hKIE OOVNT! ,OXPENDENT, FRIDAY APRIL 14, 19n1. LAM I Ç41r41 Im Laini,, Wb.hbienm rE M a.mpvvlg stpresith. lii Ma"lsConvention iven lsy C. vasa gniat MMce", tecipti vies Miletvistel C ale Ll X . A. a tinli. Iquit»s9111la. »t -bo. je mfldym bs liai-eW. la lte bad roolelir.C. E. dui mol havi a vt, larg 49 tie tallas1atie harM It.altfi ah s vat tg* o i aon Grave, Vis.. iW4sogbr. MenLaie Saii. Is miiSlmor .ehcL Vil SvielaiAtbutud Coup of1j ob$oa*e stem Ias «goue for à -vlilIta Tacoma, Wash., sud bu, April 19. et of Ml.Lamb. iait srvid Mach bualnsoteocoflebelot Mamie Salu an bau oiso i ofArbutue Camip, No. 2M4. *0 *Mucaucyc alb ti bse ce of (kSt -ore Bimari. Notai vleltd lait wok it ll ber anal. bý wgu. M m wshbsn ertsluMd iâ*t se UHarki su Mr.andlmm Mr. isersoMd inPausr are plan- et*» Ueadsdriaels at ùiehome of frtesl ortin. Gennsay. OP" Va«Mase eviffl are ho hbellï tg tlie îhurcb oun a" . OP@"ia qsoeous yl b. priochlb thie pastor 9" epocalantbwuMesd magie voli bu rmd-ehdsdA good prourai susyb. sstlcpated frmm li Su$day ihool. TMi chilrenvWi ng asud ts. lMorn. ton unrbi ai 1U, Bndai sebool ah 12 &al eveulg Msrvlci aI S. W. eut te 4»con chnwqb fuli ou Ibié Soao. Cam sud bhai noeM8Il, BUILDIe GMATERIAL MIy prie. sa rgbt sud grade. goeid. Wbshher you bey or not gel MI figure.. :PREPAREU WIITEWA:: r. S. U1CAD, Prop. MANUFACTURER 0F Marbe and Granité, C.uu«oey Work of evoey Demarption C.rroPOndnOUe 5ollCtd 1 26GeCm"«eSt Waukfgan Téme» you i kow noout more ,ou viiapprodato tue cuuuti'uouboia evidenSo ai the ourefuil ad PSUlak- -as evoey .4tollobilw : s. IJ 'li Loiis MS ' wlht lira. Aprui 11h. hoe are iorq >la beau di tbosevei 1ate f i. Aiu 4W0for s eer,$ J. L Dntle lwtias sudeîg an Me hili rwbW1t, ts.. lm,. Yrlt sork Msslem tadhb [aIbi"1Ailurnmeos u, Wdmo ulro. V#Nd Beaou quel luedaa lu *Am maagli uo tsbtvl seb uuupe r.a.lau. imX" oh., lira Vrak rooâ»smaM bli s's 8Stog. Mr~ oi Mn.DuUml rsad Mn.Bia curry et Vamnes, iRst Sanla ah sii bous of W*a lsa. Id dMm. A?. Vils ud taur vwiai Mni$*ta. W. Ville ni ast fie okgm eni Deela laon aMded lite chosrauesc«4as t1 b. Daptmiel clircilais i'ri6î Stail . Mtbi» isa It vllhngber amut,lir&. Mm JS Dmc i us Odeg, o. e Oin ontt@ium eeinApnil 18, tbmare iib. a osirsovmcliut ue spsuldllg Corser.aulool boues.Tbere viii bisa progri R tie popile sud su oU MI » isiodi g bull ifor i aller ou-Mas lchlay tle specste*0blug lupcb for tva spd bil4ubawanm@a offtla b. higislMU... Tbe' ose bo bala b«r shai " sal apper vîth bot. Ail cous sud bbs yiourfrle5ds amts. uma sl4;dsoe a i uVielor, wereAaiocb vlalrW*dnog. Vioa Straiigatteudsd a moilngoW etlie Anliaciboof ai bhobeea dbuoor. Wm.. 6Ticm.t spet Several daIm tbe peil ve.k t Jobse. Ill., sbêre ho pur. cel Wanotier hors.., lira. Brman Adam@a oftCblesgo Lava. vsited ber pareaseseveral dais iaesutly. lira C. E. Deums eertalued the Warren Socety lait Widnsedaj. 