LAKECOVNlTY rNDEPENDENT, PF .+. . . .+. . . .3. .. . . Two lttIe cildren very pretty, Contrar y to generai rjbrtd, a new on me attUréd s Unct Sama and t"e leasé iasiflot yet been slgned for the 4W. WAU$EOAN LOCALS. . biber as Buffayo Bil, Made a bit at preteht "tofi ffice quaIters, but on, + fà -) the North C'hicago picnic. wiii be, for an unstated term of years. .4. .... + . +. +.+.++. .Rev. H. W. Reed and wife of Rock Signe warning against speeding (Itrom Wednesday's SUN.) Island, a former iator of the localt over te souîii Pheridan road lridge ~i4r Ryaj, wio asBaptist church and for nirie yeas 1In wili be placed aiongSheridan road for 19'bina onatle Inteeas been lit charge of a Btist Ohurcb at Rock gome distance tram the bridge a ihi cbndhbasretrn oftheVoiva Island, are ber, for the weelt. Dr. .the next few daya. charh, an etunedand la n0W I Rend will occuPy tihe BaPtiet Puipit America. He wilI arrive ai Zion City for te neat three Sundays. Brs Gleave, recentiy on a trip> to the eveth.England, han- returned 1.0 Souitreal, Mrs. Henr>' Dencker, wife ofa Yeterday when Tom Wickenden where la6t week site was met by NMr. Nortfi C'hicago fireman, died thilsend E. 8. Fnos were off Camp Logani and Mrs. Themas Gleave aod son moinong and thse funerai will he held rifle range ln a amall boat bulietoland proeeeded io Halifax for a two from thie reidence f'riday ai 2 oclock froni the range spiashed tise water weks action wt bhurlinb Oakwood cemetery, about theni and a sbower wen t weov n through the salls. There are no signe lrotherhood of Amercan Yeomnen Mr. Hggn. of the iriof Barrow, or sgnale to warn crafts approachina, wil huild a new 1100,000 building juBt Wsde, Ourie af Chicago Is nu the tise range that danger la near and norlh of the Liresent Yeoman building city, lnôtalling a new eystem ln the there la no warning until the abois at Fifîh andi Pa;k treets. Plans have cii>' hall. begin to whiz. The two turned t1.eIl heeti ortlereti. Work on te new struc- boat out t0 sea four miles before ethy ure wîîî itegin as soon as arrange- The Zion lace plant resuimed opera were safe. inents cati be matie. This announce- tIanS today wlthi a larger force uf eu, ment wax matie b>' President William pioyees titan belore. New York. Tly 5.-Miss Julia Mar-[lKoch today.-Des Moines News. lowe, the ac'resâ, waa partly over-ý The Presbvterian church Suinday corne0l'y the heat during the rerforni- 1 l.iioln ileachey, wào recenlly shbOol wll ho4d lis annuel iicnic onl ance oif "Ntichblb Monda>' î:gbl ai matietefitrst fllgst In hislory over Mr. John Gouriey's lawn, I182 north a Broadway thoater, and on the ad-'Niagra Falls, and "Tom- Soîiih, the Sheridan road. F'rday, .luly 7. flUe vire of a pitysiclan she 18s b discontîn- youtng Englishman who flew aller a wili leave eburch nt 9:30, 10 :30 andi , - '- - tge nearancesi. Whitie ]t uer botind ont from New York har. 11: 45 a. 'm. Ail members of churcis Kal&owe's condition la flot alarmning, tr to deliver a iarcel 1.0 a Iassenger, anud congregation cordially inviled. t tas said ber temporar>' retiremen w il both uerform unusual and spec- For te big North <hicago cetebra- asde-aed necessary b>' ber medical lacular fenteaeathe cInternational don andIts autesa.visatrsrdtt a revent a more serions Aviation Mecl, to be heiti ln Grant. duse la Dr. L.lbR Jolley and is aides on thc exeibi'.e coummte, andt he ter comnittee mnembers. <harles Klngsbury ane sîfe of Chi t580r are Waukegau vistors. Oscar Robin of th, Globe bas re turneti from an outiug aitlBrowrn Lak,. Mrs Lee Longfeider of llseuke is vviting s ih her brother, M llilrscb and fanil> brealidown. P'ark, icago, kugust 1-20. IBor to mr. andi irs. J, Woods of: That the C'ommonwealth