haieam S li. .w. o 8*ye ldu Wus tITut, Aay la Favv if Pimodo. rab IViiJsoM «d Ormo aie MICg Wim «ffl ~eaiet pregren etê plot eW bo. Wou ftudy fer Trouble., Bi Pana. May ».-F'rancisco . M(& 4lest8*er of. theorevalmtian , docs Me &su 10uIret for tise bioci ef tisce.Who concocisid the futile plot te eibi'tirov bis lpaver vltb lise lusurrea.t to armny or asmoeauae hlm. "We bave mnore thon ulclent set d40ne. to onvict several of!te.») Promnent meubere a!f the Cleatifio Isrr vbO ste coceried Iu the con- mpracY. tt .vifi givo hbem autop.a ptari% telar.w» c ountry aboula thY s6 del$Wre," bc qard.- Mdero 14. ngt cpç>.a'peturbai.u "ud Mid tus vaoun nt tlac-flirmî plot noir lhe last one 'ha .xpect4mamiasn Wu. ne deoid tisat-. lts ýplot bam esuli6d lm 10 ielsy is tqp te men n kttY. but &dMittW4 thia era.l B.> 1,. ý VII>oeas, bis anfltmey aivieot'.asdtGels- cmal Fascisat Orqteo, hkioe hia osa mPaslog 1eSev' fmiiiPt bnUlm itij -aiu the. tisse 0tii. dcveto'.m" a tée Plot uandtint ho bai advlnod wth .5- Ë s Utcharg. tht tb.plat vas oz'la WltY ti ti .Interot >f elevmtiug lb' in4Q PluDOM, IL meber o! the Mug.ý W.M eQgtaea, to the presldenecy lm X«Xleo, tiileies botng la tors the inl revoIt mialut MUa sud»0ta ore Plaede This faillas, h.e mps M he -tSmoa tSucmbnai vlla thc gt@aeoo.Wvi, ver. losag contrai If> ouanonýst, ta bave hmir. me#& m iiearp'e Itat Pineoan# OUM 0969 CiL8 er. th. direetors af 'q iIla miW P. or W. I = lu héorts I. tbrib Vlljoes Vtoahsla estiliSoll a prhFi1 3u0ter ud M llY mth, thse ubo vas ou t5e train vILS @,,«W» oe-e oçorto» at as. *0aflgM Plot te1 610-Mure4m1uS ina la Merat. -t eadea'Biip ci e.1 aiero, 3r., samd prevent. P4 m ometrey 0m«eico Cty, caumai ne"excltomcat throuthout lb. la. getaria!. Aime nmt Lumber Trust. ,'lhQUU, MaY 30-À specisi faderai ÏlM Jury -viii b. lmieneled before %re, K m. Iawsdbslu tiieiUited Uten district Court June 6 ta Investi. M ' qrtAIa phases of ths lumber huaS. 'suIt a uleu tn prmS.utiug underl ho Siurmmnaaast-trunt Lmu.. ___ w the odlia laline. * euTçmb railue of nain.1 C»e tine la bis lits let ba"d. ý gi1ntisat il va. os Sua- ~e loeoreK, adaccord- »X.Umklne oved bhs baudSe.. la n etail pocitet 0fhlmeeut. mms Id-u."aolat uns e NU' Ile. vlOtiste seved la ban& I Mct. à»nIL ouais aet f be WM qat xuaraug as ustas], te sa- aIn dthlui»a~tbut an b.e amilsiby coer swh a at ensetug lb. cae.e1 fine pluhoupples for presrviu Mt ptdoma. Jas Gmâw.aoLbery.n TrIpp. *Odlo. Ombut frê Çbo y ve brne0,ctg vln&Ib *omd elpêsat U"dp 5e W"mvfpu ~by hie fdmdesit f. 0! BvIWdoro, ffspoy d. ê ~ ,i n t c tr M r, Oa m éao i a -te a . P u m h u o lxmsov n* aasoe-anayow e vasai hWr pwéiis11. iMraomwuaieuiuom oS hagatce ÉPàadlm*l sUw woasetdu born et MrU. ami MM .Chm .pavilm. va ~ ~ ~ ~ éd la dur,~t *4IN.F Pes.flugrmelsd M 1 hi.Ud St sbe6. . & a w to f a"sibnd su buteov ha o vtaijean 1h06. ,oe»rx«à»O e*b"# eoldiere vus tonducesi mter vbl he lin. otgmh vas aanforrd ndima rnarcboi t lia siool grocudc vbsre a very appropriaI. proarssn w» ele eoncludlug vltb a fiue addreoe b>y