Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 Aug 1911, p. 12

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"t Gnral ,verseer Voliva lurai.veIncomes 'f oet'or)s lin n weesustatied. A. rneiver, however, were enjoyed by those having the iVa Sineeand rG e r a egsesknnc ing. to Zion was turned over to the glaLdItors so thqtlit might fiow slow- dWotyD weSuccessor,.,,ays MagazineStry "saladro enanog=lerlogtehbtos ndl oèt a areengviio itocoseuec oe's istomach completely. just before reaty ho nd h ha noanarelwiththoe wo mnd f acareful studfemti rained to Zion .to repentance. Meeting placesa o ceingactsiGneral Overseqe o-bnutataohrsbad httosn Thômas 'Hiara, brillant, forceful, human food of anything forbidden toigiabc le iarchlit)nure nitehundre w igh incioyadi osaf ooiecmloosal o co odate rt eb earn ieralec. e sl hnet ight flly ept'othash tof clnd nrItor, this month pays ineed of tri- be.eaten in the seventh to thle nine,bsleve nliicow iie iienoti nlyd.ter, ureily, fdeltchmself innu lniys at.allrithecapeo luh ated tcomoat e brod hilan hp a alieali t htes, e Julius asr"hen lakcnen ofat to th ennharacliadva, inment'tel th ers of -the fortenlwho Knox and Clibut Ignatius de Loy- isfied to leave Ithe Chrisljan or Dis- his meetings, and the exigencis de- whlch exceeds what nome would sup. Inviting himself to sup with Cicero lots. BUI Wibr tinnlivauion heCIty- terof D etomy -,thesman d aoieSt. Francis lofAssisi, and 1m1illions ciple hrhadhl lotake his manded large expenditures of money piose hb, hearing hlm preach. He is taking care to Inform the latter that town are Coo aderin eee, nct ie fthechiesabklnshd tori es, stor ,an and billions more whose lives hadl stand with Doctor wi and Zionl, to supply accomodations; but never very positive ànd convincing in hl& he had taken a vomit beorehand that no Indice esto~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~poyn Mgznadsntiey h b nintha ton, o bnsfat o eeabn devoted Ito what ttheheslvswhich h le Id February 2',l i elakfrfnda ,eotdpstonbtwtalapocabe emgh aea nomdma, no l. ifalgo pulction of hich, aur]ie-psoying ninge hdedhn dsan nts beie%,d to bee right and good and His Career Told. People patid their tithles regularly and gentte and kind In hie associations. act which Cicero took am a Word of 81cotc O'Hrae, another lbriu yun nlte- toe ang euigheen depaor hnidred tru."'in April. ls9, lhe Nwasordlained to made Ilberal contributions, and 21on's I-e abhors affection and the bobnob- Ceasar's great politeness." What, ary ina, is eitor i chiefan dolarbsin esoar hm hore. About Voliva thefl Iders-hjipof the chrisian C(athoe- work went grandly on. Hisin istrybngfartoac.Hshm lfeomSpcaAtonhe ri The O'Hsara ndpet wochisin vey osn d olasayert wie Wib lenn Voliva, general over. lie Chuirch in Zion, and 'o orte nAustralia proved a phenoena ossimplicity ltself, and, his greatest iIe had both heard and read that Overseer way nusal and chIfbmot falin ah r eanthousand dollars for build- seer of fthe (Chistiatn Cathoie A posto- nmonths was the elder-in ch-large o(f the success, joy la to minister the needs of suffer- when William Harvey, in 1619, pub-gra u mane i hih t emiatsIl ng l n this city-the iman certainly Ilie Church inliZion, and wholieis ID<m North SdeZion Tabernacle. Chicago, WieOesegorawsi u-ig umiy ohi h a fcu-lihdhswr ntecruaipo eatisua fervet triuesto Vs oll ),.i ch, oEmplishied a work far and beyond tor lDowie's suIccessor as hiead of the whee1hi work was grae le,ssd traia he took a keen linterest in the1 sel and by helping In the necessary the blood, public sentiment or pre- cuae ad isdrnl e, is asofolo wpe-that of xordinary nmortal-that Innuchiurch was born in l1870, near New -and Zion'*s cause greatfly advancedl. tpbuiilding of Zion City, ln the United coforts of Illfe. Overseer Voliva 1judice