WEWOULD) comin, h' * ~ont youw (4i4S Beedo,- whte thé «uaotmetia complote. 1111E JUSI1PAIÇCUNRIVALED' Gardou Sea LARGE Sa ! FACMOS 2 1.2c Bleu., CromnBi, ,d Ferry'@ Packa& sois..A fuil lin& of. bulk seeds and esuiy se»d Potatoe. J. ELI TRIGGS Phone. 25 P hono 3 SorstiIOfAR! GOOD OTiIERS AR!E!T! hue si FI WC offer Are lUis Others Don't let a cheap Shoe cause yon to Jar thie ton commandmente, foi yon kuow Hif. la Just one darnod thing after another. But qmeking of Shoes and Oxford.s WO have the In & Il the lateet styles aud leathers. Have you seegu aur stock? If nat, why not? J. B. MORSE & CO. Everythlng for Mlen LIBERTYVILLE, ILL.I EVE EXAMINAI ISWICK QIADIJTE 0 ' W.fit thei itest Mothode vicli do flot reguire thes** , ab.e drugged. We fit with a positive Guaranie ta bnfit h. patient. If yau stffer with headachas or any evi trouble have vaur oves I e Bed and flnd' out if they are efeul :and gel th. praper gasecs for lhem. TON ARE FREE WTICIN L18MTVILLE rMEREDITHJ FLOWLER& VEUETAIJLE CO. Nom Old Station, Ubartyviê. lu. SPRING US HERE Do't youheh tbatawu to look beautifui Itifflyourerder wlth u fer ÏRklds4pluto. Corne and eme . g ,ve ýamu issasyon lu cary al lnùtbullu. Lot -us wl book youe PrdoÎi tuu-i delivsry N. lava baon i Tbursay nlgt My 1. Ail member. urged ta la preont. T lles p Ilstillila-ttelidiPi M n M. lwtud of Dcksflél.r, lant vu* The. Mredith Ilower & Vegsotabls Co, dent, effl mut bolln * Oface no fate rpuwbm ots lathelb.John Wool.le affeing $23W00fai laperferred stock te tItan Tuesda f . MM aS.Wei&g.,Adv. rildgi sub4lvfslsmait of sud adjalalg jon t par. Bitter lok tiensUP Fou ilees. spslely, ~. ~ 1 the li. Mseflh Floer & sgtlbe ii albave anotber Chance ta do su. dam, siculr tce amaoed u tkeCaapf.,'spl<luitnorth oflthe f r*lhî paricuer otie # tladpaI. 16 te turOrKd the IeOrmdit Contribution* to the Orpbaaffs»M Company SM u sldou the propsrty usa ill 11belmg recsived sud are vry wei- kto Isofl areported ou the Mel YO-cortndi speecl ythose in the fora et ~IWPrSI.1monsy. Any Contributions pald taé1Mr. flot tbIs weel. propsty avises ou Newbeîry avenue . .Wright ofr ev., W. L. Wbiple viil Resd Nstobls losing ont mseais a igSud pFu -@l u i mMrs.. C Uses egiaullly recsivsd&and î6rned aven shaîber Colomn. Great brgaus are vent lien ta J. IL Dand's uorthlino ue*Lts thepraper authorities. offored. intereslti lta fovemeut ta seur, t*s C. F. Bkwlth li a vaba, transacled Cty votu erns laid along tbsir Tusiday the Libertyville blgbvay business la aur Cty Mandai. properti sud It la rumored a petitlon ta 0* îmielslaii.is vorking lu Conjonction' Bd ScmIe etMua o otl ja climuacruain iti a eical committe aoftbe board M iti " fa .t M a s l b io B tnte d t ic m ufe t M eeOwt u cirflbation- v l of sup srv isors app aiuled by the c hair - wit àsmlilmlaw bg nedd A h u »tgo h nwvleeman af liaI body le1t th.,contract for Kaf Ur Moêvi Srinvgfield, @peut board Fruliest Bucinebele maie tliasheContru',ctioni of a steel 1 beain sud eb$UMdag&anud ay aI 1t h home of bis follawig ppOltm*ito for the ensulq ncre@ bida tOps .th- BSn usists brs. Jear.. VaiffUl bWtDeunis Lîmberi; Boug Dr~laeCanaion lhe saun lia*. 