Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 30 Jun 1911, p. 14

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J4 a MW *4ktanTTV ~lP~TT1TT W.flV rî~~ ~ in- COMM.ISSION IS Commerce Commission of Chi- cago ta determine Rates From Lakes too High CIalm is Made that North- western, Soo lin. end other Roads Raised Rates Will Incr sase the Price of Ice in Chicago Several Ceuts per Hunfred Pounêt Roads Claim that Prico of Transportation of Ice Sheuld Offset Other Expenses (Front Wednesday'a SUN.) Investigationus cf te propased ad- rances lut freigut rates ou two artihules whiici cuter linto tlfe duilî lite of near- ly overy citizetu are nos plannet! by thue interstate commerce commission. The itearntit are io be lu Chicago ibis sumnien and alîl ombrace îarking bolise producîs asui!ie. Following tue announcemetît recela- ly of a itearing îo considen the adjuat. mnttof rates on live stock and park- ing bose lroducîs, toluehIcincludea t!noased meais, ilt was decidet! that te commission would open a itearing foc an Invtestigation of rates on ire. Tite tearing la to bc before Exam- liter Burchmare eititer during Jîuîy or Augtast and tise inquiny sill ho upon question af tise reasonableness of a Proposed advance of one-haIt a cent a bundret! pouut!s, on 10 cents a ton M~E TO T 0F Estimiated that Fully that Part of Children Blind Could Have Bigh. Improper 'Care of Eyes at Time of Birth Caused Ophthalmianeonatorum. Few Drops of Nitrate of Sil- ver Dropped in Eyes Would Leave, Sight. Estimated that it Oosts New York $100i000 Anmoally to Care for Blnd. t)ne-qid rter of lise bllnd chlldnen lu the llnd scitoots of titis country are uuneccssarlly sighites. Titey are doomnet!ta lîfe-long darness because their oyas iero not pnoperly visied and! treatet! ai the tlune of thetou bit. Titere la no excusa- for such negligeuco, says ('arolinue '. Van tSar- eoM of the Na-v York association for tite liud. 1 This htigbt of unnoceasary hind- tiess may hi' trevenledth lrougb sup' uîanting ignorauceoaf causes by knowledge, îîeglect of eye, dîsease hy treattueu5 oftem. sant!by iteefing the tlsdoni of theo old saying that 'ýan ounce of liraventioin la toortit a Itount! of cure" Those mensura-a may seem U1'loîtan, but tite troof that they are practir- able la that since the public bas realizedt! ltimuch lint!ness may ho preventet!, the Iuierest in thisa ap peoling toorIt bas ss'ept, save-Ilke, ln une rates fonrua-e anupueut Ot ira- oven prscticaily- ait civilizet coun- froni the Wlscou-sin, laItes to Mlilvau-Itries, the- approsci tol refonni oin kee and Chicago. Tite rates ivere om hou1.0 ,,,ublic .tt,,.,h bave gono luto affect Oven lie St. Paul, Nothveateru, sud Soc Une on May 5, buitoonre suspeudet! by te Intersase commerce commission on cotnptaini of tbe Chicago te om- panies untl Sept. 2. Tise commission us1oui posa-et! un- dor te na-s commerce las te suapend proposa-t! atvancea on complalut sud a pima tarie sboting of unresson- ablenespouding a ful Investigation, The raies to Chicago, sit Uthe ad- vance range from i to 4%, cents a hun- dredt iounsd, or troua 60 to 90 cents s ton. Nottitbslaut!ing theo amail propor- tion Of thte rate to tise value ofthtie product, tise ire couasies bat! threat- enedt tasdi-asthe retail prîce of Iree 5 or 10 cents a hunt!red pounds if tise cales tocre aliosot!. Wien tise rates1 sera- suspondodt! iis esson theteeire ronîpaulos ciaimedt iey mae ne gen- arat advsuce lu pices, tisougi t tey hacatet! te priCe on tisenortit ide. SPOKÂNE LIKES COIMISSWON FUIM 0F GOMURMENT Thrce Monttîs Trial Has con. vinced City That New Plan of Governmnent la Best A More Efficient, and Economical Administration of City Af- ,tairs is Result Commissioner of Accounts Cannot Show Redoction ln Taxes, But Value Received t (Prom Wet!nest!sy's SUN) Spoakane Wash., Jane 28-Tireea "'Ooutits' trial of thte commission focme tf goyrntment lu Spokane bas con-( vincet! msny, inlut!ng tise soyarosti citica 0f tise plan, tisaite affaira ert the- muiciîîaliîy loday are conductet!