LAKE COtINTY. INDECPENDENT, FRImAY, MARCH 24, 1911. a YORK HOUSEL glu. Blanche Shpband I. visltng til vees i vttr i"edlu Zion Ciy, Mn,. g. iP. Banchard retunued Fridayl <om a viss'ç visil vl<h ber daughtet, Mrs. Charieu Weavtr, at Laie-Zuric. Aimr. Henryv Brook., lira Edgar Brooks sud Ms. o! Zion Ciiy, apent Timrday with Frank Books sud farnily. WliI sud Earl Irvîn aud Mr. Keth of Wauxfgsn. vlalted aoven Suoday St J. L. Boni'. The Ladtes Aid v Ili meel vith Mma B. L Wilson ou Wedesday, Marcb 29. Mn. snd Mnm. Joe Brock»om ame th. pioud parents ot a baby girl ýbon. Toesd*y. Miars1 14. Conrstulatid De. sevesal ut 1the sebool eidren havse111e Cephes Leach et Rogers Park, vitited bi iséaer,, Mn,. J. O. Neson. the latter part 01 lest vesi. Mis. John Loy tnorn Chicago. > vrlslit rs. George Loy this vegi. Mr«. Jo. Brocsoina motbet, Mm., Roues sud sisten tram inDand lAis, spestfut as vsi vth ber. A party ram Wautsgau rcrne oui Thuroda>' evenlig, te Mr. sud Mm. Irm Holdridgî'o. A pîesat r.- vorted. Mr. sud Mti. Fred Reinold rlaItqd hie brather in Chicago lest vesi. WhIie lier. Mms. Hloiud vas taken oeriniomai 91 wvlth hernorbage of the head sud had ta remain lu Chcago. lmInasd Obarie>' Heldridge spent. Wedueday lu Chicago. Word ham resch.d bems ut the marriage of Wluird Dlckeneen' BRi@ tiends vere rnuch surprised sud visbhliii sud 9 hie, bride eurc.'ss ud Lappineau nlite's RUSSELL The weather and roade are perfect no arin luMars11. The chnrch vam s sedamaged 117 the ,eiplootaît here vas no bunda.v sciîouil IIl lst Munda>. The Suuday mchool vas held ai the hume 01 Dr. Le win. Mr. and Mn .Chae speut Saturday ,and Sutday iu Chiagu. . .The east Teiephoue company are rspairing their line. Mn.. J. il. Corrne and childrcu &pont M4ouday ulght aud Tufflday wiih IMes. W. K. Willby. whu in quite Kick Airs. LMi. Donner ioimoproving alowly. Viola Browunlias heenhbaving aerionis time vith lien throat. Mrm Melville and Alylu of Kenomha. spient suuday at Will Melville, Nov in the lime to ai 0i) your lavus. 6t your lawu gras. s"d uf the Ho"t LumauSCe), Libryville. 111. c26 2 yodi have dctemlned ta find SOME D)AY may 1e advrtised today. RUSS ELL Luffber Yard For Figures on BUILDING MATERIAL My prices are rlgbt and grades wond. Whèther yenbuy or Dot el Myfilgures. PREPARIý> WHITEWABH:: I.S. HIEAD. Prop. DIABETES MEUJIOUS And Ail Formu of Rheumatism Now Curable Diseases! Afler t l tveaTs of very 1. lcI i Oyi perlinn.Di. Ina. pricrbiem whivihi. in EUrope ",:l A.. ~dc~1di-" Dic- 1, toi., ranliow ha ty.'. it' 't wthoui Ilicîdi: Mciidîivtig -c 'thé patien. *4rar a ci ,niai>wlih- in Oive da7n., i.a! le Çcctlfntltiai, eomton'labie frein the fii't day of star'- lathe ireatnieilt.At the. expiration or Iavelve dais lhe patient i. entireil, out of danger. The same renaît le ohtaimredlune&11 formns di ltleumatiom .Dr. s81c han ruade a ouccesaful apeciaty or Blond. 