Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 7 Jul 1911, p. 9

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LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT, WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XIX.-NO. 41. PART TWO LIBERTYVIILE, ILL., FRIDAY, JIYLY 7 1911. FOUR PAGES $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANOE last niht wasthat ai o!0t-tlire .elconî tond r speectes uît si-s Foo'rth Accidents Less This Year;ý Two Fatalities Boy Is KiIIed Instantly by Gunshot Drowning at Round Lake Monday Prelude to Annuar Accident List. Automobile Turns Turtie ai Haines Park and Two are Injured.' Minor Casualties Resi Crackers and Toi 0f SmaII Boys IFrora Wednesdays SIYN) Two fatalitici, marked the celebra- tion cf luie Fourth o! July luiLake couniy, oesa tirP(eî Four-lb fatality, tire other an accidentai drus ning ah the Mitchell bridge t Long Lake. Tire nîct serlues accident ln Watt kegan aas an a _om bil kiddlng over tire banka îf a higit, brîîah rlng ed ravine ln liafinî-s park. tîrnlng torn the. titres or four tinîe, ani landîng near tire botiom cf the ravine ta the lnJury tf twon Tire gseeral casîally Ilgt usm runi leas lengthy thari usual anti inciîîdes a barescasors of accidents, rîotly tii maial boys, amie thers aaa sonie min- or damage ta properhy. Drowned ai Long Lake. Monday, near 4 o'clock. on the ccc of tire Fourtir, Jay Ruiriantis, sged 30, narrieti and wth one child. anti resiti- log on Aberdeen treel, Ibliago, waae eltirer laken wth cranips or citb ani atsk f irearh falure, white batblng at Long Lake near the Mitchli on bridge. He waa seeri autdenlv tat îroa au hiri arms anti vanish bencatb barety fIes test cf water.toc was dead whec thes body aas recovereti clat in s b.tbing suit, Ruhiantis us a carperuier wlýo hai corne t10 long l.aki. toa ork Till body was taken ta Chicago yes- terday mnorning anti the Inquest aill ire beldtIis evenitg, Fint reports tiret a boy o! cîght had drtcwned are flot confirned. Ruhlansisluta ppears bati beer warned to beware o! deep places in tirs lake anti one Iheory is Ibar he sunk iot a bois and cottiti ot sain well enough to extricate hinîseif trout The falure of parents ta utie, sale. f rom sght a box o! loatict shot gut shisls, andthie tesîre o! a 10 year chi boy ant iebis laC(hicago cousins i. celebrate the national holiday, led t- thre death yeshcrtiay of Eimec Scbaser, 10 year-a dti, he son of Mr, anti',Ir. Henry Scbaaer o! lAke Zurich, deat, hang catîseti by a gui) shot acuntini tire heati. Walace ,(rgeiseri îof 1.2 North Fortieth court.,('hicago, nia; isaobse the sigbt o! is lefI eye as the rc'iii o! tire sarneshol ahicb snuiffitioor thse 11e o! bis 10 year olti cousin. Had SBiot Gun, Elmer Scbaser aas the jrouti îîo sessor cf a tasive guage sbt guu,a present a fea yeacs aga f rom b is f. ther. - Wben the Fourtb rolleti acoiti Elmer 1rvided hiritself aitb a iargç nu(ber o! blank cartritiges, abirh hi planned ta ire off ln the preseuce i is tac Chicago cousins, ('bris ar( Wallace Jorgensen. Founti Loaded SheIla. Thse temptation of the Four'l provedtueto strcng hoble resisteti, ho' ever, anti before tirs evening carn wberu the tac cousins ariveti, Il blank cartritiges wsce ail gone No ttc lie robber boaever, o! hiselleasurE Elqr Schaser asot loto the houe whel-e he knea that somahcbrewas storeti a number o! boxes of!yd sitels. BHe siyly alippeti one boxý the loaieti shela int bis pocket an asot eut lto the frounit o! the hous ahere is coushns were waatiog- Chui Jorgensen, it Js sali. asked the rigt to tirs the tirs! sbat, and tiJ1h ldaIm that