= CLUB HtB ATOAS Tm Coni Fak" 10e PKGe 3 PKGS. 25c t o i <I i e e e o o o e o i *1-d Phone 25 SPhone 3 îBBaBBeBB0BO6~B~@O@OO@@OO@@@( AlTENTION.,MEN The p-*tw w«m kave a. àm ton aymm sotcr hues amOzfee de " vew a,. gelmg tel m m r itmeHATS, and SOCES W. baieaV re a EG an md FELT &"d STRAW MATS fer y"fv tepeitie.. " Aad lu S0T COLASM W RAMD NGIJGE SHIRTS va are a ver oey esgiete li.n fam* J" ublstym aaed fer t"a ase waathar. W. have o., momaNUP-TO-DATE stediof1MENS HOM . ely we th"m a fitte better, inla S10E and SMLK USLE ve have a DANDY UNE We ame alvays ,ped t. sow YuOu o., d&. Yours e fr beu.tin everythainesfer suen. J. B. MORSE & CO. Everything for Ilen LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. YOUR BABY Witt used ils PHOTOS takeru nas e1h warm weuthor is here NEW STYLES Bath large and amalI izea cf PHOTOS vo dan showe yau et Low pricea. PICTURE FRÂXES Wu hava just received a usw lino af pictune frame mauldingsansd canfnmsyu pcturesaon short tutica. BESWICK'S- STUDIO LIBERTY VILLE ME3REDITH IFLOWER& VEGI3TA BLJ3CO. ' Near Old Station. Lîbertyvllie, III. 1 NOW FOR DECORATION DAY W. have ail kinds of Flowers Evury kind aisd varieÇ", d at pices that can't bebeat. Place your order now.. W. will deliver m thse City. LAY MR 1911 ror Sale Ng -J. ELI. TRIGGS, SERVICE )ers suit arm Tani TbatBalGa a. * LI DiB E FLI R I F air rounde tise Lîbertivilta (Cou- * meticul Club vili preeont an intesatlrn garue of base ball between thse fatam 0 a e-A O ~ SO A~ MIENTIO1 N Isstourne electedfrom he memsaeahp _____________________________________________________ aitho club. rbe llueup of thse two tourn To tqure.publicatIon in tii.Indepen- At torSai a. W. Churcillti01 Grayalaire, leouTOlwa dent, cep, muetIhoain the office no later vue lu Lbrtyillle honday. . Faul Ray .......c...... EarI Crit thasn Tueedai of ilach week., Adve"rý, L. 13. Llchtiotd of Waukegn, vwu a j. W. Brown.... p....J. Daiennusalat tiser.. .apeclally. are asked ti taira bulliueeB5vistoT lu our citv Mnday. L. H. s ek ....p ....J. F. Wrght patclrno.os liefe ilda., ils littie daugiter of! ir. and B. H. Niiier .....sae ....... C. lrldler Mr@. C. ~apke, la lit witb ecarlet foyver. Paut MacOuffiu.lb ....J. S. Grldl j.W wsn@brougls of Waukekoa, la E. A. Bîhop. 2bh....B. J. Davis ,laitbftMuaî 1 ebrau .F.Sae . ..n.Tto Fred-lhdkley la tise poseesoor of a nov lRfau.boreaso Cipdvprcaa . . SWrle ......ri . R. .W. L Tat Excellor Inotorcycle. Bous" Taylor a ftny iborne power tend Kimbal .... I ....C. A. Beowlck Idiss EmlliBusaiswu a Chicago vîsîtor Chalmsi'aTarpedi'. As substitute» vo have for theffât&, Wednedaî and Tisurday. Mr. and Mr@. C. E. Wrght fit Tixsdai C. A. APPley, W. M. Heaths, C. N. Duraud Ilnuneod oftce cati upLitiUEiCTYVILLE umight for St. bouie, Mo., to irieit tier W. E. Mllter, C. R. <allowny, F. H. Just le o hn 1 -3 juson Wiri and lemily. sud others. For tise te-nus ve vIll Mi"s Baie FOY 0t Chiceago. vlsiteod 1 jola ie tesdaugit o r it. and u"me WiII Decker, Hoas.Trîggs, Barri over Sunday vus h rcousin, Mioi.. Ewly M@.C' Qallrdl, je eufteriug f rom aunMeyera. G. A. Fredericka, R. B. Boud Bush. and Mat Pester. The a ucnais.tg opnybliattacb aofscarlet lever. As ta thee piatrecords of tise player's Tis Wacoua Mnin Cupuu lild Mr&. F. . Botes ef Chicago, @peut a we viii ofier the iollowing vlth o, mcn f t he oardof ets iew daimtey oe atut tiieeeb itis apologies to your uneeOplo Dildoek: ou etYTeeis.ber daugbter, Mira.IRay L Bubbard. Tise record of Pro.. E. A. Bîsbop lu tise Mra. Tufte and ias. E. A. Waldo letli T .aeloÇieeyoceyviibs alpoeso