Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 28 Apr 1911, p. 9

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INDEPENDET. - W A o te l EGAN 'WEEKL1YilrSUN,, 79hZ PAGES i lUebirt Matucu, a voum rred WASliI mmNf.usac ae Forat *be tiimappsned ____________ecuiUrne ago, his91sita ibOa 1W. POY LOMForft« ;Iomm- -mu ' býtg ~,gkeg ~ b miiite have realuI a" . midi 2nalpayaienton el As C auiumsofn et alu im ZinCity. LlUr Lam la leMMato r«m* étrai k 'W~.1o wulfhy pot. mae.Cii. Joim I gWcn.elv. ~ m U 'Im trmiselheItoi conrj t ue, v ao e u tiiRok un 1 h Vushedamolli teu Fur, 11u1611M Mmeu (FoMM Wedneeday'i SUN4.> Um isCrmue Jeusen, a rugaa41 beautiFeus Wouvoia0f i.eie Form biaon. aisbuaW"tiing. SI bM istuat a teaipiiei by doiag yau*- bu -for tieWI. vbLiîPeuet if i aistecratieetî,ai and mii .eh*u8d te aet&" t the tub for tbe bitter paft edt nad bangout the dlii aftervands, luil aiu, MW Sie hmaa privuta, axouadltly viw maoni hoildry, Il la cocret. aid Iicatu tii biaent o! a fine concrete dviii Jing visiciste ah. bumt ont of be xiesDami, svinney, actiser Lae Wrat vaenvoma u, te erici, hbu il.accaumulatati anugis vorkly »DOM atk h. calle ei eutedo la tise mare aien. Oi etrPilpa. T" .tvo vAesbocs of wviou nov a rliui thir vomswîî Whodo tii veh ab fatidgy. gset fDo" gbn tgk von. vhiola lu iiby id MiaUlmJensenemployays ix qWk~ motldy la tie bammet laun- *y. &I cf whom a».e kept buat aIl the M&. À common mspecacle aMY day la te O aaateiaoblte afier automobile drive UV ih thi ealedoorad «lave a bit hasMIie.o! molet lothint, Ma nti a"I Uii is Jeumen bg msaea modeat frtune. Te Parvella, tise A. A. Car- po«ture- ISe1IMIu MWdlu ac alt t Ïybidn,-r. emodeUn-g thie Co, reaidencer, bucl, h. as W. Ver- 4rd and wili ooeupr it aàte altura- C W. Fouitis of thi FoiNds Macar- oni ôompaay ihan rented the blond Uflrd etsoosfor .tbflnomma. U-EK TO flAD AUTOOMLE PLAN« (r0. Wedniidmye UN.> Umittomn itb the deaire tomons..m lis string of proaperous lujustijea, Uàbertyvili. beltia m mauntb Mmoiy nittad.took Up tbe Wpopt- tiai of tii e moreeAutouoibli eo pauy or Chicago, vlci dMètres te.10. cea* in tbe couâtry clty. » Te compasay manufature. ,lieé modrats prIcid rnaidut -tie lu kImevuisathi emmoSe, a poiar an'. tud MM,. UboetyvU» t> eMUL es«Ia and incrum« li telîOty. A legmamibttie ba benu afpoieflti nvestisate u%" Ne. matter vill be pusheul tu a iiop for aucciauui ornpleUon. fAtIAELICENSftS pter Fruit, City .............. 2 BOUa leryM, mi............ 2 D. Arthur Millde Zion Cdiv:.-281 Beulali. Houston. mmre ........... Il Fred Kanu. Chicagq.............233 Ailes DlgaayMM ea ...........3 $up.MsuaudpnmIm.ut mer- Chamt4Ï*1kImn~ for Audit.end upçbr le . 4<Lake Foreus = nWHFamIIy end C»Uier of Bank USauel Biackier, a butcher of Lake Fitafrienti of L. P. Swift. and a um promenaint tela lttes for yeara, Who là» et tata bien a supervimor frorn tie towe or! guelte. bas Ieft to make bus peanaent home la Vancouver, vbi jelu unrtoot thathb.bha, lestat laid, aid vth hlm bas gone Ul 0 , Rice. cashier of the. Laie PaVïesState baut, of vhich Blaciler -Uvice preaident. Wth BWlaier vent ibis vi!. and Idagtr Mima Gladys ati tbey. vitii à"c, viii ettie peuimaentiy la Van- couver. it wva. kuovi that Bimeler vwa iuteretted la thi e etatu mre linago ho made a miay tiiere for ma"y motha. but Dt te the. extet of leaving tuis country, viiere allmi ln- terets have been. nie va. one oF the principal advo- cale cf tiie county audit a. regarda tic lettig or a contract for It to Ar- tbur Young and oompa, and vas one et thei mm-actora la the dramatie astis cf evualtst ntied viiianti ofollowed the meaatlonalAfil etrea- [ cy sboratgie, epoaé ant ilight. Hi vs.u the chiair.anof the audit »om- iitie andi bore a leaatiig part lnaml tiat committee's verk. Otiier super vimaimemberg yere Clarkei of High- laid park and Graham of Long Laie. CHICAGO LICENSE Harri' Taylor,ZMon City.... 133 N. (3enefee St. 310 Mol au"% t Rina, WIsoeeml are r est....... m . ...... ............... ....