Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 14 Jul 1911, p. 8

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LAIE COUNTY IŽu)wE:NDEXT, FkWtl)Y, JtTLY 14, 1911. X News of Waukegafl and the North ShoreI alivýlmuT u iiw liniaoq.rI - TP- W Ti n PC R Yon favored th'e Sunday closing of 1the saloons?"' Lttie Patient at Tent <olofly Commisioner Atterbury-"I posE- Rapily Recovering tiu veiy mnade no sucli tatement tu sny NIIN mmiaaiuner ietmeyer -'Tlien A ray of eunshine, n lvsdree HOL S m SE UIVU sme one bas lied." by tlie ravages of a terrible desease .................. .......................,,-"Thale. i an oasis n th1e desert of lbat hopes Sundayj Closing of Saloon Causes Comm missioners to Pass the Lie at Meeting Mondayj Night .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 4 The people 's roll cal] of the conmissioners + +taken infornally in the city council chamber on the + + Sunday saloon, resulted as follows, according to ex- + + pressions of opinion by the mayor and commnission- + + ers: + + Mayor Bidinger-On the fence, but stated to + + SUN reporter vesterdav that he " would stick 1w + + whatever Atterbury did." + Commissioner Diver - Opposed ail the w'ay + through to the Sunday opened saloon. + Conuissioner Aterbr-Persists iii letting + saloons open Sundays. + Commissioner Dietmeyer Opposed to open- + ing of saloons on Sundays. + Oommissioner Orvis Did not so state last + niglit, but every 5ndicatWin is that he favors Sîîndav + opening of saloons, especiallv after the famous let- + fer in local paper. + Meantime the great wave of 1îutblie- sentiment + is rofling up, garning strengili everyv momen'ft. anti + there is a terrible tide of indignation against those + who favor the Sundav saloon. higly probable, and nu strange tact, if sume une bas lied." Comm isloner Orvi-"I move wel adjourn." Commîssioner Dive-I second tisat motion." snd btasted possibilties, Littie Oie Mantyla Es by tar the muaI hsppy Ps. tient aI 1the Lakte Couuty Tuberculos- Es Institute, and lying ase 1e dues upon te curved board, sufferinag with tu- berculouis ufth11e spEne, 1e apreada aunshine and merriment to ai whoý ner ened 11emoa trrny session core ne bo ntact wtbh 11m. nertory ut Ithehase. wlich the. new cummissioners ever lield. and alil oer the malter ufth11e ai- leged violations ufth11e laws ln regard I to the Suutlay cluing ut saluons. As f was stated n 1the SUN last night, the e cumnissioners 11sd gone 10 1the coune-0 cil chambers ioaded for bear, wE.h f determination tu arrive If possible ath so.e conclusion n 1the mater ut Sun- day closing. Il was Commissioner Dietmneyere wbo led t1e grand march Tleyr wuund Ibrougli a maze ut Intersection-' ai strite, iaw and slifting of respun- sEbiUItY, but always in the way was the oid barrier, Law, wlicli saya Nou saloon, dram sliup, or tippling biouse, shlsl reoisin open upon the irst dayi ufth11e week, communly calle< Sun-1 day." Il wae sometbing Ilke a gamne ut golf, wtli a number ut amateurs at- tempting tg beat Old Col. Bogey. Tbere w'ssnu unit lu 1the numba< ut bobes n îlEs gante, as piayed last niglit aI 1te council cliamber like, and nu obstacles, except a very amal one n 11e nature ut une commission- er, wlio sltempted to steve off the dis- cussion ufthIis subject Ail contes- tants passed successfutly over tliEs ob- stacle, and the game proceedéd. Old Col Bogey had the beat outh11e Oie Mantyla was fouud last winter n a darit room of one ofth11e Bernstein fiala. At thal lime su iow was lie with tuberculogi, ufth11e spine that 11e couid but barely niove his tues, snd