-~LAKECOUNTY INtIEPÉNDENT, Fn News of Waukegan and the North Shore flulUPOUTND DEAD IN belLDU1 CHICAGO PARK Ilmar Kanto Pounrd With flflBulet Uofl in Head Chicago and Waukegan formed two EREVAlIDER ISTARR orthtAe city Sunday, when the body KEET SAD DE ATH I f l 0 imar Kantp, 21 years aid, wbc formrly esidd Inthe forth shore LAI MICHIGAN suburb, was round wthin a stones tbrow of hundreds of people passing to and tro ou -AMcigan avenue, Chi- SADDEST CASE là KONTHS cago. He is beiieved to have kle because of bis falura 10 win the affec- tion of the girl he loved, bis own cous- Had Been Flaying on Boat in, lu. Slght of !Iany Men, But The scene of the tragedy was lu None Saw Him Fal Grant utpars, [eanraya t outrît. t oc- cnrred sbortiy ater noan. Despite the tact tat Kanla ired lwo shots, no one learned of the esucielsnil Lake Michigan, or cater. a treacit- South Park Poiceman Paul Olaf bap- erous slip of the local bïarba,, caîneui ot i is tirait vieititu of the enrmmer sea- penea lto iud tlb-ehdy several min- son in the persan ut Eria Vander Star- utes latar. The chatbiug wasssalursled -l0-year-oId sOn of Mr. and Mca. Mac- wllb rain. The body sas takan ta tin Vandar Slarr ai 731 Grand avenue. RoIstau's uodertaklng roamsat5 736 Thse lad sas drowaed scarcely 100 feelt rum lb-e spot shere mauy men Southi Wabasbaaeune. were socklug sud bul a short distance, While the Police ara lnvasîigating tram the spot shere bis tather sas a possihlealmurder theory, owlog ta worklng at the Chicago Te & Tituberlte tacî taIlitera ara Iso hulaIt Treaalig Company, nartit ut tbe bar- ber. sounda, ana lu thee nîgitîtemple and Took Lad ta, Wort. the alter just ,#bove the bearî, Ihey Martin 'Vander -Slarr, faîbar ofthlitabelieve haIt soundas ere saît-lutliit- lad, lae etployed as chief augineer on edi one oatIhe cranes outhlie Tie Preserv- Ing Campany. This tuorulug siten Moltey and Frienas Misslng. ho etarted ontto10wark ha laok Enie RanI0 leftIWaukegan two days lia- aioag with hlm. as tue boy hati oflen fore, tatlug sltbhlm $35 lu cash anti asketi toasconîpany bis ttier 10 sark. a goid satcit Ha sas accompanled1 Tise father saut about bis dalles af- ten telliug teboy la te caratai sud *b>- two comîîsnlous. Accordiug 10 lita stay away trointe edge ufthtie pier. police the ouly points u inte case taI il vas ual long attrsards shen he poin olu 0 asspicion of foui pîsv are sLav the boy plsyiug lu a amali ras- wr boat, whicb sas lied up 10 the docks. Ibat nto moue or valuablas sr Tise fathar csutioned tae lad ana tld toua ou the body anadlte Iso Comi- hlm te gel ouI of teboast. andlb-e panions canuot ha locatad. boy obeyed, blia ppareutiy relurnea Upon exaaîlnatlou of te daad la, tire boat agaiu. Nones aw Fail. man's ciolblng, a note written lu Thte exact mainer of the drowniug Swed lhaitsd te pitotograpit of a la flt kauvu. About 11:30 te ta- yuung soman sera found. On the thon mlssed the lad, and s searcit nas ouliaa of te nota wss snittan: "No- atarted. Fornueariy au bour the ta-.I thon anti othen employeeé; of the coin- if3 Maria Kanlo, 623 Helmuholtz ave- PazsY pe"rled about the shanvas, sud 'nue, Waukaga.' The girl sas not t lat William Mitchell, an eugineer tounti at thal addrensa, basvar, but on the other crana, sas tae boy lytag sas locatani eI 363 South avenue. Ga tise bttom o the barbon lin about Gil eneLve uar. 11v fot of saler. Mitchell, sithout GilensLoeqar. atoPppng ta diveat imaelf ef bis gar- The