LýAKE COTJNTY INEDEPENI>ENT, WRTDAY, JIJNE 23, 1911. for thre home team and hi, support wea guI edge. Thie was the fluet oame played on tire new diamond and was seelI attended. King repeated Drleri leat iry knocking out a humer lu tire seventir. Neit Sunday un tire home grounde; there ailire a double header, Wauconîia and Winneîka and trum tir form ehua n su far tris yr'ar sec should eap urieni Lotir Quite a littie enciteunent wama caused duriug la@t Fridays turm airen tire ightuning ioilawr-d tire eleetrin aire, into S. L. Truppe bhouse seiere t trurned unI a russtat and wrecked tire îumpncg motor. Mrs. 'frîpp and Hael s,,re l ROCKEELLERtire iruge at tire'trie and qi tury pr ROCKEIUI.R ý tire alurm and ru a lers secondei hall 1fr. Ayres of Chicago, iras ber-n s rit tire population oi tire sillage seas headed lng witir ber ster, Mrl.A L. Fry. that way aine r-onde trif-urrre roulséd Mns. E_ A. Tripp of Kane,. iras liren froliriaun 1.eu noçra a> lire Saures sisiiug attire hume of S. L. Tripp sewre iuickly extruguilie and ltilde or Ürg.E.O Wei- etertiri berpar nu" danmage dune to tire buiding [)nt tire "dssrs.E 0.Wells nte tuledr Sundayetteeletricat apparatus wsaruiner1 It r, aid ustr iom saniue ser>iuday eetimatv-d tiat thie rairrage seleee Mrs. A. L.Fry seent iri t'iiag(r i.,t ~i vil-k tu attend tire weedirig or her sieter. FE O T A. L. Beeglrru iras r ondluhie. ri vacation and retUrned lu i duties *1 i.V rnetrandlirsse ri CIiclago. waukegan oser Sunday. IMr. Hardin ourasetant inz dispenser Mir. and NIrsu Silrî Steiunmiler rr @petit Saturday andi tunday ai his home Chîcagor. cpu-ut Satirday ,and Suda> in seiwh itir tie ltters parente 5r andri sic- Anorht Jhalf h ei ov Freýderiü1k. o r Thanirer irs it lire l* 'Mesrs. Jair Rautrîrand l'tîrlrp lireirur on tire Osuborne fbrlin. ofLn p uiabie Un (s eorge rThatcherr bau ad for rlier Mr.r and 'rreotarnireinleru and e n. o guest jor tire lasI a tek lrir aunit. M re <b' rago. it,errt :t-n 'av ritlr the a'lrs Hoffet of leePlarues arentsu ROlloy ni @e<eat pre-ent einptr.'ied rt Mlr'- po-,Iler let-rît .rii t Murries grocery aud marktlanriuhie Lireriyvir trade keel's îhemn itiruitlrrgý Blanche Bucdcktreier;atUrday WEST FREMONT and Editir Hofiman, Tuesday irom tireir Fran, texer. rsirr ias ber nrutire viit witi tire latter s parent- ai Faruier hospîtai at Svaul.egauî ior an or[ertiou City, Ill. forappendu ire.ise home ant ilaietu ir Saturday nigit tire illage waîer tant lar ourd. ait Lake Bluff tuurc Certalnia terrible 1Me. and Nle.Jo.'Attrîer entertinued Uhmg b irappen 1. a -dry- îown and rlalises irrîn Palatine tiser Suuday. on Saturday nigirt ton.W1uI ia ohman had theiînrelrrtune 10 Clarence. Kigge siPut Part oflia8ti fal irom a cherry treeansd break iis week wth his brother eaI lu Park. colar bunsrecentlyv. "is wo nephews, Ray aid Boy Knigge Mn.. Dobner aud daugnter Limzer and retumred witir hlm and @iret Sunday