1dd, Mer. /,aus and Clironlo Disetses for the pasu * ihrtr-EVe yeas.of wbich twenty-Jrue rom swene @peut lu practîce la Chîcago>. MudLa .numremus paUlns t lre naun te- qur8 ie h." ab *V45ti s tflbeust7 Musnia. wbon=c b Bayh . a Evuy Patent must come te bhs Oum la beceste consult. se Iasceaii fteameuti.e xp*&te. Atter o, Ig itosaga ae s E ahiW OMMceDr. e51s oa ORs et lte Pallnt mllées ava wIl glâly sau"d y« 1male celie for, Utait Ornes. Mat* ",Strouble M'W yoprlutter auj !eu. yul heur Sos. t»e Docow bestusis mai AdOres Mr». Ward Bala of Raciha. vlsted a kvw days. he PM'st vesk vth b'motber, Mrm. RohI. Hînang. Mm.. Mande 1î leaud of Rochester, Wl., scadernj-le hume for the sprlug vacation. Mmr. Penkina oi Kenosima. vlslted ber aiter, Mm. 1. A. Thaïs renently. Mmn. H. D. Hughes sudd daughter, Mahel of Ourus., @pont 8aturday vlîh ber sou, Alex Hughes. UmIssAunie MeCnedLs ai WaukegaoD, *peut Batunday sud Soudgsy wih the home foks. ki. and Mn.e. H. B. Tower bave bouicht a srnall t&î m of lira. John Rowland sud vîli oan takre Possession. Ed Wels changed i rmincd about being manager ton Fnak Fowler aud Wm. licOnire and daugbter, Miss tijel, agent Budta.y îi MnU. aud Mn.. $id [look ai OG« Lake. Mise Ruby Gillinga vinited from Frlday util Monday vlîh Iiss Jenkins lu Waukegan. Newton LeVoy snd farnily moved ta the Henry' Wdge honne in Milburu lest1 Mission lltudy CI@. meet Tuesday at1 Mn.. Oea. Jarniesou a.1 Prayer meeing vii h b. ld Wedueaday aZ th. home. of tirs. Mary Rater. Misfes Peari Cleveland etftBig IIollow, sud Ruhy Ccvd»d of Chicaa ec et a short lime with their parentsrtecentr. M 1ale Cara Foute retaumed Monday from Wheaton. III. Mr. l..evis ut iaukegan, vas caliug on fiendie at Autioch aud Miithurn gonda>', and his automobile vas a little baiky. Fred Heddle of Borner.. Wln., is dolng çarpeuter work luib tis viiy. John G. Willîarnson returrM UIonday from Elkhorn Mise Lewis and, Mis. Heqry Waehhum rislîed at John Murray'@ Buuidai. The rag bec ai Henry Arn.' ou Wed- e day was Weil atteuded. liro. E. S. Fanikuner and Mise BertL a tepeut Suuday ai Iloseraus. L Mm rt.Ahur Nelson je vislting e,d frieudse e. Mi"e Gres Welch carne home Tuesday for a short vigit. The towu meeting and prîrnary eke. Lion was a very quiet affair lu Newport alihbouuh largelyaettended. The nornnee verec J. G. Weich, supervisoqr; John Slucum, trustes t of ols;Tirn Kelly, road commisioner. Warren Williamson' le ciipping hors.i in 10 rhic'vioity. Joseph (ileegon ot 'Waukegau, bas reuted the Vineeut Dietzftarin.tIr. Dietz i. geiug k) take a trip lu (ermauy. J. D. hMurray and vite vere Waukegaa riâiier« Saturday. Charles Humphtrey and wite of Wauke- man, visited ai IÇill Oliver'a oun unday. Ali kid, el tertilizer for fruit, grain aud Vegetables LIII1ER"rVILiK LuduEit Ct>. c-24-2 rBAIRSIOW MANUFACTUREM 0F Marble and Granite monumeni s CemeterY Worlk 0f lWcry Description Corrcspondenoe boliciteci 126 Genesee St Waukegan The m ore you know about autoimobile conètructlon the more 310Q will appreciate the Overland., ENery detail iu construction bears evidence. of the careful e)d paijstak- ing workman*fty that-obti- acterizes every'Oelm automobile. PriceS range Road@ter to the halid@omal 'rouring Car at *1670O. ýRAYSLAKE DEPARTMENT _______________________ F. J. DRI'CE. Edilor Mione No. il Ordors Tabou for Job Woni Advsetlslslg Ratas On Application eOs. iU«Namarâb sud tamlly. ot Russelîl. vlelîed as the nom.etofMn.. MaNmsra aparants,.tir, andMr@.. Water Oodfney. Saturda>' and Buuday. Mis ta P"arr 1 leited fieude at Frooppr nsd Obicago. Saturday sud 8unday. UmssZota Masse>' ai Chicago, visited tleude hers Sabarday sud Suuday. WIII Jahus of Jacenville, in beome for a le w days. Ed *Biola son. of Otayslake's lateet ant,> victimi,, havlug ncently purcliased a