note sas nol slgned. monta, jumped lulo te lae, dove The Kanto girl deuied bsvlug beau dosnansd recoveredth ie body ufthIe a cose friand ut ber cousin sud said boy'. Ho handod the imp tarin up latey had ual beau lu love sitit each9 climbe .viosooiaioehl.sd oth(ier. She admitted ah-e recelved laI- Tryto Restoe.Lite, lai-s tram hlm. Dr. Gounley sas bastlly aummoned lu apila of hec declarstlon ut grief,. from bsu oilice, and a cail seul la ta hosever, Miss Kauto ateded a parly tihe Whte ambulance. Wble waitiusg for tise tictor teararive, employa..of lu Waukegau last alghl. She sasc th docks anrd of the steamer Arizona, dressat inlubright colora and sore ai Wldeh tood aetlthe docks of the Tie lai-ga banquet otf lowera, and sas ast Prellerving Company. vorkati avec the body ai the lad lu a valu altempt 10 gy&as aay onepi-sent. rajatose lits, but It la Ihougitt thal the The body vas aunna lu Grant park, boy was la the vater fully an bouc ho- Chicago, Satui-day, sud bore twu bal- fore is body vas ecoveret sud taeelaIvaunnas. vw oie h opas Ielt ont. The body vas taken 10 the Vauder lu the pckel of lb-e coaalsas touud anc. te the Vauder Starc home ou a uolahook siicit gave lb-e due 10 Star home ou Grand avenue, thse deati man's ldautlly, It bora, ou Many Men Near By. oueaoutlils pages. a requesl ta uatry A. strngs tealura ofthlitadrowniug lat tise tact tisatI t sas lu full sigitc of Marie Kanlo, 623 Helmhotlz avenue I nearly îwauîy-tive men amployed ou titis city, sbat itad accurred. tise Plies Oftlies. NO aneaspparelly Beasdes Ibis notation an the deada heard the spLah, or sas tae lad tail. tasoronsrLoudpkrc i The Cres of the Arizona, sud aIl the mn esnwr on oe hp emplayeez o! tbe docks tati seau lb-e a Pen knife, sud a box of anuif. Th.e lad playlng about tae pier, but tram man vas ive lest seven, salgitea tiraI ime until bis body sas racov- about ana lundi-ad andi forty pounds, ered ,uo oua appareully sas hlm.' sas ligitI hairea anti bad a ighl on The mathen of Eria Vander Stacc om vas baly affecled by the nasa litIPiaxion, sud soce ligitI stripedtr Ious-8 her sou had beau trowned. Thle lad ans, s bina coat, sud s bine shirt. e bad beau a pupil of the forlb grade Tite news came ta te SUN Satur- t O! tise Centrai scitool, and but yaatec-dashn tahysstredlcv day had left the scitool, going up 1 dywtutuboyws Is iso-f tise iflis grade. He adtioflen tlasedeeati bis ftIri- la ake hlm 10 sork slt _________ hllm, and Salucday mrarulg the tathen !bM ncs ilBae assented. o eae ilBae When the ftîer iret miaaed bis lad Titrae voîrng men. 'Charles McMana- hol sPoke laelita captalu ufthlitaAri- "'n , r-gineer, George Mason, a zona, saylng that ha sas sure taI bis gas uman, sud AI Cooper, SUN circula- b aon bad talian iqIa te iake 'riha toct, Sunuay n!gitt pananed sud caplur- a captain attampted-tu reassuce tiha fat- atinlte uuderbruph aItte blkefront s or, aayiag Ibat ha sas prahably play- a Markt street man sho la saldti l lirg about saine of te piles of tles ou coma homne druuk sud lu a freuzy tr theo wiant. The fatter saiketi alang sreaked is tar-par on is site sud8 tise aida of the plen ant islcovaedth be iuy golden hairetd-. -,ýhIer, te laIt-l body ot bis son shountte same time er of sitatuha bit in îbe baad wltb Il Mitchell Plungedti talhIe lake ta ce- sncb violence thal hlootirs ra km bac tl caver th. bodiy. aare. o - -.A crowd gaîharea tram the sîeeatT éCtLooae" sund frain a uearby saloon anti