- hmmAlter Avenue luit jwecum Stute0 the bfutat le kmd Ofbltmqt et Butr. udg Bekhwi ug .mnWlty Costh3wýu Th e Sih cOMO P"erty ()t" Ausocatlcfl 'lat an important uhir- Mutai, Ilu1thei r mr gaint Cape A& sk o te sk . eh« letmr üt asof 5Uceg1 ýs aid. baft htm, a,*rt tUme sp Ô hi' obnutaeodnuta coin e *e a"i ttiqWbat ln bisaopinion van waY la whlCh the Pual ID mli b, pUt in ôrd.rtotacofota tq tic cty odil. 'riar te thcge ' oqn t ainEttw bY tic etUtortOfU icropçrty air.- nom. lded cgameui UrIcu, .age La brommea.wauu ntXWafl gcoan lm. portant f8t<*. yote at tton« Bulkley reosirci word, IWwevcr. tint Erleuon wald bounahIc ta lbu pie est, but according ta the itutaiemt 0f thc Property ovue. ru.icaws n'.uwol. lugnenuta corne ln bauci upon the foot tintbils suierlor habien M98Wge by the tier aide. T1. inlaIheras on th i aluu-i i%* ainal bullet caiubtwlaimtIc e Allter Came wlll Orna'up touuolVo before Judge liacknov o cifàri.t betore wain a fliamm 1e airuu wmn take« bi a po e 8031ti.ooatusctate. "le report of thc edtno o e In-lu tnwatoma ut the reS out ethfe pavement vIlI bmae inova et thut ime. kue, «auUuctOi arsfo te at____________ 4tie UcAlter avenue puvin, vhen. grm mr attaTDoy. Artimul Bulkley. reoev- Valencamelu bavre been onpecally ,d word fiat Cty Slneer John Eric- trainei to abetinence îiey Osuno e ar Ccap mouliomt be uble ta go as long an la comumonly supffeed presUt u tictalaitomrravt w atcr. Who 'anI hl i mr preSt t he rw omrro ndrivet tey drink tice a day. They ,tify la ichaf Of thc proprta 0v- " buiagoiy on tt o«iR, »ecrbbw ver- a~s. duuê inevu ftlnly a. camel Liart, The plu n cfetbth tic COtItrgcti rb wieCi geatitrongban enopotaumia. et~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~"s mRepemri vi r.t m e>th e «teicert WMau&s .nd he ffl tyOw» wu talm'Thetr habitsaun e pecller. lni it 'Il the. impotamit eumdyý"bore.. tbey m ta fée]Dno fondu. inr gual aquliulai pi'j@ M lo fbelhng' igain»l. anniatos., mo iGosts limi omUN .1y tioi iraiga fi vu ssam rrçaaefer rein ti 0 1 on*i1te the -b»XY'@cn#41'eft$e ou ef'e. tlf ntu d tnLes Of~' WUImbAM'cmý ity - e e c c c PRICE LIST Nom . ..... .. .. .... ..12!c B»co............................. 1C Soef Pét RoSat,............ 8c andIOç itb outI . .......12*aend 14c LW,.Ï ..........................8 v. î .........................I Oc Voesi SImOJ* Romat ............. 1 2l bMoto...... .................12c Muitec Shildor. ................ ift Mu4osh.udeTCbp...........tOc Wi ogd 1e1a Ofton Chff ......... 12ç ................ 7 sosde ,ff¶;Corn ........ ..... FMMkRM .K« NS AuI the unot that we offer f« fid, NtW bos'lu, 4r4l., àprii 1.-Vina the fedehalencterel thc City et A4118 PrM*. al&fer t-i ba, hei ialy de, @"te by therubi. wu» evient tamtihe 4.1cmance 01 tubEtit thiicg air th Rebai poured Itt the tow'iu4 doue mare dimale thon thé; lm«to I a been vilXio to ilbebodes wre ylag Il fi. tre.* i bUliumw wetPrftateiami ineaya dbretdenoêe ,vomabeultom lag »oudei rne.oabatnntu,. lncud- t11* ceri t omen sudi cilidrea. The. condition or muer people lu 'PItIful TIe tg"n la mt ait supplied i iiipo. vielool, but as tic part has beaiu ce opened here I l ii aLt bediMelt ta 5cupp17 thin. Tic Red Cross people attempecitoi go ern rsbut <ii flot succeed. Spectatars on top of the Douglau Cty hall ut 10, oclow <reported seing thrfflh ieldiiglasses feicrali natin over the battlalield more tioy ut- teW ithi. trenchei and bayaneting tiroir o«vu udeti, io bad beu lait lu **i bilisl, iea l d*y u-i thmougi li ld ea¶i Iatillthtinthetic ederala vifteburinuai ueani Co&", l itauhio Dia, luncommai et AS« apileoa plaeci a strong patral of Y^qui inila»nanin thie Interna, #lone) Un&eThélr ave orders te, put Mt no ome tupae. The Amerbpua tjcce>u are ptroling tRas, iesuni *uv utheb.si. adero. Tic Une lu et. fe"inuBi'blonicie. Tisti ions mulitia company held udadr uu ieeSundauy vandil Illore, linted Staten ta"ai ivi eand tic foree n ov ane Moittglebahndlé, .