Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 12 May 1911, p. 7

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FOf tAtt-Iodl.u Bionnetdnckcg ,lôt ue IM i.L. . Lwa. <irais. Ida ýrv und Lake. 12J2, FOR MCS-Fle Grîuumilletol. til, W. Sae(gsot, Liboi&ytllle 111. pj4ic1IU2c-S- 9u Bo r gt*Bd, auen sd .'lctrcti, b Î9 s~ ,fr ldobode tries. Vive nuts i ialk froua depot., luquire of A. U. rm Nuul.fl d, fil. e8. FOR SALJ-P911 blood soglécomb lmek MM4mooir for hatoa. 151 effl fur $LOO., $5 00 ppr 100. laquire of Cas A& Bones, Llber"%Ulie. IIL rhotu16IL p$&$ proiagtba It leadpuodeeti pur aes eooq Iyenat. Arm¶¶ CL<IIE, Ui.ortyvlle. 111. 0-88-2 gollr SL-10 atmdir qm s-itass=utu, Dnom âtrelyletd forsaS e Pls. gos. eletnlcty. Cty pratsi- but eud t-aidbit asatur; bises bar. main lu .trkc-ily upto-ate ruiideucul l MeI.Ciy. Aea on@ 8 rnom fouas, coloulaOtvle, sit bohit acre of .ranind. g.ilodbagemeut, eliliSt wsilahi csn.W liloeilet a bargi 1Iqor ats tbis ire.aso-i FOR SAL-New 8rooo' buuse on Nort.h ociet, L"brtyville. lnî1irt a& tbla.ifce.c414 FOR SAL(-4) tbproughbred lmuprtid ChisterWlîte pigoetn dayiulud. VAXK Mitau. (irmbysioe. Ifi. ." FOR SL£73 larte, work mare,. Adr.,. C. I. MACFIlALANE. UraTy.lnke, IiPion. ItR6i Gralake. FOR SALE-E4g&mofor bak-iug of îbea foliowl..- twdo R. . Bedo, S bte1 Wysn'"i-,tîe, 11.5 Rock and PIYmoutîh Jpror> loirfor saie, B. J. CàsM"ICiaL, FJIL 1611. ltk IS,~ FIl. dqs4 -B i sta liai Bar. OuRs uS~ jisit la Tuf ls~ uts, Mml ~.a4 alb 'Bt. -m atM '-i 1110 ~oe. ~mu Vu'. nr. ftol Vu'. 'osa, t. i.. lu.. mat-. r mU hel mer sefe< se tii. - - R- --- - - - - M W -- -- -- - - - --- - - - s- FOR SALri-Ai ýDmrMwIew. z..7>roolu etta, gool bars snd irait, lot S501810 lf;idmlminutes irait tron ptation. (%Ilior writ thii.cakle.. FOR SAL-Six roona boum, good wili and imer. piintr f fruit treeue ad ,aud omail fruit. Pries muid termis rry remeum&bIe. laquiro cf E. 0. Payne. ltockfeiiser, Ilu. .0t à1 botfmet ofi Titi. "lc&urat, ilseoni Taumple Sldg. akguI. Laille J. uaysg tiuy. etar "id ijum. on lo wlh tra PARU-W. si~~ lisof -L"s 9 SALFR-Purt bred Borrd Bock 1gm5 ew fo se-Id. . E S~WJ.c.25.ti On. wm ru om> mosmmrly new, soN asmnt cg Wre ril. Roi.ko. kler. 11. A bemoI-gif lakeaas once. ou. egial ro6o ' bous., .wtraoi locmtsd, wud bawint. elstqru &M Woi, tir êalto I.tyotebede ,wd fot tri.. o.klt.I ,*sftuwoal #Watm@#, RuekefolI, i fm. looStiosforlruuiob "sd inslne.. COnw els dml gtoo for a~ii + PYOIlENT + FOR RENT-At BoudonS 113ý streof ffliUre Ciii10etIc depOL ArSTIX 4;LEMExT, 205 W. Ilouroe st., (Clîlcau. FOR RENT-lt. stoam hua. bot sud' raid mater. Iqlr iLitert> viii. Bakery. -P448-2 FOR REP4T-7 roubouse. lýuqwir*ot J1. B. IMAcs, troadasâv, Liliertyraille. .11 FOR RriNT-laod amal i hua> wtb gouI gardon. ilEnuYtA5PLzv. -ZIl-ul FOR RENI-Laeo tore buildinlg aîd asest market, ïituate4 tou' ruattielit otretcorner in vilisse ut Ruckefellurr Gond large