44 %4ZEOOUKT ~D ~N, P~lÂ-JUNE 2,; 1911. Thue W" suotertmsat&an 4mai wfUr Mi Mat Lewis Vedusu alterboan, Joue 7. UT@- Chas Ceps ut Racinie. rousti Irisadi hms Suda ki iM. 4aà Mo. NIk Adaméof Vaukqg a" ît j ay wll2h fretas ber flpiChttecidensopen i l.lt&ti *01 thoe weak la Sprlield. Mr. adirs, Ai-adChadr w Ch""agavisitor. ettThuqday. Maislrob Noullegbaa of Chico 5peit the. frt af the, viAwitb nioth A laffs crowd attend.d the. uemno, *or"lse t Warren (Cemtery lust at, Mm.Lorb wujàh <Chicogo »Pent Po ot " astwêk wt h br -brother 1B. Oekêeld@MOMs uex sk with ogradui t.on *on uWdnssar *venlng &a a pli" at Droce.lato Thursdoy Notsé nd*r,, ram eleen to twsl, o'clock. the b*ccaiurea; services for tl graduatlng closo ut the blgh ichool W h. fild a&t thsfuînee curch. Aupropls 'nuelcalDuber. .willibe rendered by tg Choir. Tb@ sermon willi b. preached t Bav. R.L. flandley on the. theme, ,Tl ûMeotf Tomorrow". Tib@ Gurus. W. C. T. U. wilii old .fowoî missoo meting atthe borne 10-W. Mstaf Jun 14 at 3 p.m. RUU Tie swlll b. inO ubdby rechool forj §év Soudi,. The Powder ml imon have heinaroum stlmgUp dams. a ims. Tlsy do tb $OrieM fhilhe fIi. es. MMfs E. P. Siver &ad In« vwire Wante <aui vimnesglest Boteday. Am meuS MyttlsCorde, ftRobert Nelik 4" Sbara Chlas. vlstetifr.nds t Qat Part Sonda. Tii. youug ladis otayeS otil Tussay. MMs.MMlville anti Alvin spent Sonda] wit i II Msvlill amlly. L"Wllllotnson visîted iat Dr. Levl' atra ight TIi. Y. P. A. Club wiI ment witii Wllle anti [aura Corris Saturda, evenlng, OoIsv's Kldney ftem.dy le partlcularly reoommoundd for throniec' ceseutikidney and bladder itrouble. h tonds to regolate and con. unai the i.kdney santi adder aetion andi hM bsallug, streogtbsoing and hraclng. far satoby &il Druggit.. 5Rpd Comh Ment Masii the beet for ýleg bans mobkasee botter iavor. $aid oniy by LmuEsrrYvLI.Lriuat w:o RIJSSfLL Lilifber Yard Fer Figures on BUILDING MATERIAL My priffs are rlght and grades ronod. Wietheî you buay or not get my figures. PREPARED WITEWASH:: F. S. tUCAD, Prop. Red Wmb, scratch food ,est for nous; just vhs; pIae he i.ovuer and fit *heaper thon aur grain. Bal only hy LIETYTILLE LumaiIE Co. 25tl If tbe rlgbt tenant là not luclileti ta, seel . your piapeicy, Mate yaur pioperty ,eek the. tenant tbrough o canipalgu of ciaselfieti otvertlaing. SUGAR SPECIAL 19c Best Granulated Sugar For $.100 With $1 wort of Groceries. except flour, 20 lbe..Sugor for Si Witl, $2 worth of grosieries, .xcept fleur, 21 lbo. Sugar for $1 Wih 83 word, ai grocries, except fleur, 22 libs Suger fer $i Wlth $4 wortb* oin., ex4 cet fleur 23 Ibo. Sugar for $1 With 85 worth of grocsnies, «ept fleur, 34 lim Sugar for $1 Stmwbemes Ioc per Box Pinsipplus 14e euhI P"ns is 15fur 8165 Pineeppis 30 fer4o HENRY KUEBKER GÀYSLAK, 1 LLIOIS It in wi. eau... .0e 0150> clu Irieuos of lire. T. C. Siniser receive tii. neye af ber Icfng eufferiug anti desat thti.honi. of her danghter, Mmre.