Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 30 Jun 1911, p. 1

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LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT WAUKEGAN WEELY SUN VOL. XIX NC). -0 SIXTEE N PAGES LIBERTYVILLE, [LAK.E COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY JU-NE 30, 1 ONE TO EIGH $11 -,0 PER VEAR iN ADVANC[E. MD IR(K O TWENTY HURT AS CARS CRASH AT NORTH CHICAGO BIPLOYES SUPPRESS FACTS AnMr Saengerbund Passen- gers Help Reporters Gather Names Ta cru r e- mmmc ,ie-sirnrs wer n m- 'c-rt son-nese -ii nda> niglit sien a ic a rai-i nul tir(,e naraono lie tcarelml lr- atrticiers et tire Germain Snnrrnmrg ar, r i-r rut r( hlii Cr initiceir irn urnnc-ln0u Tir- Yriattu rnu rean ne- T'a-1, irr riethe 1ar r-nt o!f k,mnrtisrv mi(,rfurirt rut si, car-s, Iri-toici nu, nulag inroi \V"uie- Ia - d-i ru hum rue;t e ta ici rr-r-n-r inn-irng mliiti- r-c ~ ~ ~ ja ,u u -nrrT uere hennidý u ' u r-r m r".of l ,rr %,c'aho lr d InCriT, mli ueri --rs and nme ut rro rus îri' n ronc tIc 'arer rcEn i a tru r r uc lnle cd E,er a i a-I i-cri tr;lient Motor-men elockr News Facts, Tttc un etorimen and condunîlons o! thle' r-ckedl cars., iir-tead i;f ardlog ti the ar r rao garluenng of nenss, ce siiihrie p fcias the nrih, blod-. cd tle i rogr, 0s f relrortetsaln eveni% -as) and enen tîrreatened te trnw- tiet trom lice car-s, sboire g a stiri boC nness and t ,-gulded oenst inacy tirat %as maddenlng ho its lant cf jad gmoa-on Thet- niairmed that the reporters t ,üiid ihave te go tri îhe main officne FIt itiglised tonrie tacts ru regard ta the accident. and ctit angny and pro- eatînCIL raiaengers 1ook maltera Ito thirin c anda and themeelves aided tire rý:,rtr8 it n sas a liard matter te get nihe fai ts ln regard ro the xr-ckt. Tire nocra>moftdorng ttlgsla coci Fideved sairt ngbted te an upanaili leted dogee aic nd made îleerrentap- lacar- for a ture as dine ta o ropaoy negligeor e. NeN er lucore liai unis cemîany c lamnri non nh-elird on information ne mhI îtthe prublic isl fin%entitted an: thriressens o rr-the sreli haie set peopnle Io giesslng. 'r'cen a inscee ru retporters sorrld haie .4eînîed on board a car te get the nainces ofthtie Injurcd snd tic starr oi rue 'a ecit arcurateti , thiru insu nua. lroeked bI nn coffirleurs <on- ducror usho werrld non tskeinhoo cen- stder-rici tIre rugir! airs ans accer-ded nesclaIre-r omen, wiic rire mooremmn, 'ao lecancer n the irrent set tic mrate and jurnnted fr-cmlmts car- refrrscd eveni tc gir.' lis name. tnteEd of alduog ho geîtng a firaI iand repor-t of the srect, itue oni> rîghnnone haie, tic read emînicyces n cvrn 'ay llocted and bamîrcred thie reporters, and rcseted thei luesen c e lu al lres lois 'averts on tire saire line officiais and men liane courleons- ]y aided In r-emriling lista et teire-h Jur-ed anrd in trr-ig te get ai tic acci- dent camëe. Relief Parties Haiten. AWord ofthtie wreck ruas sent ne North Chiciago sud Waotegan and ne- Iletçtarties iastened ftirte scene. Un- der tire suptervision et Dr. F. C. Kiglt t ofW'soegan tiey rorted wîlh adores et tilt iranda, wioae homes are nean tire laace, le caring fer tire lnjorsd. Atter s delay ot tireheurs, doring whidînfe trafile on tire road sas practicalty tled op, attlrere brougit te Chicago. Thoae test ssvsraly irtruer-e GUNTERBERG, li.RS. JOHN, 2335 sof-cMlîard avenue; iead snd bodycutliy glass and internatiIn- junies. ELKE, MIISS AGNEL,. 