against his theory was soctudie. loe nte n uHbeaue f tswie rtainily lhadt character and wort-h ton, Indiana. is fallher.ailawyr rom thbis charge fhewas -aitby 1Doe-,States3, and duing is Ministy oelasocrupulously careful to bee just in strong that hie lost his practice; that te ha I hp 1 interest: ..ithatentitle him to praise fromt Others by poesoocenpied a farmn near tor DowNieto ', in(iiai, <ohlo, Nwhere flye hundred Australians crossed the his utterances affecting policies n rJnesHsteprr dnyeain Wne utg oNagroseMthant memibers of the Christian Catho- his place of practice, and] General ilhe \work ýwaimmiiediat. 1, iven-i new Ocean ln order to have the privileges men, and If, perchance, thbere be a cnto n11)1wsrgre yboso Braga. One mnust go to a tow;nlant- ellc Ap)ostolic Church, the child of Overseer Volvia lived oln this farmn un- flie. Elder Voliva being ;,nl organizer ofahminZo iynhr hyvaine el o lwt mn any as an Implous attempt to oppose o.H gåo enLae lchigan's" shore forty- Dlortoir John Alexander Dowie. til the commencement of his college of exceptionlal abiIlý.ity. h SaleoOf couldi live and ratase thei r familles free "As a financier hie wili take high the decrees of Divine Providence, la a dilil ja apie noetChe icagof h woudoeo ol* sbt adcladcareer. Alter afilve year s cvourse of Ievsof lleailing in t<- ineinnaiti was from the evil surroundings of the moe- Crnk, even with men whose sole butel- that thousands of intellectual men and -lasappro apbcnoeetelkofw le ora DwIe was both lyradicaland study Ihe waà^graduated fromt Union inrea,;se-d under his maniiigenenift f romndernlworld. nesse Iso edeal with finances. In this women have long believed that fith pride, l noeve e e ubihelsew rierl.peas radictally radical. ln Christian College, locateIl at %jerçon, forty to one thousand , opies per week work lhe Insists upon absolute exact- 1 more effectual cure than Medicine; disefplin oth.icislcated& wi.thnawewiiomhe rsp ectàs, btdlitrallealinSulia ony nin.Alheaewii vr hr i e Heas Bcm vrer ness, and will tolerate no careless. and that occasionlly there ts slight wer, but of te Chcago& Nrthwsteroters.Hesrigi-te dtatcurhte dn- of nineteenlhe vwas ordained to the a lys een a ifirmineLfiever uIllte "In January, 1906, upon the fatiling ness.Zoudrhslaesil flurry against the miedicial profession neo tio, s ainedona ignbordasers hav o ighsat otedictat t em- iinistry fin the christian oeimsefiayof litteratuire, andin later of the health of Doctor Dowie, he sent rapidly being reconstructpd and lhe ls ln populous towns occasioned by ex- la truthl b as the side of a good sized house, br owte-salvte ht hr alled the NewIJght ) Chur1chl. years in lno sense has lhis Wmlief chang. for OvrserVoliva to retuirn to Zion suiul aeu oaodeeypt rodnr odc foeo oeadjs géd [ts lettering may be read a block ls no more right tottdiictate i htrHesre heeyasalaso fe n that regad City and become the deputygeneraisl ll Th efembeslyof is curchplo ta rofesson, uchof oeo orintceanwer. WWay, It enumerates severai thinugs gard than to order that the sonrs of the Crithrch ea spim len. nd!"I tegrd.f19 1 orDwe vrer falZion's work. The lat- isulol.- and tirbn h him belevehas that witnessednbutca fewryeasagcDotor bie ntetown-a town having imembers should be trained as car- tn adon ea-s ato f nle h i tofeaqute krstoieae erseariedof Zo Cta)buay 4 'Pio' mseo; tterdasndnanA rentonavgappu Aural IpopulatIo)n of forty-evn undred penters or blaksmiths; htme aedeoIato' huc l1o-i peaaio fro ripotn .90,adimmdaellsumdteIdealos eriincipl erandepaice andtioan of forchuonrdhousnd- pi- he t thei eigtyinefor o te udeIre. have the right to organize to geta aaili pneleaing 'r n wr, arandfwhile thr i ndeured oerous duieDotor Dowiuedwsa ntle nteherso e n .aptaýo t 0 ionbya rilliantand- veyo bc e beig ftheters, dgs'torefar1aysefowr