the gun aas piaced lu bis hand and ha aas toldta l lire it traiglit Ir tb. air. ln ainoe maneer, whiteb wa irn tire act of raising tbe guin1 Ihs ioulder, preparatory to pointuv thre inurazle mb tirte air, the gune ploded, tire entîre charge o! hesý abot pierciflg thse heati of is cousi b la I s îîî10 0 . D r. a g e a n o f N o r th Ciîcdgo dressed the injtîry, which wag a seve-r 0one. ('onsiderin ite abiandon wilb which Waukegan and North Chicago cele- brated the one hîtndred and thirty- tifth annlversary of the signing of the Delaration cf Independienre, this rec- ord is (onsidered a gondone. Automobile Accident. a>tehad beet set offb' t itte: thirty ithe evenioz and ver, fi 1e- cas do- ng with explosives aler t hait finie, abliougit np 10 midnîglit ihere cere uxiasional flashes and reports The- tîcat la beticved reapotibii,'for thile, t oget ber with the Banc. 1' oi h lc.ari liaigli. Wlîcn the Darrow aiiioiiîobilici- dent took lplace at RaIne î ark ithe ire dejiartruent hoe ewagon waiti b the si'ene to be of aid. The werc-kcd autornobile did flot catc-hire, ,icciiievotte people t il i-e ".e day nîoining in celeiration of ihe Fourth pot a cannon crrker la-neath the door of a residence, lghied. andl the explosion shook the bouîîse, jouriic ed occupants ont Of thidi led-,, and brîîke glass. There latno traie of t he îierletratorc bot the trîî k i.,blieîeed tu be about the lîntit. NORTH CHIICAGO IDEAL IIOSTESS AT BIG PICNIC Parade A Thlng of Beauty, and Thousands Turn Oui To View It Foss In Notable Speech in Aternoon at Foss Park Event Says President Taft i li Pro- ably Attend Naval School Openlng AdmIraI Ross Aski Observance ult I-rom Cannon froin 01w orand darroer ca auto CON VICT IN CELI AGAIN.. . . . . . . . . . . wl c 1 - party ever had ln Ibis ritevo ean l hn ly Pistols loi Hands m,ble e hretfanspkoi James Geer, Who Shot Four Morn. Proyislons north Sheridan rond yesterday, snd Aquain In Chestec. I i aaptin ' ae IAit- Front V.edneeday's SU'N ) eigb h18>iel, wa patethaI aenblcil Louisville, Ill., July fi.-The -salls or North Chicago, cenich In ailto!(Is baibit biacot inue hetotChirc ta th ie sotizllinois penitentiaî'y et fîurteen differeut latîguages and dia- liqit toicontnue hoe to thwago Ceter 89RJn guard tire once tîaroled almr e er wsliansaoin.I The accident was the worHt of the conyicî, James Gsriotwbo shot four tg Is nsiled the tiorti, shore as a o! i a directnd lin na lwSo. enlire Pourrir, as it was. asud was ce- men, Including a deputy sheriff, and wttole tu attend its sarie Foiîrtb aîîd i D.ah ad BmndesaFoiOw hot llete wllh sensational features, sîîch who tirreatened telsso!ArrN orth Chlicagoî day relebration at lete foeat b ui d mdaeadb s the sornersaîliîng of the autonîo- filRden. the telephone manager, and Fiiss Park ysetrdaiî, ia the n,051 talk. 'Su> foebsfrigitened comrades could bile and Ite h,îman freight doan hemis o St.teoerîr Sau cd!rt> nth nirb boeoay eg aummon Presence of md 1 des of thrtcor fot>dayG Fnte ete opod ho J M-asdaOreit, bon -athe nohsort ('bicag l enuh precittitous Rdso bit rfT "aynner, hic G formt4ere oploer, thbat 1if tîrovedretobe a rociai l iost,hwith one 1I lite blm front the ground, Ilile was foot ravitne. the toan aould flot mob hlm and he of naturesa ceai teaîîty sptots as the TI extinct. One of the shot frotu the eentak oalb wudgv saame charge. which look the file of The inlured cee: ke oji iewîl lsecene, and with good nmanagemient the yon eaeetrdtelf ye W. S.l)arrow, Fedlerai Glass i'im itbiniself tOp snd Tanner agreedt 10kcep urnengciofteintadb-ofI youn Svase, eterd te lft r.pany 19 LaSale