6239 Evans ave- nue; iread, tacs and iranda eut by glass. MEYERS, MRS, Chicago; body i-us- sd and face eot. STÂMM, MRS. CHtARLES, Chicago; cut by glass. STAMM, CHARLES, Chicago; arms InJursd In neacuhng Mrs. Statm. BLAI>EK, CHARLEffI, Chicago;, mmd and arums eut and bruised. PETTEKOW, FRANK, SouhHamln avenue, Cbicago;, os rhnadÇ F Minutes Apart Cu The teo trains tett Mlakea 'ctocit and wer-e rnn gaspei iecause aIl thte isssener wee roi Chiceage and lad belc enav i A a1 liesaengenteal. Tire finalsci- I tion, comtaosed oetwfo cars, tefr. Mil i waukee a moment ahead of te'ce- and, and tire trains wene tn airhi of iverseer eaci euher cutl Waukegamn 'asareaci ed. Tire was a dense feg, At lie Fourteentir streer erosing on tle outirîs et Norhi 'icagc, th, metor-man cf tie reta section stoînîed the train to altos cenver'al pensons tir board tire apeciat Tire train iad ba.t come te a stop sien tire sec mnd Gerenat Overseen section aîrîreaned % Owing ta the fcg ilS, tle aut-ognatre rt w-asImprossibte for tire merornian tian Catiotie chur ot the second teaie tat tire rri o early ils enlîne aiead ivas non morlng nntil hlieas , rre tndhrted b, t tew feet ana> tire laie f0amaTi -'nid. ittry ns irci lrrnedi den]), naizlng rie danger- ie surunoff dan . Tw-o cf lirein thc ow er-,set tire emergenv;malin c nnsîiracy and ont. and juiru el Aany o e i1r h-Csc t tle CI(vlv certis. rien lrmvd and scoese, of irs ba The namcs of (;en tire second section Ipta-r iin i va. lîurd iiendi britn -i 5 mo-meor "i-tic 'ranri i un tir Cars Ar-e Teieecaped. The inularr urartiaiirte rcr the reir nd ntof tire liv-t en n d tire flrsicar , I tire F(-; iI n'rî n F- rcd lIma, alias Frý rans A.'r W-lier. nIf rira .n reia. u cf lWan ndlhicstii-rt Slier ucu;(lori Citi? mur F-rn iuruluiiiutu ll <arn-r mas ur-Bande af item - i('aîi;a' s 'acee 55 Tie re rie of ilic n n lu-t i einr a a rer kTuesia * 1,mand Iensrru iril l,,,n lui Otlr anri, cf urent Gi n îersnaamc -r r su ru lu - !min r <I su c inui for ilenurai (ne-mer iii! are enrnerm irle r-ed rulis - tnrr-mable ni i te- ami Sarr cd b% ini, ,ror i-en olirsirn v 501 , a nt for f2,1 niaflý of n h- ne .,unkrmesrail ne tire rie conîrîrar v y hIt sr-c-t-crand il unr1,,-r ici- uîi mirai the -miicul thîe giI t!ý r- on] i- te tir r uc- io iad es- leader crf tic- mles fiicfit niarun..n nirl efor rie otle!u j iolnatian e et tihe Ct ncel--rrrcr neo ia XVrregan il idu-riid rmi-a i anrd Nornth i-su-canîd - n -r-rra cf niraîrii r reerdenra of hirci'es nuere aidloIn n ihe- crier s;recia t ha- aunit cf ne-rnr retr rîrcri.thatagaun t 1e mc ar i l I marrie AWARDED $22,500 RIder- teterson, for ____'rvole llegait> - It Wm. Grace Muat Pay Verdict! n-iarnes mas a r( for Malicious Prosecution I nie oclteonford A juryin the lilcaze STn terinir lad liea-n r-fuacd ni Court betore Juidge MetNutf renurned tfli electcona. a irdinetf$2200 danrages in fanon; Twenty Waukegani et Mrra Augusta Dallberg againat Wirlt- Not a single nate liin Grade, a rontranter-, of near Bar- afi alteged floaier ap ringloni Il]., for malilius prosecu- fidciet nd tien. The case sas given to the jury e nitrnsmr sirertîx ater Il oedlocit Monday ne rr- It lhsclaimed liat th Ing sire n