Prof. ILR. V.gent. The day thougb tbr.eteu. log turusi ont tue aud ouuldn't bave huan morý Idesl for lise occasion. Obitufty of NTLi.Andrewa Angjmets &. Houghtoq*mae otu Nov. 5, 1824, lu Vermont ped wunh lb. u. of îvo*daugbtern uboge parente vere Amatlab axa iklary Rongbton. Fer Imotber died vii., thevau onu leghtseu mobtls aid. 8h. atteadeti sebool ouly raadlag atboume «ethe bec=@se eil lafrsad 1ucraugmll etbjecîs of .stmsrasl litorel -O Jsu.'I9,18,5 eevsmarrod 10 1ormi'Audrevo' unto tbè o ebora Sang tasaraj"ilMdMot 'n'-tm Mix lerMem n btdiai MWx1, 1875, at ho eage of tvouty.o; iz; myAnugl, ele of Lovia V. Prims, lidMambch10, [876 st sdu mgofai lvstyfour; .marue E., a pabnotir ai UArtYvlIe D111oA. Iliplay 24.-1895, 01% 'tboee0ai lou; A". vite of Levia C. Pr'im., of I. Paul, fU".;, Lucy 1 liIing st waucoada "r'*foru rmotben, Sevaud L 0f jD.Audnwo ve iliMay 22, 1865, 4eving ber vill a a tnaly oaidiràl ehiire, *"-sfana to laie cmm. a Su.MUW hb uauadduur hiîe bo.'-belp for a sumsr of yeura..Aftelu iig onn tie fartes tony-f v. juse .15eôvoi la ii )do# i , 1911, atfl, a.-teegby. sixyesgdxmotlWou sxtces isys, ihaer a lcunsiabeenof aimur vais. Ob@.Ihaves 10 mn smber one sister, MM7 ary Ba. ,Wanqaa; tour childreu, Dares onsE.aUb.rlsvllà; Aile. Prie. of Sit. Paul, Kmia.; Lncy 0f Wancoeia, sud Sevard of Lake Foreet; Mflsea grand chld-e, Jay O0. Priem, of galleuaIn.. Mot.; SolloDCCBIanof Libertyvilla; MIIa Prise. 01St Paul, MIn.; Ata Loa.hr ut Vaukegia; Estiier Price. o!Si, Paul. mina.; Lutie Andrevs of ibertrvule; B&y sud iri Andrewa 0f âprug6eIgd. Ili.; Maris Andres a1 Uborlyrlfl; Rarrisî Anrews ci BUlIna, 1Mont.; Lli, Andrews o9 labe Forest;iRorae Andrev@ aluCal. Cavlry U.0. A.; Perey. Roi sud Lyàaa Andrevs o! Le Forcst; a"so lghsest grad ehliren. h. vral a voman Ofcssisletchares, bâid a Slnd vomi for erpboiy,,nover eomplaluui, a lit*ral i gver 1.1u. It la voudorful for sa'voasn« tisaI bm etsditrpé1e,, nsaay bhardblps msah. ha. tu L-s au amriaidactive ai ber age llhc vas op and day. and bolpei hoiesîf sand badi ber igbî mîud np la the vfry lait.S vii i b. grently meed b! ail Who knev ber. Furiermias h. ld tram tduM. E. ebh m aIDlamn.,'Ii 'si..Ber. FPlut officlhlung aller ieh tise semaIne ers Interrsaedu thei" y lot un th# lamoni Labo --mte"v hy lb.e ldc 4 lui bbus. huai mdaiL, e«etsoursyrnpatiy to du@ b9r-csvuàlu. Oeof gis pluces advu'tieed for roût todng vouad maeTOUlb VND R. F. Boise., Vice Preuldent. ie'ving g. Payas TIIE OTIZENS* BANI ROKEMULR, ILL., mw flprbyfleals dm ii.farfner, labsper. chili cand **osweslesl, maMand tof htable means of living svay lteir dWiMua putemnicount.-lanteeist lieed at 8pe suamco.neuadai e m$~..ulby. PARTNUU8 ANDO IRECTORS: m. 9 nomt. ). L: .taywo.. Irving£E, payt.. IvSPately *lOOeOOOOOn b àWklue ~ tbe1pag5 be ueaa tu ragv9ry. - Guorge lThatcher an miI s pent SuasyvuSVu,.L.mIatr a4 DSauoui Quit. asasumber trommssarlt"" admi m tp$osi b Mmolaisrv Diamosi hélai at UnIadmy. Tb*e sulliot rfor ler. C&arre srmon sexe usiay aPrut0g vil b. "Chlsl'e Prsslonunelsandamifor dutenlemng. -"God > enatiwn eighlprqrourooîLeithtln vilb bIsenov bois vagon Su towa ouo aliguist vootee. -Bouts I theclane some 0f the."rafle?" hoy. The RoeefWier Ladýion'Aid vOll gir. ae stravhorry sud le ceasu oIal. at lb. chuteli parlore OutThursday evoiug, Jue 8. Stravhor.