0" iton Denun A Mr. li. Wseraif ' HrlmhcidPark. vlsl te euoncle, C. I. Diaman, Bundai. Mise909iProutofa!Rchbater, Wlf... vlelled hii.liieai Margaret sud Bertha hbite rscshy. rm3'r metng sa heshomne cf lire. Masy Dawe, Wdaedsy. OillaClevelandlah lusa Chlgabaiptal %cOt LeVai uilil econ mave thbohum h.bas boght itonz .L A. Thas t ti la r. sund have It madeoaver. Mr. Peck of Lockport, III.. wus la (hie vhtuiLy lathie iftterýt 01a Chicaga Telephoas Co., recentl. Mir. Soules sud tir. tiarale vii bath b! wlth W. 0, Thomn ti. summer. The. C. E iolty eisclid théi falouing afiller.: Preeldeut, 0. R. White; vice president, J. 8. Deauman; secrtary, Mises Vivien Banuor; treasurer, Mies Lucy' Ilpafford; argalaî, Misse. Ethel MeGuire sud Ida Strng. tiMr, and Mr@. Philllp Deltmeîer. Jr.- aie about settled la tîtir new home. Pcturqa of Great Morses. Tue W»TEîun Hanîîu, the oldolt aud mait trotting borse sud %&dfpaper la the.uold publlled woeil etInldianapolis, lad., bas ut great «xpenesecured trae4o.1llplctume, suit. able for Irsminag, of, tp four vorli'.s champions.- Thiffarvester. 2-01; toWo. radc EK, (3) 2'04%; Joan. (4) 2:134%, sud Juice Brooks, (2) "0%, sud'are 9t. lag *0 ail subacrbers, as lt.erapia1 oubicriptlon prîce of $2 per year la ad- Tance, a fl @et of thes e haueu valuable pictureire.. W.vili bo giad ta forward acy subacriptlon order lotI ist tbie office. 29tf 'Try (Oun Wanl Ad." r. ba ~ a S1~ DNIGAYSLAKE ,DEPARTMENT'I r.P. J.R>'CU, eim« hM Ne. 1l1 OMMor Tabufol .Job Worlt AdverlelgRate& On Appllcalleu i. à. IÛMïms.traniacte ba lu Fastes avltlo sud paet carde at (ho Grayslakel'hsinaqf. JOe. - eterkor waaa Cicega viella Easisl Oila."udVilieput sua. dw $1 té *. >»andlter baue. * b ?I'i*0sI AlilalbbuiIltas da~owftu *laoursl Hock vas choas mmgs»Ir liecômln umoesa. Harmm OWAMelaLle loobg f aer luthe dule anIMa hbope yul b. re«0dyfor gam e .. lor, lons. Tbee ii Sonda i c stal heb EPgMulM iel»WS et flanlay au ho-t»ý 'b s~ls lbe Sundq chaci bas b"o lafisila Lake aoit fornFmser lm ids. h me Mnsudlr. Hanter vore Obbfe ié iosreliuday. At, ss tiég bllu Longabaugh'i iltm Vsldar evmng (hoeOnayesie Atliltie (hb vas arg"zled sud aflers "- > feshs. Tii cocusover L. C. Souks marketalae beSurented madthb baye»r hwu a hi. vokik mtaillng pool je" blIti sablei, sud otbir parophor.1 sali W"lciMaie Il ane of tb. malt ompl e lub roue» la thia part of thei eouEtg. 1ieve uw lboarislng toc. aMd ID ar ictions hlalsaii ta b. ta". Carl table@ vili aie .placeidltuthie rioilg mou. ,The. leprgi m la (ho iilal1P2ts*lu dlgbaLsng glove., lnmub-bofe, Iisu lub., exerism pmuciiugbeige, etc. Tb eafficers electe a"M folovi: Juse Laubgabg, Pus.; O. C. Wslman, Vice l'us., J. P. ouse, Treàéutiu-, B. A. LofteSeretar'. Otto Waldmanm baisiold the outb hall ihle faim ha RI.aard Muller uf Chicago, Who expocte to accupy the plac aboüe May lot. Mr. Mueller te a isioci boy futeud of Mr. Martin who lire. on (hiBruce Lake rosd whlch sa oe of tbi rossons for bus locatlug bore.i Hi ftendo *0 maka oxtenalve Impitive.1 mneule on Ibo farm sud ulli make It a malt jattraetdlveph«c. The