ý.lie and .......... Abert Obssn, Bache.Ior ef Omti< Fia. lods libre, w1W University Euiisfed et Ps*reak et Civil War, Fiffy Yars Aile8sf.- arday itf Nhmteen (Fron ttenday'à $UN.) A secret uiege here lait Sator- day entilag tisi long bachelorboot of' Albert Dlckmo, 0 years oid, millin- aire sesd ieriant o! Cisicago. and, iîcideataliy, *Wwedta celebrate the flftietii mdnv4ry or bis enlstineit lu the, Unituit tesarny, et the out. break cf thé cvil var. The rnarrlmge W »athe culmination o! a romance vilol iid lis begluuing more thai treuIl years mgo, viien mise En=& L. Denas, nov M4u. Diciam w«va a tudeat la thi dental college of Nutý*Wesern University. "I bave beffle" out of tie clty on importmnt iuuauum," Mr. Dickin- son Informel limnuger Boye* of the Abert Dickhmueséornpaiy Sgatundai' inornlng. An heur iter b.s and Dr, Benam vieaboird a Northvastern train boual tfer Waukefmu. Titer- terday mruthiii eymppid backinlte Chicago mndrr«ëdm" t ithe 1i«6l La Saliefroue Oieue City. Fia., viert they vi iai *rfuture boni. Obam BOl<os i>CkBIL stom. <o 10iCrnty l1kly -teo b efl ut SPdaufted Captilu Srithm dit Wlilbau passed ......223timii t et, and la 5j" op to the .20 hotu.. Sebator llsou le prouummansuappr- prlaieaoo!$16,000 for a pv culture fflry for Laie cou&*I. 'Ibisli.for iidiug siiforthe Mmli laies, ai folio,,: Senaier Oluon ilaprulsUlan appro-. Oluisolarci 3, 1911. *li rattUrn oertprintet mati relltnedte com- futtiee ou appropriat»adi A bibi for ai Bt ot zeuiau a pro- priation for the. Ilili ahDarmenm AtSection1. Be It eioý* 1,ythe Peu- pIe o!t the Otite of! $p6lrepensent. td tu the <laieraI Amoi4lr- Tint tie mmaio! tvo tiieumaiirs 1>îmdrd dol. mara(12,500.00> par -»*ffl forthie :$arm 1911 aid 1912 le. a«dii hnem lu ierihy appropnisiji te the saiS P>alryueunsAsociailua l cmpilUÙ ,d 'publibig aid tiathbUui rports sc. 2. The sudltor of pul c- couatslu bireby auhlUinite1 tras Onq, amoiatonaid the ý" etreamurer fo he sainspeciflita 4hmact cn O f ýM&of panticulars by tbe c»" f mali dalpeuolt ta tiie rder o! thse suOOst et-emi puiocWaio nad tii IS$e nuaur -4bomiiMmyeuet ( tI lt th U* w ot othrWitegra - 140 Oisonbau bâd tig-100liaeti hi 100 tls senaue lu thse lieOio t me fae I le mmrsanti dalrnàemiiMilL n. Ao 100 It lu of liter a - 1oake ecuati' 1V O ne toit hie 12-yebtie» -au. te MMi - H ccvm4 titi tie w@ ulop the *Wt l ,unt op tbioo e ,t ,-' caivai the colt and -. usai VtEILAt~CE ~UAIDS 0F' DION CITY ARE SflOWINQ RftNÏPS Vigiamo.Committee a r e tleqM b ave Iriffon tWe Threatenlu gLettons 00~ Renivd byChie t o.- lis Huver Ysorday, on. $y a on uuSaturdsy Federal Authuttios Refuse te Adf la natter, Ca.ino,»o loney De.s.ded lu tiié bands Of Chie! inspector Stew. art Of the, post orne. departitent at Chicago the. Mau Who assisted ln brIng the. Black Hai vriter Alonghi to Justice. Stewart. howve, refumed to Bt in the mg*ter claîmîng tbat as hier, vau no dernd for money, -nor ver, any upeeule threats made, that the. matter vas more ln the. Jurladie- tien of tiie city polce than the. federal detectfsm.1 The ZMon police.e nOv vorking on thie came, but appear to have run up against a biani vail. Lake Fwest Mn Ibid. mèels.WitkFemu FbbholsmCo.