Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 May 1911, p. 4

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~0 1 I fi t trial >iàêprincipa.~~j a ll'al Ne IV a B:ydijl boubW .a~lie eUcped trial bur.. Su. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~rs .ilasmneNo i 1er4 &.saO gl 'e N. 14.UbtviaeEXSA1 ton w ea.lêii -n*Tie ' nsverrs. Fred . aiiroe e4 aigo. . fiOa Uotvli.DL. ona ecomiClamN atter been givea. No aouoWnmt o gio . flIlitSof oM'tor, th.effoct of wbhh «agl N-Il eerb a isnEULv.V. anvrlng OS&T MAU EM os 1ASPL[CATWSU. l; n t thepart of tii. mtes stSrey pAtmi pDl8 'tth Jy sj 5l eter s. L ued Md taIf. wIIi eperwo. cap IU8SÇRIpT#ON pRICE $8.60 PER TEAR 8TRIOTLY IN ADVAI4CE cniétulelllf ii oas d te and Ila *di& e tuhe l lli*l- e dsaud i my e att.p esvase tbroughout t 'aIl lio WUass am las b .<l 'bwiSl eires'l th erlaame metater. Homll oter ucao If loe ver. net on trial fer alese ff.b .au,& dey. O i ogotn fr~ ueuinr i Envrb besalement' of coauty fondas C g,',brouglit to trial, MM iviii "esoa e 'O*ANK M. JUST.............................................................. Edilor' Former County Treaaurer lewth C RAY L.. HUSSARD............... . .................i sEd tor ndic. as plhacd no tewina U = 'Q. Àho ayencouater If.elstpay1ll now large amount ot the.t r n vs bsrli- . s a by bhie. attîtade of deleetion FPD Y A 6 91ed hInthe. Identificationf heti varIons a mors, bitter Penalty tbat confit b. I!RIDAYMAY 26,bandwrlttune astliey appeared an the îrnp<ied »Puon lnb>' 1mw. Ilemors variope books et the. coult>' office. La-bus laken th. lire from bilma Mdtbis ter ln the afternou, liowever, FrIee Busi»us at 1Fox LakiES 1rIi' u5, »o'mater vbat lie may ho edoing MUZZI.INO 114E NEW&PAPERIS. admitted upon the, stand that lie bai been vlctlmized and stated that nover ItSi PYombigu tO b thie îl conatantl>' revertlng te the icones Nevapapers are a mlghty unhandy thlagi to have around. luit ae the Po- in i lite liailhe admtted that lie But of Many Yeas or0fwaukegan and iei.former home ut lice are. At lesat, for people who have deats to put through ln the dark, or vas short te any amterunt« ne matter burgierles te com lrtt. hwsal l'h. lalet ttempt te gag thie noepapera la ln Ohjio where a bllI has been He recited with feu' variationls thei. ua1cSOtoRimat laRo8t DIW Fortune Nov Oomo. favorabl>' roported ln the l.gliaturettO Put editors and publishlers ln joli, If story of the trip of! Alex Beaubleli. * d fo hia b Te uombl t ilta l e they exact a promlise from candidates for office. There la allie a fine of froni The ouI>' difference ln lts siory vas I fm Cicu by ',ato lleIsIl th a et 8100 buages e ecrdth bulngeand selings ln the h. iai cd f admittîng that hlie ad AUtOMObie. oftl@ timane n.l doblne ai It in th nbwmgpaps bsnestercrdte o knew h sshort ln bis accouila 1. 1I llhiie n uwie omd market. and leislatora whcse votes are put up 4fi auction wiii ne doubt favor the county trearer'.