1 ' 3 Lm41~ ~ lr irbll eai iber'7 etry;s oa suai a llaroat as moan as ildg Smantoa' Antiaci, voe.Libertyvileem" LYug llage trou ~passes lieroad. Brumm Bras. a0 Ibis viellave Tneday. urer, Austin Uchuabele. Marbail Lim. City er. .avarded th contact ave Lýawamsd veranda plante and Vine@sudherr y o altiiofceo o sta moeofhthcmetlaroadout km nw et Tie Medili Flower & VeneableaddeuiseS soealasagstudeskov C~o-@. plant. t'. no )@Misgri l jour foule becone0 bridge econwacting firme of th. state. amur bus ilthat John Woolrldge IOUYuiyb leIs a "sme tau 'ethemu stay Tb&matoth ivs$18.0 baisal bepapetyese aith rierludi Cookey'e LUne Powder doee ti.b . e an il l s 18.0 bu oidhWproert et o th rv ork. D.oe.a taBaON. P33-1 The aunouncent Ie theflb.marriage 0i Huson-Crkr Lynus M. Coby returnedpast Wedne- Mr. Les Whit»y, son ai L. H. Whitney. ateadyalrno.My6, =day 1raLima,0. D., viere b. bai been ansd Mise jeesieHaven, daugbter a01 at h hmuo r andsitr@a. FMay flt m, 1pstaOt.. 0 .HvebI.wi nw t hbon Miuafikee avenue, occurrsd a vîry Kumal Bros bave pur.baied throuah 'City, wbici occursi on blareb llith, pretty home vedding, wben tbeir ouiy 8bUmk Bras a ev 60 horne po ver cmtaiusejuil mle publie tihefirsI of Ibis dauxbter. Xé ewugvnl esetion enlue ta use wltb t heir t resb veek. A lh batgh k uon u 1a f w0 f arag oM seL aus e ien l S Everytblu* jon vaut et Tbe Meredith iei cm e upie amay 0h lthebridai Couple atIçnd%,Lby lise Greas flouer & Vegletable Co. plant. bave manyfriende uba nits n lu vinn Croker ai bridssmk isuýd r. Jobn Miai, the barber employai et tihe Coty thon a bappylad ProsPeraus ,lfe. Rusihon ai bout man enterai the rura Corner Barber Siop, severed bis connee- Bonmi>la a hot fruit table drink, ta tbe beaulifl arains .1 Mendelsahu t105 wultbt acners, Saturday sud bus maie frosa lb. moat of rlcb rija. eddiug mardi playsd y lMr&. T. I. & lpgrted for parte naknown. bauanal»tibg 018e William@, a Couslnaiflie bride and took Boumo 1 la a ns bal drink yau eau git ta tie eblidreu u lu sfsy. Tbey i-e it and It agwueee vllbhei, brings peneh, bonatluai lumber. Mr*. C. J. Jefsan sud chldren of Mepeburst. Wis., attendsd lie weddiug oaf ber brother, Lee Boson, li»t Saurday, May 6tb. Mmns E. A. Perry of Round Lake, 0.rmri fLlherlyvîlle. vlisd wi.h Mesa., Ted Finenîler a few days fast me. gchool talbell ast tbe Nortberu Illinois Steýte Normai Bosa, De kali, beginann J uns 26 ndeoatililng for six weke A fine oppor"tilifor teaeber.âaid tbos-edrlug tn prepare for a Couti auperinleeuol's exminallon, or for a filats TeealrsCrtiicate.. Tuillio only ose dollar for tbe entire lsrm. Send for smuSe bulletin. Addre., Nortberti Illiois BIBI. Normai 8cOca. Jo,u Co, Presel.t DeKalb, Illinois. c31 Wife-What'e that white stuff nu jour Mir. and Mms. V. Llgbady wlsh te tiogh shouldor? abilad ue nnonce thi."'maniagletofthoir Oldeet Husbnd-balkfron abillrd uedagbtr, Ida G. ta Udusard C. Schneider 'leu kenOI. May 10 1911. Tii. wsdding took ta es ailk that d'tae. i k.ODletpi"ceaitihe borne of lb.brides grand- poter. W btd«t ml ietie