Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 11 Aug 1911, p. 5

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Il- 19~11. tm qui but an( we the' l J. LITRI Phone 25 t I. i i o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o I.,, Throe.Bsgge5 Rognar $du*, No. 746 WeC«. liigla gradc clordie. for leut tlian t lias to chia equal qua] f amous ( Ed. V Operte ti lielrmcnt j xîatcce,, empboy the o *i te o quanli#d brect wmxioorldquanttu cet] CalE m us tedayfer cacudi,.pro< bave us nmen Fefr. & @ mus at. e i J. B. MORSE LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. WE HAVE AN EXTI ne à Hoij l" Caréfu Economy Fruit Jars WHICH WE ARE CLOSING OUT AT COST, 1 QUART JARS 2 QUART JARS 95c PER DOZ. $1.15 PER DOZ. CORLETT & FREDERICKS Pbono 30 An UnusualI Investment lnvestmonts tirat will return 4 to 5 par cent are common, but once in a great wiile anuanutally gondo scernes alsrng wich bears Il goed pints. A guar.nteed ýrecipal and guarant«ei inteet c 7 par cent. ne feuadn pen, Gillette iafety rasr, te tauin munchine, piano play. ers, etc, are ail claisd under tihe i.d eofnuminal lnvestnients, yettlresr sane investtue v ent begging 5*theo t Had w. &U ily gtten in en the grogai floor at par valueiof tit stoclî we would ire ptting osrsoives en tire hack. W.e ffet yen toilay stocl jus as good as "aithtie airove et par. The Merditir Flower and VeusalIe CMipany et LirnstyvilleilMi, bas tir flnest pvopoitiea la Anrerica ted&y4oevMst an invetrenat. They sel Yen tiroir pvefered Stock ai *10.00perar*rseiwiic in i par wtir guara teed interest a 7 pet cent ammt5f, and tire stock will ield far ina&a van"of t tirse figures. la tire course of a fair years wiUl equal aT eoftht above stocks on tire market. W. bave 40,000 squszefeet of #hms andi our business la commn in ma fait tire we peetivey wM11not Lesable te f111 ire eiders woititout additiona buildings. For tIis reason we à!%"~ purchaseai sm acres ef land in hi i city eft Ubertyville, en witicir we are geingloeirild 100,000 squre feme glaisetiis coeing winter. Our business ta tire rulséag of Flowers, Plants, andi Vegetaisia, uode glas&. Abo Nursery tock and U§Wb&s.Ws went veY taiseWo= au Cil la n Uliois and Wisceailr t. wrr sock, la"li " Meineras.Fé fnrtrirlenuirton adarems i"7;e'Ideet, wv i U u " ar yeur lseris personaly or if yrn rdquaët. *W Spd a rspwomfta tlvise e - Ne is tire Ume te gel hnsy. Conrc-d sffl.,Wbm v-'are daieg.soeine Leieing. Fer refrmses addra.gam mw " lMLbirWtyOl. JL FL àtIltb, Prsdn niGe«"i aaer evdtrOW« et& VqetablCe Uberet'tyv Li. Evauston sili sPeak st tbe M. E. eburcir. IMAr. lSmithi lesvery intersetln)g speaker andi aleiîould plan ta irear hlm.9 Fred Parkburst waa last Tbursday taken quit. seriously Ilii sud Saturday eveung about elghi o'ctoetk Larson & Conrad'@s ambulance came ont f rom Waukexan andi couveyed Ar. Partiruret ta the MeAlister bospital sciere Le was later operated upon for appendicltis. At preet writlng ho to convalescing as rapily sasle possible under the ir- .smtatcese. B. unday atternoon a pry of yuung married people trom unr ity Pnipyed a -pienlc et Dlamonri Lake. Tire attsrnoou wan spet lu social intercourse sud Sgames ater wbicb the eveuingugncl sas Ispread under the ebade tres ito wb ail diri ample justice. Later lu tire 'j vsning tire entire party. tour boat loade, enîoysd a moonligrt ride un tire laki.. a One of thre mot iuteresting featurew o! the. day was tire bey rack ride from Rockefeller ta Dlamoud Lake sud returu w bien was appareutly greatly