mauac- Pl eut IDES.etithe minu.Frank Sarola. viit vio-w Cnt baselance, atter which ha lied lovactis the ThM's the word ai Northt Chcago lake Sirrel McManaua and Masan vIlS regard ta lise Salle Ponrtli cle. plîraOed hlm closely sud captured i hmP bratlan anti Parade, anti every lne ~Lu inthe hushes. Ha alarledt laput np i te be, ad ake te cleratonthea a tght, but a glauce aI is husky cap-a ta be, atimai Ie ohenatou tors soon gol Ibis nation ont of bis e blgaut andi Most elaharate even belli heati. Thse prlsouer vas turueti aven ci ons theire iitii aSbOee laOfficer Metz, sho 100k hlm 10 Jail. st Bouilles the arc ligbt8 lu Fasa park1i0elitho girl sas 6 yearB aid sud fuir vii lu cooret muaudanta seams to 'bave beau tecribly itealea. ?hemd., tie ouea bvo Thon. hea agrowlng movcrnr.-t hors 81 Y« bous cissen. Parade pizes a s ta ail the dlrt aud macadatu treets. foliava: Hait Day, Wheellug, Ltlt'vityville, anti -est Ffriqle marciig Socet- Other villages la addition ta Lake a P1orest sud Iigillant Park, are litng 8 A ie -esentig soi tis te al011 ih gooti effect, andi It la urg-t .,a'~ ili t--eseting aacety eithat Hickary treetad 1k tuaa-.I c ' hel $ .00; 2d, $5.00. ameti sîreets hars ouladi liaffacti to Bast drilled i achn.g organization have JIt.t -$10.00. I-h ncî luu hulinîut Eutbatcepssailug bsInss a-ta Beek yotàr pcoparîy, mai-e yaur lercet-419.00. PrOPertY Bse k the tenant thcongis a Pretttauto tiaat-$1O.00. camPaigu ai classifleti advontlalug. ______________"Office vantera uearly alvays as-0 8.5415e s.tta mm r adj - l-acmrethain positions t.lhragsadvertla- 0 lit _«n thon vrll. & a idone. mont aissys, lu a busness d You aLlOdger. 1way. POLICE RAID- PREMATURE FOURTH LýARE BLUFF KICKS GAMBLING DEN INJUP.ES SNALL BOY ObJecta to 840M,000 Increase iSix Alleged 'Crap Shootera" Highland Park Lad Badly in Aaaeaamenta Hauled Into Court Burned by Pire Crackera o o'tl atitetxpy One uf the severai gamliing games, The irat prematore Fourtb ut Juiy Idgorpuai a Blff us ta now. n which it la alleged have lisenn lup- celebration, anda apractîcal Joke 1ly, 'b asonisLaek e truff ail that, eration ln Ibis city. came ta grief ed by a compaulon lsnded Charles tested it out, and uow there la a keen Scbuski, teu years alid of Highlaud deuire ou the part of saime of theru ta Satnrday ulgbt, and as a resuit Park lu the Jane '%IAlister hospital eg. of the raid, six men gave their exi Friday moruiug. re cueea;4000ge.es s B cuses ta Police Magistrate Walter! It appesred that Schnskl bail pur- sessed valuation ou the total property 3Taylor Suuday maruîug, and were let chased a bunch of common tire-crack- lu the city, and ail Ibis came about bea *off witb stuail flues, except tbe oper- ersanad after tearing the psper tram cause the peaple tbemselvee tbougbt starof he alegd ginewhowastbem, placed thetu lu bis trousere tbat the lucome of thaîr clty was not sta ottbeailgedsaie, ho aspocket. Oue af bis companiaus, see- euaugb to support Il and keepL it goiug called upou for a contribution ut $25 lng, It la ciaimed, a chance ta play upward aud ouward Insted of down- sud cosns. a gond Jolie ou bis friand lIghîed a ward sud backward. Sa tbey raised Thoe tkenlutherai Vie l matcb aud applied it ta tbe fuse at it way up, wberefore uew resideut pro- Thsetke n h ri wr ý-tbe end of the buucb. perty awners aud somne of the old liatu t.eousrd, alegea operator of the The fuse burned until It struck tbe guard wbo approved and