nd mmneer, lb'. tie te tr p ifo Les acomaml rnm TyrnUl te W o lanla VNm a mispeni , 8 B,&#m vasouit ou C~acg qmt h8wiav vii bis hall, Ur. 0ammP a. .PatissaGaof Nu 'ebwà bow ae labsa a bouse ln %. Mmi awq ty i bi befldou S&hoo rue V mmv ilaeb<"aihave sguilusai ** masuapileaci mniipal a*aireby -Wgue aboUmleme te $750 pr O* Tsusmyeibas etrtaihis MW boUm lu NuL F. Roum idlvWmoil mnear*yNu eilreUbetyviliLodgm o ,L 0. 0. . ami ihir amMSe vra bremailes S n4a ugttebear Bey- *t sive em* mmmsuiioailu *W*gbs-fi antuvareari09h ie isaila 0 tiatosier. Gêna.. Knlgge amiArurms.Raphe ýqm sa hg Tueeia.ybut h ame th" fihq liqs ibm u dmotlomof Nu damn tbl dugteraMM permisson te go Ïwnlendami d inot go Busai Ib beeL C. Bhalbubetun liii ecva- 1 te ot rsidMnc lusRavine Sope 4"M y 0" a.u Iw t *4 cf t»a semonson 'Coniie Ur aMidlb Nue veng he u abjo b*R&Uiai, iai ui.iouho'.d&W là *ee oui NuMd bememon WvI ib. Wr Kufflemt speni.1vdais ibis k#* wde vie bu hem mielal k» ma' 1 doui bocal gt ha too gbesSailaieslui rid ulb.1 4 P'*pkWse 'eW. L. Goivin Mi mm Wui"av esiseisi1"i a d. iewibailmm1 sm vi laodoniý lettor plae neo u iay.1 Ubon't mine i.basket doc iel a o lb beruhit, of the cbufthb ot aturdai nigbt Ladim pphas brlng basket». Barman hMalman »anik eof Waucon. da, ver.e es lainour vilme. Tuendow. Chas. slp ami Job. Blade of Palili. wequ vielt r eà lnday. The. reaimgiraie ad to lay off a hW day las, v*lokon aceout 0of min. . affy iUihima hipusi acr bal ubbs l»g4Wedmdo., Ï&Wb bers Uaaia., li1^ bgi WUi b auo la bis »ewbubai. lir. #lm Viiila~ teir aul ibémtor bmut usi uplgy blussion him hm ai Shiple'. CoueS e " buhaboulât M UP.io.dais @aumpgemach n. to mate Tii. Lako Zurich AieeClub -Ii give ib OM aidame. la leku bi lii. v4lg. board heM ibor voeu U..ug »Cordaiebiwh, T1111100,atea teri, AÀ. 1. Redino" e ailéciuieiN auNeR proogeqsiwtiba ortpace te gis. iii. volageu ibmsgbto ho U. bonde for a wvaletm. Tii.orilW&e va paissi by iiboard aMd a.sell i iou wii eh. ld liouday, lay29, t tube a vceoou c.boni ho lu Md Il cariwd iii violage viiiproedai one. tg put lu the yste.. ýTii. masabaF salsawuvab almomid fo. 45 10 850 pur smoub. john Sehuht.ud funly movsd lin m Freda ost fttausas lite lae ibis The foiloving lea progiain te b. Civen by Nb ulen pupl.f'ils M Anna subeeuuu*Msisi iii nmbaeo ,unrke -omnu be vsnlng ohfliay 0. t 800 Duele-Mamsof Unhie avr..Echari Elhube, aridie Relier, SyisS@*I Msy Song...................... e Is The uhrd'stfi *,y............... 3. M. Rend Roy Momipr Song-Bou ,Ie Rneemsld...Sevn 01* DanucigSun....... ..........Pani Ducee Berha ratter The ceflBi sud ny ......J. B. vitAle,' . 