ssuebu WodnoedaJr for Saemu, Mas., visere, ust vus lMr». C. C., Bulkleyv, FrldaY, pissuaminat. back of space aud prlutera the xettev.B.Misiufor@n ii eîot eMay 28. A fuît atteudaue i. desired ns tub pravonta us eluborating ou bie Rev.J. . M Ouflu wli elier he;olficers are to be etected for thse follow- qualifications. Blisbop witi play second meinorl addree al; the Avoudate, iug ear. base for tbe fats and If a tenla geta psas àcbol, Cicao, o Friay toda). ld,., tise ltte daugitor a! Mr.anud that base ih witt ho because ho "run The Ladl' AId aoietv of thte Preeby- 1Mire.j. B. Swvan, niet wjth a paiuful around"' hlm hich ls no mienu fot.' tetian churcis viti iment vth Mre. Nef ie "acIdent llunday -isen biletot froui a With J. W. Brown aud> L. H. kehauck Kinhal. Tbuisday atieruoou, Juno 1.j chair, hreaklug ber collai boue. She I.lu inthe picisors boxi for tise fats tiser. vitI .Milae Alice SFuller aud Fred b. Frattue, iuprovtug ai ulcelv W a nuhc expectod. ho uoîhlug ta je. '!Tsei vîti b. thé vlrsted rons Frida titi Mouday vwi . .btutfr h ue v jaea"power hehlnd the dough." boer siter. Mrs. F. E. Ctark, at Urbana, realdeut of our. city anud au empînye ni Tise catcher for the fats ha. tabou the. in. . tise Anerkcai Wire Feuce Co.. let precautton tan have tise chust protector "The Fait oi Troy" ai the Lîrie Thuraday (îeeterdnY) vit is he amlî meot double treugth and the mukb*~, iletre Tuedaî utght a witueaaod for Nlchian. vherettsey exîsect ta maILe double wolven. by tarpe audience. and greaîtly eujoYodi tiei îtèe home. Tise "big six," C. A. Apptei, C. N. ,~lcb ss pîaop& chrch Durmnd, Warren Heath,. "Sisorty" Milter, by e!boattauded. Mm ai f h itise vurh iii -t.ar ui A n ïmullaof ai leuond Lako, and Most si tise ciurcis uext ScudaY alter- nme u i lîneuplu cees loi accident Dr.E B. F Obaer of rayslabe, bth Doon as 2:30 for tise Iurpffos09i à t vil hoisa rd te get an apposlug puch"Masd artage uew Bulck tourtng orgainlalg ndai scsoat. Rev. A. G. teute pay ai.. uii" slx &fouse. , aur front Oea. Venisan uf Lako Forest. Richarde aud memiser# of the Lakeb m epemywn kow t F4 .Wns. Walroud vaslu nChicago TueedsY Forset Eplacopal lcurclî vltho prealeuî bouseofgoobâtiai ntstea bu Pisa letteudiug tisý seveuîi-fourîh annual and aelt lutise oritanitatlin. Ail ud austImai em. Wrghteaicnt eonentonof heEpiacopal churcàinsmlu ileau t th i e thurie aud those wis- abail iluhtistaiganse ho PtaYed @nd tise Diocees of Cht..ago ut tisa Caibedrat iug ta unit. vlth tise Suuday- a..l tare nihrts ite rts athv ie of S, b. Peter and Paut.lmotytqetdt pees. sea sinne.- Osea. made tva home ruse . B. Swit, oi Roduey Farm, sipd Tiseeal marnilsa, 5ay 30, Decoration au thai hit. ae catoad oi reffistered .Jersey coe teo1Day, tbe aiU sotdiers. itizeus and achoat E. H. Simiths en id basleman lino h litais tout week. AisenMr. Bana, fue chisiren af Liberty ville vîti meet ut tisetant gambehoptayed actod a. tisird hou'. managr ai ise lsutt am, le 1tî tovnau t i9:30 oclocis and matcis ta mau,short stop and part af thse tine s.o eal peu te tari arta bnrd lu ay tise cemoioiy te decorate tise graves Of plîciser, awîug ta bis actlvities and P a pe teotar a ord ownin eneva, deceaaod ilsembore of the CG. -. R. Tier.euergses visich hobe ould't fraid davu. vl.itlh no meuioriat service lier., tise Pauni MacGuffUn'a record a. tret houe- ,., Tuceday mnsug luns@oemaniner a exorciape t iear being lield ut inuboe manli. nuqueetlaued us tise trat;.