Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 Jul 1911, p. 2

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L AKE OOUXTYINDI PENDENT, E1MADT, ij x. 21, 1911. cr n n. Ruead &tie MI, bohrfmilthe rm aweeand oven Snnday. Mnr. and Mrs. Richard Andersun uf Chicago, visited relative, in Palatine flie pas( week. Mmg. Van Hu has tor lier guesl Mn,.1 Ilitson trotu Vernon ut present.1 The regulan ceaoun at Kniggees hall wiUl be openeti early in Septer ahen pîcture shows mili be gîven tmîee a Wm. Waibaum mas inetantiy klled ut home nor(h ut Palatine by being ,truck by llghtanug ut eight 'clock Tueeday mornlug, July 11. Mrs. InYteians entertaîning Mn,. Jones and chittiren ot Loing Beach, N 'i Mr. and Mn,. C. hi Tayloir andi Harvey and Mn,. lOtto Runde attendeti the tunerai ot Mn. Ilachus ut Lockpîîrt recentl.y. Dr. anti Mr.. Starck entertaiîied ilrs@ Anna Wolf from Chicagu, the puest meek. Bdi. Dickman is nom In thic îuunty building. A large nutuben ut Epwortb leugue iienti, surpnioeti Lea Nacen Fritiay eveinÏl anti spent a iiiut enîîîyable evening ou (ha spuacieud Nation amli, iss Martba Domkoveky ententacueti a number ut Iiend a t a lamu party Tnesdey evaning. Do't miss tbe Athletic Club dance Baturday nlght. A geootimeiaiaed. Otto Frakand Wuî. Tonue, tha base bell tans, tool lu the bal gama la Chtmago Mouday altemnoon. INHOE JIoseph Achoîzer of loverdale, made a short Coai here Monday. James Vaflew entertained thr(e friende from Chicago Sunday. Ruby Kuebker ie visiting ber beother Fleury and famlly at Grayolake. Mr. and MIrs. Rtay Wells of Libertyville spent Sunday at Henry Gabbe's.1 JuliusCChamberlin vi@ited i, brother tu Chicago Satunday and Sunday. Mie Stella Counseli ot Iowa, t, the gue@t ut her sunt, Mr@. W m. Vickery. Sunday aller cuending a seeke voca- tion ut borne. Mise Watson epent a tew daye ber, lat week, and attended the Mystic 1Worken dance Thiirsday nlgbt. Mr,. W. Beach mu, a Chcago viitor. 1 rom Friday until Sunday, and while thene attended a large Masonie pieute. The social mhicb sca, to have been held at the home of Mi@ Agnes Payne laNt Friday niglît, wa, given up, as everya'ne wiehed te, attend the enter- tainment ut Lake Eana. FREMONT. Mrs. Adam Behm ha@ relunned fnom a week',> visit at Waukegan. The dance at Ivanhue lut Tbursday was sceil attendeti and an ejoyatle tiîue wfflhatd by aIl. Nika Wirtz'e siloj was blown uver b the wind ,torm Saturday. Arthun Bebm and lady friend opent Sunduy ut Waukegan. Bennie Wagner of Waukegan. s aiisi8t- ing ie brother Philip, MissescAma and Madgeliue lMeyer trom Clîlago, spent Sunday at their home liere. Mc',. lenry Meyen entertaineticoniipany Sunday. Mi, Barbara Amann returned lu Wauconda Sunday alter epending ber Imo week' vacatiun with teientic and relative, here. Mi@ Pauline Fisher spentSunday with hem brotherlitermani. We are ,orry to Bay (bat fhe trong wind we had last ltaturday blew down Wontz silo. Our basa hall team wanttu Mount Iss gJoaephile Amaan epeut Suntiuy Pruopet lst