fingers, the muscles ut his tiny body harEng been psralyzed by th1e ravages ufth11e disease, Hia mother su i1i w lth the same dis- ease, tuberculosEs, aud s sister ai- ready suffering front glandular tuber- cuiosis. and 1the tather unabie or un- wilng 10 Care for the famiy properît l was ndeed a ssii case tat was dis- covered by Dr. Houm. VEitlng Nurse Miss Wlieeler H1- gnbot11am became interested n 1the c'as, and the matIs. sas taken 10 Dr. W'. I. Waltersun ut the Lakte County TuberculosEs InstElute, witill the re- suit Ihat 1the litto cbld, who was but 4 yeare ut age, ani is moîlier were taken lu 111e lent cù,bua'. The boy was strapped upon a curved bousc with about' une tooutpitch, and tliere he s destkbed to iinain for three yean's ai least. Brght Ray lu Darkened Livs. Today lei s cbanged. Prom a puny, iii lutile boy, unable 10 move any part uf liEs body tcave liEs filgeresud 10es J.Â.1 Effeît formerl Cuyahoi wiI be th1e Wa LSteelI .Waldec 3dent o4 the nc men al rworks The larget *Import are the *entire Mr. land f romt always y le and Begi years men,9 [evanti dent,. e-terred it the E ýelatert ,d years. re i -e dions linow, rt nlng s local1 es it W] CommissiOner Dieteyer-'l wst H-alifax sud back, sud I1Enow tbat match, wlicli was nut ended, owing "r'-'ainsie l"' 'n.-itoa at lit ditinctly undersluod Ibat nu une there are ah leasa some olliers n 1the as sporting papers woud say, te ain, rOsy lttie clierub, no frown ever o hias made any attempt le dictaI. lu commission wliu wiil do lb. sam.Iel n n1te way ot a motion tie adjourn, put cloudlng hies face, sud wth notihng WE asy commissioeser ofthIe cily o! Wau- al justice luelMr. Atterbury, t muaI by that sane cummiasiuner who bated but emiies for ailt'sho cume near hEm. fin kegais. what1e gliafl do, 110w 1e abailb. sad Ibat Eu every tiser uatter 1e te see the mater discnssed, sud 1the As soon as he wae aken lueIlie col- Of rs hl@a depaxtmeist, or bas made any bas proven lise muaI efficient head ut match was postponed until some ru. uny hie became a favorEte wEîb 1the reg atomnst, as ter as 1 itnow, tist b. the police departmeut wliicb Iis City tume date, O)I Col. Bugey, whu was nursea. Every lutIle acl ut kindasa hml' wold assume any o!f11e responsIbil- has oser seen.lun1the mater ufthIe represenled by the iaw of tlie tale out which wesa shown bEi evoitod a amEile, En tIi n any depailment ther Iban is whoiesale tiquer dealers licenses there Illinois, sud 11e cihy oriiinances ot sud 1the donur was aiways rewarded Wl owu. lit bas beau slated. I belles., was nu compromise, tbey simply b.adilie cty ot Wauitegan, was about tbre. by seeing tlie eyes lighh up sud 11e Pr by Sfne ofth1e Commissionema hors, te cone acruas, and 1.1e>' did. Laut struitesahaead o! the nearest competi- face brigisten. IE tisai ho waa torced ito open violationu year the cE1y receivad a litle oser tur, acconding lue1the score carda. He lias gained n weighl wElb e- of the laws o!flise state o!f Ilinois, $300 trm-" No true biooded Scot couîd have maritable rapdity snce bis entrance Mud tine OrtUnancS of thse Cit>' ut Commimasinr Ors (again)-"lIt thruwn more ut hbe beart and coli f,_lue1the institution. He neyer leaves Wankegan in> a maJOrIty o!fthe meul- waa oser $400 ater I toli Ibal mater lue1the balle Iban diii Ibre.outhelise Esboard, except wb.n 11e tesbatbed, tîî boss of thno comnslsionmr, but 1 wst up." rommEsioners, Diver, Dielnseyer sud but cao now muse bolb bis rmansd i to say right heme.asd 1 belleve oisons Commlaioner DIver (reuming)-"ýl Atterbury. Il tated out as It îî wouîci wss abuse1the otber day