s.. ,.;~ 5.STY NDPNDEN EEGANWEEKY SUN ___ vot COOVNTV, ILI" -$W~DAY, AUGUST 4, 1911. N&46 f lOrGU»¶W Wyof 4TELéi SAIS"IT AWAOC TEl? A ohelsuieoufcsaon niai.by aàmos- * tccmo4d y, Who ma mouwit-(cê e eComets jury and a halltom sdw iséi a. euy cierei a mystot? swroumlgt-le bth cf lImer aimoUoje rgat IL , ao e t ftbe Sthutes'bali, uo Wvas 13 reMer l& maie the ceafeecion.Tabc n'-àas 1f #to hoeb scege et tii treody-4ho fehmfer rsslieic At Lue. et-" i Joegmasenbrocii.doua. Ho t-cIL be*- #1 botfia sued aa sietm'geaist - bi t fluas' Sehafer and Fred Jbrgese, 1 Ilet hlm," nid tho boY, 'l didn't- mcaut-. and Wyet Stvam't un - 5cdent.IJlust polaWtai hog»a st the boys, and omoovor éther jeilci t-h4 lggo. Thas ÊUal.', Father Acoeeasnla . It vwu on thbe tbeory that otaiT eRlitasani.t- vosli aeeomplis, h it 'OCorer Taylo f Iakc cezW. nd, m hI. aiseda b ftld tu, do (bat theiboy ;vua toua e (o -laciffl giro be »M cstht-hoft gcpeth i. efat-ber, I be lrd ieofbt oye vas bllndei b,' . ý%sma esIo (bat- ICl iEltor. and 4a!heret-etbre maie b,' bis hs'o - Btdid not go wvIbt bp pari. sani erge, 4epslvoi of lita fraternal sup- port, kýOt muceh of bis uot-ccuôdencM. Fathe ieam sonehot-ho rou -pa thber. (o oanoti ctemshbly bai a- *erredsqd. for a timo mat o.et-bcr ln 0"e," sas i eIder Joromeni M leStgU, 'ro u b btter tell me W» bhi ese doaneat-, t-be boy dcyci, uMd a4mtt-t- at tii. taie by vkfbfc hiani hie brother bad icecai #Mecpicbnor ett-he cronra" udthe. iee %vus fui.. ,W.Ive « Mmaloue b on"--* tbmase boja,- lhs «u&d.1i iiishoot Uar aidviion 1 ssiiho *hot- Froi Moa.tot-o t114bIa is.SIle.Fe moet t.e Op Beys Frem ROcM. mu$s-aalose-la a rocs, -ben i la- t-bes-un The yonuacr boys triei t-o cpet in. 1 held t-li doar againut themo 1%«be t-boy wI"qu.,*"Mdtpst-he Win- 4"v. q hourd flicuclmlg uP an I poift-ithe ga= et t-ho ml. Wben I*eir huais1 sliove 1juat- putled Uic triagers-adlkttMU t haaslb I dldnt stop h t» 'vliéUit' the gin van 1opdoi or net. *Tlicrever.no cighbors nea eméc tho heur t" r00( of t-be gain Eleai va streamb 'Cban Fred'. aeaudmode m ,#uev a .d moc.Lm« e4 o1bock te t-bps«round. 4ed*vas brae sud b. laciw me idc ie '» evreS(g o us,, andii W5e Iat-<1sthnMtitlinob" la thé teP b1W:Ot-c âtast-bat- t-b b» -ré Sci* hOtU84 4c.thé stf~* ibh<I 'k' ~ ~ th wu4~OPl~ e s at- peuh su N Elx c 60D1(TT ~3POST oe omnt AEBfBOKT vW wsiea. iieliMW am um for - t-e 1*6"-MIO heo5 oMarnai, o bor-c sae e y set sW' in 'Itb* dW* lI viihobut two mikle t-ag ï k b w f oin et haveâ uw i -a it-lOt,,mwaly 14 the. oeU bt-mac of the Obimm oriver. or(c~laa*.ciB tu at-ber verdi,. Th~e fur!sen of Verneaptovit 515et- S4 c dt; (boit- ovnuwh, but at-catc aU s 10«ejc tbey poM dbvlop t-bt oet»t,as, twe prop«ty cuasta *e ad, 00. tho dstrict v« Usrgmtsci,.lm Mrc guidance Of ,Mtorfty '-it-u1) Dockerif Mort-b t0aioege Md t-ho psu lect -ili e ho uhei ndrco$mt-y ort Mest- cf.tho dit-ah bu, bec."Cf rami. tt- na throaia sectio p.v ty*ogbt mse tvepty-aiae cf the coinqiiota orlcd b05 Itour mles cf t-b. Deroli di-ci, in --ut- lowfd, ba.ve ho" cmplet- .4 - t-MW tkat-ract- bas bx lt for uw nd a iait mies sliuic i c'rat-ton tuthelb.t-an of