Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 19 May 1911, p. 4

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tLAKIEICOtNTY D P0pm, 1IAMA 9, 1911.- 1~W1riiFflEdIti__i_-ru' r-rrrii~ îrnr-~1- --r COIJNTY INU>C4tNDENT OFFICIAL- PAPER 0F LAKE COIJNTY àffl»bfflNosi. 1. rs EeiemOo wooe o No41- fbortyvle gcag ~Ius"as Ihe ?aOfOtLibertyvm. . saaSeonad C"ou liseur iVWE XKEL. Au4403it RT augowis OU £PrUCý4TtON. 19UWAIRPTION PRICE 61.50 PER YEAR STRIOTLY IN ADVAI4CE FRANK M. JUST ........... .............................,.......................... Editor RAY L. HUBBARD... ............................................ -........... CIty Editor FRIDAY, MAY 19, 19!1 MUNNEWEL'S SPUNKY WOWAI MAYOR- The City of Munneeli, Kain, hbas a weman Mayor, Mia. Wilson, andi a break between the extective anrd leiiaive departmerltsa@m resultad, likel>' laa efeught out b1. h. tate courts.- Ms. Wilson lhas caiet a meeting for next Monday nght. The five men wbe Compose the Ciy councîl say the>' wlli Ignore the cali.n 1The maie councilmeii .eom entirely tee teerrlati about the supremacy of th. maie *ex. 78.>' need not fast that the>' occupy à position on the, frinq 0 in, sitl h. fate of thc masculne world restlng ln, the balance, Contingent! os thir.god defence.1d Il Mm. Wilson co weep the streetacclamer, Cosai the Ilîticlouer on e vic, con rus the butin*** ef the City' on à busess rallier thas e poiteal botte, the City Ceunclilf H. unneweil wIi haetfas 1111e affect au au King CantteV sahen laie thet .tdes of the mca te go way back and i mt down.0 . Th foxy thng weuld b. te gîive Mm ilsion unllnrtcd Pape. If the folle bacue of the lmitations piaci upen bar, the salî liay the blame eon the ceun-9 We sheuit atise that body te heldti ar meetings on Mms.Wisoe front I Plaa, If tliareby they cao derronstrale that a cicar fildt has hac o ift fer bar operations. .I Thot they wsauitiln the asnd win b>' thus bendisg fer the moment'toe!, feminine test, wiii te forecacteti from the action ef the ncw chef et police. Mnm.Rase Oehorn. ,8h. went te thaera of 4 ceuncilman andi tore frem hlm I wingcw a nesaspaper cartoon entitied "A Brtishi View ei Women. Suffrage." If these womçn couti not huai th dîspia>' cf a manIoc,, on stacl a mater' of publie diacussion as woman suffrage, the>' have ne place ln the reuili end lumbieetfpaltti. The>' miglt botter rus fer office ln the Dauglilera et the Amenlcan Revelu-e lion, whabesà prliin@ry mauing miglil be recc'vetlet would teach tIbmta1 sulie ovin if their plufoage was ruffled.1 TH1E GRA DUATION GOWNS.1 The ehaise, purchama, end construction of the gown for Misa Fluflln*@1at te asait girl graudatu, lua à problim n bmas>' hem"aJuWlnow.1 Il frequasnti>'happes. that the imother ofth. tamlly goes vîthout any note moan for the aumiar, sa tht thé yourilster cas have Ivo for ths, 81gb lifts cf graduaion tInte. :Foraieris one good looking dieu. enabd a girl ta 011mb on the social bandwagnoer theae achelIe Cfuanctiesa. But Iscreasd power oft.d scrlmIna- lie In attlers oe dai*e laeti§ngus smère dtrIoda>. For reaisons us- kneWY te Mare Mam, a drat hat s@geeti eneug ta t geour dplmmt In, andï ta whleh bta argo théecritlcalObservation et friands. neilhore. trumîeand