tu put lies footde 'wM boas me ont ln t11dm atemUt stgand coS-ected, But at any rate tbEa lie a fighltur thbe vorld'a cup. but intobis mouth, something lie bad r'i t ir as net a party 1.0 Bfl> combine year the city lias already receivod ended practicaliy where t stan-lad neser been able t0 du betore. le of thse comiissioners t0 conrol sny $1.100 frumIb tis alune,. lu every ther wtl lttie or accompiasised. Ha gises the nurses lthe smaliest el part>', or theo affaira o! hi, depait- respect 1the Sunday closing, Commis- 5h11l there was a great deal accum- amount ut came ut suy patient. He lesnn "ML,," sioner Alterbur>' bas entorced tle plished. The meeting lest niglit, piscsd, atil un his huard, out En 111eth Commiesioner Dvr-"'Your Honor. lav., sud Es wortby of 1the ighest brouglit tise tact out lte1the peuple ot sunsbEne sud treali air sud there be f This question, whuch tg nu tiser tiss uprIse. MY mottlole this: 'AIl utile Waukegan, Iliat sorne of lthe commis- contents hbmnieit wth piayiug wl111se thse question o! lheb tnda>' saloon, are amendable te111e law. Equai rtgts sioners ai leasI are standing b> tbeir sncb loys as have been sent lu liEn, f has pessed b.yond th. stage wlere lu ail, sud speciai prvieges lu noue." guns n thia flgbt, sud are duîng ail Cure Wii Work Efectively. vo cau ignore, and 1 vill say rtgbt Commissioner Aterbury-'I sulnîth Ieîr powIm te stand true ho their The melbod ot cure wbuch Es being ys ber. tinst va, as tise commissioners ut assume tisaI I amnthe boue ut conten- osllu ot office, sud appear 10 be sur- Iied upon him waa worited willilE lhe City' ot Waukegan cun ignore tb. tion liemel yondfec atrowtul, rallier tban angry usver 1the great successeverili years ago ai1sc mattr no.4oner. n myown efene I anttact Ilat alegaione are made Ibal Seabreeze. The board, beiug beut, t malernu~,bngr.I.10, e, is te b. te say lbah when we commiasioners lie hsri f 1eaia uuu pacod on record auseaying tisaI Ivas firsl met, lu decide who aboubd bave suother ot their number bas nel prov- ae l tanoftesia oun i Dol a party lu suy combine lu con- the position utf('ommissionem ot Pub- en lue1e pure gold, after the test, sud gradual!lyte vetelirse become u liol lb. affaire ut a commitsioner ai lice HeaIb sud Sa!ehy thathon-e were The isrlIug outhIe lie front Commis' stronger, the pressure agaluetthelte thte bead o! aisothen party. Il bas but two ot us, Comnission4 Diver sionem Dietmeyen- te Allerbur>' was cord Es reieased, aud stroug healtl, nover been my policy te oserstep the sud myseît, who were wIîiing lu tait.etthe mont apectaculai test ofth11e esen- sud sigorous manbood EsIolie resuit. -authorlty laid dovu b>' the statu law the position . t was you, Commission- Ig, altbougli Commissioner Dietmey- I-ttie Joe, nade fanions through i n regard lu my departinent, sud my er Dielmeyer, If I mistaite uet, wboCm ad 11estmntE 1e pe sdeorbyJclRsbctni pinciples are toc welb itnowu te e- gsted aI 11e meeting beld n yuur geulemanly fashion whIcli î la possE.-1the year 1888, was 1the tirer nions quire any airingheble lu cail01lie teci ltesatemeuts o! anollier wbom thlis experiment was tried, sud qur s> anng lem. I ibtO e olhome, tliah the responsEiJEttes ua] lie head outhIis deparîmnent count ulsie. * 1e 115 uow grownte 10stmo!g maubood- Commssioner E, V. Orie-«"your be sbouldered cnto une, but 1ha1 ai Tlie meetiug starled ont like a nigbi Rear Admirai Rusas o!f lie naval poin ofthecomissona2 boy, uetau-ai heb.nuîli pole., Mu was quiet and training station, wbo persoisSlly nover Honor. 