lnuday aîM d tilaati thir wib REose Wagner aut 1vauboe. hUn 24 t(00. LaoUllIndi spent lunduy ut hume. Thbe villag, eltthe contracltfon (beir it.M la.s( wsek te Ghas. Albrigbt ot Barrington. H. L. Prebm hadt ha mieturtuna te break is arm whila pliug a roti out of a weil ou tha Dick Kruagem amm. Barman Hlter and tamity ol a trip to L.ake Ocueva lu tbeir automobile une dey " siwsek. John Bonce of Rockefeller, our future snhooL.priacpad. mas in town Tucsday. Inulil & Wilsn bave'.finisati mwork with thes tear choyai and hava abippeti tesaine tu, Ohio wherîs they bava ainothar cotract. MELLY INI NEW ROLE Prise Fihter Aida Wife in Slecting 811k for D-ess Hugo Kelly, champion trinte lghter, At oanolsaeur lu eiks? AsIk one of (ha clerks ai (ha Hein StOreani sIte ahIlbe chie (ou(al yof &U about (ha frat tesson mlilch tle champion llgbten took In judgIng sltka, a»tn and i lngerie. Ita&U haipPened ln (hic clanner. Sut auday Hugo Kelly andti Mnc Kelly came to (hIsc dry frutu Antocl ahae 11[. Kelly le t Present training anid PreParlng to saek ncm morîda of pu. ualIium tu conueur, tn c $5000 auto- Mobile and sought out îhe Hein stuore Not for Mn. Kelly, though, but if W"tMrs. .Kelly aho mantedti hemmu china e g0 o (otha tore and> thîther i ent. Mr. Kelly woulît tain have sought thaesafetY of the tourtng car, but Il vs. uot o be, anti the man wbo many imes ha, facati men lu (ha ring, quaill ed -ban Il came Lu a matter ut halp- Ing his alfa choose dia,, goudas.The purchases mare et last completati, anti IL $Wh ot relief whtth dromneti the munslcf t(ha motor nf tha car mas board. ahaxi at laitt(ha machine t art bd on Il., bumeward jourîiey. 00od Inldiana Blet Corat un traet 10W St t uîiaTYvîIiL Lu ungCo. c-43-2 S.L. Tripp, Presldesut. Quit@ a tam trot beme attentictithe duncesut Ivanhua Tburstiay night anti ait report a gooti tima. DERLJ tir. Bau Bote ut Canada, ma8 a Deen: field visitor Muutiu. Mis Sosie Guslin ut Woodoteor,*,îa the guent o uth bRechei t. M. anti Mm. Zrablar ut Waukagan. visiteti mlaies lu Deerfielti Suntay. Mn,. Etit. 'Therrien entertaineti ber a"eceanti nepbem ut Oleucua, Sunduy. Wootimun Tutit anti "Mika" Serger( spat Tneeday anti Wetinesday ut Buiogo Lale, Waucunda, ulbtng. Sadie Galomuy entetutucti about fourten ladis ut a perch purty, Tuesdy aftiernoun. The stor@s miii be cioseti ut six e dlock Tunday anti TburFday cveings. Mm@. Witlng gave a amu party tast Friday nigit for ber frientis, Mr. anti Mrs. Cunningham ot Detroit. About tweuty guaste mare preect. anti a gouet ticmas autoyeti bv ail. James Waing letftton New Yo rk lus! SaLnnday uftennoon on a businesstrip. Hecexpects te be gone ten dayî, Misc Clama Entier i- eiftert.ainfng tmo young fladies [rom Chicouthe, Ohui. Walîh Your Kitincyt Theur action contniolp your beuitlu. Beaudabat Fuutey Kiney P'illa baie dune for yourm eighbom. L. M. Ah. brout. Mttoun, Ilf., mmtee. 