a.8eal hoards,. la net aomehow rîglil ta gel hy amme oft Iliquaauxlllry ftn- liuiomtaI luster about the cioee ofaàachool carter. Hence 1he blil for lwo1 freelcu uhere anaegsta ledo. iTe wsOfetIl leatha% t lasthe famililesthat ucao last afferd Il that are NP e pila*te rMot on thair daughtlil'backai. It Ila spart of. lte ileme of social bluff wth Ilim. Somehosa Ibe>'derîve satisfacten frem li" .n4a11110ViOr ta convince thaîr »uaglibons 18.1 t hiIncome le double ia act. 4MI ilurea. Cosuequntil ta>'MmuaI Pend more menu>' Ihan vealîli>'nelgli. bore, la erdar mrely, ha prove taI Ithe>' cas.1 . Al l hi. cretes grndlng.piNuas twapon simple hearted people who neyer MasqeerAde l n »Y poscock feathers; but .4»li tratheamm@evete te break. Iag Peint ma. taI Ihaîr haloveti ahuidrea shal net sea. lac badi>' handlcapped. ,When a irl valke on a pteaffraIlradiant IlnsIi6'und satins, swhieelier if~ stiruebues eorsealng lier busde aithe saush tlub taepuy fer thant Iliu 1 18 qtaue anMW sloleang qIneCogruit>' Ihat hacheriW, purent. andi schoci beard eheI limile te veto. If ame lle avahlte* fin*Itatr, elte oliIngmoter have them, *0 Mf ltU lng daslte wsmetb hnet. Antan01a11 »uelitI11110000, Il la ogeneal>' rucolil tetah1e expenceaef î -411110t4el4Wfumeal o eh e aa a th 1e pubtlii« ofthle s gdermat g r A.. Goe4 E-,. Ceh~ ai*.sthdlise éaa oem~ <ressaieS - bse.ceL Dtwe il n diatwhe. u mn galeounlte coun @IiCe Q*vator Smed apeeôiimdo-h.ià mv.mauevidiu1 buv mahns<u uw WIHyo gveus a chmo"? GI*4 &TRI À kAT - Zuom LACQEPLT Ângry BeomueIn4epemdent iu.P3aMoeOvor Thom3 Girls Waik Out Dla.atisflad. It appeara, bacuma of the tact tIsat ouaefot of thaîr raligions ballafs hati beau placeti cicr the-, thirty ginl. amPioyed lu the arnikar- chiet section of tha Marahali ld Lace Wonks atiZMon City walked Out eariy Monday. moc'nlug andi rafubat int oparate Ihair machinas. la Religious Flght.ý For smre Urne past. Willia.m Eti- wartia and Lewis Mitchell, botb foi- lowara 'of Voliva. have teen repaîr men on the machInes iln that section of the plant. Monday mornîng for wvhat reascn l. nSt inown, botb men wara discharged. andi another, named R11D.ý aert M.urdock. abo la mucb more ex- - YOE3M WOXIAN Thiêr Plest are lowly but- ~IÈUMY Growing LaMre. G. Edwin JaflS 4flZ hat Shl Mruatso1e i tatbe 0a caMM, iadaxn!- It'a about saur teat! G. E4wlu Joue», son orthIe laIe Dan- They ame growng bagger! il A. Joues, formerly one of the rIcit. Âlint st5 thasa lunes grow! est cttlausof Chicago ha& folovati a Faut. Beera1 shoe men aald no Yen- sut BBlflt i two ssters. Mfru. Mary terday. andt tey ought ta know, If NyNoil of Lie Forett andi Uta. Hat- ana dosa. sas. the New York Heraîd. riat 0. Sabin of New York citY. in Tbey didn't mince word. aboet telling whtcbha makea sensationai cha:gas It, eltbar. rlhelr explanation la aven againat them, wlth another, fil"ti >es- more horrible than the tact ltmeîf. tertiay bafore ,Tdge Adear Petit, lu Thay y oi la bacause wonen are do- Chicago, ln wblch hoaasa tha remai- îiig more waing now than tbey avar al 0f Henry W. Leeman a. trustee cf tld alnce tbey were in. bondage and the Jones atate. Thse suite have been had tu work in the. fied@ and c arr tarted In the hope of yainîng a iarg. large lb.d. of garden Vegetables ta or portion of hie father'. fortune.. markat on their heads andi return wtb Sincae the tieath of the father. about the mon.