verm.u Thailain iwe t um dutsage &et. but uflcli ft-mmrS olMa4cthair dia- t-net. esil a publiec meeting eleet thair cc msoným n un go bociit-ieut- Uic conut,' curt exoept- la ucs.thbe declaln'of t-le coUmIion fij 10ho avpealed.vhen t-e-miater conesho court-. This la couildorci t-le eheap- est- and bot vs-y. Theo onmimeoe'ee mauit.an sunual report. Fîglat Cas. Succesuay., Au In t-he case cf t-ho nea vegn diteli, Att-orney' mst-n C. Docer lai attone, for t-be longer oue. hbÉOu1b t-vo t0us, andvît-b thbe kIi cf *tat-e*a Attorney' Ralpb Dady roeuti,' ococ. uftuy fought tlu'ougu. oeaienn*$ou 'ciaca cicr Cook cotant,' land hoa gt the distriet- a ontiet-. t-he Cookiceu# 'JurY. altcr vievins-t-he fund and hoi camai roct-e deided tlàt-Mfrty &doas. A4s-As a stuir prtto " lm the Immamr, Mfe p mmbcr vere> ifl eÊU-lt-b o un,'da»uat. 11The Mcv Vértindistrict in t-o be or- g amimsaner thl et-t-ern of the os ý héedrain. Pim t*013uy L'ake Rgiou rt la ýreport-est tut e qouefat-air 108$oM-qgpm otsever,' fart- dau St- temiklt via-h< miae t-cbaiev e-at-em of tE!lber tbbc ot-Ie Lum e i, bs-fl avdmm stitr -ort- rogon sad *-mSos içes.lidnto s* s*tio pofl uat-abs- co1 ia" ma a. s-atg-is saerv t« h ho%*iM b-th le geeplo. Wh* la bgck t t-hýq rjoctla not kov ut it- li hssyuý*nl1ieue- pe Deanôrat01Gb t City. Tbe lus of a -Lake conmt-y boy. abo nDt 8o tu",nY*&"ursos-ewusvont- ho drive bua» WaOeem w illa is fat-ber lonV Mie ýW*bgWta. ut-raubat- vIt-bthe "mi me ta. the tep, vu iahova ut- a 4( &m fa'namber of Dcaiocrst-c clbs: u lu, Cbtcss-o las",Set-u-day. Ibs ý,'meincd vais bora on a foraSqw 0gruoryll, t-be maet- Do"t fwloue* sad ebtalaci bis eciaco ctý4 flsîotamon uciioois et t-he ccua t,d aiworkbith s h. v,'tb-outb the. ydrM4 aller ho lef t-t-hec chool. '1t "boy" vas Mlles loilne. M t ýt-lic aietin cft t-he Domnat-e clebs heulailnChclcs t1*1etdri,. Mc. Deovise vas amini nlte dermo- *ms-ti choi. for candiaqt-o for stato'a ttorey of Cook ceuni,' At-Marimny Wofflnb. It came about la 108 mnnr. For scierai yea.tm varlffl Democrat-lc 4elullu baie aprunt<&om t-be mot-ber V att-y lu Ch$càt& ansd, disunion -udi lu- *flohe s trite tivoMt Uieatenod tbe' mo, ie or t-le Party' lu *0 Polit-les ct t4 ct-y of Clilago-audCooek counI,'. ,Sieieral of t-ho ieaiérs' of th cPsrt,' th.cre fores-vthfe d4ngeïi -ôt-be prt-y a"i dat-at'n tlo t 1*5seme eaas vlelh voeu brins- tiere aiers lnt- unule4- ot e't-bs-t- vienélectionti tii relidarennad aait nom. deffite can- didatecouui ho plckedout und i eoct It va4 net pisnc t-bat ,' apeciai. Caudidate abouldho tiamei at the moctiu n, at wt vas do eib o ot- utos', armen,' ut thoraka lfei Part-y. Mt'. Dote v asw premot ntd made s- atlhriu speech for bs-tmon,. Tris oui vas aS-cusPll'hed uni, almost- bo d' auy octcwuaS aare cf Uic fact thoner bes-anabiperingu cf vbo ahoulhibis liim tol ho b htle leader cf t-le par- t-y viien slectiou came. Mllt eviu.ne Named. WeC* msa s aai&one cf t-hi mon vas ou n tafet sud la a toud ioloe ,tomnat-od mIio Devine, foi-mer fam-t dr 1w bu~lat oveiy luch Dao asyer ft osattortney for' Tbér* vas nDU a dientins- voice. Evmertummn,'of t-hem imembors of celabs-vM-b ai b"been as-t aor"point- $Pr sgosel lrm, unit-ci le namins- t-hbL, enty Mau ton t-b eotOf heM: utcon-caorfor Cook count,' un a&U- »leded t-boit' srpporttowuni hie 08.1 ,12 ae a ý len -akc- t-y.'