Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 2 Jun 1911, p. 5

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FSIED 3'lPKG. 25c for Sale Bu J. ELI TRIGGS Phonie 25 Phone 3 IWUNDER 1*9Ei bcs. fer Me% inlau.8sohe md*$reCRomi ee Feu r i» inla abhe Wer$1.00. Gsssmgsd fer 4 gm hi.TLy a am si lie doL. vaiu*, amtot Muebl ustaeoL.avy@"admy ~are'Soft am .11k and, Tog eWlr." J. B. MORSE & CO. Everythtng for lien LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. YOUR BÂBY iilnîed its PHOTOS taken * nov the warm weather is here NEW STYLM *HOTOS . can show you at PICTUIM FRÂIM We have juat recelved a new lino of peturs, frame mouings end canframé your pictures on short notice. BESWICn'SSTVDIO LIDE"ITVILLE VEUI3TABLE CO., Near Old Station, Lbertyville, 119. NOW FOR DECQRATION DAY W. have al kinda- of Flowers Every Idnd and variety, snd <t Pricms that can't b. boat. Place your order now. W. wi11 deliver in the. cit. TIU rCLUB TO Corn groucd are fiiied vith 1bugé, admr tbti al, ln maeI' palceswir-t, sued a just plaeid bug@ ayh se waliug for tiie vinées W appear. TtwehAn'gea in lbe lime table of the C. M. & St. P. R. R. nor la eléec aller tii.deparr nimatsfrmoaur citl.In.l the. aftiruoos, lhe mai fur lbe 8:00 o'lkck train for Chicago closes at 2:30 'netelLd ni 3:10 ms vas thi case belone the tins of departure of the train vas ciiaeged and tLe evenica mail nv cloue. at 6:85 Initiaitof 6:50 due 1tiih change le lime ai deparlur. ni tii. eveeieg traie for Chicago vicb Dow beaves at 7:07 instead nf 7:22 as beretof ove. F. A. MUhiser. sales agent for the Westerni Coal and Dock Cnmpany, Clcigo, vas le love fnedav and mdethis oallieea pleaacî naîll.Fmank le a cevspaper mac mcd printeraifnme repute and ve kuov bis services *fil l t ni value to the paoplevwith vhom be la nov coecected. Hea utîl recetiy vas business manager for the Wmnkegme l)ally Suac, resigciDg bis position tbire to take up Ibis Div work witb lie Western people. Card of Tha.ka. We wiib ta tbauk 'oir frlends and neinuiiors for ithe macy kîndneees shonedaierthe illueus and dethb of om beioved sou aed brother. We do .alo haukthtuas, vincoctrlbeted fBovers. M. ANDi Mus. AIoreuT AmaoyqAND FAMIiLY. Bmcmîîaa, orange. and 1lmsh vegetables aI invest marktlpriee. ;JAs. OEÂHON. Libertyvilie. Âlumini ÂttMntion! Tii, iecend munual meting of "the Libertyvilie Rigli SChooi Atumul Aî'c wili b, heid at thre scho bouse Batur- day, J ue. 3st 2:00 P. M. Elation ni offinre, preparations for banquet. Please b. prompt. 1 Oea. BtULKIEy, Pres. t'ixturea for an@ faeilly bouse com- plets for $50.00. Bath tub, lavatory. Inilel, sdut and 30)g9809M bolier, lies. goods are ail CRAmS. A. BOETTtIE, L'birtyvillf. Tel.141-L. ,Y, . 1, 3-lf Until June jrd .The chriBtmae 'Bavings Clilb wiii open accounts for regular weekiy paymets of 26,1, 50cy 81.00) or 82.00 for 28 weeks acding Dec. 9, ail deposita to ba r.paid on Dec. 18. Interest at 8 pexôoent aliowed onuamanuts fully Pi&4 wu hlgiily roecqmend the. club fer min, w6on and chfld#ec ejikae, and extend te aji acordial Initation 10 join. - -- ------- .ti, ca 4ilq op«a saturiat Eveelet Te laisas'.pulication lni thé. idepen. ,Warauh BilletiDsnver, ila pendiait a dsan, ef rtmuet bCn the office no later Ivwo veeko' vacation with relatives th-s Tuoeday of each week. A*vr, ee iserar. $eelsare r aslced to takte 1WIII MoEnerY as confined to bis particular no icýthIs effect. 