areda t ork;. i-he pUpuethe ologil al stuidies for one himlself to General Oversir Dowie bylathe ftime in Jamaica, whence lhe had d, ilsleevr usinoflf uysugoifamn'i wrong lgmayh and pør. I stnds te tth all ehoweveaettentcleyear flthe seminaatstanfordvilie, is conscienitiouis, painsmkinIg efforts, teen taken to avoid the severe north- admk uaiyhaty ap because, unfortunately, the manecnm Smnth intheyea, ad t ou. t aed o the me ay even otithe sameNew 7York, during part of which Ilte and by following orders to the letter.1ernwiter, n aatielofprecarioun.rseruadwllide se charged with the duity of preparing qac ýg t ' oelgt ter okad ntes'esosm e elt n nbet ephmef nthe reign of righteousgness on this the limb for amputation had nt shav- Doctor 1 L ti o he town'sfounder bc-ing wort h .but two or three dollars -anbyresn fthe severeiamentalerhe;hrgtoeteoa otaternti.t wllrean thw h t hrs' arnour, or fivusie;tndsran o yarsand fatigue, lhe was, Never before, however, and he le disciplirì Cit 1une0.1 Tyhe o h ee e g t o l hur s' recreatio io n C ity C h u r c h a n d C iv i c e a du h te in"" °e , r at onal, anda o r m pre W ith C ity a.rv e rs o b g , a d h a c u ntßtedby the ateDoctor makle a very good day for any labor ' Received Fervent Tribute in This bra nd r arrawy amacab astt.uerb sentintheprpaain fMhervead or heard of ithr uai or i- thborro' ,t derDlie, neHf h n a o eju sigoresanitemtn lee frgin tteetth1a wohdVate notice that doctors were neither ed in la atoleA aolcCþrh a n reuicsimpossible for Zion and Zion ('Ity. requested It walked about thle city-1 welcome nor needed in a town of fOve like Sai 4sod whose sueccessor as ýgad , He hiadt many stren characteris aaie. This unfortunate condition of affairs The great buildings, the great stortosn naiat.Nvrbfr e. e nysh is Generai Overseer tires,but the one that appealed ntualyradeDpuy eneral ve the bank, the Walkis, the town te,thad esen tem clase with pork.mnelec .I1lpiVollva- tæglltauaytthrtohincn seer Voliva's taskl no light one but imipressed him. Nothing Impressed Ife thought of his old friends, the re- la stror Trbust Dwi. teoprrls fetereurhe a i with patience and with a mastler mind- hiim more than the notiee thait has nwndaduaete .8.Dvsnni blesi Tribu eo Doie arh ftemporaie frorensonable prejuices hie sooni succeeded ln partially re-es- been mientioned. As bie looked upon l Edmund A. Andrews of other renown- gor ani cae bnred e cl fasrgadngosedchrMarcHewa tablishing the confidence of the peo- the great signbocard carrying thfis no- ed and lamentedt men of their Profes- promi r aen ahndred sevenIt a s pbr I.namsheentetri1Ile of Zion City, and that of the busi- tire lhesuoined to emory much sien whom he had known only by trep powers. tbrsfAndma wosecharactrfaborble an atmshen Ctois extemld ness world. of what lhe hadl read, heard and seen, utation, Nicholar Senn,, D.S.Smith, Ing rma oaof naccmlihe t bfbssemnut ratýal If a e prite e oifei the panorama that followed failed George E.Shipmian, and R Ludlow, two Chi sutudy of l hs semonsanetrafctal H asntprite ocmlt engcale gCed theatnton otorevealbuthat hewasongeotsaffectedn.that confidence. For, some timte lax to flash or reveal Ipicture reasonab;y and he thoughit of eminent C'hicagoabas ab, eople f evey lan. Bor il tereby but eitherconscous nr un-businss prcticeihadrbtaine inwteialmlar.eessawfictuesaofmen an stilnin hrnessssuchmen amJ. BPeace baundred forty-eight, and but Cwomenopassing ine and outteofeEgypt;usiesr hrJ.tE.eGilmantaJacob Franke eon B' h cncospeucetwrthtec-affairs of Zion and Z1on t Ity, caused Mup y, J .GIaJcbFak otE lie When he dIed, the work thalictursofrsili ng ot fom Spi;WlimL BuJ .MFarcJh ,ý eihe wn onerui wsIngs üý that church blinided him to no doubit, by Doctor D)owie's over san-11,ue fMui len rn pi;WllmL am .B lFtthJh