-W. F. Harvey. Sb@i suftereti for uaay nonthe vitb cancer ai th@.etoniaacbthis vith roue, Plietiou of hypoetatlc pueumoola asoed ber tieatb. Fnnerilserv 1 vr hll et the.bomne of ber dauRti anti se vos laid to reet at Tutare viere ToeAt.leieK-,will play Waucouoo an the boue diauod Sunday, Jane 4th. The. boon-to-start vacatlont a n finally settle as to viiere to go Iiy tudylng totiays ads. -PAUJL MAC tiUpiN. Attoey et Law. Noticé of Final 8ettle»e @he Iduulerly lved, Mee as borieti State 0f Itllnis, Countjy of Lako,çs. t;.oide ber fatiier. H. 8. Whitney. MMIsn the Coun[y Court of saId CouneY. 8luer raiwel kownber baingofla the, motter ot tbi., I etlmenmt Stuservasvei Aovuber baingaithe alt&t. of William Thomuas, liveti ber. for many yeare vitb ber deeea"eti busanti anti family. Mr. Stuser halng To Etbi Tbamp.ý, vidow antibelr ti. original ovuer adeut bîtter ai vhs;at tlay af saiti William Thomasd*oiaouî ant taFraucie Aire Thiomags. r&M le kuovu as the. Stusser botel on tbe J. Benkateveiler, Reubea E. Tionmoa ves; aide of Othe lake nov ovueti by John P. Thomas, .tgnes M. touam, W. y'. Maclacblau oI Chicago. Wben William G. Tiiomas, %lary Pl. Molville, thaIoil uoedtaCaiionî oerFlorence J. -Thiomasi chuta-en thefamli ove toCWiorna oeranti hein set taw anti legates. sud tveuty yeana go tii.>'lait uany dear devloe.s of saiti William Tho"u anti fa-ents bhbinti tieniw hbave h.hti thera ta Boy Burke anti George Burke grond- in oeeet emeuberauce anti vto viii nhildien of tieceaseti, sansi MaIdâla A'. aov jiîn tioevia are lottvb cdeep Burke, deceaseil, if living aS tie sympthy.unituovu hoire or naiti Roy BorAs or eyupatby.unkuovo heiéfs ai aIGteorge Br.. if mies Mdinois Drure anti Mies lEva eltiier saiti Boy Buke or George Etuke Vucer oregmt ofid e.-Mar Dres deceaed, anti Jchn Biurke, bumt 1'uAerve. gest a Mi. Mry[arseo! saiti Naîtha A. iBurke, tieesesti. I aver Dcortion day. living anti If he duel after tii. tiath ai Jutige Pensons of Waukegan, was a idIRoy Burke or George Bure, the. Pleaanttailer ore ueeay.unknoov boire a! e4id John Burk.. pleaautcaier bra nesoy.Talle notice that an the 7th tay ai Mr. anti Mis. Md Doolittle anti fami)y Auguet, A. D. 1911, St tea o'clook a. ni. trove ta igihauti Park lu their auto or aisoua therealter a@ th. maSte eau sunday. ho beard, the untiersagueti vii prisent ta saiti Court at th. roonicamei: Fa>' Brautetetter anti gentleman O eti ditai the Couac>' Court »a»eaun. __________________________the Court aouse lu che City 0ai foko. ganlthe Counaty of aI ke. anS listeg 1of îis, their Suai acount andRIàrt ai executpru or sid lait vili AOuitsa iT WILL PAY YOUu meunt 0f William Thomas, deceeset, anad ok tiat ch. some ho approvet, Shat To comae and g.; rour Nuits andi Over- eaid estat. ho teelareil seccleti s0dthe. COtsmae o rdr. undersigneti disecaigeti tram hus coatsmodeto odar. office; et wbieb tume anti placu u~re notifieti ta hootesent if yau goo tiaI Lihrtyvilte,llinois, Jue 2, 1911. SUTS ANO OIVE RCOATS $15 UP. WILLIA14 0. Tan,, Exoeutare o! tI.at .y1l CLEANINO, REPAIRING AND mnetof William Thomas, deceaset. DYEINO NEATLY DONE AT ÇIiGHT_______ PRICES. i Ros the. fornlehi roomA«ia a the poper todar--auf tisonwrite W M. JAtINS, T'Ior TTER one. Itil Sd yu a louer *Ii..The INORIIVOENT. andti Wsly Inter Oea,,$140 a youP. TIIAT the best. leanet anticoateet pSle iu tova ta ge; Sour !les naeau sodas lesat the Drug store. THAT tue beit place ta get thé purent anti cleaeet dmngs ins hou Dectçg fmua CO. THAT v. carry a fuitlin, of Park.