the cour-i denied! a motien oet hmnrrrour-, f thiey r Gracea ncoîrmsel 10 direct a verdict for tell att the ' ykueruas tire defeodann Tire rerdict ivas re- -voIlealy tunced lit tîre irclocit says tieRe c-- roeleaîn i (rd Renaît 'aouuid apricar t lt tl 'Tie histrrarrof the r-lations lie- . Two for Co tmeeo Grace and Ars Daillieng date r1 lclra riî bac i te iresrinnoh1898, 'a-len ItTc efrtldrm was' named cc-rirpomdeot in a divorce renrcrod agaiosr - suit filcd bu ier hnstand, Allient Aoliva, togetirnw-t tiailberg Tir- aucun later- ias dis-l and Fred'Rosa, alir miased. a liegedIllegat rctcn Tire lresenut ca-e na-, a soif for danrages cf $hr surin li% us. flallber-g, ca agaroaf Generai ancd la hmsed ons lIace a tartIiiatann John Fr-rend, AV lini cn hier trosecutien ln tic C'rimtnal De-puty Slieriff Alliac Courvt Ini1906, shen sire wasa seoten- sîlegeni censprracN tr ced ne lieetieniieninarv for throwiog te aa n i r-kd perier In lia asan thi "As Grace and i is son, l4rvy coniain tic samne na Orace, 'acre learing ils office near- Is lie on-e agarntat Wabashn avencue andi Fani Fourteesmi otiers ro rote iiega streer, Seîrtermuben 14, i19.,Mrs. Datrl- olmn sci berg la sald nhe iar- tetped n) oh itm oioa ii o and tirown a bac et red lietiter lnte 75 or 80 for illegal bis eues asCtitireL mm in thc face remaînder of thue licv sit an umliveiIa twice. Sie was ietd 'aie attempîcci (o o re tire grand jury liy a justice court fusedi on s charge of maybeor anad assacît - Sic was foundt guilry and given an Neanvthatie entni indeferminate sentence Ilic nie teni- the gener-al en eroe tentiary burt cacapeni a prison terri the indictmcunts fer 'aircutire Saînrence Court resersed i yelm-,u tic jncdgsen.ccyifmeiti "Allernevs Sciun> er Lî nn and ai tic ride of tire ce Franis NA.Itihaclnev reîneaented guideni lis taod tiro NIns. Dailberg 1n the presleot soit. campaign. The charge iras rade tbat Grace pald No Peti- riteesses $12 a da), andi expense moey w-len iey appeaned. There 'all lie ne "Tiree medical experts appeareut as the petit juion te w-tneases for Orage lu nie trial cf tire 'hom iodict tenta last suit andi testltied thaf red pepper In sufficient ituanfities wouId cause Tirey w-ltattli e ni bllodress. This tesr.lmeny was af- bonda o! $500 for etl tacked liy Mrs. Dahlller-ga counsel, cept t hose for co who dectareni fiat the Sopreme Court bonde ans Ouxed at reveraed tire lew-er- court In the crirni- ne,] case on evidence fliat ned peppen more Indictiacenta ruould net cause blindocas. agaînat one tan inb "Attorney William A. Bitir, con- places frue or tree sel for Gratis. attemlated te ihave tirs snd part eue ton il record In the Dailberg divorce sonit Introduoed into tire case, but Judge one for attentingt McNutt ruled fiat suci su adntisaion Tic bondsetffiose w-sa net propen and laad ne bearlug oni aI votbog and for i tire case. Attorney Bitir declaned sftempted tei vote, tirat If would tend te prove tirat Grnace was sxenerated efthtie charge ef Seing saine ateunt, $500. Mrs. Dahlbem-ga afflnity."' Evangel ta Mr., Grace la a resident et Cuba Elden William Pet towunship and i w-n t Barlng- In charge ofetisw-or tbn.ItPa1-t.eScure tIrlia e Cathlichcirc Inl la tie 'r _n 1ri!lplcn iI tbiaoe money mie, - - Lr s,; t ,Sil- o ct ls .Rbisno rulîl 0100cr -M.,Evanigcliat Antono _____________land, Cal., w-esai tirer ietiog ltegalty Thre due to w-ireeyou are ro w-r on c. Along witi ton a long tinte te comte may e e ounîd Chiicago about tuIrf -if yeu're loeiig for sucli a clis- indcfed, In today's Help Waflted adla. Frointhfe list fetIr sd, liftrould seemII INDEPENDENT "Want cJ»brnoSnsien et tire General reaults. 