Edisotn North Chicago, a girl, July 4îb. . ompany, Samiuel Tsutisg company, MIrs. Walter T. Mariait and chittrfirsu t an Implorant farior in tise levaieà of Kenosha spent the Fourtis here. lalîroati merger and that an amnal- Yesprdy 9as inglary fee rori gamnation of te propertles of the sur- Yestrdaysassingiarl fre frmace anti elevateti roade le exî,ecued disorder of an>' kinti andi few arrpets wiiîn three years, was tisciosed resz were made.terda>' In the termis of the nnderwrit- Atorney Claire C. Edward4 le con- Ing agreement by the, bantiers'. syndi- inesi to bum home witb a lighi attack ete, ieaded bv the National Ci> of lyphoiti tever. Hanti of New York. MfTise ar anssane li Rnolds h George Raymond was yetertia,, ar- :WhIlehail, %ici., tut3 5, 1911 i reatvef l Toteka Knsa, reviîg Iihresiesi by Siteriff Green for the ai MrB. Jane Dowle bas juat recelved retli'esn iis iîlegesi sale of beer it eciric Park. nearly $2.000 froin th1e estate of ber The Lakte (ournt> Civic Lonague. Tofmrio Ielt ae mother ln Ausiralla, anti bas been coloreti, belti a ig licnic cetebration Tefnrto it aeJne 'enablid b>'this 1te pa>ni, the bock ai Lake Forst yesterday. IWlbur wll lie beld ai 16 oclock to- 'Inieresi andi bock taxes on the $10,- imorrow mrning wilh intertueni ln 000 mortgage, andi on Ben 'iteci)bui Two laken b>' the police for faut Warren cemietery rai esiate, andi bas paitsomte inetal ridlng nier the soutis Sheridan road DrB1rc erelîtiun fmnio b io iheaotiw brdewr bsmrigdsis D r.Barc ereDrisn fmnso h io et bu o brige erethi monin dimiofu etbikan, "&ska, fornrlrt> of Ibis P'uneval expenses of "TiJah" faiher Zetaya, the t0ato iarvel ait the Ciy, I is iiting ber mother. Srs. W. were palti ln full tast Mia>' Gladtsone arrison' bas a meul woîderfui musi 'S. Pearcre, 320 Jtilian arre'et I Dowle lu tr> ing te seli is ifebinser- cal meinor>'. le la said Iot have moe- I.adNrs .N.Bl, omrVo ance. Ttc>' are keeping no sommer orired mîore ttroir îbree hundreti cos- tMr. tyanti Mn R troi ellorm rk ofboarders ibis year. airs etleclonatiis ii>' lar bae tr<tui NIr.Bell The Zion Creamery of Zion Ctiy Rumployes of the Globe deî,ariment i I -llsîend the aumrmer bere. bas Juat italled a new refrigerator, store to tte numnber of fort), or more Sîr ant i Mca J1P Artur andilr. i e ot n en Iuhtoe yesterdsy pîcoiciteti ai lruce .ake, e,I Sd Ire.JaesSt eand m. hie new on>', Insteati of uing ive, Vatwoud's, going tisere ln bufsses, Mr. John Peterson bave returnet f rom combines the nrew niethoti of anmeo- and bard a splendid outing.l oro orhr cni. nia, comîtreasei air anti sait. This a tou of ortisro ~isconin. eihoti la a great teia cheaiper anti (iracera are 110w anxious for the ln a match Pool gamme this noon, better, cheaper because It costs notb_ city te ix up the matier of license-s Siaie's Atorney' Dbainsd i,pee Mc-ling to mun ffter being Installcd. antiý for petiltir once and for ail anti then ionough tiefoaieti Attorneys ('larkis beiler iecause there Io rio tampneus te seo tbai watever ordinance i a-1Rnar onneeti ihi. alm ti o paoseti is enforced 1m I frigeraiing wili bc1m) un JohnZelnakage nintee, dldý'srt J. Jensen ant i aie antiMari us Verga]. Joh Zeenitagti ineee. ded,lohnson leave for ('openbagen, Den-I Slonlay t ite hostital of typhoitite- mark, lotnorrow M ro. Antonina, New Yonk, Junv. 5.The widespresd ver anti the' fnneral will be beldt 0 irasauikicnze and chilti anti Frank Si- Intereat iln the bey scout movemnent morrow morning frontthe 1h.lih,îalao rold have Icît for Ruistila. as evidenceti ber, b>' the attention <abalirciîhurch. par! tA h.,,he od o ldt,,> hat mrrhed 'Misses Mtan>' and Helen iionel>' of A *horse t'tonring in the Norths Woodsiock, daugitei-s