~~~ - ~-Mbr -fatmer lenlb- enlvilo *vnalb.'aer. t-be fun, MdW 010 Law Omoice"r. As- ~ ~ tg lalcefi -i mt-eu of t-be **y 341,' Della. sts-tei le t-be i-v liOgleok, »*dIuiveo e ukes-an Itl tw ft t b omaon teiait on. of t iUtoV ("d" '.Tii.souncuter' - mt Iat It- eç ttlaOb nant as- w. *rp0WO,.b3bis f ienit- hertç ai ro» $.r- Hia ntii*t'4-forthe post c st--O'. ~tti'yl~u~reslt of as en- lts f satls*leMc wttich b. ban; voni la V,e iihfwtg.cases, he har-, le£ MÉSL0 **t'$*th -e practîce a apeciat,'. , TO BuJltIut&OOO HOME aires WinI iwood which bas been y of Hlgbwood. and Cty Clenit ealthy Chicago- ichigan avenuae ,of the olty of eErmoor Cocm Mmes valued ln ao less, and ln julderatien t-bat racate thbe aide of Street-. off umake If au lui-t ilast name.i. ddt la safel,'1 "d out ln everyt r., la t-ho Deat> tu the clouer1 and t-ho people nekled about IL. ývlll eaci, buili tueldent of Ax- wm prealdent of Rry Companay. Prairie Parmer jial cf NMarabal ke preeldent of mai,'.- Clement, Cur- rlAnds & Lum- k4d as milUion- «Y«, and t-boit- m u dis- Under ettaed ma"r thé «Och dise nýost cames the laty of ab"ste audi michim centive to; Tb* lýRade Md flot trlbà*, t and bottor of tbat-liow The num mAd 1 »Vo & chadés Ameripm - 1 1 A u ema )ME; t'a* Ibemen aires or -ne*r'- »tU«D»u la tinet fmm sny et l"é They, are to borhSd of thelr wblcb j&ey bTing DUMUS te Hig4imod. 14wo TW*nd I4 An cieulus- drive OU1 s-ou Ms-y ceut-the U'lS ilclmidt20 yeenso&, : t-er. Us ycara ci, of JI fisne The. wagon coit ces-o and Ncrt-bh tr day at- bo-t-avenue, G tac vere thibrav1e9 Ot u t je t th-e daugb44 ;dba~t-a biles Ceait-0 et-rVs-tos la s- drivr suri tubpn hei l Neitha-le xcpoctit*', flim»loo. s-WlnactMiL Wuqsy edciyso MilvS-b»e cictrie rat ateoercealus-. Bot-lt- ZoUeV Froek M* .loet-' mt tof fe fcr thle icat-b of iu1y,ý* ct-ber additi, ahen as- boy veut boy nues- la i net-hou tlucu l hm. bri-ls-tho ment- boh ubxaee ldon"artboft-. 'tvo Chics-s-eboys tgo fr«D aùiiuls t-et-cma wh#c irnait, drovte s-v frouaiJefton aStt-cet. - Ilarybmqii usa s-hor in i s-builaIses 83 doolc tbetelic ould and, t&ia t-t-u.drove tiOý smiles rcft-hoci N.,'u~va "r v ast-y wa- itargaret- k"u PruO at-a, ber R-h a.Chi- *zd t-be hOba Mcop- q' atber- o, The, s vere 1 ab ONE TO BIGHT W. Y. GXACE OP CUBA. OFIXM.&N TO STÂTE ASYLUE T0O 051$1,000,0001J Kr. Grame loins Own Parm Wftb Oth.t xakin Wlrlle the tine for Iins- applica- t-lana £or theuDc»W$ Ota,00 asYluni for Insane cf llin»ota clisciWeiacedny ightt M mldt t t laefot- ho hi thought for a "ncat-t-st- ait. e conft, bau beai vt*g gthe. (ici Mer- phcaas alil t-Is tjimasd viii uvaken enI>y te Oui t-le dodm s qLosi Tueoedy,*x cRbt- v»s"aise c cer- Misin, vlalh vusilu»09eo t --thc st-t. capitel ut SprlattcliW .f,100 ac&cm flnlun oCuba tb)ushIip, la tbe doait-bcrxpart of Lak i eobt-y, un a site fer thte UsylUn. The applîcation wass maie by W. F. Grace o, b atthoaigb be resues e nCit- cage. oerte a lut-gof«Iru-la Cuba love- ibijp. lys cývi sitta , hobau effcrcd. aud' a umber eofnctgbboru bave off St- ed tIasuo. laIsnd, t-o tiie conMlcuiu, Iin the hope t-bst Lake ccunty viii b., select-cian a site for t-be nea st-at-e ho- stltution. Man,' Farinera loln. Mn'. Graco. ever sîtce t-he compt- t'on vaa litat- opcned for th. piaelnt Of Uic new 11,000,000concere naier the st-we geernet, bois boeen.uek. 