à Iith gri'aiar efiiuency, ecoîîumy andt1 disauiitihtanuder any administra- tIon, ince tise Incorporation oetthea- city ln 1881. Msny toasta-s bave beau atoppet!, numerous abuses bave beenj connecta-t!and! modern meiisods are nOv employet! lu ail -deparînienta. Tise business of tisa ciîy la condurtet! lu thte saniemanner tta s uccasful mercitaut or manufacturer Oprates bts tone or factory plant. IRobert Firiney, commissiotier of finance. alt! today tisai, s-hue ltes. la uotising cer- tain yeî relative to a reduciion lu tax- a-s ha la pra-paret! to sow tiat the tax-Payars hava- receivet! 100 cents' Wortis 0f work ton every dollar ox- Pendet! by Use commission, Commis- signer F'irley bas ecivet! resuusts trcm more titan 100 nutes, sitici s l deCiaret to bo tise most at!vanced ,Practiaipila nAmerica. lte way for desired legilation. Sore Eyes Chie! Cause. Sore more unueeeasany blint!neso la due io opittialmia neoustoruni, or babies' sre OYO, titan 1.0 auy otiter cause, and! since thte prophylaxie for ibis disease ie so simple sud inox- pensive as to make te occaranco of a sIngle case a diagrace toanauen- igittened peaople, tite efforts titus for io preventi bllusduess have been direct- et! almoat eutirely ios'andth ie elimin- ation 0f titis diseass alune. Thte irai aiep toas to learu juat sisal sas te 'exact nature of theo lrobienu. 1. toas diaroveret! that opittiaimia neouatocum, or "inflammation ef the eyoa of thte nos-born," "colt! in teJ iteat! sud Ia any one 0f soyarai argan- les, but most fnoqueniiy to gonocor- rus,' enia-ing te infants eyea iuringt or accu after irlt; eut!dtaIttis dis-1 oase silI flot "501.veil tiseli," but developes sitb allte rapidity et any otiten virulent infection, caualug ulcer- ation of thte cornea, ant! subseqtieut blinduesa, unlesa aliliful medicai treatnwent be intituted eaciy, siune te dîsesse warkti lis destruction In s very toto tays. Professor (Crede, of Lelpalc, found titiabout ta-nuper roui of neona- bruni, ant! Sidney Stephenson dlaimus tai ane-thirt! of te blindîsesa of thte woanît! s due ta titis daease. Fig- unes tram tuese citoos for thte blint! in ibis sudcter couniries todsy stili stihtantiaie tuais-nini. il la imitas- suble, titerefore, ta estima- iste -ai- tic ot tîafesosr tret!esdiacovery In 1881, titat te unstillationof uta drop of a two per cent solutionî tf silver nitrlate Imta the eyea of te-uts-horu swouit! prerent eîîhtualuianhaeonston- ta M. Preventuve Long Known, Atitougit Protessor (rodei made1 this Invalushle contribution to bu- matn knoslet!ge nearly tiirîy yeas ago, tisa-public is but just hoginulng to spply t effeciively. Since ciilt!ren are COnSisxstly going blint! troua opitibaimia nooniorum n i veny coun- try, 11. la evident tisaIttis simple Propisylatir treatmoutlaisnot univer- salIy 'employa-t!, Mman hings are Productive eltizen. And la addition, ihere lsan almosi unnumhered army of persona vitos, eyeslgitt. througii neot totaily destroyed, s Iinpalu'od an a reault of te destruct work of thli disese, , o easily preventet! and cured. Thse economic efflclncy of eacb of.these persons la of course les- senod, and he is ai hest unable ta carry his fuit abare of the stat105 protection agatit any assaulta