1.4 We urcasd A. A. Fr'nck & Co.'s (of cigo nf tciocing $12,800.00 worth of Men's a,ù SYs' Shoes, Furnlisttngs, Underwear and Mats at 53c où. the There has neyer been held -a sale -that can be com wlth this one. Think of it. . A. Franck & Co., me rchandi.se unquestionably, the bçst in ChiCago, ail made fo Spring and Summe r, now.here at a littie more than baif price. Nevçr before, at this seaSon of the yeart hai people of Waukegan and viclnlty ever been offered -ou hrnoney savlng values'iii Men's and ýBoys' Clothln g, Oxfords, Mats, Purnishingi, and'Underwear. Corne expectlng the very best values, the very lowest prices for -the: hlghest grade of' meérchandise you've evi In. Iiere's but a sanall portion of the barg-alus» 'b ' $cei~ftg~IqIkts lea's andbJoys' Il Underwear AUl A. A P.-& Oo.'s rlbbed balbrlggan 20 shirts and dravers at .....20 ALIl A. A. y. cc union suits, ' worth up to $1.60, choice .. 0.8 inOfl 5 89c 1 Aé'A. Y. .lý,by r ftvaisat.2C sala rood work nüfta. Ail A. A. ~ Men's Suits,. Worth up to $5Oat W O Your choice of ail A. A. F. & Go.'S best line of Mcm'a Fine Suits fi black, a bluje, and -'gray pat- teins. Suit. that us- ually sell at $30. 00. Your cholce at .... Ail A. A. F.& Co.'S Boys' Suits, Worth t $350, you choice for only Meni's Trousers men's tramsera, $200 values for'/........ 3 nns trousers, worth 109 $3.00, choice,..... A114A. A. F.'& Co.ls men's extra fine trusers, ght - and dr ol lon, '3.75 2ioLi) choîce at......... . Ail A. A. P. & &.la fne trousers in' black and blue, serges, grey worst- eds ad fancy stripes, 1 worth up to $.00, 3 % valuesfor ......... Meas FneHats Pranch à Co.'smnir stock men's =O0stff and oft j1 <5 Coce .... brîown sud gray st. 0> mi, ZAî .&0',i4 and $I.70 batse*am ..95 ftec*p, * a et.35c- A0 limted- n"ober- Of Menmi' Blue Serge Suit. at Ani ~ unusual value, special for this sale at only $1 3.50 A.. F.Aon.' miade in double breasted two piece styles, fancy cassimneres- and worsteds Ail A. A. F. &A Co' s Boys S ma4i I double bm knikebocepant a li.w o a l b lu e se rg e s , "'7. E worth up ta $6.00, for, Shoes and4 Oxfords 100 pairs of men's uhoos, ail lqathers, ail Styles, Worth jqpto$20, ' llAw ..........' ...9 AilA. A. . & Co.'a $3.00 slhoes AUA. A. F. & Co.'sla. AUlA. A. FP. à Co.'s ma»' patent leather, gui mote adtan oxfords, choies st .. l00palru.of"lae bbosail aiawothup ta 3.0 choies t. l£AAi..& Co. 'aboyo. au lsss ices 1 AIl KA.A &Co's Odd sues, sizes i 35 to 40- onl $13.50 vals.ý, A.A.F.&Co. double breasted two- Plcke=syls plain, or klckebockr pamts, A. A. F. & Co' pr.ce. $5, cholCe a4t Men's Fuinshumgs Choice of ail A. A. F. à Oo.'s $1.00 Îmd $1.50 shirts at 85c. Iiicludod are shirts made of âine llghe or dark colona with plain or plakt.d bsoins, coat style, meta attaced; theo larg. est and best Colction of st4adrd of0rdyo ....çe........85C Aul A. . F o' e' hrs reglr75e 8lues 40c. ...-1................ AUl AA. &P. & Oo.'s silk and satin four-ln.hand ties .15C Ail ..A . &Co.'sla 50o A,0,A. A. P. & Co.'s fâne and .pvy polics suspmnders, 20e choice.............. -AUl A.A. I. à. 6.'faiicy . haif bome, worth 2me it....10 AU A. A. F,àCo. l'aheavy .6 work 'soçkýst ............ A lotof meu's fancy vesta w<«,rt UP to $$» ,-Il. -4 1.11, y I$ wvork pi .... .... 1 AI