19W ~beasu e*uuiuttoe 8OMUfW eslul tire sok P, l alt' ----------~o.e 4ig1 11e. ihasiaj 9*b. 06404 O bsl IPQDbi of W. 5oig, outwéew*,r Park au pal4 atlBd reps ~anotearlk; a" lob -o JU iOLuck, Ds'<ldw*y s FOR àAL-t'lne roo.s foue, au elder» lproemmetlte, goed ekeus flous. luqulte ai W. J. àuanas(o VitL trst htwem Broadaway amu RuirlIoU.Court,- c)-1V FOR SI-lvmlnu.tedl 1 . bos Avé. WolIIl aionee-tr. of I~'o qia. 6. osi, LibertYville 8.ddra.*aC. M.6-710L*190Gryeah, UIt Thb oI qI r&ilake- é.82-tf. Poft SAIt»-On. registerea <lraey bull two yeffl ola, oui "e K. W. fAt. 4eiq mite soilli a"d o»amiii. wPt Of Lakbe Coonty Itile & Trust Co. ÂAx00aetao Titi.. TiLles (uarantoual KUvo.lc Temple Sldg. Waukeffl, III. l.Ibew J. GAiNE. Spey. a. P. Hosgland and vite ta Sarahc Ji. floglaad. 144 acres ln section 6. msa township, Q. C.. $1.1 Charltte E. Tyler and huabflrd to Ir. W. <OM*bff.lmi T blo0k 4% Wuk- bM'hParrh, )orth Ch1c8g05 Q. C.. $1. Cu-de U laTuner to Mm asKte W. mwieluan. vt 44 teet 0f lot 7 block 2, nal"ul IeW. D $.0 T. W. Brep bad vite ta-W. M. BUimkM gfeut ,20 taet of lot 13s Md %tii 16 test of lot 14, Brophy's sub- dtiln lsection 10. Grant townsblp, T. W. Bropby Ai vite ta W. ILE Eama . part of-lot I, Brophy's ub. iu«loii la *edtile1, Qru.nt to-uhiP,1 Wïp,$1600.. Bl~*iabtJ. Brown ta Milie more~ tomL, kit Il bRook 70 Higlland Park. W.t Vinenta"vite ta Joepb B&I -ad wsejbtj bock 122 Nort ; Wé¶ ., $440. EL une#t 6" *vifset a Wt1 &Wduey Wailace. ot an sd 24 block 2.1 Euruewes aditioni to A»L Ville, W. la . Uurzétt BItaie lset a ta IL lot*, a à" st ,1100ck 2. Sur- ~.YSI KW "d umband ta ffwa V.a" 10 blok 25, horè IM&W o. to 1Ahb1iome-k riou, antd B, sab- 4181o f lot 844t*k.wu oatW. t>. Keo@t C. T. monle. lot 232 ex MM 15 teet>. La", or"t, . . kW. lballonx fd bxiebed etlaI ru rilUW. Ulj and in1*Ue 14, 16. fot 1idà1p, W. t> .. $1, W. ]«. ErWaâU . and vif. toJ. r. MtIGf*h, in s04 a ection 1, e. D. $MUil . O 8 sU ayler sa" i*9 0 NUl 1vie uuâà3wI;4tekt48, 315W 1IO ,*eo8b wn. Bor-n ta the'pipis. maxi' uncrél of &alalo hQo~se0teteof wbch t iung tise hutt oer tiare sand ehiver- lug ahoulderes ad, i4et pteona prisoni- ern ta Siberia. Io 11W ssi ie, tha! mysterloals Gouxt efflo, calld humma- ensuigma bi' the é, oagoppera.Ilenov th 1eguest of Wauk4ù sal S as tai refuge athe»tis oasstri'of St Crs- fio gray an South Sisrauanrond- 461. Thse aerpltlr very mark about lulusu ma fla*lîlht on gocal br*@Mlne -aoWumime »4.la slcepti- R. cal 'abot Ibo eboà1gsd Auuèccan f tstdoir en oteé4 misdisalcharge 4 from theâ U00toi*itat Ar ngos - deer. -*, t -is0eg à -buky + OU thesaS .RaeWmjd lesWlulcfaho du- 4, rideMese foalsd It lns the + U»ilte. M -A susx ue u t osmauand, with t* MOWslseyaeLt ie rulhug olsea Sbeaetneeff 6ioS lu-e, and i wth ,~ tlIse quAsk'Mmolmv etthesluse r1 J uflstom Cihio* 0Wtise M~oUstaa Lusa lu, ft5VOfsDoU5iç%andl a Selallet, rineveflhselse efthtie meet pro-, ~ momml *OI$ Wb"" oaidutflee~ + $0 e8ligh~,a4 1bts bosk + le ~ ouBe~' l otLIe A ees +~ uul' sns eiloelln .11.