ý office, lie vas 1 Xine<la, Ncrw bis eia"' from iIbis city. but I thlnlc law thtvilii bars» honest publisllers. ergiethcanet make the 13uI lie lia tradeitlit for another. From No doubt 6se memn willlvote for aiich àabll ithoughtlessly, or from ionst Oneyer glven lieCit chautraeabsnce tasfe moivS. Goene iarcn avrste roosdlaw. and no deubt ho hon- ashortltioM, w e wle on t bI k 11 MM moes. hîne rniov arn fevî rooedh l aims, ho tiad been founi $4."00 t, opuw RWmO& u ~Chimcg. ffPrm tiere lit asome Lot sucli mon thiiek 1mesuch aà oa eudhme ii ulamrt> treanrer and tiat Amea vas net - ba% lie modie a swltt ru* acroïs thme -eeknq te defond the. rlghts eoftth. pooplo. Zot t thelesse . ldaims». . e.- Fox.Lake bide far thia year 10 tait.County bte eplace viiere bé lo nov T'he peope natimialI>' ant to 1mev how thoîr represemtatiVes aile goitlg tP er admatted ta an>' one tiiet b. vould itc place vith the. most ppoter l'e- remalanmi. Prom here 1 cau ose.that vote on important public matters. Any citizen as a perfect riglt to mok a lie found short, but turneitlover hiii orts mi a conter cf social mctivltime s00 oGIL t ho cen laneoruo candidse dtoMplighmslf te vote s certain vway. The candidate han a per- proporty on the spur of the marnent Idurll ini he eatei saoc. Golf, ah-ti.fc !tie bcm artiuu'îi pnroe feet riglt te make i..h a piedge or declIne te make It, mt as heos'es fit. before lie had given the snblect mucl Int oo ahn n enshi h n 4hu h oesriernoe Nowepupers iaturait>' vant te know something *dbout acf teflivarona portatpoignt asterionsn> ac pace r 1 of view befela wasting thef oi $ puc on aupportiflg hlm. just as lhe voter ieoeso hrr atu prst u emtl o n n lc rl hatea te cat hie ballot for a mon who mftemwarde acta agalnst hie wlshes. The fate of Former Contty Tveas- wite avay lhe enuamer seesoammid an>' one pursmilt. Tii. quetionvimtiier candidates should or uhould ne gtidethomsieysiurer . wis C. Prir, uas*plarm.d i n e urroundings- suted ta tier greatset ..Hia5 tint tlought, as ie left this ln advence jla net ones ttat con le settled In à aveePing wày. As à general bands of Ile jury at 1:20 Sati<iday emjoyet. tyvacflifth.lefltmr thlng, tii ln dependent legiter keapa he mind openm until the. final show tternccil T'Me case ln Ils entirety Utuated enly an hour and agliait Cityni wte orrll fe viHe bitrouble deo, and diailics teîlechiuielf up ln advance. But occailonally tiora comamafrom ho thetropolis cf tibis trdubl ,square laiesor rlght and wrong, ViOre the. miqters vant the shesp and the. vus a bard touglit battle between thlie h erplso h idewul nle pnbsaolrtlr gest lied p btor th balot by iedointe pledges. in smeeking te secure léal talent of the stllatnd defense' West'lposesses many gmet ladymu- tiauupon hlaomief, or e! bie own such pledgea, the newspaper la sîmpi>' lhe agent if the. pope. and rnany Were the coupa wicb vere tages. Net one lake -aie». but a spugon both aides. mynd of latesawaait 'thoe *n o troubles. He lias on his finger. a ring spru'4 ombn etet pocullar design. s hlch heula inter- ý1 Soma RESULTS OF TH-E STANDARD OiL DECISION. '.Ir. Prîce. bis vite, daughter andthe bous lookini foi reat and pos son-lu-lau' yen constant atteli'1 ure. Easy accue'by auto au voi as vlut s W senI t la. rinct to.omoe i. lntqm~r*Mtafull te goe d.taedgaebokle.wmet dednts uion the sudeeto!the. acused ýb> rail, wlth ample .accSnrd&Utoni for lin. jmsttmÔvth tii.