alded the gane, Luke Williams, Stewart Hauey, powder lu tbe lire crackers, aud they step are at the boilling point. E.NI. Edwards, Jasepb Green sud exploded aue atter another lu rapid It bappened ibis way: Dannay Hill. With the exceptian of succession. The explosions tram the Tbreç or four years ago Lake Bluff crsckers It seems3 ignlted the cioth- tiuableillo the tact tbst every time -wo, tbe liaI was composed of negroas. îug of Scbuski, sud îbey blazed up It suffered a ire, sud thore bave Que ather la said ta bave been net- rapidly. beeu some pretîy husky nes dowa ted lu tbe raid, but bis uome did not The lad wba applied the match ta there, no lire departmaut was aI appear on the police register. the lire crackers, reallzed that bis baud ta combat It. witb tbe exception triena was lu danger ot heing seiverely of a tew bei-ucasd haitie scsrred Tbe alleged gamne was lu operation burued, and rusbied ta bis assistance, voluu4eers, sa tbat property badl ta go over the lRed Front saloon, on Wash- attempîlng ta heisat out the iamea. hp lu amokle sud iame. iugtou treet, next ta the Secnrlty Wben tbe lire at last subslded, Sebus- Tbey alsa tumbled tu tbe tact that Bank Tbee wre svera gaes l t as fouod ta bave beau hadly every lime s rabbery or aseauit toak Bank Thee wee seeralgame Inhurued on tbe rlgbt l11mb. the lag tramn, Place, wblle the entire Police farce operation, at the time the two police, tbe kuea ta tbe hip being ana Mass turned ont sud did bis lave! best. more Hicksansd the regular uiigbî mau, of blisters tram tbe borna. than most men would do. be was ual Bootb, made the rail. ('caps sud oua enaugb lu blmself ta do evat iung They aiea noticad that their village or two card games were lu oparation, CATCH HORSE THIEF was lacking ln oriher things, water it la aliegea, ail at tba saine tîme, sud8suPpîs- Improvamenîs, cauvenieuces, Bo linterested wara tbe men lu tbe Man W'ho Stole Rig at Janea- o fficiais of needed types aud wbat not. gaine tbat the officars ware lu tbe that a modern ciîy abouid bave. roo, efoe ny f he nnate wre ville Caught near Duin nilng And tbey came ta the conclusion room baoraauy f Ie iulates areabout the lirat of 1h15 vear that Ibeir aaetbat they were undar surveil uewYear resolution sbould ha ta lu- lwan.Atter s chase over vounurv roads ewas b iyiem aIa ie lance. it ncresatatte 1 The gaina was pullad sbortly altar wbicb lasted nearly a full day sud could. like other cillas ahouit t hema. mnidnight Saturday uigbl. Since tbe duriug wbich*George Adauts. tbe Elgin "bave things." reprtba beu prsa ha te -li.-garage owner, ast aithtea siheal of an Tb How They Did it. repot bs ben Srea tht th "]d*'Therasuit was that the village was ase a itte orbai ben tkenautomobile for Issants thre bancs, board sud cilizens hala meetings, sas- off in te i tIle r s d beau taen Edward Aippin, who bad stolan a F3ions legisîstiveansd axecuttîve. con- offlu be tpilis sidIba threhorse and buggy fronts aasvilie terencas, debates. sud cobler ncb at- bas beau a large lucreass of games ieysabe s ntretan atirs esery, night dîîrlng te montb oft ofer sbisbsortlu Ibetvrionstsalons, sudApril. of hissor Inthevalou saoon, ad unuiug anuth ie Eli-sntt sud bis 1 Tben the village atreats were ea- aboya lbam. Que place la allegea ta Put up a claver atuit, baviug it lu comnPauions b bailth ;tiaction of vassed bp voluinteers train among the readiness If a auy Utime an officer seeing bilm landed lu jail