- wl Lad ~ 2~ih III..or PhAnp trbô;Io'R48. .-%.tt ~NT~-Bo.estoellp. Wili eaU l W «085 ms aMy Plae in aowo.. PMTELO-ooOw W oi pulaibonne *rj lIse vho uedeetsad blobi« »« tooceeloquirs et J. Ir. urtCi fi Io on Desd rvr r', us'e. ine ujysdim jus, MI"e hor iaus .o. bu*o r tri ddv. Bo9,. Àbertylille, WM + OBT a4F~ ++T4mebr u.we xybra GOLO FILLEO SPEÇTACLES-vith eni lest lntlualed -tor $1.00 and» up Have your prmeot le"" e eangéal or h*ave MeW ireus far><ur prnî leuses 'femm, hs ot tb otot f0 af section 14 Avou tovuSlP, W.,tD., W. S. Belowa anal vite ta L. A.9 Burge, iots 16 to 19, iblock 4, ButIs snb Wmukegaii. W. D. $14,000. H. S. Tayhor anal wsfe t10John WII- kinion. Jr., et al, 4 acres on Crais Ai> plé Iland,. Q. C., ,0. John O'Nsli said vite et al to Viit cént Davlin, 40% acres lni mclicai 1 mad 2. Cuba tovnship, W. D., $2,400.1 C. B. Battisanid vifeteloeè9% Jackson. lot 16, bloc t, Lemox asu Norths Chicago. W. t>., $1.- W. B. Wà&ea*1 Mud vMste han' IL Obavr lot 113 Shlavs subdivsion ila' section ai Wet Auso o tanip, MM. IL Oav sud kuaiani #o W. IL, Wufatis, lot lm .Sheva iuflytevl- Ion lu section -34, Wem e b lva-] mbisp, Q. C.. $1. G.. Wlaton &ad vifs ta V. B. May&, vest 18.328 aeala -lb.et.io- eot quarter eftishe uiotet qmter cf metion 4. Deerfiela township, W. D.", $47,011. C. 8. Richards sud vIte ta Vkoa Boan, lot ln seclicai34, Wet Anttiocis tovnsipi, W. P>. $1. W. . Murphy ta C. A. NsvaiOtub 3r,. part of lot "ýE'? North Chicaga, Deed& 810. C. W. AIIiansd vifteta Notais Wïl- tan. lot 37 block 27, Wesibnrn Park,. Norths OhicagoW. t> .. 0 >. P. sddlsanal vIe et a te, W. % traion Company'. mIripOf' leed*Tthr5part e cfilortia hait or aco ,Vesucatovmui, W. n.,$14 Johnut 1qLgoùste, t. 1e ç G aess D,. T. Wabb sud ûv ifs l t eàAda . timorse. ot 1. --r- f, wbb iseessula Nrt i Bo "ad Waakessu aBsgisWilSiIgmtssat.Pm#u imi' WK t ta 7 Wt9w fflu4, W. J>,.409, P.A.Voe.o~~ a *ne tAi" asqbry enis Ilggs 5r.~ . in uaa .Wuhfi 3*ad lubte» J, V. usuBalot o4PMeas 01titu. méts. L61~ A SIJIS reporter, ftrot Wankeman min thego* BuluttrrlW ftomd Orlo«f or e!eu.O«eeh41Iad bu prefeu'a ta Se cillé& itW v th1e clolstered waalse Oi tii usatteri'. - TlsiýgUsiap blas a right ta the nas ofaI Dsijert a Arauni ans.neSe- euse Il Vs s at of lis motber, anal he la not et mlilpredo thiseiitOr- i* og ft 1e proual of Il liait Sa s'- lused t it 111bis complete &tory erén .to m qMeesat tort BSeridanu. 1 l Wrnlà B Sok. Iaoaraed la tise guard hanse tof Port Sheridan, charged vlS Sbeing a 4*seeter troni UnceSa's Army. e- ~letftd tIrough, t tl a eia, theinterven- ton of bis uncle. viso la Russianm- basseauor ta (Canadas COunt Orlaif, man of mystary. conaiecleal ils ane uthlie malet poverful sonsu lutiselandi ai tise czar. la nov lu iCitycl .wring a bsook on Amealcmn Lberty', az hé Sas "na Il la i hIe ay à l t-tcountry. Canot Orlof Sbas hm4 ana uf thé Most pîcturesasue lite