m n ; * If 101 1JU a th bwIn"Jabp- t. rma àfI*f af dvortling that wue very pasv< im Wtnst hie Witt te paru» enan dv.rtisem.lt 4 Mo, W»hoe" f 11advertliilb *Rd fet tiei0 iiý'thlpbl si-eww t wg é pépomea Ir"ud An adetlo& "ow *10'a mb aticle, es if i was 59flsenotlof li r tri* t or, imeleey thsreddsr would be lsd out teuhe ii itO .ReU«othe 4er-t» hililol à do»o1su, 9" iioitna& vre the.leaders luIn moern udverttline qwïSUth. dioeeom thhk1th* pabtI. dosa ot have 1* b. oe, , tuiéd frdefraufflisit luer tel, jet sdv*Kltfsng rad- they bumon slIhoiv thit-th. publie was gage4y tuçning te th. advrlopte got Ias oa asimê that lbin san Who di net anawer thosee uestIons vwssllght. a4teMen. Who d419 *uswea thean got th* busIness. -h pphtie" Rot tam ta advertiglng lor Wit, humor or monkey capers. 4wy as"e a marchant ta tell thom, &bout scoin f hie met attractive of- e, th deribo thoea50cleurly thât they can know Juat about what they1 1< ho IdiSthhy Wiitcet. 'o no mors mesi te work off a fratai on your roiers to, get them ta tet knd of advertising, thon the editar needs ta play fool trickt gn0 te get theai, te raid rniy other good liv noiSe&.' 'he dapartuient More mon bas. bulit Up their great business by reoq- t ttkMth U.publie iants the news of their stortes, sud tagoverned Inlits "mp the pm@MeWitaof e thot re*sInuluthe. advertlslng. They femnd t tore 1h51 d0"a .t siv*utlta as mcii o uofthte coane as tiei uper that'houhld pint atlels'eaote eii ncyciopedim on It&a OrsI page. lAit. FOR TRU#T LAW 11R11ER&US 4toftyi- 1eQe."tWliceramls uanpem ont that the. goverRmant lie$ ai1sm eriineil Mtio. ageimttrust maguateswiii ha grseted vithi t eq0owfroethe 5hbt.rata.- Wusi.ýI. ,d th hse mion I0 tbs tbey have "vae1r4Maped the Idea iliat . bv*pscghat te oli proportion te orna soi viqe te humunlty, sud ne b* iaw pu Ra pptouidfer predualn eolny May bu very li a atp ete .s Ust rrine" May oaly ue5 ie léVaut ortunea IF PW10 ho # te the P0WlIe.Ida, b ee b>bsopertepsy mmac t >s t. ot* t« vw a propefty as the, UCIO ooIIléo rlrosiroumain tu V4 ep M sjorlty of mae fortunes la 1hâ1 thoy am. toretypaf of mon*a iernaêtlmpby euUIlug lii. '»I, w eoM ê«v« wh de Ra- r*rM naytitlug evai M 91ttrPi meaIsted. thaollr opMfl etof husinas so - et!l5Uifl tanspofèlWOPt.Or p Ple o",&tiSifêtai ,,iêeý oW4ýg e4*0s le str uateo0f hléo~mdnt ldoollsn - - enomoutle M- h ave houe 1001.boom hsuW W 101kewuhato~ ena-be King "u~ o il"" ud t W r.suim istreP9ble S mayvlwat, tanu p egulotthais déalistie love Of *theI'I@1 of, auV mm e euga MWlu ny houussote ob#tutu «fflpsq pv$Iogs % m e gemuisije W lb bfete¶v,,te b. eu: u4 a sigsttioen ou ot0f thé enait ieof hie busnasa,à *0 mortsef a f e t liSeal ýdallsi. eeser t aer, o«t Peuple vi à tý People vWho deuj tha rlht la