ssw a W t lm xs *8115' 81e Bmbe as ur a"t Ilir. LVus -Isileve wbat 18 5an": t m wa etel about six gboual pers090., -IMus note th$e géd preeog. tbe irace. A rasIons "A ré o lellese. liberal uimate : thfe ema e nmber e imrae s 8 *i49l% t' ttbeus m mko$il Let S li -tlboy m-eý soja test t ivouI. require te lar. tIen m M mibutb la graves. Tobm ttrm tbe atlas.Look nt.8thie ulluxer uqsa lles ln the Btats et Toi DiIethis late square fptsud a*àu do vo suind W. Sud tbt more $ tothsie .numberlot cour largoee Imateseofmii wbo bave ever lilvie tb. borfletula seporate grmveo ltat cim on. atealIon.. Cm t"s À%vAak.ned ailietia lsPr"s 4 ed Fort AsujforcOotblng. 1Mr.,Nilson teles tIlt 'nw Invention» aue lnou ýwicb sets long. vu guabe loe aUy he Or~ltrm 10,04,4 115*te1'. 3t ne% ch.s4y 'iw **?ta ,Wet5rOveeiient ebo' rot'atM"yEaumBr,.ToruWnlu5 fiatauI' '"' sautalue ai acepta 18g The unpply le luexautle.' Tii acflff té PWêýttSrlptofts declare repotieg.tbe,1>, r b zoo" J béoffehau -mi i ne prosonfor t8eh b ý aisAO uI blé abolI net toie huleesth 8* lfl1y lut«dishe sIuemkrelgu that -t» lut h b"d aMr tbeugt et lmlgearth sbau yleld ber tncresse' and 40«1- rm menty. 80egrtlytP 'U"tiu lderneas sImU bbeo as dii «ecltes fle'reveretll spirthroed.- et* btisl, but fils leedmt 5110117 Jrm every llretla ninformation "sar love for fie tmai of big stl eu! ming t et o qpecie.r et emsl bus ter ftue Mmaietfbis birtl. H c-er ahmoepoli I a ba w «Odi the ile" Patmoratvtb thei bea iss sneAddio"ealy, Iar uu»orowmmIng diat 4u mut net reeu sszouncemet et a metb. 6 eOf. lef 5lèl ai1*e6tmmmagaemmtlhlaIg graine blIstheye MrI moufle lu the jerl- oreanS llgnei Wh"cbWinIpermit tbe rae SfSlelut, nIls ita10, & le etlmg oInt lesidiecrois a peut l e pe mlIy tIsasix "thse temperal. soese. iAdmy »«v,80 r alug tmlu- attregas, tg bekag e«trac"te rOil 8h I"d-O 1Ou M9 tOWS fî atmo*b" nud- usaI 80*-ioêtba bbe 4t, l Nurtbmere, , 0Mar lesurstbath M'tha howu He Wbe lrovieol Bise fr ou 06M pmaougg r »PiubLct1ylbt teesg- pareale leàabundantly g a né s bu~lm «I1* 518 OumCe del rite pr#ml ofrtI a IglIlise Wat.1whcla, marked dspreela wvhcIthbe lug et th. e el vil Wjbaesslest d~uq fte I> ,e am' h. uflunmauty; andt h. sArtb. es 1taoed en th esd paUses 0forlue tie-M» n.foototoel. sabe h md çql ffl otGù&ufle«8 toi W ay tinus. lMoreover, le 18 roi'bmbeead Mi£M madue ai mon, Bneh vathat;tbe OCrIptum restlatic ara, mwmsbl te - S t -e parti n H e Ils tb o f8é» *poché s i ** ydlou.tOe aSeac. itaa .ayfor th. pssat tir. mbb frtIn* ta talaa l sud fit thes vbmWo wuil attain, la tIi = *t-b mtnetsl issas. 3 4Mg. le raeourrastieo wifl "a Wth tu ea'Wlfr is daq ils fWu t M. ar7r e u ves luiPartes.* aVmoté o rtfegiaus. Tbue ropfgatliet 8h. bume"rues le 'bMgp wbo boutsar St, Peul prsecbstlMd,, to proeeelonVt, nR 8h Oletib»et uthefIs oI ea, smrtbI sha1» led. eLBut oser aut ýtM Iilalu, mail -bave -'mecl o eve great CWeOtoe e9w,<mai Wator annuaire îags Wbée ePlan le beliug WelleSsu toiu xévee»106l4 tbs wMor the .usWas ation. man's redempthea &0 1 mm. Im oAU bu lea -419 s WIutIou. knwO fie mmi'trois of U sà, ot of tle fie eglnmlng and la telIy able.te de IM0401=41mo" iiile**O m iia 8bt130 belia promlsIf mu oes- -*W iWhli .'"Miu hovë. bô 1W 5557 U8WOl-b.e l ti