bisttie af ani' one visa Sas aNar Sean ahaitered isi an>' home lu Wankegan. Ha clara thal Se entiatéal h ie Unitedl States Army il Chklcgo as an interpreter. durng thse lime of the lait litl i hmu- ci flirry lu tlsecofuntry, visen many alleus vers lolaing tbe army. Serèral moulus mgo he receivedal furlougla of a tew montha. il la cuin- ed, but 100k thse paper tb be a dia- cisarge tram services and *1 the eud af Si. turlugb ho falaedta returla. Ha van arrétteal. chargeal vIlS Se- ing a desertar rmm tisa Armi and vaplaceai lusFort Siserianm. Ts be van givén a trial, but tisa olhciais evldesUsyacepteal his explanation uf hie apparent daserlIon. and ha via dhacisarieal. WilllWrite Booka Mre. Blocs ISattlime ha Sas beau remala- ig lui Chicago. but a fév days age came her e'ea ls oicitdon of Brotis- or Freiscis of St. Gregrya misehon. Hé his lakon a keen Intaremtlin tht wark mang the allen.Serad la., SUainag mucS seppli' for lis book u"n1 Americois Uhortyln ai ise ly.1 %He la-canuiscteal vilStise Oruaf tam-1 hi, on 0f thé leadln as mSlli 0f aws, haut bec&auor i s t oefllatiec tenuales, anal because aI thé fit tisat hé jailed1te anks of thée Rerte IuJnîlsbts. visilé Sa relalase the til ai Caut, no laids go vIthlSt, Oriaff bi",n. ottrackeliosir ftram bhsa *effly. H1e speaiks mny isignage flusjellyanal lakes grena plesure in e"riuserlg vitS Rusiaisa, Armènlaus. anal olier nattonallîlez Sera. He miso cen speak anal vrtte Pernaa Arîblaus. sud Syrimo. la A Voungtr. Couiut rlof tax butl a yonng mau. comparstlvey Speaklng. Hia lits tram t5. tIme boa vas but a smauî îaal ba beu ioqe4 iths mtaisgaadventsires. go bis0 travelsedalml tise vorI& ' aer, sud fbr a timaislireal vIls CaainlTai- goth IU fmun Ruma saocliltan sd revoiloalat. Heoila slaver cftliai Smtafllootsber, andaltmisa of'bis At preeocie ola vrilUng a ton, thons- ,M4»M ua"on uasocial oonditions lni xuosiao asu" 1dmthém, eMd le gain-. 15g Mloa matrlal here. Asate St. hmson e ais thser. l tieidal soe li lits mesi ha »e>'Mtes anal vitten ataN fags s tsavork aor thé atautoo5e -*mw« te Had Vaaulte .*eail la stture,. mit at * ~ ~ h a«Ma ter. HV t ut a donne.p' à "Wâ"k i1s ona tant tep 0f thse ape# cf tbe tusslan govero- flot *, mo" 4ý'ýfd their notice, natil hé oe.ý éa gon. afi none, or theip",g fthe Russian goy- ernuent hbal* put élis an appearance here', anàl4h10,u bqfnlng ta feu the oifeet ho ,a .184le --came ta Amer. Ica. TflW5 *8WEO. ilranch . ..........ga47 Laura ..... ,imé29 Marlin Higflf1,a' Mlw'auket ...21 Aima Wew[4 i4f.......... -.. .18 Hugéne Mad0ioew lmore ....29 Iren ?4*atia,flv ton .........20 Mt. Z1so'aýg,'X!Mcago .........ý27 Arriata aWe*.ge4bland Park.... .23 John Hwue......... 45 John .......... 26 Jonnie î , ............ 2 M. J. ZIMnýtmhslChicago ....27 mary Bm, ........... .23 irene MoutàJ*..........I .ulul t e âqtao, Walis-..... 43 Wiliam . Millwaukee,.... 21 Ethl19 ri1 ...............1 Richard Bock,. A#USbc . ... ..23 John Riol, DU0l .......