lmo HepUshed.'s woru, a thse that he believed to be truths. guine tempierament and by isinfour. those of Jews driven fromt town to Alexander H1. Ferguson, J. H. Hioel- Wilbur s. he élovedo. iwrk anHsLtt dde mation given im by officers not fully town, country to country, and ellmne.schler, George F. Baxter and scores tions. *ove, lowmn Fred by Lat Address lin, harmony with Zion's Ideals This to elume; others of christians forced of others, and without thought of do. mild, t ed q pbedswtld ofpndess e- sIlutnfateo fhis êlthaesdloingcondition bhad existed too long to ad to leave their native lands; picturesi ng v ilence to any person's ptual be- are aî "tb'ad pos'sessedeofindom- is gven rom hs2 geataddessofoit of Iimmediate cure either by gn-of Irish lads on their way to France leh wnee f It could be posst-plse hega eage o r*Vlewr ecre1- Jmay2,19:ea rdpt eea vrerE eause of laws that made it a crime blt that all the learning and the skill se bot,!rteg"y. ndHerAd sine- Rciey heHl hs.That travagances and ismialiagenwint hadl to school themaut homte; one of (Char-oftsemnoudethraevtewk thaad:ar igl odws adt llteaotlswelissip)ated the large resources in lnn les Çarrol of Carrollton makling voy.panorrenglfwthnhec-gete ý* -aeect workrr seui orwssu, n teCrs productive improvemients, and thelage to France because is native1 porate limits of Zion City. but th and effec"ted of nere mkndSain outhe nt o nibsotatetrpoucie ntêutostemeve, lay ahalwseulyooxu, During the receivershly period the usguai ha han lithdat of ngben tir make any cominuothis atter good were depried of sufcetaohr f Roger Williams 11n the work oftGneraOverseer Voliva was er le worJr inate case okany a justnow beyon saying ths, that Iworking capital, thus miaking itin wilderness between Balemi and Narra- nroe ehialyt clsaia ata enlitd ogbobieveIothispoerglto f oveoreit poss4Ihe Ito meet finanelai promises jto ýgansette bay; and he saw(one of John jhaderstip That leadership wiae au- Met wosrldae a h a dea-th. e sins la e the prerogativeofGdane investors and generai creditors. AI, Alexander Doie making valiant fighit perb Ie dIscharged every ecclesias- te of gr e bereak •bt e xeciesth pergaivbtis tedl to a spirit of unrest not to ýin chicago against odds that man noti tical duty faithfully, capably and ad- trict tJoh ofAexr ehewa through the annointedl and ordainedb ueed iediately eve ne o atr'ri n marvelous will miiirably, discharged each and all in any P la.Jofhe nled SerDoie .fand proper officers of the church. nra odtosTestainb-could never have covercome. Recol. l,âanner to b. expected of one whose ulf 1rI, Dofinthe Utlvtts ft spoe youknwtht rro-eane more seriously compilicated by lection camne.tooi, of the ChIinese ex-adhpayweesntoafrmava rqid t Du reangohewelveheawrs r-aie en oy)pwrthti e ertain imoves. that Doctor Dowie con elusion act, of Judge Hilton's unfor- with six tcompIanionab)le brothers and centur thm brak noti e h n th e wac or d erts he pito the m oa chal one. I t e& te mpflated and published, actions n t ( na e Saratoga order -one that final- S Isters, and w it h intelligent and w or- think tue a d succefed"aed inocasifonce Btsh e pire thertoynandupeoanetdedemdo a entbe u.l ruh iatrt h ra os thy parents; of one whose home train.churcl &o r e p r e s s n ot i c t h -a t a a c o st h e . ri g t t o r s t e ri mand es u s p e n dd e r s r a in e d m e n t a l c o n d it io n . F in a lly , fo u n d e d b y A le x a n d e r 1 . S e w a r t - - i g a d w h o sep e a r l y I n c lin a t io n hi a dc e n an oc-u l oe the a eofgv the rin, to l the deputy general overseer, as the and of the printed advertisements both pointedl toward religious life; of t ainte openthegats o theprionto akeoly responsible head of affairs, felt one socomo aon te e ernune whlo wheni a mecre lad had remnark- Think