>', 80 that their agrlculturai twolve yeara ago, Jones and hie two buabanda coulti Invest It In corn anô astors, It.- I5 alîegéd, hava beau eu. perlenceti on tha machine, t ban tha i rye. 9 lothers, It la aiti, waa piacat inl their Net In New York OnI>. al steati. This apparently angared tie This doahin't mean, aay the obol d girl,, anti as Mlurdock la an ladepen- men, liat the tee! of N'ew Yorkt wo- 01 dent thaïy promptiy r.alked out of the mten Orly are growing largèr. Tt ap- J ebop and up the bill, whare the>' were Plies te 'omen e% erywbere. sa lit a rebiewed'by Gencral Overseer Voiva, would appear tat ettIsat womanklnd J and termeti a noble baud af worn. is now PaY!ng the penalty o! gettîng Net te Crîppie Plant. lut busi.ness juBÉ like a mlan, Instenti At . he lace %vorka Nlonday It cf staYlng St home ta teach baby ta en tatcd that 23 girls bat%, laft thaîr mn>' "papa" or dress the tabla pret-a work, but as tisera ara ovar 150 girl. tii>' for dînner. She gas out andti emiya uthttctr',I . I rampa arounti the cly for the greert ilkeiy that th. service viii be crîppieti. Part Of tIsa day tryi1ng ta sali corne- Ir il . fhonght that«îhey waI ail ha bick tbiug or Bits at a demi ail day anti h ta work by Wednaaday as word han chuffles bar feet allat and lu cther W beau aent out that thaîr places. arn cama ber fe are bound to grow langer Di ha heltiounti liat tima, and. then wîîî ont oulyIn'l leugtb. but lu wldth aio, ha filled by othérs.' ay the ool men,., - ,s TIesa ruke la anothar factor li tae "Woman'm Invasion o! tbe cominar- IL flgbt betwaan lIse twe factions of!the clal orld," sali ane of t,... <iaifiat let, tIsa girls ratuiug 1ta verk uderexperts yetorday. "'undonbtédly ta- an ludependant, one .tallug tIsati sultat Inlubhr fret growlua largar. vas au "InanîltIs teIrreliion10 e h. IaI lTg thegenerait>' accapteti expia-fi ferceIn aobe>'oe, hom the devîl nation of tIse tact amoug ahus mon. Tft bas under hlm contrai."1 laentîrel>' legical. Tt 113 net go long Ail Feliowers o Velîva. go that womnn act about aliah Neari>' ever>' girl iu tbe lace worka minng sîepu anti wallced am If on air. la a tolower ofthlIe Voenva reilgion, îTt Their teat vere saal anti pretty leIaï anliSd averyona of the tnlkers aban lu a goti .hoa. t swears allegianea 10 the ganeral ovar. "Thinga ara differant now. Litan ,eer. TIsera la net chanca that tha ta soneofthtIe wcmea aalk along tIse . trika ahi epreadtu 10auy other section stret.* Thaîr Ieels bit .tha grountiE of tIse Plantase s troubla la pureiys olily'.lIke thome of a man, ant Iif yout local l.tlb. Iandkerchlet section Ofii net look you couiti net tail whatb- J tIsa Iuga industry. er the footta - s wara those o! a man or a voman. Haviug gone Inobubsa- nasa on a large scala. women muet New Society Leader bhave business ehoas. TIse daiuty lit. A new social afflter bas arisa n l I thinga tbey'uaed ta waar wouldn't Chicago anti henceforth ahI reigu. let a week Dow. The old leader@. aho for go mauy squeeze On Tac Ssi al zea. yeara have heli fulsay ciar ail "Ouce lu a ahila 'sou ailf notice thînga social, bave beau or goan wahi that a promineut shoe store la adver- ha Permanentîs shalvati. 