- detivery wagan ot tise 0. i. Luco & Co. lu tise aftensaon. Rer. W. L. Wbîpple Runuors have aciually feui exhausted fumitur. store drivcu by Glbert Lure vîi doiver tise addroeô . beiveon home plt. and tiret basleu va. uptet lu fraut of tise store. Luekily Tise Libertyorille Rigl Scisool Alumul reenlti aitieselehofa Paul's laugis ad et n wa v. jureil, tise unIr damageAsociton play@ give ntetovuth mp bdtise dctta rte due belg tise breabing oai.iho vagon batlt Mnudat and Tuendai oveuinga tlseuloui. But vatt aud o tse lI- tongu.e. w ere attended bots nlgite by largo and provemeus lib is gaino. A meeting of tise Libertyvtîle Cons- appreciative audiences. Tise play@, "Bu d"' Kimbaît sa.'fort fSlder witI sp Yi Petal (Cfub and busineas meu and "A Kios in tise Dans" and *TIse Quiet crtaluly ho vans galung ta em. Tisa. cluxsens viii ho bell ut thse towu hall jFumly" were very Weilt prodisced anudan tis eaocliere and lu tise grand stand Fniday nigisi (toulgbt) for tise purpose la escis case mnach crédit la due bonse are lunu danger, Bud malles no taise IUV of tablug lofanit. action relative toviso tuaS pari. lfaturday ulgisi, tise tirova. Ho la tu tise gase visai Iholding a Fourtis af Juty celebration lu 27tb, îbey présent theseane ut Round Spalling ita tiste suppsle@. a tour eit1. Tise i.nu an aflair at the Luke. Ciarley 8maI. han proînioed tisai Il Comercal lu ulnebu uu e1rv Suuûday moring su automobile'cou- soyans fait t sa N colorto i11h0 o t isuineos mn an ud citizen sabs outininiulg n parti ai Chleago peuple rofled handlvus tise d9pe. I ntereated in. Let overynue attend. in trois tise souts andl ver. forel ta Bon Millrs collego duys wore of smue so n Tueeduy nlgbt a man, visose haone ljestop in thse di noear ise new deput importance te hlm but bilalit llpayiug in su hiladelpis aund aha is subWet ta! uviug Luthir luabillty ta praoeed uuy va. tise visle tisiug ut tiese acisoal ho epileptie apollo @truck tavu friamnu eues nb1 .Tiecar attrated tiseutieniois attended. Lu mci be;otisrouglscollege I Suavws ere and va. tabou viii anuai1Mr.halLimîerri hocalueufthtisacitubis norva tor ptaying bail. atuîick ou Stewart avenue directly iunîisoy displayed no lceae iumber and ie, TThe record of Faut Ray visite enlitel front ut F. A. JoIaiums'e realdeue creat.. immediutety tnve.tlgatod tise motter vutiste Sol Buater tean ovor borseta Sing quie a ltte exctaieut. Marehat lêaning ta bigis otire satisfaction they R.ckeieller ls an enviable une. He is su L imberry vas iotilled and lu turu bail nu automobile or rbauiteur'e lieuse undrtaker by profession and,,anytist notified Supi. Appfey wbo bailtise man norarnuy erd absovlug tîseY wer e ho ndertakes i isvl l iesed. remorel to tise couuîy mmm viser. ho Iepreee*nt&iiros af tise McDuffèe Auto Co. Thé suha. ut bath teamo are eirang Sremaiued until Weduesduy moming of Chicago, as tisoy elaimed. He ilion seconds and ecus ardly ho dIstingui-sbed vison be vue pîuced abourd aitrain anud placel thons unin r oTsi, tuhln tram tise regutar linoup.% t ta Ciicago. tisem before Justice Blosvlick visere îisey F. J. Wright and John i)ollenumaiom ur s Frlny lgii a ist vok copleof urniabedsatisiactory bauds tu appear pitchors have& repulationwviicis realli oryuu g entro ai bihort ouple of for a leartug Wedeedmy. Tisey gave aboud ho a quaiiction for tise leagise Yon o ri i obertervhe oo atheir Dame»os o id Ivoi Pilps, anulno daubi would have hélio drafted trolleylride t. Ellk sudlSIdney W lf. beor. ibis bad Camlskey ar Chance ex pected tu élisditishe evoing, but une __________ ituoseal samesuoftisir demonstrations. -of the u u attem pt ia settle a pertanal . .tciig n bull vut ariCrleit la as natter vi us a Young maisofuthie la.t; Yourltîle ciieka i ii atit live If You ea.y a. ratliug n buuduy roa. mottonel hurg v.wu@hln abuncis of leed Red Cois bChick Starter. Soi d anly J~ . . ridley hue decidod tisatiluî&un fivea wlîici quiekty chunged their minda by Liberiryville Lumber Ca. .t man gets ta brait hase t vont ho bis and tisoy retumuel ta tiseir hume townu atulîand anyone viso bus iseen (1ridley y tise nctcur. Tise ollowlug morniug Notice. play biail oui thut's rugis;. 