te W.A-on mr e fsvoies M11fartber tam the lied et portIose '0f-et X» apdaffl eos.. 8h. ecans ul 'te rie. up cofsati IItlm»adm 80 mi e mta the Atimute and Pfle luar t et U$b-ow*etio- It tb tItn bepress ldwrbtI - ual. 8. rea- ote. ve bave nodilagte s"y t 44oi- orixls, trw amtsesvlo teer t.the Diviataproue. !I Àcb iav * Io. e.0« a rfearrection e« tue ddmand 1 *0 t»t ijI.v, tittthofIs amwbo. bmeusa alack et tefInla 8h RavtlsawmufIe usu M4drb. pvWer 8h.vainu saa tà 0 '3 u fttt eli. v e t n ho do e 0ft o e'liuma u min I te t8h. »094 or »OeglbwmI* sn Qy urt tlu ont ae"pe autoesla 'the "d ms5. di eaa'lbouml thé .fat li~t io. vWb& am 0j 01e tabé-f.. aeusvis"en u ut, ee.hlsg DIvine eflsosmmi u tut 40X oiuion natI 0affl ta taue la Bauger 0f lain ie'rmke I ý*Tbp enoWde g'osm. et e f bsslo.cieê& Bwt lmaU.. Md m béian o 'athees."- àmwîeen- o îe. me or It lale M fllaccord viii the putàM ~ mil ava tes *om dst.mtl et a ro"Mtlrdtieant la fb is bl Po dom40. notset &U willilas. ea fleoege a nemItIt **I5*5I to b-ý th 1, vkk h8.e î 18 is EtIers'ý; md suLeriav __ S","U. M I adet hU«14 9-daid led> 6" of A *idqon taxaet mormnass..It le à P-bett" AvoatIesaid «eesTh-i ebl51j17o. an otis. lsatbIan w'4 8eB. ItUibas.the frt Chlultàm msat, tIale h.ory ala!. h. ta hste alu v e nlaId, 'tee Tb- o- k e-St peuaI tenleusatM oMW to1 »* bfeta , le e5ve moal remin te tIse oi ~~am t4be~5Be.chIM10e. ogt'uatmb. 4" i lecrsaumlo nat 11. e-aoutfI 1bon. 1 ev leu a lnltewy. w, *ho cmtm.. *ta beau etabu. but w, pII53w ý ewutkbut elulti appeclttmt b ' It biMW Lv. SI) If4 M e liofvMeaite 8h. e vsmi sou efsa roope* omuees Mimai. btomelt IM he edemI lup RIS Tii Suu.ess Wecdme te .resuro- vIborlsed slm t a lesta lu sp Am n al t 3t e elatnume atI ha 1 818 ler resurrecifelp- g81Iib h mowsIlero elte mon u tIgir or gewcvkeulglu tbe ash Mtfl tdemi, If th.yw-sie neoD3' MM etln oan, la ebasaiupop <h 'ci olumssi at. If our rd'a word. vort Wb"cJeassu s acuulae sé.*he fa mm milu tbat &ete t fil.. wo beidffleeses c Uff ll oi e tertb h'. e ath »0 *nesu. Iii disute tiiet jIs 1111 :i lW9 . s- 600001 POPpat flet f4â*M t at fI. demI areowec : ue sIOUle'.I, du e sesai a. 4 i P»«a %Mad te Saif VIetmeiIoêe ortampeatfru Sm* itn' d"I we admit The te&- m ot tihe demi vIi te sema-] ut e kmaa * vu sayddnst l - . Osly 09WtInt' 1wh. i MPiaIt *leI la dtb remter M ul biiable te ne Wxb avine Poven escel- Fi" tu e ImbueuiPm lMm moeiftSua. as jrbnea Mle e 00*uto à=» at oml U»M otoat à«toUPMuath* tfi x"M If vo"k lmf 100tIte I«eltIn dti - *s 4 ott fis a sat sw O' tusles te811.rumets ps*tlclar fru"saIs, .7*iub a mai th. lutere »set vord te 4ï fer, "Rie vIda bl'ovm10118, g' 3«» s ave a. utw r lq e imatter util tIe mm14"d dpp tIsau elte RiaiscIW.e,'otrM lagune. eleepiL'l'erevt&eS.,i ig b»sleph vIl de wm40**ell. , Issue -id pllul,(Couesg dom fe* ordiminyueoetlanage), - lu e demi.' il ie l li*lls flan veut te ean._ _ ivDsat 1.5818*luse SUN wat. Sale of LiçlC 150'piso extra fizýi terns. full leagth n.d wIthi I are aucbaa rau aiaways pay *3.i fer. very 1 e ued at, par.... ETAMINE DRAPERIES'- wldi Saumore patteras la ïs, ïpeclalat, Yard . .. ....1... Wore~'Loi ~mthe jUu1iq0 as a êeu my ~~cd ev TorI. -Tho *".retuî count reveals jîîst ~ paira of wvoineti'mehoes