touring car ot Oilin & Co., Waukegan. R. . (Jadfrey of Antrochi, epent Bon- day ai home vlt blhi parents. John Wagsbbnn made a tripft) Wai.gaaBalurday to, close a deal fon au uveland lourlog car, vbicm b. in au agent for. Mins Cana Lobdell ot Evanston. spen Batmsday sud Sunda>' vitb ber parents UMn.. Frank Frotter et Chicago. speul Sunda>' at their cottage acros. tl1h laies. Work on the Condensirmg Factor>' cpmmenced Tunday. Thôrn Broln. purchaoed the Fred Knebken block nov occupied b>' Heur>' Kuebken. The>' vili ucrupy the store sud blild a harnes. sboî, n addition. Heury' Kuebker viii niove is store ino t i'Us. Sirang builditng torîneni>' oécupied by tLe BonTon. The (iraysiake Cemetery sci et>' wili meet aI lb.eJhome of tirs. ChIas. wasb- burn, Tbursday, tinncb 30. Thie i. tbe yearly meeting aud ail members are szpetedlu corne. Viitors veliomp. Mn. Ellis etf Lakeside, lias Purcbased Dr. Sbafier's Iluick iourng car. 0. B. Whitmnome pent Bunda>' aud Monda>' vith, Liés mother. liie tl nturned trom Cclorado and vam va>' to bis Lom? in Wieconeio.r >1 Legal dlScultière whicb arose between iJo. Biroalmu sud Rd* Turner 0,cr a h. orie. les ewere settled Tuptiday. They 1excbangerd borne$ egain. t Borne of the boys ot the Orayolake Cbail tesa wersout practlcing itunday sud hi il. sbowlnu thev nmade vs have Jpromis of a good live leurs for the coming season. r Lyno Marrie, air expert meat eut ter and generalinmerchant, w~ho ha. been t empluyed at the Rosing Broas, store at Round Lake the jinet lew years, bas purchaned the general store ot Wo. Nelirlith art Rockefeller. He wiii add a ineat department touIcis store and conduci apu p-to-date store in ail respect&.M.Suî.levsmaygod rfrieude ait Roundý Lake who wish him the bost of aums. which bis abilitv and honesty la mure tu bring hlm. For tbe tpreseutArtburNehrlich will agsist hlm la the store. The maury tri euds of Miss lets amasy, a former aud popular teacher of the (irayelake 111gh sebool, will regret to hear of the suddeu deatir of ber father, Dr. C. V. Mamsy. a well known physiclan lui Chicago. Dr. tlassy was a nerve epelaliat. a manl who waré a atudeut and a deep thinker and devoled tu bis Profession. He attended tu hie duties up to the evening ot hi. death. The fanerai vars beid at hi- homne at 545 Belnoout avenue Wedru-'eîlîîv nurning, March 22., enriltrit Peteýr4bnrg. Thup@. day by the Masonir cîrdr, Dr. Mapoey beîng a 82 d«es Masomi. IT WILL PAY YOU To coaeasd gel vour Suila and Over- cote made ta order. 1 bi8. Jo. Palmer n dvite bars returned la Waukegan alter a few dayo' viil yul> Mise8iussu Whttehead sud other rela. live» bers. Mmre.Barryi Hawe sud son vie§ited frlend aud relati ves here the latter part ot lest vesi. Mus. V. ilurge, Who tell a veek Iwo WVednesday hurtiug bemnelt quit. badly, i6 Domw ahble go about on crtches. GAGES LAME Service mext Suonda>'morning aI1:00, Preaeber, 1ev. H. C. Tovnley. Speciai talks vili b. given the chlldren dnriug th1e service on vers' luterseting eubWet sud the cbldren are aIl cordially Iuvited. Bunda>' school taillav service sud ver>' Iterestlug Bible classe. are heId. We cardiail>' invite aIl Young people ta join vth us. On Bonda>' eveulux, March 201h, wv eamume aur .venlug services. Ou Baturda>, Sunda>' and Monda>' evenluge speclaievaogllstic ervies, viii h. held. Bpecial addremsesand