Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 19 May 1911, p. 5

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EVERYTHING s SEASON 0 Roeîved evey mining idla 0 titi.., f resh vegetale of anl L * fruit and b-"«ie. Dont .b. * telephone your order as al o 0 fil.d with f resh stock J. ELI TRIGGI. * Phone 25 AlTENTION ! Thea peau two we.a va have bc yen about m out8h.and Oufovis. lbdo amie tonas Yeu 00about MutHAIS, a W. bave a FINE flua of SERGE CAMS,i a"i STRAW HATS fer yeur *aspgimu Aad ia SOPT COLLAS aM 13ANOr4 SHITS va have a vey compielb, what yen moud for Ibis wam waathar. W. havao u mualUaiP.TO0-DATI atock 145, unir w th*lua ide bS and StUC U-1,104 w havea aDANDY UN Weam araways pleasai te show Fou auri Youra for business in avarythaing foi J. B. MORSE~& Everytblflg for lien LIBERTYI MERJ3DJTH FLOWI3R VI3UETABLI3 CO. Ner Old Station, Ubertyvllle. U octh weak.mabe euagsd u annesa la J 1 Wha, wbile regretling ta nee theus have,1 axtapd ta thm thaîr ines vielseefor 1 aucermmlinbsîor Dov undertaklug. 1 On Manday evening o' this e esk ai thebrn hofM r. sud Mmr. L. B. Whitney va. <ieu a reSptiou lu houao! of r.i sud Mma.Les Whitney, anly uembaraof1 te immodiste famille. balng present. A very etjayable ereniug va. spenti hi' lb young peaple nutil a lstýs houx' vb.u refsbmente vere served. Are. Elmer WUMa aifRockefeller, au.iead Aire Whitnay lu .erviug. Thsei'oung people maullioned are velI kuavu lu oui cty sud tbx'ougboul the cannty, baving mani' frends vha exteud ta tbom their heanleat viebes for a happy and proaparoua future. nocu nt 2:27 vhieb roaultodlna apromise1 tb lepder the sarines furoune veek coin- mencng Saturdai (tomorav.) If the ru.. psy tbaemaerivis l ho contlnued1 Ibrougliaut thbentmeri.1 Not beiug able t0 Sbmsk yen al lun dlvldually ve takIe ibia mtbod of ex- preasing oui thauhe tu lb. people of Uibasyville vba ro.poaItdd nuliberally snd ao apeedlly t tu for bslp aiter aur tire, aurday ujgbt, tlay BIh.This but Makres us rein, more clssrly a fact vblcb vas lrady k»wav Itsheb.heurt» of lb. people oa i Llhrtifvlamareopen Ilb uaedy cildbood. We tissai you ail Most klndly. giucerely you r., Lucy J. JuDsoN, Bupt. Meîhodiet Des. cone orphauagse. Until June .3rd The' Chriatmas Saviiiga Club will open- accounte for regular weekly paymeuta of 250, 500, $1.00 or $2.00 for 28 weeks ending Dec. 9, aIl deponite to b. repuld on twe. 18. Intoreat at 3 per cent aliowed on aocounts ftuy p.oid. We hlghly racommend the club for moen, weomen and Ch16" IalIke, 5ad extand to ail a cordaIl ti on t1o Join. Al thasevWhohbaveapsld n fui' As.... uent Np 8, wvbc cvera the norib aie sever ayetem, May' uov receire Ibeir rabstes bycilgat lhe Treasurai ofIfi lu tha LpobuildIngany' evenlmg belveen 7:00 sud 8 o'clock. c.841tf R. A. SCUNABaLL. Village Treaeurar. Begular Eplacopal srvices are beld st the Union church Sundai' aflemnoonsata 8:80, coudueted by thse Rer. A. 0 Richards, raclai of thse churcb of lb. RaI' Spirit, Lake Forest. Ail are cordiallyInited. Notice. $2500 gnsrantesd 71. perferred stock of The Meredit lt. Faer & Vegetable Ca. le offered to thse couseratîre luvoatar for qulck action at par 810 pa r phare. Paît of Ibis stock va. receuhli' 0mb- I jribed and for différeut mennea par"Ie si ging for l could not prove np, part oý' il va.s utbarlssdtrea.m stock sud hava not bo.u offered* tu tb. public before. Our businessada no adteortiaing Our business la <reater thon va sxp.ctod lii far sn uarr ii usviigo hayond the tO'guarooted. Oui nav boums wW býoa. th. graud MWi' 1h. t4al ov.of$300ta allaMpomma. if you bavaer"M $01 tu$Mdyod »tIo