1, Nre Reluer Grand»,a Desm .................. Grand»....s .............. SOssM r UNIe bes.Whoiduer ii lir... RnY XXuuar.lmer Sisser. Oval nictuss go u M .................RW. H. m eiis £mma andmmn 'uaie.........lithe FdABlenkinbnr MAveec... ... .............Lax Oti eut m ihn-VI01èh.................mnom, 8wetniass......... Baem ....... ................gUl aies TIo Rhâiow ParS ...... ... v . Kycom zoomitsD..... ..;ý..... .Rancr r orwh Som o uad ...... e.. I. lir. hhedffl Svau. 0Vlocal cor- puaientmore lmoiils! konasm -'DidV, veaY modsei7 uqsutai$e0l-i Immut* nblisof iispotcbaeqlauew blda" VIel. h1%o ilwaYm bas hei audea im"clue, qofsequtly bismuaM ues fala lemt b. surprisi aisLin Asvhuicale osido BenasiLisimmn gui Aiskovgsr&i. Wl ten muni bv vedk, Ibe rmejoneve s"mi», fron 1940 phahemo te fortissio. viiib. louables i*9bm aria of Nu multitudes. go wust, bovey,r, Ibibis fture en- omqmtN » der » ibm dinof Danle Vismdsh. viimo t eaio ouiof ube1 *ieaesy-Io"" h bau hen haudilug mu lm iraMe Obrendort vsaltsê relatives lu Muwu k%4lat vemk. Abe Combe vas a elier ber. reeimtly.1 lira. Lgge le quit slk au ibm home ci be mugt.,, Ms. K. lMysr. Peei Neyer wv@a a ckeleller caliez AL . & Sbwran was a Chicago caier Mins Barbara Amana $peut Suuday ai hI»bou.bem.. '%%m tut visibmi ai B. &Mann'& Sun- day vu, rai Anun. Jobu Phannetell »4 iVE Âme.. .à- rip»p, prealdet. lis, andM milr.Fan Harrison of Chicago, 09mai Baluriai a Sundar ai ibm home of M. anm ir.T. B.Ssymour. lise lyuilsKusbk.r ani pupoieer about 800 atib Iketscilet prMai sveaWi. 0 Eeary muru spMt a fsw dws 15dm vai ai Wîuan . MisaNtt1W Mura lea.nJoln aa veeki ýaeathol. IP. L. Crs brausacisibodlu IDl » $M atend N fuaiiof ber boudeb, jos., H sva aVahianvisterl A Mlypauyviiib. glven abtibà, Qa~laniba n e litay ial lia 12, nuder Nu amagiesaCO *ibm «u irais. Tickts600. IL a.Ull Ma ausacaigbuluMal MieAula loemimbmt. Who vau ibraatsmdvluh dip*ice,lehinpmevleg rapils amd ber frieude hope te -mis« st lb. smore &eiu soou. Alvin inbel vas a CiflovistOr Eay Ssymour rturusi reml. i MaYs hoopial. hilmaue, oua day lait -sk an iubis rlmi au epsd te lemeatim ho le reabi! luprevd, ilibouji h. vii bave te rewrn lu a fcv voeek for fusilier Ireamm. Aihrti Mule. of Chicego, le vilting resivée ber. Nhil, yak. Floyd ami Clyde Cas e ve home over MiesAAura Meliabon of Chicago, soi a lady feeni specnýthNu rsi oh lb. w.ek bor. Tb@ Mclabou fafhlli v4Uoccupi the limai roeidencm ou NorthUMMn streel iurlng ibm sommer montua. lMiver& Jenko came home Frlday nadsii» .ulnntilSundAi.- Kim CeblaFreund le! i fer Chimgo, Moiuy minlg viera obe yl make ber home luatCh. futur. wlth ber istes, lirs. Jeu. Bnci. *- Robn L. Pratt, youMgmesonmof Mrli. "Imtr'x , D, Umama. imuerai EL.I POl., 8%. Golding, H. Ir.1 Gtubs a. ILE.MUrnau. B. W. Brook&. Soms iiseuiamlu va thonlad lu roeard 4o Iaieeeeipasous large m.1 oOmpsuyo os.pia bottllug plau n u ont vilae scam4àgmQtJçSm vas acotinlugY made tiai tii.e, ctidvç commuas ebe lmteiui 1 bai. p iis, malles Mdi repoit aint »à ett*g, fore bingn lfutWbos uu eeting ug asadjourmuu. Vaboanie ,w1, liey 1, 1911. Tic board oi villg t"tese met lu raguleraion *ksolei lél obar Mdu-0>4 Micn o! th#Ibglu pneima. lWxwlgploo prevlous mot. tes, "»rili iaÀapprovsd. The IOSOU0eg iii. vequpeseiti for m»Y ment H.L. ranibanfor 1% i4"@ l mitialuMIM ,bauling tram 4Ot total 011; Jas. galmr for -1« bous. 