LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT. FRtDAY. JULV 7. 1'11. LMkE C OU NT Y OFFICIAL PAPER 0F SUBSORIPTION PRICE $1.50 PER FRANK H. JUST. RAY L. HUBBARD I'RI DA X ,iJUIAI INDEPEND 1ENT' NEW AUTO LAW diction over public Parils eau imposo'ture wll let them. Ths thIrttat kas F LAE CUNTYMai Proisin ofNewActlations conoerning sîîeed, within sucb thers la a bellef among the sd,.ocafes LAKECOUTY Min roviionof Nw At îark, but the rate of siaeed fixed for of the iaw that te ibreat là a i eiepîtneNa iti itie-it liesibt utitfltbe lotierthlait thattiîrorIded force and effect. The fear of lIstif [ le. ii- -' Second Ct? a'.itter The folowlug are the miatinitrovt n for other veilet amttinsncb part'. emiployment waa one or the forceîH o e tr MA-t E il SORSet - t rp[it"- Ions of the Illinois laws on ailtoitoWhere ordittances, ridesn oiregulatiota wlth WhIicl h,15l'W., frieudas hd ia VEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE biles ni a siggle glance aieumadle regulatiug t le siteed, te1 corttend wben tir) iing 10 gel it a place i Registration Fees. lt ae of siteed Le iitti it a igus !on the staile-boots.I yed r eti .niary tnt to Deceuiber 11isf) The outiioriies baNinlg jiirisdirtiOn sud cotîuty Instituttions. Tht re at OO 0DS I .. .....' ity E ditor foir ail iîlot or el tien are bas l" toit I i et ce oeerie s o itds îî-ed for h900 a oietî a orIiet fitlte e N itteeti hOrse t0a er t t xtettt tiiose etectticai I the hulit 0 f lIt ic etîlitai extile state instituîtionîs.If th( i are toii ai2 ke tu y C s tr i e 20t CenuryCash tor ti eTi h,'Iîtregtialiott fis are nnr alt andtiti t toi Iicî'c1e8on] .v ien boî,ti traightlltwtt. îîîiîs S'* Y 7. iItfiîîi thîri fritît ailiieed l300 lmore etttîttoyeest a orst, 110 her I it d more titan ' IcicItîrîo rale' . etit t. Tison l me oaairta ce i tires' tl appears tee te '.opnionoof a comenilîce, of the Amer, an Academny of ', " t . itie> , ; ti etrrtttdlttaîtî t t i ttt1rc u hsalIm't iiadto ex- Medicine that the tîress uf the United States oughl luerefrain irr n puitiîshing iti , tr I. , titi t ifeletitît ii, i* i i es al it]endlttte of $90i,00tl0, iut te reforla news about caces cf suî;tde becatise ouch repurts leau te other a.r des. The lii,, Ji , l1 I r-dit ncricolatîtîiiit-1îcie 'il iorth itItIIonet . Il liasiwe it- ittt i c m tte sap;eitlv ctserýes: . i....tir m it wl i - i , ., iii ii î ttî tut dita state -ief itiglît il joti t : Suicide in a prtvate al'air. Iscre'sn onu iare jus'i att nfor the puthica . , (,,ie1 t i l'1 t;,1, <1îftandt-u,.makIi,ti lîtît', aglîtosi lit ofi l i, oft is .1 : lion cf such accournrathan there ta for publishirg u'he, irtvate roatters. 