parent lim. A. Klng of Boston. at 8 powder.o'clock in tbe evemtng. auong Intimae Ui. Surerski moved lot ber -eWfrimds and relatlve. Atmis.L Blosai bom.i on the corner of Firut streeland actd sebridesld mai fte()0 N;Ordi avenue tant week aturday. Mr. ,Blossoin aibestinu. ev. K. W. Adamns Otto, the landacape .gardner, bas moved performed the ring cermony. They are lot thbe bouse vacated bY Mmr. Surneraki. botb of Libertyville MWd expeet te make Bmen rn.of Antlocb. lae tationed li thir homne in Libertyvlll. the bail mile tr..ck on the Fair groundi Laut week Wedneedaat lhe home ot wlîb a string of four bhr.es belongibg 1te th bride'. parente la 1elgn occurred tbe Autioeb partie@. H. in training thein inarriage of Owen W. Woolridge. eldest preparatory te enterlug tVie comingt son of Ed lVaolrldge of Iowa, formerly fair race circuit. ari tus placi., ta mise Ha"e Notemaun ai frs.. a I. Foliett wai lait week Tues. Elgli- The groom le w.ll and favorably daytaken 1tii. Preebyterian boepital kiiOwiilu Ibis city baving l1usd bers the Chicaico. where e@ underwenl an opera.I grealer part of hie fi, whule the. bride tion for appendicitis and a complication lis qut. a large circle ofi Inonda among of other aliments. At fait reporte sbe uje eYoung people gainaitdodring ber stay uîovrngncely. ber ubile emplo3ed bY the Fould@ g Miling Co. Tbe happy couple wlli make Banano wlîl Rive you vgor aud vim. their home lu iibertyvli. baving re te it wll pt streugluito Jour nerves and a .E.tbrbi i oueo ed Your wbole syttem. You candigeit il ECuciibi oto Cu morse eily than ,nylbing le and you Street: The 1NurPzNpi joins in ilîl nover tir. of it. Bonano, the bot extending congratulatilns. table drink, la uel like auy other. J. H. Blatherwick aI Grinneil, Iowa, MJai.s Hartb 24,w1&3, sud la edoton arrivsd lait Friday ta attend the suMc 2,1U Mdieat Lbertyville, ELI, May 5,1011. H.fi came wqddig ofpie bis and- dwgbter, -Miss te Cook counly, Illinois, ti 1&40. lu Delle Croker, wbich oklaIne Saturday. 185 be wai united la»uniag e amises Mir. Blatherwick was formerly a r..idet Mary Elle, dangliter of Wsndeil Ellis, of Lake caunty aud will spend a couplIe one af the entiiesl selliers lu Cook of weeks ulihr.lativeesud rlends bers.. counîY. He W"i engagsd. for many What's tb. matter witb Libertyvilie's Yom inl the street conleacting busîasesa bise bail teain' Our siter villages are lu Evanston, baving bad tihe contract pulting one aven us Ibis season judging . for tii. layiug out aofCaivsr eemetery tram reportea fgaine. gleaned tram aur aud many sîreets lu Ibat lity, Hartray maiiY excbaiigee. Let us gel busy aud avenue, a reeldence tmeel, huaitn bis show them Lbertyville is etili ou tbe naine. At tiie lime cithie Lady Elgîn M&Pà ,disaster Mfr. Bartray wal instrumental Thoeali. ' ned heCr ii-,irseCulng everal apsegre tram a Tbo.s uha atImmdChiboere.0Mr- watery grave. Mr. EHaulsvy as lather Md m.son wddiChtambers Mrcand wers. fr a bldr.n, nine o!fviiom «srvive. sud Kv.. Joie Cha Mrendr@. d ie. The reaiever, laid te atnla (iilvary oroker, Wr. sud Mm. Chai. Croker anemetery lianday. May 