Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 30 Jun 1911, p. 4

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ùoE COUNTY INDEPENDETILOsT OW dmESTO s OFFICIAL PAPER 0F LAKE COUNTY APLAEBNHT UU mG -Elevation to Take Pluce on - 'Isso f oie Ü 01200 Telepkone Noi 1. "Iesdec Telephose N~o 1141. Lberivi île LsrIiîiflgeJuly lat iberc'dosis Frioven tc EterS ai te P solttîe :Il LiSe-trie, il!. sa,-eond lass Iater____ 198VRO WxEsci.Y suseXTlci-; it"s Ë MSOIIWN ~ON seeLcI< N11.%iudgeeArthur H. Frost of Rockford, "The vetced question as to whetber as SUBSRIPIONfor lun earq circuit jucige ti lte c fot bovine tuberculosis co be I SUSRPINPRICE $1.50 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN ADVA14CE 7hJdia circuit, was Tîîursday E ____raisedro the c.îîîxrIlaîe lenchlc i the1 transtatitted to uankinîl bas been delli- l -~î necacirticn an 1,1ulicenient nitelY settled In the affirmative by theD FRANK H. JUST _...... .................. Editor it 0changes nIn the personnel 0f the work of the Engltsh Royal Commis- tl RAY L. HUBR ...... ...... ..._... ... .Cly Eli t or 1J 1:gf r-ii liiIc he alîeliate couirt sion. The Germain Iniperial Commis- HUBARDf Ille thirà district, whih lincludesy lthe jiiriidiction ' Sof ruo and 8100, and nunierous pîlsale workersS tort sîrrotîndtng cotintits. in sarlous parts of the xorld." said Dr. Il FRIDAX' J UNE80;~, 1il i it£-c FrostIis nan'(d f0 surceed Ni. P. Ravenele dîrector of the Wlsconl- t Jii,!kt Junes S. Baumie of Galena. litstate Hygienil lcctoator3 lu ana lilts Solon Plilîbricla of (lîaniîiagsii t- -and I. !). Ptilcrbatigh of Pecria, lres-,«,ddrcss before the National Associa- REMEMEER THE MAINE. !cr!riecobers of the (oiiri, oh? cou- lion for the afudy and provention of They have teen pumnping water out of the wreck of the Maine the pat't ii tircdilbtu crr1e terSicl oiulîbsais n iîs i lidon week In Havana harbor. How these gcisly relics soon 10o be un<;overed, wli hýr-'leI h prcne fte . bring back the fevered passions of 1898! "IuI)Pllate court is icn accordance wittîlii i ark t iihRes nistliratdoneA If the Maine had never gone to the bttérm, would tne Unted States ever tc ioiicsO ir uliasda have fired a shot In Cuba? tel" eso fIl fteNwYr iýdprieto There werc gool sound. substantial 'reasors, hoaever, for intervenflfg in, loir a I cdr(cIl applite coitor in Chi. tî-altb," cclncdP,. Ravenel. "This s Cuba. Any man wth a heart wth blood In t must have shîvtered at the atroc- h ago. wm ork ,lcow's Ibat of aili iltdren undera Ite ftersystemn of reconcertration. If there is aniythirg in the faal ug aties A, Baumne of J eO of the good Samnaritaut, Lncle Sam dîd an act cf Christrafl manlincas when he aes(oi,*.Jd \ron W riv:sOfg,23le "tfths uaid, "Stop, butcherl" Dilic an of \illialii Ou o iit rîand am hçadie d of c îbeî cri r ss were icifeul et Il mnay neyer be paid In dollars and cents, perhap~ ti inever will. But JIiilie -EnierY C. Grîcrea of -lienrY lie îhe bovine gernu. of chilrdren bc,- a Cuba ha% seen happier days snce it happened. and stedily the Island & erms a cutyc arp iaccied as5 the uge. (ir the 'ween tt and 16 Nears of age. 21) lierm settling ic-to a peacefl industcy that wassimposaible under Weylers Imn flot. lii