1 arise lte oitu iecmiin sa bd, ut as- hg en ofahst ih-reue eadaieBaerrpre order. This discussion Es enlirely anme a parI t f1e responsibiliiy. î aite .n uflsis1 Eb-r!sd10sdenwpPmrpre ontut lac, s, u tr a Ican se, as you, i thinit, CommisBiouer Diet en np 11e suunding countlry. Sud- lu getting the facts om Eu gettiug a Ioe of e utgo fraI cing p BiseyewopopsdIi eapitdenly, lite tise aurore, boreaiis o! the story sraigiîeued ont, bas asîed ofut matter aI Iis tUme. Themo la nu mu- 5ailiiet ut police te siluw 1the saluons luiu b iugi uum 1e11 U eal tIept> fie tionhefre he oug, ad acoringte e oen n Sada, ad 'hendiscussion oser the Sunday saluons, wbo eused lu permit a SUN reporter lu lb. nov i-nies ut order wliucb ve tliiugagel 100 110, v'se eau ire hliEn.' sud aller a brillEant effect upon tbe te penetrate te lie preBellce ot liessu- have dopte, we an mo tùl thiswant e sayrEce bere- cbige, wbicli, t would seem, were perior oEtcer tu geltfactos sud wbuse haveadohedvo an nl lit Iia aut 0 5Y rElitcreepiug down the sisouiders o! at demeanor 'sasliEgli sud migit>'. atter mater oser.' Commisioner Diermoyer (interrupt- Iseutlune commissioner, darituessansd lise Russian pattern- Commissioner iver-"I demand the tng-"I tIinit you are mistaiten about quiet again regned auprome, sud na- rigisI lu 1e ieard bore. Tb.r.Esunu--" tliat, M. Allerbur>', 1- ture', phenumena lied passed. Thieves Get $400 InI JewelrY Commlslunsr Onvis (aButing)- Commissioner .Aterbury-"I lbsse wssdE ccondîug te word neceied by WEl- 'Yoai Honor, 1 lave aisen te a point thie fluor. I waul lu sey Ibat 1 wE4 ialEnl>~drto blb a u EmCra tGadaeuJs ut urder." ~~~~figlt tur the Sunday cîosing ufthIle sa- un. tte"~oEy &d10Oil ,buitivae1ee .1 i'1 Mayr Sdiner- "Commssiuner loos, but I muet have otiers hait utfwhicbia treeganllsvi t3,ng udthlMrs E . e , ueo Miss Dver bs th flboor, sud 1 thinit your me." Commissiuner Atterbur>', his position piaisnie Camman 0utitis City', et Adienî, point or der sot welI taiten. Com- Commiaioner Diemeyer-"I vant On tbe Sunday saluons- CommissEion" Micbigan, 168 Wesl Mamme sîcet, missioner Diver. you may proceod.L" te sate mEabî bore 1ha1 sny assertion er D ivor taled bat ho vas nul une, sud gut eaay succestuli>' vitis1W0 Commosioner Diver (reauming) - that 1 said I wotild assue part ufthIe sud crtail>' Atterbury was nul une uiaund rings, Tiffany' etngs, une "I vant 10e55>' Iis, l vas nul man>' reaponibiity for violaion outhlaw evof th w.vbowouid force upon hEm- pearl anuburst ,rooib, and a solid mnthseagu Ibai ve, the tirer commis- lEutiis respect, sud Uai I would coun- se! Uai hbie vould nul do other- goid valus, witb a long gold Chaini, alounera ho vers aven eiecled b>' the tensuce lthe fiEing o! tise chie! ut po- vise, uaia emnwr Ei l vote o! lb. peuple outhUe ct>' ot Wau.-liue wben t guI 100 ho for hii, la a Tbis lott but two 10 b. considereti namne Fannle Carman engraved on tise kegant, -. idn Uss aine ron, Use LIE, a downrlght baie-t aoed lie. The Mayor Bdinger sud une allier libatcae reu'tcIl cclunrs o! lb. Cilty, sud bebd resPonstlbilit>' for îlEs mtIes la UPOn missioner, vhu madie many ldollarsoEsthe beredcfor ui , o, gi", îigis1.handsansd 1.0k t111e Usboulders ut Commssiunor Allai'- ding lb.e ven g- 10caîhî' ocoe ut ise stlen oerd fo mo'f mn oeIl, 10 support t1e ur- bury, sud nt upon Attaerbur>' and my. agneeabe subi-ct te s close. ' . jor cis guts" nth 11bouse1 é th11e Cli tyofWankegan, Ibe seit, or su>' olier commisalonen, ex.Bidingar 100k n0 partin 1the dt il :A p3 811eemplaYs 1DO LI , "tetao! Ilioi, and 11e cePI1the cummssionen uf Publice alun, mersi>' ruliug ouce on îvîa- ý