'muW dbMkb.ullowedaud erdes irgenou tmresssetscama. Molo. idbyOMigV* éiebonds of D. *. idv ! s oaatillug h. amseis 6"i - rap shb iepragoumi apoit ai IL T.Sramm sinioner for the "en Fm, Wa " vhcbappoltameni vas confimed by a anmous vote of ibm board upou roll caD. h vas movei amidsseoniei uni t te slrr ofheb mms.alIl be.-050 per monib. motion carrIai. TbCpraeldst appointi So. Haphe maishil for tus .uscing îoair. No funribuses comlug befor. Nue boardid h as movedIo eaijouru. motion carrlsid. IL H. Dàmas, Village Cimnk. Viai itheplnt oh Nu Meedih Flovmr &Vegtable' V». soidtak vith Mr. Otto about your lava. Fohî Kldny Pilla t ieks old 0h son avote.midheilp you te ridi yuurm.lt01 Souki rmgglng biadaiui li hedaceo, u.evoulaiea lxmpirsed yeslgbu ii of am tue niesreoitlng from ibe impalrsi ation nh yonr bimues aMi beues. Resuember l le Foloy, Kiiey Plsetii; do ibis. For sale iail Drogglate. RAi Comb Mat Masb tus bust for layng bens iak«e eu abitter Oavor. Sli oclby Lrumm ViLLE Lvinu q.0. MnS-Ltam 00ethe etigbb u M ......lira. MmC. U.Pçatt, dii ý e bism.bome ___________ April 26, 1911, &a" i17 yoea, Il mjuillaZabu of Chicago,. viltui ..... oua .SM15 dayL , EobW$ @fsalobua. itirber parents lu Driledovereaun- waoiofbut brief insiion; b. caieme ous fie.u Chicago a lîttle over a veek @go Mir. amidlire. Hofmeyer bave moved lira.ClasaVanoi. ofPalatind miami Tus.dY aternoon; Dm r. Be ndam Mm,. WilgiM o A.eiesiam, Nov York, Cumulus of Cblc!bo»diDr. lioCormieit nmb1.ILE.Bhm'. i". vlitad lIta. Jacoby ViioSmief. of tibis piues. peroumii au operation Barre Nlsont of Chicago, le ipend- Mm a. Hlu laike miaouStamley of for appoiilclleani Weiueaday mura- log a vek vl theii.Tierrlen fnmili. ChiSag, abe opodlug a fevday. vflb lug viea bis deaub was sanuobed a C. B. Easton enterinlei lir. sani MIse Uîma Euh.. ifflnfg i £00. preai oves tb. vbole lMra.Jack Nerriaof Chicago, and Chas. The LadisesHome iloar s ommuuty. ne vas ayouug Usm of Penmon 0f D"aPlaine, over uday . mt vi bWary Payne lut W zs. OPaW-rhabits vitis a&1MM5 crais ai lMr. and MNs. Peter DIidIOh of Chicago dây. lé iiug tehoisonnuai meeting tleyiuy hmharalg maie bis home l te lsireîves lu r'era.id emunay. dltei offe, ,aiter vbich a ne#limppor cSdaai he h. .u lat a Mise liildred Wht»ue as eenIi vwu orvui, and ail openta phasa o. vent to cb~rgoto aceepu a wuii.pawe. .é p.ceantpositoa vithtbe Bomingbon Tlpe wri@drn ipè s Co. Th. immiiy b»!», tWaympaii of .lir. and Ure. Raipli Knckrbockr en- idr.Effl Smih an Min ipetthotrse ommulty lu ibdr bour of itil"d a large number of relatives aîin ment aiSuniay ai the hmb orne ai eent.TI, famnaa uheM Suiiiey Shopard. . Frda.y afiarnoon mi 1 o'dock ei the 0. 1. Rockenbacb boas purchasei a nmw Thé làbdie. Cmety scl.ty yl Mê0t hoead mi 1 t0 athei.Baptisi cbrob. automobile of A. B. linhka vle in EmsoHma Rade. Tbraiay ah ter. Dr. and lire. RaEbaw and son of non,, ilia lli Woneieuac l aconu, 'L, lMar 2. 1911. Chicao, ver. the guesta of Dr. amidlira. 1w -----oco-f th.una ince.Dangaounma. at Yu oaITr actions oontrole yens heail.1 liai vint Pohoy KIn.y Pilla baye doue1 for qons nelgbbor. lire. T. là. Siiti 1727 No. Bloomiugio St Stroawer. lu., sais: "For mOne lime jÏ.uflémi a o" aevera Mes, o! kin.