_________________________Iý.E cOU NEEDNT, PRIDÀY, MAY 5, 1911. Corne ln and pick out your Garden Beods, whilo the aorimont I.complots. "TlE RUiSH PARK UNRIYALED Gardeit S- 4m LARGE SI m-,PàACKAO22 I2c lce, Cromman Bras. and Perry's Pacage seodi. A full lino of bnlk sooda and o.rly' sood Ptite.. roe SaomB J. ELI ýTRIGGS s I I. s I I Phone 3 ....... ...... , ,. , . _______ me_,dom___imi 'Tte 9h... w.biler Are The Other Don't let a choap shoe cause yotl to jar tho ton commandments, foi yen know 1f. 1. mast one darned thing mter anothor. But speaking of Mhoes and Oxfords we bave Uiom ln ail the latoot styles and leathers. Havo you seen aur stock? If not, wliy not? J. B.' MORSE & Co. Eveythlng for rlen -tIBERTYVILLE, ILL. ETULASESAD W. fit thie lteet Méthode wlch E do not reguirs ithé oye ta be c %. drugged. 'TW. fit with a positive <uarante 4t. benefi th. patient.0 If you suffer wlith headaches or t an, oye trouble have your .eff toqted and fond ouf if they art et faut :and gel the. proper eisses for them. BLYE EXAMINATION ARE FREE MER1EDITH FLOWER& VEGepe-TABLE CO. 11=; Near OId Station, Lillmrtyville, iI. LIBERTYVILLE BRIEFSI 'BIAL ANO oPERSONAl. MENT-IQN To mesure publicatio ln the Indepon- dent,. opy muet b. In thé office no later than Tuedal of o«eh vea. Adver. ileere. eepeclally. masaked ta takte perticular notice te thie effoct. Pont 0. Bau tràneated buesineslu Chlcago Mondw. cha M. Kaiserwusea bas"isitor la Chicago Mondal. C. P. Wrgt d son Boy vreChcao pseumauioday. Mime Mary Bueh vielted ln Chicaqo Mouday s&M Tuedai. Bd Clrk of Urbaus, Ill., ie vieltieu relatives lbei, ibis voek. Om'avbe.ry plant*etai110t Meredith Flouer & Vnsia>Ie Co. Pleus. Att',y IL W. Obureblia ofrayelake, vas ln ogui sy Monday. NormeuifPratiof ai Wamda, le viit. lU bis peet&beme hie week. Wliam Dter mii Tumedayainlg for a trip la Cagary, Alberts, Canada. Cbg.rlee Asebua mepted a position wltb a procery Brut ai Ingkeld, III. Mist ROUI Bue .terlained a Cousin, Mies Tracy of Cblego.laut Tburedoy. Thuya cohildreuofain. Ms. aidMrs. Wairamdanurenbus l I l ih Pneumonla. .Tilla Ubepter af Wwtiumlnr Gulld met vit UmseEdlth Nevoomb ai naekteler, Tueey ulght. Take 7:30 car. Da men esd C. F. Wrlght areuervlmig ou tb. Pet Granmd Jhiy lu Chiegot Ibis vmek. Carl lNorth sud Bd Whelock o! Wacconsavlsiied et be Pratt home be. Sumday &ad Moudai. Mr. sMd Mme L. EL Bryant returued l[Mc TUreday ho. Caliorni e, ee ibey b" @peut tbe wteitr. 0. J. Luce Raiurday dellvered ta joeeph Maulie of Leke Fporset a large oelgummt of furultune purcbaeed ai tison. A nevard wyul b. pa o Infuormeation or retunu ai large yellov cai whlch etray.d suai fram home luti vuk. Mis. P. J. Backelmumn. P-31-1 The W. C.T. iU. vil i t aihIbmhome oi Mm. Frsucls Trlpp an Tueedai allen. non., May 9. Bverybody velcome. Te Lqdiu' Aid sooisty ir ebthePresby- twsm ueil ii ael ai ibmhome ai ira. C. B. Wilson, Tbureday ahennoon, May 11. UrMnsd UM. H. Haortoan sd famli atl he'lanmnsueal bail iron ai Fi rihenldan.Ma ilnd, by ithe 27i lotentry. Mm. D. H. Thomupaon sud Mn,. Kuha o0f Milwaukeopen% Satundei sud Bundai vith Ur, sud Mns..B. H. Pritchard. Ur. sud Mms. Bidon Clark mored lent vuek fromu Cinclnsti, 0. ta cun ciy snd bave taken up thoir nesîdeuce lu one About sevsmiy.iv couple atteuded ibe dsaWpaml.7 ghrmaby the young ladies of