t.aru muid klesboutor iu cou,- nec.tiou. tunt ru-souable. Inquire of E E. Payum, Rurimieller fil. o-BU-Sf FOR REr4T-we bare& iuiW god mol. e"i guioeu and iais wturoi 5,ofor- olobeul roumi. wtb stesa beat, vth or *îthobi Iboard. vioitu )& AnTI 40-tf COLD FILLED SPEOTACI,S-iith' careful tet inelude toi-$1.00 sud up. Have jour premet leus chuged or have nus- traum ,for yonr promet leup.s lruseebat hll mtb caifort >frai», $1.00ansd nu. Maetensl's drug atr tic Remanl Drug .-'$tort, cornt <leus et., nad d Mauoswauieffaue l11. C29-S MONEy TO LOAN--On imroved' 1larme. Dyauod & AUotI. owt + -:,wAoeED + luquire ot L. D. K Nox, 1brtvle. 117 p-383 FOR SALE-Full blouol Wbitu WYan-1 -------I dott eggP, $8.00 per setting. Adulseui WANTED-To barras- $8.000 for ir" Mni. Editb Clvrelandi, Lake Vll. ears ai I6pet cent au tiret clame fui- PbUue rysate 17j. c.8.4 iprovsd ceai eetatu'. -Wiliafirnim ai-. _________________ ..._____________1i-tract sud Insorance fur ful amount FOR SALE-On. regintered Gammâe of an. -- Loun," cure of- the 1-.DEPEN,î bull Isu yeare 01, uthe, K. W. farta OEaT. C-38-2 oue. mile sorti and une mile s-estW _f Lbertyville 111. c-BI-tf WANTrED-Ezp.-îiene»ldlnifing roam gil SNEWCASTLE HOTEL, Liberit-vlii., FOR SALE-Acre luta un Dvmnd'm - i. -3-tf subdivisiuu, close t tas-n and letrlc1----- - ------- cars. i'rtce80I.00. DydÔNDk Avaie i WANTD-Hônsestu clip. WiUt-jaullor - 40-dtf etsa s&" roturu suy place lu torn- -Plaie 15M., Uto. M. Koo%. c-2t-tf FOR SALE-Lie ltrichemoul ud D Austin nbdiviou, 50x140- $iOO e-a"; $5 clown, $5 month. Di7som k &u<rlS. . 40-if FOR SALI-Choie, lots la C. Frauk Wrgb'tadditilon, SOil5O, for $20J.00l $:Z50.00 Mnd 4M0.00. Dyaaoicu & Averui 40 ti FOR SALE-Prido of the. North and King of Ibm West yelow dent seed enru. Toak ifrt snd imwep otaie@ prises ai tbe Pair lui 1910. SwiaucE Bmo@. Libertyville, 111. Phono 267L2. p82.4 FOR SALE-Lots 50x200 and over li tic B. J. Grimes subdivision, one af tic Most desirable loctions lI tovu. W only bmf a blockt froua tii, sistri e dota, Seirer, iratirmol gosait ie and paid1 for. ObasIiEADLc & WssLnl, Lberty- Fo SLI-Niera 7 rom i oumslot 60x395; large bar-s aud chJe osme, 000 location. lewsr sud wmWr mu Mm eimpielely -Peid. Cbo¶ if tato st Llt6nets ils, 11.o.8- SUN M. eNLIA. Attrney,. 01 kbi @ab o f properti! taombnfres orài's Lion. WÉrank Han.y nd ta Wbom lu am viU4et -haviug boonled wmu tbeÇl* tI ils ouly -Court cil Lake CoW b, Woh, 1ifit **6hé- io 08,es.ut rmga èuy i nuknovu N*dI. bsa~vou tbt tii. usdsr. ~W.J cianagltos0io sdmi*~ tbem.ysr Id, WANTO-GoW dil ifoSgenersl houme &bon' uooilng. Inquire ai 3. P 3utisr's, Balif Day on DesPlains rver, vorn Citon rm. c-30-St NWANtTED-Gir for genersi houesuori. Inqult,, oIE. W. bzsosuox. 2 mil eit olLi.bertyvlIo. P boue 278.12. e-32-2 iWANTED-4aod brigit boy to har ,printlug trade. Work belora uid iter mobuol md ou aturday. Appi, ai ibis - - - - - - - 4.. LOST and POUND + LOST-Luesi Mndsy betireon Appls's hii mol tic Eluicrie depot, Liiertyvillo, a lass bar ta car-Inge lamnp. Findui phasse mr to 0. 