1iiI~ i ~ .,i,, 4,tle 11a0 à -ginttstittu1tIl iiN' it-- As long as human Seings are bound together, inevilabiy ',tîd indînnoubiy. ' ? î ý i 1 .i in social relations and in goverrinlefltse long the v.eilare of une in the con-,i ,1 i. ,icitiare ii i ,>î iît icftitîil, rî,toI l% tihe liglilIt f i cern of others lTe lai's of many states recooi- oe n atterrpt at suicide as 1,tlt 0ol tctili -e ii Itl ioii 111i f ihi, iii (Sectt(ion t 121 il Il lt iti i i an offense agaînst the guud ut ail, ',nd rightly se. If Cach pernon wece wholly e, (f r\It'Iijîî,ti i %t iii il i iii anîd Passings ljpcn tPublic Scope of Lais Brnadeni-d. Independent of ail oters, in lite and tn deit t, lhe ci 'ne 'tees theocy woild p_ îI tIi îîit1i ar 1 îhuyniitltt~titt'tti j , i ttiilc bc sound. (lie opýtefi eWao)f,1 'lmro i , t is nol suund for the reason Ihat the newnpapers have a duiy as ttictlila h tl tirti i t' liii t r t y t tellttiti tti , i il 1, il lit a tttit-ttil i Il, welt1 as a right lu peint such nevés as is ut ceai interest te the morld. To pub- liii tiWtinttttI o lte' la11idîritli t,,oiti iciie, a iti., 1-;ottit liîî a I i-îc'tot, tI I i , ait liam only that whtch seema gond lu certain peuple is te assume taI humanitly'sit lt'r îteî clis t\tiî OrîfeStsslirutaal gntotttiîiî.. î cigln rit 110 tîlde ttnîlit î a o1t iti lt li in need of a benevolenl desptsm-lhe theory ofth1e government of Rus-iiîtt tetdrotîih tîe1.ii i t tri1rs'o 111r ii t tinrcg l ileti I ditiiofles. , clîlftiriet Za. Long ago fcee nattons gaie up the idea litIcensorship over the presitet.cthe e it a, of etrite n tt troiteste ltttil ior ani ial.,t to n bleu tre;o da-'.Iilis l;ý )il i ieorj.Illîtiois dtlaintiofifactotr, itustiei wa wseOrjul.wlulch th(, piuilcation ta reteIted 1h, lead or driven îb'-retîîî. iai ctite rea- Newspapers shouad nul magntfy. distont, or unhealthîly pressaI dictaitls nf tlie St-ri tar) ut Satie aod 1eeitiîr sortable aiarming of liits iiiioaeb and tou. Illa decreeti b: lite tetoiie tîtîti such important actons as the commission of suicide. But the way lu prevent:I îu,11tiseerr reasOitaItît ut ectîtîtîttu 10wottan aslait îîoî aori clore titan idît suicidela flottluignrelils occurrences, any more than the way lu preven. t iiiitaki,tît tii-,eîîîîtîatioi jlite RVîîiditn]trttg sit eltr on. or frigiht tutrq a uay, atdttIh1e stal e ctts ia smlpxi espesail rmention of such canes as dvcbp Hc ri ii -r t îforcetia ith otf ltitiati .reungît iiiin ii ii iigîeSau foceooîîî,etta o'.i 'ii feslo a1 urs it di . attu-i fitIn i ,ith biaIs anîd, if nete- r o sch driver i ingîtes regard tlitt' li% 'liii Vl'ct'ona in ilt s ae nt 118 sti, its r1oto -h ý. orilw oi are a cat e t eren ti ler la a a ail i ii FAKE NOSTRUMS AND THE NEWSPAPERS. setlit î i .ii tie tîniilis sai 'itli roueed ai tu the heatill atîd gertîrai w,,Iliît, Credts and ReSales. \\UtIllut tir a itersuti oiiîraittg a ltO titi>rer fIlios li, , Presidient TaftIappealed 1e CongresWednesday for legtslalton te strerty- tor tehicie ho a tutaltaitîplîaaî itteesof then thse food and durgs act, so as tu stop intecalate commerce in rerniedies for Carn regiceî'l irlor It i f aut tlieon drulîîti orce or ot Slet ms hrtue shoiittci'i which taise ciairna are made. He points out the sufferings and lorsacaused 1l1,iii fti e recînieret ider t ht i lratîantitmal or on\t îîîii-rtehjltie. te afteution 10 the sfptitlieof tii by adulterated medicinces and cure aillia whlch are either postîvely deleterious al'îta s SOI as il beconîî's eff clite