inveet vhafI la sbsolwtely mai»4s. vbolr tWll ea 'aou 70 Md isetete am..J . MEREDITR. Fra.; or C. W. eToÛT, wey. ,t emsudle iaver & Vegtab. Ce., Uibertrvlle, i fi it t a "TiAlbePo ft ww, 1#1 SEIMCE- LÂXýE. COUNTYI INDEPENDENT, PRIDAY, MAY 19, 1911. OOLEY Salma OUT -,-LIBEËRTYVILLE BRIEFS w. W. Carroll & son Buy IN00SokoILRolyMr * Aoiiday of this' week an Important * Toimaure pubiation in the Indepan- C. W. Taylor le reported seriously Ili buainess deal was consummaied when dent. copy muaet li n hie office no inlroi t bie hoime be. the M. I0. Colby Mercantile Co. sold to thall Tuesday of "eh week. Adver- Mise Ailes Bradfrv of Phoenix, viied W. W. Carroll & Son their businese whicb tisraaspClaiV ar aaad a tkeLîbertvville frIands Sunday. bas been very successfuily conducted for rg ta- O particuiar noîîetici ieffect. scodLanao a soee e ngMlerpucatoer- The establishment was lauqcbed under ____________________ ecn sn ee peege ucktu-the Éinmnaine of Parkburat & Dymond Bon inseag tcM.ard.r.'la the year 1882 witb E. W. Parkburet ,fli oFred Rusaell, a baby girl. pr a rnowerasaarpened at reasonable and F. P. Dymond as partners. ,*rces J. . Morses. store. Drders are * Born, touAMr. and Ars. Dean Bennett, ALB.iERtT MEYER. The business wagronducted under this *au eight paund baby girl. . MisaAunise Gucrin ansd àMn. Joseph Dame until .tanuary 1893, when M. B. Born, Wedueaday to tir. and Mie. UJuerln sud cbildri.u arc vimiting relatives Co1by entered ihe uirui and tbe naone '0 Rffe, a eigt pundbabygir. a Edgwatr. ae cbanged to M. B. L'olbv & Co. * Rufel aueigt puudbabygir. a Edevaer.Tbe firm Dame wap again changed ou Keuneth WNheeler. wbo bas been sick The W. C. T. U. wil meet with Ars. Otober 18, 11504, Whou the Company tbe paat veek, Ii. improviug. Aartha Cheerer on Tuesday, May 23. vas incorporated under the titie of The Ifi ed09lsCl Up 1.IîERTYVILLE Will leave on the 3:27 car. M. B. Voliy Mercantile Company, uender le O. Pbone 41. - -3". John Lynch Ibis week moved big s cnmteb@iesa otne * William Cole of lParker, B. b.. risited boàsebold gooda to bis new borne St élue. *bis nepbew, R. H. Cale, a few days faut 6905 8. HaIstl eftrï)et, Chicago, AMr. Colley Came to, Liberty ville in the * wfbk.j Hertel's Park pavillon OPEne.fo1h year 1892 frott Marvin, Kansas, vîjeme S Ars. Clarence Flagg of Miwaukee, le season Saturdoy niht of iast week wltb bo had been engaged in the mercantile Phoe * visjting ber parents, Ar. and lirs. James a good attendabee. Tii,. usual good for eigtg.years, bavlng prour ta Phne3Uray. vas enjoyed. that been in business et Beloit. h.ansaLs. *B. B. Miller and Biert Austin leftl Bonanc-aerved hot--is fragran t. 6rac.I Beilea mainofasterling business quaitties, 1*00*@000@4 Wedesdayforawt-ek'sqtrip tu western Ing, satlfylng and extreielv uoumishinig. .endowed witb boneety and integrity A real food drink. and bas made many frDinds during bfis Ern« eat iboaid ise report.-d conflnedj Mr. and Ar@. Ed Schneider returned jCahierliere. to the houée witb an attack of muticular frpm Boston, Muase., Saturday nigbt. Mir. Colby bas as yet made no plana rheuwtiow Thev will mate tberm bre for the for the future, but wiii for tbe present -~poci whuuaiust vî Mîr#. S lîneldera parents, enîoy a much needed and ireil dederved Roi Chamberlain and Mise LDella Mr..anlira.Liglstbody. et. Uchusebele vlsîted with Mrs. J. Baker St Rer. W. 0.Sed . 1>. Spriien!W. W. Carroll & Son, bave been na Gove Suuay-dent of tbe Nortb Chicago District of the engaged in tihe grocery and dr# gouda Iissea Betis and Lois Clinginan 01 1 etiiodîat Eplacopal churcis, vilI preach business ln aur clty for the pasttwIo ____________ Forest Park, are visoiting et thse home of~ at tbe FirstIdA. B. churcis, Lberty ville,'- yemrs, comlng bagne from Chicago, and Ul jour lavu mower needas harpening Dop haeuuîyms.