1. LucEn& do., LOSO-At iii. neir dpot Souder lne a hmce librldaad bmadkrcbietvalmel ai eoM. Fodor phase hve *ai M. suio o 'O-tb D~doiBrmed sud turfer mouotb i C orouos t ., g 'd ohot mforce tose .<l4lion by esUug i ab M, bh toni the fi-cil dÔdttetM'N Tom 5U11 ie tii Vilge t Ubertyvilie. Lite oaty IWl»ols, on OSatdgW, tbe ai-Idag« ~ Pr~lrit viim nt K. J. Duanung ad wl-e ta A. F. Swansou, 40 *elu the oorthwest quarter of ection 19, Waukegan t.w- asilp, W. ,D.Io'.0. A. P' Swaanbsudolw-e ta H. J. Dunnlog, lot 26, Lons& ist subiîs- ion of Fair Grouud, Wantegsn, W. D. Clara to E. W. Wallace, lot 13 block 38, Laxe Bluff, Q. C., $1. Geo. FImel sud wffe ta C. E. Smith. lot,44, Wasaiburo Park. Wautegsu, W. D., $400. County Cdor to 0W. B. Smth, Iots 22 snd 23 biock 6 aud lots 36 and 16 bock 9, Wlut.b-op Harbor, Tax deed. Estat. of Jcob MQrdborst, deceas- e. ta B. ILMller, lot 7 block 1, in Wright'& addition ta Libertyvllle. deed 1300. 1' tat of 1*lob )4 oi-horst. deceaâ-1 ea& t 4niqKel1ner, lot 6 block 1Inl WrlWit'ma jdt" nto L4iertyville, deld, $70. Eddie Drue. aud wlfeté Carlse Drue., 20 acres, Inthe. souths-est quar toi-e o ectich 13, Avon tow-nship, .. L. B. ehirta ta Katie A. Schwsartz, we 10 faîsisud north 50feiet i- lot W, De *P. 3.1Ver Sftl* Rou@e, 9:30 Monday the. sales or Mine- 119lpthe*@W." my bq Is ÎCWObtutsge*y sud itef te I. NlgbL-Tiio armIstce le st lanffeot tufti4 States du=in -OP& ingnow 1te i. o $5 ite. ,lots 3u Md 39. bubut'a wszlike t irludtion mmytw the .1Dut ed State# .omzsur- bleck7, ~'wu ark. orti Cii- cen at 57 tme, 5 bat h ai,cLreprésentd a 'qI'r of 9A.134, ________ o , - ParklNorthâCh.-f;0 cago,W.D.1O. forces, Volîva federals sud Taylgr lu- 1908. The. quantity gold e waï 44,74r 9. a. - Gr.orisf to S. F. (lreenleat- suroctos, atre preparfog far a battl. 486 gallons snd the. aver-age retail part of loti Su d 2. block :el, art l. on tiimorrow. pries Vas il cents, a gallon, ln ad- ual aukaa.W. .1.$1.Genteral 0. W. F»rley, Colonel Mm.. gallons W&@ estîmated to bave beau Mary . orullansd iusband ta An-' Griug, and others tonight approaciied, used ln the matufscture of soft drinks 1RNG ton Vont, lot 17, block 1, IlarXinsa sub the Outer works wth a flag of truce !The. tables given lu the. report show. a lu section 9, Grant township, W. D. sud aaked for a short parley, whlcb Stesdy lures. lu the production of A s-alIuit a!ls wua granted. mitnerai waters for the last 25 years. -l reeelveà a F. . Seugt ad vle o Cty f aniardnt ayir lwerd the. fioua esfor 1885 bcbng 1,312,845 gal- Blîo .. a moRt del P. A Stuer; ad wfe o Ciy 0 ComaraAtTayor lwerd te:lns.Thevalueaof the.Importa 0f sund 1li i t cay Lake Forest, strip tbrougb lot'304 drawbridge, crossed the moat, had the mneralwater In 1909 wa $1085,1,71, s-ti it. îutimaitpiîi Lake Forest. drawbrfdge drus-n np aller hlm, and 1 wlth an'average of 31 cents a gollon. and aouthiu nszdra Evert Wreno aud wl-e to J. H. Zlm- the mcd:a*ora nmet ai the edge « b herpotsosti pouto y whettakeuî betareI mer, lot q5, bloot 3, Wrenn'a add to Stawi. ites wlti names of- apringsanSd el..p5 it.a e hild. Highlaud Park, W. D., $1,500. General Farley affered tu ua thrdetls teub banwn u sl norh application to the Dîroctor oi- thý Sur-; s-hbout it. We D. T. Webb and wlfe to Toilas Je0- treaty of peace, provided alithe cou- trey ut Washiington. other drink tu equa oeil, lot 6_ *utherland and Jensen'là dîtions were favorable ta bis army. or go beuemelial. fi sui, Waukgm, W. D., $1. Commandant Taylor refused, sud MARTIN C. ScE ,Atty.mroe Momi- and 'af Estate of Anns M. Russell, deceas- mien a srit wus flashed upon hlm Adjudlcatlon Notice,.ue' buufe eé, ta J. L,. Wearog, lots 147, 147 sud aid' that It vas a fa1le. that It was puhl;noteeIo aerebYiven that thie Oui-__ _ 149, Ravinla, deed, $10.000. the, resuIt of an llte7ed clased door .Amlustrator of- the Estae etol NatIn Emma Llndstrýom ard htsqb u atilln Wukegan andti nai nièe, rtllec ,aI itefldtaieeo ot rgnlo 'ànd ta triar on tLthe ouityse tn sueri in S. M. Sldemfeld, lot 17« block 1, Cum- 1wouîld be 'nothuta doiug"' on te sidef,,unty.the urt MdorouelWkfaJUIF Ail îesimoniais1 luEs & C.u addition tb Waukegan, sîreogtii ofIfi. next, liii. etien and werU crns*fs55bayl Voluuîary and un W. D., $3OOi At tisu Colonel Ging opened verbal r u tpsi oit u ril packages E. . C ïe and s-le et ai to batteries upon hlm galore and the. udicaUiotp TAIIN.AbliiSraUo. oup. Senit Post Walter K6ti. lots 3 aud 4, Clark & -commnandaut retred tu the. fort ln uio- Vautessau. pi. 1157t1. 1111. c-R5 tmp. Mursa subdivision, Lake Forest, W. fusion, mtteriug "Sbloed.îs a D., $1.500. but that.' On' mth the batie, mY. That elusîve boardlug bouse wblcb'hcao Evertà Wra sad vite ta A. C. brave lads." - ou bav9 -d.tedilned t Io 80BOY Purdy, lot 29-bloct 1. Wreuns Sddl. _______ AY maybe -idvertlsed today. tIM--tt Highland Park. W. D., $1.600. If ts a job for a s-sutsau DO4'T SA. E. Binhai» ard w-e teo'.I. e. LAE11TTOAPAAD Philllp, nortb hait of the routheasiLAEI&tOAPAAD 2 blockt 14., Higland Park, Q. C.. $1.- quarter aud tihe north ts-othirds of JSepii savage sud vife 10 F. E the gonîbireat iquarter eass of the roal Palmr. lts isud bînt 1.Dav lnj section 9. Shields township, W. 1D., Palmri lts and20 bock1, Dvis$125,000. addition ta Atlech, W. D., 400. B. D. Tas-ne sud wif, ta Henry Sch- 3. C. Kennedy aud s-li-eta Lillian ee,.lt o7 4t " nbok9 H. Willam*, lot 4 Schwrrtz subdiv aiiutetsaidvsa.LkeFrsQ lau.