l-1-r'.oitteraîîug th iti îutr vahcîtce ia t oril if t ttasrittîsý or cannof possIly cure the disease ciairned. The uta er thereof instiat te saille andtel t itr o i u îîî' tîtacrsert Tt'is utkno ltaIt ilgî%ýteadç.qît tt There lta ageneral impression thot the newspapers back up the patent tee, as In the rase 0f the regs'traton t1sortale toriol tte rîght otIlie celnier attenîtionî lIt he sroti s laua gocetu medicine business because of the advertising they get. Neverheless, il dcar of a nessin ptrchaiked car, bitît e 'a1f tte bealen îrack of sucb hizlta, 1119ita, fi.gromeI15e ndtîer0fiien b. safely predicted 1h51 lthe newspapers wîll Se gladi lu sec such legîsiation enltled f0 ceceive credit for the ln -Ps ihu nefrne 1hus orlmtsteniie fme enacted. earued pourtiou 0f anueregistraton fee lO astiti f0inlihnsservhotite tutertereucn *nacled. XX'~~~~~~~~heieser the drîer tif a uitoor uw ntestaleaerqtrdOi Teman who places upon 1he market a dangerous compounilfaîseîy cdaim- already plaitd ipon suob car, 10 Se as- sehicie or fiofor liîl oerfakes any dayJil nay lie hat Illinois wbicilt cods nid t cure certain diseases, sa on, of thse vultures of cisilizaton pcoduced by reitained on t15eSbrt of the number person rlding or driiîîg lipîon the pub-b fhe states of the I'nionuIn haf lutal Our luat for rnoney.. .The man who dresses up bread pilla wîtis fake lestîmon- of nionths sncb certiflcate Sas lu run lie lghway, Se tîtust parss b the lefI be called wetfare teglslaîlotu. slls ce lais and clalmna, la a thief. There are pienty of both classes, and tise news- before its exprstion, lgoîred front the a ide oif sucs tiersoit. aud the jierson 10 It Ihat te entorcers of the iaa papera would Se delightced if lhey couid gel rid of lhern. montS in which the application for about In b e îassed. s co a pa are flot miade 10 sacrifice thentselses On the oliser hand, the medicai profession usualiy lakes an arbitrary and registrafion iatder thIs secttg i lted teutticattîe, upou signal, titust tril t 1 the effort to save others. exclusive position in uondenanlng ail patent medicines. the month lu whlcia the certificate of te rght of the cenler of the beaten And yel a great rnany of these compounda have been in ielptui use foc a former registration expires Iai. oa oIeuî 5 rvro generation; lhey were originaiiy the dlscovery and prescription of torne corn- Flctitious Numnber,. . suS otr ebicle or Inotor bicycle Votent physiciens, and physiciens arest.111 gladi 10 uns them. Il sa an offense lin use or uperafe free passage 10 the left. il la Impossible under prenant c9nditlons for the average newspaper pub» upon the public hilghwav a torv. We1edierIamtovecl Hallier te distinguisis between Ihese lwo classes of remnedies, advertitements for hidle or motor bicycle wlaic.I displays !or moor bicycle turas froua one pub- which are offered to hlm. He woudSe very glad lndeed to sec srne campe- thereon the nuaher belouglng 10 lic b, ighway oni 10 another (at an lu-asm tant govsrnimenl bureau drive the fakes out of business, and givre a standing to other a- ct vehicle