ai Jefferson cilizaus sud the village officiai board, -Park. sibo wenl 011 sud down. up saddowu niaises the rounds. The 11111e gamne ilsIhe st,-eet.a, sssessing evary propaci> sala ta ha worked lu Ibis fashion: Stli Rig ai Janesville. owuer sud citizen Juat wbat they The oneyfor hIchthe amesare Aipplu stole the rig front Goodwîn thougbt would bcs alcairsud equltabie1 Tbe one fo wbch Ie gmeaare& Son ut Janeavilieanatd lmmadlateiyasasesameut for bis holdings. snPPosed to be piayad, are kept ou Atter thir, they weuî lu a body ta Bach corner of tbe tabla, the men bh-a- o learalng of il. Goodwiu. together Tlmothy House, the veteran assessor Ing ready ta declare luncase of a raid w ilh the sberiffs of Harvardi sud or the iowu, laid down thair ]lst of as- It l sad, tat he mneyla nt aRock couriîles, sud tbe depnty aberiff sessmeuls sud demauded that te as- It l saa, hatIhe one lanut~ f Woodstock set oun lutuomobies sosaments ou bis books ha correctedl Jack pot," but merely change wbicb yteue te altkn tbe bartauder bad laid dowu Ibare. fe i.H astae sfra Mr. Howeaslzad ai, thie crowd Ibal and heybailnotpiced u. I laAlgonquin, wbera bis wife lis amployed wslted nîton hlm ana decided thal as claied, owevr, tat a theend luIna botai sud there ail trace was bast, long as they wanied their awu asseas- chaime, bwevrtha aItbeendot The chauffeur ofthue automobile ce- ments, wltb others, changdi, be'd bat- a game. part ai least of the allegea ter do il. Sa ha aid. 'change" takes s change of venue, sa fusea ta go furtber ou accaunt of the What Happened Then. bad condition ut the roas and the Ail weuî swimmingly for s lime, un- goas 'Int the possession of anoîbar boid weatther- Adamus was then tle- II the pstrlotic tax payera gaI notice player. pbaued ta meet tbe afficers at AI- of thirlucereaÉisaIl asesmeuts sud of Itlila also sala that several aiot mua- gauiquin . the tact titat thie changes meant huai- chines bave beau revîved lu the cîty. Haro started the lang chase, aud tne a. That tbay worta have e10 PSY aud IflaI allegea are helng operated back and forth over had raads and lte mindis of saime. lu a large extant. withauî any trace sibatever of the Most of those wbo voluutariiy taok Manbe an he achne al nght a lucnreasea lu their asseasments, Ibat manha ru ta mahineailnlgb aI ir city may he benellttea are stick-f CHANGES AT AR:kY POST temptlug ta head 'the man off. At Iug witit their colorsansd willi Psy thea Jeffersan Park, the aberiffs ut Rock bil.f Two New Officera at Fort and Harvard cotintles were lett off. Howaver, a lew oftae wauld-be pat-t aud epnl Sbr:ffAndrwaGoodin ota bave already ranaged, as bava Sheridan n euySeifAdes din ail of tbe out of towu sud non-ceident2 aud Adamasauet back ta, make inuquir- properýy uwuera. sud thare promisess Cooe .P lhp omryle-les, ta ha tbe bottest kind of s war befaret teacolonel H.f. tlh p, fuvrmry adlieu- - ferGiin U the L.ake county board of ravlew lte a colon0fta he aviry d a findClw AeaGving p. mlgbîy soori up atthe court bouse, as1 latr paca upn be uasigna Iat Attr bs ig ad 11111e succes, lte Indignant property ownars appear ut the cavalry bas returned tram tbe wbile ounte sas home, tbey stopped aud reglater their complaints. army achoal 51 Fort Riiev, sud hbas at Barrington sud learned tlit the Il la sald that thee ucrease lu the Laken temporary commanà ut t ha i total as3seBoed valuation ort Shields 1 Post ot Fart Sheridlan, swaltlug the, man baid