>could Pont thoîr pli1~flê Ybèthe momopolatOmm s-10Lbdfl lifVé vit It4tbe peol- j>~oebr,.Is cmps rmai.res eoftthe trial viti grettest Interest. of the. Pric, case. M iseseli one of thonesemblicstad phteeof humaitcoodot#%w*lmc e- .Baturda>'. 'while Ateorney' Ptpefoi tlmsee ef mer.luzurloui tastes.l l îte osth.Se reite it l tiome udmeUe.nipt b wlgiedSm achIniviue daS.for the défense pictureit the scene of!1Fox Lae regile la the* antidote tojUry v enu"a.uith ni. butie baite it voulUbu e xeqelngly ounvenent for the. newelpapers If mm .tribunal the. 65 year old man *pouding Trpreb- 1civllzatlou. I'tlalb.ereelia"Ston of ecîare aime vaàsosre at no malter vould ue oy dlthe lbel 15w ln defnits dotail, 06 taat à plmxed edtor could bly 15 Yerealthe peiltntary. thei1 the.vaitu;dreains of lb. lty toiler. wlit 1.qlec Dlm aemgm jua nte page and psrsgraph, and knev Juil how for h. coulu cm4t10155 a poil- feelinys of Mrs.. Fric. overcase lber Two score Iotels and 60 cottages. hima that tii. formi e cyeasmir- tlin., ut tihuNomma mini could net go ln advanc. mb tiihéIndefinito con- asolise wept quleti>' . - .bsce nu ro badghme.hwtttefreroayteu lleJtty o41 tàheeshImlerelations. Strong Arguments Qiven. or ied oOTOflt5doboam'hedsort Tii. vice and consoienious pe*paper gives aiwlde berth ite tho 111.1 Tii.arguments of the, attorne$1ri eldesthe.plesamre haies . ýler an la thlngate do lh tga.esbor- leur on mattem's cosmcrnlimg wtlO ils riglt la iln doubt -Se the. corbortio poedilae PFn4i 'afteruoan. camp Parties, enJoylng tout lIte, aeli.dprmet h aole -tiat vanta te escape oxpenulve ltigatiefi sheuld now Ulv a widie brth te at- State's Attorney DamS>' u'io hb3en!attnktiv varWyin woPrédiction as te the. verdict tea a 91K temupls te obtain a monopol>., ohher than b>' glvligthe public botter servce assidb>' Shale'a Attorney Joulin of 1 ad>tiliFMttfields- replorter before the jury retuïneit. ifor lover prldoe McHenry côlnt tirengiiont thie trIaL __________ 2., it wiliihlenom* time before tie oit ocn o filied foi, le", mono>. at opened lb. battle vîth a ringin; the shiore Ilne vîth a pictuiesque et- lima groder> store. About te ý,aamagpeople that heuold istockMay. 15 vilii s.=el and i.bisrguumuete0th, jury 1fc .Restrict Millin bldIilNovenubel' 16. when tles rsei'gnzation MnMt ho compiloe. t or un court hui one d Withi easy distaceaf Fox Laite Ti.mlmeraloerlecutr #Ilt'hht thoir viev" au te tb. prie* of cil wl have been changod. l nti a oin.imahet cran>' rsoail metatho!country Thesupem cort rdredthedIsoltln o th mrge ofth Ort Atorne>' Pope for Defense. atîcu mqy lie fonni Planning fbr an are affetei b>' the lau' iicb go.. ln-', Nortiermi and ths NortiomrFacifie rbleode. But w. nover hard It s'id that lmmediately upon lthe close of lus out.g vîtti FoI. aikein mIni makes tmnonhhprobln e Y uksle than tie decialon maie, tranuportaito chmeper. * arguments. th, défense openei tire.,abldyvtotabte n ih otpoiiigteueo ay Thot decre, homiovar. ohackod te tendone>. toward mergers ot greot Corn.