or motor bicycle tersectioni. Se mulit keep Io the rlghî R ..f tL u g& rsputable make. of patent mediclete which the regular physiclans are oflen no or a fictiouas number. This provision or the ceuter of sucS Intersection, loth 10 concedhe. la neit t10 e constrned as prohlbitiug hteh ursotergtorute itlas unfortunate thal makers of efficient rernedies have so long suffered the displsy of s.ny other nuîber for a lefI Section 16.) WiT want builders tu sec us fron, lie comrpetilion of tise gisouls in this lice of business. Their business in tawful lurîtose In addition 10 1he îurn- service 10 iumanily as weli as Ihat of the physician. The whoie business be-ltsisudS 5 Secrelary of lnjury te Person or Property. about roofinz.t should be covered by a strict license taw, requlring the exact composition and Stale. (Section 6.i In case of anyiniuîry to the person VVe want tb demnonstrate why îr physiological effecta of every remedy to bc truthfuily stated. Under such 1Speeci. or- îghwaî, lite 10 the presethe pbor l tyour uidntîhagtodof clrcumstances tise honeat chernist would flourish, and a lot of otisers wouid h- 7eai t Jrot Ides:lchgw)liette rsen o yu bldewt M tod take the places with the circus fakea and freaks, whece tisey belong. Noîean hî it ioo eration oit a notor sehicie or mioual Roohinz-and as e wtlI do titis to bîcîcleite dritt-rtif stuch molor v- yu omîi .lifcit hire or motor bicy cie mîitoau i liab- hi de or wtîtîti iiii tcIeiebunIsftpantI, VWewill show %s iti1' d-r.1 ic highway in Ibis sale at a sîteed if requested lii te îeraoîî injureO question thar MI.iihv,îd s the igrealer thonla reasoîuahie and Iroîler,orat e rIitipleusateni veyhhetîctu ",VELO "l 2 6 5 44784 havlng regard 1inte traffic oand t'le adr MNe i utît i b l-tlient e and vrtoFîng penftte î mieof Ih e Ser5]ait, or ot ijur etuutee such t-hicle or tîtîtor ltrIiti ait weillthat Il wili lait ts ltinE I MPORTED PERCPERON STALLION : huf il pisournî(Sete1îî roîl)-dititan to g ltithown mari'-andail as the buildiiiL iucüurs lathu Iliosîalo egsrtioît No. A3ýi2,5 retiewteîî. y elti Tueedttd iiiuaiiîtg ri ji i is'da(îeîî tic aîer iS't tliotri i'la abetfer roofinL, ît.îtî is a blaek lhorse weighitig 1900iiiandîl tf iitlîiatl ideiice thîi the iersoti olertil. lie,' titzle i s more '.tisfatrîny- tîtto1t-,leoY.oti ic;ieu WO EN'S 10 HOUR LAW T titan ircnii s cheaper taittti- He is absoliitely sioutid, sure aîîd Lis get are tif thi e rvýintr ihicIe oratî rclo~ irif lccoer nacaeta piaeli highest type of draft iiiîîîalta. lie ila a hire- tlat lias ihaît s reýabIoe and iitouer Considered One 0f Best Laws thcre ns no olter rtîttttti.lknown I IiWhetî tissu>- ihio tigh t he- îîtEver Ma-de 10te butilding irade ltat proven llfiselt. -1 iilill'it' tîttustiatiiI Velo wi]l iake the, sîzasoiî ia îii al at tiie l ,-orIrî1'aeI iii Yl i1t1 i ii-gi, ltu tilles ait bottin \Vben itassingtri in ghi teri d ni-t e UANSON STOCK IARM i-,îuî tiiIicrînt-Ict.tts 1orvalliage, fiftietilîesailuitrtîî PPRAIRIE VIEW, ILL. -MILWAUKEE ROADI (utîside 'If tle t>'ose'îtîlI l 111)huHi- ut-s îtorii1110antI