the sainequartors as otiier thievss.1 iIT PAIN? Su0Pu5t550é tu CiioeiO fou as liof0< hrdwarsl udfini wbeu lc«an l a fesuaSo 10 wttaworth d let UOl y«uResnd tu Cbletog-for orO euag leSuheadwaramd buy thoant ~y» tt en~Ud aar sim e rtiesi spoluvelue lu lumber or s@sh *4 lied om rseelptof the Sosie 1ât h* ienuiIorder houes "forot' 41hu0555t1? -Di you sent wgy for the balance or did you le >001 hoer si1 e t gel uba m nl? Ypêb Vsoliilt a oubuerptlio1eharty f rein somto nd, pienion ame ,*é6oImtesovayo6r froan a meo ripu SanesIn chieuoNew >'10 W owr triiedIl you know h wont worlc. Sut yote. dont beitals, -t.thie aiet esiat n, the groor, «W 4luadwr. puler o9r 1h.e In- et a ho on W,"votavosonitMlutt non a'oiqiog aulms tapMl rA" tomtUiy thhsy '"ue srteO w f*- «" d*e tà e yeupMay fairt Ith you oa ss< ltheoul luoleoamt unte hlîw as a Ouveuluo." uim" d ata ~ nemy suai ybur roal traie *1~~ I D-pb .ec ora d*tiss lnht u Realout îûjby the éjaidn of Bouts etCaile. Ijaperlal bouse. ýThe. 0f! b a e cse.ohnuio.ucaa. U or Russi% eÊ,wathle*t noble fiimtMîs nastflr ii in !stec«Sn an Itle extelsvely landed. Orlott vaut by oneor nle zlstein theo am Ur. the Dame of John nootboviteSoti 1g0tO SsUlrtleltufmty in Chc&tior b th fiet to Dmes The bouse -in wblch the late Ellen lu Chcagoor b th Omt v qanmed LIkine died wuo 110 ears old. ouly, snd whitele hla0 eli aeaa t a _________ w1tt Bbalgarlau and Servian'priesta lin Cblcaii% or by the. But two namnes J ]FOX Iae .Eveuta. meeting Prince Engalitscheff. li ro ateCautyclbpln 'ba hîmacif n Russtan nol.eb. Lk onr lbpasbn Prother Francis kanew,,bh» etjust season and a ecledule of croula bas about the tume hWm remittances tramn been latuod covoring the entiré num- RualsI ceased and vheu ho vas ln mer. The. foliowing -Chilcago-monare the. depths of dbspaudency. Able ta officers af the club: Henry Minle, sposeauay language, apparoutly, ex- cout, gagi, wblch lheospeedily ne- commodore: F. W. Corniuh. vice com- qalred. lhe vas lwaYs lntousolY in-in odore; Alfred Bcbmechol, ."-cretary terostod lni utp..diffl-sud seemO andi treasurer and rear commodore. ta ' hava eulsted while deojiondeut. Teilolgpormc iet a Thu'io e .odimppeïrod, 'and BrotherTh olwnprga ofenthn U lisie.a uha. 411 ual ofar» a ien. been srqauged: - 1ý lstment and desartlon until bse rend lune 17-InformaI opening of the. of it eterday lu the $UN,' bâd jouI clubouée. ?,totorbont races. Classes algbî et bunfor niduthe, ahIlI Iaday wheonlhe vent te Fort 8bieridan, sud A snd B. picked up the thmire agaln. tr Jone 24-41lagle race. Clans A club taTellof Ca r.e cup, Blugle race, Clas B. Island eupI. lu a iiaugbty, taetltUfui.coUJDofl july .i-Format opening of lu b. soldier, lsd ta court martial Baturdaî bouges. Snlie race. Casi A, Pauaov at Fort Bh*erdan for dosertion mlttary mou e. n Iss a arso tuai c unIcp; Bine race, Casos B, Hunter ou> ICo49r OrlIff. repreoentatlve ofoneetI f JUIF . m.Venotiau niht. -, the. wealthlest familles lathe Ru » July 4. 