- - . . 26 Mary Rogak...... .........22 Roabert B. bsrAov, ('SCh-mgo .... 3 Jeselé Crry.3 STIM 0,V OIL015 lnahéCroult~ etolLake County lttuber Taa, . 1. 1911. W= Klg ase- ' W. Yarvood Iatr le .1.Yarwood Fau-aId 0. '5uBkuuvn Solt or' aletimesa -r a F. CorSas ducsmet,'"U~3 luereor devise. afi;6 EusS FeIw Ferry, uieaséal ".Unkusv01 aior pereor, iiî-,tdis t. ha l < the i.o-ta iW,-t' quiai.1.rr1loi 21. Tuwiae.lîi 411 N,rb. j*& ofUt .lThir. Prilucpsi - « -Lake Colet' 1iiioss.' In. Na. 5403 The s r *sVingb..enl. Noticeaitaaf t-, Il emialaoui. .andl anksosun detendantp ~s~ re nummaicoin- 1 m« et IlSîn 811of C. P ý%"on tbe Clancty aide the f ia eiuione th.-repu a of aid Conrta agailmot thuee<1ueîu.o, a-, rerurnabla e us. ofatia ter, of the Circuit . Oonty, t Séeuêd et 53 - lus Waakî gssasuoaiden»thé ire IloodayofQco 1>.1 831.se law requirait . hdi uit i. @tif pet ding. - ,5askegan, a qy2,A tIi ~ 11. ILLE5 timpîninana BtEN filMILL5i SsdOeb. ch1anGery X04So iSTLTE Okir LLsaala., Couy.s"roueo, -Cl-rr-uîe ourt n aior BbeOcoa ýteranà. 1). 1911. "1 S'rank B.Rein. Ta-use anal E.A Biatip vs. Abert W. . jeaun). Kanke, ,laeob ParaI. Lumbe, Companyi, IL. C. Hggsusa re E. V. Sasan. Ubertyrlli. r o. riea, a corporaton. Goua.' N Stiou( Bik, a a na4 t.. ,. hadkanlGoicp Sumimsnu dus' 5theufi se I Sehascl Aro4leee. In ChancerJ o S74 Tb* -quwiaet .au 0îgbe Uttas la Iherfore .gien e. itwt*ahOru nau*sea tat.5 tie.lleuid Gllo. la ael, th*.aL mamons ahi.ou 01 «MdhlUrt agauslt t ,ve namne déisk&ate. s'eursable * -. Brutan of M» teffl of théCltc nt ah k. Coaity, Lui Se Isil at - . oue lu Wakah usa id -"'Mqut.0a the *Mt moud",yof Oc 1101 as laby lewrequired mai11 i LuCwIS O. Bnoptw1C lrk. Wookugass, Ilinois., Ïktwil,,A . I 1911. COMor jCOOK )js Pu li otng eehéaby tsata Tb avinla'Co Y" 0 oigaulsd undertisla Se Illluimekdu cslaeà thssCityofCklewto, en el StmSe ai 151.04, oni 4a"0a Jusst4D. 19, et x k or 1.v th lt W t "AFIR"A OF SPEECR ATtlExtinction. Pat.br Rusasell Leeds an Exploration Party ut Toronto Bible Studnte In s Cieuliesi nvestigation et "Géesnne.' tnipped ut Superstitious Accoteiosas ils Petre Il "the Second Destis." Toro'iiio, Can., jnly lfte.-PaStor ItRitaussel dlilvareal *~ r se a alidrassés sefee Iodai' undèr the na uplwof tise "international B, bit Siudants Asso, ciatîon." B' re- , qeéat ivsoftbis al- -partlcnlarly ta thé :Rebreitu.A *- onulaluPropha- .pecilly tu Bible lItusalnuudalIl va report. Mis lext vras, "Where tir von. ailetis net sudthe lire la ual quasachel" (Mark Ii, 44). Tbe speaker TIere are otiser and cc more beau. tiful topiez Ibm thse aque, Iieaecboaeu for this occaion. Nsroriiels. **Rend- Ipale I ient lisaalsoue dam." This toitbus toodLn te wa ofGud'à peopule for canturlesanal atili con~tinues lu tIse vai'of maxi' of tissusTasnuc lt proves lIse Alighty Creator ta ho a mail unkinal ont, s most uaa-Vatherly onse. vîév lthe malter as Wb viWU.Borne mi'. lorelesuli' endi iogilyi. tIsat Gcd prarideal fr0. botertrIlfoumalatioe et thea aroial a gavut geà ms.of lire tortura. snffertng, anal that ail man- kind iver. aiooose< an acfant of tather A.dam's trano.