resîdeue laortion wîthîîî titi, iniorlxinoied cit>, iotan oic FEE $2 to nsurevilla 'gu e, a'diiituiles in ictiir: Outtade ihe Poltîts of aun iîîcorîur- att-O ciii', tuait tr t i e aîî it.Ie >@OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO tîuies au houir li) eu goîng aroutîtd an, t(orner, tir cir , on the puublic Iiîihway. er 1 : J 0r1W EL4'I-ER ISHIERIE th enatoroýiewiot0f thSe nîad t colIte O s o aitrliueed, six miles, aitlîonr 1 0 NOW IS THE TIME TO PURCHASE 00 Sectionliii * HRating is not eitielipîîoîite 1 ~ f i eptruublic highaay in thisie.(Scto 0 R efi g ra t rsHestrictionst as ti sjîed do tîtt alt 0 1 1li t 10peedways cnealed tir tîtain 0 We have a full line of genuine Charcoal filled 1 taint-ti Sa ttue local aliihorlfleit of ana' 0. Rfreators Prices from O în illage, îowtt or othermuipa erîgr nu nîtorai ion.i(Sectiont 1.i * O No int-orîtorated bawn, ciîy or titi- Fin $1 TO $260 1agt-or othen uîuîîiciîîat corptoration caui Fine JLrkoakcalumet gaanedto bL',h e -pi auorfttuance, rresoltion or by- * uarft oae.. garanteed >a v O ioiiittting o estr ciitig tse speu'.t * most ice saving refrigerator on the market tO- rirutolor sehicles oin îoior biicae * day. :1111 ilulauocdlîîaîces now lu existence or O t iOan Se ereatfec jassed by aîîy *A FULL LINE 0F CIENUINE Orit ilioge, îoa'n or other miunicripai * D IIA'bFDHI LA N M W[R O ra tit allîtin bis stale, lîîmîîiug * ILADELPHIA LAWNMOWERS iliîu.e tir siieed o aiot orviace O rî"e$3O r,' ait tout iffeit or ldty Prc 3 To $9.50 /0 Tua uer 0f aO utoor vehîcie or Oenuîne 5 nlv 20fboesoare os 2c'0t 1 fo icîe îlergistercd under thia * ~ ,200lb.tes GadenIloe 1c O ituttutoi lie lintiited in tuie iree use ',ftlbis 111.oî vehicte or niotor bicycle, - M 5o r-'ililirO as 10 the siieed ittor n ay UN * - li ittaitwayor other itublic le ace 5 t uit tlinolwhen Che saine iopen *LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS !oi ier'.ou', ttalng olher vlils o * O sa lue t,itiredti 1 contiîly ai-il the Srcoi itioiîts or conditionts as 10 the use oitfulioaencessd nltoor bicycles, ___________ - lot aîlîuî ied bSp Ibaacî Section A tenu minute "'strugglet lu writlog INOEPIENDENT *"Wanl ^de" brbng' à want ad-and you'll seIl thal prop- results. 25 cents an insertion and Certain Local Regulations Permlttad. Wty as sure as-taxeal you reacis 3000 readera.Th1e local authonities having Juris- 'Ihîne ta î i 110 inhe siatute botoks, aIt d cuisetutu ftl force, tua il a tlih i" ttais-outen oirktng uit façtorlea, itet hitical establishmuent s and ltitîdriey shahi not sîay a, the Seuch, lthe louiot i tbe lob ton 'or t1tii ten hours flt tau bdaNy The lait- a but tgies ii ,,effeni it Saturdin, ioi tt ,thltee . s-ii ai ii. anud nti ,î ýt ituly a i ai itieut i ii t t1 taceu[at tust 'ftobse of doi --'iti ît'.vict<- tait ilo forh oi , H il i.- coîtidi-ned l îi ut o iislttl u 1 i 1 îtelt. Il is nul t i .iiti I liata i i, lata aeutt iit- fîct-t aithutt iti ooi lion Ot. ito i i lte ue i li0.