25 cente an In&ertion and In rhicir ie atten aou reach MW 0rssndeaw huge cons plnacy ici 9C 9 al 8 ai ad S. jc GRAND JURY RBTURNS 90 JIDICTUENTSIN::SUITDARMNiR ý11S1 Her Wae, Case iro ea tmrrghty attractive i1'1i j h. o tti reek ueridie u ** **~.arr uni'I Maloua\l hoo r ormher T T EdT Among Those WYho Wuii Be Compelled 'ihoiI brrin district No. 69, ber te irtre a Ia of $1:,5, for a teriod [o Stnd Ir al cfaro rîhre iooNlirses ontheadsrid VS TO GET THE MILK rtire schliol ietroftedsic brhie resn discbarged because cour- Wilbr rGlenn %V01 îpart of the independen8, had folltriin ruchei, I:ie --i , c iii minTnganid iarrageplans took op so hbrrad of the (bris- of lis mission, assrot iii ldrcrnent and 'a neri, o haie u i îrere lier dulies. htws o tbe n 1cl 0f ioand ]%'aas retirnied agant an rîrdcI,îrnd,ýnt, do Iiroselýii rc rostîrIrih r s ih elSoi' sfrdfeet te e ad o ioItical car!nret a-c fiam 1co be lerir ie.bouse carias' and I!El( i Litron (f'i!i, 1il aI, eaî-r iraithe Ireser t Mrs. tIr e sieoriàl granitIl An effort was made (i iiri,i r t cf aiiri-, 'ahile r rr .îftri of tr'i si,":Iiii Dat 'heu \iilida E. Nelson of Aný1M c l, Its reprort Nitoii Iis Turhave 'clayor liti ie anid E.ias lis (alitair T oiiilr rd in r f ire family of ~C îic (e %r idle rr, r ne of the si hord di- ndictneis are for il i iristianisen indir ,lii ti r,,n,;ii hm 0(1- îlde of ail rais, tiie e s rr ir S rile sire tarieht sciool ai for. illegal rellîciai tir rclon;ze i ri r 1h,,the i(ribrsIrnf the chunrrIl ai erTill li :r le district named. ,, ý The tarmners ln the waestern part -of i.rî g)es-- i randîrijury returned nri ) i to iili, I-me, tireeirlire and six ithoiiani' rlie ri,- vias 'orrieil Thereiras Lanke çorrnt, his lacîarmedhave declar. ment rl roci a Iis iiihQi iork. oTie ed rrar agaîrcar the nilk inspectera Of rirrer olte ai rerirlîr falted. Ther- i ,% i i res-îrils, rn-crron i( re rrse i-l c r ors are stohIti RnkeCicg nd deeiarie, cin iew of what conin e lri rnil, irîroîr 'hîrlithe gerieri ir i 5T Ar il l j- h, risor ,fr a ,rrrl U Irtliier Ani dtii:ng thîs cr IC tiIî i'rl1"]dtri Irroce r ri (nr irr nr urcic,;ilif s iirni r o. -i nge iRobieriturc ' wans itiey Termitthe latear outrage, that they i ~ ~ h cen rnigr a rireidejiendents lîi , r der ( I 1(cILrr ciibo er niol e:cher, 'ill rrtrte10fatten caîres on the (WrIialepoyso te 1-tr iiai nepnesWnn'lis, r allher than hip l rte Chicago. ril.iridin 7i JcInai ertoircone tif ihe, nepndns in lr iae-r. f ries10i-(_ ee a Th le latirst ourtrage, as they îerm it, ir-uirr rt uc idî T'rs ii anl ir r T ifid c ure osior Iersori r t'le f n tory carne, brrr iii,rlireon-r r Tri fSTi-e-Tire, n hic an01,-, adt1eirsîeerated the prai few days by $4.500.- cri et file conueie î, ,,î,-l:r Irri ( - ln -iîier'TI ir iaor Ilrce Insîsector fierom(ýhlcaga. ail r r viiciaid jury, Itlnia-, r niul,,vrireir rriiir rI-rs i rir crbrr r rI fefr r irol c oitin the h Is lleged rîrar riese inspectera delîrereil iiirrir ti, h fe' r r-wr nId cast Hliiilrii i. rnIrle 1iri in, Z'ii il u r iSrien ci !rire 11c: l'r- nnIlleiscnbcd Teacerrr 'a-Cntt cl trintgA the herds in Laike coun- r-r rr.,.