of ,tudge Donel- Share AdvcUeirg conpalo 1 v. -weit known itece are viititte wit oveueume wt the brai at Lakei r and Nira. Frank Dakestee anti Forent Saturds>', but recovereti, anti tainity was iroughi here iis mnorning. The Araitahoe, Pioneer, Joselbine, Reports thal Waitkegan Day is 10 Seva, Susan Il. anti other boats which ttc obser> cd AtîguaBt wenty-elghtt or taricîpated Iin the rate from ('hicago durtng the Eagles carniat have no lia Miwaukee yesterday.. stopîtet et hasts In trutti Vtaukegan IDay will t ht' arbor itere for scieraI boucs 1.0 ibis cil>' front Troy N. Y, a dis- tant-e of about 150 mites. The lads arriveti here ln splentilti hate. Tbey brauglit a message fron thtie tayor of Troy o %Baybr Gaynor. Thse lads, who marriset witb Scout Stster (Cai- %in1 S. Sumuter, are J. W. llowes, Iloyt Dudenbury, VWarrent ilassel, ~James A. Thonipson. Walter Mtiacg Nay. Roland S. Laber, Ernest Shell ne t' t, aitit ~Utt ttV'"Tise new law lu regard 10 retinie r.Jtes rudian ttt t 't The itrriatn ibeatre annottres :ments for admission of allons to ci,. tarth y andi Henry E. Paris. Tisela that beginning tointbrrow antiý on- leiiip goe lotofert îow andl la Mtt not igbt any Indiens or kili any tinulitg turing the suxprber no mtat- more rigidt ian an>' legislalion of re htiffatos on thelr journe>' througiî thc Ite s ili be giveif on Mjonda', anti cent years. Hudson river vaeliey TbUrsday atterntji*g..ail 'fiew iilis statin %NththenjZt erfrmace Thc Nltohersilil%'oliva case wilI A wsJking tipîtor al,1roxîîtîately staUnga iis isenghlperormt-c ror n itetWoodeiock again Satur- 300 mites wili soon bc ' undertaken Tite triage 'nf bitzhes on thee tige dayefor argrnentlin regard t0 a new iyt>iwo Beloit boys, C'iîfforti Sinna- of tté raVine ai PY;'osýParjkyeterâev triat. If the îtcw rial Is denieti il mon anti Eert i.,ets 'l'ho îoung trct'entod W.W IDianraw froni aeelng' may bo iliai aiîeeai %i l e taten t10mnngratitateti froinithe iigi, chool the ravt3e anti "aonue of tise res ettîtelate court. last yeer anti are qpw cmInîot d ut soirg why 'lie beeketi is car over te r the Falrbenks-florse tient. Ttc ede.A yotîng Waukcgeriie abwo toti 5aiplan b 'itike" front ieît to Cht etg.row boat or teuncis bnp yesterdav sas aofo Ciao Nfi>or Sherwit anti the ct ci> ,otîn serts ibet deat i lih me>- h-eseen float- adfo lla1ue aktýIý1i ciltifNorisi'hOag pin ti cie»ing on te surface of tic satt'rs alat rmlllakchr i r lar tite tbrotigb Foss Park, a Noth-Ite sa> from one io ton mles oui on iysteowe wcttrn subway, andt a soth enîran ce telie .F lo fti roart' he p9kwhech tise tlt>' pot Peter Nimegerti, 37 yeera of age. of e piece of wooti froin the oldti tmu- chéâtIly, is one cf tbe finent in tht'] iietilate taet nighi te isLIake Coun- naosBiihoio hp esy state, 't> Tuberculosis Intiltute, aller an lt hpo hrorfrA rcnprison- j ness of about three weeks. Hie re- esI h eouiâ tn-ofBok 't'bia morning Martin Levoti of 1444 miswl rlal'lestpei10 lyn ln 1776 andti reeIln fragmente Tenîli street haft Mt't Sefanirh mainsow10 rbIs forme hm ed n o-wben a ncw dock s-as baitsorte arri ted' fortoubis former' hometlno'Kb- arètd 'frcutd bl ottorbconin for banial. years ego. boîns in a brew IÉt àIig4s. À tenantTh eiuntasl reog ln tisehésamne hous hed anhtiiist arreet_ Ravînia Park, while supitosei to bho celinnueand lofte savere Irrothe ed ft>î' coming bcoie, drunil, ealling hie an enterprise of Lake Forest ant i îioh ercentage. T. R. Que> le, re- wlfe naines, anti heatIng .4t a door. ighadPrwsetn eypt -~ Hgis id ark wa extutsvel former, trIeti to bu>' in on some of the Thé agles bave'tnvitti e ver>' ex- curgton boat that plies'tisis district anti ever>' Eagies iodke witbin reacis t'Sind