of Ignorance or neglect which titreaten Its oconomic Officiency and well-being toc flie. Through legistation ibere tihoîîtd ho provision for ft'ee distrihu- tion of a Prgphylactic solution, with directions for Ita use; for earhy sud arcurato notification of hîrtits and a report as 1te hther or net protlily' lactlc measures have heeti eniptoyed ai thai time; for tise edîîcatlon. reg- istration and sutpervision af uutd- tirca; and for provision, at public ex- lense, iteceasary foc promplt and efflu lent cace of ptatients iiîuiei'itig trii ith ilina ncoaîairtîiii, whilîtishit il ho llared on te tist ai retactalte d iseases. Initial stoîta have ha-oi tatei tii accomplish thetase ends ticottgtt tr ganlzed wark wttlch la bci-îg earrit'd on in ton Mtes tohite inin iany taîtît triesos f teold' wocld, îtudwlvcs tare long since been uîtder state supîer- vision snd contrai, as one' iortant steît toward lte îreveîtlan of bilaitd' useas, piysical degeneracy, idiau-y atîd Infant mrtality. The relations betweeon irn for te proventiait of liîîdnessansd thse cant- paigu for preveutIng Intfant martality la close. It has titus far been imitas- ible ta colla-ct figures denîuînstrating thte proportion of deathti among in- fauta aufforiug f roui alhthalmia neon- atarum, but ht la bellexedttaithse pereentage smang Infants tins ilu- <octet! la machh ighec titan anîoug titose whio are flot aîffernîg fraîîî ibis affection. For the trevoution of blitndnosre- aulting froni tracitoma. Indtîtrlal ac- cidents, wood alcohol, ptrogressive nearaightieduesa. and! the effecia of ln- fectious diseases, Investigationt, edtî ration, legilation. and co-otieration muai ho effoclod. -Thte Ist, h ow ever -co-o ie ration- la the koy 1tete situation, for it la oniy titrough beariy co oporation of, the medical profession aud thte lay ptublie, pblanibropists. the clergy and! aIl others who would provent 'u- neoessary hum4u sufferlng and Inca- poriiy, that thse teslred end! tilI ho accomplished. Thon we shahl look toit h orror open tisatime witan we badl inaur midat theo noediessly blint!. City Council Meets. The Ctyt .Coancil met Monday oven- ling lu the ('ouncil chamiters, the usuel business bel'sg transariet!. A coul- mitee front the- Progreas Club toas lrsoni. and asked the city te diouate $200 for thse boosUing of the 4tb of ,luly celebration. Titis motion canna-t!, the counili passing upan Ih sud thse Progresa Club te have $200 ta heip coiebrate tise Fourth. LIGI4T AND THE EYES. t'a thse Amount Rathar Thon the ln- tensity of the. Rays Thot ilurts. It la 'sot no mach tisa lutensît3 cf tht- ligisi focusa-d on tise retins as It la thse quanutty received by tisat sensitive or- gan tisat causes retinîsl fatigue or worse. lu the greai snow fields or te arctic regians tise natives protect tier eyea froin tise glare or the s'sow tsY goggles msade of bolloweat places or W" lu n thici t tey bave madea suaîl holes In lock tiroogit. These. enys lte Opticai Ovia-w, reduce tisa quautIty of tise ligtt thicis passes Imb their a-yes wvth ronaequent relief froua lte giaro. 80, toc, if va-lookIt trougit a miaute plaisae dak aet the son we cau endure tise very brigiti igt umach longer tban visus v o okt vilstthe naked eyan. if WO look at a distant electrir arc lglis thora Oleano retililfatigue, while if vi' look et tbe Rmre lîgisfro a sshort dhtsM tiser, la veMt dWsoufoni. sud yot thea tva retinel Images are of eqosi brilancy, onîy in tise firai case ibis imnage la very mach amaiher titan ln the. second casa--that le, the quantiy Of hle avery ,aleh diffetent Thon titere la tihe ffaming electrle lgiti vihcisla nov