'tg w moabrte t-bat mai u La Lke1 cotat-. Otliera uso baye iiecp lais,, and ,t-at-saOf land baie becu spathen Of atlout-he laMe aboro at- Lae Bige one.O tht-e t-t-cts boins a bugé ortest-. li t-bat-Village, 'Oici, (ey ciiaie veudmake an Ideai iogtipai. Fîrt -rat off" a ler.. lBut-vhillo aiu t-boa.plaseos vèe spoken cf, lb la doubt-faiiIf au,' spfei Propol-On bas etor boona maie b,' s-ny land ovner Ilu1ako cotnt-y ,xcept Mn. Grâce. of laidbohm. Mr. Grsce bas interstei a large aittrber of oweersof frit-ms let-be saine terntory v1blt-bu fart la le- ested In, and ait bie sIguc anuas-roe- meut te effet- a put-tgr al cf their landite t-be state as a uit-e for the ssr lmm. WilI Cost $t,00,00 The ttltlt-on 'ta to cost, complet-- ed a lit-tle over anc million of dollars. The asylum to s-t- lin"iiasbecomeovs erovici, amd ait-flt-l&- iice1== ,lsu of insane patlets for t-be st-at-e t-o care for, It- bocune necessar,' set-ors-i yeana agO t-o us-le SOMe as'rans-emtS- for a aea laittut-ton.Up t-o the laut session of t-hot-at-s legslst-une, lIt-tiq tan net-bing isua ccemplisbed abus- Uis line, but luit Y%*rt duns-th.e..* sIon, cicr $1,000,000 vas sppnopnluted t-o purchase and balli't-he sin ate,'. It- in the Plan of t-be st-ste t-o built a mncb lars-er sud fmer instltut-ion on t-be nov site, t-bsai the one aireai,'-in aise ut Elgin. That- asyluin, ahen it vs. batit was Uicus-h largo encus-b )t- luit Uic st-at-a fo an ay yes-ra, but bstoi,'It- bas been founi thatfit eau I -cods-tc In t-be ris-ht- vs, but a isml percent- of t-hi Insanie patients $1,50 PER YEAR t-N ADVA(E. armuse or excite the patlent.q. The grottnd offered in the site Is level, and la known as ne eof the mogi fertile tracts in t-he st-ate. it Io Ideal for the claes of farming wbIefl le carrted on St the state Insti-tutilons, and It In to be bepeil that Lakte coiity will be selected as the site for the new Inasti- tultion, RELEASE APPRENTICESI Firot Ones to fnter X#w lu- stitution at Noeth Ohi- cago Bein Ets1 Work. Have BeuiiKopt 14 OQI- ing Group Ever Minoe They Kntered S$"ton. Others wlfl ow lue,. - ceiving Q*o"P 3véý»y. 'and Enteru alu On lIt Sgaturday, ln thc atternoon, the finiet"aaiber cf recrut t Ithbe flou narml training stqklt-ta ve . leaed <rom Uic isaclvifg;ot qUïbUm tine section eft the stà4eai. und PlUM 00cr ln t-he Main stat.. When a remiut la Br-. ust gxiÇto t-he naval station, et North blhqpg, he la samttoed to scier. PbYt)cg elam'Ibaton,land If be pase* lusý ,ez&mlnàtloi ho la placed tlibths res cetg rp. Ro-c ho Io kspt rt. tilir ly lltod for twent-onodits; sud t-bon ta-uusfered toithbe alast-W Tho boys ln t-be nceving, et' qtar. antine depArtment minute wttbCtler recouite only au t-ho &gMl rdm4 This