*snd coke 15c. [c~e cr ansd cake 15t. Other combina. olue misaat 15e. Lait Suadsy our hall teamsWou a Ion inng itbattis trous the rsvsiakes e y the score of 5 to 4. Recause af tbelfaet Ilat Oa ourev dismodnnodv s lq<itp ready lb.egamo wu Playad on s bmtily lad out aboundni aithe lovuen ,of tbe -Mrenionsll to the exceptional vorS of bath tem.. Home pitehsd the tiret six Incusegiwvbn ho vas raeei by Dorfica and bath- dld tood! voit szcepllng a littie vildams early la thes gazo. The sMd teck, thongh, la te ebroulie the Aboat tisLy MIIIDunbar 1fuWlslÇo.ý -r wà aï OMM& They yl siuy r e Mri. eu dre.ha. ulsr Dxon moita I*.1ê~Uhu4sDoorallo.dey oeaa.'Thoune MdSin d 1f luOuâieio prfflou l tolwp, aver. Unialu l MUêtOlpM) Udy.Th«y vllluljs loêa" adiug reliuto. W. fbrý ouin c 1*t»weli aam 1.prmpoollon. W* a e vuoWtsrg*oiIstl a erIy faL, A faegelparly ve givoa-by tlb. yonose SailateMr . KLArMWo, vho base tsqb%§A*bgag4 fipefor 1vo 5oars. Re î W prmâ t h *a ft priu Ir amre ter~ b$ve b leve M5llsioW bins $Umm lahWbi"wevundomablag. 'colie Gros.bas bel hic tailloevil g9ooo uar the~ Lohanan achool boune nid vin approclate tb. btu or tfhe *'The Plane.of Yedle." Jupon bts.. ovlng ta ite voodon houas,.menr Brcs, but itlI.aid ltai Il should b. praud of tiser.n. ut. se cdrdlng 10 Ma'. Inouys,, l 4Toe gires vers kuovuas the. 'Revers of Ycido,' boug an lunch among the abat sgbtaof9 tb. Cty au 1thecherr losss enustiie ecuthosat bmisk of the river Bu-Sdit. the mornIng glorne, ot frlYa Or tii'. CrYusntiiomnau of 1a«, Sta'nlned fRelations. Tii. rejeeted enîtor urose and lo<ked -for bis bat. "'If you Wiin ual mara'y me," h. sid, "lot us at loat hofrlends." Tii. f ir girl @book, ber bead. "No," eabe eoidly repllsd; *"T am op- llcoed to bath amuezatlon aud- rociproe- 1 iiereupon bu vont avay mueb bhue LOUIS J@ yEOMANI THE PTICIANt dafealtbey uffoeciat Lake j'oiut- bu Tua1Y vhon Oisy Wuo thé lmetuan. of 9 ta 5. Tbo game vu.mared by vretchsi ompiig on the part of Lais. Fa-t gautieman vho bad i oh ap't Ki ieg gfor n3ry viienit «mgcoua ram ramiSpracY. -Evea u at bale Are-s ouli have vontA ii b.y played thbir usual pgame but evorybody sSed tO aO Un stOff day sud Ibil tcsgtber vtth lb. bolp the Lak. Foreet bo r reeevod fia. lb. meusbers oftdu parois elluahor union vho vas olfeiating ma&e issu MBelas ufor tii. ome tearn. Four of aur Young ladi evnt ovritu sms thhegtan sd ebeor %iidemon alngre On lx vltôrY, but oren tIbil'&id vie lnsuflcl.at and all iboy couli do (and let ne hop@ tii.y di) va. la console Ibeir falcuIdle.. Notice il igrind Ssturdays only alter tbf.e date. Joues lot. -86-2 F. S. DOLi'., PRocheilr, 111. Yourllttischicke yl i ÏMlire Il you fes Ikd Corb blck elStarter. Eloid only by Lbertyvll Ltmuber Co. 25-tf DIk4I bLE PAVILI*N