if w. Miiufactue kt* tomd %4w lopetue Te The Wou oopm.mentakes the %asel] mon& d ~ Astis Aid ofCity Autlsirflesla Flght Vo.opratimor MtieCcago c<Uy auiorities la thei crusaie aeaineit, «ebt loUt" couna smay b. asheul ty tic sosersacut prosecutorlu»mal qgmt s mnp outI fake jevclry" suàd Mite prs Ocere a icis bave soi, . - 11ob»dmapsaxethe i~tiatulit ii. ioý' cbï.o Theierruet of Ovylsea. rnby, thc itou 09 tbheehW.hflouuh we ihave driniés la, preIet'tofthse Oïol. mimacturlng fouitu ubt "y m arrWelWowen ha" ryan a empany, and fýp* . Ca ld ddevl e a ia for ptl'ongu tbe e ofte iem ales ms4uuyOtPt5g cor, Thél. ( patront pay*'thi e »nut mn pany. le but tihee ppenis vr qa suýncb MOedWo, .1% "e. d r vO t couurn, iht t toy anmpatel on the caW& tisiOum uesz"ly se oical.Oher ~éIkê Ce gmone havesu agng ftr pue o.st $0. bue, 41,lar> td hua IMOs unie iban., Notoniy AÙi l> concrne do e bt iues, o loMI 3 aie pre»neuiloni $0 b in C14- sulsi t surpris 'e eif theaUM cou- cagoIbnt srrete 0vii oinlualdosttit tesi %W&uaI Chame0-s sgxt r.,in L ciis tirouabtout thc Sout andi Wet mretIsanis 8,00 a month. ta ssii f resobmesvkkte are un- frted.1 %trons. der teebua.ftohandwar .ige i1egroeeln Uic Soutil are tIse 1ninao oneM it camc, lu a"ée o lailqitPatrons of time. lottery' peaitu ac !1bsciIg « Asi sistant Distriôt At BissesIn Chicago., terngs W. R. Maldaria yesterd4 "-The Olp., lottery scIse, vIscon00- 'I mi -CllcgocopaIe sip thousunda f m Oseof pIsylus asris on e sheafl esoralm caesM lsls faku Jewelry to Toise, desice.K Mltslppl andi Lousiana and, reaP a Bagatelle gaine, poilar ?la the rlcbh haricot ln pennies and nickelsa b kaIbet." "1155u issi henumeroui co.aplsintrnl *Wheoll er toraté." ilarge l~IuIgby the goret.. 1>5 lrwgils imsaat.ly pot intousa iiitrebeiug MSt uad1 unu as enermuni petuue f« r ut Iberd* «WsRI tuc probtbtW& g-thse Of Catei lpva ai itis bave Of»0#tui frther any ecema , spruMPug ne th* icIMPulft pives ter glottemi'. iUnder Uiclav iahccstottilmu $frgiaf defl »-a gift contat, o aw ,» h Ot.'rubu b rU bb loi or chance i «. Agmei Hi i lse ii th@ IfleyanidtiseVa>- bit pemesgeneahaorJOUIsvi wole. bubeColDe cati md»k rprises by lot or o< th*. reiltit upMaries lea, 4M «Mitio~lns, enîerpr TO. iiquc ldosea e s y Teisa'prelo t tticAMVMtlf oIsbecf P ice t» m:of wit'i 00100<0 aie«for ttIs omstrup hiâlmlea ~ou. Aar a reat. eOf aprIltt odost I Uilt. le. aUccf ord e sitictureequ tisanoflthUc pu- aeveWt tounsi oui yet wvhet utiatUiche 1rwells ef Chicogo vrbo huile -ofTe"s"0a4itla w "de t i0 <f« rosit or ta oepe icLo Uc ,OO eîttbldn il-uexoIInt ehltv_.e br rh ,flM «tl-uidn xpMl.t mro o '3 01 t'e suum M ealsl m omr7 t Ii'. sot» tie stan cf agrlutbom" frictb Prange ani i a ois'0 poemIeg ssii téal4sitcbu"e the menifaiW" " @oh* a gldt*a hkaolei0 iiÎ < Ti-c*Aiela éoi>p 104e %"» = oetse e- DecoratimflDay-.just three Aoy to put the * spIn~mrd*c.You aipJpn topg SP fodobe 3 0 .,y leamcw laay; meunpty.Un I tUy pf asy-wé 1IMa e d a siot pi>te yerout 4 ft peiaIW atttochiernare itmu Suits aod Coats, -i b' Qirlw a" mâ001 eut MIbatto Wab "i OmiS Mloue se populor Mbasycsr via, u viti wasi dresse. eocisly palcesi 'At SI."and ......... ,...... .... . Veit Pompe the protetdu "made, tou vu» ati, p pspaundlotirstrai, tam POMP4I %that 5111dcllte*vry w777r' ,.4 t pair .................o..... aiIl-a 'stau sices Ibetson rg6ury teS $ 2.0,aale seum il to2, »,w*Ul th " oer........ 18 ChiUbqm' and 4 Sotir ppm ms ans i e tpsIxoces"" .double andi3, arai i'auti. patent up ozforts andsb iom. prlod up fron ............ soc- ParaW4s and Umbrellas, Prelty linen pesueis W1*«b Mw. or groen band@ 10 -trimmngasiue, ecSPO ...........10 Au $lmOthora 1*sus1omt ptDuaiat. plen 00105, Me vlutteonu vitta mi ebsuiwcihe stttcicd edge for...............10 t» bounattticd ie.p for .. ......... <Çbtdren.s parasol, bine White, Or Pinli and 23& mule lu iso coloreUmm Kt.....a1........... .