stopped inl a haru ail nilgt book ls over$400. ratura of Col. Pîtcher. nuw dapart- sud liadit amî,îa ta sali the wbaie Hait of Village Aroused. q ment commander, on or about July 1. rlg for $40. Bacatîse of ltae pacular Itlas alod that about hiait te proper-a C'ai. Blshop wss formeriy lieutenant obhle whlcb the horse wore, the rg ty owners lu the village are tolllug colonel of tbe 151h cavalry, an aintue' lime agu was placad upon tbe unas-lwas traced la sithin hait a mile of snigry sud aweatlng for s chance ta signed] ilat of cavalry officers, sud Jefferson Park, s haee eauthorlîles, tell arhetrutle.ad trvwt etered the achool at Fort Riiey. Sînce 1baviug beau notifled by telepboue by And how t ail came about la no tbat lime ha bas beau promoted ta Adams' party, intarcaptat i hm sud longer su officiaI secret. cautinad la8 tbe rsuk 0f colonel, sud uaw bas a s-. ls îte a sumed command of the post. ai Fart 1beïwas placed lu Jail at Jefferson Park . acoemuhdf Sheridan, Adams apeut Saîurday igbt at Jeffer-c Colonel Brown, tormerly lu coin-. son Park ana returned hume hy suto- Cultivale a persoual pride lu yoort mand oftIhe 5tb ield artillery ai Fort lmobile Sunday moruîng. Mlt e write want as THAT AC- i 5lheridan bas beau placed upan thet COMPLISH THINOS unusignea ist ot artlllery offilcers, Tbey sera positively tite sorat aud bis place ai Fart Sheridan bas roas Ilever drove aver," salolti r. beau taken hy Colonel ranger Ad- Adams whlle talking ut the chase IbisM ams, forlnarly of Fart Rlley. sdIssS b be o Many Changes Expected. twetytbre bours strsigbi." The C The elevatian out Colonel Pileber, as comman"adantwof aFart wNOe1 fo fromthe ost s comandnt o For party leftIAlgouquin ai 10 'clack Fr1- N R H S Sherdan ta thaL position ai the com- day nigitl and the chase continnea iiander ofthIe daparîmeal of the latesunutil aearly taI bour the next avan- bas neoessllated many changes of u--îng.. SHER] ficerg lu ail posta lIbthejuriedictian __________ if the departmeut of the Great Lake@. laIblure luhe rckt rbase two changes have already taken Alo h nue nteweka place, sud Il 18 expected thal others Fourteeaaîh streat, Nortb Chicaga, Sun- elîl ha ordered lu a tew days. day nlgbt, were taken ta the Evauston Car Strikoeo Poat Wagon. hospital, wbere saine rema.ined aud INI The linge carr-ail tram the poat stmotf ieursmaterwy b Fort Sheridan, driven by a olvilian ms fte eundterwyIt .eanter zuamed Daviae, wa aruck by Chicago. A large amounu ot debria ednst id a sauth-bouud Chicago ad Mliwakee tram the Iwo cars that colidea cav- edn t ud electric car tIbs moruijsg. The waff ered the Iraksaai Fourteeuth alcool the North Shoret ta was overlnrned. sud the driver s..inýt atnih.On a Seriausiy Iujure& pt idib as iiI.OecrpromptJy. . x-avlng Driver Inju,-d. waa comPietely uff the tracka, sud tbe If geems Ihat the carry-al bhad weet ilatform was tar anBid destroyed îtWl issue time cer loue tu Highland Park on Ia rTegnlir St the edgea, plauks being 'apliutered. shupping trip, sud waB la the act of The wreck brougbî out five hundrad îrsing thea Chicago and Miwaukee pal u Irakas hen car No. 180 came along pol,an for a lime excitement waJ RDMGIF rsd of a high rate of speed. it lo salid, and lenbe, wameli screamiug anti mon rua- J. FRED eGAUiR,ePasiE struck lbe wagoa. Ihrowiag il from aiug about. The settlement aeariY la- ' - S A. iV tbe tracka, overturniag il Sud throw- an alleu one. -- Ing the driver in, the