0 tise lather ai tise Libertyvitte boy islrvDn teead.uei question Avare out a warrant for tie nt No. , wc ehtscavèreatheis ýrtiok utwtarîihu. Hua experience a. rouiîng0 arhaet outhtie Rockeeller Yaung mais sewer systein, niai nov recire tbIeir dougis buile, tbroviug spit balets bius ,f charging hlm vîti s nesuandl bnitery. rebutes by culltiner t tise Treusurer'O vei for tise positton und ho ia soiny the 'w Thse varrant vusl servel by Deputy office lunlIse Luce building, uuy erelnînglth Short Llmerrynul u eneruu a p e stwaee 7:00 uand S a'ciloeb.. 4-ltf baseseare nult furtiser upuri t ts of uliy he efndat as ind 1J0 A.B.SCIINAEBPE. Village Treasurer. lune tturry is ufuaying bail ho e 0 aid gist t hiseeenamut sed e$575.gumu. Coii nd Iat sesi. o un cst vsci uoutl a 57. Choice naval orangea 11)e per dpz. As e tattapbCo'@ubiltty am a hait He vue hourd to remnrk utteis tiheuroa- terries a specialtY. JAs. utIFARON.j player ta tisepublie vo eua auly e«Y ing tisai us ho biludta pay tise fine ho bibertyvilte, lit. ~4olftise tmu, fie oison tiird basomen buto tvwa. eorry ho didu't get bis money'sîieur. varth. isuTCE :uad2ltr Joueo 4 1 w l tevo r ptyest ln tieseanme gmeo Spectlprcau fruits und bemmes iy plumbuug s@bop, Mir. Jelley's al stand. With Ruy WrighaulC. A. Boaviek i'e the casýeo cung purposea. JAs. FoitE3T rbiPrie, Novs Douter. Ia tuses ul isici la tise hoer anultiseettife OEmsox, Liiertyvitto. P-8-1li-2ibl;oail licoub,,tween thoe tvaonur supremacy. 1'o tise lady nsakiisg tise guccessait gutssas taevisa la tise botter Il a prize vilIlico giron.i Wsli Docker and lRoss Triggs ne subs Untll June 3rd are vulking an issnsd jusi t iing tg 'M.e Christnm8 oavmngs Club 5 All ted.lri n h a". wilopnaèonsfor regulun weekly peymteits of buye tu bsep out oi Carralt Grldloy'a viii uen accunts ay wev isonehrs axniyfle. untise field 25c, 50Ç, 81.00 or 82.00 as ho -ertaluly in a geiter. for28 -ekaeoisg ec. 9 il- ps11t b eal De.i.- -Duc _ __- ýTuîlrha. beeu nonaW m aalal SUBAÛqNUK WIE WANT YOU. TO KNY We have a SPECIAL SALE on TIII,.POSTS end CIMrNTâ. RIGIIT NO-W IS' A GOOD TýIME TO Our Stock is I4.aq Our Prices ve, O Our Quaitu is the È8est Our Service 15 SaUIsfctoti W. D.t sa ad the Lum ber, LaU'. SWR@klst But we dw, t of i* .1m "Ouse PL"* l Dowabth Old DIp The value of a Bank's service to dePoitoes a42 borrowers dependa upon theii. CO charadIpe and efficiency of the service rendered la choouing this as YOUR Ranli you have a, ance of a service capable of Meeting your mw. exactipg requirements, togetler wigh como",ê consideration, ample capital, large sqm Fund, perfect organization and efficimad, able management The"e are aU factors i making thia Bank the. logical Bank for you te ai filiate with. ]LAKE COUNTYI NATIONAIL BAeKj DONTI.,ý'.1'". Drget -bat mwe ge Fr" hFrW#tq ANM VEGETBLE Evm yMoruns MIrt E 4 4 E 4 4 .4 .4 4Th Mfff*!Dfl ond DMLVT"N i4 CORLETF RDEIK MONE 30 STYVLE 1AVER THE QUALITY BUG p to date -in StirIe9 and tIIM guarantee that -m"q'u w ting, flfty lobe to -selectr Ild at the right pric, eslg lan who owns one, the gt*w ,astaver, corne in and seStti