cpui, as locitod Cl i outh11e United Stes, It Heallb sud Sateti-, (Te Alterbur>'). tine question as t lu h scommise.' e. L r '!LIanis 'sen sb. me- - su> effort te step out o! my You vsuted that Position. yourself, did or vas, entitIed te the fluor, Thus t.].. tum. ý Ti Adrîd Oi. 4lrB a>' Iba urtment, or lu put m>' baud IttuYuu net" majon-i>', aaud lu exEt, vas brokeas b>' unE>'a . eî bey,_ uBeil qulciti>'i - a. pocitet ofthUe cosl visicis belouga Commimaloner Alerbury-"Yes" tle menabers, aileged lu have belong- conta havte -ad i.,trance le thet t0 motiner -niat IaI s>'tis. But Cunmlsiner biemeyr-"I made .5 lu Il. aud tb. alieged 50a tâ Of151. reaidence. tiis queeton o! lb. Sunda>' saluons no sncb tatoment about a chia! o! samne maJorty" were repudiated. bas reacWo a serions pruportion. 1 police, sud 1 wsul te go on record as Stililishe mater Es as fti unet- 'rami10 asY'rEght b-4,eb&t1he1vsn donYing su>' sucli sament, M. At tiamneut as oser sud ail tisai reaulied Tise clu. lue isere Ion are ta vork ComsiMlse Âiler7change& is terbury', dld younenulmake te tialalo- froinslait night's meeting vis s lise!>' a long tI i, 10 Come Mynia>'b.rounad' pV»in luregard lu the Sonda>' lu savo-iIbat ibis isue vas littiefIgbl btveen lhe commission- -if >'!'e looking for sncb a due- l"a I ill back lm tran be1to orced upon yen, b>' a majort>'o! tise ers. lnteulays Help lWanted adae. 1 'aul Ie fmi man lue ment WÂUXEGÂN IMM Waldeck to Head North LIIB at Worcester Mams Dtive july 15, George W. Sella, rly of Ibis city but ot laIe of 111et âoga wire miiie near Cleveland, become 1the muperintendent, of Vaubtegan plant ofth11e American and WEre company. 'and Jay ec, for aume Years superinten- o! 1the local mile, and one Of mont popular snd beat libed of along theelhne. wilI b. promoted Le superintendencY of 1the nortli aI tWorcester, Maso. aWorceater wire mili, are th1e et lu 111e world, and 111e muai rtant, while th1e Waukegan mille le second largeat ,supplying the. emiddle weat. Cerner of sella. Sella, t11e new auperlnlendent, Waukeganite ut prominence and ing, aîthough hlisha, beeu away Ibis city for some lime 11e bas ys been considered a Waukegan- nd one wliu belpugla here. tilnning En 1the local miiie many a&go as toreman ot a gang of graduel Eng lu foreman o!fIlie gal- BARN RAISING REMIS HARVEST Takes Hour and Quarter To Fpake 8ollcitor WorkgS8mooth Raine Riley Barn Ganhe Throughout County Furty or fifty nien. asaisted by thEr- ty or forty women, the latter of elionI Belale revelationîs were made bisaI supplied the eatabies and drinkables. week ufthtle operatiotia uf an aiieged En form uf iemonacfe and tee cold well mug swindler Iliat muat have ne1ted water. officiated ai an bIid !asbioned hundreds of dollars En ready cash, barn raiaing, eiglity rode norîli of the Vhile tlie suspect la by tlim lime fer state lune aI Ilie Jacki Riley faim Sat. ontut f eacli. urday, and the remaritabie lhing Io At th1e samne tErne, lu another case, Iliat the up to date farinera aud tbeir Waukegan Es named as th1e probable city aides, inciuding Eve Waubsegan- refuge of a boarding boune 1.11ef of ilem. made record lime for thia couinty, Joiet, Ili. raising th1e entire trame and raflera Revelations n regard to th1e aiieged of th1e big barn En an hour and flfteen1 rug swinlder came En the forn o! a minutes, Inatead ofth11e usual îwo ietter from a woman et Wheeling. 