-resalt ut uniIlnt Ibraugh Jesus' den*i arrnaugeaneuiiawas as de b hih hlch oraitaî gumber who vuli un ia tetertps lu tise "narrov ver' mii' escape this wfuevtnernili'. Others say. uat no; Goal la love. and tSesenqusucisable lires madimmnrtal votas are raene of necesati' viki Hia loe causmot arareame. becausa. hj nome slip ot unwseldoan ln the bégin- ning, or hi' soins inck ofpower sies. lise Alinlgbiy la unnable ta do hotter tissu te nave thse more banditul anal te shlow lise gi-cal maso of mnuklnd be suifer endicais tortura lus the tire tisa never shall ha qoancheal. anal where thse worm w-li neyer dlle. Tise Great Teaeher Misunderetoe Tisasw,,rd"a tram the lips ot aut Mitath 1e <Great Teachet. have béee oWlrev-ouaiy miaauuderabaod. Te tacb. lag af ont Protestant ecildisood wvu te tha effeat thaI oni' the »Indsty see woutu go la hameu andal tisIotis weuid ual only Jase beaven, bthaitnl au eteralnilite in aarmeut thus u tant wvu uderataoçX ta portrmy, vhs praaetteall, lthe wisole oral of maii Irinal vonlal le compeileal te endura Tels bel ses pictureai ta ont chÙ&i bood minds tram oulsîde tisa Bible , héateal ta a white beut. If va ex. presseai vondar or surprise Ihatit us crmatutaraniauldendure sucS conuiiul se long tise, nsver vrae tisaI Oa woulli exercise bis omupot vel to maire <to ire-ps-oot snd Pain-eeuellve Borne theuogians ai tise Thomas à Kamuuls sebooi ut tisongist veut no fi as ta pi-lors lise pon creaturés b their susiefla ial ta mleav Ilat tis hat a uld forme a kinli Pt au asbstoi csarerlug which voWobllsieilIs te froua a meaure edt 44 laUsili ýBn lisosedeindoal tbeoooghsnaPusSeedm. te etaulalu tisat tisese ater coverisgi vonil ecrnck andal shahoff evary iittit vitile, learlng thée OSr #lcthm tressly tender L tisaisuIamffarlng mialttSe the more Initense. 0f casir»eu- thèse tiseoiogiam of ai a 9aI ad their aliMecalti lus degII4 wllh thé ewrnia. Tisai'coula Imh~agine derhvisu veollalorerzea the tortue ms beingmadie Immune la pain hi' lhe chIiftorturer, thé ÂlmigSty Ccd. Bul just lsov te Imngine tIse vormsgel ting along lu se great a bent anal Sow they wouldl n ani' vise increase the tortura ofthtes pour saiterers va. te umuy a perptexlty. But paient thoughtfulness aloug tlIae cruel ana - deeilias lissas anabeal some lu forme.a iate tstheoeri' haIthé votas vou). hé lier' ane%, lIvIng ln lire, déliglstInM l fire-vormu tUit vousld boteelisrougl Mtisa incrustations andal salaI 1f tur. 1tiser taelise horrible aniferluge of lts. varaI of masikiusd. eWsTM#. Whet Jeeus Mest? eDili tht GréaI Teecher laleusd thal ii uch conclusion% shaulal ho dravi from ia langusgo? Anal aid 3e sto ehort ofthtis description frona reseos of syipalsy or moadty or ohalt i ttsthé géuel'al etteing of cGai! Word or bas a great a"d teeuihieMW take heenade? Andi bave 1re ~a suena sfigure ot speechs snd hetM lu If teraI? Ws erre&i We mlsIlSOpté 0Tise Gret Teacber viso ra2>oked HM disaciples, James anal 7obil. vissa *30 1. amred te cmii lire frore heaves.uX" thé Cily of Sama-th euse lte pe» foe thé Mat etfle mImUathaïs, $M vbo sald1teUsa.m "Ys kmow sot vh sOanefof apîrit 7«eamstec; Use SuW'* mae sbot t e utel mm'# M lut to save theMsi-oqm. ~tbetamt 00 amusla aj'isalatél*bB- k ath s1S.