Miss Auna Rummel s9pent une day last hemre week witr relative@ at Round Lake. The circus at Waukegan drew quite a Quit, a number irom hereattended tire crowd lrom thii vicintyaid a. they a"l hall garne at Round Lake :Suday. ce»hack t Iteisale lu venture tiraI John anud Tirereeia l.leizsepent-Snnday aona o!hum ot 00 gy ahir aIt treir home ire.e "aunymlI5~- - Idi... tunioe MILs',r aent ltunday w ith 1 'Wednesday tirs boys teain deleated theirer parente irere. grk in a hot gamneby a scre ut il t.o ____ 12. Th scor wa t~ie rom lie sixiti to the nintir when thre boys pnt over tire[i Z Z iIii winnlng score. JUsU Dti ilneaook in tire cîrcue a Uri,. Weuzlo Deito spent Sunday ai Wauken IMonday aud two enter- Waukegan. priaing youngaters lured imm mb Sa len t Edwin Cok spent Saturday andi and collected a couple dollar. admission Suuday ln Ciicagu. from tire curious populaceMeore it wa. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Amann andl dlseovered liraI Jud sea. nultire daugirter, Dlla of Round Lake. sîsîted peruviari giant advetîsed on tire aI Mr. and Mrm Barne.v Amnannus. posters - Mrs. Barne>-Amanunand sons Bamues Lait 'resieeday Ray Welie and Lita and Herman vssted relatives a Grairie quîetly slppsd ouItlui Roekiord Fre-ont Tusday. aid wer, marled tiy tire Rer'. Snyder ofl br . tiraI place. Saturdav nîgirt tire usuai ieesesalsn party gusea alet e merenade of discorde seas renderu-d and Myr yAdeeAanadJi tihe yonng souple maY now. cunsujer eyr.Ai reportsd a good turne. liemmelvee pruîreriy launched in lire sea Orandma Knîgge e e pending a feu of matrimony. ilayat H. C. Meyer'a. Duc Walson weet suimmna uc n Lake EaraTue.daï and ahîcu ietiloundered lu tire ealer ruse tircee luches BHe slated tirai this s thr- tiret rehearsal oi iis parI lu tire cuming sans lourtir celsiration ahici we uudertand le lu, be ai imperunatian of a sportive porpoise at play. Lat Suuday tire Area Leteau as agaî.n lvictonlous wining a une slded game trom the Lake Villa team by tire score of 18 to 2. [toues pitcirrd a good game Quit@ a fere oîurirere aîîeuded tire enîcene ut Wautegaii Mouday. ie vserîng a lew day@staurhem home biree A ten minute "struggle lu wrltl.ng a want ad-aud you'tl oi-l tirat prop- erty as sure as-taxes! Tiraehali -tay-here-or-go-tire va- catiouhat may ire able- 10 hp the scales of decision by studylng tire aile today. Irvinrg E. Payne. Cashier. THE[ CITIZENS' BANK ROCKE, ELL[R, IL., Our Savings Depariment affords the fermer, laboner. child and woman a curvenieni, saesand profitable means of layitn6 away thair surplus dollars. $1.00 upens an accouni. ineresi allowed ai 3 peu cent par annum, compounded seri-annually. PARTNERS AND DIRECTORS: R. F. Route. J. L. Taylor. S. L. Tripp. Bon H. Miller. Irving E. Payne. J. 3. Gridley. segli Door te the Pott-office R. F. Rouse, Vice President. Open Saturday Evenitng is Tu atire's beat and quick- Imu 1 1rrue uii-lrt