-Attorniey'Pople, u'bolas led la theahldyvhiu ler ndvhl.imbuetfplumage for millîner>' purpôs pUlmmg Ilimes. ~~~~defense, nerompaniei by Altornoya ont disappolutrent- s i.fnuin eles eIo lit the oit trade, thIndividusel omnpamiee into wumiclmthe. Standard mut ait ooer afmhit! .lon.spke a }o' lnsthiela. amolilu P- . ibands of lbe dealers must b. dia- now be roaived i ilno doubt met te ntialiy as a unit. Sut 1h.>' vili le minde o! bia bearers. uMe laIdcoisine, point - ,more careful et to the. mothode usai ln compelllh independerit producers ta triao i.aHre0 tesaet f lasAmset tlilsocilth. ami t e dounIrn mmi b eu' ionsd oftu he diaemesize wlthc ththbameufrit.yLakealde hoti. situaai lu a siiady e duîrectndtt po upon Priemre ow1h.l tblamey r forraeany ctarttin; prices too muchl a one of the As iiapniet podnenslecoltemer poeuli, ie>.mayroah udmr sirtae ln theoffice o! caunt>' Ireas-grove on lie veat ishor, o! the laite 'probieme tla teIlleb.settled. standings witlm tie unit» resultlng from the Standard dissolution, much lite urer, sni engaged 'In man>' word>' offer sport teBllher and hunter; te Mllesssr thltc lu the undenstmmlnge exîstlmg betveen trint limes ralfroide. But estlime Idi-.duels vith Atorbe>' Joliln. atnîniotlcle.t tis ecull> njueast; Ibat thseateinb vduel ownmraip of tie Iront in, moedala §osé favorableie la ph prIces than WJoîlîn fert lie Sttate.e ill à eomo wnerohip, se lier.ns, molabuexpected a grenu of Individuel action îmmiedately upo theclose et bis 1ujo> borne cookîng;;thieFrog bohel ae taeet ln tihe oit traie, that nUlll n the long '.Un le favorable te lover pricoe speech, Atorney' JOSI44 arpae aud fer réeal fishenmen; Fox Laite hotel. ro pi gs of tbheAdobaasoc elosed arguments for tue state. H.evï ilIs beautitul giounns:a sat Bide et>' amIdants" ofthi e Atiies unit Banon ublc (iip shh sîcbperan -strove t howOu, that althougli lb. caehoteI.l. uîîîsi>' ouns snd 500 feof ety; ie issu o! ft e or atut. andr B=01Pbi Cp latetchpro rcorporation or ln. b>' tie state had b.en limlted te Ofe o reln;te Woia eot te ur i iof the îNg Yors. ut' ane - îlnos bolsie le CU c iat" titulan use or have for use In or upon :peclfc instance there vas a1 srt 'Ilios bliledth eu f th l rmssa>'sc oio rn- iraedrc 'treceabie ta Prics, 1vhere boats' are free.tW gnese, and ntscrdb iln idbta et 6:00 Tucada>' morming b>'h u tspe e aysc omo rn-and lii slate bai fixei upon on0etrWilliam Golîsbeanlitul place aiiaîeî collecîi aterî uns bave shed them age efthle Manu> bil ln lb. bouse, le; cup. lie amaîl soim of $8. nevertiieles îti fruit trees. are but a feu' e! tie and se on. Agalu tuis detense lsa ne poitigte u to the common' SegtIon 4. An>' person, irm, or cor-' tiere vere evidencea that there *Uai tbe lesthnon>' of thie govennment Ce- portlo vo sailvilat an' ! li.been a syslematic series o! thefts lu summer bomnes open te