î l r, mîtthe no tri l ir, le r icr ,icn i iirle!rdcits haie 'iirs Io ill id (nririîtDai %fannîl ' vte'rror-, i rrr l-a î~ec iir, cild ranr-r hile she iras irere I lerr inirintiaIlecw na si ,Tharrne- ger a let r rule r Itý natycnit]nadtitat Tir040fo' rrrr i rrrexsr r r a w ai oft'e ediitti lrn rIsiir- rer, in 'wIhich Ia sdtr înre ar ssanltary as could thal e c o a l -i i b r iig i r, l se i n r1r9,. i r ti - * ii ' riis gî iir i rrl'tii,' h eirce' o r aihe Le entrer ted , b u t d e na n ed th a t the Ial -ar Car hfor i cr i .-es ai liaatestrcý il 1un heirs rîl r ii i' one haimers go to the of wbltewash- ocrai cîcrn f r i ir (nl cf the Mostii ciniu rles, ri Z it, i nl ii ig lier sîrîr ait lai Ironirefsle' ing ail the m'alts of the stables. W:rd croiemeiritfr inu riastes'awlîtbcc ert, ti lorrr ira)i ,r" lý I<I nrli r- ire al'clore v ias irted o int nirage tir oiincr Roîr-1The farmiers cdaim that this will -1tien Ian 5'Ifru I , 0ri- igrîrst cor'ts, is* r, cci' atm0of 1hlic 1,rlsupr roce rrrtionh ni liai. rutid rirete rir 'wasa alen shel baie a harnîrtrîleffent rîpon the cows, irirril, gir icIn - ,lrerl - carr'iilf i< ir.r ... i-iacl in teiTr'i hbe-r school agaînl a 1111(1) ,9hcZuIn iCiii r trieaq vici, lie Il (i i Wand rfji rir e doi,eofIrle lunte scitool well as bringlng an added expense lut rie a ierdlct la rein lhir 1. cuaInd n Si'riPa.nd a<t- lr-led, lier kevs'aere deinannl-iOi the farmers. They Maimt that If il ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1" )l-rrnria iî ltIe nuriiui Pilt 1-l,d Ie i 'r lei andshre 'ans rold that sie 'asa the maftis arc covered with whitewaah a]îsni(Ilt-iiitic'a TJ4a aknnae i;d ,ýî, leraie fli rt afTd ariecre. sire aims, lie- iharrite stables wltl lie llghter, that ils l ýCm . Pltcal Cabinet Out f xiEstsence. iir anilaIr- STuc s t \Tiiiner R. aur-e ccrrtshlp srrd marrange or- irigeiteia ockirr t mui fbe files 'ail swarm ifto the stables i cd the dc celitiir iio r I s elrenirul3 druiidai Zîcîr 1 hd,,io bo lrire andictinenis Cama rime. This, rltasardlwas trIre tIr lii*(nmbers,thrait the cows will bs -~~~~~~~~~~~~ natgrtrr riîr rrr Vtir i, u ir iaon ijde repiral ne for rirrous kic k cCr mtrie abroutrthe marrer. ibrder te mllk, and that tbey w-lit give a claîmned lir R dîd haie a jiolîfical actionoi niiTi"' a tiiiiirand Airarner Paurl 'trîii, Tic plucky î-orrng school teacher lesa milit, owing te the annoyance of otany rînillîr nb or cabîiertTirai transacted husini- il r set the rail rolling Iefore the forîglirout the malter of liacli wages theie ait iof cfresîdence for bland illah £vpred that lie did grand j-ry 'aithblits slrewd, I.rriTh ce'- i h orsadmn fr utc 'e - ai hegati alo!aI itn rn o wrkhisef Thrs rngilietlrnn te ainese ndW'els .These loints, it la said. thev arfleil ail ihewratý hO ail hot kid of wok hirnelf. Ths, rin questrriorner theawesesGerilchtorepreJment-. wîth rtheseitcspec he erpcbut, b heyhe dedéclar e rrght t te i rit ' bise i5 reronal cabinet Inchider l d dtire norli ef a mental fg un; Jîî i'raIk ,ed the district board andAftorney the Inspetetr weutd tîsten f0 noms of rien niarîd for toitical work ther :rg tie lroîre a thororîr r