't have bad kidncy trouble Ion ycunc anti ir bothereti me lu a gneu Many maya. Finully 1 bati to tata te my bati Abotn tii, tima h1sacureti a botte of Folay Kitinay Pilt, andti (ey haipati me @-u mueb I kept ight on alti (hem. MY backuehe gnadually let me, my kineye acteti naturahly ant I hsiepf mlat u, ught. New lta eeme te have returnedti teme anti I felâelk a diffarnt man. Thunks lu Fuiey Kitincy Pille mUb 1 Iarn giat te, racommend." Solti by ail Drnggints. FR. F. Rous, Vice Presideni. Irving E. Payne, Cashier. THE CITIZENS' BANK ROCKIEfELL!R, ILL. lIii Bank amsseuCerfiflustes Of Deposit awlng (lre. par cntsal amîrest. toc* Dresie, th moeScoavenjenandi ecmnmical ,ims,,u of e. %@bag Igi maL. a ro ecuralse he. Yaur Savmsa andi Checklng ac. usuw am lavkt.d.W. offer sample selty. Convesience anm eiabiiîy. r U. .Tripp. affl H. Miller. PARTNERS AND IRECTORS: R. F. Rouse. J. L. Taylor. Irving E. Payne. J. S. Gridiey. k Pt ' Res'leapOaubility Approximately $100,000.00. ROCKEFELLER DIBPARTMENTI T. . SAN.Coresondntand Agent Hlomard Terpuing le viittng witb is cousin, Harden Rouese. Winnitred Ward from Genoa uonction, i@ viitiug with her gster, Mn,. M. Black. Wm. Nehrtich sca8 home trom Evan' éton i ver Sunday, reiorning Sunday evening. Fred Stuckel i, fatertainfing i, niece, Mi,, Kabi and ber friend lrom Chicago (hic week. Eti Knigge and tamily of Irving Parkr, spi nt Sunday ut the homne ut hie futher, Fred Klnigga. Ruth Wells Io home trom Oberlin, tOhio, spending ber vacation withbhen grand- mother, Mrs. Dean. Aynsfley. tha infant aon uoftir.and Mm. lieu. Rose. was seriously il[ tact week but bac recovened. John Fry mue undur the seather Suntiuy but recovereti euffiiently (o be fin the job Monday menning. Mns. 1. E. Payne ha, te far recovered from han uperation Ibatcihe wac brought home thi, week. She la rapitily itu. pruvîng anti a cseedy recevery ce looketi fon. Robert AynSley. wbo ba@ ben viitîng with him grantimother, ir,. ..B Ayncley, hu@ returned te hic hume in Mukwougu Hie brothen îc vîsîting here nom. John Albriglît i oct our lonig Jion weut tu Minnesota ttus meek te looîk alten his interesm here. Hue mite. wbu ha, been vliting wîtb relative, bere experts te etnrn next week. Somne have estimated tlie nfitiilie t flne thonand and ether, coreve 'inseenative put Ibeir figuree tomer. The lectric car@s teilfan shent ot handllng the crewd. One came in witb a fuir ,ized 1 out perchcd on the rocît. Therecouiti be nu spot mire ideal for (ha purvqse than the spiL eelo.ctad for thie portrayal of ti, tale oft(ha longr daparted radskin. lolat'd ftom an)y babitation ot man it wac an eacy matter lu imagine ona, self bal in (hea agof the slboriginies mhan the (ha avents of thi, tale occnrred. The ground itéeef te mendertully atiapteti to a performance oft(hi, kinti, inclining a, it dues towards (he ak tub Iusformiug a mort ut ua(ural ampltheatns wbere the audience' may ait, each row biigher than (ha une lu front. The reader wae well chosen anti his powentut voiee cannieti cleanly to (ha enteirmuste ge uft(ha crowd enabling a11 te folua ciosely the pantomima ut (ha actune. The