é Davis & Co., medicines anti toile; goode, one of the bee; PharmaSV~tical bouses 'eMiAT we bave the ageocies for the Bexal &' Nyal renieti,.a flth guaiante goal witb esch package. TIIAT ve carry a fui in. of ailtih. latet magazines, periodicale anti the late copyright hook@. THAT w, bave thé. latent tblag iu etatioeîypostal@ anti eovenime. THAT we carry ootbing biut tbe ver>' bées; brande lu box anti hulk chocolat.. THAT tva are vbolesale dealers in les anti les creani. Your orders viit be proupthy attaudedt t whea lef c wîtb us st the Grayelake Pbarmacy. THAT the. Giayelake office of the. LARE COUNTY INDEPENDIET le at aur stor.. THAT we are agente for the Kimbait Piano Ca. W. sel] ad ent pianos.. THAT v. seti camamutation ralroati tickets on bath ralîroade. et THAT w. are agente for the Mil- vaukee Nenhanie Ineurance Ca. THAT we test youor eyes. seti sud ix Sour glaises. Ali wonk goaiaateea. THAT the offle .of the WeisternExprues Ca. is locateti at our store, Oi*e vilii I. gladt tamaire oct Sour moaey oder. for Sou. .THAT w. are agent@ for the Burtiug. tan Lauodry Ca. Ail vork guarauteeti anti prompt deliveiy. TfrAT ve are agents for Spaldlng Bron., base baIl andi eportiug goutts. THAT St 007 timle 7Sou are dis. eatisfled wltb anYthing that you boy franaus Ifyou yl let usknov ve yl ha oly togilad ta meke 1h ilght. Oui duores aim'ta ha Pl"ceofi reiability. If you aI'. uot gettlog t hb.beet goond for the money, a square deai andi courteoue tr.atueiat ve vaut ta knce It. Oonie to us. Oui compettors aan't squame aur account«. DRUCE DRUGCO.' Gk1 .R. H= ie edsésLh WAM~N à DÈVUC Libertyvlle. lilola DR . J.L.TAYLOR, OpricE OVES J. ELI. MenOs B01.0 _au :7 ta 10 a. 'n. 2 ta 4 ad 6 ta SP. ni. Bisitea-u -nBroadway, opposite Park. Livertyvlii. cIo DR. E. V. SMITHI GENERAL PRACTICE Hours 10 &0 12. 2 t0 4 nd 7lto 8 n. n. ordo uver Lrnchbrlos. Store.. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO THEE ET LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS MARTIN C. DECKER &,TTORN'-.T'W roffice Opp. ifti St. Eleetrir station Office Phone 5834 Beg. Phione 3603 NO:ITH CHICAGO, ILLINOIS L. PELTON LICENSED EMBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR ROUND LAKE ILINOIS Night Jales Promptiy Attendail Ta TELEPHONE 223 W. Hl. APPLEY Auctioneer PARi SALES ONE PElR CENT Libertyville, Ill. PHONE 1431. Hlenry Sine9s Sale Ba' 2714 ELIBHA AVE., ZION CMOT ILL. itesdence 2"ensaetsAv. AU Kin&do ni ere. Harm, vagons »àdBU£ clos for @#à@ or Exch" anga t 1limes. AIJCTItEE RING FOR PUSLI SAME B. F OLIO Controctr andi B"dr L8BRTYH.LfILL. Fonce or Lias WÏMmmlFonce NOW. Pag efnce la the PiausatOf Wovon Wite Foesm, havng MuS on the nmaket for a