ed sd0faîîc.ilirvuf h Bu lhwat tempests of tory the vaudeville theater crowde used t0.: J ýe aies C1. trd flti hoI for Spain balondefmot from motives of benevilent and resolute humnanity, tialuc (011(lil a nciOrtdb,,_fIhe ailreiue tiiiiaii cili ai narroaacd lu the relative but for revenge for the Macne! And wîth what soermn show of poise the ju- court f0 cucceeed .lidcre Wari ci \NV. îmlortaicce et boIirie du cise coin- diciaily minded exhorted the crowdto wat urclîl the lugubrious farce was c on-! l)iilWai on the bechc of flie aliliellrte pareil itb tbe bunit as c source of ducted of examlning the wreck 10 see if It were blowfl up from within or with. court of tbe Fourth district. out 1T le oc der lransferring Jîrîge Baole Infection, it ailI bele rrnv ycars tic That investigation from the nature of thinigs nould determnife nothing. evercand lîId ttîng Jîcuige Frosit Iirti-ipliace forte Ibis con be dercriiicîied, had it tees proved. which one so weIl i nformed ear Admirai Melville denies lis(o laite effect Jlir1IFoîr-o cars "\\lieciu (vrcIl:;,,,)chilluien (lie I arecent article, that the Maine waa blown up fI outside. The job waJcdge Baume bas t ciri n m ithclbfrot i)Oliîiii-ltifý in on (le îily1(New Just as Iikety to have been dose by sorte scatterbrain Cubas as by a Span'rd. the Tlriri diaruct pr;îte??rîfe c id on caitucriîldoioi r And gn to reventge these 200 vctîms, the mot hil for a war that kilied Sllc ingtleld, ond liat, selîocitbeldinout)tOk ahercliilnoLda lis thousanda of our sons. And who that ever saw 11105e yellow faczed boys lii lus cimn jîidirisl ciiuit iTIcloii 911,itiltliiii il c'biotic-itr a'ilI traîn,, ai Montauk Point, their slckly tan showrng the creep of the dread poison .ith- esu Iif Ili,e- it li (ir' ii, r'oi ,i rrro r- cr io :1(0.1 riloinfectlion In, cas 'minipize the awful price a-e pard fou our revenge? As we saîd tefoe.0fSteî,hciloiî, icc. Okl, Jli\ies1cs O ii irecn Ibe- rihu.diAl it was a price a-ei justifîed by motives of humnanîty. tut rccl for vengeance. and Carrollill iîîîîs lha, iren Iiiiiidlcd 1r),.fhdge Rif 5 Fari.nd 0f DIis and ml iatiOnsOltire. wourliai( iîIirg - Jilgc 0 1-? liai I of Frecîloci ;,IîtýiitIon 10 tue cîti,cr l ilire tîîîî- icidge FI cIexationti lthie ail- ,rciîirsis -An iitr îurril i "iriî SIGNED EDITORIALS. i idite enr-b xiii iîo e ithastIrhe ap- cionaoilointeti b'yth, Ali)i ri an Veel- Every once in a white sormeone bobs up with the proposition 10 require aili rox ai of nuait c s l'ai 1, fM Oc-asoii crP r nlnl- neApaper editorils 10 be sgsed. Just il present such a proposai s efore Bai associteq. icwNas mnde a eaciut-atraci ui i as the New York leglaaure, sin he form nof a bill istroduced by Senator Grady. dilt o h ihr(oilb eiefu td fIetuliin Tîsrpr But il wiii gel no farther there than eisewhere 10f lits friendes wiren be xtas i-I. re-, ilsuyo h usin hsrpr The pecullariy anonymous characler of neaspaper writing la both a pro- i lected but be never persîinally sltold tic widely redtand Ils iroxiis- tection and a handicap 10 the newspapel' worker. il has tees a fxed customn sorîgh the îpromîotion. Tîcoefore, i t Ions followed as nearli as I)ossile, A for gpunrations, and hence must be tased on tome reaons