u >1ýi)iir ie ece liih' ilkie rt lu-riwe Ml~r-eI ruîr Seill, li tunra Frani, atkt lrnes lhier onrtireu% las at a rce('iirt rsretnrstas Irias îrriTiiurmadar er eîrng 'nIer viiiklwr tire Sturday. grîr-utserîtere tire lirru-rairid cirent tire Mes.PSTfIuiitii i r lýirag(" ir ti -ei3nur inru uusîr atiirtardu. Mes DiitIg r sv tirlier Irn irIs.M r and 'rire lFrank 4 r n aprlirig li r-c Irm riteý. i;l-irriratr reret arnj lieue El'.udr tire fiel geutltiui ', , 1 .. ipri,. -oire reiil- r nl l'unr tine thr ti lhre r riredaii, Inlîi,,ti I l lhrr'aliremon,'ýiîi t ,r.far-,urr lir a it l'akii i n a.,.rîi iir tri te lstir- irs-r r-e r t e tn mIi, bis ril t rrrir ir es Ilatt,' ri4-- fondiant iiraaý.an iirrr atair.trof tirpetr Nearr dmirtu ire ruit ruv huran Sd h o.îrs',-îîi fi r'.. ril d a rce inrrioirri îl rtit- ,rj ' ruulIrir d tir r tie ,i rrriruiirirof if -,,iie 1l". ,aurrrrnrlgo rili,- irrît Who is Raffles? tier. Sus retex s mitier andi ritirrnrrr- us r 1 l I unir ij rir s ir Ie' n-lau rofri runare siirig a iiiae se hlm at present srlîing, Oiur.iii riici i 1 ~r r r Mfr.Jacob CiriesbianSuture aas lhumr ireia or iridari trrrt. as tle A numtuer ofon yong peotple attend. tOeineie,1t ons u-u ras'tfr hedt ed tire dance ai Plnm Brocs given lyGo'rnunt re, ttei 'rsla u urkegan bs 'rt, i-e lReaganr tire Palatine M ililary bandlasit Sunday Goernny, onrieAug. 12. l'rumïie ar u rei tTanr iflu!nieîrnar Mir. and Mrm Walter Plauge wilrtI Iis cauntry wiîh iis iather.hiegr nltlie nftteenih (lavair.t-, rsol __________________________________________frir-nd ut Seriatot Bialler sand etioj i tf a wealîhy tamllyC o s u ed in tirîrdsterinlnalirrn ,trita ir ecbarge tihat it e fe tth I ýtîr r" rd rned lire lieutenant. Before July LOUIS J. YEOMAN betCarges tiat LieutenantR drinks ivhiriky suri thar il rîakes a drin ofut naretnillerl., nutrîre,' ' delacian officer. "ilisltinut a seins- Illnoenvetr tc oRc T H E O P T IC IA N skjd ike ndinks l f ir lAeagaThe griIig 'rrîiigive te )1)il saedi1luit iii ra ed tuer hase Me-ir'S ,truckj îIjvi tlîatWe-re,- 2.rr h l(r,\\- ldtgeilier butîra tes urontireout ______________________ rie tîrîre strie' lie Re ira', cli ree Ladj- Strirkinlg, tirat we-re2rtr. Lieutecnanrt Reagan .r mire outhrie nr-I mure un tire eairouse ofi Inleoan parente and r-urlcriérmurandirri rrlere Iretîriar imen at tire ptîr Se are ailIl dIîreniî-.Str rck i ig tlîat wl-rre l'il rw tieliers oui lamiarr-nue as asriru i isn tire ycar i s 4,him muuiirrurhki,ing raî sru 1 ilia h- iehrrrid M'ree- trk i-trî ree r'tr eon)Iuirte-d d cd itru liuu r i IlI ns3 a t lii-age fni tv soce h th>ýil ýi(k ig, t a m , i Tire Lailies Aid Srrcity of St Peu-ce 45 yarm Irît un ýhlm as a lbrte anrd a si i July 4t in lOIak Pari, Ever.ylrody mnrci Chicagor a mur,. r, iras niarrierio i. Mr Iriai ronN. ire, o ieuteanRe-or C icr> charge urus Uvt t--t 15 l(J eordallylursted susîime ttrenirri e oui ilerr-iilrs r : iii aIe in ler sai.' Otiýrt tiii tiat l>ariuiatia (' ree t i a u rt -e l 1 i llr ire Lake Zurich Sîhietre(.'l viil 11>1 TIreganleirlligvifnIbithînlantiîes T~~~~~~~~~~ chirdren, Ja.rl Lritrlenor.s McJmstl rr eaa ulýpg hrttuiesrPtnMd-iCrnet ti1-w-e gise tirir secînd grand (.lance nu Juiy Tye. AI<u.rr r nr 'd i.r,.. aI Parsons, Rau lier ftiier ls a higir,,.. . i- . 