quarter of a century. ,ktoutlndtsa aujothet voov ire fence made$ boctu»,.of the tremndàuà 9utruîthfit 14 lg Carbon Basic Open Hoartht<eri Wâre. If yan have Page Pouc on your farm nov, you hnow why lt the moat econotnlcal fonce Yom, kuow that it wiii support itacifOver a langer span thon auj other fnce, and thus sove amny posta and-mach Lion Fence,KIGnt of LocI.Typp Fonces, is the strongest of its kidn made~ It can't sag. It is una<ectd by temperature changes. It'u JIk halds et saccre agana* uds usage. It's the beat "staplo" fumase an earth. We have both these foam m 61 styles - Standard Stock Fs.co, Hog Fonce, Sheeo p euty Fence, etc.** ne If yau need £MW ovor expoot ta buy thia seaaom, 1 at ou*. Austin C Vne~ .yP Off 1. a -àsi.e, 200 Monro St. CCWAOG ! BAIRSTOW c.i.et.ry1 1 D f- élis i UAYSL'A KE D PA TM NTTbere will b. no prellebing or Sudfa Maur3 a i4beyilH i UJ RÇtJm5eftf L.ýLgret,, of Chicago. lanecboolhar Doiunday on eccount ai #dycisrtepltwe.P. J. MqICL Mdior h N14il ii ctber brother, Nick Anderson and the. Sunday ochool convention r't Nortb hold Wil Pind Thmno Mr. and un. Gee. jamissoct a d vnice ord" so Tk., for 40b W ork Ad vrtieing IMto, O nApplication ha e ti. ainPaniaa hesae. Mise111 Olive Wilson of Chicago, @pon.t (O SandAY, Joue lltb, Bey. R. T. bail hock removed; ta h. otltefleu, Mr. sMd -liea. John fow at iso e, Bunda,, Nonday andi Tueeday witIi ber Rollandti viiiproeb is e arevel sermon. f1m anoying. dangerous o2laee g, , ie. ro , &ar« êl T *dau&nt, ire. 0. C. Iluewi. e e pets ta go ta Washington s <>n. rders -je enoug b tua " Ilo n mi" Bbel oeulue.W anW Ir,-lMr*. Joues Tce nfrend o#ÇIilosgo qmept. Decoration day tiseArmilda Brama of Lihsrt"illl, Tiere wu@ quit. a large attendence nt sufferer grateful. Ta toi ow l anti daye wut i.mel m.IDnseat dougtir af Waft«gau, ai,Dedlng a wtiberpust, Yva i g.;oSFaci aitBtu.S .. OC.-0kMe JitBao' yoecufriu od.t Mardo Miesmiiî Lconr. isiot-ssdlaigrear change cau ha hrougit abellib, Graylake. kew d&rg vîti thé former'. p:renta, F. 1) j. trsh a ni.,ow oportîng a day and Suaday. 1laut Wedneedy. Liertyvilie readem ra. tgh&*à ,. eyIa.tsvent t tsndd, MrÉ and àMin Cao. Tueker. nov fortr bors. paye fue pussenger ie. Amenda Narrili 0f Chlcao, spent lMre. Abert Klein entertainieilber w Ona~a 88S 1WstS Ns*orll earus.atèVeoga esto, r , r.anti fr..Weisci of Vaukegon, Gide touringcàr.delivered Wednesday. the latter part aofithe week vith ber brother, Ur. Lewis the pont veek. mnt on'KieyUitaoo. er Bonday. gst fM.at i.Zag.ae hs apb ofutEtivrd Ksppi PorIel, Mr. ant Mai. iD. V. Walt. Oui »Choof closes, JUDO 6, and Miis.e ufferln f roikilo.7 trouble. Two ii is n k u no y vILA nd « i e t d k r w ota nti i. e G e.P " B no n d . d a u g h te r o f G eo rg e B e n y l a n d L e n s s u lr a., o r. G riM n a n d i p u p lis y l h a v e p o g a rsaconte n t o t a b o x e co d ( ga. tsr B.Vm.Doaltti hai ti. ilslrtue t ExSup rviaiNamond, of volo %ers tirewlng uber for thi.e ecto felo i.1. and picole for that day. o)ther @so-caleti kidney remadis. het Swr. Aus