pantomime mas abiy executeti shîowing igu, ut diligent e(udy andi canatul training. The laka iu tbe back gnound mada poe,,ibte ome vsry telling e,'enic effeet,, In the arrivai oft(haecicelonurles and (lie ticîartîlme of Hiawuthu The favon lu mhicii this lienlormauce iî helti by the people reundl about îc ampli attestet I ly the numbeor vs u came tii @e il and ifthflecinefeuceien utiendance next ycan is propontiîoate me wontici miiere îlîey milIl ti ncîîcîî iiî leoti botcfLaIýE-r 1 tcîiithmadîeter-t Mn. and Mn, sS. A. Bramer lldaSLi,the lau,> And 'rnondsaooitfi Wiitîri li ccad mleîrlrad iai, i- famîly reunion lu,î Suntiay, aIl of their Giaut Acf, and (faktreegstîaciiicig1 cltildrn ~tugether with ttieir famiices Forma c aif ,>tiig acoce If being presant. Thirinson heWalt ineîîc Nngi tle ,kY-theIc ouf rri eut troînChicagu o orthe oecc8iot. O h,îftn' ontei Ai thc fot cf (bic greec ill.f,iifr Mn,. Hanry Rettkc bast arriver] homre Nca r tice mater, itcod a mjigîcce front a ice weeks' vîcît mitît ber OnineLu nm ucalif nbtIfaîcbi- tiaugtîten, whu lives in Montana. Wbile B hfrtcied icead i,>ft, if . ioefilm elle mas eut tuere she kifleti a rattiel Anthed c rfilce unoau,> cii, linake nîeauring tour teet twe inches 'f lic île 'cageÏfo e c Iii",l lonig. The enuke hal ten rattes Wab le come of Hacatla. ,nc It ettke lnogl t he.iskiia homie a, a elcer, île laie mc oc c , i so v e nir N e cee ta,> île breerte becli cii lii Sca-i a ipfe of the ater. ce a mo.ccoirý%ni ottieerrii,' Basa Bail. Marre,> the sommer eccuinîquiîet Suntiuy the home team bati unother Man, Peoplie tiere lad gicui WalkaWa Wh te ,lon 100 Ahl@,CSAud ace eate,> on lte hflofîle mulkama wit th Niotioa Atletu'sWaintugpatietliy. ezîeteiaut, tramt Irving Park on the short anti ut FarLtheteling of île sLorc the score. 21 to 6, ectua game that,. fit tecaiianlt Hisirasîls Up lu (ha eigh(h the visiterhati but And his brvef, Miueaha une lonety score te their credit anti0' On flic rlne,> Inîbi tle î'amDchre, And ita re,> fiams leiaplngupwîar, Roncee auset up anti lat (hem put uver a Balle,> lie lesces in ccdd»vpfen,>ci. tam just ru be sociable. Tic feture ut Lite a nieifoa nîme uace cc the gama mac the nmpiring mbîcn mas Onuthîle itbaud ooi t ueterade ably lhundieti by Etimardfil. Payne, (ha He ado mac o telc hetory- Nal e wse coice waulfilring the riadueci vateran ut muny baftice in the euyAnaonuldoalecnri history outhebgamu mhoe erergeti lrom uf the laie, walt en soru ai,> uaenc his retiremeni te olfilte un thiu 1.thle durestin Ceotte. aid fetheen, occasion. The mork out(hi, unes fumons 11OfI,,theple longdeicateil. Wcnfd socles, caei llcOiht sud arciori arbiter cutis us toi ast INibe auys Othe taeof Hiaaila. (hcy cnever come back«ci Slo li en th i rga, Lai ue ah,>) rerurk iu pasitg that t .ulAn al lt eu 0cr te icoVleý pIeuâsus greatly te notetitait ast Foc ihifs stood iawth la. Grayslake hastîcunti a teum (bey eau Tai> and sonate -a s aping ijefeat. Ami gtl .cccccfke Ici 'irs.iitnecc, Next Suniday me play the Round Of bisa tove ftue inueh&a. team ut fht, plac. lu the tan,> cf île Caîcîco A liu. ad,> sowint lis Iccention, fH N P A g tmigîlo &yptoe,epatiidci,>ecciber Nate. 3b. ...... 