inherent in journal- c', lriitbfcillx le sîaîed Ibat lus pirec- slnr ictqurantine on theimpîoîortationî file work. cdc adxsnemrent m as cmode betrause fdeaecttelîuiitemitn lit often seems a hardshlp t10@onme brillant ariter, that his work must be of is recngnlzed abilfl and mol edsae ate hiiit anan buried In the graveyard of the journaiistic 'a-e,' where no ose knows whether bog oi ciifuneed In ail coujtries. h. or the office boy did il, The ati plilti nen ce.frtrc asUcor aaUgd Masy a rmatc possesslng gifta of description sorthy of a Dlicens wears him- a oThe, and Iere ia floinreas n ibe ln Led sirîledbevaloc self dowus tu a pencil stub in 1h11 bindfolded aulhorahlp, hc& tru Ifla as us- nie a tarieandf lieeIon icîtelsino "Inate rUiteadoit sther sans known tu his townismen as if he were the elevator boy. tdeiala;N ,iofsxethe sainie enilinsatýsoldaotsiiia lw n But on the ochlrhand, a newspaper is more than the men who conduct il eraton a la a the1sacir uidges altnp 0ulyIerirci o at any given time. its policy le more than he views of the masna-ho ratles eain aslîcîjî lu iii clicifucle.ctieen tîchecifIln teting or i th typewrter or wa-lids the blue pencîl. lis course le the consensus of aIa isnt îei,i ie oie uvo jîcdgiaes ratie urubng unt catrc of ailde number of mes, often times influenced by past precedenîs. had e Stane dîthei Thisnîcands littldte bnisiglceinfrecollcîg c 0W lit laan Institution which the commrusity has hciped 10 malle, and whlch hanle eoss cketiigeThrs nfrm bs froandtebanbd lv ob 11khg (O Wtas10make the communily, btlh acting and lnteractisg on each other, A tcîrîîr w IIIlciot cecFreslte aoluhere cs up u u o signcd editoriai gives an impression that mercly one mans personallty ls back ir le dcui Wb nt Ite.1tteof tuie- In mthe hb sen u iîch asupscr ik of l, which ls ailaroeg. el o.Jdp-N'InyO Vlh.I h bec fsr aspser So wisen a man cornes along and aas editorials bo be sigccd, lit la very gaci anîd .ldge Donneil * of Woodisioclastion iiier careful si:irvislon inccxl lkly because he a-ants to lîmît their force. in that way the public wouid satl lîesîde ini tbe local court. ic resorted 10. Pruitcrly done, thîi constantiy te misjudging the pow-er of an edilorial opinion. Just as they wiîî .Jîidge Frosti;S one of.the te. Rock-mote aiy;btIprcci l1 iaugh at a mninuster a-ho a-cars red stocklngs or a jhIny cot. eveni though the lord sus ecs Io attain a iecuch igher isrsaft~btnîrcie lI word, of eloquence and of truth proceeded from him, se they wouid dei¶y 1he thon the cicrci court.i-He w as bors 5a dillicîît nmotter b i ara Ont on a wlsdom 0of utterance if they dld not happes to like the mannera of the M as. in St.lohnsbtir'., \ i. May I 1 Sý t large scale. vrac mde Irînd canve Io Rochford inici l .litîe The newspaper is a mighly organ for the uplift of pubic opnin. In g c ni irtitcd trou)stle X'et Iilgl crhio far etsit aya truc things il aill be effective. ils ullerasces should te allowed enIid i tereii fic Pre tf Se talexMai. tu stand or fal ty their oa-n aeighl. regardîcs whether the public likes or dis-N ,iorr îlsa îtîldd0 WhtsAcunBosOs. lies the mas that for the tume being ;a the mouth-pîece of this institutionalibhelac Jan.