those vie drnigcupi blieplaces ite prt'tnli hl voaeay e othee. ish tu speni their vacatIon ah Ibis pte aermoat ther pluiaeebomt- stll. roiiosifugs publiclpp cn pe'fiee erl avbo amerntiaxtrte ium ny stale. îroviaion o! tus et shah pon con- cas. Coca W Jury. popular resort. kns0 n.adla i iult 1h vas theiest roIl cal uppe the t-ieion be fIned for each offense lie lTh, ccnt's Instructions la the jury The favorable location of Hohel Lp- knso idadta h luh passageo e b illus o! the e smIonandiasto offneal les han $5 normare than were amaserpece in tieuselves.e 0leiesato tta f umseul uns for plinmageIurposes $50as.Fr01 dpar whiteit>' roupeusuaSt vassle aatSu atraisla coslSng lthe agrlcultural Interesa vas laen vte l ien as tehit. Tceg Isfr otue he nanal routine matter Inluici uTg-crovds f rom lhe cit>'. Dancing n 'lie of the country' man>'millionsa a! dot timrougi hie caît viniove of ~~~~~the hI. Ic ae frMauo. techarge 10te theJury, andi staei hroa haIls or bn the. pavflion ahracîslasanal. of tbe bos'. The bilîl 5s Introbucedinlutle sen- Ibelr duties bIb tis manner. The the. younger set. Ihappîns bouse, lr nuly eThc voe-f!or the bill vas79. Tii. ator VWalter 1. Mann flY !mount SIen hargIt her. urliecos v aut aret opposition vas strong durîng the »e-,ing on tie twenty-nlnth day o! itlarch. l p-ehi ur.shores ut the Nipperainli; the New iuo you itnov that it'aeM eq W&0lii sio. mstreis ote. 'ieîuîno Atli saie im an lintîal Fromk tie arguments It ieeloped 'ounfort botel. Rebulas, lie Red Top soit coal, (il it'. gond colai), wiioum ti go.. te lie governor for hie approval, meaeurs, 0as lnlroducei lu lhe bouse liat- former Count>' Tressuren L. C. Inn sud Bnay iew Colta, bave at. 9nnoysoee of .001 mni emoke., Jus and' t labeleved Ibat lhe executive !>' Represeiltative Homer J. 'ice et Pnice vwas hein; triai for eicazzle- tractive Ilpcitions and male a attronitgivp tl.e lire a vely Sttkm air ..n top vilI give hl oMetacIasasent ta le i Menani count>'. mep nent o! $8. l'ils starlîng Change bld for patronage.-Do'lcmckbesvepe a erh moulure. I-'It vas due te lie efforts 0loger.- n em$1.400 vas maie necessar>' by Thc WillineiInn, Pilakce lke ho- losel>. Upe pyrelite Waabu'i Nul. Ycl *ettv Testluth scfg a rulinq of lb. court liaI lhe Mate TsofCUP Of Death iMulura. the. lahe Tbiclu ieosatnion ram-themusleta.pecif-on viat days and I ltaIScota Landing'aud Stilluing'secaun pe t If roe îHome Lumber Con' 'the exl oh Ulic lau'as Il goes 1te bb1 e bleu>fo clm. iIlevat amouits the alle;ed emb.zzle- Reiort are located on Pilatee Bay,. pont,. 1h boîes osel>, but lighl>, an( goveruar tla sefollowa: tdsm-înkng m li ecbiarIl cali mente 100k place. ore of lhe moat fsmed suotr la tla eaves enougiî air saue inthe ire i Au as e 1 jrohibit lie use o! a cern- hm oriu.The oite; t appears, taslened lippu famous region. agIe Point lhcsl and burte ail hie games that vouid otîervil mon iinking cup ln ulic nlesdprî-jl'h. senate îîasei lhe bill on Aprl eue,- titement of one o! th. books of~ROi lie count>' treasurer's office. wicli Rose.Villa are