8. dsughtertlansd 1Mr. sudna r..T. IR. eciar Eplécopal servWareu hladet 'WiMMLa'.Ase Atl.y T. J. Rushtoan d ithe lUnion cebliSundu alah nS àat twolmp of s e. 18:80, conucled by the Bev. A. G Bisdure.ra~ete. beforebuling. TIII nco ! b *re ili 1utlb iver £Ve.etaiiula P olj pirit, Lake Fosul. Aulare ediiylavltéd. b. liii teins ilt aie Maron Ruo, palmer ai tii. aroom, acted a flouer girl. 0 Tii ring cereiony wue perfonîned by weddlua supper wus e rv.d to 1h. gueste, ueanly ail being immInelate- Trel bides. eatirdl ile IUS erded battie ad ledhia emboerebaet ae sdnae herbouqet e a aduame. h oa he ideholasd as ssdu aehe local lgiaca l an iededm sebooat High to acein- le med tir.. ysais. 5h a Woodufprmie pluutrci vmorksdhmi social alaise ailnibevlge. endth soil âgro he llagonet. G ua The Vosudle taeyong nof sterling ofquand0 Yourng mbis0eselnbr buaitmie wsuy fringsu. en er Tboabmaestcyfe uvbc leyon pTope irbee lay hieltiesYug freoeasesboheu by h. mreany eauti futries sli tbe y eived. eati ua rhaers er. g-lven u aara Mis Craers reus tinlb. wedluof MWchiasoer aI e u h e ia ar Ci hurhllver te m eauftiseFlogUs Cur.civwed sud aumisoellansau weurabeSbomendoa M i anoDut rudwe mauytheahde varii vr. lbi ancid n n aid.r h lt Bat ie biead ro avshs ait thle br iebnd aoombappya hsd ofprseraus maried le. afappyen broncyoumoab. youde.toltii e aI j home aI Vola.j ALL BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL. I.Tis a pleasure for us tcr keep su dom. personal tourh with aur custorners.and we want tlin to corne to us freely whenever they think our advice wiIl bý of value. SMAi.I ACCOUNTS W<ELCOME ILA KEFCO0U NT Y NATIONAIL BANK ,eGimglwme, Scotch Toîle. Du Norde Gigms M. F. CL Gieugms Ne«srilk tooaIds flaxon in Pain .nd,*Chueck Me CAL. AND Sff Tt*5M op W. uow bave thre lorist sud land- fcape garduers îon.help yau beautlfy ____________ your ]&wu@. The Mer.dith Flouera Vegelable Ca._____________ .Notice. Al tboe hobaeha" ld up Asois. ment No. 3, can nov gel their rebut. by calliug ah tb. Tr.aiurer'@ office lu tbe Luce building, any evening betveen 7:00 and 8 o'elock. 33-t! B. A. S"IIYAEDELE. Village Treasurer. Notice. $2500 guarantsed 70, perferred stock oi The Meredith louer & Vegetahie Co. i9 off.red tu, the causeratfve Invetor for quick action ai par$ 10 per abats. Partofthtustock vas tscently sun scribed and toi differelil remous parti ignlng tar it eould Dot prove UV, part of it vas autharlsed lesaur$ stock sud bave not been affr.d ta lb public betore. Our businesneeds no advertisng ou Wuslnm sla grster liai vos eca l fai *W lbur.4ipilgwllt beyod 70. guastss. Our, m bous.e la an lie graucil IW 15th. Not aven f0l fiaMr aspesa. ya« bave tram 010 t6ffl YauWlsb favesit uhere Il le ai*O* 1011110 sAh vbsrefil vi"in y Iosf lm bUSst aoInesJ. IL MBE2DIR, Pros.;Ca C. W. aTOUT, ëwr ': .rseulhlu Plyrie £ Vàsela.coq. ibertjVthe, , IL IL wib*f* STAVER TUE-QUALITY BUG Up to ýdate Iln Styles-and finl a guarantee that means soi thIng, f Ifty Jlobs- to -select Irc soId at -the ýright prices, a9l-, man, who- owfls'011,, the ls a staver, corne ln, anid -M Tissue