(fi'.4, iaindl aas eler ed A hat;kbocut cx hliî -e- book and force. siaies siloricuiuli2 utbldlrttotal t ecl-way of keeping place util fiâdte Carrer died, xx len cash scoi,.cc iml landlhui yoîc bave the le wacs elected ircîuit judge le sars bout ii0ui>re cir ceuticnt for youu ecitctFeti i»Ii For flurii ii llice cash rrZistt.- %Il omesof keep- LAKE COUNTY'S BURDEN. zarislo ,vaa-the lasa pacînci f tif rW a,5.n5cof icpu ud paymeuît lati RoicriC ilF.xty Ombind with acc-l îuneb' upwa One Q l allI i îiîviîî iltilliult i--iIt ttctifchonecty. StateciîI-i crn indispensable speeial graiid ,jll iiveIît ' t il tilitti ca lege- Xioi Cil u i "sus. w7oSpeed. resulsite Of 'ait , cafuIiu.lues: bon- vote fraiîd castr, dt. * îlgral l Bi" -OtI ac r~o~eci- u aout It. The lu- i zell i-c isdirection coBBlty 2a go îi<liv cf 1 wlth somtegecîr trouble," soya the 9,- On the Part Of ioutitl)cacleIliga lier- têlilît l piica frc o dtilii s Bstaot. turning from the telepbont:. sous, cash iic-îTh're îrderlv set- Now Shrji (hi-ti ati s~ut -lt tiIci'ciî i 1 "Ele wscts ci; to sentiout there and fix ting doiut î,f reeitls anîd capecdi- nîlust serve eapli.iasi ji alliiats cif tilî-t îîîteîi Sttis li)c1l'lhcemachine for hlm." fureta -cfnpi o 'ciesclf wIt l .'ro those iind t î Tlitt w ii ll cut i flls -citlto iiiivbt "Al rtght. but we needn't burry. îHe tas l-ceu c-xelr.?.-d uncd fiwfirasct lr of mollîe-,. bas pald for bhc machine.- say-s the Pose etirres:1(riicutil iiirlil, a wurn. Tle1 I l wîta-eil I( ut ci(l-liiii"il d tîti i ýtriials asi t- t g bnt.iug If lnectihti. acciai c cc-inlit reatou Bu i asvbe l4 willng away the sibiiily. Theue liu.lct-.hue tircof iandiIllei toint\'S piedivt tc cîaY Vc liN ai wili i ilst 11 l siaî'atî- tria1ltimre readbcug a dvertisements of other ,test brlng hnwlit,, 11 e sctri ccd i for t-acî i ii iau iîictl , Tlat xxil-ccq k1ikei-41uiitv a sîb mi-s'abilllhy of remetsli -alit spmciiiuiz, A jimpossibleto tc cstilîatî-, biittt 1l-icIidailml f iicluîerl.e g ~ hir crêw 10 dîcregard Rarton Heicri sl.--l1 i I., ilstle (otzol "dis(iIIIll i' the cpecd bas ancd Iget utthere ilm-__ Ad tcthslu ellp4icitZic1 11( i cititiî Iti-ii rndlately."-Judge- N-%mt- t1iiiît tii buce oir r-pair. tioiini. 1 -îli'tS iltî-ii i' e t C-tc-I I îk' ctît x- tîîd tha' ictotez xr i h,- allice iletIun os ilt aniolîît i-itilcliiciliît. Ictî'tiIclr,ll1ii?-(if dîllatir i-n tiîî- Cin Consolation. is tîu baue- it i-u. >%1.00 la-crc-t lor additiontiilctict-î i ila -t li "~~i pvî h-i îîî i' Jobb old boy.' saiibe slck coan jtiulile biari ea lCgluarafltc- itir \uthce attenidant. 'l Wrnt 3'oil 10 go w ockr - C to. 2 1 t I)owie ani hiux%îlaiti tccuin tî iii-f licxl, out and fech ime siother milter" T!li titaruadis-rai dtii iii ti'.lîjtî tt liciblliSat r.c'VV<' "Myv. youcve badl a preacher witb readvt(; iale tavhollie iiio cort onsliÏlt(ts prve,'ý, youail heDEPnENDENTIDE"WNE nT « Ada"Ad tninin out at comitv expeiisu taiîîi "That*s Jst l." gaaped 1hl mati, uts 5cnt nIneto antitlA'aS til li î'iîIit~xc'i SI' lIc c- Q itiaTI-s - 'Me thongictlie was cheering me uti' diffe'iîc, '.xlîîi î u o ic ut iiî i le i-uî-aî a fi-t-t 1i lîtIXtloiii IIIsnd bte ld me Id meet my Ilre crà ysuiiuiigiiîg ano tbicg about fuel tereIst tîî the('rest icf'tte oclilt 5. wlvea in teaven!"