euîoysd * by aIl. t barvest picule aud dauce tor the boefit of St Patrick'F, churcir, Everett, à Ill ho beld on tire cburcb grounde STuesday atternoon aud evenlug, Aug. 15. aum, race, eresirmeuts aud supper. Mueby MDonâIdCblcago. Admission C 25c. Everybody luvited. -46-1' ka e Your Banki And account with i a sound, ably man ive institution, go -departinents by on] ad or practices and givir MI siderate attention custonrsalike. Ne I text DO*r te TThe Post Office - * 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Thie priiieeds from ail thre le reuui sari soda riater sold et Loi elle Drng WE WILI, EXAMINE storre onu Sturday. Aug. 12th, froru two tii six onlcIi are te go ta tire Lakeside tiret watch of yunre and tell you jiiet Cinetery Ae.sotiatpnu. Everyoue siruniriwbat ru recesary to be doue sud what it gise hinelf a treatl it ,Luvliem soda wrll cost tir put fitlu t,îuutaln Saturday atternoon aud tlics Perfect Runuurng Order help alonug a xsurthy cause. Tire ladies tirru you canileave itorunot, as you pîeae. ut tire assriiiation wili aloiîuld a in ail kinida of repair work, ce (Io nuly bukcry sale ofii ileilous home made cake,, the very beat work aud you ued have no pies, doiîghuiuts. balted beaus, etc., at te iretsitancy lu leaving the fluvît article lu, saine ie uensd piicqrui ou r care. Tire Meredith FIl-oWer & Vegetable Coi. A. ÎIUSS iras juetircivrîd a learg ssrtruerrit JWLE ex tra fine floiwerg and ternestor thetir new E LR s4how ironie thlat jea nearlng cumçletlon, Idbertyvile IEl whlch sillinrakaeone of the graudest ____ diepisys ever sien this aide of Chicrago. Tbe generai rManager, Mr. Mieredith, irasM n a juet returueri, havlurg ptrrceaed a large i i n a a stock thst wrll arrive as fast as tire 0 -j u c weather scîll Permit, iheir removal. Mr. O es i Su u Mee ithinrcirasd a large nunibe' t he Buodf plante tirat cut on the wbole sale to fi uid n market fruri $M to $12 eàcb, aud are for 1tire floral dieplay to b. 'made at our ofta urine iieuau."e t lhue ssrvsd comlug Cuunts FAIr. Don% fail lu vi sit as an anuirranrd et hîmn ua tire sirow boumse a their plant noar tirs straightlit ne and arvay, poss. old depot, aud biy aIl means don't luise ibiy. v froni tire mauy get ricb tire exhibit ut tire tafr; lwlll be worth quiet' etiremes wlri<c are se tire price of admission, as tireY wlll bave pientiful tuday and %çhl,'ir@o otten plante that have neyer betere been ecu mean ri ihe@ unlv for tiresmootb lu this part ufthe ticate. tongued prrumtars thereof. BT (ADDITIOAL 14W.UiONvesrmil)[N YOUIR HOME (AODTIOtL 4IC&6 O PAt > TOWN yuu are dealiug wltbvalues ýmg Business b this Bank 'is witlw naged and progwe*s- overened in ag i t* aly the. best balg ing careful and "on- Ste the needs WVaI ew accounts invited, 141k 0f LibertlII t Open tSatt4irgay veing acquainted-PeOI)le who amein- tercsted lu your welfare bLe- cauue your succees mneans the sueres ot others about yop, and cari lioast of the better place it wilire. Ail the lunîber we have In onr yards was purchased wlth the vfew of glvlng Our ciistomei'5 honest values, and wbien you de. Ilde to build we want to tell YOU moure about 0cr ructirnrds.