mnusic viii b. reudered. We vaut youn ca-operation fan Iheir succese. Fanerae are husy ploviug aud seed- lng. Rila uech ueeded. Mr. sud Mne. John Hart of Iîpund Laie, spnt Friday wiLti r. andimdis Kenry. W. Havthorne was aChiruge viiter Manda>'. ¶'Eh Barris transacled business lu Cbîcago Baturda>'. Miss Dier, et Kenumiba, visited over! Sunda>' wilhi ber elster, Mn,. l'lauusîeii. Tvo big loads et woveu vire unived aI the Glimnoro tanin Wednesday, which yull completel>' terce that portion ot th., Be f arin. A. Chard ot Chicago, was ber. Tues- day "aking eatter eoine tll8dranag ou hie farta. , Mr. sud lins. Keller vers in Wauks.. Ran Tucada.y sud vhiie there Mn. Keller vaes sbposnaed oujurvr dîty vhlch vîli minemseetats is @pouding several days ai tbe o00a.1y'seat. lis. auld30ooinlasiovi>' convaIuei. ME aBtM, Plianua etenevisitdiS aLibert#vlilonp~day. a 8.Mrshc vlslled relatives lu lgsmilwtWedouday. neujhg--8a-laadspper and saisi. laiumis lovn b>'thlb adies Awd vas tttpm4b4. ,Efligtr-e.s eta e *s mou **~4 a01 46mi hss. Tisepro-, gm*"a'sM.oUsandam a vsrY pkeamqs SUTS AND OVERCOATS $15 UP. CLEANING, REPAIRING AND DVEING NEATLY DONE AT RIGNT PRICES. WM. JMINS, Tailor Gr&,yuake. MI. Mm. Will Kahler lent W.duesday even- iug. First icnizes vers avarded ta tMrs. Harry Sîîîitlc aud RdiKpple. vhilewjil O'Neil aud Beunllnyder cousoled thtm- selves as bemi lbey coobd i th11e laye Prenented tbemâ for tiel i luck. Be- freshmeute, did von say? Y.. and they ver. juet as gond as ever. Thon a fev deîscliens on lbe grapophboue aud the 0 cgood nights" woessad. Mr. aud Mn. nCh..Bnyder wves ouored guests ai thiei party. Little Rose Drago bai lm biuger quit. badly iujured lun1the vri...,Mouday, muorulng, 50 the docietovasucalied tu ries the injureri member. Mr. Croker gave a Vlctr'ola concert ai Pisaoaut Prairie lest Frlday eveniug. Mir. and Mr-.Carif Serck of Liberty- Ville, vleit.,d the hums folk@ Tmeday. Mn. Lawrence entertaiued bis brother, John, the fore part of! lb. wk. rtMrs. Bruce ot (rayalik., spqnt lasl Weduesday with Mn.. Allen. 1, MmesClara lîosilig spe Saatu rday and ,Buuday ut tIre home ut Kit:7 iIeillJ ru hiLihertyville. - o- 1 0 Chas. l3rcîlard made a business trip tu, tbicago Tuesduy F Lucy Dunnili @Peut .couple daose witlc n riende in Chicago, recenuyl; ME&. John McCormick and .daughter Lylah epent the latter .rwt nf lest veek ai t11e Sullivan bomne ou.Ml.eWe t towu. t OGo. Basiug @pont Monday lu Chicago.- A young -lady aofibIstûv vs er m-lh frlgbtsnd gBud*y eveng ven a a bat-1- lne o .-S*uar th. echool hon,,but dli»v@ýit w l v«u' anyting sorlous. Oscr Hanson retnuM> Tusedsy eve. lngaler Io eelWvja lova. 11Uns aFmrest (floIe",R u ol MiS. . îVlnbeIOtOt14$nsdinga kv idéa w iti frede In, e C104% # 1olloespel4., ~wlîb ber pan" a raLt FOX LAKE Fox Lake. thaàt popular and rapidi, becomlng m ore popular summer reaort village on th: C.M. & St. P. railroad in Dorthweoterp Lake county, le betom- fng more and more awake te the nec.,- sltyv of rid of the nîany vices that bave been allowed le thrîve threîb the years VasI. as was manifeet at the receut village primaries hpid lu that village. There was a bitter flght on for nomina&tion for lbe office 01 Village preident between John 0. Brown, 1h. preuent inennîbaut and candidate on th1e poliiy o! cleau village wîthtthe -.fid" ou, and