~1di Du XW 1e sa t te lti Mste*00 ' * tbw 4tlesie nght lwpIousl)'. bau,1le deeti.um *0*t wl14&mbw e been vlling tu destroy the eartll 1f. vbe wSii aei« Hayot aéik 4tpl of the Salnaritans. the Heavenly Fa- that WUs lInt la Adasis ala "de tier, el stli mare demoniacal 4ispcs '*t Cg»m7r. BEuthe B.econd e= siltion. wouid treat pîactIcaiiy ail maxl- a trieul t, OM 4 i 1* .vio hi liaIdton million timps worae t.ban that rlgbteo«up"a.. glace itl 5ffal andal ase Divine Po.wer 10 alileternity torever dentroy scb g as b ve tg perpetuale 11w -uiffrings ofutiHl sympathy, for si and, refue '10* eaithlry ratures,. 'ithwh Ilitaown Word obedient la the Divine viii alter tf declares vere borni lasin. shapen In enlighla-nment. iiîqtity, lta sin ad dthicr nothera ron. .The,, An*tYýp1"loe hna. ceira "thein - eartbly ',reatures, tom, As teerhyimùmwsà9 vIse e sviroineut wis tunfavora ble ae rthe era*knn eaoaboyé,vas and whoee Ada'e ar.thie Devîl. (d are of h'Jeruaieni froua bo$e. i neltber de5t royed uor bojund?(ted that la tob ho établlEl*d le Âs va lbare beretofa.re seen. 11w only -e orn. preilgureal the dWtxuOtla* Hebrew wqrd tranlatedith-l, firm the- 8e.ond ieatb upon eeqJ l Gnist aisebi. ln ihtol. wlicii la alner. during or shortiy aftesýtbé iudiacrlmlnntely trainsîsted. vaire a. Pi ndnaton of Chrits Mdltli and hlu hi ur Common Version af dom and reigo n adth dellvexY' 1 thé Engllsb ,Bîbie-the greiaer number Klîugdorn back 10 od, wil tçte of limes om-re-itf proper translation. ness fnlly establishe. Des Greek eoulralent ltu the New Tests- Aa the New Jerusalem in WIî t Ibu ment. wv baeasean. la hadra. vblchliterai iy. wîth lterai strwWbS'414 iikewlp* ta indiecèrtimuately -trMnsJatea nd gates af pearis and vawiafj gete add hell, bat aboulai aivsyu hé oi@. neltber lhe flay of RUDBIWa reudarad genre. We répeet agala tiSat the laka of ore outplde the Cty1 nosacsholar lnIll~e varlivi ai atatiJernulein wiil he llîeri-botb _ there lalihe sigblaat thoUigia Of lite ymbolicai. The one- represents il or sufferng or joy conneted vitIs tbèes ny wilS God. flis Ivine hieselgal Word&. evetgadtng Ilié;tehe other repes The Seriptlura. dl..tlnetly declaretiuat. sepmtarutluem uuGod. ererlastlnt -there la nelther w!sd*m. lot devIce, structloua, thé econd DeatI. nar knowledge lin tlcoi-to vbith a41, lPi"e la »Vser cn a . gYmbOi both good and alla, go aI deitb, adpreerva"ls, far tramn IL. I la amiv vhie utbey remaîn n xtu, thé e urme- anbe, .aet sirtuelios The ad tion. In the New Testfla 1eat.b5Worton