slreet. The driver was picked up sand taken to tise hoapital ai tbe post, viser. It The chue ta where yau are la yackIR was reparteti th&t haliait snffered IRetAaema ofur several bra irbe, sud Il as téared for a long tim ocm a eon Internai Injuries. Hia condition Io -If you're ioklug for sncb a due- sal a la haserions, la today's Help Wantad ad@. It may. requlce a abort "campalga" Âd-readeca become bam-Ovuers au ut vînt advectlinig 1 tri the kinti a inatter of course-for tbey GET Il,- CORI of land, uhîsinea for litle or aotblg are ta ha siîealal salaIss aise. ftle trotu Brazil, 10 clear Ibis land tramntirtu tmsl a31eEa' ail tudargrowîb, cuitivate the han- loft. anas, ruhher trea., cacao beans, sud Arrtuaneuet i se also being made aIl[ other trapiticai producîs, sud also lu b asa grand opera lu Engilisi, sud of tiudlng an Immense markeîtacorthea 5 cmitatîs 5111 probably bhataIRavinîs mabogauy sud ebaup lysas wblcb they teacoucpIte of weea slthe latter part s-ould cultframnltaeIplace- la clearing Of Atîgiet Tbe Batii Greet î,las ara IL up. ha ve beau sei *uraîl. and tbep silI gise Changed Minds, However. 1 severailips lit August. Thera sîli Thisdrern f te tw )-ungin sisit be igb clasvatudeville abss Thi drstu0f ha so ouu uen' l litte lIavinia tbeaî'-r part Of the tiraI startea several moutha ago, but now IL bas came la nsugbt. for no otb- sumuiier. ar apparent reason than lthaItitýemen 8Sek Patronage tront Chicago, have chsuged titair mînda, sud wîll iILla seaidthat an atteuhît will ha aeek Ibair 'fortunes lu the wst. -made lu gel umore ut tbe hpeople troii, stead ut leasing Ibeir Homaiand for Ch'icago 10 lb-e îark lastaa otrelying the wilda of the trolulca ut Soutb f or patronage îprincipail] vuîan the, America nantit shore pîopulation, The sale ut sason tickets ou the norti aboyaeitas A Lasding California Oruggist beu munit bettar Iban avec betore. Passadena, Cal., Marth , 1)1 howaser. Titi- hricas wiil remnain the Foiey sud Ca., Gentlamnu-We havae sa a forsnerly. The transporta- qoiid and recoruadad iciay's Honey lIon cparties suit rua special trains anud Tar Compound Itor years. W, be- la ltheaîîark. haeveit ta ha une of ltae ute eiieut ____________ acpactorauts ounltae market. uoataln- lug no oistes Orcnarcutice il cseau e Witat CLASSIFICATION utflthe irivan lraaly lu ciiltiren. Enrugitofut he saut ad Interesasvan espadlally TO- remedy vin ha taklit )rëliava a coid, DAY? Yon eau turu la il lu about au, as il han no nausaaliug crati. and dacesnul interlare wîit4 il@renlion). instanit-or an Instant-and-a-hait. Yoars vacy Iruly. C. H. Ward l)riug Co. c i. Parsons, Seeyanti Tream." (net Oeo h lcsavrie o ltae original Folay'a Haey sud Tac u tIepaesavrle o I'ompooud lunltae yailow packages. For i-eut loday souid make YOIJR KINO male by ail] Druggints. 0F A HOME, perbapa. MORE TRUST COMPANY CAPITAL $ioo,ooo RIDAN BUILDING --HIG-&ND PARI( Makes a Specialty of 4VESTMENTS exclusively en nnprovecl property and faims in territory. Applications for Jeans acted upon jne checking accounts and demand hiabilities, -itificates of deposit drawing 4 per cent interest. 