la douie te, prvealth -e sut-maior *Dy, ontaagionsu dicooco, vhtcb a t- cria it. ogt b~ Oak **1'hlm but,o ti station. Tbîemm àai kept.four li Muop . es-h t'rna ttiit doaleaàà> (m. bavfig théir maei ,gcgu c.iï case a diose o ali adffug r atons-any cf t-hore WoSt , ho possib~le to OoiMO Il 5i0OW Wh t-b four auotiatcd vit t-k t- WC"atiebb o ecit and no egidoe ie li talM te otire. statl0a. The. am mtrecUitt valsMnt tui Ual station s*bout t-boce ekmmSAitLO-l day. 0"m ~on tihe otitur a"l 0ft .it ravtii.. lov ýt-he, actisý-X o ft t4 cour"e pt ti -the p viiiwuhotin. DWt Ies "ior\s t t t».reechI u ucmx-t-ep t-h. mainpuort ft-boitr liab îhe t-ho deffis, but novt-boy viiihb put thirottgb Uicouttro courue, aud tau«bt the crudImets ecf, tic tudiOs- wbtcb go ta m". np uAmva seuman. Hoemt-be maiGrity et the M«n vii rouait, abolit foUr,isti, s-ni thms tboy vill be senLt tho do acOaUl mOryloCOU nen.cf (ie aien et vsi 0 SIt tW»ct-be erdtUar course u t t-he at-at-Ion, mouée tamllais ft- MQ4?nt-pssund cthem omlut- wur vert *von e Int-ce. ?TcU aerage coure. lu s t-tusted ut four umt-bs. ZBWDE DROWNM GX"~ Chirmei stAre h e Witnm sThrllng Roman Scierai hundMkà'Cbllirca Oueds,' aft-ormoenais-the b.stmusglea cf a it'ov it& -nman MArden S'bore uni à&*v bis. rescued b,' t-licocmblned ef- forts- of a cempanlon and su oftleisi litfe sVon. Thoesuant. tA. Suot-bers, saNort-- LIPU 1151 DR. DAWSON MAY HÂVEC 19ÂA RONÂNTIC PÂST IORUXIUT FUIID GROIS 60c".a. "t"y t sie0, d PSI&nIo acam« in (bsmu" , S olbook beeNopWa.tho1a q ohd Dr. Da*oà o. mi* teMAutat Wm-tw*â, Os 'l 4ibl lmef.timse ,t If ftpr oi* f au h bl tW L'e tb ug me b,, th. 9p tUe .s- *4,1A-go*i ts-t-U Ê*ahit-o atom< enuer t-c aesiek. h, mt t la heen xou Datt ha pad itt m, ment ohud,'ry kbuI I * di,'ot'u hi.1 ha- 01ent Teis." No lu Chut-g.. Western nve;Mat taent. andCee.& me Commission i hag. lecik of Chitesmeare s-bout* hefaita e od do ide Wbon t-be mono,' for t-ho nt-tutiou aMlle <nom t-be Shbe on & traft, wrbgZ A0r vsp appropt'lnted, a comnmioal@ w"s is.tbrsfte1lut-e t-be voter. Neltiiek s' a mert s-ppoine&d, vo ver. tu .hat-e chat-geo, car Loîcve r. s-e bic tuc svîm A" lpOt5 of the sebiet-i cf a staIte âUicsu» ot-here b.d s-anc dove fWor * Uk et-vien of t-he const-ructilonof t-be eni tinte abeaiJohn IlcAnit', ,mte bulding-. Tbey have maiataliao cUamie us-ver, ruesei but.k sàon ble Spring-field, said tlb laclmed Ui i m tbI.t-o * 0 UeelS f1 use,' sit-ea have beau oeesti h ;t-b W tt-b oka amsistance pQIW1d - commission. frotvarions ports cf t» bguts-. st-stt. Oneocf the»e it-e.laIg t-oi imnotbersvWs t-aken wssber'o goid ai- usrRockfori.ausciat-ci vit-b ooamdIhqua in le l 1.0 Location. cit-y, lac, The ait- o efeed hiMr. Gresebis The bes-cl vaa t-týatu- au ma"ny dvistgs "'r t(base frei ~taasn ho. At-r",hs b,' ct-ber r"ou aor us (ho tei. Ibm 4ay ou a-acut-be WAtthe khâi t-h insanue ptioni lht sb o t-o ho0oas--, ' aq t-t-u dto h oui - 14 , th!-bd uiul, '-Ibayq 1.109 -ctl1 . Md s-o %oÏ, t-b4 go- Pmvd#,t t» llý - bt-ton The, ce hW bdeuS b~bp iôdflc Mt eumagam tg o - , <t-s-y sqs-ie s uS, (ht'I MIt% h be d tbç A" st-«mager, a" iaïn 1i' tgt, "i ffd ' 1