2 1t6fi 1 TIen me leseif \cfuiuii ial J. Ore. iv- 1I10 O t And,> c]ovineadontiiuio T Oorler. ,r1 i 2 i'2 O Lest aie Oc a Inde iolir R. Deorlie r. If f t O O Rin.e.î t tOf tic .lecNiuti Setier. c 'f OilThe e cc icl.ccif Nuaccîl U. Kcfggcirl4Ii ,1u.ký L 1 Il A. tue loUcuece,> ici bnil swosiwacd. R.ncue1, i 11o0 An,> mihîlot me ra.e,> ied eigwam --- Wtcrefo dadl Lice rrcmager jal_ 19A 2 Andhil. daughterMuclt Huard tima soi cr hlîcIn lumaeelamîe. Tort,. Hiif1: 1 1f1 And île arromti socielr. Nfcbuui fil, ..I O 100O f Sa, te Ilucli.j ot Mî iah 0ilf. Ifi 0 'iO hhAlifber b1-e eri. o firolic', Ifý hufge, f3ifib g..du,,> 0 o 0oe T en tue ceddung cee'îc cuccubie, 8. uefLori.f... ni1 if1io 10irbly ircsèed c fîIght hbcd gct SKigof r O0i11 O1 iAnd mc saw tle toîîîîî fcanifg. Ilufîge hi f ' i N ear,> tle sorlitc srif tor, teilt 21Ilf'i Saw the came, und> foîocîcdancfng Ara, f 4is 4i(i o 21 A.o, raru , icerr 1 wiatO 'uiii' Irvint cari 0i0 1 i i 1hIO 1- 1 'Fnrîte j.)of cir th. Tmu Icue hit-Black, King, T.' herSer, An,> if, ciely Mfin r ia R. hurler.TIen tbvee i soe uuiîi ii, pOOt, Tbnee base b'e'ltDîunler icari epanmt ece îf famin. Home cti, @T hlonflen, G.ic.niggc. Dee the ia-î- in th,1, wemifau>. R. Knlgge. AudL thecîcuté f et rmeandbifonu Plaurifiic lira Harde cmii I R.neor raca 10hm touiti> ndHiaicata. Quinn. Sîclen buece -Seller tour, Hapte tbnac, Rous@ (brea, King (mu, Torgy t mu, R. Dorllan, Black.,Iduail, Knlgga, Quinn. Simd kout by flouse tan. hy Osgdod, Seller, J. Dortier, by Kntgge, Kufgge. Bueas on bail off Ronce fuur, off Oagoo t ive. off Knhgga tour. Bit by pitcher O@good tour. HIÀWATHA INI PANTOMIME Lar ke Crowd Witnessod Pre- tientation at Lake Bara Friday Evening What mae pembups the lurgaît cromd aver assamblati mithin (ha confine, o! our ittie village cama out te, mîtuess tha @@cond annual preenatton ut Biamatha ut Lake Karu by (the stutints of (ha Shaition summar echoul iat Fridty svenlug. Theyp came hy car, by autu, by wagon sd atout, anti it cteamati as bongh ail ot Lake coun(y muet enmly be @As- samblitg un tha sîoping htllsid ti l the fo t 1hlch (ha wigwam mas pitchati 1- uand gaoun ruice vesteof tstî Sa.a îac tlo gîmcl arine. Oia t eothiufthîe i i am. 8lci ho deali lac MIoehaba. AO,,>dcnepalrlcg, NIeawals Seclut tIen Ifs bossasd âarma Hunied ont lttuhîe fore st V.slufp seschia, Ion the au,> toast, malle hebind , bith.lewigwcam, Mnelaa. eat sud f amIse,>. .111.nx i& sud everafsting ,onrhecautkitatasa Ylied tben mccc cul leart i ahI soceoa sora lot til. scilernot eosmia mîfle ce matcbd h,,îe cgatwi te Faller Came sud csa lIei&daugbter tu hum. Au,> eueing, Rîsmais Poun e,> 1,r th a,> dctseled. Terrilhbis tameniaLfons. Aaluf crac bis grief te ahtaees, And chu a fevîng tande seapare,> ber For teîle îet, LIai mo c. nu aakiug, Wa boised alO ienlmlu bilsgrlevlng. Longed 10er rourcoiso]tlon. To. ber nea made gravcn thc, bor'e hec And Oie ced catecib trc Le iaittdIe,> Whilte c ut thOe esl f t amte" "àMinebsa. tangîf us rastr Mlnuclala go"e lorver» Tien was fonte,>arrosa the vwtee Andod cIe la icd b.o(i tn tue bright tgaeetfîle camîsfire Ciae a hoat, sud sadnt uprIght tu the, ruwa aecu a fiure Witti bia baud. ln Pence extende,>. Rohed iu blackwu as.Med..