î trouble. 1I kepopttins vous Mi vous outil 1 vwu tobO about Fohi KMey Pillaeam deehisi ta lry tNu.. laitNueIa batti ve. ensI vasmmciruilivmdi ami thoeinsdNutruaomai until 1 vwondes.forMed Ict Riva me pleasure %0tecr n iem u en t viton. viti bidur = ,- F." os sala lii6ai R. P. Rous$e, vice Proalent. Irving a. PaYne. Tt1,E,,CITIZENS' BANK, oua ftasiff Dofflrnmt aVrde Uta fasmo,-, labose. eold Md MM *Usui"i, .mfe aMd prafi"ale metnneOf lai4rmUi *hir gIeeisss .00 eçeat am ccnwl. SImset sl$vD "ta SPar n pises..- uénueund d laommily. Pmmom» MAID gDIcReTRS L. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ir 'F.pRP.RU. lvn Omy.- fi. fflmer. J el, J .Glly couda Improvemeut Club vas calidte osier hi Prs..IL. C. Kou% anidalle sonn explaition nnoummsitut lie OiratinI osier vas elctiof oflera. . ký Cati aiosdhnghyminoed liani rabhilus om rabe r**.cted illling te &ai. Motion iacothded hi B. T. Coo. Motionwau ctled. Tioen bisg on. veaimau n9Nuboiii of direcoisDr. vv. W. Soowe, h vwu noesuti teleci a mebrtole 0 iis vue q a mi Dr. Hughes was ominsi a»4misceoir- Il ehuted. Tii. olihr oratora feoi Nu @msine yens ae asu Ihldva:proiieni, R. C. lent vice PtouhMImatDr. -M. 8IL Puell-, scrtary, 1H. 19. Munau; Tmreauo, . D. soer bsi leiv C.mItise, I 8 m .Ioka, , ireo, Ju, Mouemy, <ûo. Piouty, EL. M.Davis, Preie m $ lns a» ve aretvt i vork doue iy Nu 11m idus Nu9 pffs asa" $ i&W ibat vi i vrytilt 't baa aoocm~ îeWaspkmeud, reouhis bas. houanssamid iii 1W oubéusi suppo t .1.11-Wou u"lMur ymore uapdvê.emt. viii be asm idus Itbm oeag ysa. Di. [ &13 oe, J. eairO thaI v. i ssu ii rert v5 tsi uian@UiuSMia usb, Numyeae vbleuPr. vai * 5 e Mm s 0 M. 80 [i.Veu b *"'W* Purv.gsior »»muai4m 4oalutisg 1.0<!emb.Dr. rFdhi Ir. L sr '.LsfePe H.KDavi si -H. TCoo, osa. lu Jin BhedWr hmbas euapPolu3tod vtillage arashud miscbool lautes hor ibe m ilg ysar. Mr. end Mss. C. Anue.enirlalne thil sou Viii and vue of HiglmbiuiPark, UmesAnie Antes le vleting ber meera, Emma Iu Chiag. ]PolaBALD HxaDB À Tretm mt Thst Gost mothlng ilit #miu Vs vaut ion r ire lru hot ie.o LsWahltg8" larTue l'r suW atniap w a gVea ut m smenepte u bsihevy ?mml- to. About Malby fis. couple ver. pre. out. Tbm iadine certaly aeto be is.. cradîtfor the loveilysupper vhicb vas. .srve. The*adiraes deilveri by Bou. John R. Valsi. Joe. URe ud niMs. W"blmon Irateramuahl, v appreclat. ei by ain. laon'a oretra,wvilci lu.- beard le Rouai Lake. Evésyboiv attend *"Crl Jobuso'" mrloecomlc draina a;t ube Roui Lake opesa bousee sausay evouncg, Iai th 1911. Daco nues the show. Wwner-DeM]=Nuptial Lait Wesday Etlward Wagon sud Bertha Bah. worm ulted ln marringe et the St. Mary'* C*tholle cburch of Fr.. meont, 1ev. Fatber Ochîldgen offilcatlng. Th. bridai group, eonsatlflg of elgbt lu eii, cresed an uncuum and very attrac- %ive appearance. Misa Durotba Bob.o actei as mld ofhbonor and Fred Obeauf se buet m»wvile Arthunr B.bm and Carri. WagmuedMi lthoBei. sud