o« $fo4.. latsnoe5thé 0 ltcwtoU Ot-urs Once OWuY m9ai1la mi»-. lScau is .A**g4UktDl 48w traimloled heU. vberea! IL eboabu h u 0moi pedy iusm 1 reuderad «ri-eurt' e*metp1e. Iththb e tswv M.hta- 01t 1 4@010 rna rei'erenee to bumaniy lui Roy wUy. bureamt ý dthéelarm s sm0s 1but te the tallais angeis. The Ap<istie al»ott oetallsd,515r035-d «0 r eys ibat aisa a unlaasti "Goal 0dCUt I tng tisat lbua 106, thée devra ta lueore" anal tbey are "reervd lni chalut oa! siatese 01i3111_ the judgsscnt of the gréat 1»7." Tis5f 1l5L~ But today ve viii examine Ils fourtb. of wu tl* 11pW150m. A reà" and lent word tranalas t ke-tusour 'la the deetruetiluueua q « iiY cemosiauiYstilulible. This ord 1,RInnm S«felaà.jw*aruael3 the Greek la- puese. it oQCMu b« 30< POP1b" aissUrWe 2X2«> twelve limes, as tollows: MAtMIXIF,, ar u(ght t uialhis MI, Vs W 22 n29, 30; x. 2e; xviii. 9: WUSl 15 85 *raiValley et îlmous« 4,s Mark lx. 43. I)47l. 47;luke-xl. 4 s by the HUdy 8051 p*11 e gl Ili,.6. ouof the oceurrenco. la lnu - hl, polltl3u 10 3 S15pN Onction vlS onrt ext 10<18. Th q ne lset bthe e ffuee I tionole. Ta wbat due s word fopee s s"bamv iilq *refer? In It a rame for Pare~,?tylol'EiIitoflS 1 1085#,1' -Or a naine for a SîIlliWorms plm*,, -e hom piiobei ld Mqab7 una'udlag tortlreasamuzr Prletoant and thit tlseut .411dosaS tisi 5 ercda e-l raY e n-ra-fr . ItCase butIshallhéM -oilel. I la &. figure ,of aa'e'-A uî.aaî p.annhsitzdesttOyrd- '"Tisti' sti ww the Second l)eath-the aleâ thf'lch &UPM ithse 'Was*yt wbich liseré villha uno rffluam'ctjaun. vho héaetranaumd #$WU* »N, noa reisclttoi-the everlastliâg ' ,-tisir 'worm x hail *î« disý tewskt tYfetioep mentloned bx St. Peua" ndtieir lire b h o usuc Ami7 a . * of wahich St. P'eter saya that tbey hé an abbomqeseglto*i I wbkis experlence Il perish Uke thé nla plsid abouQt lotsý ' it 8 lvb ybrute beast (hI Tisefflatotns L , I Ps- Ila i tierlag V*tq#1, nor 1-lé,1 ter 1l. 12). Thls la very Plalnily 8tateal la lisoughsl. 0am aéer apporea îcf lteveintion x, 14. walire Of ibis ."lake taure, but sivap CouseiedI rof lire," Il a liselarel. '"Insta letise ISet-- Isa lxi R.4d- 4 . - and Deats." 1ow X44 4 v ose 1 l I that Goal'.g*e ato gét'e Li Thse Valley of Hinnoms-TophL a vent ot ure e*auekWcou" Tise Greek Word pa tg th e s n3- co,=tsa u laiq of i1316,c 15t onyni for the flabraw vord Ge-hueml h mxo elt vinch mea» «r4leséValley et in s tie uMeansdclue U Lr nom." Tn erUy la rapéatediy mous tae 11us ea e.Moinstisus t1oneal la tise Bible. it val s , Ie arývii oberd5y14.P a famU mamedHInnom The d amiudglory and baor' anal 3ý -eem a o triy U a lMn usa v.