olier jenJoyable places. maku' sominindsui3ke. 16-Il vate aciools, slaIe oîucaîîouaî lnaîtu- 13, and ince. hat ime It bai been ahowei a dlecrepaucy, itlaI sai, o!r The Oak Park Mortel ia reacied b>' lions, hals uaei for the purpoue <it alovi>' progessin;thirougi lheIMle- the aum oh $8, and tie eglSre trial tie boat, tiree Billes trom Fox Laite ata- meeings or aentertaînnments, holeli, laive cliannels o! tiie bouse. past tva isys liai beent over tiIs tion; Niiiiiina sommer resort ah Me- Ip ma>' require a short "campaigi' lgigbouses, Ihealers, faclenies, or, The state attemptei la sliowu'Nunng Hnr, vrokgPite By.nofw tadrIsgteiithelg public eor municipal b uildIngs, lu rail- 'VOLIVA 'W'OULD tie trIal liaI lie lurnn; over o! lie lie varionsa resorta et 'întesLake, ln- e of mit kyou're lolclng for. But1 rosi trains aui stations,- sud lu ollier Price pi'operty 10 Orvis & Beaubien cludîng Lotus cottage, have teuni vould require a LONG campalgu public places lu the. ste io! Illinois. CONTEST Â WILL. vas an admission et guilt, ani lie regular patronage andIinvite nov ac- au>' otimer sort o! "lobkli." Setin1.BeI eace b -epe-prasecution iepemdei uponv1h11 part quainhancea, lelfu th e aeo i noisted >'Ilentedo- ewtournInu >'.%ay 2'-Wluiur othe testimon>' forlits convlton. pIeof ie bue o Ilinos eprseneiTie defebie. b>'Atorne>' Jocn D. L lu lie general assemuil>: Glenun liva, heai of lie conîmunît>' Pope, lien arase snd otthned lthe case CLSSIFIED advertiamig give. Tiat îî eiall iei. nnawftforan>' churci aItZMon City,. and succeesor taeofthticdefepce. "l'ils case la tlb.tiret ev.iy adverljaer a -preferrel posieoa peso.flr o ar iebn !Laecen>' 'hdi ALE'coprain îecl' rAlexaner DowIe, vas ini NewlowvuoeelSuthe biplor>' of ni>'practice b.- ltla a sort o! 'FIIBICI'I'Y EOND ladirortl>' connectai lu any publieor rcuî o aeatss hH a i as eitemmei avr a p.rlod of aboitTA ;-aa e aron lrivaleBechool ln any shahe Insîtuittin' bis was' ta Hillsboro. viere lie look a %aveu yeare, lu hilci s fomein» states 'toe'a no dIspte about pat*." halls usei for publie meeluge or en- train fon Indianapolis. M.%r. Veiva vas athorneay lias beau colletinluta heîp --trtintensloîgîng bouses, î ia ru on a farni vent o! Neutovn. oui praaecute a case," said Mr. Pope. At- tert, atoeso pbieorm eiia- ht eevstd i obn o tonne>' Pope lieu teck op lie state- lers !aconi.s o pubic r muicial ~iie orevlsIei is byhon ho ent'efth !le varions vîtn.sses fan the buildings ln tie stale of Illin" o , ani aise lie grave o!bils falier, James slaIe la an atemipt te abatten ther 700 old houses have une or permit forumse a cummen drpk. olv. s eI w ownI 88 u tsHon ita speech vas niankeil lu; cup or glass or oier nieusil usai hil staIvisih here vas ton years ago.byfraqueut lashea vShh Stàte'q Atl~~ luanIteviwbestîi ieeveqcru,>' Joollu o! Mclieury. viho ai « d.b sam for puibie irukîn; Iurpoes. d.luin nriw bltate o! part o! lhe pr&e- Seto .Itl eait b.unlawfuî for e io .JS.fltialT our pIa of an~Z ' orcororaton m cirgeCilty, and thse lace ad oher industries: rs L C. Prile., Win