1.1115 a special galeaia a raduceti Cicago'a flot o!foia]ligalglblu i sprIce.. If yen Investigate souwalîl finti te, undtergo a rigorous revlslon at h. that thase uboes unally ama shop. Is ao! tise oea leader ountllt finally wrn--that la. are a trille sollati trom #taus e 0. tryiug ta Set thora ento etit tiey Tttwlli no longer b. "'Chlcago's 400; wouidn't f it. Thoae sales hava coma It aIlîl hain the future Cicagoe Io().", 10 ha a eature a! the vaman'. shoea Ail o! thte» changes lu tIse bod>' no- boluais. ciel of Chicago hava beau presati b>' "Manufacturera are trylng le stop It. te formation of the neff "Oua Hun- Tha>' recoguize that tIsa tait o! wam. dueti L.ub." Ms. Haroldi F. UcCor. an are grcaiug larger anti are maklog mîci or Lako Foreoith Ie organ4ar larger shoas for thera. The day et -of the "Oue Huntireti Club." anti Un. tIse là or IAA site la gone. Lots of HaroltiP. McComnck ilhI hothe nov aomen coulti vear theni a faw year leader ef Chicago aoclety. âge. lame o! tisent. cao do t set, but they are comparativeiy tav. "Ton cau remomber Uera waa à To Aid JOY 'Scoute -tuba ahan avers voman'a oIsae vas At the racent supper gven st thebe oneul> martedti alie aise. That la Calvin sDurant Commona lu the lu- net nlong ago. Than aomen's tait tereut o tIse "Boy Scosta", a commit hogan te get larger. A woman vIse teeéwua ppolutedto toite charge ef un"t ta wear a Na. 2 @boa aeultin't Ite orgauization lu LakeeForeat. 1. take a No.,3, '9e malter hea coonfor- P. Rumsey anti Carter H. Fltz.HugIsh *l Tt ight lt. That dravo un te vere apponted. altb authorlty te atiti arklug the shoes alUs a secret code. other cIttzn@ ta tIse commilîtee. Ac. W.Isati ta do that 10oeili a @hoa that -cordinlog>'there have beau atito latteti anti not 1he.ase Ihat vas wàt- ;tita0lattaeA..4.Spagu.J.ed'" Cluc'ace NrsciI'aa'e. john flta1gar- oIt. Prof.- Lewias tuart, Dr. Boyle, PatterSon uBa Rev. Mt. Richa!da, frather Bar'ry anti Kansas City, May 15-TIse freI el a Ja ame itcell ter. ayh.aiti tatement tron thse Catholle church Head 01 GOA& IE Reigna Fearlng a breaidovu frea 6ver- work. Mr%. LIee Martin, manager of tIse vacation grondts o!rte oda Mii Iucampmeut asocaion §aoset touUdlug, buas gnati anti allihere. afler, davota ail ber lima 10 the &> socation building lu Chicago. lu ber =lacuMr. Nala M. Itoimz e ivli nvln social selelmest vert, has ýbeau appeltet and ti autaten active Charge of the camp et Laie Eff. Mr@. P. R. UcUnln. prasidaut. accunucea tIse tlloalng uav appolntmanté te tIsa board of managera. Mma A. A. Carpautar, Jr.. te beseeff i vce preal- dent; Mia. laiMe Nuciler, uSimtn irecordiîu g efty; anti Mma.lmu C (ouck Woe,' Mu. Kenuott E iar aad stM. Wallacea DeWolf, tilrootora r, :r. Watt WUIia sbu bea appoigtt t* thé board or tvlore Ma' a owblfl sre Oplanuet for ut15 camp aud It Id*bdWlausito e o ply A mnater Of a abortt imé e baouere viilbeketapIopen ta e t' rouu&. eAD'S lMILL Wome Ij~SD5 Tveats YoeAI borlalborl.u te ¶btelaeaailembe blding b8lug Thuemodal Ntai are vlstet b>' teIr Paslt*nitlarfor te tai t 4M» nat the Gai'. Miiica p S