111., houri and a hlaf, due 10 1the aid ofthUe to a Waukegan wumnan of pruminence. Waubeganites. The stated Iliat on May 27 of The beat barn raisera En Laite Ibis year a solictor giving th1e n B county, the Siver boys, George, Chliiofu Mr. Eibalker andasaserting that h. Harry and Wili, ofilcated aI the rais- reî)reseiited th1e Waukegan Rug com- Ing, The barn ls thirty-iive by thirty- pafly, which ,a Iocated on Wa±er reigit fateetIn dimenalon, momne bar., En ati,came ilitrougli WheeIing, str 1other words, and th1e lob waa 0n1 t mavEg rersed ther towns of îlEs iight une.,1the sections ut fraining 11e and ('00krolnties, solilting Ingrain Ing hoisted Into place wtb pUte pulea. and other oid carpets lu lie made loto rIn the bande 0f 1the iusky sons ofth11e mga. rsoland outhtle city. I liguI inn (umtumera, collected The Waukeganites wlio sîîended man51y scores of ruga. and En each case 1-l - -. W1 11 o ai,ate vEu11e îlay he rpot cm sproper, lu assistant superinten- Bradshaw, Fred Sliober, Durkin and lie was several years ago trans- Lew Stewart. i 1 to ecome superEnteudent ut It Es agreed by ahai t oail]the Scott street nilain Joliet, snd 11stle.rf gathered tliee.th1e Wauke- lu 111te Cleveland mEuls, wbere lie gaultes calîtired honore for work and ee En suprese dcharge for Bone hualle. 'B. 1 Vailous tictucies were taken ufthlie baebe eerved, Waîitkegauo .proud o! hii He Es a muan wliîî sa th1e ire manutai turing bus]- t rum loti to bottoro. trunibegEn- ,u tendl, sud Es iieiides rcciln ,1triende. Regret Waldeck Leasing, Mile congratulating Jay W'aldeck Es promotion. whEchl s deserved, kegan regrets lu sec liE go. A business man, liberai sud brusd nid, une ut liEs owu men En every ecI and vaslly popular witli every El n th1e nuls, Jay Waldeck Esaa type uf American gentleman sud ukeganites unite En wieliing liEn perity aud coutInued advano.- DL Polaris Beautiful Craf t Polaris, 111e Hemnosbuff nacing yawl theJ J. 0.ey vorth ut Lske Fourest tinks will b ho fth11e saiing won- oers ut Laite Micigan Ibis yeam, ar- rved Fris>' frunu essteco waters sud le ancliored off t11e Clcagu Yachtl ilia' pier. Awsy abead ofthUe sched- le Iliat vas seltfomrier En making lie great laites Jounne', 1the beauli- ni craftvas th1e conter o! attraction scures ut skipipers sud sallors vEsEliug her. She Es tift>'fise teel user ail sud yawl 'y ain elvean ov a gt nd alons>'.- Lryp Hewert.h liawndone ieg on the Stratford cup, liaving been victa- 'ions wilb nthe Mistral, and Entende to utilize thie Polaris in the next contest for th1e trophy. Foiey Kidney Pille are composed of ingredients aper.iaily aelected for Ibeir correclive, bealing, tonie and @timulatý nng effeet upon th1e kidneyt%. bladdsr and rInary passages. They are antisepI. antilithie and a ur acid noîscut. Sold oy ai Drugglots. A ton minute '"alrnggle" in wrEtEng awant ad-sud you'Il seli Ibal prop- erl>' as anme es-taxes! lu' The wslbe vent luisith11e torini uf a sort o! social affair sud 1the limtbe, i went uliamEdrmmcl i nerriment. TELLS CHINA STORIES trm rnî ,>alake, Libel> ie,and olli- er Lake county towus where the SUN illade Enqîlirie'. Cash But No Rug. AlIhough mure than eanuontli las eiaDsed ince Iliat Initiai canvas ofu th1e counly and vicinity by t11e man Lwho gave bis naine as Elbalicer. nul u ne ofth11e peopile sho gave bini car- pets snd cash tà gel 111e mga dear to th1e leart utf'sornan kind lias liesrd from h1m, sud It Es helieved that hey nsv.