Cor. Obeugafwoeafso meibor of the group. A diatuer vwa served et nt-on at tb. boni.of , the bride. parent@ w lhors moroly the. usareit relatives vers preut, and la the. afteruoon ith. younl< couple de- partii lu ahovees of riceand old aboie for a short veidina trip. Mir. and lira. Bi Wagonr are botb veli knowu and lilu ti iisieutj' ail thefslve »ad are bigbly vsspsct. by ail, wbo sîtend a baud of muai harty congratulations. I PALKRNK Ms.g. VanHfotu and liro. Wrlght are vIsting st Ivahoe.. Dr. Henry Ableman oh Chcago, visitai relative. her. oves Sonday. lis. ad mai .Adolph Raid, of Ch~icgo, vill b. ni home to ubei r rends lun h «unter Ot on Pium Grave .Avo., lu lie future. Tii. teblng corps o! the public achool isard ihe SheffildiiChoir o! Enginni ei Orcebetra hall Monday evmalng. Mr. admi ia A G. Smith etertainei bier mutes and motber from Barrington, oves iiuuiny. Palatine bapler, Nd. 206 hI. A. M.. tmtemiinoi a number of vitera Situr imy aflesmoon uni avuli, tNu occasion being ihe couferilg AI the Royal Aci-e iegrae upen ulue candidates. min àCrysier of Cblcmgo. vho bu. been1 ln.ieuctins a number of Paline ladies lu vole. cultur. gave a rechai atetbe Garai Studio, Chîrago, imt Satnrdiy aiternoon. Amoug ibone who sunn vie: lire. Kimbali, tlb. Misos.Aline Toriersnud Wauia EniRgai ofPalatine, ibm iss esers (Jild and Branle Vaneci ami Rail Afllmln of Arlingion1 Helgbt., a a number from Barringlon.i 11W mpi progseootheae puipile have Maie aksvery viiilu desi oh lla Cbriyeler. lis. and lira.3. W. Laugborita r.tb., bappir panais oh na baby girl, bot. lairiai. Apru â9?uu amct« t oeousie-tortbey «ET IN- ln TD iTom P1OMTT POPOgiTOm N <TWRI I, ami therI« lgisout ruil aMU"te mee lsd Comb sssatcb fooi busitoi heu. lut vbas pham e movnis »d lW ebeaper ihau ouigrain. Mhou ois bi LmmvuaLueaCe. . 25-if AUvi ofrleis sd corn, teeied, Sre 10 grov. amvvLeou.C. C-St-2 Joeait Brown fru. laie Villa, apnt aIFrai Conversebua aew ave Pamuses le couple di.ye vitha hor brotber il Brown Ford automobile. ami wifé, MWse Anis eneni of Mcflonry, le S.Boa Vmrpmiws eulppei fv" car lIcds spendilua a ev meite wlb ber ulster, of sMo*kfr" ua ros fuu« IaX'lt. lire. WiliIAman. Jay ,Pareeil -ami vifs frein Cisgo, John 1prever. vbo bas heur lu tbe "»"tutuiy and Bunday ai the boMse 90loy a01rW i ovesse fos*oms lime, 0f004 oeu. bu geneteornysishe wbeehb. iii Kritty RXlu, lary BuRhmlandsotin, voprfor 3. C.B. ul n ibm eto Thelen attendei obecb in Framont Ssn-matbt* dur. Mmlra.A.J. Brauve amid dinahies, lMre Jo. Rosud miIre-a Wuer kmrou Ch ics &MaSuser, ve a"llo iera Traoq 04asm alybave movoi til $0 o r qiailss N buze is aimwieia noter LW»'00041W o m oiiu e Hesiw Pr Utd a Pm W qi huUy wit Ihsêdoe Arbboisis of Cbklo. bas lb. oqaion $ibma. ValS fore bms isflilnfisude ber* mcotij. nov owusi by Dr. Palmse ani W. lir .VI aietis epemi Tsedjýyla Puis, 01 Grayalke là belug seple oeiosp.aii alam4l frotDubuqus, lova,. bave si liu fes.ie. Ever Lake, Wis.. lea oa lb i spsuIlg a&veekjla tovébere viii lir.ami lise.Frank Crm"la&Mi ou job