0f ficers and Directors Ment, Estate. Chcao IGHTMAN, Vice-Preaiiont -F Co, Roid Estate, Evanaton - PCke assr. '.isbecy. and Tres. Roselil Cemnetery Co. J. GEER, C<rumai, Attorney at La- Il. C. KELL-RM Vica-Preshdsnt Colonial Trust & Savinga Banks 'RESPONDENCE SOLICITER~-ý x 1:1 1 WOULD GET RICH QtJICK GRAND OPERA Two Lake County Young Men AT RAVI/I1A Indulge in Dreani Two youg men, ane a printer or Long U~ne Of MuBiCal FeSti- Waukegan, and the other rea1iîg lu VAIS are Planned for -Pop. Libertyvîlie, dreamea dreamasmomne lia ago, sud lu the vision sas, wbat ula.r North Shore Park. many bave seau betora, a chance for great waallh antd pawer luInte basin Thomias Orchestra will Open ufthIe Amazon river la South Amer- Season at the Park mon- Ica, sd a p lan for tae establishm ent a A 4 . . ? .1 5 ut a trade belseen ltae couutry of dY .AauOfleo,Jusy 3. Brazil, and the UnitedStItIs. Ther pan as omehin Ile tls. This week sli virtually ses thte Tnheiroplanof sas omthelng ensclose of the long ight totasave Ravinia planad 10 set sali trotu Naw Orleans, park. The deed 0f tranafar outhlit landing aI Rio de Janhero, sud setl-ndw Ramtepeet wes h tlug out fromtu Iat place wltb a train nwRviols comliuy sili titan ha lut ut wagons andi supplias, aud a nuu- o eod lier of coolies, ana peuetatiug lb-e AI a meeting ofthe laid Ravîula heart af the Amnazan river. comfauy, shîcit sas lucorporated foc On Land Grant. 15.000, lasI weak it waa decidea la Somewherealaong the lhue of Ibis reluaoorîîase 511h s capital ut$10, mighy erea, te yung menin-000. Serentytilve ihousanti dollars' tendd t esablah hemelvs uon orlt of stock bas beau suhacribati a land granit, whlch they wouiti oh y about 165 res4idauls of ltae nortit tain frontlte goverument, andîl hili -rsu 1000 ot o od tronm the porle. ras ruthe.r, salîtahl, ie lb su 1 iftp Ibhousand dollars lu cash andî soods, sud ail alter nîarketabler1eOtsrttflouasIIg i i hroducîs fromtu Iat axteremely fertileS00owrho ouaml ot h saiiev. They intanded 10 keali agents 11preseut owuera. About $11,000 Inl catit lu IbIs rotintry, sud ltae ras nîsterîsî1s, - M Il] be iilse& 10 îîas îtite delbtafruit, sbiliped luti toBaagents was tha laxes sud Insurauca sutîlincidetitals. iant, actti ratiin Ibis coutv Ti-il eie$0'10wrt fbod, Blamd TadeRelaion. ahi ch s'1lilielii-Id by thle (,litrago Blamd Trde Rlatins. Tille sud Truîst cumttaup -ana aald The 'y lîlsned la goîtotathe sort 11nis se fîîniîr ltlîirovemetits an the w ith thiite a sot as capitla, and la. îîark an-retmaile, Tii, ù n pu s ilil tenîded lunaashurtI lote 10 estaitilis aiealott$ Iiiniicash reaaning a tiada beiseen te Cîtîteel States tu etart flta waan. tuti tae Sauthb Anitlan au cîitrp, siîcî a-i tItis nattion bas net er exî,erienceil, Open Park on Juiy 3. Tuie> kues tiBat t he-p otîld irîd a mar. Titi' art wl11 opleu a t :2 o i liik kt foîr ail t h i r îrod ucl s tareanud loti paftlernuonr i.1i I t3 Thlue i a ailI t bat t hep' ssî,îîii entaituter lun tte att railtin wli ilia lie ltîtîtiatsitt wa of duiffcultieas as ltae lack oaiIra, si lct silI ils a ttti îrts iti t hi' lîruter traista urat ion. lia siliotit e r) aftt-t-nmotîtanti atari, t lt waalcairdrestît. Tîte yaîngfo w wek.Tenm ag et Mati îîirîîîred îîîenusî-î es cbapiniis îîak inuita t ieril I ,-ltat t o litrtti titeir say titrîstglitthe dente uîîda gouti nîi tior thaetti s- '-aseasuli grothligtig wld ea5tson ne TiteCicago grand iopera urciiestia aidead malrttaria arc the alteër, butî aI w5fil haone utflteatstîractionîs aite ast, afler mtan, utonts of bard lahor season. Oter orchestras eugagc-d sre of indlng Ithi .e!%s as stal)iîhstd itlet épilisSymîsitisus orcestra, s traite wblct uta one hetore bsd everan a usuorhtafotte ubtaiued slIwit thUited States. Thay easal Au ataîn lîl bas î alluae 10