> rlghity Gleared a ccu opon lui. csisoct. T,,17bu teiesulI Mfelonselee FORT HULLZ- UM, Fred Batzer and chiltiren of M ilwuukee are viffiting ber relatives, Mr. and Mr@. Aman. Mi,, Aunla Freundi, wîo lias, been ependina the ,ummaer with ber sieter, Mr@. Wîll Amaui,i nom working ut Pigtakee Bai. Mn. anti Mre. George Walton enteriaine t he latter's parents,. Mr. and Mrm. Mc Cormick trom Chicago Suntiayi. Will Scbank, .,! La Crosse, md , c a guet of Mr. and Mie8. Rollins. Mise Ada Smith ie apending a few dayâ ut Mie. 1, V.Lusk',. Mises e, orgiana Wite and France, Smith,. who have been cpeutiing a few day, in Racine. Wic ., eturned tionie ast week Wedîieday. Mr. andti Mr,, i rvîl St. Peler, of Highland Park mer,' the gueete utf Mr. and MrB. CG L. Tbucnpon, Suntiay.. Berb and Tracey Davis rode on the latter', muter-cycle Wteoerge' havis' in Saleni, Wis., Sundayý Mrm. L.ucy (lough undt taughter Bitee of Wauconita, viîited Mtr,. LV. Luk laat week Frîday. Sevenai froin ber,' aitecdedti he play "tuiawathh" ut Rockefeller lac! Eiday évening. Mr. anti trs Will Amano client Sun- day ut the lalor'mparents, tir.anti Mr@. Freunti uf McHenry. Miss Kathryn l)uwell cpent a few day, lat week a i trienîls in >,î,lu. Mir. Hanry Lusk i pending hi@ vaca- tion ut Mr. L. V. Lneks. One ut the places advertlaed for relit today woulti make YOUR KIND OF A HOME, perhaps. "Put money In thy -purge' by selltng -throngh a "For Sale" ad-eomne of the too-many (bings you oscu. If. IAIRSTOW MANfUFACTUORER OF Marble and Granite Monuments Cemetery Work of J3very Description Correspondence Sollcited 126 Genesee St Waukegan Mm. Jhn Rcharson nd o.b.r, Charles Forbrlch 'resumedhi upso Mr@. Sebultz, vlited Chicago and Des clrk in the P~. B. LovelI Go. drng o Plaincs relativeq recentiy. Wcdno@day alter a two weeko' vaeatiîjï Ray Paddock -nada a trip> Lu St. Mrs. Nettie Weich entertained Iltte Charles 8unday ID hl& new auto. Jaunette Wallace and Master Leiand Mi,, tforothy Fulton of Waukegan, Wateon'ut Antloch the fore part ut the je @peuding a week at the Raugbt homne. week. The MI,,en Blake of Mery, were Begniar EffIcopai service@ are held st iruesta ut their coueina, Ml,,e- Brown, the Union church Sunday atternoon, at a lesc days tact week. 2:80, conductedl by the 11ev. A.,(0 MM.(eu Walton entertanei friende Richards. rector of the cburch ofthe trom the city the past week. Boiy Spirit, Lake Forest. Sunday D ofOakPar, ad M. S scbool at 3:80. Ail areeordially I..,îted D.VSmib u Oa Pak, nd r.Naiip Neyt Sunday the Libertyvilli, Iliwna 0! Chicago. @Pont Saturday and Sunday wl iyRnata h argon, Tie ëb.ould be a good game a, the Mr, A. .1. Raymond, aecompanied b3' Rondout boy@ are s010e bail playerp, ber cicter Mr@. L. Ciongh andi daughter more of a mêt tor the Browu, than Bec, ot Wauconda, @pent Thnrdav and mut outhe. team@ tbey bave ulayed tbio, l"riday witii Mr. andi Mr,. 