissent, teoss ea or a.12 sai.Igi. have mec fratasefor <tur piesert Jense.for buggy, 3 rui Prrusos that heM with coont eos, extra cbe.4 *10s.m unNaceiile< drg caieblauo, 2 fur ri h.lxai D ýgstre essn 2 pair oet yil>i et., eaitMatîonWakcae li.dO a'>ter au ellppiujtiuuhutii ___________________________ cipe, baud cIippz mocit jokew, biaex i___OU tank, 5 oipher 1 incubalor, round; WANTED-8iîuation by gocai brigûl <limiter, Perpe di boy 16Gysareqid au italivor>. or errand iaagou sheai 18% boy. Cali et thls adileu. P.25.1 ebChl, 20 grain hg 2 clash lautoneri SIEWING-D.oneest lb. hoe of W.(). buggy r.early ut.. Williams.01 Plut cne otmt h et f loiethoer tkle, îîîo depot, or wiii go to homo if preferreit. boucehoid gcius. IVicosa i. NASHe. P25-1 pepu; cunltpi.an WANTEO TO RENT-A fa"m, muet writiuagdeek.,as-ii bafe pooeee.lon b>. lbrelé 15. Go 5dLS tngdîttt refer ue s . F. bd. At M; Rou te 2. r a ,c hars, 5 kit Waubegan Phono 93103. p.25 1 cteel range, 2 bi Jewell andt 1 smol WANTEO TO' BUY-ebéeap erivimg oveHt. 4 hurner, borne or pe 180ima2 broume tarîtes hg"Ue lstove, où hout for. sale. 1.SaIUA, ltokefoer, lit, edoft, kitchen té pS. se, dreser, mb WANTED-6 pairs or more ilmet yen slsi 8 idroý gumma. InýquimoettQie otcOm. Catm&- 5 nest01o bed nuoma, cein mat..,, mehog WAMTED--bouditfarte bands et gocti rack, rofrigeratoî cage.. For particulare write te Varena linu, a, 8mattn Saag.R 2, Waukogau, lit. 9244 2 Ueolne baug 1. i p.. 10 gia@ esrpote snd ruge,' ca t iehe.1 Mg TO LOAN arici n oDme IW. R APPUTa MOUIreTOMLOAN-On lunrveai fueo ymm Anathe. mt 1 %, il-l an, Before bujing a Silo write or r, tieceit.ai ,uphone O. G, HAWKINS 111- %ît'ii-i ,-' Gurnee, llfinois for prices-on t-cm. hiackrnd tr- the best - stave Silo made war, tit 1800; bay,' bande bigb, vcI 22001; aise his plan for enecting same. i cI 11(X), due ta tuai, d Mtorgan; dat-k lt-- ait 1000; 2 mets double PH1ONIE WAUKEGAN double - btetiot tollera rt-r nftanIetd carrnage 915 Igie haratetas,menl gest1 ,10 lesmler balleretlie A YO AROURS PHlONIE enp bus, 8-*ir.- - pxtenialt op, opn m. Concord ;ite spaiug enommou buggy, expres t onf rmail dat, botb10 1)Iu .3u 8 sac t-itormtarnt m bl.r tot-n aprons, 51 , la mi 4" non pair ut woolem bora. roW 8, 8 lîun a tsterg, il f. 1 l'ailier. Clr iii ei'8l. Ht-cnt111.1otus e êc itit e Rit.sbpeaer.1 ier, 0 bugzgy p..lekanaud Si K ai te--k le. 50 gallta taeil -.>-2 lucubaturti, i.d V .u~ C ee f5 1 stItowa 820) Yx< "ne Cleaner Thât CleA**"CI*l" J;luîtîîllrv gaurNi botue opr, 2 taig, signelrg. We cent !o sup- 430. 2 <et or gtrrnplyme ladytinuty> ..tg-. t trace lantene, ui4odoiwih cai.ti lant-oui for 'ScapkIut Vacuum cw. tîîtte v landstl 6emer, for aitver- - [ uunoi--ue ta mention; daez gpurpomes §.uauno, parier @et. 5 atit tt-iýkeace asud Wriia faday tor et- àaîe!iÉlcair, the must liberai ni cllai, ait' .,kdiulg f e n rmade. it-t r-lat. 2 rockers, bae baroiit, 1 laro e The "Siau>lex" ailot@, gas range doubleie guanaNiteedtotudo Bine Plama 2 bumOn n = it ork as te, eter cu, rehi» msehg $100.00 etid jol@tde .ww eigbt (oul