-r wlill Elder Royal Delivers Address Oeny He Worke Here, In Zon Snda At the Waukegan Rug comuîany, on In Zon undy 'Water ntreet, 1the oniy conceru ufthle Eider Royall s iok lie beW es'u tEnd En thEs cil>, t Es denled that any îhree and four thousand lîcuîle Sun sîîch man wasa eîer beard uft tkre. or day artertionu Inithe lrst Ireat meel wss ever employed by the manage- Iug o! Zo's AnnuluaC onvocationi at ment, Mrs. Nelson, 1the manager,.lie- 511i1o1 Tabernacue. The selectiOns Iug 1the unly solicitor employed iy 1the rendered by the Zion White Robed company. She la now ontut ofthecitY choir, user five hundred In niîmber, on a nolîcîîing trip. were ota grandeur sud eublEmity net1 Il thug appears te bEs patrons thal lu lie described. G-enerai Overseer Elblsker et least made a mstatemeal Wilbnîr Glenn VolEva introduced Eider wbeu 11e eaid1e was connected wilb Royali sud praised th1e wunderful lhe ocal conrern, whbeb denies the work which 1e bad doue n 'bina. El'connection. der Royall spolie utf11w eager the Meantmme the peuple, by 1the score heathen I'binese were lu receive thie are uut their oId carpetsansd Ibeir gospel sud narrated many otf1bs ex- icash. perieuces sud adi-entures while away T11ey believe tliey lise. been victim- En Iliat far off land.lun1the course ized. ufth11e attemnoun, Eider Itoyali sud hie THIEF AT JOLIET, TOO. wite and lau children gang "I Stand Juliet, III , Juty 7---Spectlte toh1e ou Zions Nlount," n lie Chinese Ian)- SUN-A smootb tling youug strang- guage. Eider Royail bruught Many er, gîvîng the name ut MfacAuiay, rent- wonds ut greetEng tron 1the diffemeut 1 ed two renra- In different boan-dIng o)fficers, mnembers sud triende of Zion bougsaIn Joliet lest night as li ieft En ('hind, over $100 wortli ut property betore The biggest meeting ot the cunvoca, dsappearing. lte sald Ibat 11. wazas tieon willl 1e next Suodes when an au- telegraîsb operatur, empioyed by the, dience ut uver 5,000 peopîle are expeci- Elgin, Joliet & Eastern Malroad et ed te attend. aibegan, aud s beEng sought lu Overseer Voilî bas enlarged 111e lcago snd Waukegan. lîrayer roun of SEillul Tabernacle te la Not Known Herm, huid ,000 pe-ople, 1the main audEto- 1At 1the Waukegsu BellhUe sation riom will sat between 7,000 sud 8,000 t Es stated by Agent %Iller lb-at lie peoplie. nevér heard ut an upecator by thie name utf7.lacAffley sud that nu sucli r The cttuny mnapie acale and other peao -rwre eei h oa pesta are said 110w toeluegettîug atter Oeao vr sre0ee u11 oa sud clearing oft touage outhle frui t iquartera. dIresosfut 111 district and grusers are may require a short "campaigo" alt auaalvmiengtoun 1 U1000 Thie soon-to-start vacatiunisî ns>' of work you'ne bootEug for. Bol Et filali>' settie as lu wliere 10 go by would requime s LONG campaigu ut studylng today's ada. an>' oIson sort o! "looking," NORTHI SH-ORE TRUST COMPANY CAPITAL $100,000 SHERIDAN BUILDING - - HIGH{LAND PARK Makes a Specialty of INVESTMENTS Iending its f unds eiiclusively on improved property and f arms in the North Shore territory. Applications for loans acted upon promptly. Having no checking accounts and demand liabilities, it wil issue time certificates of deposit drawing 4 per cent intereat. Officers and Directors J. FRiI' M5CUIRE, President, mc', - & OT-r, Rae Estate, Chicago 41-ES AX WIGIITMAN, VI&.bPresdent. sas. A. 'Wihtnmn & Co, Real Estaie, Evanston ARTHUR W. VERCOE, Csiner. Fonmneul Sacy. mnd Tu-ms. Roéehibi Cemeteu-y Co. IRA J. GEER, Couad, Attor-ney' ut Law R. C. KELLER Vice-Pu-sadant Coboal Truut & Savinga Banki COIýRE6P0NDENCE SOLICITED I I VOL. M I ResIk TRMi Miss 1 M rs.I1 A Sarah fer Mistri el Onie ely %' ord of dwelit bel wee Thie MARII yeaj' The MRS. '5pet. sud miss tam I brui bu il Th1e that co Et, o1 Fore-mi ty 0f Heart ply z( ed a esters residé erless witb sunkén cheeks, and glassy eye fmm nnin hý is chanzed inta a fal

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