41b lu tiuc OaktPark pavrillon.r I>uueiug iiem u!tsrooun aud eeng. lu t4e v-,t]t-u';lNrcand'Mrs. Ante a' tii Ilueir cIntsoen J acob moyen 10 Proposais 'Wanted. lieerfleld, htrrîsiere Mm Anti-e pened SeaWedproposaIs are lîrvit-difor tirs ltl rce trwhc uiei boing and iutiug of a drilled wril in.delpduti .Isî<i'fnSr tire village of Lake Zurich, Lake County, Antes seas trostraler uni Deerfleld for Illinoîs lu accordane sitir ordinanue, nr-arly elgirteen >ars and taownshrip plan» and epeeriihatione therefon. ounfle collecteur fur cn yern. He seas one oflire in tire aipor'of thre Village Gir-rfth ie fudr n lritesrneo i.Pu Board ai Truste-,o! tirvillage of Lake fud.oadfr resrr fS.Pu Zurih. Bentuan ErariziecltCiurclir uf Ieerield, Bide swlire reci-iven bY tire Huarduofsehîcircircnb'a. till: un tire year 187a Local Impruvemente uf thre village 01 Alera lumofrwekteeut Lake Zurich ntif 4 P m. tire sixtir day ra lu-sniurrrktreeut of Jnly A. D. 1911 aItie Village Hall ut a tiamalytin Ietek, Mr. Antes died on lu said village and atate. 1J une 1r lt11, Iet 7 A. M.aItirhe good A cortifled chreck of ilty dollarsl, made rIod axe fýeiYyastnmnh n payable 10 tire presîdent of tire Buard aofs-et>vasIu mîtn n Local Improvementa, muet aeccnmpany tire days. sucir proposaI.10Anîong trtri, mnmers arceiris dr-s oed Tire Buard o! Local lmprovementé (A iiaie four îiîlrnntwo grande-ildrcn tire village of Lake Zurich reoervem tire oegâr x ayHueino rigirb to reWet any and ail bide n â.r fc Mr aslua i IRlà&L Fu ,Aa, hsecrtary of lthe Board 1 Chicago, and nrany otirer relatives and of Local Improveurentâ friandsl Dated, Lake Zurich, Ill., 2th day 01 Tih uraIlîutoo lace Joune 17, 11911 ut Juns A. D. 1911. 2 P. M. trutu St, Pauls G. E. ehurcir WTTTî: W iARlV er Buuldoficiating. WEÂK, ~W, lot li Mm. C. Antes a devoied hbutband, lather and brother, a truc Learu the Cause of Dafly1 frir-nd and neiglîinn uad a good cirurcir woes and End Them metmber. Wiren th.be uk aches and throbé. Whu iroueework in torture. % bheu uiaht brings no reet nor sleelp. 9 When urinary diorders set in WNoueu'n lot le a weary one. There le a seay to escape theme w oes. Doa'e Kldney Pill cure oucir 11W Have cured thonasade. . Read tis wonan's teetimony. Mrs. Katis Egere, 728 Wanut St., Elgin, Ill., @ayer. "I had attacks , klduey trouble off and ou for teu yhrr and ailtireo doctorlng 1 did brought burt litile relief. I finally lsarued of Doan- Kldney Pileand tbey belped me su ;reatIy thst 1 gave a seatement for F rblulcatlou, teili ng of1ry eluerlence.1 ave ulnce