-Atlanta Constltu-o- r n aiciter. Noi ur ii ont-y sail dra w blc The 1*cliliitx icillts witiIl mcicllîîtcii-i 1fi iîîî tito.intireqif iN'o v u its- w. ýlii cTs'dc. L -ed, ai,1 aiwccii. di<-tileits ccl' tt orgt a ii'atlîcrt seriolli-s iItlilci-'. atii__________________________________ Ltake <iclîv letirs tt-e lctiîhiî. tîtli l l- elilis ralui)t t urtxpter pricitti1in' 11wu tlîI X i-ti--- are \oiciîîg S igiiotir iiîîrt. lhi iliat wi i litI\ai 1 or affîîîd reîlief. H TW A H RS EIE ' This pitîai ltii'heZioli îsilttttttli i r tii r-t0- fffp(.t lîpl i ll tt ititc' if tut- î'oiiîtx. NOW. IS THE TIME TO PURCHASE0 vo ymu klwMi a t ciata easy to bu I-- &ot cvia il ts gooimul iaI- avithItdtleý annîuyanve cil Fot aid Stîlcilicute..1 tl gurI i.c ,tire a sera tt1týir' unilttoir Pon l cek Itle -to- t ii- îIaiiii.tacli aroely tl«ee 1' vnmiit.- Vi noli.-t \ rt Yii 'Iam gel il lnouî ire ici, iîmtî clii, pany. It lmad>e iIi'-it brItuluis cm ii soaes ercouighiranc caeiimts- ire Ici hum ail tl.c gases flmft iii litîîI-ra cakesRout saud'-un 1,'I i Ttcelell uaclur arid wmteu1-tir xxenf t0 the duuur cite laid a .eai a-i woman. -Tj'ce8e - ni a tiiyou iii tu lcie molie 1 goI ix ttui denmecicllc ubciaudis peralyzed - -"Why, tertainly. Herri. ca mquarter. i@ret yoor lusiand ",He'$ in ail nuII]u .-- qn oaluwby, v.%v 'atslia n taitlfor. " For gttin' psraiyzed cuml - nid hoone.s have been a-îred b,' us foc etectrîn s -rvice sicace Jaaoarf on our plan of doitig aock at cost; ta-enty- four nouaibs fo pay, no inter- est. IS YOLIR HOUSE WIRED? Saiii lý ARhltiV iR North Shore Electric Company 3rglean coucerntng thbecity ln (Oood hoire tres and ta-O g00dtiî which yoo lise througli o rur adai gemia are*promimed for the clebrati.nflswerIng trips wili be USEFUJL o st the fair grounde the 41h you-perbaps la unexpected ways. Refigerator Wehave a f ull une of genuine Charcoal f lled Refrigerators Prices f rom Fin drk $14 TO $26 Finedarkoak calumet guaranteed to be 'the 0 Smost ice saving refrigerator on the market to- <0 '~day. - A FULL LINE 0F GENUINE- 0 0 ~$ PIIADELPlIIA LAWN MOWERS Price $3 To $9.500 <1 Genuine 5 ply, 200 lb. test Garden liose 12c foot H. B. EGER LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS state of Ilinoti, County or Làke. as: In the Count>' Court of Lakte County, June Termn, A. B 1911. ttc the malter ofthe application of checidore H. Dnrst, Guardîsnofo Stan- ly Outrancier Coe, a minor, for ]cave to seil reil cabtale BD' x'rtuce of decretal order made and entered ot record ln the above en- itled cause ln said Court on the fiev rflth day of Junie,. AD. 1911. I will on Tuesday- the Eîeventh day of July, A. D. 1911- at the bour of one o'ciocln l he aflernoon of sald day at the East Doo! ofIhe Court B-oucse ln the ('ity of WJacctegan, ln the f'occnfy of Loake sud State of Illinois, offer for sale at pub- lie vetidue 10 the Icigheat cand best cîduier for cash, ail of the rtgbt, tit le and Intenest of said Stanleyu Ostrander C0e, ln and ho the foilowlng descrla- id ceai estate, altuated ln the Coucntî' cf Lake and State of Illinois, to-wtt: Lot Number Forurteen (14), in the Addition to the Norlbwest Addition tu bhe Towan o! Little Fort <now un tice City of