1born a .1evdmo8 the fore part of the ____________________ î__ eek vftb a ffllt limnes». Mrs. Manda Kitceon of For Lake. . "Klier aoied Tbursday 1mwul visitei Batuwdoy alght and Bunday wi lb heme tu a tartu West of Rockefeller. 1 ber rutcher, Mms C. spring. A.C, Trige sud vile of Elgin, visited Wben a girl saayugmt fb over Friday of lait veek vith re!atives knows anytblng âbout paimiotry it's a here. 0 saie bt be wii auté hlm tb old ber Chas. Bobo and Umss ditb Lynch 0fband. Evaceton. spetit Sunday with 8. L.j The Lake tounty board of review Ociieli sud faill. meets tomorrov morning for urgent. The Ladies'Aid society 0i tb. M. E. 'zation, and It la probable that Bert cboreb viii aoss i vtbMm. Daniel Lee, Auin of LUbertyvllle wiil b. named Tuesdsy atternoon, Joue 6. as clerk of ti" board. MissMlii. utcînsn 0 Elinvistai Rumnor bas ituhat MieAilieE. Smith, a lev day tbeii.tter' part 01 luit and wb boas tau»lt tise eigbh grade lb 0Dm thes fore part of Ibis veek vitb relaive @choollb. past ywa, bas resiged to bere. accepît the priuslpalsthip of the Ocrnee A maon am a t Racbelle bas gonre 10 sehoot as a considemable. increaseinl elleep and lb.e oStorie an't vakt hlm. Isaiary. Lbs.i caoe eatlcg se one o er. Lbertyvili e la sxperiencing a silht tir epet eain wso l oe s garlet tvielel.there being about Reciecber aturday, JUDO 3, is Tawz twetve esss reportsdat preseut. - While Day for Lakecounty. Oipen your bearis ý the diésse lo eveycse i lu a llgtfnrM, end pochet books, eepeciallyyonr pqcket'tverýv py@canhktistlalber tmkec to pre books. bearing lu mind tbmt "it la More vent a spmead. The lover grades lu our buised to give tbon tb receive." sehool vere ciosit Mocdmy and a qui-1 mook Agent-Madain, bave read mutin*à e l 3.0< Uiftained le evéry lu.- Scayan@- stance. Tii. villag board met lunsope"a. Mms. Pepper-Na, you Impudent mani, sesson Wednssdag ight la detemmice mer even corne! v hmt steps e ilt. b aken te preveuit a J. W. Buller caugbb a picârerel in furter epîdomie a»d witb the pracaution Dedier Lake Tuesdmy vblclî Iipped mimeady taksa a aptesd ni tire dises» le do. se"isetathirteen sauoce-baif pouede. Dot tiongit pomsl. IlmW b.'te bust catch madeil te laks The lecture glvemby SeuatorL. L. ibis~~ semt.*Austin oi lb. International Mausoleuin Lloyd Taylor met vitb quite a paicfnmGo. oe "Tb@. DttWaY-' ai tbe lown accident orne day lust veet viien bail lat vsk Wedaesay eveniffg vs. attebsptlng to *"crack" the engices in ftteado<l-by , b le m ad appreclative £Ms' automobile. The enginse "kieked," audience. Tii. lumteransd pletue vere 64 tIse expression goes, the erack llylcg vems interpeting ad ilstructlvs and the boack viti snfficlîns force tW sevemeiy solosng by Mlies. Austin vere enjoyed Opraluà bis wrisî. by aIl. Mr. Tonnées, tepresenative of Sain 1 sai baspurebu of th ie compeny. VOIi belen Our city luna few ain IIcnl a prcaedo tedays sollcinge6bgecriptions for cripti . tccT Harveser Co,brougb tempsddemyiuMcoec pi-oer ganlo tra c n enis cd ripte subecribud $0 oeret a buildieg, six-b#Obbo0ibeng plov.Thebe ascine bislisopportuuitY la offled the publie to arl out nig Lbet 18le. The