sret, rsidncehlm le cas aecGmpanled to flice Tan- guant eetî te nrho r e eve and ti-of C of Wallace Jorgensen. and ti sr îny ~ ie stIotreeietîe r honte b y two Unarxned cîtîzens, eteeustetotsoeee a, ed tirt the sight of thse eye wil b 649 north C('întral accoue. Siglît culs John montre and Lew Wolaf Geer stîr:ih hetween iîreaîud tOse lboucand and dratroyed, athougit the î,hysician lu and brutines, but wsis able 10uî-omtitlc rendersd to Tpnner te shotgun and peopîle attcndiîîg.b1 charge tated yesterday evening that homne cith resi o!f arty aiso a Neliof carbolîr acld wirb lie Giesta of te day ai tfl ic cnic Lthere was a sligirt ray of hope. %Miss@iMillie itaden, 649 îîorth ifît sald be would have taken If about to grounds wcre iotigresstian George coI i The titques§t over the remeatra of traI avenuce, Chicago. Suffered eere lie caught by the l)osse Edîncnd Fos,Iltear Adîtîlcai Albert A. lmer Sciraser aili lha held at L lie fractures of sîtotlder blade. ditar î e a s noese yth fier oe Letnnttn ind]SvatesON1 Zuih ae bs feron Tire pa- ye. and poscibly InternaiIinjuries. Il A iea anr h sdleascr Zurch er ths atenocn -.t locl hirfitl.sortyfrtrîg1011 Sadn anadand 'Or Dowtlttgig,aof the ited StrA et e e ,-rte of the dead la.d arecîrstrated talclhsia for sliootng the four men, but thtt'aa ril ttoSntrAbr v ce-thgrefosr is uninsl ed. Darrow, abo drove hi@s oannmachine lie would kili Sîsa Scott If he couil. Oisonî of Woodstock, candidate for re- lies 2They claimsd that tbey fend -Plae a Ford four paenger car, had aith -eelo erlen-,tenaoadgr ibelo.ed irilsb apl cherehti hnhecmlhaane ak STATE COAL CONTRACIS LET comînîssiioners of W~aitkegam. and cess tbe trouit th ld aul neer isnd- iife, another Chiî-agoan and ceifs', ___ varions citY, north shore, andi country T~ - them. but lt lsthought in rummag-lanti.bosciladd#'n. ceho ic hie steno Bfoard Arranges for SupplY for Vn fiii n ictl !lrîîec. tirc l ng aroutnd the place on Nlonday, the grapîher. The par y stopped for oas Public Institutions. The main featire of the da), re nt glad espied the shelîs, and is death lunch at Haines Park and cehen the the monster two niie parade Jît-t1",a a eterdsy aas the resuit o! the finit..lime of departore carne, will Miss Springfield, 111,- .Iily 5.-The state tore noon, the croceniig of the qucen. wh l'li arents of the two Jorgensen Mtadden sittlng ln the rear seat o! the board o! aürniniltratton awarded icon- the pi oic and Ils speakitîg, and the go-I i boyis arrived ati larritieton ott a le car, Darrow essayed 1t tru the mua- tracts for 86,000O tons of coal t0 ha nlght festivitîca benealli a nimbus O! diti y train test night and celil remain in chine abot.t used! at the state lotitutlion The 1lcctric iights anti Jalp lanternc. pa n Barrington for seceral days. Tbey lie either diti tet suspect the ex- 'ontta9cts acarîed are &as fljloe5 pr a to are grief stricken oser the acei- stence of the deep ravine et go near Christian Coli omiîaly, TaylorsilFS AESSITSEV den, eheh s eiioabl i te z, pin o cic n om mane îst1,2M tons aIti . for Elgin State h"'os SM KSSITSEV piai; Bell& 7olier, ('hag, ,0I ADDRESS TO PEOPLE a Ltreme. This la the only death to be control o! the car ln barking Ittip, tonsi. nt $1.9t, for Kaii.akse State Hos- aloi irecortied in Lake coanhy, the cause of as. un sîlte cf the fart that the ce- pitl, 12,0(111ltns cf Isreenlngs at $1,912 Vhile the 1rettisi and moct sper-sixt I ahicb might lie contributedti 1 the verse lever aas throwo as it reachcd for Elgin State llosîltaJ, 28,000 ions tai itar feaiture of the day ceas the file î'elebration of the Fourth, the