rife. ienjamin Mutler of Libertylîle the them and relferated his statement tes mot Inidrcted. uever id asoi and are betleved guiiT an-cbol reacher. hthesalsm tbwieahed le of anry Aaikegless in nhi- re-nietît. Credît for the sensationally te- It develorred durlng te hearlng thit lt «eared In teIs- esn Ads ue.csiu eutn thelier >vote orniog thar the achoot teacher and 'lle farmers declare thaf they are set- e pubti'llies:u rsit nth Ion vote bier siseerbeatit hall confined attltireir tng Iltte enough front the milk deal. woiuld confess and aposftes. nîhîclicornsista eftmolytilncis Attorney Paul MacGuffin of LIb- scotl heurs anrd ceninga, se fliat sbe fteite extra expense and wont for no- bout the attempta somoe of wboini ae rndicted witb Voli ertyvilie, wha was in Zion City for boitarged. ngece erwrka tig Zuon Cit-' ad itlirai are as follews s i an officiai stare- a month, wlth defectives and à The farmers declare that the>' can aev had donese. ment this 'aeek. tenagrapher, takung tesirmony NORTHWESTERN flod a bef fer fiaritet for calves fatten- eIiBpiracy.t . WILBUR GLENN VOLIVA, generai and gettrng a line an vwifnesese. ed riounmilk, and obtain a mocirillh leto iels soverseer cf te Chitifan Catholue____ MAeU E O D r prie for f hem ftcan thaey Ca, for General Overseer Atrostolle hr ! h arcd ewner cf Zien Judge Chas. Whitney declared the milit, and that if witî mean macla Lh onAW. Friend, estafe laten Monday atternoon that as far Waukegan, Rockford & Elgin leas wran for Ile .Tinéy dlaimi that ýar, l-rd Rose, for 1. J THURSTON, sftached t0e bc as he ce cancerned thene will be Traction Co. May Sel îhey wilI ft tfe calves on the milk, niit Tic second business detrartoiemur of Zion estate. iro petit jury thisl terrof court te and let Chilcago do wifot thein par- Overse-er Vcolîva,1 - HURD CLENDINEN, generai try the Zuon City cases anrd thlt tIiorig lie t ficHist annrrnceîrrent tienofethte suppiy of tacteai fliutd for ard flendeninand man ager of t lie Xiu esatfe buîsiness pcohahly ne petit jury w-ill bre aak- Il" been mtiae, il Ia reîrorte I that thaf clly. ion A. Walker for a ffaira, Zion instriutions sud indusr ed. This means traItithe vote the Chiciago arrd Nerthwesrern rarlroadt The feeling againat the fubenculin r ~is-rnegetuatirg for lice Irrrchase of tire o %,totle the elece tries, a score and ru liatfIn number. fraaLuitriai will take place in Oc- electrie rend wici the Waukegarr test and thre Insptaer rrns higir over Ihîrd indictirentri 0. W. FARLEY, Zieu realfy and i talier. lEîgru ard bloc tord Traction corrns -the Corrnfty. Tire fartera say tirat rame£. l'lie forrt nsturent ciaon._______is bucliding lierween palatirne, lir Cook 1nesit lhe Inspectors will lie demanding Carnes for aiig JOHN DOW, oie ouithte menubers (Iii Fails Fhirty Feet to Death corradWurna 0 ak ooadiybt rIl efm n ov îîîv rire poltiraI cabinet that ruas eci, rfor escli cew, a prarten, furnlshed with ares auistcf iaboutiîscalledas OfcaetO no to bsrrleti ailfi, aduTsTien, iiiiitlv lgiris eitedIed oTter(Ielerlîr-iai roadiienac cuuirinoeiiT'len'tuphroisteraedmmfurniturenitstraat berryr tl rorrng, arrdte EUSTACE L. CAREY, ecctesîasariral cr- o gn-ll I lahirîi:ar sbigbrî i o o ed n lreuado reeretarvadognzadbsnes hýwi bld enwn-nid2 tr tl'ise*anioeg faZrmiers.The sthorîcakefo edantheml