AMasMd anianThelnMaie a Su arelabe, speai udy a A. e. Anb 4 b eajy.I le ue vas i msiom______ ce re lod osf thî e lyed e ee e e e b s T r s.roule of p etorte ai b m Lyie miter1&ft Bbsu b oa.Iims atur@ lesoua 2:80. Tii. seatoà mi balaiven by io ue prl. i lo, .030f MW. M .au..W. lo 30d Labo____ "vEqfLO" 246559 44784 IMPORTED PERChERON STALLION Illinois Stallion Registration No. A8625 renewed. Velu ii a black horse weighlng 1900 and of unnsual qu.a.ity. He la abumolutely sound, sure and hie get are of the very hlghe@t type of draft animaleHle ià a orse that ha.- proven himseif. Velu w111 make the season a uual at the lIANSON STOCK FARM PRAIRIE VIEW, ILL. - MILWAUKEE ROADa FEE $12 tQ insure The Grade Percheron Stallion Lb«» nNOi. C3484-.Remw evsbrhuery uS, 1911 MIKE la beautifui coal black hao. Me *asi fold li Junei, 1907; la a comlng teur-year-old and *ighe 1700 pounds Mike viliistand for publie service lanlb.heaonOD Of1911 au theiolOving place: Monday at Praifrie View. Tuîoday ai Diamond Lake, Wadnsdir ai Long Goes Thuraday nt Lake Zurich. Friday ai Buffalo Grove, Satusday aitl4elubsa farm one mila north of Buffalo Grass TERMS-WIII stand by liii emou frtm Aprîl lot tW Juiy lot at $10, le. due a eud of «-.asom. in cml.mnse hula teget la tuali uring ithesiaon nbâtnaay b. rotuso.d Ifus for the nez; eseon. Wili stand by lasuamn, $15 to Imaure a mirs, vIla fu, le. payable vhen mars la known ta ho in fosi. Mnree ied or brai once v1iib. eu ldfor ihe meeon's fea jusi s Ifbr.d h b. asuseon. Vbsn mars le sou 'os parted viii. hhulneuraucolhobiounes dus and payable. VIII stand by the imp or sagle serviesetai$5. les payable ai lime oh servies, Case vili b. takea tu praîcut accidents, but yul ot be respunslbie ohouh aMy coceur. 'FRANK 11011 B iph-ý Prairievieetu. -LAKE BLUFF BLACKSMITK S'HOP t U.ae BlUff Bl.dwmth Shop ouiwags.f rspw lrePw aMd LAK~E OWPFIBLACCM1111NO CO, LOUIS..-J.YEOMANI THE O*'ôPT.ICçiANi Tous lawus m»4 pakvaya ade beautifnl by our landeoipe garduor. lir. Otto. Tii eedluh lower à Vegx- table Co. ,Nov la tbe time te bave jour r$ear*. log docé..At ibe smm lime lhi De 01! your bain.. for you. $1.00 pur aut for double bumaes. W. guamaute. oi0 work. 0.1 loèca& Co. , 24.ti moeo unierteai ibm lnJ.rab êteiii un banqua lil. bmgrVfwlsq.for N puôoe cfeaphaalu t.**»ik Nu' ,', luproîi vaycfb lau Nyopmed mapilue aLue aoi âwl8.. ChlkSaser.Usooly hy LROMy~vlile.Lnmbst Ce. s"-t Nigoilticu aa m uier vay Mam niai Il complesa e eb"y oce 'of iieucmm Inporte» rail ea"s emie cfN M amn vii b uegssplauei. L 111Ibe demi viN 1,vlet ofbu puPoreslo i lima.>- 1 hi. avenu e Neai'ira.kv a or c Olmeo, Midviiiklutes aigu.&-.b~u Md lotla wm ms g teca 4"emsesof tii. newuvo"satmaMi -Of epihj. m ami re a uomeUsitleal 1101 Intention 10 essDe on dietark piopiei ane n. atarlum for tibe eat0 f Patient. eul.rins «frm tiose ailmeta Ti. eretion o! an lutihtutiou of ibi nature viiimmanmueb te tUbirtvll aud it le bopei promunt plame vil! ma- e Ail varleties of e.d corn. tastid. sure te groW. LMaMXVatLL UNDurCo. l "-12