Grand.ho Every Suiâd&y Aftoenoon and Evmmmg EVERYBSY INVflD vin-e. dagiallu, Ucysas *ud Arvilla VOlaY rciuru.d tOChîcago Tneeay'aller ipoudlag a couple day. ber, wltb frieadeansd relatives. Seua'y Maiman anid dugbter May, speut Sunday vith Ma'. sud Mr@. Barney Amana. KathrYn Lauffeubsrger @peut a couple of daya lait week at Loogerove. Ma'. anMd bri. Peter Moyer ,snd'sons Rolland sud RaYmSd atsod.d the fuersi of LouIs Martin .1 Waukegan Tn.iday. Délos AAusansconu l'bp, Kathryn Lsuffeuberger aud EduaVasaey ýpentq TO.oday sfternoou at Ivanhoe. 1 Andrew Battner of Roslni Lake, aplent Soniday 51 ilarney Ausan'. m BeMmbe Ulirich viaiied relatives sud frisais in Chicago Tuesday. DisBarbara Amun@peut a 1ev dey@ et home 1at eek. The Luse ,echool eloasi Friday. FuIttAID IN FAIN(TINO. Le-erth. eMadte Letthd e td SUo Ste lt.he in. Falatla a a]osfe r: o sosm r u lu lb. imlnution oet bueS suppit te lhb ain. It oce ua et nsem 17 tua 'Sienaebuve wvoma,. 1101 mm ccc,, al-es -eunaas vei. Ttl usai 92m lnu S disor la etevii bAhl OumIersand churebon W, v ls, &t.a mupbeum le close amid e0i0 o àm. Iulstlum uallylaIs suly a Me il#ts, sud t1e5erm'sieoemi SP msditeiy vh.a taies "t l.t -0 tt *" aIr, but tiser, are vianla vhic i1 lojasucb Ioao m ssm tim s »eI m ou. O 'Tiie I a aUNi*m0 a « Cfuiia la uuullyV"ty.mpie 1%mTub lnPeriom ont- meth ie Ùoùe Air lMrbita ft OU O*e back< viS tio hem#lovelr tiiau lijs ut ftand bouinsa, the bOip*otthe lfi basas dovu, ar t&5, au s*44uw$ ='lfot bacS chair, tq t$rs S oce tbStth Oahck formaeas angle,'sf1th t aom sud Place the pesul Onp os Oe uk ofth f.chair vSUa the b15ma muu diva, TMlle posiion vi" tOe heai PMaigSugdevisfaVorse a SM q« thr UfalAi SacS 10 h.brata. AUl fitk ct WIa abhut lthseneS und vnlsg SUM ho loouaaê BselllAM mbW * anmatie eple5. et uaqi ;0 tO Ste à oftrilà Mad oMat a MI# up motm uflanae&..Nati o kmfit berI KultaêPu' 4 P&. M dMMi r o 0ae' eto' r aOr N I W «b m t î 1 I a e d b e r p u r o n t s fU n d~m~dM Zuebler of Wauh.gaa Wa4 «qm otia1 ay Ssrw,iwt onbihou 0: âSbeI a pusoas May 8seh. Radia 110'3 boSup A 'dmu 'IT. L. Umm oelas aS m U er 1hItures of the ProUPran, mter wbloh the chiudre %méd Ohathé 115eontery and decortoi tbe grves eitboesoldiers., Mis., M. Horenuer entertaiaod a nubr of ber trlie», ut a birthday gatb.rlua Tueudmy mteruan. A bouatfui Ih Wuohe n ered to the aue.. Mfr. C. Bl. PZmaîom sd honsekeeper, Mr@. Ditch, are viieltlug in Deeplaine.. Mr. and M@.J.H.Otsrdn t9. tandrelatives from Eranston, C bcago and Palatine, Day ,27tb, It belng ber birtbdas. Plateswere lad for twoaty ad a jolly crowd etujoyed a bounteone fo.,t. The gneeta Ùe'partdd- at 12 o'Cloek wiebiug ber maiay happy returne of the. day. lira. T. Vatlow an~d Mise Henrietta of Evausion. vers guesteat Mmre Shlrdlug birtladAY Partp and remained until after Decoratiosa day. Tiic baxear belid et the st. Paul'& eiiureh Satu1àday alternoon vas weii attended la spite of the heavy etorua. Tii. -comrnencewcait exrdie.cofthe Pala&tiue hlgh ochool will b. Leld Frldey eveuing, Jouc lGth. The