'hai§. Kapplle ,eaon. Piaq to attend. t y.Mislarte. _______ofChcao,___________a__ Sirelacoee Mi,, 0.Yo"rt"aRduhriiCiao Ayn ihn c prlacre Silnàayed et hume. will ulec.gnotite me oînn o el etîi n ffi 1Wcame touesfot 10pouare ar Quiclytiathe liretore ci gso Whteetintaes d un lucthebfoeg 5.1 a,> hntUsered wue teruecsgen BOthytse G0 oe andlmervîn, And tei it hrasmc the entra Thasp tots ihisper o Nohii TLet lie tini;erfor hic esae WH,>e Y'icesud hreoare m cartebe Wuclthlal euneo the wfgramgr Foitr bloureyndesrd hl. iiug softleeithe hi, noble vaccines Cautti hiesanne e thrch hars Tbct thosltue foruqbi eate. Witrlh tt le cesofhe rftel, hin ie upon isepr, hipnt 81or> thhe resds bedfoc lu corroîs Toabicellt isgnoele ictio. Stighi mio te île vteDrilez And bigcface sefene sud fm, WbriietbeItahhelut coie diurreif F ok oracck, il ars ulie, TIlen tchce ou th eopilie 0110eNoîith bans bec, iinehc,>.v T. cote aint supiue obinde Lc,Mghsudoieudthe iest cilgin AnWifae île n.acf @cliaso Msay ee île hppearî Iraise, Tb:fiv bato coiciei. Ac 0cr wame i.foiy eeue,> 7om ecord t&il sîtl emmeaiah 7 TacI athe,,caome>fau thii * Rathe ril;e Ni, il Of tuhe lorthlat i bat] ee Fnart. Boeiyîipgto a , ase,> îlnueiai,, 8 L ongc anle i u d the d o u e i i , îf Wuiir nh îl-e no retp W0ei île thmer limeYfi aise iOfîti, isindoletoelle He,>i A.leu .leY tes, îy le 55(bed ai Afld to fîctelýihth e tica i a,ht ilh tic oe>siii ed ilici, iclgi e IaFri.ithe*]iieiifî'i..lfieilad rHO terr i cth aikroe cakle ar.. Wl he lt amerAcd loit> the niKhît i -u lnclo e l -triib o ' Hn,, il1tace ciise-o Wr îenfie siii tti alasvt- Nauenlifiefc iuîcli aaiet Ai îlercai nul aili, ofîuwccîi lîiilen lim eair temBcrîie ige C&a11 tfiiuiim thcoilll- A B duti ro nf i lu ou li rc e er 1Ms, eiloîît >nucn aie ar An,> bebof,>the tir ,bl- in cliinr. Tne'iicgaonceS toln thc sliry ()0 ,fim enai 111alaie And lic love1cr ilfunela, Tueaday, July 25, a, i1 am aonding an order at that time andi aru unabie f0 call at present. RerI, LA MeAjîju. local Repre@entatice 14- The Ladies' Aid society ofthe M. E. church wii hold their mid-summtr bazaur and social on H. B. Egers lawu on the eening of Thursday, Jute 27 Home Builders Are Recognized in cpcrniniiuuitv am nîcnof i i fegrîty anti a b'itv. fi s prîcýf fhat fthe ' v t.îcie jn tlhc'îcîccf andîltiti lotci' cîf their tus.cAnd éery lbouîeicthat emere-feu ci ti rom ti nitvi iciakei f ief ut bat inuivi ttcI1r placec'ti ahi, Iltcc liv.' uni ivet ivour ccîîcnev Tu i nîco aimi io lî, it ici ti mliteu c,, (cîre cm'hTintNOW IS A GOOD TIMIE TO BUILD go.. mithî,ut îi't c c i- fftelien tful focr lcgitimate ici cccl Ici'O- lalcfrle scithin anti our tok ci fnlder mac n-er,'r c ccmtlete. Rtc'neinc 't c Tw tiic1cciai la et'-îtemtafl tiday -,cnHil and talk hficcer csih u»- mach.