Solo obool Tueeday evouling. Eapke a rcebotra iurnlabedmuneêMsd them ueul gond til.. as had. A spécal car won ebart@eçi ieloflat Sheldon. hurst et L-80 Wudassday murulng., Att fib rei augulénmeeting of ibthev village board iMoaday ulgbhe m amon. pool and billard sud lftcinit beatre ilcenie ver. plaet as the OmIfgur th"i prevailei, lust jour sud Doass grauteit ta i&Ubwo operated undermae lust year. 2ev. sud Me.. W. L. Wblpple worm Chicago visioje au Tbureday 4« ibis veek, wbem con bmng tiemaiam of Mr. Whpple'eatmc. Miss Bimamor A. Whlpple and Willla Peler. The bride and groom bqeJuit complmit e t modiOW0Si rela (biugo sud yl ha»ve AcmiaâoSphamber for China vbere they vii eba aags lut a large hospital us Mila litMemi"e Anuna,ibmebilledaigbter ai Mr. sud Mrc. Paul Wlnhkr, vas qulte badlyT btien Tuemia by a dog aunai byQ (beorge Prats. Marçhai Limberny vas notiied sud imaediately - @bat Ibm animai. Thile le a good job dans sud aiber ounersoaidoge Iermitted ta con ib teti ehonlit profit by tiue leseon and ksep ibem àai bm etreeta or tier mayamettheesMuWfato.8 A meetiffl of Ibm Order o ai Bll'ay Tolmpberewuasbeld lin . 0. 0. F. ba lu LubeMtvllle an Sunday aitesnoon, April amt, ai 2.S a'clock, em. ScyJ sud ýra.itil'OrlkeuredIg.' Tiere vas a vmry lamg atiendauce fromt tbm Jausvile mmsaofr nm ibmC. & M.4 Tb@ boxe wvml U ai ellng good over ibeir insase» la psy sud- plans ve. laid sud rs&de adopted ior thé1 future moverMeals oward ibm goal wblch they amre luen. Brou. Sumons sud Mredith "ebod Ibm boys a gond liassud$"ib djomwustamut &gain in ibm uar future The homse talssiplay ta b. given unair ibm suepiceoafbelocal achool Alumni Aslilon Mai 17ib sud lOib, le lu every vsy ludepubdet oi tbm sehool. Ih le bopid Ibat patrons vil mot confuse Ibis or letIl; butipire wvlthe Senmior cas playe ta be given ïWeinesday sud TburadayevMaal 31y8andJumé let, aiucs the gramluig chs dmpemda upou tbm procsuee« *ibeespisys la psy tbm expemes 01 ai embecosmest exenchms. hi is de.lred tb@*Ïiou Patrauise bolà. We hop@ toa mke bls a l'baumes' Com- mencement, as e lloted wbmn veanu- namite Dr. John Addli)a Oibet ta nive tbm sunual addrneouebmsubjeci 'Tii. Mossage 0! The Sphinx". 0E.Pg.Sup't. Reglar EpiecoWsiservices are held ai tbm Union cburcb Sunda iteomoons ai 380, conductedl by the 2ev. A. G Richards, ectar ai the cburcb ai tic floly Spirit, Lake Formel. Ail are cordilly invited. 01 tbm Kilcbman flt. ITie iolioving liPPlug taken from the. Gea B.Web a Atiahvaslulov jNati Dakota Record 01 Elleudaie, N. Tueo.E.aW teblofenute , a bmlov. Il. nefernlng ta a mMiIary drill can- To eton in he au n dcate aie vhelw- ducted b, the. studente aifithe Ointe stone alleynt. ydcaso wi Normai Inductrial Sobool, may h. ai be laa aget.luterest ta tbe many finde sud relà- Mm (leyde Oraut ai Tacoma, Wasb., tîves lu iii, vîcinîîY of on.eaifitie anbm neapPntchfibis vse vi»Itnsd1 wlnnsrsaf modale, Joseph>buyod. Tii. tM frpar ofl . gahi e ei . adfolowlug epeake oi the ludividuai Mrs' Pau G.RIV t tis ety.cotust: Thiisfeatune *offeIbmeeveulug'e Pauseye 25e sud 50C n dosen sttheib mliary display crealed thebmmuetIintense Meredith Flover Ceetbe" nett a cmttobc!aou plat, f aielnde lu tie aundience bo ver. Mir. j . Ponteous visitai a fow day. isroaieinhl .crdib ibmlaionpar a let sd bm ac pat inuer. Tii. conteft