I> o) 1 bol an picherfor oteextremel>. easy it csh agmd ca mmd m cn .e rt-aei uliey ehiffanier, Plateiseliat 51> r; a ftou bede. a troc ye. naît. .eeoe. coinge matîrsas Witb o ritny ging l4mp@, a nickel ecmthe . suNekx' ae lamps, linoleum.cii lme a tufetnne. m aiste car'pet»and aoteAsjetrsI elmeauo nd oi bole ut"ed sud su .. te i 38N BOsoAnuoCi», prop. l trc C oas Co %Auctioneer. e ti Cla rCo erh. OS 85bU DeiSU. CWCAO. ILL s~p~e.ewdwe.e..e..s...q - LoWr opdI wD STRAYED-A b"aek saaegy dog cho Sieuonerotbe Dmi.etof Duk.1" He ma oy booegnisod b>. the fetlowlmg Atarke. Bie noo, flétsud tail &M tippeai cith whites, the body>. i.tak. wog mlss.dabout Feb. 8. A liheral nscerli 0110e99d. JACOS BBU*TZsrEAe, RB. D.1. Liberbyvlll.. IIL c-21- tf Reprt t UsÇ.iiaof .1The riNdoual Batk. At the dose.of Sutineee Mareh 7, lbu. Leen sudl>l ....t........... $10,814-M .....iti V.of s U" Il pro fblmlc xoue lx57 I~~tt0ld.................. U 9-1 dnuaguJ. 01 obek. 1.5< __ t . oiesa«.. ~ Eeg, So .461.7605 19.461.75 Telai . . .... ,0.... T".;el......................1 OuATs i ILLIIioI. oetr" r SLAKtE. 58> _>1 . . s, ete, oul«oif IUn siove-usauo besi, do ctaieuy mscithehoaboe aleUIMeula15 bS %Othe bal i t nlcIdg muidbelo.J .OILXOs Subuerbed amid scoute o .s1bs 3k e o ardi 1. - YU.B i 1 .NteiPulc orret Alu- hEU à- - Hrscioam AUTOMOBI LES Soon the question wIll arise what car .yon are going to buy aîid you want tb be sure and not to make a mistake. For a ruijaboit, thu Brusb car baa thse beétrptto. o eite wiIl lait longer -and go f urther with lesa expense. The five passeuger tourlqg car hafi 116 ln. wheel1 base 4 cylinder 85 torse powe?'full fioating rear aie select slldlng geai' trà=eiÀi. sion t il ' a very classe four door and qiet ruaning car built by a firm wlth $80,OOOýÇOO capital which *Ili stand back of same. Brush Rurnbotut $45000 Brush 5 Pofqmr Car ALBERT W. LICtITFELD. -A u .ACKOWLEGE IT. cUre tri. f pro2tîre-l ll.,.w',,Kidopy Piltla WANitiAgOE Licisq mn lit .qtiir..d but i1ie contapsnte t 1,,lJ, - bava lu restoe. me to gond het,- 1 neLau i ULf fltOiyV SuNa 1 fo B 10 o r sobaidnîrPrie. s.> ,nur, bOBOy. ey, Y.». 1~qkè~fa~b.-Sore ot Vbiter-MilIh,îm la>. lnlffio, Nw Tork. MlItle.DemI, Hubbard WoOi... of iM06 agent for the Unîo.d Stteo. George lahmael, MUcwankes..... Edas nte Prove It Renmm.'r the noa. '->at'-âd Myrile Thndou IInsf ......,_ Afi ..duî$b ;nîie tteîcîî Ok.mc<'hA .242Wilher addleford, Neeuah, WIM N-adfe*te paiali àtfýmeS of', .1 OCgo atna-. same .1 Ilaie "b.4i.,g.ffr,.r iv.îm ic»w. "%pu Ail litds of fertilixerf%r frut,îgrain nai.Jacob AllensasLbertyvlie.V, mouteiie 94)(lilicnconàANaES eul sntables. LisggTYVILL . LuMEa <o uaadllae.... ed,whleh enred pan. oui.. cbleh hem . c.24.2,.ý ..... keptth ti.idnela lia i i sîatt i nce,___________________________________ «B0 bP riviie<J tpoitfi) iwrfgorm t he calg,,. w orut ler cita.,. Rend tht,: PA Frank Joneas, 2f)8 N<,.c,ow" E CE D ~~/J Wimot A lii. esW :E NoCE sB ag. 2-mci Cl f mate a Public o t,ît.tin,,rilto 20 Inchifeltse Stay ibm Fonce ..... et~~~~~~~ ld.,cfuhiî.iîtig>ce- Wl.4 nhFn.................