- tr itatI lý t, ie .ioua t t o relut ,ili n ii fionce alîhîtut a ligiuit munithose 'oho Se- lieve luiIîle iti,î-tîolte rîglil of a toaOtt 1 ai tO;,tlong as cslewats oi tu1 'Tlv i uiegtîod,hatt. f ield tin be ait e the lirivate wiltI lent of the New Law. St'ituIlle taragraulu of tha e\stitui Ioa ali broadens ita sctu t ;tti s: "No fatitti - t. - e ti lîi a l it oi.,,itîchani cii ori iecanile ili cl ils butent, or fti.non lacttridi tolel. or reloitutî uilor îeiegraphîîor teit-tiho>nc- fiatlishment, oc offlot tiereof, on it mv tîlace iffsîttuse t'eut, or 1» atntliersn iui tor con- lioraîlon editpnpciiti oayexprness or transportait ti r puîblic titilily biisin caor bSa at i tiiitoon carrier. onriti itu) puiintituii titoit, lnc-onioiîaud or aîmincorporatcd uit tbis siate, ii-ire tou feu boum O uring an' oit- d'a3 T #t èours 0f sorît may 'clie)suai i ai- cd as to i lerulîlî the e-lilut tuent of femnales aI any tiie o thIat îhey shall rnut wonk mtore ithau ten huttes turing the lwenly-fouir iouns of aîuy one day, BoOn Worth lncresased Cost. The ltreat fSas Seen madIe thal 2women now ln certainUnhes 0f soirk wiil ]ose Iheir pîlacesand that nmen Lwihl succees Iheni Secause mnen have t- te legal clght lu work as long as na- is as gotd- as durable- as 'A tuer linciîf- as h-irenstit and as riteap as lî has zol cîcny otiter brand of nret ly rttfiiiz mankiz lime w-hlcil titllorcs'.tn=t" tii. c is br- tut r îold o tn a "J - P .; t - - - . inttn:iihiicO oh btîldcrs thoLt fh .îît fn-tFin o il l' hii t - . c u i t.t -' f ic ,v'itî I oc t . '.titiroofinZ ta bu>-t t', t: îl'. 1110 lait ici oplc ethftpeotile Wito 'l he~y iii ut i ;î'i - : bai rte g 'id aviil --t. te Itîldecthato itis ntit iIthet il-cl boîh bit ttc at -e t. Malîhoid Roofbog. If you bas-c roof troubles of any kind or of any description-no malter what kind of- a roof you have on your building, sec us at once and we will hclp you out of your difficulty. Every Item of informastion wSîch you glean coucemlng lte clly lu whlch you lins ihrugh your ad-an- swerlng trips wiut Se USEFUL 10 you-perbaps Ilu iteNlietted ways. The dlue to wuere you are lu work for a long time t0 corne maye Se tound i1f yuu're looklng for sucS a dlue - lu todays Help Wanted ada. ea .~Kahki Pants, Kahki Shirts . Gents Negligee Shirts with and without Collars, ~ i soft collars attached and î Sdetached, Men's Union Suits Men's Balbrigg'an ,à and Porus Knit Under- wear T ennis Shoes, Men's SHose 25c Pair, Black a.nd 0. o 0 OBrown Hose 15c pair O e pair 25c, Work Hose 10e 3 3pair 25e E W. PARKHURST SCHANCK BLOCK Hecadquarters For MI Kinils Of BUILDING MATERIALS LUMBER. SASII DOORS, MOLJLDINGS GLASS, LIMIE, CEMENT, SALT FD, COAL, BRICK TILE, SEW[R PIPIE, BUILDING PAPIER STONE.-DRAIN~ TII!, SEED, HAYQSTRAW POULTRY SUPPLIES We Solicit a Share Of Your Pat- ronage. No orders to large or ton small to, li. Give us a trial and be convinced. I OME LUMBER CO. PHIONE 50 RESIDENCE PHIONE 1233 Deering Binding Twine STRONGEST AND BEST The Binders made by the International Harvester Co. are tested with this Twine and wil1 work better with it than any other make of twine. sUHANUK bRose The INDIEPENDENT and DAILY TRIBUNE. one are for $4.25.