verge of the ravine, the machine tf screenings eaI$1i ,2 for Kankakes liaraie, un ail ils varicd bcaîîty, the jy Waila otuae plunged backceards river the etige and StatesIHospital; J. W York, Jackson-,îo ltgccl tt liixwsh e Waukegn Fortnate. along the precipitoîts slope, turning ville, 7,5W6 tons aI ii1 liVs for Jack-,ilii vtadimaxes o! tee Waukegan waa fortunate in the ex- overi h i too he tne e onville State ltiiî'pîal, 7,000 ions, nt alîlearanre fladesgo oges w ntrente ln regard ho Its Fourîli of July forlnthrearet wointer th e bot $1 501/s for Srhool of Deal, Jackson-nuail Fosc anti Iear Atiniral Ross. Dar celebration. ln ail the day there aas fr trahdapitna h ot ville, 2,0400ion ýjir State Scirool for t'otîgresmati Fris was the popular mur not a single death 10 recuit from ex- A WkOui. ~Blind, ac oîcll,7.500tons ori-fdol of the gathcrîng anti shook bande doi Alosions antiononno!wthewaccidentsscrýenlnzs, rit $1 2h 'te. for Jackson-s' th thîîusanîis. n ioln adnoeofte cidnsc hildren waca spentiing the afternoon vsIlle Stae Hospitail: Wabash toal l hcadrss blbwatania reporteti appeer go fac 10 be likely to t the park, tire accident laking place contpany. Quinry 2 001 tons o! slsck, nhsadewihwsanf- 1 prove fatal. inless the ticead tetanue near ta-o, saw the ctîrs affair and at 8.2 for Soitîtîrs' andi Sailors liortant une, he dealt tirarI alibtbe su, sets in. Nearly evers one who aas rusbed 10 the telelîhone lu Ibe casino, nome; Latitnm(Coal îîîmpany, Lini-olo, limptortance 10 the nortb shore cf tbe injured. no matter boa srnail terfcc- fooahr hesn aneuaet telO tons, aI f1tor Lincoln Ststelt lill dStatec naval training srbool PA -dent might seeto, aas hustled Immeti '- wicise en ariessle oath s ,loCthicago, thetmeauis îîced M s physician andt t the police to get aun-mi iateiy t10 the docior, aitirvslaos of ambulance anti aid.gtiheanls enn ote ock jaw in their minds, andiilIrS ex_ Miss Madden cas tosseui fcom the CHERRY FUND $200000 United States îîavy, andt secondîti wltb pecteti that many deathe, or serios car anti autained bier Injuries It h naigo h Fut fiiyt e ïcomplications bave been avoided ln alightlng on terra Irmna. Elphty-Ors Final Payments Madoesers truc Attîriran. No ithis manner. The automobile ceas hatlu utasheti Duing Vear Just Closed. Ie rîok occ-asio n bis ,lesba!a Thosle abo ce-ee inJîtreti and taken The accident rok place smitiienti -ter eellng off is coat antitdîlrgtnlit ta dco esed were: LiiSalie, 111, -l.utî tAt a5mt5ing lima shirt leeses, 10 lia) a ileserveti(>lil 0lGu doo yterday cnd e- est of the casino. o! members o!ftuic (herry mine relief comimitenîtiitiste liigratiîs whomi be Gîtser G ho ok y Ei) etlir c akert c-etAc idle nsa f The Day co]Mmission the stîtUtal report O! the have cet'led In hua s virlîîl!y , thîtir1 d 1 -'honght bati gone oîît, and It ex- Accidents o! yecletdav vere îîoî as 3ears suori. cf distribîuton of fondis r iploded, iarterating is cbest, toce one nuherous tas luhasouth v er teluita ca ran u iig h tranieir itoîortantce t10flic itiiuiityý 1 rhumbrefoastheibdndtaad busebietirtbe Duing the year lgbty-ons final pa- lie declareti that te> lui'a etlueIrute Pr( fitgers open. hr a idrta a ,e h ment. asce made, ranging front $125 Atteriran spinit.1 )- Vie Housch o! Taenty-second treet custom. te $1,495. There 3yct remain scsenty. Ie liien sîatd ai a ntion us no li a gabseti his arm on glass, bie slipping The foliowing la a piartal lilt o!fhIwo fanmiles clasiCed as pensioners Or licter Iban Is pclîolen îd fituaItW ýa andi faling ahile. running aaay from a those injured and boa îbey Incîirred the motucy