ý ourenpenîenî've i he tîcîf l dig ,n mii I iale t cay 1cfoi ,ii Libertyville Lumber Co. PHONE 47 D.wn by fithe OuDpeit. FARM MORTGAGES We negotiate Firat Mortgage Farm loans for Private Investors. Conservative lenders will find our off er- ings saf e and remunerative. Reasonable terma afford- ed borrowers. Ail Business held in strict confidence. Cali or write for our offerings. [be first National Bank of Libertyville Neot Doon IbmhePont-Office Open Sa>nrtiay Eýc-.îcg The Extraordinary Flexiblt of Electric Service It lends itacif to any form of demand. You cannot employ other illuminating agents as you can electric ligbt. It is a Servant ini the Household Where can one be found so willing and ready to assume the hard labor about a bouse? It wil wasb, sweep, ion for you and do many other tasks ag~a trifling expense for Electricity is aluxury in Everything but Cost Let our representative talk -witb you about this subject. It interests every bouse owner who wisbes to modernize bi& property and add to its value. We can equip your bouse for electricity at cost, payable in 24 montbly nstaliments. North Shore Electric Company fi..1D. Ail ,M. ELiii The rîi ijilmore lugsby c.angbt I burneti 1 biurning Mn. an day wît Imatl iUiî'n m Ico-il 91..,'lic lati Humwe a afung ni MmFe. Il t1îea bei f farci, I,,I 'A a'.] hl. lir [- Foiny i - ' if. if fOfi,' viii ,ii 'cuclil lis * * ci -~ 'r- s 000 Nigses Nettie unit lsten Rumoe.1l vlslted relative, in 'aîikcgan Saturtiay anti Sunday. =Ms. C. G. Ituson andi daîîgbfer Marioni raturneti Tuetiay trum au ex tendeti visit miii C. Jepisun anîd fmily 00 omen wis Bec. ltemîie hl depurtetitor Itivrdale anti 1ev. Bec, ut the came place, bas i aCcepPtedth le cuit in our puniib. Be anti hji, sister umiveti tact Fiduy. 1,irand,.. KInrade ut SofonMilca guest st Joîhn Vsy, Thîo, a, Siiftfiin ofSiolon M ilic, e s imi t finhig -ou 'eîsin, Jhn V'aucen Hay Fever anti sommer Coids Must le,' nle,,, d qc ly and îl ilie%0 Hiiney andclTnr liliiiitmtil,,o t 1: M Stewart. 1 0.3-4 Witrum mst Ciîlgo. anctea Iliha,,, bccicgret' trî,iitleii turing the flo ucfniiîer itinlls witti ha ' ytever andl Sud that l'y ofii io'îicysHoei'anî t'Pr ticcli1ft g9K greut refe-"Mun'Y i)ther, jaho sUifer irililativ wilf li. glat I tlielt liv MIr utc,, Ot',, ev4orieiil-e. flhit lical tr , îggic f fl-cîtCo "îî 'Il iîifianti cîruftî tfood is tfie onîythfiiigf iix enNiîring up a hrîîîîîtand ti gel geîi cggc' lIdfi[)1%i, f t %ii iviî .>I. u i C', i13-2 M. R. (hurch Services. li0:0i0ia. ci tiîîc Miing, fRc. J. KI Mai'41 ifini 10 304Ea c, l'rcuc-i iuin v pactIl. W., L hpetJmu h 12 rc ib llle if'IiiuJmubjeCî ' Jîciabe fwtieoîit ci huit 7:30 p. m. Prechinr. Wtl_ W h hpple. sicbjeî't, ' T'ce Spiri t î,t El jati 1 etrîîheîiti Coke, the fuel walnbout aîcît, dirt, chînken, or amhem.AIl heat anti 25%oý ore f tt(haln an,îlhcr tuel Solti only t'y LiahieT, i Elcua. ' e-i.3- 2

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