r n arcariaiusi rose - andergauncersud brsinr-s eit o %vit>, ui5 ebrained ai a.tew mon servants te dm ieiaro noteha( ia'arremdofrire churcir 7-ni lui-rhum e- afterieoTir n 'nr,%îoOiared vrila thar mmhci the marue of ever cow- as t eaves thae U. G. BLOSEr aisur mencaler fcI, T uic niiliaIlniii, r OnnfNthrsetrîerdhi ctt~~ tbe e lioliticai utaff ci ltin-st cabinet. unrlite afil-rnicornnois -r trie hritire sîeam roads of- G. . CENWRTH ataced n (iiiiir ms cnsderd oe cI Iichais 'aiii orake a formai propnosiinr r werenui ued n , 0 C ENORT, ttahel t rii uer'a s eunuir c mu nf rretir the lrornoters cf thibe cti uc litre -sfl-rnsa-Ad Buy VfTrac r crîsîrîrac - This ediraienailInstitutionrs. rr i nI,Iaycrsini tee u(, uiI(if gi ý-."-non.aOI cIainced, remaîneri THEODORE FORBY, edlucatienal ru 1111t, uandl ias in Iltir Tint dis it I iiiOfficiais cf lte \Wairkegan, Rocliford The oeinng of a prîvatsrosai frot mcraI overseer and Intttonr oenier arrd egal courilig au riiiiiioi0ttire i 001 c e i elirne!iird Elgin Tractinn cotrit bes rtire nortî endt of Sheridan read forth oleite enrirre for Voira ai iboulte finnZien City acd 0f Gu-i (lstrid Il seeris Iratihe stareni Sanirrdar mcrrclng thar rrthing aloog tire laite shore, orte top ofthte inr r-itcntaftaîrs. lnd iractin ahi cctruleted thic iirkliad conne te ibeir cars about the trc-blnuffs, te prcase of the Gada Hill O. L. TINDALL, ecclesiastIcal de- aod ri teat mg dois rutre saafoii, be tposalirot the Nortfiwesiern te take osver Settement or Ardeni Shores, as lit la it Jury. paraient. dnew trai sanafronr tce roog e-rrdl0f telunes of that cmlrsny. Tiey stsîed nom, calied, le the plan of Mrs. Scot Irpeciril sesrios cf Forliy la tresident cf the sebool a bocardi. th4 t tilornsansu rutries bad Dnrand, socîety dairylst, the firaitstep try theen antced aI rte Norfbw-esterri at cf wiich w-as taken Tussday, Uewellyn try tcreturned.f board and itolder of niany dignitf es. A fers nînînirrrs isier blie sitilcri Paatiîne, andtiat te road was readar H tLtoyd usasdWM .Sct squired te frnish Eiders in the Churcir. tire ennt cf rire transe hoard, asuI ilfil)n jIn taire oe-en y business frcnt fie -- Tedyst eMs ct accl Ifldicfrirt, x- The churcli organîcatlen la s1M ptie, lied Niu il throiy i bini ro ithe Norîbruestero ahîclitliey mîgit sent Durand 35 acres, aituated ait tir seaul -oapiranîy, 'a-îce anid towerfutiy effective, and hegin- grcniit, a distanuce cf tiirnr er-i. and their - y.end of the fart buildings et Crala $2r00 Tro r ningruli Oerser Vtiv, ad tre rnrhing iii one sile.leiras liîcked Tireofficiai atated furîlier fiar If Tree Dairy, eWosd by Mms Scott DU. $2,000. Two or ing wit Overser Voliv and th crusi e Nertir'estern read dîd domerand, riecosdrtnfr hhi were retnrrned above cabinet rif bis so-tralled truetue up and taLa- o t bis berce in 111gb- acrosa nilil a good proposition, Il wasnot on-sdrto erwbgal a feru cases, somte aposties gees dorun te eIders, tie dea- w-ood, and a înlysîcîan sumnmoned. tt liitely tbat the coortans- ruld acrepf 0 gvn was discoeed tirait iearly ailthle as they did not canew-llie operated tire This tract ot lanmd, accordamg to Mrs, 3for llegal votiog, dons onder thie, tbe seventies, tieir 1rbonnealeiitenbutsndread. as long as If w-sa run sud non Dnrand, la on.eoetihe moiet beautiful iegal voting, and