as »15ed <, ti.w katc etorincutrl t n> rbîea o a!o'f c.sI eatale $Ince the lat of Mmmcii mat Ilrougi th*a ctire argumentasudW£ WILL EXAMINE station te permit lie use of a cammon baeaeac roo n Iemu ept, lb.toneu olt5aifg down lir 24 months to pli Do in- druking cmpin S or about an> trains haeebaed$0Oad h o ceehis ament uWmod. - that valci of your ansd tell yon ja oporated b>' t or lu an>' builinugor o t vs er. trou ie 3,500 ers o! Moite Notevermy Addreme. tetet. Ji your bouse vian cesspute blc done and vhat Trelandi vila sosd inifrt'm one Ou heai te lb. viliaCtnecpussarin premlses sei b>' It whatever. o C ta five acre tractsansdilasused for lu- SaWi,'.Attorney>' lt>' a? iePretRnln re Section 3. No person, firu rco'tensîve tarmin;, hb.osali. uortuuy difres"iM4ay. du ehg Wtcbyen alcît aslrno, s'o pc porallon Sn change o or lni contral o! r ov' istt.Idaaw. iý?am dl h u1 ah su>' ralîiroami train or ralreai station. t Mvn. oia'. veIsaitho>In.ana ale tamuof ela Oi ifl >t ma NORTH IIf tienYe aemtoro ay PC or n> pulI orpnvge ebol r a>' invtil, ie ty' 'of-o-cuimyseritie usma iimtr. dssl Il Ukinis o! repair verk, ve do on aliteeductioni înslîuhon o cf u>' tstin licvilI t Dr A. . Whtebau, va a lng en, an <asievoei EI"1«tientv' tie, vr>'deat aUt sd ye havehav net III mac. nI>' ne lu /. «GET,, PowmasKnit Under- Chidrens ROMP en ana Boýys mllitar SUits a niceSUit for Boys for Warm We.arMNWs Tani SIîeu & Oordo4 Button & Lace. MeWs- work Shoes nhe .,BetMaies. »- UIDY COCO IEM . Parkhurst .tISCHEACpL£)CK Sè.Me Pretty ewThtngs- in Waçh- Goods'ý 816 Ich W alt Pe ial n ea u aIBlacl ad iglu figunrs , ~ tbey wash and Wear beautlfnhlY, pawr Yard ...........M [)ainty Printed (rgandie, forail patterns on god barred dimity. cloth 2s inches wide,meverS' stylea jail .... 2 Qalates loth In gond servi-able bite", excellent for oe bouse dresmeà or childrefl'e wear, per yard ................. Yon sbouid have oaeoniour Dew summer cousmtd ft, ci batiste, w eli stayed sud corre ectly m odeled . Prire ..........s o Fre h lot of al.over Em brolderles dujtable for W amat A Ir yoken, ire range of patterns, peT yard......... ..... 5C7 biidrem's Rompero nI good III.Chbry25 eace ....................................................2 è GROCERIES Kirks Rein Water f4alir will soften th. ci water, large package 1lOc. 3Sfor ..... ...........................25e Smali Dili Pickles per dozen .............-................ oc mammoth Queen Olives, large bottie ...................... 20 Gold ldal Flour .............. 1.45 W W. Carroll &. Son" ffeadqllarters for Ai1lKillds Of BUILDING MATERIALS LUM&ER, SAStI DOOJgS, MOULDINGS GLASS, LIME, CEIMtNT, SALT I'EtD, COAL,'BRICK TILÉ, SEWER PIPE, BUILDING PAPER STON.-DRAIN4 TILt, StED, IIAVOSTRAW POÙLTRY SUPPLIES We Solidit a Share of Vous -Pat- rouage. No orders to large or too, smaill to li. Give us a trial. and be comniced. < HOME LUM BER CO.ý IUUKUI VIftili' Ail Il PAYS. lt. re re M. 't t-I lt- ny er 's â1- u me '01j la', lad It of RISIMCE PRIME 50

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