ta b.e found iu £il et tihe large ciiez.oft.e country. This lht la mach lmà brilliant titan tisai cf tira areiigit andl yet Il itin ago Usâti tisait ta more tihan maltas Up tisa differencea and in ts hre'fn... onet hiug da-pivesi of a preclous birth-- giatlng and nnecmfortable ta bock 'ut. riglit hecausa- 0f Ignorance on negîdrt ln aktulUlaa ~ .pomaibe t se s or bots. very Intenge ligiti if lb ha made amabi Thse la8k thItoulito enligiten more tu Raiea, fOr tise r@Osnaaboya aialad. sut! more people as to tiese ario'ssess aut! Preventabilîty of ibis dîseaâe, so As a gîfIt t theîr aima mater te titat docornud mlt-sives viii lut! membera o! tiseclans o! 1911 ot Kala- tisemaeives lu descepule If blindua-sa mazco roilege aitithe cloge o!fteir on luapairet! viaon resuiting froni clasa day axercisea Mont!ay present- opitilala uoorum oecrns lulntoîei dt! ha-scisool vils a subaciption cf practices. $1,000. Tisa prasa-tation vas made Tisa-Impuîorance of thte- îreventiouî by Mliss Anus Matacu. vice pua-ident of hlildue8s front an canorni stand- of tise cIauaaItisa- close ofthtisa ass pint eau ouiy be suggestet!, but la play. Miss Matison la a nier. of Mrs. s malter of ne little Importance. Il Cari t-. Fredback of Grant! avenue, rosisalite state oft New York about ibis ciîy. Tise money tilI ho uset! as $110000 suuually for te supuport ut an endotoment, aud M",,Maaison, a ts cîtizena toio are- hibut as a î'a-'tbillaut stada-nt made an dtreasela suit of titis disease alane. This iesvy tiis effeci. b vwicis Preaident A.Gsy- drain upou thes public panse la ln lord CWcum respondet!, Tise naa addition to tise lbas tiste stata- of sas amal, but te subeciption tosa one of tise moat vatuabieasasets, a large. E (> JAat camp Ibogaii about the middle of for the urposeo f ustilliîg ln thent! John Mcoad I4 Park, for' KE O A M L1la the outiine of the plan. ln the deveiopment of the entire boy,; for the lalie jx orlseveï~y~sf 60 ~ ~Te Scoute wil l be înarslsaled read~y stren .gtheiiing bhlm ph),icnlly and, forer frconm auccoslve* paria.l>tic fo1 ik 0capa aotfie shtwing hit bow te re fur himaself shocîs, , iee lai bis hèmte at HilanBd c ~in the morning and on the day of re- proiîerly; training hlua to observe and Park thi, iacaing it 2 oclock at l00 TO C MjIturn w"IÏiliassemrble for the hike hume- to think; teacing hlmthe strength age of 77îyeurs. Heleaves a W4', liit te evenilg. Lurlng the encamp* ail about hlm iln helping hinm tea bo tarer a bridge aind fiat a culvert oàrl Fenosha City Oouneil, Ëoy 1 ment, there wilt be regular camp du corne prolicient Ili doing many pnie-f lie tavinie on G<enesec street, althougit~ îles and sitch disci lnetou 1woh- ti wtbba rdiadthtactrorntnent itan urges that the Scoutsof Amricato be served as a-lIt malle the outing of the tout go far teo mulie hlm a st.rong and rsllroad corilany. laslis iltaré, 51iln at Range fiAugust. greetest benieft Int the boys. White aseful mi. At the saine tinte the for a culîert. _______________there wilt ho îttenty of opportunlty ýdiscipline of te campt life, Ils require- forailsors f sort, atetio toîlmentsnas la obedience aid lpromplt- , n the minds of pensons close ta the Meeting Held in'Wisconuin ho given ta training the Scouts in tuf' es- vteicicalgo ales t utonthtrn la îo irt ile Oity a.t which Plans were ferent branches of Scout craft. Sixty tirinittles tolîl h fliaaubeale of doIncbtalcularblrelîct wl *M ade for Encam pm ent 1tots are paced at te disposai uf the tea luiit, t e(Mie t l oit is short i, aund ea,- organIzation together with tîloise orf The totticiliv0ted te ceîîly ta the sons for tilelief, giveit, arc sait! to -- the barractis, taiget rantge and aitlhO intfùre,ýt ing le t9r of t he oicîn_ be criticcinfg. foycSctttiesl boieca , t atitami)î lo ttt atit a mpatttLogaît, tttaiilng 'ktilte Voliva'Mothersilt hearlng at Boy Scouts will be Qiven ua ' ]îtssesses andthaltiwithiiuî iny himfor tilaiîetti lots'neatli tti Wodtktîayii'îtti a ln Touc of eal Wer at xliCiseta the Scîttits. 