James Hayek, candidate on the Polic.v Of au open village witb 1the "]id" off. The reonîte' speak for theme@elves Whou l le announceel that Brown received Bit OteSwhile Hayet totaled only 21. Fox Lake iii at present où theb. virge of a boom and the comiug season viii probably b. a record breaker. The botter clus. of people have the whip iasb lu band and are wieldiug It with good reenl%, the undesirables beiug lowly but auraiy elmiuated, ail place of business vltbn the corporate limite of tb. village beiug run u a strictly bustiness and legai ba3le. At the lteti Estate Show aL 1the Coliséurn, Chcago, April 28 to May 7, Fox Lake wiii be repreaeeted witb a large paitting of th1e Fox Lake Reglon 18x24 feet, mouuted birds, flsh, etc.. and it le hoped will menit credit ta Fox Lake b.ud Lake eouuty lu general. With 1111e end lu view let us one and ail put our shoulder ta the wbeel and give a boost. A Mothers Safeguard. Foley's Houer and Tar for the childrefn. le besi and safest for al coughs. colde, croup. wvboopiug cough iud bronchitie. No opiates. Soid b'1 ail Ug51t.. lied Comb Meat Maeb the besl for layini bous makes eogge a btter flavor. Sold only by LiI>ERTYVIZLLE Lext S , Protessionai Cards DE. O. F. BUTTEMFBLD). VICTERINAIIY SURGEON. &MRUTANT ITATE VETEICINARiUE. Llbertyvlfle. Illnois. DR. C. P. GALLOWAY. 01,1dB OVZa LOVELL'S na19sVO B",. aotma-from 1 ta 8 and 6 ta 8 Ig. m Libertyvllie. Motlo. PAULl.MAC GUM. IATRroioY AT LAW. ilfertyvi.e, Illunols DR. GOLDING 1DENTIST gours 8to 12 am.- .5 pm, J. Ell Triggs Building < witb Dr- J. L. Tayicr-Phône 19 Mes. Phone 1092 Llbertyville. Illinole DR, E. I. SMITIL DENTIBT. aVEa LAEL OOUNTT NATIONAL aANE. oui-8 tc 12 a. M. and 1I b 5 P. M. DAILY. * Lbertyvle. fhols DR~ . J..TAYLOR, 07510E uvz9 J. EuI. vayOns iLUG. moums-? lia 10 a. M* 2 ta 4 and ô la 8 P. M. leeddeS bu Broadway, opposite part. DR. L. V. SMITHI GENERAL PRACTICE ltoum 10to 12. 211 4 and 1 to p. m. Ofic uver Lyucirrn. Store. SPEOIAL ATTEFNTION TO TUE BEE LIBERTYV.ILLH. ILLINOIS MARTIN C. DECKER OtlVe Opp. 18Lîi Bt. Elontric Station Office Phone 5834 Re@. Phone 8603 N0î'1TH CHICAGO. ILLINOIS La PELTON LICENSED EMBALMEil AND FUNERAL OIRECTOR ROUND LAKE ILLiNOIS Nirht (Jeils Promptiy Attended To TÈLEPMONE 223 W. Mi. APPLEY Auctloneer, FARIl SALES 0148 PER CENT Libertyville, Ill. PHONE 1431. .Jlenry sine's Sale Bam 1114 ELIBRA AVE.. Z&ON OIT!. ILL. Résidensce 2BElabAve AU i Odh u Hors.. Harnu. Wsgoes and Bug 1lestueSale or ]Leh st su Thn lmes. B. F. WOOLI Q E bmXgim1 TAYLOR GROVE leaves aud brueh snd dlepodýai ou b3, mesus of bon Ornes. tins. B. lielrber aud Nîles Cornley of LaFargo, Wl. . are visitîig relatives WIi l (elling vlsited relativec luaVW" here. gau aime day laut vssk. Hugli Hughîce etofiîruee, înansacied Min. Lillian radier bas aume.1 business bere Monday. Eascer cards tonrsale. ýChas. LevIn ias lere ou business Friday'.Nti. ise ,Elsie ltrewer a-comPabÀied ber Ny anctlou salevsau la i.. 1 i aunt te Chicago Tuedav. bave for sale emerjlblua en lb. .cPt tlb.ttape thas vent for no"l Mrn. and Mms George Letîn sud tir. lsxtarted 1h. catile and sooi» esIW and Mn.. Onu Hawkins speul Thureday nilch lieciter tan $20, an 1 quis MW qu vith relatives at Pletanit Prairie. Charley Brovu bougimi ivo esté*e4 and ottered la taire a boumiof0<bm BeVeral frorn ber. sttended the enter- W40la head ai th.eale,but oqà talumeut at tomecrane Tuesday nigbî. Parties hsd bld $40 bemtbor bi 1 let thein have tbem. I*4 Louis Gillingo vlt,îd friende here if soyons present vautsd a bonae Fnlday. Hi l soon ta make hie home eay so, no one ansvered. 