leader-e, tire captaîns, and thré onîts rrlr r n iehdlne necs u te tire besî Inlerests oethtie Ipeoplae uaeces of naturul wood@ lu Ibi section te vote utarfulotty tifen, sud finatty fie cirurcir memu-fIat one cf ther bat i uerced a long. atong th lrgirtfw-ay.o iecuty n h -l ean~ lndicted for ilIeg- irershijr at lange.H idaou col.H -sancrl nantrlwoi si o those w-hoe nier-etc Thy dr - Carey, O. L. Tîn. ane aiwl aly Busse to Locate Here stands. Tiroogli Ibis tract of lanmd ar-e fixed ai thre darît, Silas -Mont, E. A. Iteeder, tire Fermer Mlayor- Fred NI. Busse ot Ci- Mrs. Durand ls te open a roadw&y, a tmrr '-st. oamed being officers ofthfe Has Mounted Police cage aptiarentty la ptanning te sireke prîvate oner extendlng froint Wmie- r lndicted. parlir of Zion and ln direct chanie. lale Forest nons lias a meunted po-tire duat ef Cricîago citizenship freunt gan avenue te the laite ahone, ultlm»±e. rdtnham. evangetir r n'ne four- seing Zion City peopte, iG W. tir-e focre! That us they are moonfed iris feet and becomne a citizen ef Laite ly te connect witir tie extension of rit of fhe Chisitian ileckiam ot Chicago, William H. Ham- one at a rtumel en a new arnd faat me- County. He la flniaiing a irer resi- si c roari, w-unh la now plannel. SChicago, Evange- mod, et Cincinnati, Ohio, Frank Roi- tercycte rnith re crty lias necently delie on his $600-acre tanna, a qita tc 5( in rci,-r Vrb Tre. faim, Portland, Ore., and 111son, of Portland, Oregon, Antonio pur-niaaed for tireir use. Thre machtine et a mile bacit fro thtie Fox i 1 t f ., - Comrposel of )Darmes et Oati- Dar-ms, et Oaitland, Cliferna; C. F. Is nef enty fast, tînt la eejoipped wlir n(,ain et tates. Inbils home ire I-i-m -a ' flueat land lý the teo lndlr-ied for et- Vikinrgs of China, ln charge efthle sîeedomneter arnd aIlthfe lateat appli- te passbils winters, meuvlng biajft,,c. oni. ,rra v as recently y or an r-mpîlng te Chiiese wont; E. L. Royal], et Cina, onces. I ll l e fourndt use-fol lu se- ily acrose tire iigrw-ay a quoarten Of offered, unl- aid, $1,600 au acre for kElde- ir ckiram ot and uIl atety In charge ofthtie Chi- pr-lendlng aconching automobile drlv- a mite eaci sommer te bisisommaer tirs entine tract but tire offer w-as ris- cy (hi, arcs ruerelnsse wontt-te la on iis way te ZMon ers, as fie police Co ime tireantolhome wiich stands on tire late shre, ftsed, and nil sale o r>Cmah Tre fuiMi City on turlougi after- dv. earB of Iliis ow-o macine rlfiout tire United States Senator William Lori- wIIl aite place. ldicto,-r la retona- continuous wor-t lu Chins acondler belng a ware tirat ire la mer- dame bacit front Washington samd Tis neweat plan of Mms, Dirand le fiat tIr- littîs ses- Tiens are nomberleas déiean, 'atcied. If siroutd psy tonIttself ln lits troubles tirer-etasit west long te establîsir a Millibosiare row slou td Oversen,2 Votive,, more than fifty, and tesa tiran a ium- a sirt ime fret fines r~eiuled fr-ont enougir te tauncl tire finest pow-en threIli su a - Lake Blu1Mad th*e apted te prove a dned. . scercitens apçnreended-Late lFon. boat on Fox Lakte, If la sald iraItire plans w-lit Le womked out asib4m am c celer lire, on tire Tire sevenhles are iinee on four In ester, lauanci coat tire senaher $10000, poasble.

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