Did ou he k yof M<>i >'P lar toolreo Did ou verget what you thought was your sise iiinderwear and tiien id it tolreo o ",nail? in ail the many years we bave sold Munningwear there bas been no0 complaunt. We like to, seil Munsjngwear aret, for we k»«w that thie size wW lbc correct, the fit just right for you, and the wegtwe y ua y= wa»t it. The perfect proportion of M * igwear is the resilt of yearsdo experience in.tlnderwear building. It meaiwsthat you can get aperfect gar- ment at the èost of inferior makes.1 11 Millions of Men, Women and (Jhidren spend their sunnuers ini Muusingwear, each one of them knowmng the pleasure and eomfort of perfect fitting underwear. Màunslgwm rforUsina ed th. chiliren. Ladies, end Chlldren's. Uhderwear Ladies',sigle Munsingwear c garnients at................... » Hihneck, short sleeves, medium weight veet, tight knee, kuce length pants, or high neck, long sleeve veste and umbrella style >~ pants-extra sizes-for ............ 6 c Ladies' Muningwear union-suits, 50e kind, low neck, no sleeves, tight knee, knee length, medium weight- extra 5 sesfor ........................65 75e kind, with low neck, no0 leeves and umibrella pants, sizes 7, 8, 9 for ... 9 $100 union suit with low neek, no sleeves, uni- brella style, silk ribbon drtiwn, 4" extra sizes ...................... 1.5 sil liale union suit, low neck, no esleeves, kue. length for $1JO; 17 extra $Wi .e...................195 Another $1.50 garment, low neck, no0 sleeves, ankie length, of silk liele; ....1*75 extra sizes............... Ladies'Vesta priced from O 50040dwa toý...................... o Slmnmer Wool Gu'm.uts for IadigS. Unusual quality m* light -wool garmentse for sununer. union suit fèr ladies, higb neck, long leeves, anlcle15 length, for............... Extra sizes, 7, 8, 9 for $1.75 Single gtrmnente of light wool for suminer, that are ankle length, each .................. 5 Extra sizes for #1M <uns'l high neek, long leeve ,an4a&e lcngth union suta for sumumer for................ Whet you ,auem bet not hndevwar lat ail trio,, but overy bitabt Cblhdren' ino -iý-rlbbed tockInga tr au-mnier. Ecosomy brand. ises 5 1tul'h- two pair for 25c! a pair for ..................... 15C LSèes 7 and 7%for .....................................15 Sizste9o, 3Pair Wc; a Pair for . ............................. Rfoun Ticket atoabhlge. Sa.mediumi or25 hesvyutibbe, aissiaapslr .... ........... Childieal&Ulile sacekisa fer ...................................... Bon, stockiugimam 9 ta Il. bhWI* riblbed pair .......................... 3 ChIfR Wc8 800lOC8.--ac., tripail. sAit fig u 0,&u bhne, bta ndwbitI,- Pair 25e and ........ m~t ~ ~of 0O4 j <r0.m Woda.ui#'u SUN.) ..Fort 811110111aIlMon CLy bas rat le s «ter au mhi inth, ud by tuosofv9lAa. ma"à,I1>irqa$."t Whafuiow.raw of Eier W.»D. Taylr ~Who sid that be beld possession 09 ShIb houa«, wblch J& Dowle .0a01 rueldenç. on t'hg strenetl of the ahimot the muOer apaaitng te 111e lia adromu oi oau.lugblm to ha«on, bave marnbq Out cd lba oit aI o gbroer. fflob husky Volivama capturel the stromabol Lt 4:30 7U- tedai sternoon by maca hl be an 11ih 0lr aie. ni antidn th <e te&. ornïe et the Toyiorlte doacoms., vasar» r«oul for inteer«es.but 1*1.r vas ýVagbave sucesisi Apemèett img,t <4b. e rw LIMf ies ioab I a olainiuithat Voliva I'oU .It villalié irut Of th. lious tâte. lira. David Orlu o PhiblIlpla aise *Ualm tha Bhsmlimai 'op lbb .omm. Tapis, elas bua 'r>'0 the May mlon haler vlo sfumtheb lamaluaof 1h.elI.. ,Jobs asmia Elavis e t hum ha la tAbsi- gn ,or et th. cid Dewvwrdise.. i tbohld It me, 1hé. *WSWau O t da 40elbc epra d «ht uselbs ,*op.Blumtha' ais efforts tuaouti hm *a" MWla. Ne papauiVer, cci on the Tuplitac. The.VoIlsa ainipi gaiai posessionl sud czale tha#mu Jaliaso. oeloe eiit laitier Into, iaboue. GXlo*b. vas aipuflatbasaas . umi agoubt.m otg bcaom ~b*theb zw& pegw.gu.paetg hweblIsi.Th. Tayiota uia toreum mi Awb.4 Ia.lua I.~.st o is e» pffa, top r dbUid gslmaoaa- alan. A bis rwO e« pqqis.cibore tb u es L. um. e AaOeskvRw the pu bear visiwte 10ths .tquts trunks And sut c aseurattai; la tb. Amous uBEIt m« T 6OB.E TXÜID 1