10:30 a. m.-.llag boat pé- »Uoitlty. Ris tdoutity hobu ur- rade; mter bhastrace, amesud roauded viii mYstsry. but bis fMende B. J. I. Hoerber cap. bave lesrued sometllng sof hi* creer 1ju7 S-rrstrace, sertes 1L clame 0, sud suceatry. -2Wbile a esaltagne o Couac" sho l st a e _j udMilwaukee. Mator compmu.y cap; Odut ileral %msshicb iacubted lato Bo. racesorte.zJ, lamaB,red e. Baise OiAllsp M autllmste1y caussi a pgem-cup. ow1tS lgbttrai LsB.July,16-4Sod race.,seriee1, clams Ortofl ls2731 mrs aIlhTe iAt' traceor ishlmlu th. United w. ýginA, Milwankee Mtor campany cap; tou»d ai ft our bas'pe batis& Bsecond rics, orles i.c0"a e, FredA. was knowuasm a "ramttmue nmue, Buse cap. ind altbeuo o iebad a 1110e twv>W1) Jaly 22.-Flçld daey; ball ame, ton- salle or uneal.u .vsptoOleu la a5 dom . tb« 1&!AU5U5, ÊM 'pebnsUatcb, tub sud. rowMaqlieutraces. Md noble boaîioi -w« hlm isyaoIaconteste. potati> race and. ftil4 o ieO'wr"ood bis taetturu. atier sports; third race, series 1 clam I addiB»t 15it- heuW«-'as , , auke. Mfotor campant' cap; wui wNhWha mobroi i blot 'ries. 35s ' "» IdsMqtûof third .ro&ge, sore 1 oie" B, re A. oeemoansd ater a tnIp te Chiçape be Baisecap. esielin,, tise amr, 'et fort, tu July Uo-ytràtîrace 0frserts ca Etoutce l O mia Ois AsdBfrcuua esCp *eordng te Major W. T. Coller -Aad o tmot»oep tbat poet,- ail!elshta tehe qS>~ou1July 20--Speclal ba4dleap race, *ma Ormited a*farloab. Be Ho ver clama A. sud B. for commodote's clp. Moarnait Md. tva foutus &M b-lie w»Ang. 12-Third race ofaies, ala "retsctaitsA sd B, for commodres'cp. «aryE .uld 15Darouae U* 19--FIrstraceiaeriem 2, clan A, aile. 9Simeebelup; fret race, sertes P. ciase &BGlader cap. f 1- ta YOU kuow tbàt itSe&sy ta bu a: Bet.2-Third race, sertes.2, ls a soit cej. <it it's god ca"), wvîtthe ra A. SObineciiel cap; thitd race, erles 2, acoopaute of soot as * . in i clace B. Glador cap. ffiete ir a very littho air çn toip.,l @Pt. 4-Field day; program 0of ver- D'sr eSk the atiovp pipe damie o: 1><>.a vents; siugle. race, no bandicrap, closly. Use pyroag &Wsobe Ba. Tou 4 case she lime. aven 1the course dme go i(rom the Haine Lauber con,.. pr elnluoa trpphy. pauy. it bde oaely, but tIghtUy, and faesseeougitair spae la thireu an (CLA88INED advsrgtlmair gites Omo ou toan d suDuks. 1641- t a otft>ELOy 113 DLEI' mua - ant et ^ ouai ,fable lior a h le lieue le ha"e poutrrepaît. as dose. 44bensnielIme let ni ail ,yourr assa for you. $1.90 per set for]10P4vlotbl Tour mny t desb lg double bamms.W@.gar o eér, EYOa ut' nos.yLiaonvsi eork. C I actCo. .4t LmeaCoD. 