~mylm nooeot of c4weusbon iPromWednemday's SUN.) .Vro>ot f1&OFrs Eyidences of a viglanoe commttee .Vro ot fLu Frs la Zion City vblcii vould equal the. vasf reed cf chargeastaui adat spalalIinquisition of tii.IlDAn ges, X oot &c o.iictof vitb se'ahuo! or ta-ecetservice of the Uttle n-.Dcii tu,0!vili . a tie>, cf Rouleian abeeu brougitta opresid n a ust tve'eiv nlilute ligit lut the poutfev day. by lattera teld .lathie am@arne erlItttllé r«eeved by imembers of theii.ndepen.-nemiarebartgie mstreduieiIL. dent party ln ZMon City tbreaining oula., format treumurer' of, timçde. the. direst reaultu if tiie reciplent dos funet concan, al» *ver.dlsjoi$ 1f.1 net fortith aai tihe.dust of Zion la thiefinal outco 01cfthe came, fro. hie fest, and ,promis. neyer ta vIlil sbeau penusfor smcmatea return. ivo yeau a IneL fS W»O vs Mui ed "Munat Mr. Booth ou on. bili A poor tternpt te enulate thesuit-auti aotier a plia oorsalo 160& Black Hait lttera la siiown by the 1 uer i in su.I vsali fact tbat the. lattera are vnltt« n telb". eau moaiey oIL wàà*va> c the pooreto! paper, la tii. vort "bd batm us.. l woi style of diction and &sllig, but-~am ivlteM. RgobinsMvire aulau. incased la ae fin. a pace o! station. on molion ef tate's Attoaaey Wa7. ary a.uva. ever een. Oie letter vas maied.1inZMon City on April 22, Bat-I urday, anti received by a leader'o! tiie [lad9pendeaîs on tii.mreAtay. Tii. fPflflý POTACE CUINS letton read lue tuis: Du Sur If you, do net lae .tua cltty Pcatmuatv4neie0 Auiast mma" nlgit avay andi quît -makuîg trouble Sii u inSdeé you viii b. scry for it W. are tireti of yen and your vbrk and vili raisen e umuaiO$. Apia a~-F«ûna««* b-Il viti bou Iayou doultgî i. i~ t out# -leM.i l .15 tis The ltter wvau uigîned atiritte» ' PtU 4p0S4i(c i utiiout punctuation on a Por sliP o Af ttsiean o p i4Ïut'o viiu* paper. Tii. envelopa vas of safIne lat yn4,140Mi took iialg.e o! l iluteà. bli nad abei that the rlit- ~atm. daaXanp ar badi evldeatiy lan bis possession Ho bau matie a staleeut Ilte bi nmre o! tie. vorld'u goots. vblhieeaffect la acniledaiisglefti yiua littir tiel! veuld net Indicate. t3ag theipostal litumtlm. Tii. otiser letter vas riee hyIl Chie! of Police Hoover Mondai'. and,- --- vwu vylîtten alier the. mre maunet ~ pre aid enclosed lu thei, mrn ld et ma thesharp ball tat pae ut fbe envelopa. Tii. biter atl that t iiauotie tan: ttue auaile.realy vtiter snd otiiers ver, tire& o! the Machs nuarer te tise Buropuan culi practice« of the.chie! of police a ant .hm, mut Annual s e ap10 advls.d hlm tu quit hlm lob and aliisupipoes iomtissu mý@l àshliaab crirînaîs la Romne otiier city beMidi Aune. dmvaW 40 1 l trin Mion. Miv Terk voux un£ii110 115 ii Tii. leter vblcb vas. seat t te tii auine ud cf geuJhl otiier resident ot Zion Cty vwu Placit.»$fIMe EiAIonI ih dinlaWh. F i.~hIiat ai theby. a bliu 105E busti d Pe#walà tory, cS helm lo IO ebow uby? emplewà arm 4woiO=li -s am *alî le petà te uw i wMals ii ~. direou et Ib M"e teriorteê inSiai* aivaouam MW al MU WIUUgýtw- mis, tii isw..Is4m marc IL3. oib eopht 4,lji MdE baIs ,nwv 1 aid - -b«i 4"umibereu sýpyy-, to lte C' ithin d. ýour beet $ thàt Lake Co., Corne Ii ai Sp.âtg -gods showlng, gWe c~*nb SURtS r I iJl $1.5ê P~R rfa eider spav. m ie cmt ev*e aus la Ctyi ................ Oteak ............. ltc

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