reeomïuended thle eplerrdi mer! laine to other people erfferlug tro. klduey trouble and prorr)tt >eliefhba 4j 1ways iollowed k. use.' Farealebyalldealere. lce50 renta, Foster-Milburn Co-, Buttai , New York, sole agent for the Unted Sr,.tee. Bemember the ame- lo.t'-aud take nuo oher. 38-2 Catch Raffles! We are bookîng lot@ of ordera fori Petruleum eoke. :ry kt. No dust, no bout, nu imu)ku. DO aube#,,jus et rt Li]IETYVILI.E LumiMBECo. c-8,8-8 F. BAIRSTOW MANU FACTURER OF Marbie and Granite Monumenu s Cemetery Work of Every Description Correspondence bolicited 126 Genesce St Wauegan oHliialinluthe 'rlssourir, Kans-as & Texas Railroad. L dàitional Libertyvifle M. R C hurch Services. 1>000 a. nir. Ciaes M-tîrîg, Itev. .I. B. maiufiln 10:30 a. ni Prr'ar'irrg Ilv asîrr. W. L. Wlrrpple Sulîee*îý.Di.'Rnr ietir Iid' 12 m. Bible SeiîrrrlSui. "',ir, i1;-45 p. ni. Epwurti teagur- iSulrîeît. 'Spiritual Posver- 7:80 P. ili. Prearf-lirna. W. X Whippie. euh. "Tir. Man tirat MWam Ls4 W hlen thre Other Got Away. Dancing EVERY SATURDAYI EVENING Ilertels Park PAVILlON IIALF DAY, Ili bSale 1 st f.1ler 111.buit ie-fore îig unr-eru initiug triai t ar- G,- ' y'. irriw '-ii ('aligýo that was Be pIr-pyl. iiurw 4;c Giugharns that was ire per yd. now- .5 C Brown Venin that was lUi.-pe-r yd. 115w tic Mens hr-a'ry lwilled Shirting that wavi lIte ntîw - c Ail Shoeti Hardware, Paitt. isbe-s, will be sold at eost Corne w.hile- the gotrds aset. WILL A. RAY Diamond Lake Illinois i ",VELO" 246559 44784 IMPORTED PERCHERON STALLION Illinois Stallion Registi -tion Ni. A,96,5 renewed. Vet IE; a black horse weigî 1 1 iiof rînusual quality. He is absolutely scoîî. ;v puct are of the very highest type of drait aiiý1s. lie i a hiorse that lias proven himself. Velo wil make the season as wua~i at the IIANSON STOCK FARM PRAIRIE VIEW, ILL. - MILWAUKEE ROAD i r n un i r - r. r i-rien FEE $12 to rnsure B.L. Tripp. Preal dent. 1 k Partuere' fteuponalbility Approxiimately $100900.00. When You Invest Your Savings Yo. Wini procure thre Saest Èvsr' . lutereet rates througir our Bond and t .1 ~ W. aiS. ehe l,..5 Bonad .al,.o iseotiate Orsî mort- gage bear..for pivte favestoma Al D..t.... witla us h.ld stuct#fr conflsul. fi. Fïrst Natiemal Baik of Libertyville 1 -MAIN SUES FOR DIVORCE ÂDOPT "EW METHOD ant changes lu the methods of worlt' PALA INE______ Ing garrison Prisoners ai mil itary Auguet Haletais home from Neraska. Mm.. Hoyt Io vvltling relatives in Asir LieUtenant Reagan's Wife Armny Prisoners to ho Olven Pot. Theae changes bave been o4t L'auHoms ba joned i3rveyDg on 11.lned ln the tollowing letter, esent 10 Pat nHomeansa. Mm.inedd as urve rengntonfroî.a Charges Drunkeness Chanciie to Make Good the commandera ut the ser eral de- Mie, Edltb Priee ie a gunest of r.vstt rltvsi imet utfrdiocivllga fmst The most modern ajid advanceartmns lieutenanttateone limeehgiinluithetIdeaA uuon porlogivorcelievintroduc