*u rILmghî luepunto HUiM tisI t5 Jcsini ~* &tise Ibréd ens a nte tseL8a fs Laokigsta assyBible mpoftee ai jerusalésu, the vaitey vi 1M~.ffl Lot Heneaty sud %14tf ta thiesosthveote iay l' At Ravint dqo*klisted t a lime vheu tisa iteehcimé the Ible flor rsen ,uàfee gsadly involveal la ldolale hi. VàUieY 4t suipport ta tls dkUlo t1j* Qt' w»aseaa ia acreal pl#aça. la im4e Mi torment la thé pouaty W mi ai thé brathen goa l.ocoo. made. et Îlots the tact ibat -tW é rWMou *bram.sandl lsIlow. vas aeréctefi. àIl eaeeda. andlcufsls a u wa Wau 80oalstractéal tisat thé cluaf. books, anal tieeiogictastlp.A - vcb vas s part ofthte image, ola- only supportea;,mil Oat ude atitaIte(d a farsace irel fr. the rear. crealajg l t p Ujr day. "4 itb anal the be" ofathlb.Image vas thse 1seit ualpta0fts, jtop ofa nfue. îattslof, eadi sli0 tr Thé Image fhelal ont lits arma as 1 gs jkhht dylugaut . 3ý etbousgb ta eroivé somntlslng ad., thislae ebttiss(bila. àheatéa! ed bat W' thé lire.vaU a r- puertlly ai*.idsloC B te * Lr ceptacie lai seicisdelnded al meite M& W4dfu I aue ,n piaced Ibeir cislliren as sacrifies, lt 11ing u4* ,3Ip5 le vhie trumpstw vers - sovai, drusus olu. 41 A 351, bosb e eaten and tbs peoplsehabutédal, tl155tieir A*U,#ed l~t*WM; tisa 1 tisecries of thse tortaureal ltnts U U fgetbe "j ýt *1Wd«e»ef, Khi KlgsmIII 10). Whon thé good Kui Or à~àq IJde ieam te t ne ail athwiols ,a atry vas abolihealanal the Mwpr "etai dtaou'eiý5 th-s [a vcrsip of Goa lnlthé temple va. roe- Thé M* gest iom 3sot VUait y »Jatnd. Thèn. lent thé People elonld teeAue héiogâket48 le et ag&&In resot tta isucbatraclojus i lt. s. cuatMaus. the rilV sally a écra»ted. Bble; s»d ten, 49,bom ka Il heceme s, valey of ahamlastIoçým àgfflde of Ol4 tmb lit vas uséd al assdumpng place fuir lis se omnoi ielaut>b < jeth l11h af Jerusa>e.. tad dogead m d la epUN5, 5 dèad cati veto thowa lisère, and It esats lis OWa ert>r a l~ 'la clalmoal tiat somie0f ths vile cire- tis* Bible, the W or 0034, tuias,. atter. exécution- wve o rua emliinouslnsl'revésied. 14, -tiseretu latesalai of éaçg gienburtel,-. prastiegly ropudiat& TIses t to typiciaUy Illusrate that filere la Dothetrat es«of ettrb* iai 13 jefuture lite for sucS oisnuxlous e Se- taei.eiusg cnt bai.froiR by' *30.1 t> tisIlei'will hé refuse. *MW wheIf »« 4eciidedou Thé ,veeiy of Hln am la -nov Oued ijsttubiggs m-oud bala * p and lui orchard grova tIser,; but ad y I c riginaUiikWsa alle dseIp.Tise car- Theaenai eqeet ffletfr S»Mne of animai. vers hisrovu there aji M, &# aope* Il40 , ý lateuaded fer deetruetion, lthe vor=ambhi. For muetu «7 p1 * tBfedlng UPOn thél.. NO ODE ~Eit te iuksvsrm Ciarîltfm , ok - iinder the vorma f tainmaking aaa - .»d peaVa ýJifl bob - pla1ts destruction, lu tise lottore 0f poahlasb Mua ns. lie vallr e veukindisal for liahe gompuWgW th . tommamptlon ai tise vate dehrla,am brlms±oessNaadded tbat lb. e e tt f. t mghtdetro maryge0rma d4. tes. No Quse tisogbt of 4ueeuchi i hat lire; it va ouitnethevasU ewk4 le ,!bm WUvas e Ilo laas for Lu81e M * Aye'.B suffeslit.la a ouuttlve « o" oad atb, vhîc ie W le=~ of au viltsa m orsm ne 4t~ uhéIcaiy. ain --lie d- Ombloi luInthsebo* iet lWelh, o la viseréauas aked3ram X0 st ,l' î veUs la Th e og of tit él$ arlovi G, I. Imm ortel t* '1MW loam 9 0 (iM "ïjo m ait .- . 1 4.