- Wankeg5ti, W. . $10.000. atetasbisonLkeFrtQ Clayton Cunningham and wife ta C., $1.600. Win an Ma Roir.Iotý5 loc 1 in E. C. Washborn andtife int F. H. addiionta iboru îe ~ Scheler, east bai-laof lot 2 lStock 2, rIlb ~. Kuebker"s suidivila -UAbertyvtlle, Mous Waldman ad l'usbund 10 Rech- W. D., $2,800. in AW. Pars.skl to J. P. Schneider, ard nd LuiseMueler,10 areý lots -9 ard 30 block 7 Deerfield" Park, the, rjrheast quarter »oi- section 27, W. Il Avec. township, W. D., 85,j75. C., E. Wsru n iet .F Stanlalaus StaszkieWlcz and i vfe t Wau«hlurn, lot 4, Proctors* subdivision Adam ,Grzeyorewskl, lat 20 blork 13, a ryikW . 40 D)ereyers subdivisiou, North Chicao A G ibbons. W.d.. $4011. isn F W. D.,$900.Tuciser lot 8 block 9. Wrtghts addi- Clara B. Wlemera ta 1. J. Geer, lots to oIbryllW . 45 17 and 18 blockt 38, Lake Bluff, andi loit iotUibvlosW.nd., $425.Ag 4 sud ti, wsi 32 iet of lot 5 lock nt I.SydaGibbons sudbloc e ta, Ag-h 52, Highland Park. Q. C., Il. dition t uydam7 lt7 lack W.,D.rig1. Henry Mafchtle and wl-e ta H. F. adionoL'etvleW D.$1 Mmechtlo, sautisesat part Of loi 12 Alzgda E. 8. Combe andi busbuol ta block 11, Exmoor addition ta Hig-IL. M. Wlbuh sud wl-e, lot 4 blocks 2 land Par. W. D.. $5. sud the eat 4.1 foot of lot 1 block 3, Joseph Kaez snd w-Ife ta Helena Steele & Douglssubivision, Wauke- ICapact, lots 22 sud 23 block 15, Ilry an11 D- $4.f00. «rs aub ta North Chcago. Q. C.. $l. L. P. MeClaruan snd ws-a, o C. P Mabel F. Wihbutr sud huabsud ta, Flshsct part ef Iota i sud 2 block Harriet Sapuldlug. usai part of lot 2. 29 Highland Park. W. D. $30,000. -IjAssesnor' subdivision ai- tIhe orth- Wm.. Wilmluston sud sif, ta Win. west quarter ut - Imetona 21, Wauke- Weber, 140 acres lu section >3 Avon gan, W. D. $.oOW. 'townshiip; W. D. $14.000. 1 .Wrfl n'iet lzbt W. I.1.Fletciier sud wife taJ. . .G . dWorufisudM. o o alizath 4 FalItIocu.pari uorthwest quarter, 0G ndof,,M ongo auh4 uortbeast quarter of nortiat bal of1 feet of lot 7 block 1, Poweltt atdi- norths-est quarter oi- section 15, Wau tlau Waukegan . w. ., $3,000. iiegsu towuubip, Q. C. $5. Ama J. Jacobs ta, G. L. Jacoba, loi Every Item afinfiuormation wblch 17, Shaw*â subdivliion la section :5 Iyou glesu concernIni thée ctyinl WVest Antioch township. Q. C . $1.ublc yo% lIve througii your ad-an- C. E. Smith sud wl-e to Gea. F!efcl, sworing trips will laie BEFUL to lot .3, Washington Park. Waukegan, you-penhapa lnu nexpeced ways. W. D., e-25. 4 C. P.. tvasburn sud wl-e ta John Adjudication Notice. M.eberg, lot 5, f1roctors subdivision, Publie Notice it tîreY «Iven th55 1the Sut- Graylake W. ., $. sriner. Admitrltratrix of the e sate tf GrayaukeW. D. $1.John Stewart. d".eased. s-n attend le MNaster lu Chuncery ta Rudlph couuthyourt oIli e C oui v. O" l Bte a ire Brund, part of lot 69, Highwaod, Ieed, @&id couny onutelie Cr91 Me of utJuiy $1.00.iev. tit1.citen and ,hren oosavinR $1.000. jelasataint Wîal e st l- ouiled and Henry Pcbeler aud wif e ta A. C. Mistd o.oettcsmetlCuto Johnson. part aof lot 343, Lake Forest, WMARY JANE STE WART. Adulnixtrstrlx W.s. $1-«Rauar.D. Ill.. iMay t. 19U. c82-it C. . Mlleansd vite ta C. P. String- If the rlght tenant ta uot lucllned fild, Iots 28, 29 and 30 block 4 Lake in seek your property. me your Bluff, W. D., $3.000. property eek the teasa througb a L.H. W. Speidel and wl-e ta J. B. campsigu of classified #dvertlslug. 