- Tirere Ilas good derunuiIow for mediur size bouses. ' (et Lusy, have one ready for lu sais. fiee us. LibertyviIe Lumber Ca. PHONE 47 Down by te Old Depel. LÂAYETTE BOND mmi LIBERTYVILLE BRIEFS wsaOne of i iiertyvileit Most Beepected Citisens m keeýer .COQ L. ^NID PERSONAL. M N-riON Lafayette Bond. 01neof! Ubertyvilli.'s 1 Most hlgbly honored and respecteit To in aura publication ln thé Indepen- Ars. . hw Daton vlslted relatives at roidentt, was called upon Monday det 1oimatbi teofc eltrLietvleVla.evenlng, at elgirt o'clock to auswsr tii. âdvbr, aaé dent coy ut ei.te.ffc niitrIi. YMO"aY i9sýet rolcal] and cross tirs great divîde iôwà that tire béat In tha Tuesdayof esch week. Adver- Mise Heléo artru of Chicago, 15l.ta tot. other world wbere I. known no itatî ti resonble rc iléose specillIy. are aaked 10 taire tot Mr. %anira. John Bock aorrow or sutterng.j ou ul ayo dig particular notice io tua eaffect. Daniel Las tbf. week purchassd of A. Mir. Bond was botu near Farnierevilie, en imw ahdoy t oin W. Kaon a âne oaddie and drlvlng horss. Cattaragus Crunty, New York, Fêbruary singe.W.hanleaîyat Misé Lueii oule bas reeigned lier puasi- 5, 1844. Hs wrxs edcated ar Rushford Fifelt Groerles Robert LtwilIr spent Monday a titonattbesjoebbeini bakerysud restau. acadenry, RuebLord, N. 1. id s Our binoess lelarge Round Laite. ranI. WL.n stili a Young Mau b.ocreeWest, okeep tbeetock Marin«. i"hs ânette Mondée le eurpioyed at lire. E. H. Corlett and ltl, daugbter locatingast Fon du Lac, Wle, where he ins lnsnrlng freeh goods th. Abaidon Sboave spendlng tbis wîek wltir relatives la tanght sehool for oeverai years, anra rays ta Our CU@tQife?5, Mines Bvins Mndi.lneaniu e LWU. .erv.d sascity alderman. Il was wirile ble le one Impoftant Item f sn ieMytsBl !C.12au, . iseff Mark. Mattocks 01 Chicagoin living at Fou du Lac ne was married ou grocerelI. Mr. A. J. Blackler Of Evanston, le visitilng th,. Mises Blanche and Fvelvn Crsmsdyl h er17 uMe vlslting at the home of Fayette Butter- Triggs. Sarah Blunser. Mad. . . .iugtlj Amet o wu , n lu 1886 lbe urcved with hie family ta Miss Ada Nicholàs returned up.ayq rdig hs n ath ueg aln, êOuth Dakota and homesteaded a daim, fouatwowseke' viit with Tedaypeuda hî & tegei fMaei later. lu thé vear 18983, removing ito la Asti. Ars. . M Fuler peu a ew dys aatLibertyvile township and I urehrtslng a la Asti. 1 rs..M.uliepeuafewayoastfar. nortirwemt of thie City where they Waleu Lyieaudfaril seuta: week witlr ber nieter, tirs . MN. Wibtt.ers made their home util 1904 when thsy wekwt r yiesprnsa tmillingtou, Ii.muved tu Libertyvile crs, tiug a fine P o e3Berrlngton. Les Whitney and se u 'rjuyed a few remideuce ou tvirteonr treet. ise Edltb Correlte of Chicago Musical days' sojourui at Niagara Falîs, N. Y. t was whrle living u tire arin rrorth- College laculty spent last wel. with last week and thîs. wee4t roftins city tire faruily wae r'alled Misn Car'rle Obard. Miss Gertrude Quentîi la actinrg at upon to part viti tirs vide and murther, -Thes MissesCara, Loiuse aud Graue bookkeepet aait i lronids duricg tirs Mn. Bond iraviug died in 18M91. "ep of Chicago. are vistiug rt the houme absence of Mien Crolir. Mr. Bond was proincut runîpublic' lite, of Bd. Chariot llorbricli surtireri au indieposi. having servei eutinuously arr amsesor Captain Wilson ut Chicagu, anu cdlim re tion the fore part of ti,.- uet because of ot Libertyville townshipsmince 189l1 with reieu ! ieryîlrwasvilri u lgb tac1!rîuetire exception orf two yeare, and it eau frlends bers thi@ week. Mro. (JeOrge Býi,e andrîîu Mre. Ireue trutltiybsadhtlrersre a M Mni. Fred Luecirer aud mon Freidie Grrmoldby of Rourid )lut., wcre guets neyer servi-il ly a lmore lîuuet and bave returned tiu Milwaukee rit,-r a ut tire Litwller Loir, t . Fi ive.cncidru!ou rhpubli s, iia.lanWrte week's vsit run ov iity, M i8msMabel'Kn,, uu \ u gr)liter Edira utf irri.