1; tbms ait Bon Bll.tour at privat. sain fonrceh; oue aI BeuHilI.driver !or 8225, onue goad ycug Mn. aud Mns. E. Hastings epeut Sun- mare, vith toui, perfectl~y sounx,9 day iththelater' paent. oe unbroken colt, 8200; 0* .w day ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~(rs vihlm atrspru os,$4; and yl la «41 Mis. Mary Duncan spent Buuday with eat tIbm. today and mach of' 8tll h... balance hefor e AprilfOnat. P*y' Bteilsattention la Idis talk. Isu osli The cdean-up lever u.s.ate, h. pre- tbe trgalus prla god and e'k valent lu this vlcialty tisa.dsue, .very. onnchas tu R. d amn-, Warme-.a.', ou. beiug busy lsanlng up dead grass. phone 9001. -e i*ligh Cost of Livg Red uced' * GROC!RIES e 2116b, Granulated Sugar........................ 1.0 * h~ROw'atelloti sak..........L35 o Bfara LeaoxSoa ............ .................. 0 7IaSm Galvank c a....... ................ 25 o lQ Ban Swlifs Prldeso.........................-25 * 12 Bars Calumet Famil'y Sap...................s 10OPkgeArgoSte..................2$ 2 Pkga YeaatFoam or Miagic yea.... OS 10eO Bottiez Picke........... * U Me ~O#lies ...01.....:f.........07 5 SlbsDomino Sugsr ...........40 o 2Pkgs Cream of Whe..................... ***'"**25 * Large Po.tum C ireai ................ ta'. * Blan P"lOlive Sop ........................ 2s 10 lBars Npha Soap......... ......... ***........ 40, O 4 Large Cens Mustard Sardine,..... .....30 2 2CamhEagle Mlk ........................ 25 DRY GOODS Standard Peints 15 yde for..................... y Spool Thread CMMa numbira ................. 2 0ail.Knittng ......... 2 Paiers satey Pli .......................... 121c Lonodale Bluachud Muayd................ 10e Hope B8a1cdmualin, Yd .................. Feppurul R Uoblusche ud uan. yd............... 9.4 PeisullDlucWeâMusfino................ Faocy Tabl 11Cloti& ......................... SLOOVWool Drms Goods, yd..................... 75c Vool DruGoods, yd....................... 60c Yood Dreu, ondm, yd .................... Isc Percale, yd.............. 15c Gingbams. yd................ ............. 60 25 os oS O9 7 6 m1 12* do 55 12* o ~fOOTWAR $ 2.75 Mens 2 Bu"kl Socha Over,...... .5... 0 S 2.50 MW'.2 Duckle "Som.............*U 52.50 Mens 1 Bu"kl FeIt Overs................. *0 $ S2i25 Menai Buckie Fuit Ovins.......... .......iM $t65 Mea's 1 u"hAmie ......................L35. I SL25 Meds 1 cmke,ct ..................... es Mu'sStorm Rtbbuws..........,,,.. ,,, 165, $4tOMuoM s o...............3M0 $3.50 Mua'. Siion..............2.75 $ 3.00 Muas Shous...............2. Ffrat Qialty ials ubb * o' O.s........$* gF. D. BATTI3RSHALL 1 (IRAYSLAKE, lu. O: Mf ~ORE LEÂYSRNE Our lino of GUARÂ&NTEED Fountain Srno is àfar superior to any kind 0f 8yYlnge thât bae bomi 0 made Up. 0 Evet'y Syringe a perfect one. UUARA2NTEED *FOR ONE YEA.R, O We alzo handle the La.dies Karvelous Spway Syringjs. A tine lino of Uot Wate Bottin sand Ice Bage. Every one rtllahh. Grayslake, Rockekller and Round Luît,. i f OTSU -ThSSutores ««a & or Libertyville 2887. Contractor md Bu6d0 LBERTMYIE ILL, ~OUIS J. YEOMAN THE JEWELFeR 1