low, aver an af ibis vsek vitb relatives ai H anvard. hour, ihe tom petition b94ng80 kuen ibat Mr. Panteoue epeut aven Sundai vîthit w as bard for the. judges ta decide. tbcm. Techuicaltie aiain bàd ta b. neiorted Atm. Camp Na. 176, M, W. A., viii to before n decllon vras recbled. The pr,,5.nt -Cari Jolunson" aI Round Lake decislon awardod tIbm niter modal ta opera bouse gaturday iilgit, May 6.IJoseph B'yd, the. vimne a1 hebmbronze Mauny from bers arc planning tu attend modal lait ye y, aud tbm decislon met Yon abold b. ans ai uhem. viti papular accord as mare wisiies for Notice le herebY gîven liai should is .wintding ver. .zpreessd ibsu for auj wkitten complalut hb£ ontened regarding otiier individual. 1 rldlng ai bicycles 6r mtar cycles oni 4rhe îallawiug was bandai ta us viii eldevaike or aifsboiiug vhthin tbm tiieroquet liai we publleb: Say Mr. village limite on ebould affeuders b. Editor aor lu Rockefeller ibere la an &pprehmnded by the marcbl haiImeMme honusman. This le sbaiutely ire,, vili b. proeecuted. uben be tracas the. "Groat Divlde'l ithe ,The Ctlieme'Baud bua anged toansgels vii ciug glait pesas af praise give bantbmr ai Ibeir popular danceselu aud tbmy viilpligs. bis clos. la ithe tbe tavu ball on Frlday eveuiug, rlgbi ban' of the Great Wilte Thnone. Mai 19, Kuru lu mmibmthdate sud May ihes tars evor Msel. D fIOgenes maan, prepwrailaneto attend sud by go ight blov out hie candisaow. 40109 &id a vonthy Cause. ,x iis mm 0 élély p"taht the Meredth 1000 C& a e ImMaesdihFlover Plaver & VIRetable Co'&. plant. à Vigeile Ca. plant ý .1 Týn 05.0O0t LAunoh Commercial Club Immedistely alter the. adjourumeut of thei. village board mbetlug Mouddy eveulug tho.. present repalred Wo the diulug romof aithe Nwcastle hotel vberuhthe retirlng preeideut sud board of truetese banquuted the newly elected sud installsd meabers af the. board. Au thm party entered the botel perbai tber werm greeied by &bout thirYai Our muait promlnemi cittiseue Who tbu gatbered tu aid ln maklng the evemi a The spresd placed belore the. goulu vas truly a lhast fit taest Worn s kiag, snd ton mudh cauant >bmsaltuh praleof iii. hostes wh<ipreparetIL Alter the supper ex-Preeldemi Eget arase spd addnetssd thebmosublem u3t a liv fitg remn2ark flsnlngsea suggestion thaét bm Citiszeus' imprave ment Asociation b. revvldeà aMWm corps of afficers elected. Actlu uPu ibi suggestion the follovlmg ofiesil vers @lecld. itheuas aiofthe afemcltiob tu be knuc ne ashebmLibertyrilîl.CaM. maedi Club: Predita. I. A. Blebop. Uesmy, J.E. UsNI&b. Tr«asrer, PauM Macufflu. Foflowlng them mbecgon o aicers the foll oom -- w.os @*%@i,.- Banquet andt Intentament-Dr. J. L. Taylor, C. '. S@mg*. IL P. Schomble, G. A. Wélght. J. B. Mmck, B. B. Eger.= Recepion-Paul MsdGmfflun, B. 'a. Miller, W. C. Boit. Fr-ed Croker, W. B. Miler, B.L LDavis. Park sud City Bsmlu-L., B. ebauck, Bmlly B.ehmPr.F. B. Lovell, Mm. J. L. Tayilor, W. E. Miler, B. H Smith. Membertblp--C. F. S-aek. J. BL Meredith. C. H. Kaiser. Auditiug-rboa. Conist, L. S. Baul>y. John Dallomimaier. .cilb ldUued d rounod-C. F. gOais Paul MacOluffiu. C- B. Kaiser, Carroll Grldlmy.. ludutainl-F. P. Dymond, J. O Grdmy, C. a. K"Msr. J. a. Tnigge. J. B. MorsE. B. Ellsworth. Publielty-F. B. Just, L B. Hsuby. Dr. B. 0. Smith, W. B. Davis, Thou; Conlmit, M. B. Colby. Trsmspotstlon-J.B.Mer.dlib,canrao