>.. Ohu1dm' ubie fipd pansis vtbsln haidle lie te ble. paSsas. ad......... Biav. yon sgeaue e «Wma'i WOl T t la tbo t umbref i suIs U ic 1 tirs.Ntabtmr ie Zan th. olsidrnaniA Oticrspricosi 1 u mbr.. ........ .. ... ... . .... . ____Dress- Sutmmer Dresses that are eomfortable in fit, light ini weight, easily laundered, and up-to-the- minute tii style--4are kinds cvery woman expects to hqve. 1That is why our assortment has met the approval of Waukegan women. WIite ninludue trlined wltb Irâei crochet lace eyoke, lace edging et nek and euifs. spécial.... . 5.98 Junior Dreues oMwitle, 10w "aieor coller outlined with browli, brown design on coller ansi cuti. dark brown ribiiol tic, dieu buttons ail the. vay dowu tic front.,49 "vcry chaeey" style et .....................o49 White Dres wlth emnbroidery on yoke, and on sklrt, Uic jobu andi cults trimnned with Hele" 20 Pink ribion .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . The beautiful styles of our waists are too num-; ous to mention. Those trimnned with colored enibroidery, and the lace front walos are beau- ties. Especîally do we eall your attention to the Kismit Waists- the most perfect cvstor; made waists tobe found; at the very small cost of .............. Let us show you thc many offeringe, you cannot hip but li your Idéal in tii. lot. 1-E Flage fdr Mmorial Décortion, Iteandard Wool Buntîfing ud Piet" .C..14 s own on third floor. Sale for Saturday and Mo,,day iý for Qcçor4tlqps ,a on Thfrd Floor' zess distsnc-' dress J - OltySis and Coats- When yu aeexmnd.e ot wool fabrie fromù whieh tjxevare fahoe -bv td d the tailoring-have been capd'vated vith their s;lrt Fet pleaMIg style,-you'il appruclate théir truc worth sud be dseatafed iutil yeow 0vnote. Ther reducesi prlc-.rcedMf rom the airesdy modst prloc-makes the ovuing eaey. Corne lun id put iliux te the. test of a try on. One pretty model of grsy menaeuting, bus plainly tallored 26 Inch packet with long rol colle, iti satin faoéd ýrevers. Th1e brali Imitation buttont on the, revers the ý,,w buttons on tic cule, andi thc six bu tbue la "not glve distinction and Individu- alir to Uic Jacket. TIe eliuyt te plaingoresi akirt vith kilt pisa on a" aide toped wviiititrcs button trlîuued liare. Thie suit vwe prlced low et ite ouignal pue, 427.50. At 1 An this sale thc spcciai i*lce l i ..................... 19.50ý Ant ar Mtty model of brown diagonal cloth bae plain tailoresi square eut Jacket. Tic lapels are faesi witi satin et bmownkasd have buttons as tiimIigs. Thora arc. Mix buttons ln front. Tia sit s plan gored skrt vlth Pael front andi back. Anotlier unodel epecially pricesit........ 95 ManY oChers flot spoken of for lack of spaca. cnvrt d ± t i siawI Col«. two Uammepocbts-olic on ecaide--mnd one smaU i aadirerciicf pociiet on ffc ie. The coat In beautlfully stîtched itiilght brovu #Dit. wicli outlinus thse culte andi coller, thseIo l pockcts andi the front. This 122M50 cot for-'.....................19.00 Linen Cent vitboet lapuls, bcaiit designu ronuseccl and on buttons andi cute. Ile brallnl? In colora tet l n i" pfScty a"s set on thiti 120 linoncmat. Revulsrly $1500, andi vorth lt, tuis sl........20 Pretty Giove4i, Velis, Ac. ilhetland lilshed Veinas evory ireai purc sill. sot ansi fiuffY,*Bd fuels so alc Ki, . u th face, cOMrnuesVa" vii rl, yarid .50 Blaclil'an ce Brown veinta*t lbes»neorgs tbrede, @Il ithe tlweade van the msme wey se as test to burt the cyce. a yard the rugular vt ........ .... Auto Vel&a vth ruiber and isetemers; Vef long. made of silli eMfOeir insure confort vie» drtvlng ecdi........ 3 V Ladles blacki ansi viltu roW ljngovefor .... .... LodLeq short lilk gloses lu mauy color, tel, Pink,. Potes shase, - refuda. copsuhagen Mueb, navy blue, sky blue, a dU Paifr for 75cansi............ ......% %. lAdies'long white .11k gloves, ... speciely prlcesi t ..-.1 ladies' long .11k gloffl ta asuman? c010emsé Uic short loes«, ans ioeachansi white, a pir1 for 01.2 aim ..... 1 OWJ - - e " ab,