3elas out hi.'Soit'o aellte. anti foîrlis gilt-i ihit- thet iltwitt'sâsH"a Itliti îlofeiise Rifle Range, îttrîttslt'i tt 2, iititcti. Noltive'"114 ttttît ti ttit. ltiiti. tegini 'iTh,. fait- ifl t'tt wililibe a a4 ia,tl t i t'hese viral Scoiisiti tîl1 ioîraow tio liN) Pra ta lltfiî tut it'ry iiit'ttitir of ti'ti' HlIitfl1AdtcO.Whitle in Chicago Yetterday Captain (F"aît i eîtet ta35 h ~ triois ihat htii utst liait; tîth irt ttir littîl)r-'lt .- t't cI t o n il tf t . taîît 'ia vittl The Kft,îtsuttu l îy îatîttctî, îtoy tende't'fî,(t î, i e pe tîttîl ,jo r i tt i ti ii'i 1,ti0t0htt tti H tiit'ii * ot rîîît tl îîît lil,ýrHa t i tai S'Oîtt' of Aiittri:ti t ilq t regtlar s,4 torauiIf hhi laut tikp 1 art blitltt'.. it ... l- t -rity ti. i tr it'utt ii. t ii î>î s i iilt Ii ai'ii sien lst e3liiio litnnt'tiii'l - r-' r lalçusi iru't- liti. tlon disclit edt'itttig aîtiort a lsi tiu tr! t'f l iiitntn iiitt ti, ttt !' Iiîtr W,~ ttr tatdlutc ciail it'ituutr. 'iti tor dictssid als tttt a a sîtttîte Il siîîîiîl iii hsi itit ttîdtititsi 3o I tutîtutut -t i itit u tis Iithr l abo 10F,,tl' tItt ttt fitil s'iîaîtt Ille camp1) It was dec ded ta go lotot canî l tt tis hi nt ta gattict ing tif ttay-i utîr stiiî itOp.' iitîon. taii Ir'.' fiiifourîr n-et, Sa'. ttttittîft hGreat DaySl For Your July 4th Fixin~gs MANY have reglected getting their Suits and Oxfords and Shirts, &c, until now and for thé benefit of them we inaugurate a great three days sale at prices that will please you, every one.' Friday, SaturdaK ü Monday June 30, July and 3 We will save you big money on these splendid Hart, Schaffner and Marx Suits. We offer them to you at $12.75, $14.75, $16.75, $17.75 and $19.75. Values up to $25.00, every one AUl the grays, browns, tans, blues and blacks Other ai wool makes, splendid fitters and weaves, at 9.75 10.75 and 11.75. We fit the hard to fit, big or little, fat or lean '- A *10%ý Cut on ai Mens and Womnen's Oxfords ê 'Pumps We are overloaded with good Oxfords and Pumps, and will <' give our customers the benefit i of a 10 per cent zcut in price for this great three days sale. Re- -~member 10 per cent on whatever yotl buy in Oxfords and Pumps 100Opairs ail silk guaranteed hose ail cMors, a 75c setier, for this sale 50c a pair, 100 pairs boy's khaki pants, others ask 75c, sale price at 45c r«,-u't tt.,i&aSl &Hf 100 suits, haif silk union suits, 2.50 grades, elegant fitters, go at this sale 1.95 500 10c pocket handlkerchiefs,' for 3 day sale 5c 50C Pearl trim lisie SrwHt tlreaid suspenders, for Allour finest sailorand * three days go at dip bats go at a dis- i t, count 9 Three Day Sale o S Friday, SaturdO'Y ______________and Monday 121-123 N. Genese Street è of. i*~@@@@<~~ i -IW# Nusban Cor quMi gffort 01 Mani by l'os Ai blra. or £&Utes 1 tise uuîv imiter a ti Na mi rlamara, M.1e ro', otown h *.ljwctM girand P 'Vte t the ae a ilclan autero tise def4 ao bote vau tai hbegan M cM an niade i I a lga thue sut of Ai rialit t(Ment, jected gui'." proser, psoey ~lts.N pareut te nse' Profée roetmu pa-ninF plior but ai ÇÛ. Dense Sur siraig sud e ticr-a B! lino., tiona, andt!, aud - àdopl coinLit 29 to reten UKE COUNTY INDEPRWDENT. FRMAV- TTTýN;rp m 1-Qti il, i

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