*ai tuation. 'Tic phMu mrie essmange tu <ovrnor Sicav edginci thc ationphes an4 leadin;. cltusfu pprove te «ecutlv% 1 U iit long niel deserters tnut boi fetbemselveu ai> fio tic Amcrien noidieru. Oeueru Grclu wu» ontet tic firt tea aumader. Wftý aïen incarnedemarailse -Red-4 aubtie»àr bomunder, vent tu Dqa.but di. otsanmider escen * f*r a bauid et t*mels, suM104tu Jiu Caboslu, comlng te reiftie, omu'atosu aputint iw4a U vus*i0te=la tic distance. S inIlueaoet. Eederalu outimeufs cm ontbcaorectou. 'MI$ Counbt. n iPrame'..EMaed LI* emu'agemont te Madero Pars, April 9.-Tic Mexica cou>. bore remauriai at el t m o m i siauppoyt frout isecowl uliroal, wvnre aMaierelà u-a 4omtevcti'bffe. l *tluatatai fiat Chaxe. thcef 01 ,&, nzlco Ctw police; vWho la CI orign. Inu uritten te, relativps 1 lwnlet. Mta r»tomu ta priai nids tint thins Sociair *I*&Y se ,,oPania.to lclw fhe 0 ateeleêbsnsmifthti neuuÈwu - GeL fi'. becapital ILsei ii dIilpe I& tfuret cf 11110010. TENSONIS RR!LIjVE gadlv Melcan Fedeeie Wln, 'II*imtom. Ami lie1. - Viti the' of Apu.rl't&by tbiel5 fthc resulcae of ffdîý the out=e. louse u .Iarleatic teme"culu of- U,%» Ooudto tel' 'Pu tm *l" in urutua J -e Ifade i 28said lu lit- tor eolltr iadeonie al l ege eoat2,tnscdwt u new ailyreole îuaidNvili laei k, thr new aiiitlored, wllr i nlaid w'th i«e U t is O a t l a v o r tl jll . O O f o rs z this âale speeial Only ... IL * $~.8foàr Teâmoed * dudlm w lotx x Mde of gooD&((uality ~Woswods and 'phadès and styles, these c0aisare pï3sitively 1î 20, 1 8 o n sale at...209 Women'es and Msse.s' Taiored Buits $9.75 Buitta$5M8 j:Iiii tailored or fianey îhawl collar stinl misses, hîned wftlî satin. on sale . . 1 for fe * 9:io oflv. !&de of sheer qiuahitý awn, high or how neei cig or kimouia sleev* The.etivy of all who sec thein just preparcd to go on sale; s clever styles, clever colore and clever shtpes;' markýd....for quiek gelling at two pnces, 3095. Light sxid 'dark niixt-~ tsm*e collrlesa andr pea1y~inihedw ith, bra*~,othrs ithsailor r collar., sizes * 4 to 12 years, on salet .$SA8 IÈRO*U si Alour $1.00 corsets on sale ,for ................... MIl oui, R. . corsets on sale s3peoQas t U. They are ahi éatteed. _ 0fe fancy and plain se wcs ~ormteds an d 4lh îovelty ini\- turtit, thex; are.t.1is Mou i)P4 faoetlt ilow for97 oîîly. Elogant Tal1ored Suit$ Of serges, maninish mix- tîît'cs. sud "çivlty wors- td;the i-oatq are al -,iffll with guaranteed ,ilk <'r satin;-hy r rga $25 $1 valtîca, 0Sl sale at .....5 L'ingerie, waists, lae I.. insertion. vokb, a sîuart i nîloiel, at ........ . .Oort s a Wnie#r! *295 wM ~ould bl itnght3 dîicap for these dressots, Styles hike illustration and se'.eral others better, a large variety of astyles a"d colors, ; men 's and ises'98C suzes, extra syecil The greatest bargaini ever of- fered. Ladies' -sud rmisses' rubbeaized raincoats, full leu gth; 'they arc .positively. Worth *8.00, on sale, specil-- oiily one to a eus- 1-l %,-C tomner-at the how - l'jlghgradê e 4 p ateùt colt, viet- Girls WaMlable Dresses at 8ne Thèy wil ereat a stir; 'made of percales,* ging- bains and lawmi in ser-, eral natty styleu, sizes 4 tu 12 yearq~li One lot of elîciee models ii taf-î feta, messaline and Marquis- ette in ail the latest styles, ev- eî'y one worth at least $12,50, on sale for........ 7.! If Woinen's I>umps, Oxfords a»d Shoü In tan, Russia, patent an u 'n xeta calf heathers, fuli huie of sprigtyle andail sime, speciai at L utton or lace sty»Çes, üt' »M~p wtitpl, calf and tan, Rugsia, $2.50 values- qu~aeo...... . Lote s, pdMarâ Chee utâwthe MO ,J. Apm l t.-elio *iliNa mil*pasip fluge *--il