The present eyatem of working Floyd Gibbrs at oresent. Harold Vaut has acceîiled a positiOnletnn ioetm ihi h da pnpnlg lb ntrdu i risonere under senlinels conveys à Mr. and Sire. Chao. Haicuet @peut iu Lire Erekine Baut ut Highrlandi Park. reg ofu officiais and society ai ed mb tirte army mnetirod irandling tire tlr mres sl h hrce Stinay ith elaivesin hicao. rs.Fran buder f Iýs, ag he a ugtun, was fled Friday by Je,- garrison prisonersaai Fort Sheridan Mru nd s.rlaie, luntChgo Ms Fan rnde u riea athrie Reagan of Fort Sheridan agaînet and other 1,0,1,. accordlog tu orders of the pirîsners, givur the public tire Mran rie.Msspu te rsetgueeî of1Ers. Edd. Bleirreiri îuring the FrtU-tnn a rM egnJa audb ate ..aaderrontlolisIdealiraI lire army Io ful] week ith rlativs in eh&uberg. week.FirstLieuenantTaylo M. Raganjust ssuutby Nad. charaenatdrfsbadchirlulrsregu foig fr'id Born,îth rtvs u a mbmer, lRmmlWeettnd.ci.ie nuftihe army post, Wood. chief r ut saff. Tiro iew regu haodling slaiijurions lu lihe seit-re- Humlu D. ad frs.Smyer, Car Romelwiroatt-nil eOIr-iC ~ The 1,111 asf<lied Tiîeaday sels tortb latloue ailo t apll>te0iiltary con- apetu h îloes icrrgsrr daugirter. itîne Itui. Congratulation, Indiana, ha, returnied tiii ieillfoirr riat Jess'ie 0, Reagan anîd Ta',lor N Is 'te. htntOily tlu lie eentenced t e fthe raod lueersce riar s er- exteuded. hie vacation. Reagan acre marrieri in Wrashington, conleîîîent anrd bard labor witiroît itu- t andîîîuîîî' the m li addition Loui Keys ir, leI Paalîn and M. and ir R.il.î r ,rp erdSir. t)C.,0o Jane 25,. î>r and liraI ai belng dieciargedtrainthlie arvice. 10tee .lîer-l~-,tire 1,uadte i on accepted a gurerument positiîn luhi n d a lî' celee<litire rime- the detendrînt iras irîgtrlu Tbe ilurîrose irebmnd tire ires regula- llos II te8 .mcn Wbeeiing. W. Va. 'aller, fiunday. oficiai and social tites rît that ct tions la e ruglîr lie jîrîsoner e-very oî- îîade lurnlernr in ueer hear oinr Married. lu Chicago, Tirureldu> aller- ir. Loud and r'iriitîn ofi Ravels and lire coupfle lrrolîaIllu tcnded pîurii trumaIre good, liisread tf Witt ire Paroied for Work. Doon. June 131h, Mr. George fiuatîieî , roodepeuttire wp.ek en-utl .ili C. W. manY oîllltary and socrial itîrnerou. iroiraglog aIl effort toseard goud Ili dîr'ddssaîeîdluie ielxu thlayîor outCicaî-goîPettie and îamily. Tire ]Il sers forth rirat souur atter Irriravio. rirlrlr e neseirede ru 91gar ùt O leseýc o dp I ntî-resi-r ,t liteLieutenalntalloîr Cungratulotions exteudsd. ire Amenaiir Purernussut several tirir aiage LcrcutiReagaîî suis nrer.seri l ie- ailoar-ilan afir diflereiri ietlîrd utfirandling tiîoàe Mm .I.Shirig oi hpoday, durrng tire past W-rk irililier a,,,, a aslgred utîy ai tire trest Mtatdi entof lut lIrerais out reir îerrîie aranlrenr sr r oîl Petr Knosee, H, B. Bart, H. c r i n amily lu Chicago' F'ort Sheridan. and tirat as son asire coufinermenît toi - arr îiriud ut 25 arsnpine worecnnd Scirroeder. (). H [Issueand Miss Elootrr Mrm. Hutciron triArkansas-.,. arlvd I ireams>por i rgnraso rrî rr.lîcas eevigrieru l'Pti eîlirashlret ewesora rirtedtdl,. i .'e excesiv'io"noefu Iiqior Tire lilquror S'i o'rsrtoui ionthiîaird nul more r' le tu n lier r thati estrira ii ai oue, Iedrr-aai.d&ugirter. Sire Frank I','lermrrîî ire oran tb a ~ornr,and iran,-esret'rIirg tr-n irol irs thiey mila 1 il 1 ireretI reiirk u-r er iai a f Misees I saisitlired-rr-ti t aird l i r rîd re seat d crire lies a ere the- rît ai iii l Il le i N tr 'da ys aCuill menrt for 'I la, lf ýfrah i,- , .urs e rîeîeras îfa - yieeof Highrland Park. 55cr,-guestur at , ut ir i re. iii,' iril ionth iand tireru'rîirn1< If)das> erai r> t dllriii I.AJ~7TT Tf'tJ( l ddt er trirda TrewWhickey lat Her. r, friuitut atir trriod rît 211la drav'i 'irr nterrru ionpris- tr. eeretan rîr, ii -2 ctrndluitiirîîr' rîrii r gari-oniri Me nuliti. rs John 1)[iFink i,li ird Srr ilndson rît Tichak, Kansas,, -Mm.tReagan cItes luire-r billi tirta" oi orrî iitîrersbi ic rs litiJ,,-rl uferi iroark îiitiertir,ý viir-larc tire grirsîof )Ir. aird1 'ire'Vet- in AIîR~Ii'lii911. tire detendant cRîre liorizi'i riai\i otieiaoi e usrrrriinrttr rtcro 8elti t-es Prla itne ,iiulay. 'i se Jeriii -'alsir ret urii,'ii tri i eirtl hoere laie une nigt . x ii ber 1,tri ,rir '1îrParrti11% slil hein ilrir r ii si in di rît. i r'unir ri,I 1-10>1011'ri fi' u t i"s'ort Ire. Chius Vu ravr erand chtitir, revil tr Itc, iiirsirrrserr1M--ta ,sdriratir argaiîrthrie t1-di I Garrisorr Prrsouers. inonrrr.'r rn i- irri rîr a of ing ier iar ire n Iautejgari thir- a,-r Irlrsiir tir, trust I)hl, b-i ,,isc it , l irrrirn i t re i i, nd ieîi urr i, u nn irri ili i, ci i ii ur iî hl.i a, t iti('n iu i u lier, lrrrrilîîLongi r ( us, rjcrel ,Iir l ertri lier îigi In >t, 'sut. Mii, e irri îiiriri l s .5 rr2 l A t li of ira. r i f rt -li ois rr li , h 'r , t,, i. v-r at tr lie Silrni rri.n a'lo arirrr 'nl r rhrsiiu are lii 'ir Irs It i (r lnt he atrie rr r r l îim, l Il«"t.rrrn ' diiiiiii tuliiIIi n rsIrîrlrritr1rl 1 .-~', - p jof V nalii. luila br i ii uffl ri' rieenini lir-agaii u'iopruirr u ir - l - llt11oi f, ;,p a l b, I l ! . \ t rire oit IirI l,- rrrrînnr si l, ut rî atrer tu -] r.- iOhttrlitri (Ifa ins iîr i ,f arr îr i l [jI"' rr.riir fi i'ii- f , .irt' i 1, r r lit r ofii r I ll;- 1 t il eliig th utgilli., Pstlu il,. nt a gla s iiiiý-I a ldrl.l- ll, ýI Ii f III, er i' taii Lii- iir utirit tr ii' iirge rraer, rrre.rg ilrrc nir jti u l Iii l ir, ' te~d n Tl- , 111 '0 fo', ir I I) unirunotp istru n i iIlirrri'r- '),'.i.ni- , -., Il.)Il, 1. -1 - l sehere It Mdtra Mr. aire il i i. Wliii. NI o [1, lU3 Mr. iy ftriM, d ay. J. A. oucinrg Mr. a (A Girau Mur- NIr FoirtIH a-et ai Vie i lionnuer p)leauran Thre s L.Su,t 'day mu yeafl i a leaves motirer iul Wau Fu nera Mîlthrur Bu-yen etrneil Friday Mr. fro, Me, 'o - 1 1 ý 1