Guldley, F. G. Cleveland, George Lyucm, C. A. Bosvck, B. B. Minber. ThemfOrsi Tburedy ught aimac mouib vas agresit upou éasibm regula àmeseing ulght ai Ibm club and ibm f embmsipemfiod ai $1.00. Prsub1 Biebbop bsdsd tIbuNt aimembers bjf rdepoultmg 01.00 wvl thimeàcriary,* otboeftpramptly rsspolaig moutil beore' loavlmg ibm beuquet bail a lttlmmem tmnehp oa hlnyqoveu va eurollielom iben brty one mmv members bave be escune malklng a total aombmelp 'ta date of evsnty elght. ThIs emovement oh argamlslug a commercial club lua ur village lae elaudablee anud deenvln of the bearti co-operatian ai mvory pdhlk elrito- citizen. Becomeeamembor. Boomyou' home i>y boomlug Llbcntyvllle. Ost' tjour usas ta J. B. Meredith, secrctary, suad lot hlm oxplain ta jon the. advaal. ;agmes ai suorganisation ai ibis nature. eThem irsi regular meeting ai ibm club yul h. bmld ai ihe town bail an Thuraday ulgbi, June 1. Lut evmryanm nemeuuber ibm date sud luaibmhe "ilm do ail lu hlm power ta .vmll tibmmbe,' ship sud ceats intereet sud entbusias. lu tbe association. IL I. Churoh Service. 10:00 a. M. Claies MeeinugRoy. I«J. ~ Mafflufflu. 10:30 a . . P.e1.1.n by pasto. W. L WhIpplo. Subi, "A Crown for a Lii,." 12 m. Bible Ochool. Subi, "'Uzlab, King ai JudabH Euabled."1 6:45 p. a. Bpvonti e e.emist ..Bononlug Our Procesiom 17:80 p. m. Prsscblng. W. L. Whlpple. suh ject. '"Tii.Declelan of lbe People.' Card af Thanka We wish ta express Our ubanke sund gratitude ta ithe many kiud friendesuad ueighbrs via ebowed their .kindnms r ud eympathy ta us durlng Our bereave. ment. MRi. ANu MR&. C. I. CâBEY AND FAmILT. P-82-1 [Las. of Rawleigh Medical ompany lu Roceni Fine Exeggerated WE WOULD SERVE YOU ALL BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAI. IT is a pleaure for unto keep inclose personal touch with oui cut..mead wc. wvnt thet ta came ta us, Ireel wbenever d hey think aur advice wiil be af value. C SMALL ACOUNTS WELCOME ]LAKE C07UNTY NATIONAIL 1ANK, Tissue Golss cc ~g Toile Du NAordleGs6m M. fP . GSI Irish Lt#ts flaxon lin aud '_à"o CAIL ANDSftT1ÉI STAVER THE QUALITY BUGO i I I I I Presreporte of ihe neceut fir@ lu the plant oi ibm Ravlelgb Mdedical Company, gt Freepont,hilinale, indicate sunmidisit. ingly large flasd ibe cripplimg ai Ibe coap etbreby. 1 bave received authoritaîlve linormb. , lion direct iroin ibm compomi that b Ioss la not nsarly su great as, etateàl te tb. pissa neye. The fins va conftmed tu nsedepmbflamaif, mmrmous pleut, sud lbmy WOrm tbat tbmy aue alneady lu shape ta car oi &U ardue. 1vfll bmable.tampply ailcula vith goode ow muai ibis @prie«. yamraoreior m. lviii bu on ai ibs semal im Is vtb sfnlalmp th ibm svlsgh Frouts af ail thons vho b hm t me le blghiy ài*tMtsda=1 ondure aso IMeuiCLAVsehuOmn, lsvlstgh Mm, 8109 M. ?vo 4e h':m otfiufU4.pa. et= I sre Jp to date in Styles and 1 a guarantee that means bhing, flfty Jobs to select sold at'the rlght prlces, as, M'An Who owns onee Isa staver, corneIn and Seo Il Phone 25 it* to ma t.5 1.0 oëý ot SPRING IS HERE Doî't you 'ish that lawn to look beautifuli Place your order wlth us fer ail kindsoef plants. Corne and se. un; we cau pleame you lu bath qu& a nad pif... W. carry alkindi f bulbe. Lot us hetp ym agaraffltixe lawn, w wil book your ordor for ttur deil,~erY I ' - 1 î