10070YE For Twnty This s e i.splendid retum rat * thon 1,250,000 usera have aotusa1y rn.ied- front theirimvutmlent in a- DE LAVALSUISARa Wth therage numbor el CO** a DE LAVA saL- ï - myes sud erns its viiole coot the Ont year, sud cO0à%W to a do sa ywýrly for itî establimhed lMe ot at le'sat tweuty Y"m MM Th ue- aly imu't anather such iuvetment, eith«ono the wm teMaor offit, open tonyo hVifg reaIfto sePmr.té. Wy "Y1* mskng it? - *8 for the first colt, if pOIu bave âe esu-CasUh- I a ,-%J MZ dseunfor it, but if yobagnot underotfiI PlaftM 700 mat5030DBLVLa ~tasta i. aosn e 0uU Au nUsoe*s4lIWW M Feiice Délks Marauder ILPULTRY Parmer: Your poultry are in danger unleas they are pro. tected by Paire Wo'ven Wire Fence. N4o f em ma- rauder cas get-thraugh, under or over, Page Poultry Fonce. Galvanized by the sme pracess, woveo in the sme manner as the. f amous Page Stock Fence. Tis fence iu extrmordinarily strong. Its umu range from 136 inches close tu the ground ta 4 inches at the. top. 1ws great strength keeps mgut iL stcIts fanemeu of weave mp miI.poaIV7.e .s We curry a foUullne of Page Standard Stock Fonce. Hog and Sbeueplrence,-- L, etc it pays to protect your poultryf Let us show youwvhat Page Poultr Fonce cau do in actual tests. C2i and get specîi prices. Austin Clement, V. P Office qad Sesreen 200 Monroe St. CHIICAGO !eau ai Yom loieloup 1e6em *L mmci p=i ndid=relmg bavde ud Ot lal It Iuin i It ia a"iBimd* Litomical mua published arn tîtolîoited. 's inakes 14 sîpaid foi-à% Mau FoodC. o,I. DifarÏosu". aud landse oss s1 or- ail die sare iade i-or, thie N Glangc t othe110mout cnoun te. bât dine-su.lms. su «M« hsch.uhictmm. irpoeo& hi àa u - mSt i, ém Y" nadlyuadestad-on. r*fihLou Wn impieduswi~~ FutIL, god pâii*cI Laiue *ùuow sn a osd1fi Ande la suout o"uauts vie 6mbý* Noemd g ouibingpkloa MOW e v-su o- E e .n E E~o a Co SIMPLICI17Y, 16 a supreme vldnue i both men and machines. Chalmers cars are simple. 'l'bey are simple lu construction; simple to operate. Its no trick to learn to drive a Chalmeré. This le a car especialy good for the man who wants tW do hi@ own driving. Recause it's easy to control; easy'to keep in prime shape. A very large nimber- of women drive the- Chalmers 1"10" because of the one pedal coutrol. Every driver Ukes thiis iee. M. TAY WR, Agent FOR SLE-Saty isoda flontain, on drum carig itIli. îbree table sud chaire, ruodoru tylubalde,. o p"*n aud évurting complote t ta sta u s- ereaiu psrior. Extrtvoy loir prie,- tur Caab. A4dmm.or catilIowat otifteaI irsmyslaà Pharumy, Gra. fID» mx- mal u. q>. low lit 1 - w 1 [ FOI] . il .1

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