~ building op a Rood patronage In tbaîr fareait J. B. lorsesa store. r opy cck uuforlimeane l es.Ar.W araissbdaIf ALisRT MU R.rid of thora. fIthe trouble fis Dt l oeàitfexPerlence la thed-fYgoode busines eou mliag AMr. and Ara., Arhur Crosby of tisere la ailîher indigestion or aome whlcb vîll aId hi. greatly ln maitain- i week va Chicago. rlsited Sunday at the borne of Infections Intestinal diseaee. I .luneig thbgeg standard attalned under i socjcS Mr. and Ar. Daniles. allaieyntsndtha ls remdy fo Rivent the management of Ml'r. Colby. a FELT Poua Taylor sold ta C. B. Pattison. Promptly. -Dacaja & Bo.xD. P-4-.1 It le thelr Intention ta malutain vicepreident 0f the Seldou Sehool, a C. S. Foulda Ilise old his runa;,,ut t, Permauentlv bonis etoras, carryiug IEGUGEE Chambers 30 toumlng car aud delrered s Mr., A. W. JieKenzie of Ridgeway, n'in. .lways a f resis, cean stock of grocierlea lathejs d e en 8 t aturday. ilir. andArae. McKsnzie came down &Itan~sd des goodaset their store goustte of o~ Hatjf. W. Stmtb bas beau awarded the week Wed ay tu viit thèir dpughter, tba electrlc depot, tba limn lut)s.r nov four year cotraet forcarrying mail on Ara. W. H. Cole, rsturning borne Sunday store t0 conalat *o dise wstanladrY rao ME' tb. Star route bel veau Lihertyville and vits their auto. goods and @hoa@. IIJ 1405E lo Wtfrte cosdrtoof$0 Mr.FacsTipw ece a*eeau but predict for them tbe boit NEpeBoie.tfrts ouî ain0 JI> Ar.Fad rlowseetd~ of auccéess lu tbeir ew undertaking. user 5tSi. ~~delegate ta tisa State Sunday School_________ goodà. Dr. E. B. Smitb lent veek attended a Convention ta ho beldi t 4uiney, fil.,e ~ Da, r Omn meeting o1 the Illinois Stbte Dental next veek. 8h. vOll represent tbe 'Ger EL lfin Dad1l 13ehooî Sit Pearia. He vas accouspanied Sunday acbool of Libertyville and will George B. Etfemlng, youugest aon-of tey bis vile, wbo rlstd witb a sioter attend throughont tbe "seson. Ar. and Aira. Henry Elfering, decaaaed, living St Ibat place. Tedled at tbe borne of bis @tep usotber, TbOrder ofBasteru Star wil ir. aiMra. Mary Elferlug, Friday, Aia 12, ait Mr. and Ar. B. P. Scbnaebele apont social and entartalument at tba tovis 11:30 s. m., et tba age of tblîty yeas Suudày aud Aianday in Chicago, and bail Thursday avmea, AMay 25, for tb. snd six moettbs, the cause of desîli baln attanded a réception sud liIaquet giro benetllctheaMaaoie sud EsAtaru Star tuhereuol ftb aas lâj)by Ieir unle, Daniel Rath, in hnnor ai borne aI Lacun. litI: Ralreahrnenta wiII Hg vw» laien filIabout Ibrea usomîba COhiessrventy.ilfthbibrtbday. ha. served. Evsrybody velcome. a5<0 vblls etwork lat Baseett'a Station, VILLE, ILL. 1 The Wright echool yull bold a piene Decotilon Day In Helfq's voodat. Coe Senday moring au automobile parti' Wis., vbere o bwua. mplorsd as a and hl ng your lunch. At s rograun oonaing of Dr. L. E. Golding. Charles barber. At finet bis§llmaut va. nos _wâ beau airanged sud a <oaS lIme la Foibricli sud Ed MCormick vent on s thought serions, but as hlger woru assurod. Evaî'ous vellema. Oshlng excursion to Lake Marie. 