ofie t! AuHe afrers awa tesn tee ofeth, ado c (omipelled, at the inkoance of a watl. coast of the Atlantic, "No Iras A<ialteor n nuultlet;o g rbnhel Asrai fr theesoe pero tperfecthfe qeo-Igpepe o rtc teincet 9one who was ordained to the ministry amayg b ndekState Alreayhistaenad he -asoleprgatefprrthee.fromt certain financial wreck, and, if Remarkable City- v4hen hle was but ineiteen; of one nd t - ome know torâ ve ery Aus tinhe -a eeaeta rrgtvpossible, save the situation. The one Who thug cogitated hall ho1 pet seven years in three col- yndt( hiVA.Stts fIs. five yersinwth'e hoe veand shedoesrtivhcemren"Acting upon the advice of eminent seeon many kinds ofpuientesAtegsadctrddgeeinwonddfr i ed .talietesi, bcamt e Ckn o i very provence of ,the DBritinpirelegal counsel, the people were fully parks, farms and bridgeslhe hadl seen special standing fin the third; uf one dr b# amectrmcat ocas fi Idi, AsaiateDoiin f.advised of the situation, and April 1, those Intended for the benefit of tres- woe emosIn hfisearly twenies ld ri te adopte counry.Athe eendofu aad, ndinother regions. This 190«, with practically one vire. D)ep- passera, poachers and speeders. lHere whad atred ttntoninal tr es heeyasthr7er u at là better unrtoodterefre, uty Genieral Overseer Voliva was ask- and there he had found an Amiertcan rounding couies; of one whose con. o 41'lhomestin, hetivilizede-word in n a monarheIals.courth eea in aed to remain and leathileml and Zio)n's village ln which, because railroad victions were of character that promp. es Ma Ameninder o beenmaeof e p er he ie ftedeeainaffairs,.and at the samne timre itwas crosings and junctions hadt made it led himi to abandon lucerative pasetor-ces . Aeand Dowie- ofrte mpowie t orgive know tthat IBU LEN VOLIVA demanded that Doctor Dowie by rea- popular dumping places for hoboes. aie and sutllbrighter prospects for 1ýi 'Earned b Pubociety.rres apoe a imeiatly hinkrthat tis WIBUR1Gson of his mental and physieal coni- the public authorities hadl practically modest employment in a new chiurch nmotiè. He Eare t. 'Men spokie and do not care a pff. If the Roman Cath- lhe supplied the limipit of the Chestnut flt isanot surprising that Doctor Dowie imnsel, onthbefre, ado orwe henspcousple tpbha te aryng ad et hit'stehin than uthneH inote of hiä because of his wonder. ellc church has a trulhli 1am going StreetChilstilan Chuirch in Albany, 1found in himi, Iby reason of these char- rmealz eth hattred tren adlitinpits borders ofabe tbodiegd o whihest's evingtand hihorango Venlavorkhisunityg senery, h t s aiadeId. ntaehtksNew York. is next pastorate was aCcerfsties, çouples with his aducation broken health might never be re- tramps would not be tolerated. Hie had ,held out such bright pmnise and rich $-35 grkeatve yhfo humani t, hsrthe othr sde- ai Cees at York lHarbor, a leadIng ksummier and experieýn(e, aman suited in every' vpalred, and that h, therefore, might seen signe and notices designed to reward, but both earthly; one of heav MaindLbyhrs fohnlviersato those"of thnok f r ares.a rt, be esotontea in cth r e e priulrfo heoeserhitfteuable to supervise personally the exclude lounigers and certain other whose piety, eloquence, general per- eboit MarinLuhe, oh Clvi ad oh "f heGrek huchha atrthmane svealmoth. Soonafter lsomte great1 dep1ari ment of Zion's work. vast and complicatedi details of the characters from hotels, coatless men soniality and remarkable executive Ca Kaxan isamito, isakn Iamgon t sy t i te pscpa~leaving York liarl>or he- becamie a1 Accordingly, ýn Ilhe first Lord's Day great work with worldwide ramifica- fromt dining rooms, hatted women ability hadl captivated that matchless r perhaps but always clean-to gIve tan church has a truth, I am going to tunmber of the Discipfle Church, and,! of August, 1, i e was ordained