parties her, ýon excursions dtirtsg Its carnivel Auguat twent>" eigbrth to Septembher second, Incluti- Ing Iabor de>. day, wl!tt teclredtlic 1ark to lie the4 coolet place In tilsa section. tndietment cases next Stonda>' wben more of tise Indictati appear 10 glve bond anti ioseibl>' to tled, wble an- guments will be matie on tise motion Mara of tire late ast nîglit calletid qab tbe tepartmient to Souths avenue neaft qah tise rtlrond tractis, siere a dweling 'fl inlels Speniel-i erican wai beoiagiig' to te Cor'nProdtiianti colleclton, loanetilis 'tarlaîls'veieraos adcàùpled b>' Walker Chilticey'was lu io mate a Foutntiltilple> la tue Jew- fl&Miet. Tbe ire qe s ctîs 10itate tari dery sloreainidow, lias been' removeti et 'In an uptper front' lied roi tandt te regret of man> wbo itutiieti Il enitrated 10 tise roof. Tise daîitage day ant i ngit.'Il contbainet i îany ob- waiS- not great. The iremen lad a Jecta of value anti inierest anti wes afigt from il to 12: 15 at i nihi. nal>' educationai. I. VIEW OF A O1tTION- + ADOITIONAL LOCALS. * 0F SW GETE PARADE ....... IN' M) OW'AT CORONeATION' Five drunks were teplc rs ,Nie3sEdithRire visited ti t repe ake yeetertia There were ise lealia ili Watike- gan Stonda>' Three were of young tpersofla. Mlis Rose Glas has retîrried [rom 'aittpbeisîtort. Wis., anti wiii mate A iig pari>' of Congregetioniilittts beti a ha>' racks ride 10 tise Kuebker place ai Cras sake yeeleriay. rThe lAdies' Aid socîci> of lite Ger- Vi tin 1uheri hurch wali ttîo nrro afiernoon with Sîra. A. C. ,laltnke of 11.7 lAe avenue. lnqtuesi over te Austian kilteti at Souths avenue Monda>' ocar noon willl V't e belti touigisi et seven iiîirt>' tise jury lîaving beent torn ilu Monda>'. The civii service commission basl a. rtlitianti tommissioner Atter t ltury liuaî'apolntet Iil. A. Gra>' ire cap -. tain for thte Waukegan ire ticpattb Londion, Jtii> 5.-Tîte parade of Uno Thîsa merti il 50,000 suffragettes duririg tis e d the coronation cereotontes wai a teaWtre sas cc tiiet arouset i wdespreed interestIn iii l t L.ondion. 'Seven miles of women - TheE the parade was decrlhed as being. ragef anti actuel comnputation justifies this ahi ia estmete ofthte lenglis of ths Da radie. 3enr. assemublage of soricît aho deii ce ballot wae arost orderly, com tosetiof attuteitfront tii sK ofte ttcrivîinieti 'aorîid Aitot y Amerîran wrtmen prnlvjrîîte Englleh w omnne atvorttitg Fr for the lair sex sta t ritthe initteve thetr ambjition itn srotbr 1It lif' mient to succeeti Ex-Ceittain Iteit Stewart.tGray le a gooti iirernatr anti adIl liketi. C. F. Russell, C'icago, automobile, ,anti R. iHi Jobtion, motorcycie, were arresitiet i..Lake Foreat yeetertiey for pteeding atîdi ineti tee dollars anti costsi eacb, being alîprehentietihy 0f- ficer Walker Say les on hie niotor- eyýW. C. Card of Highslandi Park, het elof tis, C'icago Ttc anti Timber PZc =sevny g toumtpauny of titis tity, anti owîîer of the yacht Chiscago, bas solti I h, cra',ft to , u,,a,t, Ohio artie, taxes, but was frozen out, theoltihi' * *** **,., * COsoand.... ltOO~wîi li e aken tisere,Fourteen bati crs takIng- speiliteight in inder- ..G0 Oto Johnson . ...t7 17 19 a cru.. bidn i.H ef ntemdto SPORTS OF THE GRAS ON. o rIse on tbe boat fromin ii port one day's 'business anti dit not r>'yetrd3 toma. oe90Q00 Q OOCDO9 \V. inger .. 12 17 ..-... TRPSHOIN. Jo,'r.ScIriter i .. 7 2 1 23 22 . On Satttrday te Chicago antiPortis- The primar>' depitttuient of tise lisp'Ira, ert,.............ti ; l' 18 21 17: sesterît RalIse> operateti twenty-two tist Sida> scisool wîîî enerîsîn in Retord of Fourth of Jul>' shoot of Ilayattri .... 