0f Dr. Folay of Waukegan, vau cosuai Tii. lut May Party of t6. aeson viii curaetbey return'ed vlth lb. usual yaruéansd b. pronucad l iubemculoaf miss li. gireu et tb. tovu bailFridai' even- about tbalr luc, but maye scribe bovals, ordoreu li. rlovd o Ing. May 19, under auspicas of lb. amoug those vhapartnok aI ab for din- born a l bertyrl townsbip, wbers Clîlze'a Bnd. Plantu attend; the ueî Aonday, va are foread ta take Iheir despite bd Abt medicalskîi coulddo YE BABY boys promise a Rond tîme ta aIL. word for If.. for film, ho contluu.d ta grow vains lu PHOTOS takan Friand, of Ervin Akinson. son ofilMre. Farmnr wanting ilu mai' fid thse loi untU the end cama on Fridain moraule. 'mn aee fil haro abevAknen0 Bnoti , h. o a ethl@ home been lb.heboura of Geogevis lbe youasgs.l of a famil.y MatiewAskewnof ondi , 6 sud7 lu thse eveulng. Tboeesvautiug of six cbjlrena, h..boys sud Ibres aamevhat anipread to Imm of oiiilb.emornui UV m@lie..hlm ou the girls, mli of vbom surIve togalbor viui W BTYLES uille ou W.dnaeday, liay 17, te a hUmtouet. c-" his @topmoîlser, six hllitbrother.s ad and emai izea of Grsce Friel of Grand Junctlou, Iowa, W. ara lu reelpt of informnatiou from 1v5 hall elatbara. W* con show you ai MoudayMAir. Electa Clark moeaiber Queen Cif, Mont.,1tb. hed tihe local The funeal vas helIt Mondai atlOOO0 houehold affecte 10 ber mev borna la bail tssus vas ddesaSuuday lu s o'clock aI S. Joaspb' cburcb, LUberty. r"~ Cicéro. Mr. Clark lauoDe of the oldeal game vlth the Banobiamd Issus by a ville, vitb latarusant ai Waukegsn. et racalvad a newv * résidents of Lîbrtyrille and the familly score oe2 t100. lt viiil ho cf lulereet tua Cd of Thanks, frane oulinfe ad wllihogrsatly umissed] bi'a large l"ciof many bshabal fau n kaovWarreu "elusst opo oranor hk riamamossdlng and frlenda vbo regret hsIr departure. Boys. ptched for thea Dausçblsud team W ll 0aieearaueoIak or pictureLynncortiehBras., wv isa up be b. lth ie aud, ta hlm la Iven lb.ecrdt for to jour frandsa nd'oeighhorafor tibe sudundr.winuing tbe gains.muni' kiudueaaa eowu durlng our èàà jouir condssted tuse furiture se ne-bereavememt; asotho. vha eontlbuft "ckig businees DBw kuovu as The Ber Vilsge Préident IL P. fichusebele sud loveea. Nm k=tm VILLi Faraimeretore, have puec bae l isamdUu"MhaeqVaiodarconferred No 1118&»yLPUmN ADà,» nx léodetaking .etablishment; 4d J. Jà. vItisSupaîlutendant BDock of tb. C. &M. _______ lâmees àla, .4M08S. DilataIt treet. Eletrie relative 1te asouslg lb. Chicago, sud took possesion lb. firaIof re.tahllalug af tb. car lsrrlviug ber. iu Notice. -DONT Forget t"-t we ýget. FreiJ Fr*.t ANm vEGETABLES71 EveryMorning CORLEITr& FRI3DERICKS, PHONE 30 IETVL. L. BUGGIE S$TAVI3RTHIE QUALITY BUG Up to nateb St4100~49I agluaraite thâtemrns SW 'thiý f#%jobe, ýtl "~d ajt terlh.priçesý, .i man ,who owns.oe,0 l l1a astaver, cornei n?$ r, rs WE WANT YOU TO KftG W. have as pmCIL mu o TILVt- POSIS sMd (CCMTa RIGItT NOW US 'A 6001>Tm' TO a Our' Stock is Large Our' Prices ore i* O' Qïoég Is tWieèést Our Ser*kêlIo #Mctwedfg Lumbort t, Shliges, BdtwdWst ýkaowof - for tas -g Ub~tyvU~ The vaiue of a Bank'& service to depositors and borrowers dependa, upon the. scope, charaàcWo and efficiency of the service rendered. In choosing this as YOUR Bank yoùhaïe asu«- ance of a service capable of meeting your Most exacting requirements, together with courteous consideration, ample Capital, large Surplus Fund, 'pedfec organization and efficient and able management. These are ail factors in making this Bank the. logical Bawk for you to âffiliate with. àai YOD Botlam,* PHOTOS Lyprices. Piwru We havajuiî of pictoraf ~bF ca!% franm yc notice. SEswcKs IgOubie Mon NOW FOR DECORATION 'DA Y W. hav, aU i dsdaof Flowmr Every kind and vr.ty, and at pries that cwnt b. boat. Place your order now. W inideliver in t"i.City. NATIONAIL 1ANK Fil 14N ci Dom te, the. pon«iicè

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