grnduatee are ilium Saraha Renck, Alice Banne, aud Elvîra Schmdt, 'ého viii douvesr brations. Their clae motto le, "op Dol.;" cam. colorn, crimmon sud 811,cr; aud clan floW@es. rd roms. The. baccalaursats sermon viii ho delivsred by Bey. Cady, Jau. 1il. Mfin Ormces Vmsora le ou the elek C. Richmnd has returned trom bis VIBst Iwtlbrelativ., lu Seotimud. RCY Loornle i.saployed as baggago. mean and ezprenemauaaithe depot. Mr. Seeper, agedsligbty.ouo erosa d tb. aulfortune tu fait aud diolocats lut rîght bip. IdrB. Wm. Nasou entertaiued berstator, idre. Jeunette Taylor, of . Chicago, receuty. Mr.. aud Ma'». Emil Bartals celebratsij tbeir wooden weddiug annlversary Tuesday, May 23. A LeadingICsiifornie Drugglst Paeàdeus, Cal., March 9, 1911. Foley sud Co., Oenlemsen:-We bave iold aud recomaas,,dsd Foley'e Bousey ,and Tar Compound for years. ,W. eW liev. it to be ou. of the muet eflcient expectorante on the markt. Lontain. lug no oplatea or narcotice.it eau be gven freey to cbldren. Eougb or th# resnedy cau -b. taken to relieve a eold, âO it ba- uO nâueéatingr re@Ult.an id dose not luterfere vittb dlaetion. Youa'. verY trtslY,. . .Ward lrug Vo., C. L. Parsonase&C'y and Treae." liet the original l!oleY'as Boner sud Tar Compound lu tbe yeliow packages. For sals by aIl Drugit. ýDancin £VERY ElVI0N MIAL r-DAY, IliI lutbuq wha oBe* Pthe or u "-2:i M w t*laa mglaout bé £êsaSràbedft bw*.» *l ~ ~ ~ ~ j mmk l tietpMO bou,." t< *q or ,j> Imtuaittajat vtInt S un."sal1e ewmaA MP a fDo 14 Ia Wftbo "WgLminu" mmi O ~nu I $buh.romi e hbitm Md pIoo be 4 4!puo aa( aplliy '~1hsMr~StPêp..0-g ldVIOL ~ f SPIEIA3UtIL 5 BaSm GalvakeSo.p 23e 10Ic pdm Q" r. t 12 las'.Galvac Saap $Lw 5 10amDp,. P Olive01fr. Fn 109 BData avaniSoap $4,35 20 10c D13a Pal Olive Free WILL A. RtAY DIAMOND LAKE' PHÔNE 2776 LIBETYVRU "VELO'le 2e559 44784 IMPORTED PERCHERON STAWLON llinois Stallion Roglstratlon No. A8625 renowed. Volo, la a black horme weighing 1900 and of unu8ual qtiality. Hie Io absolutely souud, sure and bis get are of the very hlghest type o! draft animal&. He Is a hiuroo that bas proven htmself. Velo wiIl make the season as uopal at the lIANSO N'STOCK FARM PRAIRIE VIEW, ILL. MILWAUJKEE ROAD FEE $12 to insure THE woman who is f ortunate enough to own an Electric Fan carmes it about the house with -her and'use it first in one room then another 5h. uMes Atit i t Lohe-i. the. living a'aom..dialag races-ou tae porcla. Whou it conestin. to dr«efoi dinnor, the fa bangs on the vaJli baside her dressing table. At nie lits place la er ber Led wher. is refresLing bronze la aiways ln domad. Te epenoco is beifits once la ta resolve noer ta ho' Wkahout. E v e ry t i ig l ee a al l e t oa r D is p lw y R acn a at lo ve t pri e. North Shore. Electric Company LAKE BLUFF BLACKSMITII. SI'OP fer pté<*kd Itose S.-. OStISFUIJob<leg. Gise us à aWi N LAKE BLUFf BMACff¶IIIING 'CG. - i - 5 p e. Té Au Ir"s Mr of h Mme esCoel g-dy Imare, -o'cocl. be. R. Boer 0.les Tho T! j esttiem $or bS Asa villa * maer& Jwse Yi s'hronic ýi@hoaIlm Por sl lied C4