nglue eure Uiem before tie coutract je jet alon veabsalout 8.00 poud 1.tbereiiy aldicg la eetIng a lArger bud. Woodmeu of Acme Camp iaud 11e ! ln -Of More ppeaiae. Royal Neigbbore are requeeted to net'leive yaur nomns vltb R. c. iggini, lu Woodmen Hall at 2 P. tw. on Woodmec1-1 ml epresefitative sud be viii bave Memorie4day, Bunday, June 4, wbereIl r. Tenunant aPropriai, exorcises viii preeede the eiarcb to 1Lakeside cemetêr!y, whereDetTa sÂlo ndr n detoratlon of! Woodwecs grave s tale DahTksAb ,noo place. Friday morng,0f lait veek deatb eetered the home of ne.mdidMn. August Ilire is " tip for ownere n1 shade and ndesno h .LDvsfriurh frrlt Irme. Tree experts say Ihat SU Anesoou bi ttheaE. reenvedfar othe indcations point 10 a returu Ibis year Ws fami circleanderedn Albeet, alea Of the cotlon motb and liaI ares a ile f utthr@duAertaulteria. Bambere of trees bave vos yet recovered AhB fber thboniaysL eFrom ra.o , ufflcietly froin a previous vilnt of lb.eMAlbert8, 1891. mcda oso PeSt to be able to stand another stege of dMtrh 1wa189etanyeas tetvmor bith , b.y -mot. Ti iii t ua'mdand elgiit day. oftage. spra a penbiThe family have mads their home near Are YOU goiug 10 rais., potatoes this Libertyville for the past slbt yeurs and year? If you are youd belter iay la a during that tinre Abert b" aded many gond eepply of Pari. green te f.ed the friende wbo feel deepiy the sorro* baga on or you are fiable cot su barveet 1brougbt ta the bereavedfamily. a ver.v gond erop stbis fal. It ie cotic.1 The fanerai vas beld Frldmy, iîît 'er- mble that patches vbere potatoes bave1 meut heiug le Lakeoide ceDeterI' here. 1made tiroir aoearacce ahove tbe Ânnouncoment. liavieg bien requestedi repeatedly by a cumbar of my patiente lu Libertyville la rome over tiere sud open cp a braucii office I have decided Wo do so mud viii be lu Lertyville every' Mncday sud Tiiursdmy eigit ftraini 6 to 9 p. mn. begicelur Monday, May 201h. Wiii be iocmled aI WiiI Relliy's' place opposite thie ev Bt. Paul depotone Milwaukee Ave. Phonie Lhbertyvilis 120L or Wukegae 181 and 332. Special attention la pmid tu aIl nervoas audchroueaimie. AIICII. WzBca,, Oteopaîhie Phyoician, 21IMadlannBt, Waukegau, 111. 36-1 Boumno le a beverage viti the suc. cie, of tbe tropiceinluit. It i.ecmade wholiy froi fu ripened hanaca- différent 1mw mcd lbtter lime lie arbiflciaiiy rlpened nues you keow. Thoms bananas ofi difèret varieties are harvested acd dried leutii, tropice. ien granuiated, roasted mnd bieeded undîr special proremses. Now le lie tune tu bave your repair- Dg doue. At the saine lime lot us 011 your harees. for you. .1.00 per set fèr double barDess. We guaractea our work. 0. 1. LucE & Co. 24-tf 1tiat ie 1. en y the very besitanc lu Our i WE WJI4L RX42Ifl i necessary ta b. doue and v*hst Il Perfect Running Order ,M cati leave Il orenotes you please. i kinide of repair Wok, ve do oely ry tait votk mcdr3ou ceai bave no Icy inWl theb.fiDest ticle lin A. US iaibe tyvlen J!bOWELEM r-SERVIC E-«»MN "Liae Do!eat the 6'iate Qulle & arge,,,.tanre vitn tie exhibition ut t.., far groude -Dsoratioc Dy vbentbe- Fats"eromsi tbts vltte"os"Lani d came viti tirs scores of vinong thle gaine, bot*"se lire end six budmed spectators belmg prest. The gamei wus ot neary tb, burlesque