Watukegsnl. exceliing one (1) Oit ln wfdti oif the estuerly aide of said Lot fouteen 1141. for thcesuppbort and educathon of sald nulnoc, and for he prcrpose of lnvesfing suicb o! the proceedatcf said saIesa saal 001tic mmedlateiy rcciulred for sîcb suppmort ccd educalbon Jn ofiier real estale, lic if ottierwlsc lnvcstiug the saitne. TIIEODORE H. Dt7'ST lîcardiban of Stanley 0-trander Coe, nuinor. Datcd, .lunc 11h. 1911. Thistie Notice. i icetaotie(. tr i a i it1 I . i qituit '("irii-i-ii 1 c0,r ' t t cuir1 tublui. -nmi i~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~o ta1i1, hii ttli -rc, î Pîclures of Great Horses. cut lst? iFihiihce rliî 0cm'.. aîc h 'ilttc..r. i tî1w11 ruu1tdl ceul wrctbcd uic ldllaIiîiic humî,h-a lit g-acs 'S jiCl50.. -ctrc- hi-h- tr i.- î rmcîc esit- aî,le tor fnumciiiig. AIhIe Ifour wmrldsR r-lilituidtii 'hu"il ,c -c5t 0. ii; I rmudo E i . l :14% f4 ) - .Icccm îî2 ancd ititia-'- Po'k.'i'.2) 2:091,t andl uc.- sou cccvi tto ail airhs -ru c s.t t4ierrCuclcar cubFlctripchln i ri eofC2*'- r 3o-ar cit ami- vance ci fll-tse tlplieshlacîdmcadcc enlucacle I-ic u reci r-,' Wtc as ilI la t ii ar bl fcadavmlvitrdliiflit Selling salable properhy la s 'mers malter 0f want advenriolu." t l-. Wl lf. iN t'Il-l lt fbt i, tîel i s'urarîrloie ansohtrust i i5l ira tiil'it hi ii a Perfect Rocanicrg Order tbut a-îu arcfie lion ltrotisl Ilui aIai] lit ,of tepu a rrk itidroisIN flic arcs ir saourîl s uncie-tlias r u,0 lucsiatcericli eii aig thec ilsirarticle in ii urcarc. A. ÎIUSS JEWELEP l,lbertyville 111 lm IiaI. The depcndabiity of Malthoid oit s-niehas heem lîrovculby special tests covering a peruuîd of m,.tiy ycars. Miade in the largeSt factory in the word-ct is absoiuteiy right in evcry detai. Ih resiato fie- s acid pruof- waer and weather proof- Keeps heat in the building in winter. Kceps it out in summer. Matthoid will lat as long as thse building ik covers. It is inexpensi'ce easy 10 lay and your roof troubles arc over when Maltboid ia laid. If you douhî ask Generai Bradtreet to zive you a line on Malthoid Maker- The Paraffine Paint Co. mmý We will take your measure and guaran- tee a fit. Plenty of goods to select front Get your order in for the 4th of July. E.W S PARKHURST SCHANGK BLOCK Headquarters for MI Kinds OF BUILDING MATERIALS LUMBER, SASUI DOORS, MOULDINGS GLASS. LIME, CEMENT, SALT FEED, COAL, BRICK TII!, Sf WER PIPE, BUILDING PAPER STONIE, DRAIN TII!, S!ED, HAYjSTRAW POULTRY SUPPLIES We Solicit a Share of Vour Pat- ronage. No orders to large or too small [o tlt. Give us a trial and be convinced. NOME LUMBER CO. PII1NE 50 RESIDENCE PHIONE 1233 Haying Tools Deering Mowers Rakes Side Delivery Rakes Rock Island andDair Loaders ROPE, PULLEYS, FORKS, CARRIER TRACKS SECTIONS AND REPAIRS nIF IT'S SCMANCK'S IT'S (IOOD BROS e I i g ~Ar invea and Chicago The INDIEPEND ENT and DAILY TRIBUNIE orne H,ýJW£Gr- ..bertyvifie'year for $4.25. great A gui The i -e, ie Had The finest you bic, t.ed lu nce above We i fast tic b 'Iîd' u',b o glas. b Our glas. ChilcI furthe persoe là thce belicvi Presid Libert s. - - - - Pc .&-MMM mmummmmmmmm Pi' - *0000 o' o e * v *a 4 o (i * o o o .1 o * o o 0 c~ ~b. o o o o o i s

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