-................. bi !bnat I uei'a obnt <Pil biere d m>. a ï at IlWie 48 Inch Fnce.... 7 ....................... ........................2Me7 f 01tidu ek C wtIIlt e 1 wa it ty ome Ae42Ich Fonce - ..» .. ............... .............................. 28t l tekm anlnid ou~c. tîtoi-ed ' testIlmfilaire hrsglse pda rcsdu4qa liatb t fte PoI 90, d n hudfled o.i 1Ai MO @ OW C ri $titeç M l i rC Sd d qd T1ous tlit.,Ide flREATES 1".» i somiu n0F.d tTHEIlebAGEIon A *Hlarmony" ligh-Grade $25.00 Talking & Singing Machi ft FOR E-VERY FAMILYINM THIIS- COMMUNITY We have now on exhibition at our store and.ready for dellivery this wonderful machlm. It, is the finest toneci taIklng and siogig machineAb existance. We want each and every one of our customers to secure oéne of the» wonderful -Ilarmony Traîklng and Slnging Mlachines on our great offer. As A HOME ENTERTAINER THE HARMONY TALKING MACHINE HAS NO EQUAI.. It ciilreproduce igu talkiug, la ghn-whictlitig, 'band sud orchestre, ead ail other music absolutely perfect aînd nalural. The fuliNl, scclling asn ul ut tones et the Harrnony Talking Machine bave made it the moet popular machine ef its klnd la tho wd. WITH THE I4ARMONY TAL.KING MACHINE you eu have grand opera, comic opera aud Drame right luayM4 home andt just as it cas actualiy sung and played lu the. theaters ef the large ciles. Y ou cou reproduce al ibm i sous snd beltaida, as ccll as baud anti orchestra music, aud enjoy minstrel shows aud tuuuy atories if yln at Ta~u~ achne.Yoeauc have ail the dance music you cent cithout the necestit> sud expenseo6f hlrigar or*i band. lor acutI the Harmon>. Talking Machine yen cen play aoy plee ofe dance ussc that c,, cyce coznMpee, isIdw Waltzas, Tlwc.stcp, Po".es Quadrilles, etc. THE DISTRIBUTION 0F THESE GRAPHOPmN4E8 cilIlunne-cisc affect aur prices in any depertmeut. la au <0.8k yen bu>. lere ce @hall persist iu giviug yen tIc lest snd lhe mout yeur moue>. cen bu>. aa>.here. We extend te yen a apecial invitation te call at.pnr store an sudhar me of the beautiful pieces pîsycit aud to imact OM Irne enterteiniigSingiug sud Talking Machines for yoursclf.- Oui propositIon whlch euables you to secure oeeof tlace. Grphoptioun e t he grenoet offer ever umade by any me-chamt Cati at om eand lake mivautage .etour .agifioeatuer I-.B. EGER, - Libertyville, 111. HIARDWARE, STOVES, FURNACES AWD TINWAkB MOI" CR 0CL 0 Cz 0< w-~ AN AUTOMOBILE719 notais extravagance. CIt'S au economy. lb increaes your efficiency. lb makes 'twQ minutes grow for you--whsre only one grew before." Somùe extravagant people buy automobiles, but not veTry insu-y. 0niy a fow really extravagant people can ever afford to 'buy thtim. They spend their. money for leus iteefull thinge. 'ihink ihat over. NOT 810W AA?4.-BU~T 80W GOOD) LaWbyear a grsa.t rany who wanted Chalmerà cars Nwer dlsappolnted. Wtt honestly believe the Pame *111 b. true this year. We only make Ibisas a uggestion--t&ke lb for what ib is worbh. - là ROSS 1M-ý. AYLÔR,Agent -US! RTY VlILL! IL*. e - i. 1 . -41 i It