available $100.000 aas con. Americans arc litcjîrîuvng lueur oa- d tire cracker. their Injuries, togetbec aîtb a ]fat of truhuted liy the hilincie legieîsture andi tionai and local gcscrniitt,-its by liti- e One boy froto Chicago, abose name places damaed by ire aorks andl In $181,538 by private subscription. To rvn thisletrog a ewyf] liewa nt eared ého hisof n heothr ay oer hefort: date S81,000 bas been expendeti for urosingeîîîsirsectri pogli a eanpil,-o1 e aasnot earnd, cht biosei b th othr ass ove thefourli leneiclaries, !easing $200000 for pen-icas îeciooeie ii un Of hand aith a toy bluin pistol. He WALTER RECTENWAI, youtib sions. tcai.leciieie hssii id aas visiting is antl, Mrs, Street, o! bit in abdomen aitb pitched bail antid- and urged fis bearers tii a more lu- eni North Chicago. rendereti unconsciois for few mo teuce Intereet ili îolllcal affaire, 1 William Jutison o! Miaaukee, fath- ments. a 000QQ Q00000QQ QQ iiigs I>ctalning tc rtue government. 1 -tb er of Mrs. E. L. Dorsett cf Sheridan WALTER LAKt)VhiKY, North ('fil- REUNION TO BE AT WAU- AF AirNDAORT ,w- road, beld a cracker in lis hanti a mo- cago. shot through fontot alidstLol, TFTCONDA. QVO T se ment toc long, anti 1h exploded, his ln accident. Injury dreccei at Jane o CSE NVA.SCOO he hanti being laceratsti, NîAlister hosptai. Q Tanul enlno t1 ohi Miss Florence Phiips, 20 yesrs of JOS. JOHNSON, Nortbh(Cbicago, Q Lake county soldier and saluer CDj itu an Interview wcilli a SU N repîort- e, age, was overrome aith the hoat ai shot through baud aillai lîk cart- Q veterans ailire held ihis year QI cr lire'ectiltg lissitireas the cotîg- Ise Pose Park.. Dr. Herscbelder aas ritige. Injury drescei et hospitai. Q August 30 and 31 et Waucondla, o esliucteatetiflint lie bac ceen re smmoeti an th gir as reovei INKNOWN, atidrese, fourth merry Q This was a decision of the 'ciin îi1a3ioer atsu ledto tther homne. makers put cannon cracher benieath 0 sociation ln charge of the an nu-. eral tites 0fltaie 10n regard 10 ai- o! James Mitle!, 11.,9 scutb Sheridan door, lighted, anti ied. Craeker exploti' Q ai camp today. # edtgiefraIoeign h a ni ronti, triedt t shoa bis friends that lie lng broke windea glass anti sîreatiG> Libertyville was the oniy oth- ( - cal trainig îtaioli October irst anti ,se could isolti a giant cracher in is general havosc. Q or city thuit madle a bld for the 0 îhatthlie resldeni, cehile disposiedtrii ris hand anti Jet it expiotie and as a con- Five revolver sbotc aýere ireil 0 gathoring.0as't-otiieit i hiliere, asserîs that the ;t sequente ie be usiteti a doctor, having through glass ah tueNileyer greeni- 0 The general ccmmttes la G. 0 Itincrary for is trip ali tiepenti en- ie suffereti a lest tbîtrnb by the experi- bouse on Marlon street anti iontiaY 0 E. Prouty, H-. M. Davis rld W, Qtilrt'i; olti iietimîe of aujouctiOent o! dc ment, nlgbt allens shot loatict cartritiges ID K. Harrîs, ail of Waucond a. Q Iongrer-' andi scit'îctigress dises. t Water Lukoasky o! Fourteenth anti on Market treet, Q Wauconda agrees.te furniah Q Plie îîngiesttlatt is loiuefuij that tise be Commonwealth shot himseif iu the There wcre tao tires betore ten Q bother than $100 or snough ho iteodel l attend tits opening anti tO font aitb a 22 blank pisiol, the flesh the morning cf the foîîrth, boh i mner Q ose the camp thrugh. Rausss QI seme ho lbe diclioseti to sivise fibat ng On the tîpper part of the foot be.inglones onhyLake street, neltber one Q from thes electric lin.oho lice vil- QIt1tI4 distr ici plaln for the îîreciîlent'e ex- batly lacerateti. caused byire works andîti ebr do- Gy