rea- tIse Prairie -club lu Ia waatiy wattagei ll bkmavu t 1e iMuai «X atah eo.atderasmoue boaug Suntay attrnoon. TIse ,k sta pinhe ioUM drmult fct btea ju»l ifuget i Thestap le untar an autre- edet Itise Unibu talipo. ausi througb t>', llia B0iontlà former resét I tews l miqm gamt thon la feoi-18theo" a the lDes Plaines rver of ttOSle eCotil "d m nail erou lm yç i mi taé pUanafWbuhltlngaandi sentIsalong the hanta o! the river crimaîmL ; pey ahva. it l i d1e lao>- about tur mllesmt6lawtmavihou m, Tlis nlty &M m usitabe au«We MMu mbo*et tpe vio* tovued bl>' Samul-Inauli, seat tiroe oecullon gaiMatontr a. ri* Se gge dt omp. uas ote UsMelloy tarut. ownatiby hie udiftb:d - Orltisa 4* br e of 0" J. g&%.Aëmr an4 ti t ta he li.Ar. *atait= ft"nete lai - 5eari. o"« *b Artut bMeeker. brlg M4g~ aiemt sePh Medîll Patterla'c laypS>, *"Rebollîcu," was madtie . thar day. It Came frotu Thom" ]P. Lhl111%, cod- juter blshep of. thea tlecmasend.iIntil- colos Ibat tIse church ahI nDo e=a- lies attandauc e t thia pl&s or ai; ether pîmys lu theaters whtre 18e Play' la produceti. "If the tplay reselveî ilsetlf otoà recommendAtlou o! divorce anti r&, olarage," lbe biahop saIt, anidtMA4 la vIsatI hdoas. "«thon lviii balo et upon b>' aIl Caîhoilca as oppau bo prnclnope» that every memtber * the church helids mcms acreti 7 teacblugs of Christ th"n la folle the' uggetlins of josphs Me"i»Palier' sS, Onco tIse la ly I noan hY cathollet te sancton 'divorce Catho. lies eversabars al lavelti Ilanti M fuse 10 patrouhua lte thealt i taIt -as anch maois ta Jamait tli aI ath. "At tâmes separatlof ehbobant Md it alaMay bhasuceeaary, but Itlal net for thea goot of 18e faml or publicelmorale tIsaI Ibéea sioud. ho 'allovedt laentes a meoot iliarrlage. CLARD oadvoeslobag ohm 099., StvOrtIue a igU oaIs TAàm;" anlm i »»àuitale .Mli.tN tP q lMV mS about the eatate. Accordlng te th* terni. of the ai, the major portion of the aatate waa lef t by the aider Jonas ta hi. wîdow and the atepmotb* er cf hi. chiltiren. itra. Harria A. ln the bearlng whicbh l now belng aild befora the Court of Appels In th state of New Yark, -yauug Jones alaeges that bis twa sea .ln aider to persuade their stepmotber ta leave tha fortune ta tbam, Introducati a wo- man aho was ln theîr emplay lnt- aer home ou Calume t avenue. Thia roman, h. allegea. gava Mr%. Jonas narctlls anti aicobcl. Whau skie bat socceedati lu drugging ber, ha mass.- tha luducadtiheb.ageti woman ta sîgil a vl Jin tavor cf.tise two daughiters. Mr.. Sabla anti Mra. Neweil assant bhat tae aulitof thîr urother lu simp' y7 an attempt ai blacimall. They te. fuse, la allea hlm la have ans &hars na tIsa uoney ahicit vas leil te tIser. Colonel James Hamilton Lewis tit Chicago, thse attorney for 0. Edwin Joues anti Martin W. LIttleton of rhaw tame. tIse attorney i.or tIese ix- eare engagati lu no maus clashez ot wît anti satire ai Albany' yaiterday, Isat the autîre court was convulaed.] ]Businesslu the state senata ant inl the adjonhng court rooms as ada- lounoatilu order ta hear tIse vîtt sta- lias o!f te tac iavyars. Jones' action la patltlonhng for L*éa rnan'n removai as trustes came am a complets surprise to bi s sstera. 