mne; of thse spectators ihdm ntilipaied. Wltb a 1ev exceptin@ it averagsd 'up pretty seil vitb usual mua tecr ban gam. Tb@ Leans id n havielthe valk aay tbey bad expeeted. Wltii a&Ut*i better support lu the. out field dcrlaq the eariy foulage lhe 'lit' wonld bave ciade a troug bld for th3e ame. Ji. Birovwn% piîcblug, and stii more bis batticg vere oe of tii.femiureé, of the Rame. F'or the LaesBoy Wrigbt'@ sea. tiocal lieldlcg vas a lite s»ver. l gobbled Dp long drives, aeualiy good for tvo or tiiree base, le lefI cecter and osrier i.ngit fild fouItlin., Dr. Taylor the. regular rlgbt flelder hein& bcsy enterlaing tise lady spectalore. Sotu Coriett mnd LUlIcaughlcreditable Rames, and the. fleidig 0f Fre4erlcko, Morris end Ray (D lei dou't coiut le a gaine like tii>servi-s bonorable mentin. Evec BecnMiler brokuitsito the lime ligit by making a ratier farcefel pet out. 1Tii. club la placnieg antiier Rame Rame for the cear fuiture ietweec Ivo teains of medium weigils vblch vili put the. gacie of Tcesdmy vmy tle b id. It viii 13e aoaetbiug vorti eseing. Tii. resuit of Taeeday's gmmes by lange follows: FAT RHpo AE Bisiop.2b end e ..if.... 0 0 0 O 1 P.Uomrls,2b ...............O 0 0 1 0 KlmbaH. N................O 0 OO0 .....................02 2 2 leub...............0 0 70 0 Geo. tVlb, c ....... -. 0 0(1 EL Morris, p.................i1 2 2 1 0 Brown,p and et..8...... 2 2 8 2 Mck, ..................... 12 01 2 Bon Miller,Sb .............. 00 1O0O ladd, ri................... O io0o liU, e. ...................... 00 9 20 Total1................7 8 27107 LamaiB H PO A "tY Wright. CL ............i1 8 6 O O 'rederick, ................. 10 B ai J.O. tirldisy,lb .........I 2 8 00 Davs s and3Sb........ 0 1i 2 0 Dnlienmair, p .............O0 i 0 2 0 Corlett, C....................i1 O 9 O 1 Dr. Tajror, ri .............. 2 0 O 0 6 Beuvick, If............ ...3. a i11O0O P. Wright................ 2 i1 10 1 Ross Trlgs,sm...........1 1O i2 rotai ......... ....12 1027 8 5 Fats.... 0 1 1 220100- 7 Liane....0 0 B 5 3 0 0 1 0-12 Bases nballe-Bsbop, LUI i.(mdlsy, Vrederlck, Doileemaier, Bes'wick, Dr. Taylor, 2 Tvo base iiité-Ray, Brovn, 2; Davis, Beewick. Titree base bits--Trggs. Rome rue-Roy Wright, Frank Wright. Rit by pitcber-David, Besvick. LAKECO0UÛ NT Y. NATIONAL BANK I DONT forge that ,we get. Frub 1 ANI) VEGET KA LES Every MSiàkg_ CORLEI & FREDERICKS PHONE 80 LIUIEWrVVILLU, IL. Up to date -in. Styles aa4d thlng, flfty jobs, tô sec sold at the'righit prlces, à' man-wbo, owns one, the $t4 làsastaver., corne In and metIu SiNCI *WE WANT YOU TO KPNO * We havé a SPECIAL SAL!E, Til!. POuSISWandCmEIe RIGHiT Nolw US A GoDTirm!T io a .Our' Stock is É Our - Prim - art Our 9w ltqis ,q Oui' Serviïce las~ Bot we dwt limw of o 900M e memegu t nown bytWi.Old bDM - i. value of a Bani'a service to depoion mai bomiwer depern*j upon the. soope, chuctug ad efficiency46f l, setylce reudogei Iachoelg tJsas YOUR Batikyou have a*mui ance.of a srvice capable of meeting your m" ezactigreqwiremnts, together with courtem -c>nsdratiou,4 ample Capital, large SuvpI Fun&, pefect 'ogamzation and efficient as able management. Tii...ame ail facts lu msklu " iBatik mi logical a"n for yoo *0 affilinte wihh. 1lOc PKG.

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