lege, 50 cents each way, andiQuiuiit Lvy Joseph Johinson of Nortih Chicago Ing a great deal of danmage. Q meals for 35 cents. . , AI l unail, Congresman Fusa matie s, abot; himaeit ho the left hanti aitir a1 One o! the remarkabie tacts about 0 QQ Q Q QQ *Q O Q Q [005 of the old hîme, scoring, ahoiiy frendoithhis Alwayes an it'iît' ee sîiiîedsiins Aay wean ystraylie North (lilcagoans. ROSS ASKS OBSERVANCE 0F DRY ZONE LAWS lu lus address Rear Admirai Rocs, aftii telilîg of the naval traiuing scrool, Ils altos, the fart that It wisbes onily the bcd c>oung nmen of the mnid- die wect and rejerts elght out of oine, that the cebool Io the best and largesi of il.iiniiîdn tbe ceorld, and that It w " i1 l l e a îe ri î c . ' t t i i t h e d i s t r i c t . h e got riglît doîvo to bed rock and drill- cd loto the itîlîtîle of bis ttearers wlth a well brougbt îîî point ln regard to thie dry zone that tl is îîecessary to have about theschiîxl. -1 want you ho regard the boys at tii great srhool.' he sid, "as you woîîld anîd(Ilo yoîîr own sons. * Incîde the stationi, with ics high in Itlac tbe îti.Infiiliuence tbat fear. 1snîiect thal ltse Mile antiam htliit lu inhis state, cehich pro- ts the sale or tîthier dislposal of aor ailthin a wiie anti an elgbth nillitar, anti inaialreservations, 1 b strictly observeti anti on tire iti-, anti that we shah bhave ne te bo i-otplaim o! anytirg ln Ibis ard. That's the aay as desîre re remarks acre apîîiaudeti. be admirai gave entire credit for congressioua1planning anti aork locahing the si'hool Ini tuia vlcinitY Congreaanian Ge4-orge Edmund Posaý durgeti that tiIs district aboulti lîcouti o!lils reirecetttative ILOR AND ACTION 9PICNIC GROUNDS lit ai Neighbors of Amerîca. E. A. Duàkin. 'Iager and liaîiilet clothIng fioat. lacý Prize Winners in Parade. The îtidges for prîtes in the parade were Mlayor Bidînger and commis- sioners or Waukfgan, and the foilow- ing are the awards they made: Lýargest, single mnarching societY Knlghtc or St. George. Best gociety float, Mtodern Woodý men, first, Ben tour, second. Best driiled, Frank Opeka and Knights of St. George. Nost comical tinota, Ed. Green, drayman, with tutoble down rig. Best decorated float, Martin Hoyle, with single decorated rlg. The foilowing Io the complete lust of committees la charge: Personnel of Commttee. Streets and Lights-Johfl Sherwin and Williîam Keefs. Concessions-John Hale, J. H. Nea- hans, Frank Hardy. Gaines and Sports-J. W. Keltz. C'harles Blanchard, M. C. Docker. Parade and Conteet-C. W. Waeh- ter, L. IB. Joliey, J. 0. Thomp15on and Ftrank Opeka. paxwe-WiIliam Schumann, W. Wa- ters, George Phillipe. Muie--joln Hayeo, J. M. Hanson. Advertlng-C. S. Sayler. A. Gus- tafson, and H. KoiWitZ. Fireworks-T. H. McKinneY, John Chriotian. Exeruitive CimmIttee In charge of entire celebration-Dr. L. B. Joiiy, C. Wachter, James Hayes. J. B. Nea9au« eand William Schumann, R&CE RESUITS AT LIBERTYVILIE At the Fess Park picnir grounds I.No Records are 3maisbed, But ery îhing aas gaiety, action, roder, 'Ali Motorcvcle Rider* Moite em ovem ent, set in a scene f G n i e et R csfm ast naturai beauty. or rather a suc- Gorim.iRce us salon o! sncb scenes. day end Suaday bhousands came anti asot ailt roughs lie afternoon anti evening (Irom Wednesdalt's $UN.) i every one tof tbefliftY concescions the park, froto the confetti anti Wbiie no international records sel o! fortune stands ho the mnerry acre broken St the races ai Uirerty- ,rounds atîd retresirment bootha ville Sunday anti Tuesday. tirere wore àa Ibrising bushness. ,'iary o! tire1sonts mlghty goond records made