'I can't iee ah>' ha wanteti te, do tIsaI salît Mn,. Newell. "f tiidu't tuow tIsaI ha batl an>' objection to Ut. Leaman Hg vas cartall>'satlsfactary ta my ulster anti me.» Porge Checks on ER J & E. à saules ot torgai checks of!tIl'e-H. J. & E. ara Sboaing Up ag tho Jouet OMof cflte Companystfer Ideautl tien, andti thonfas, tour havaebhem tounti wortisls. The checksa aibl bave been turoati lu up la date ame !*tî.r lu number, eacb lu tIse siim of TIse blanks ara suppe»a 'tob hava beau telen front the offce of BUo* near Moniabelmer. anti a fermer OW~ ploe la tIsat ornaila upposadt4 ha SUiLKY. OOr!lte checia W8 aff ati ou Baloonîst Kelly lu Jeffeao street, anothar ounlIse White & Gitot' clgarsatore, oe at the, Chluese resat ront lu Case itreet, andi the feurtit veut titrougit a local boni. Tisa police are leatlug for thse eum pboyee, aho hma beon mlsitlng from iel place fer everal daym. L-o Y00 now that Ir5 a ey tu ho n soit coal, (i ira. good "ea), alîeut 1thé annoaylsaofni oot suddaineke. Juil glvIte tiOrs a vsry lttlo air cun top. Doo't checkthie store pipe datopar tac cIoi.y. Use 1yroutes Washed IhiL Yon, ou ts t IOro* n om*e Jalbe Cga, poy. I it etoe.y, but $y "à"> , cayeu eoough air space io the lira ae hu& ai .e gamae.t would eiherwlu, ibake @ot andi smake. tO-tf Il inay requIre ia ahcrt "caipawus et vant atvertiaing l o ti tIse tInt et von youre Ieilng for. But it aculti requira a LONG calopaigu ot Mnr other sort of 'lootins." Perfect Rumns g rdar th=n~o cmnipve It cruelasyu pls l deev bot aoci tiye or h noplm fliaurl evlngtlit e et artIcle in A. MUSS ubgwwg. Au vis 'l. etSue OF GE1,4TS Babriggan and Poi'us Knit Under- Wear. ChlresRoenper and Boys Milt=7r Suitsaà nice Suit for BOYs for Warn Weather. MensTan Shoes, & Ozfords, Button & Lace. Men's work Shoes Ue Bust flue& NO SUOD OM 00 E.W. Parkhurst 20 C.brY Cash Stote SCHANCK BLOCZK Somt .Pretty New Things in Wash Ooods WnhWalst Pere, luinosat Black sud Biue figure., tbey waah sud wear beautitully. per yard ........... 21C Dalutsy Printed Orgadi.e, floral patteraso good barred dility, clotb 28 loch. wld, "Versl styles al.. 122C Gabm lt oth Ia gond servielaabi anes, excellt for houa. drami. or ehildnab wear, psy yard .........>-* Tou ahould have ooè of our o»w sommer Corseta, made of batiste, weill.toyed sud corvactly modeléd prile f rSh lot of al-over Embroidarlss sultalale for W*at or Yoes, asm raffl of patterns, pur yard................... 7eJ Chlidrs' Rouipers nti uud bis Chaomraslo GROC ERIES7 Kirks Rein Wates Maker wIllIsoffes the City water, large package IOC. 3for ...... ..........................95C r Sisl 0111 Pekles per doges .........................................M M méhQaeu Olives, large botle.......... . . ... .2 Ç_ old Xdal haur .............. 1.45 W W. C0arroI & Son- lle4qartrsFor, Ail LdÈ or BUILDIÇIMA'f AIS« LumBçR. sAti D60~SMQLIDINGS GLSS UE,Ç511741.SALT rEED, COAL. BRICIK niL Suro ct. ImmIPC. Bfl.Dj "~>PR SutONEDRIN TILe. SEMD. HAYQSTRAW POULTRY SuppLIES We de ctàSbire of YuPet.. romp. e oorders to large « o omdiI ote 111. Give us a tbief end be comilued. HOM E JUMBeR Co. mis. slpcR mnuz -i , 41 , ;,> ý ý 1 ý-ýmmm 1 . - i ý, ý M rl- . - - -e 1 ti b ti c L ei0 i

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