by tions, had suggested, both ln letters from public entertainmients, book stdn4o.u4nntre0qn lx n"e w ife doer to e Chistian ay iut. 1amgIf te Batit; church asinthe fait of 18,ie entered lHiram Doctor Dowie Io an overseership 'inand In oral conversations, that ln the canvassers and other solicitors from ander Dowie; and of one whose lsa$. espe.Whteerele aybesad tut Iamgongtosa i; ndmoe college at Hlirami, Ohio, where he the Church and assigned to duity lin evenit of such anticipated disability public and office buildings, delivery bors, whose. Industry, whose ability,41 r*fth his preachings (and ,many of us trut h, if I Ca, into the Christian Ct(i t h aefin htirmshon H nerduo isdte idstDepty eniaealOvesr s holdva, in faprnd t housesgamblefrsnndcle a hoenlise le, nrhs acc olsh-B eAber could lnor can embrace themellie Church in Zion. I will get every oredfim UanIone hriiiisti oleg> get disadva ns addiff illte whosenea ritinwoer lv fornd ofidence en roem county anrs, mentslige ndtrli frsh aco lthi. ran ),Hllfairmidedm CahoicsdPrt- oolthng cnsgt, hatGorha coferedupn hih tei dgre otfoeth wokrf te Curh ifAutr fdvoton o he hurhandinhhos mn o coorfro cetai pol oom dy fr cnstnttal int reabasea t a n tL s , J e w s , a n d U n b e l i e v e r s , m u t g i v e n , i n t o o r o r g a n i z a t i o n . " D i i n i t y , i a e n l o e o d r fdn o e tv e nd i tati ve a b i l i t y h a b i t uahs e e n f c l o rd r n a r d s e r o mtai P e lo orsa -f oan d .np rin: 4 6 i s m m o y t h e j u s t i c e o f a d m i t - W h i e D o c t o r D o w i e , p e r h a p s , m i g h t l ca h a lt i c c o n d i t i o n s f r o m e v r yf oi n t e e h v ada o u t ic n i d e n ct i e . K n l - e ra b i t a if r m s t r e e o r n e s , l m o n s e t a n d . I R a L a e r c $ g t h a t i s m i n d w a s c l e a n , t h a t hi e n e v e r h a v e m a d e a c o n v e r t - o f o n e O ff i c e L i fe o f V o l i v a . c o i e w . Wl i t h t h e t ra g o f g n l e d eo t e e ow r i dn se n dec hn o l - e s e v e s p s t e r s c oa n d r s ,m r i e dn o r d e nlEe nwe lt h e ar e e e rw a si n S lw a y s p re a c h e d m o r a lity , a n d th a t w h o se p a re n ts w e re Iris h a n d v* r e In re s p o n se to a re q u e s t fo r a l r i f e a , o e v r h o n g a s edf ea lt - c uped ew ifth th w r wn s n edge c e s ,o f r o m c o u t er o o ma n d um ri e rt a i n s h r e e e a v r e rV l v ' Ile always aimed to set worthy ex. not of the Protestant faith, one whose skietch of thle life and services ofi uation, ai( nd nmdIately the whole thle deputy overseer's devotion and sions, and persons of opposite sex workewas notc ofied t e eccles- 2i ople.for pure and alíright living. tarly associations and surroundings Generail Oversee(r Voliva smince is al wJlýork took on new life, and soon every qualifieations, adterproalfowetnsadetsdfrap r astialfed. H rized that aels a27airt Eitled to Prase From Ail. ere calcula.ted mildly to engneer lentre wlithIte church whichle i la ceweeh rahe a rueanoldeo h n tal andphsial ftclamexonly." , lie's ctivtiessacrdaitdeveopedsto The man who founded a new church "ild rejdices, one from whose mind inw tehaAr hoor ob'tlhaac h0aralvferesalet ht a oet i e- Doy1latctsl uofimlto aecomlSdhteadssols-uc Pobruary 22, 1896, a church having a Ithoste prejudices have been dismissed, general attore fZo n ea reahr fih ul ose wsthnflvdedeletnoromfr leao Logad itimatan siaio wthton hof tea. cie he iossa ow -te a wo ogh sxthusn wul av1bqtiposbl frhiftosha oributed1 the folloing. "T o 1 li- ud in ZGiool asthn lt.e entafder tnraln oreer oeLsofgHdIppocate soandalonus(l-tiveesty rmhs1iwon e w c t y o f v h o s n d a d D d m n t s w t h n t h p ll o f t h ei m o n t heo foth et hhri s t a n C h u r h a t V oiv a e t etZ i U

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