iry raile floassere un îthe grounds machines under tire guidancq of local I aec viast by timiers men,' as shoan by the reanîlts d wee vewedby dmirrs.Swanson cf Wankegafl. on an Excel- The scene o! greate8I attraction soat h it ae n a at igaong rhe sîlentitilake front ant iostrLaewontshampioand msnom- ong tise etges o! the bluff, tifty or re deask e ys cait o oo ier r Su- xty teet bI he air. Ali along peo- cday.riueras resultaoftaracendeti esat on the gcassy stiges anti en- dey. SuRaeKiraîult; eKspnosha -sti the coiol lake breezes. white tit 62acenson 2dl, ant MKoody.3r ow on the beach, scores aent lutm :2 esn d n od,3d viniilin, wding and bathng.Fivesmiles. aninlg, aatsieng anti adîheg Second Race, Swanson let; lime, sice aas gooti The croati, tremen- Pive;mIle.Anesn2d gr3. tas anti unaieldy otfoumbers, ap- Nemls iredti 10 h having the hast of tîmes. Third Race, Unger let; tinte 11:10; Dancing was the feature i0 thse Benson 2nd, Harmi. Kenosha, 4rd. 10 iniog. miles, Fourth Race, T. Anderson lot; tite ARADE FEATURES 6l:24; Mentsoo, 2nd, Soderman 3rd. 5 miles, IANY AND BEAUTIFUL Flfth Race, Swanson let; tinte,5:55; V/hile Ballery C aas minable to ai- Unger 2nti, Benson 3rd. Fiee miles- id itheliaratie, diets te nahiliîy of Sixth Race, L. Moody let:lme ortb Chicago to lîrovitie borses, anti 12:28; Benson 2nti, T. Anderson 3rd. hile the Alleiiuaie lboys failedtie1 put Ten miles. ian alileararice, there acre plenty Seenth Race, Sicanson lst; Urne. mer great feaLtres tu the parade to 5:6 Ugr.- -H ndron3d ike It rnemorabie. Flue miles. The folioaiug is the liai o! entrants Elgirtl Race, LL. Moosiy lat; lime i1the long, sîîleutiti procession: 6:12, Sannson 2nd, tinger 3rS. Five L 81. Joli>,, general chairmari for nies, ognese club. The resuits o! the race Tnstay are Police offlu et anaoti cils. uts folloas - Progress C~lub officers andtitîetohers lu the tive mile laco on the bai! 1th badges. ut1 ie hrack tUnger wastrst; lime, 6:00. North Chicago Pire deîîaîîmeot. ttenson assecond anti Soderman. Wsukegan andî North Chicago Cily thnti AIli rode Indien machijnès. ficiais. North Chticago ilanh board. ALI RAI LROADS NOW Carriages ails Queert eert, Flor- ce Szyroîsick. TO MAKE REPORTS Polisis Cadets In utîi!orm. Polisis Cadets baud. Every comnion ra.lway carrier will îstn Ian Cadiets lIniunifortn. lie requireti after Jnly 1, 1911, ho re- Tbree Aitetriau iarchiug societies. port to tire intersîa-e commerce cent- Janos float. _ mission at Wasbington by telegrapr Ailst riatu socidi Y Siovetillan ocicîtu. Twonîanciîng ksocicties. Gennian 'Nlaetinerchor. Je hulieuirflioat. Msartin Lewisflioat, 'ao tiecoraleti carniages, North Chicago Gas compa Anlon Duiueiik lioal. Derorateti carniage, Stanislas Bublievir final. scbaff loat. Decoraleti Carrnage. Bloombcrg float, Earl C ool5, lien irr float andti Ii i Eti. Green float. let NMethodist cuoci final. Poish bgkery. accident, resuiting in tire death o! one or more personas. By thui termB o! an order isausd ry thui commission the report musat be sent immediately a!ter the occur- rence et the accident by a responsible officer o! tise carrier, )any, l)elailc o! railiroatiaccidenta have tîîct in thlise ast been reporte to ter touinllssiotu ln many instances Ibey aie obtairiabie only by birculatîS iîeth",is Tht' commission being re- quurcd bs 15w 10ilceep a record of sach accidents, deelided more draatic rules of reporUlng sers noessarY. uit.___________ tlulcago license ttc wed: Ira M. But- ý. akasil, Highwood. 1ni., 22, Emuma & -Boss, saine, 19. Mark Celebration;'

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