cousidera.J lion won $5075. lMr. Waldmasuu ul mnv at b e propirty on the labo ilion eentiy purehamed froms W. B. Parker. Ha*hlau&Wcostemplatlng building ou lbe nortaihaf fthe fuam.1 1EFOTZZJ Arthur Sutherland of Wanksgan. Ipent gaturdav sud Susday wlth bis cousin, Forreet Tho mson. tir. meUi. Nlck Anderson are thie proud parents of a baby boy, bora Aprîl 7h. Mm .An-anda Morrili of Chicago, avent Bonday wllh bor parente, tMr, snd ira.1 D V. Wi.1 Bari converse ulil Boom ,be a lcensed ohauffeur. ah bhn taklng the. course lu Chicago the peut few imontbo. Fred Converse ahlpped a losd of stock tte litdy Sunday nlght. lirm W. J. Donnelly sud daughtmr nutàb re îpendlng a few wsekî aItboh home of ber eliter, lire, W. D. Pries. of 1 Chliugo, durlng the latter'. absence lu Cailfrnia.1 Lausen Brom. bought a colt o!flMr. Oidorfi Tuoiday. Mm s.VirusConvereof North Dakota,1 la lpsudlng th. week wfth Mmra P. Converse. lia.Strand of Rockefeller.sud lir. Poario Waukegan, were tii guees of lire. N. Aderson tbls week. FOX LAKE CULe.P. Pauiloupe returned Thmn. &y trous flot Springs uheri ho bas bon for tlw. pastW vmoulu for hie bouth. gr& Jas, Halpn caflo upon frIliae abUlbete tfl urday. 1 v aet., Elu Zt"hinpetSaturday1 iuufla. Vu thbi grand.mothur ita 017 "moyedluta bis nMW home,, Ism %m b att a » eaui OgaOiLa rii "tLuE Howvd bus Mr New" 1 wek le Wi i* Adua 1hmâ uam ad h Mis. U»or icOnan sd dsSbir cisâmoaê&s»évlalhlurelatwvu l Mi ilr. Frank Lavmin epnt lit. vè4e(an as soubat eur- pdw09 tusýIng bom ftrm il. plie ci iiaoffl lai evenlag seUn2" pas»W Ikshbore. Tb@' »M s m r eevsd eve'ybolg ioi a J. A~ C~oliox aLake, vas lu lavu au bedmuilaludoy. mla os Corad amdsounepMt llà« lWk llM er mothet, Mma. oula EM 1mw of aieilcagoeha peulleg tie - vl1*jOs b* e Mm ILL Oprebolle f cf I.ts, KAs., là vWelh<aq WoIls sud relative. bore. C, id. ~ musstaesed buisoa la Chicagoliouhag The gamlghty Club met wvlhb lis. .1A.10M Mnlai evloug» D. G. Wl*Àod J. Y. iMous trausse- id buiom bas lu V aubsêu Mndai. Rai 8.ansutbed 0. [Bock traueced huisi lamned Tueeday. A, llphaatinueo! boxemcarns sud psao allie Graisiako Phar' nuasy. qMaie su exeelleul Maste Mr. and lira. C. . cCielland recélve4 vond Mode Otlthoîr four îiar cl sou Kiaii,às tory Ili, bult aler report sst» buile machbelter. E. Y. bogmilend w ile vielleS itieutîL lu AiEma, ulli.làqo vesi. Gaivoodmai Webhave luit coin- pleted a large vtcag con trach for the AI Risse botlh plant et Moussule. Prof. Eli to ier of Âddlean, l., Sondai. à&. oehhette s praiemir ai thteogy lu tlb, Qmoigda Colifge. John plammtm St., vastakes vthb asattoko o« Ipils îàa ueeb ugo lait Sundai. »é le 4sa s erlana çauldauu. lir@. J. D« relurued to ber Reievwe,Iaitaler ipenllug tie vlule aI ~hqgy111hbot sistet, lMmi B. B. Wrai',aplamben vbo bas bien lu (hi emil01ow m. Rebbeln lot haie lchlr: RUDUL Dr. Lewin aisea lra. L'iM. Bonner. continue to imprave. . C. E. Banner aud uSe of Edgeuster, @euet Ssturday ulgbt sMd Mndai with (hein