ttisl a auean ae a vainale b ais.latbesaek, 1while merrieti in Wàaok.gao dnesday. The. tiarge Fuller le conducting the.les Mev. R. T. Bollanti was intertaineil ut fle ongtîesueeifn h il. aggi.g t.,hmef mavlag ithe ha-cee toppet inlto a bale roupie la poptlar andi bave a large cram atary ot Graysilke r.renty the home ofiDavid Adonis Sauday. paîlu iisthe ail of îY back, Occam. vlslriatsd tramn Friay outil Sanda, vlt1à nd r. rak mfurdM. ntyvomunt.luchellbe f ilBlack of Rocke. Mise Nellie Brook@ @pont iaturday anti PauledbY a famieuse and soneehl MhihmeIoU. adMs rn uor r n ne u-- @o good vili i fer. gnnday nt Joliet. mY loins. Tiie kîdney Oeretlons elsa, Ni. Fredick flppe oai Vbkmagobleor Ms aena iegvr useo u ogeaalu.Arthur Raekcliffe of Waterloo, lova, Little Marion Thomas MeYe *.si s;gen er tdeIg Mie. Oe. flerray qd Ma. ~ Mi sud Mi. bafou af tusrlty ovr -las orking for Fred Converse. Brorteoin, Satnîday anti Sunday. vle.Da' lyPlvn of lre.Geo firrit idBunay.direcrlY t tout ofaimv trouhle andi Odette, dilet Ma 25.bitiab trace-Sud. From the. Base Bail Damond. Mrm. ML Boagai, vho bas been visitlng Mai. Fred Beinold visier!o ber mother bno neimec e crtv tond Sonda,, Ma 28Uaisr.' J. M. Paluer, Wm. Pester, The wti m -bOrmistrKa.Gog Fulh Ovledmofh« caie lat d u. Jh omr aS ieArthur icià, Rd Vagner andi John Ala e eSdefeat -by tihe ns.GoreS'l e baoven Sunday. powere. I canuaf piue tii. r.mwedy bud MradM&Jh osra oc ao t@Rceelrrtr ubrhm aRcmn.too bigbly."1 Ma Ddg iste is L M an~ tM-rée drave ta Chicago BSuut iayate,, &efuiîe euO~ h tflritis a irbu u lhi. Charles lMontkus entertalaed a01ev i o o le biaildelr.Pi.5 ne Mise .no. aM.Pser and Mi. ilinbL . ntdiam ogeIaetnday. lu a bard Iaugba Word hmbeauen ecveti boeof th@ hie filent.s gatuuay nigit. Fetr MliuuC. flors , Me e Yo ve Ame sufforlnig ortei tIie auto laver it figs <au.lee ns te sorebeing birh of a l»tgedaug<ber ta Mr. and eFoec Oii pn ueoy~ko'itlith ntt tt h. MUr. tarkveatber, of Bocfard, III., l adanivtlualokaeu. 4 ta 5, Op ta the seventit innîng the Mis. Delmen'Tovns.nd, ofOt.s, Colorado.n ie b oe iM.adMs r ae nmerthiie 6 vin talig atW. 0 Thoe fo a fw des. eure stooti 3 tao0 ln faor of Oayolake 3- ~ talg t .G.Tomg o Ofe a G.oea. MNamra andi faniuly tiove wHlrde tg Mis. Enby Clevelandi ai Çhlcaga, spent lu theifiauto front RussellI anay vheu a vroug tiecislon and a couple cai FOXdritge. adMs ory fW ýb udywt e aet.errai. let lu tIrie.tons for- Rockefeller OXIJÇMian Mi.oroof auegain, INDEPENDENT 'Want Ade" brineg h. oeda vt srpaene.About tbity or forty niotoryrles The. score lsje s oîîovs: Wni. Christopher af Chicago, hmsvisitati over Sua., eit the.horne ofIdN.eeSU4t. 25> cents un insertion by Erus.t Garet peut Suntiay lu pessedt tiougb ber.s unday. GÂ,.tî na.rnnetiandi la nov eupl3.yed 7sdNe ocBakoi _______________ b. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 Vakea atiRciet b ook sou. of bis friende un xEiEA PO Bnu Hovard Scatt. UmssNellie Brooks cioseti ber enhoolTEPR B DADRE1Tp> The Lake county Congregtionel e trip tOî.LAeGeneva Suuday. ike.ltb............. I1O0 G 3 2 WatSut e iasof Giayslake, vs aet Spauldings Corners ti i rday witb H UEBtD flPEarI convention viliih. helti et thi Congrega. MId.tumete. lb............. c e 0 2 vstibr irta.a PirnilalUrl. Laswson'o woodo. Ail PR H R N SALO cf tionul charch of Waukegan, JaU 1 a. Id -anti Mrs. Chas. Hook andibaby of vers. amaib .... *..... v istrhs uma.PR H ONSA L ChUdrir Day vili h i. véd theCilcaga. epet a kf oew vî itir, antid mne ou I-. J. G. BiovnsantirMe. Jas. alp repart a fine time. sesoti nntoy u Jsa.Mm ,Dm Book uftbils place. ~ ~ ........ anti daagbter vitet Vola Tburetiay MMs. Frank Puîti and MeS. Robinson seeond Svisitein lest.W':..e... ...t..l.r..0E1i0t MM uit eaes uies~ lr. anti Mme.J. E. Dhuer adsvead sn i. Ciiog. a......... 1 2 Mr. andi mi..Wichnian er. Chicagoaiilo! B tWdesa it r. lo a b » Mra..anti Mn. John Book drave ta Chicago Ki'le2 0 b. avss4lUAInns ororne, violits ronsday.%& Mise Joooplate.Eddy closie hr ou choa day u la xisr'a machine. a E A poBH John Tncek trautotbusinessset Wbat CLêqîPFICAION of <the d vt pai l Daea'.vode A LyonuHarvey la bau. for a couple olA. H iapse. 2nd b ......... 1 0 1 2 1 LIbertyvitI. Thioreday.vattiiteaa os.einro be fne Me, u br] b &Bpassnt ieksmaloting bis ftdiai iti amssors I. »De r.2»dsettp. ....... .. .0 0 1Mis. e istiowshib ilpe.t.Na ke. T. Dotile.c................:l.1 e1e1i2 par$-iLita Converg i t le ixen DAT? T is eau turnuta Ite i aotsan Mildrd Edy an broher f Talor . Botier ...............ieIe T puat!pekervl the Ouit of tas wyak, Mtesan-or a e tn t-enda.hef. Mhldred Eddy ati brother 0f aylorhm. J.auael.aRoupge.gri.,, h...h...........oe... 0 nt Ms0Biteno0ahedth2 ,Grave attende thet .plenie. EL J.....l........eieIe 2 Mr._adUn._Soit_________________ Sona,,Jae 4 laMoaiti dy orhmer svaral are overeoelng the. putt.ing ~id*. ........ .........50e0e0e2 0 dangheaîsati bsint, Mr. antiMim gmd&v Joue 4, la li........y.for. ... mp........................ 00,2 0 jetl . i; . A. and . M. A. ~on of a nev raof an ti. bonk block M~0~d........... 10e0s 0 rak ê3yderaf 191 ---------- à 'nemer ai. riquestedta ta 10la u a byiLoogabauah pltcbett bisefiait game of9Ucisr. P. Gerroteon in au the dok ist t Iwu;w C eappirapelag obseurvance ofithe day. Mis. EKugebes ds$peut Satuitiay the eaon at Rockalillsi Sanda, anti Mru. C. Spelng of LbetM ý. ý--- Nr. Walt of Fort Bill, vleted et W m. anti Suday vlth' relatives In Chicago. «rock ont aeven mas. relativeu hme Tuestiay. >'Cv.bant'es Bnday. Ausaciere Pâris a- iengooreuteeti Borai Kapple, second basleman put D. QO. F. UrTTRFIED, B> W Baudalioe8 aTa ey n tet smanit. he olbu Perenbis ankle out betae. tis mmanti vlas oue Nighbolos Exponlapce VT yDIETSUEGOUON. IP R E ~ooria, an Ls mgfi. D 'uutSit Co.17 .. unable no ple5. Hav fau May profit by tI. Taie A ?AT UUEXA TAYLOR GROVE. Mr. L Fonlon of Ravensooatin Narquie ShaDfer actoti asumpîre for Foley Kltiney Pille. Mme Chas. Bay, E6 beamwihd284Ie hl *puigatls eswc A .Hre teGaoae om u6on ro 21 Gondal. Ave., Peorla, III., viltea: Lihervilh.. BnLvmcvegei061h.be Mi. anti Mie. B. C. Amis ai, the paoutisedn e ay î .W evy h rybkeeni oyasarivs '"80- tie a I h atbackSlhes antid _____________thies ,aarc Olti. Hoe lD ovfont sud parents ai a baby boy, b9rol Frioy, ad amnh eargedto imtn. ithie exception ail Palus la th e an ta the kidusya anti viliiegi ve usinA vien grovn 2M15 Ma 26. Nother anti chilitiaing lc.i'. Arthur lorilihof Fox Lake, trasacted ver. veirsatistieti . subet ta veaknes antd tiuano. DL. C. RL GALLVAY, tO â800 Ibh.. Lir ani me.b. . eve ani amiebuiess bor NontiayCevelandi vbo cahs. fai the Grais. esoPreeîIOY lu ti. marnlng, andi va Mr.*u M é.D. . ewel nd anervOuanud loetmuch aleep ant fi tiail avu 0-M ovu wus noue @Ton&.île h b as .ry he#t houe andtefotsud anti Mise Mary iDonc»a peut Suday Nr. andlise. M. B. Atwelilreturueti tuA. tes. badt hrteen utontot.,;editedirua nu. Foley ldney Pilla ver. NoU»mo-1n toaa ta P. s e. geanti-le pronouneotd iy gond baon rvith Stella Sba.last veek frôla thoir witer iu Flordelto hlm ogaineft nia. mod" by Darder. recomoded to me, and I commenceri men one ai thiae trosem talhln«of the. r llrspldigthewek u aain-Thr wl h tetlmbkiug tem, anti lu juse ashort tdue I Llbeity'lii. hios ll Mage.fig@pn odlw t.isedlgtre ekee aalg Tir ylh ait e a.Vt vos ridti !ail my traubWe. oley Kitiny ________________ rel elatigvees Snne vtotn anti Nev York îiuî;lng ail pointesaîj Rockefeller tva vweeks traintet Banday. Pille i.iped me prouu)tly andi1Icanesazety Bis sire velgieti2400 Ibo. anti hleDam J . a er e r..on a d Nik 0 interes t at t ie epl e ; vwile lu Ne vw The Attendai te ai play t i the. Gay, m eoulm n d t ie.rn For s ole by ail PA U L M A C G 1JF I .va s a ton m are. JeoneNaau u Ne bOiorne ________________________ TTRNT T AWBeH la fur servic, et Rodney Parla 11.2 epont $unday lunZMOU City. mis.voo a LleryvhATat$1AW.th Un Fp Wnd i nth WkHo.It mayrerquire a short "campaigun" UhortiIllinhois mar et Lbtah rte e asîdi a cat, M rieWb iedi erlftber Of vont aotv.ertlalug ta Sud the. kind PROSaomtah, u 88edwhacos one da> ast wee* f workyou'rD lOLDINGfoK But i tins. R. D. Ameesoti tre. Harri c-' onirire a ONG"îooAl g n o un relatives ber. Sunday. finije ISk IlisMahel Beuedt tvisteti Irientids B tmo Ifioto îc ouise 8 ta 12 au.-i a5pm hereSacrday **yaU glean concemintngthe City lu J. Ehl Trlgg Building Mi»s Bertha Crawford viÊiteti relatives@U 1 w hlcb YOD ]Ive tbrougi rour ad.5i2. ie . LPhaus 1002o 1 ber Mutiy.sveiln trips vili ho UBEPUL ta rau Liertvvila.linois Mi. anti Mra. Ciios. Chesmome calied, -peibaps in unexxueetod vers. W r on boue folkSounda,. D. . vSI'H Oea. Lewin sud Theodore VandeivatiTIlNt DIL NTLISM.Wcasrso i ateodet on oul',h. iiigYork tbey ver. guesta ai thaîr son, Benufaire Wilt Cote on theGrayiiak*edlcmiUV*d o Suma.Atvetl, vbo le serretaiy anti general Satumday alternoon anti defeatoti theni LI OUT AMNLD'« muiy w manager oi th. Netrapolitan Opera Ca. lu a score of 12 to, 6. RENR MCeUIER MIJOU..--8 tc 12 a. .nsd 1 ta ô p. m.i L.. tu tt Ra ýh-t - _ -6-. T. i. itL..a.-th.--Thl~.. 4 DAILY. ' g