'eS ]y .op uqi e 5Wsa put able suppç«orthi m fe set b lca a £pr- iler or ï6s caurtroom ansd clug taths cbttd,oa, wion ithe ielleved vould bo talek- rola ber., Thon Heurt Neil, represeutativeofo tie XatIonal Probation Lenjue, Inter- ested bhimmeif ln bar cas. blr. Nseil platned the situation to Judge Plckuey aud It vas ngreed to sveep away' the legal aliîtaeles and give tire. Bynnles the, houefit of theo new law. $tete of Ilinois. Coanty of IjAke, se: Iuli e Coanty court of Lake Coant!, June Terni,A. D. 1911. Ili the, attsr Of tii.a ili ato of IPbooomqt. e kat Outrancier Cae. a mnor, for leave te selt rosI astate. By virtué ao decreta order maie and entemof arecord la the abave ou- tillidcause -lunsalACourt on tue Ber- ont# day of Jib«A 1). 1911,!1 vîlI ou Tuesdy the Etevoartb day 0f Put. A. D. Ui$ t the ii.hotir et oue oclac là tbe aterânofetsa%11day. et thé Bust Dmocetp the court HaMo.tn tue City et Wakeaau, in the eocaty ct Laks and. State.of Ilîinao, pue19r for sale at puib. lic vendns te tuaheibgiet aud bho bie'fer casu.MIlor he 1atht, titis adte lt o*bvlg isoori. ad rosi estate, mftaatelat e Caustt 01 ,4k sMid-Iateor tMois, t>wtt: No us' Vwfoulotl4). t. the s i * uls.(14). for the. support spd etacallomo!tali urteS'. Md er tueprpoa gin#tag 4chor lb. Ifeobsu" a niase as ui t dbe 1Ul tqauredlmut suokMPPe and la tr I dati, er Gandb4arli i tausc Otider coe, iaePn"e Ph, 1leu. Pictures of Great Hmseso. Tmz Warmaau osgis. the oldeat' aad mm osnpto.date trottin« horms.and tcif=pr lu ths vprld. publlsb.d w..klv as 1edignawou & lad., bus aI peut pxpoenqe S mord lneo.o.ltfspicturse, soit- abe Worfrasmng, 'of lhe four varI' chbampios i.Brstr 0;Clo'- rada0 (8) 2 LJas, (4) 2ffl. »di J30ie ro8 s ()2:9%;.and amsMRn& ing 10 att0 snbscrats. ac h ie regulai abu lptlou a0102 per ypa n adA. Vence, a fui set of tu ais ianisa talonNa pictanme re. Wp wtt! ha gi ta forwai nMy sawsrlption aIder Mi aitbl i es. 29-tf il tue rlgb tatpant, s nwt lacUied Pot se eur Ibo aeryma teut 'W. will take yurMeasure anidg a- tee a fit Plenty of goods to selet'from. ~tIr~Pmfoir the 4th of 'Jùly. ~RST Rea«arersFor I Enfds, Of èUILDN9G MATMRAIS LUBR.S5h OOSMMUDIG f=- 8 UNt, ChSL muri, SMÇR mm MI. UILDIG PAPR STON.0MMT , tSM.' tAYÇSTiRW - POUL1RY SLJPPIJ!S We, Soflcta Shore of Vour Pât- romep.e soett. Slesor to sèUat o IOU. Give us ae tven ed be, coovtced. 110B UM13E3R CO* ing Mowor es. SI.Dlu aNm vho Impota s#MM,- 4 "Mr5 peeptliah"ue m 0«"shapap- ~4uuthe ship oserl e, lu tho buole. SCe umnvrtuuy te eik sur tteesMd 0 a<om the tempe o if m a" l te pmepyluqhseotm r> ~ -bSfi MW.i -w 'w -ffo-mm ohwusan i f ft wur » Ume55 ht trW à teoiote Osf Ntruoopfrmadthu e fi wq *eh*Ista«eto4 %ba th à. " Nose m #s4q LW.P