aut, Mn,. A. Ç.C otul. J. R. liarrie o! Guros, epeut Banday at Marrie Broc. Mlaà Nelson o! Plomuul Prarie, hie., meuat Suay ulth W. éliea lamili. ,Mlie' Aana Carlson vas ho er B undai. luIaIlMurray asboiaud Mien Melcali borne on FriSai nlgbt sud stleaded the enter""inuSt l Grnie. Roy, sud Charle Aipocispeul Satan' deand ud nda>'"t uothor sud Muter. The many fionda of Mu. T. B). Nevell are plesied tea has ie i. I.provlng. Sb. l. expected home eon, Tho commanity wusigroggly paluai ou Igunday uben (bei bisi aai ira.W. H. Breuit bad passaI sai, lb. use awoman ubo bi upay Mini. Sh heave. te moanuber ddo" s bobsnd, on oui ansd onedaiutb*ballas ber agiS parents; twa ikAt a md four bmth.ra, thus i of " l'la the far veel. the. iamul bisae b. aynipahhy ai ail tu ibeïr affliction. If io'oxpoctlt eu re.t U sua biller bai Peste nov bïw ame cbosp sud gcWat ah LBurvlmia XU - , fl, WIL L ran tumvNETLY1 se~ UP' I. ANO 'r ffolfl~ Red Comb menlh, food boit for bons; Juit ".at phase theo aunr sud la chiape ha our grain. DoM amir by Lcasmvuxa Lvoe-a Co. 25-tf Tlat aisisive b oardlng bous he h 7« hg bave toklumed b 1aOUfBOUE DAT Mar b. aivwdltisitoa. m . . .UTIERZEL. DILIC . LGALLOWAY. osai..ovus wvau.s su. moe. nouzo-fbom ita Sad 6 $o 8p. aL LlbirpvMei. Mfloi. PAUL MAC-GUFMU 1, YOÈM YAT àLÂW.- Llbertyrtllein lois egagu 88 DRE GOLDING DENTI8T fours a *0 12 is.m.-4 *0 ô p.m. J. Eli Trimes Building uith Dr. J. L..TFaylnr-Pbone 19 Bei. Phono 1092 Llbertyville. Illinois DRILFLSMITH. PENTIBT. av** LAIS. coun-YATIOIIALDA. onas-8tc 12 a . 1*0 6a . M. DR, 1.LL TAYLOR, OttlOUOVES J. BI£. VE!OqeBLuO. ROîUs:i-Ttao0-a. M. 2 4 ad CIa a If. m.O Loosldenas bnu Broalwsy.opposite Par& DR. IL V. SMITHI GENERAI. PRACTICE HnOU O 12. lBic4lind 7 t058P. m. OMO oier LyachEBroe. Store. - SPEOLaL A~TMON TO THIE BEE LIDERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS MARTINC. DECR tLTToXNET-.LAW Utâlce Opp. iBîli St. Electric Station 018fee Phono 5884 Re.. Phone 8608 NOXITH CHICAGO. 14LINOIS *0 L P!TON LICENSED EMBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR ROMNDLAKE ILLNOIS NkgNI (Jlis PromptlyAtnded To TELEPIIONE ,228 W.- H. APPLEY Auctlonoev FARt! SALES GIIfiPM CENlT LIbertyYIIe, l. PHONE 1481, AueX"or n. «84E*msmive fl lue f uef.le, Roaiuio gIse toi Eendsis %lMusa Otde W. Oriuey "Onttar Campbel ieBilet lir.Caeils Nelmon wiut t Tuemday mornlng for a w"ek*i relative. The blah uchol pue arip estertammenl for mIlerWfaim Prlday uf b lra. Tcung. Orne car eModis= Uuleel Dary ied.l1utSrcor aihuo tsack. Attraiti Vi yls 7la bran. LÀIIIETTVILU Luag "We" ebruty18,1911 Mi. wni staul for publie imsedu nthe emm*s ai1911 aMlUenllbo* mondgy aI Pnuis rfo e, Tuaidy et Olamosi Làki. Weées aI Long Gravi, Twursdsy aI Liii uriéb, Frldy etli GroiSaunayet 14owadu'stb0" mm* e m t ,rh of uff" Oro TERMS-WIII stend h' bi assiom» fmmApril littelaJuli0 at, a 41h l end of assau. la nasemmri (alal. gptlq lofoqi ln l» mlb. esqs roerneiIrus lortlb. nul aissos. UIiestidhi luiutaue. PSltb vilu faDm, lmiparsaâienmare le mou. laie la fçl.M arie UI* amie vii ibe ll for lue "mniascub. uit as hibrol iy tbe, asa ., Whi sal or parlai vith. thoeInsor"ho sbeopuseb d ealpayable. WMi the leap or ilugble orTi . m P pay ble ailim ies rvlss. cm i*1!b la preveulsedale, ibot wI*.unIbe fapoçhi b eMA*yai. v :oE I - O i AT GROCCRirs 21 IW .... ......a..... ...... Cerusota FloS .......... ..... 