4 2o 18......extra trains oit of Its new pasenger tisé chehI cbilors tornorrùw cîeniîig.the \'>atite-an Cun tluittit thîtitnt.r . l1i.. .........terminal to handie tise enormous 3ev. H.' W. Reeti ef Rock Islandi anti (JI. MDennuott . t 21 21 24 24 22 lci,airgiiii 21_):1 2222. crowsa eavIng tise cii>' for the hali. site xvili te present: Thistwiltt1be of Il. Krcbner .... . 17 24 21 24 19 loitl .... 24 21 19> 17 1 . tay e. It is eilmateti that close ta inierest to Mtr.anti Sre. Reetis niaut>R It.N(,)-Irmot t.,r..2t)222 22 18 lOtkcrrattt..... 10 17 ..17,700 lwrattua teft on, ibese traints, friends. 'iNr. Reeti was >ti>Sor t tte î2>i iff ...........2 I t14 22 221 2' FtmnTt,<r r t : 1 .........iiatiîg a tes rteortiof ebout 59,000 BaptaI cbtuî ch iere for six e-rq, lent'- T'. lieer .....IN19 20 . . Toit I trit tnt t 1,1 1 pe.....lrsoits gttî tg Iirougis tiestallon It tng Watkegen about titteent 'tears IL. bt'tideri ... 17 '2()21 23 Dt t> it t- - 2"::20.......... u>a. liî e utecilitrainîs sere ago. Titereare man>'in 'Wrakegan M. Sniosser 18 lb22 .......iL Lux.............. ..1t9aelltl.Tise varions estaurý siso reioembêr 'tir. Reer atttl i III be tco. Frazer ...20 19 24 24 (Te Crai sise tertît>mon. troiste auta anditiutieiroomsie n itie'iteater- glati to meet bath b, anti iîs aife. R. Xiimingon ..-. 18 20 20 21 .,, l .sikeganl team iby Gre irtis Jal>' 4. mnîat ted 2,368 ipeople Saturde>. Joa. Somer ana party of this cii>' bave returneti froni a iengihy Foîrtit autontobile trip. The Cncinnati teana of te big Iea- gite matie a visît bere b>' automobile Monda>' to visît wlth Larry Mlaciean, thse fansous catcber of the teani, who la makiug bis borne on Grand aventue ln titis cit>' for the aumumer. Of two racers wlto speedeti acrosa tise soutb Sheridan road bridge Nion- day nlgbt CommIssioner Atterbur>' took ont, a prominenlt man, ln charge, anti ai lest reporta waa afier ti,' otiter ont. Frank Grunan of Clevelandi, Ohmo, visiiet i wth bis cousin, Louis Muant- ewake of West Wasbington street Saturday. Hei let for Montana wbere be wlll spead the sumamer on a large sheep ranch, In the crowd ibat packed the Car- ten novehi>' atone on nonsh Genesee street 'Monday nigbt, A C. Moore of Highliand Park, wbo bad made a pur- chai, sariier ln thse eventng, lost forty dollars from a raie of bills which he bad, He neportedth luis to Rob- ert Gaten, owner of the store, bol. due to the crotis of men, womcn anmi chiltiren wbo hati heen ln tise store. scufiiing anti treading, the quet seemed opeleas. A bit later Ntrs. Garten noticed a wad of paper ho tween show casesa andi back of lte rountera. It was the missing bilts, two tena anti a twenty, sad Ibe>' hati l<lcketi between the caset. Tise hapt»' Stloore waa notifleti of thîe ind. .Major John V. Clînnîn of tise iirst tnfantry anti range officer at Camp Logan, gaineti adtitonal distinction noon b>' naig a perfect score un on, of tise matches of tise sixtis annuel shoot of thse Illinois National Guard anti tiseIlinois State Rifile Associa- tion, 'which opened on Saturda>'. It was thse second Individuel shoot of tise competitlasi, being the General Frank S, Dictison match, open 10 ail andi conslstlng of two lgiting abots anti fifteen abist ai a range of 8M0 yards, Ever>' ehot ireti isy Major Clilnin weftt trie anti bis score was 75 out of a possible 75. Tise perforai- ance wins for iim a Itantisome goiti metiel, ln addition to a $35 prize. Cor- pore Sý E. Jones aimost equalietLsia- Jrrr tliunns score, being a ctose sec- uîîti, sitb 71, anti Sengeant L. Ni. i"eit mas ihirti, witis a score of 72. The independsnt reaches ev.ry home in Lake count>'. 3 300 333.- loi 3 67 6-1 400 367 440 0;7 333 133 267 200 33 200 q7- 133 267 n tati t>; s- -ee al±la i ti > - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1