and oxfords ln" 4l4-brokeli fines, ill;Iidinig alsiges. Iluit uîot eveiw îze in any poirtiettlar" style. $Some RIed (ross. Stitws ini the lot. Viei-kid, gi> mclet aiati Iiatenît c<It h athers; Goo- Year welt s;oies;3 e,.50 aud 4.00 vaincs 't, LITEBYS IOS-a<~ pair ......... ......2 2 ' durable quality of cal( skia bler, l5 WOMEN'S PUMPSAnd oxfords. natty style, excellent $L.50 value,au flJIçI ue»q styles lanI)atent, tan and dulI bath- specla] at,. b ,à ci. values that hevetofore solS pair ............ 32.50anud 33.00. pet, par...... 10951 cÎl youet an produce as mnay inonograrus au you 'oMay 'e sire. Co mplete wit b hb and Bftampiiig.outit; ct prîces range 0 m W , -Urtd«wear and Bliewy Savloïs wot Ae ~ vgo'78 - Tupeo4 *ob.ýw exetolly good Ièc valus NVOMEW N Iau*ON SUI-r tibbed ganse, 10w taPed nerlkeiiles, umirella WOMEN' IBE UNO UI8Aneceln qualitY and aiceir. ilnlshed,« higl or.low noeck, lace trlmined. dravrors are mubrella et) l or ankle longtl% ... ............... 50 BOYS' UNDERWEAR-Good qusllty balbrlg. giu.hîîrta and Irwes, ong orshort aleeves. kie a k e lengill, nornol 25 CHILDREN'S 1408E--Fine and hcavy rtbbed stoclîinge foir boys and %(tri%. dou- WOMEN'S LISL.E MOSE-l<xeeptlonally ble lied and toe, ait sizues, splendid i 5é'duno thread. 'oIpan,oailie mbrue vellera nulic red, ful of~. pair ................ .. ...............oises. Soc sellers at, VaIr. F5 Center Pleces,» -Dtesseir Scuifs Made of fine rouind tlîread linon with drawn work and beîîîstitehliîîg; <'4niter piettes are.30 mcli square; searfs are 18 hy 54 Inches your ehioiee at 1 9c BluyYourFuiàiture and S Tomorrow There is no -longer any question ini flic. minds of àshrewd umse wives îviw honie fîu'nishings eun e purchased, to t he best advantgge. Prices îîever fail tg t4jk and ours tell a mnost cloquent story of economy., Our furniture is of the nost dependable constructionî ani SSONldi(er oifr guarantee of satisfae-, tion. You can pay as you like. 810.50 Eefrlgerator Bt $895 À atrong well i>lt refrlgerator. made of whte oak ,and tlioroughly sanltary, wbilie enarneled llalng,2 polialied wire""selves. Solda 60 nouaS. of ice. a $10.50 Selrat ............I.............. . ICE CIIEST-Made of sl. nlcely BOLSTER-rull size. covered witli poISSand lneS. witli galvaisS ambric la wtote, blue or plnk. fin- ,rn, I.- prieed iiSads 14 at.. ....3.. .... 85 !4 t..........98C Dinng Table -m«-Thua table is prie- ed lu ail furniture stores at $10; exteiîds to 6 feet, mnade of solid oak, haud rubbed aâd polisled, 9 Iich ICITCHIEN CABiNET.-Strongly con- LitINLUM IEMNANtS Reim' structed, whte mapie top, 2 sour atif i emtat olS at fro. lias, 2diiiers,afi one r tâe sSOCea yardienigthestfrum5 oine ameat board, varalshbe , o"'1'Fards. cholce Patteras, spo- ~'*5.0 arIclea___ciîe ypruceS d f............ ..... a ~U par square yard ......... If you art' planning On buying a iiýriwrg this~ srmgi wdpayyouhandsiunelytoinvestif;ate* tis rug bargain. Trhese are full- 9 "by 12,'and a very select qùality of Axininster; the pattérns4 arcof the very latest des ignsa in Oriental, floral and niedalion;' $28.50 values at...... 150 Smart SPriiI% Suits at aWond- erful Droip in rtce These 150 suits are grnuients f roi unr.1 regular spriuig stock andl îumbner aîîoîîg thîe îîiosqt fashionable tiodels ut' thte seasi. Buît they are odd suits, and that i8 why wce have euit the pric-e su tremîeuîdotuslv. lB 4i<lc suits we mnui that there are but one or two sizes in any particular style. These'Suits 5.14 ai. $20.00 aid $25.00'O Thîev aie tàilored in a stîperb i iaîni' of seriïes and vetepantire l h' * and otiiers trîîmd. It's the best iii gain of the season. Sale o'f $l51OO Ceas Fashiocabie er telodls csrefully talered or' srecovertâand Inovelle. soe wltb salior collera anSdlong ipels and otiteus.rei plain: 35.0 rike 1 9 at ... ... . ... .. . .. . M Coatu at $1498-lligh clasa gar mets that ' have beebn selling at $18.00 and M'22.SI), plain tailored styles and others -tyith sal- or ollars and, trixntied, mnade o serges. no'i oltues aud satins in aIl th 14M leatting shadeas pecial offùr. linei<Wedi at, LittlePMes LAWN MOWEWS-1 h O AIT SOX-Blue decOrM ~WATEN *PT-Ploe Aies' guaranteed keen .uttr::Ied china sait box with a rian glass, bhlb' decorat- blaSeo, 8 Inchidriving Polishel liard wpool qover. eS,,çonslats ot tanikard, à IY poe........ .s p~ei t ..........lie tumblers anS trayo31.i; 1-Noun rib Wi Kr- eer at........... 1 ROSE *USHES-2 years growtli, la ieading varIe. Bti". 26C seller, et.loe SUIT CASE-24 inah steel trame coered wIth mmt- tlag. leather cenu0e&,,id Iaie, Weil ind 26 vAtu a.............. CLOCI( SHELF--p by 20 Iâches, 1Us.etfsolid qu$i% tered oat. la mieslori or vaX lai,.........5 TE A PÔTS - Decored eertbeuvare, edium s., à iegiuimr45e selleratm5 An -Id suaser couvey- amsofor thee ebliS, ruliber m11e wlseel s cely paiat- ai................Ui PLOOR VARNiS-Igb grjIe, very dUra ble. -peri gllon............. t- LINOLEUM VARNIS- leatbeaa e nW U tc e linoleum, 'ànS- give& a liglat lstre, poia OU.1 ..................O rOWaL, PAR - 16incol tol i ba, piclied bon bru ......... l,1 ,IELLY MOLDS-Polbbohe steel,- round, or oblong, set; et 3for .. . lic GO PLATÇ-4 bormer, colonial style. saved byrae.. er, epociai et .... . TUMB3LEa MOI0tiS- Niekeled on brasa.. ,..23c. DUSTIES& PLOOR 140P -temves the duel frea polilhel avers witbout dia Uise of water, 600c aritIce et1................ 3ft 4 - , J -- \ / W^4JKEdAN'SF^8S dh Shos il -J TU WooI lDrtss, Gg--i- ê ltde Strp.dXobir36 inch etein mohair witlî the iîewest striped effeets; wcar splen'didly, and la verýy popular, this r1., a positive 50C quality "di a bLr.gam iat(39,c the price, ard ........e...... WOOL TAFFETA-60 inchi iaâmneCUNOVELTY VOILE-. woo 01taffeta ln 3 Siferont s ~ix cI»= elde. plan colora, La -1 18ple' fmfley weave, a good depend- check. a fabric ef splendidap.'- able cloth sud uaually sella ai Pearane anS usuaUly ScPe brîng .85c, per yard.... 75C' lyard ................... 4 A Lively Sale o'f Sks Jacquad BIlk-27 ineh fine .Jat-qtard') HiIks iîn ail the new iAprilîg sîa<1iîget, (une 15 ati twio tuéC effects, 5W< and 39<' qitail- _29C tics, sp>eiatIy priced at, yard....... ..) SILK POULARdIS-24 Inn flne TUSSAHI PONGEIE--Au al sîli silk foulards ln two sdtire fabrîr. 24 iadies wlde In heauti- toue effects, polka dots and ai- ful new pastel aliades. aloo tractive arnaldesîgna L lMark and mrain. 75ec quaiity at, yard ....6 c sorth 60c, special, yard.25