9h,. LamezSuap.. ..................... Aula"p Pure LA. ..................... A tmorsCampou.dLard..................... Armoani Star Hus.......... 09- Prim BfaklagPotW 1 L b....................... 37' Dakem PchmCooa..........27 Cremer Dtt'ib........................ 3lIboRomsf Coise........ ................ R1JMfR 1BOOTS $5,00 Bail sud alucké Boots............... $4.50 uBaiad, Duck Vamp................. $40Q. M11sud AUl Gum Doctse.............. Meml Storma ?ubb=i......................... lad"e Storm Rubeurs ....................... $3,90 Sa,'.. 2 WALL PAP! Our 1911 lifte of Vil Papes r uv WM o speuls *b dowahpob l......... ......... sawaodup Èm ................... ........... 43 D.d a engu.aie$7I. ,n $2.25 ét.... Sec ..............................i Au ie OA *k ...................... È j'aee~ LOUISJ. YEOMAN THE--JEWELBýR ýj Chos. Poutmaater By Lot Th'ey bave s vsy of ettllng Ibis. GURM'e btlcover the village postmuterMhp A jaun et iavinta. uA large crowd attended the Sunday Carles Coutil. w a penate. s «an. echool entsr4insent at (hi hall Frldsy tral store, snd ubb leaeapouauste. ugbt. rtegnel recently lu the milsI orf lias eaMlaiuebreta ouarlet fOer ft e,"seversiaji e.Vr euf a oef bing lu hi. famll and 1H. Sees'ry vwuRaiel oser Suuday. chose. by lot (c 611 bis plac% lt# a& O. H. Benuodbot sud famîli' ai Wanke. vlma I*aVm.~B5ocIatioUli.d an,, cslied ou yelstivee bore Sundai. recamuidatlea. lThe Royal Nlghbharsud Waodmen The chalqe vas ma"e lu a »,oe! mil litaIStorday. manuerTonnumes, (hoçea 01 MMus Johunon Carr, Oliver. PWaiL t. lt- lit. sud lira J. W. Grayvivsited la ledge. 9eyunaur, Leouard. on. Kano" I &tM dai. WMosaud Sellery. uere wvttteuon ____________ 84pe and! planai lu a bat. Tite May- Or.DOIlsY Of HlblondPark. e uhva t weut vs lInd-foIded anldre ouI heonte P 0fanu» imebis bauds touche&!..,a 1chPe ý hie namne of selley. Ne pue 0101100d VrU oatld lire thie pcahaui.Uss aC5S-R erWsiisuiithe ton fed theuselvag lu atd gpoduse aud lots vire drivu. iiiqaarsnnechildren af the Ca. Vffl sud i.aGentry ilmillea. vii iste bad s««lot foyer, bave orgaisel- a baue ball niai smong thimeelves aMd sti» Pbvelgaiserte. of "lI«gu." Mmrnella ieGentry ba* 7ard Dto ri*n kovtha t V@easy Ila'bu a "f ool, (IlfVhe goaod "), vihict liii uBorâmo f mot sud 'maie. Jual ulve tti ire s vesi 1111e biroen top. Do' chiai the nlave pipe dalupir toc elosey. Use Prj'le hashel NuLtamYo cauSet la irous the Home Lamber Cou.. pany. lbedî cloasly, but llgitly, sud oyeavaauaigiair ipac lu th. fire la hon tbu t.guése 1h51 onlotherviai make machenma nk. 14f