-, SMontana, arnd Clarence andi mn I)eIi(~r MiosesMtay Srh.uie Mar y hMvlIuu arespendlng se. ai.lý in Racinle, tlrbert (All.prtvvilc. and aue girl, M ane v r fre epending this weel wî1t11r frîvîd, aLidr., with relativ-r. ai !frinîde. fBrsie of ,iirirtyvr'lle. are , Wlt tori rouru bankakee and Mlwiut.-.ise Elvirasiu ..arî.nd lmira tihe deuil, of a kind aud indulgent fat4er. tailored-to-order Miss Ruby Litsxrlp-r rrttirned I ridu 1 Broum re3urned lasti ss,,1 frurru ieKalb, Bemides tirese one minter, Mr8. Rachiel eveiugfîo awevke sitl iehr t where thé,? bave brîrrtîrig a six weeke' Frazier ut western Peirrryicarnia andi -30 to 50 per cnt brother, James Litwilcr, Iii Chicago. 1 normal course, une bruther, E. M. Bornd ut W ite Woduediy Mrs. H It Egcr leit tir a Rari Butterfielrl u iiII Andrews of Plins. ,N. Y.,survive. he average tailor monthâ visit with relativeurîi inurIe l Sprngfield, accompawluIii ily M ies Tiretfuerai wu@ irclulWcdrresday frurni A rg fra0u.ç at Barabou. Wr., and St. al'u fni,.' 1 Bulougb, vlslted i ir Suirriav wiîb tire home un Division street. iiev. xg o lte f J. E. Mredth and Fis florrt, Mir. Libertyvile relatrue 'eVan de Vrve otltiiatiug, lutermeinttiing litysr because oui- Otto, spent a day luis wcki-t irpcctiug Last Sunday R Il.3tctnaebele anri marinl Lakeside emetery. the Wittboid, Reuberg alni otlicr grefe aily and Roy Ulîruari)erlrin visiteil Zlicago tailors, bonnse. wîtLtirn. Scbusstrel&e iprents! tir, sud Tbistle Notice. Mise Elvira Mundes iras retururd f rom Aire. Jacob Llnk, st Palatine. Notice in bersby given tir highway WiKaib wbsre sire Las trieu atteudrng tir, sud Mis. -Rn! ir Tîrayer bave r,- commiselioners ut the torwnship o 1 @Umerwhol. ho as eenenggedLibertyville to cleair up their districts, Price &9 Co. ' ~ sho.Seia eueggdtnrned ta tireir heirnieru<sawatomie, rarîroade ta dlea n us tirurirgbt.ot.ways, <« tu teach the Gimer sciroinitire coMiug Kano,,, altier an exteudsd vit with tarmers to clean up tirsir tacms sud ~ l-get ot~l- yar.relatives la and *round L bertyvîlle. property owuere lu the villagea of 6co.A.Wrlaresgaetpueteri Mie. iea udLilaYJaksn tLibertyville and [Rockrefeller toçcleanunp - of iti k~~d6. îio.Ag Wgtheir a went os Tyr. ase Jaci@" souvll. .are ireiga artonof their lots of Canada thisties before tb.y of it kind ;n though heir gent oss Tylor a jakeonvlle, li., regopnta sa edr as oItshaledses1 tirl te the th aw l l Cln-5 .opjoives çusseuger touriug their eum»r vacation, viiting their fuiliy observed. tc.-lW utters car, the price. uliy equippcd reig ntte sanuot, Mr. sud Mrn. C. W. cnd IiteDErNis LreBaay, Canada thitle mmissloner ofth bear ~ * 200.0O. ther bois his cekStout. H niJ .ftfodo town o! Libertyvilie, Lake (touty, lit. hi o "Mr. audAMre& L. M. Roweuof Wapato, I)r. and lm.J.F. Kozlowki ofCiricago- 894!f fri i.~ 1~ Waab., returned ta _____hme________adG.H._adJ.W._Saffodo f = te m s. airer travina erent a week Nith Mr. hretn Wet Virgi"i, are viglting off. ca ca s and RBowe's parents,.I 'ev. sud Mn.. J. B at irei, home otfAr. ad ri ir. Aaron aaile masFoyentwntit Macquifiri. be. ivtaffo id. co D)r. C. lSerman, uptician, ili beolun tMr. and Mr&. L. i. Bryant are enter- & CO Librtyvlle ieitSaturday st the tainnng Mi- BryanV la' iter. tirs. E. B. Everthin ForMen Newveaat.i hotel. Ail tirose deirlug Harden of (Genee, Idaho, anrdtire. e..veriesng or enoptical work doue wili find the ductor lîry9t truther, Mr. Edw. Bîckier of ________________________at tire Iotef auy tme duriug tire alter- Bentui Harrlur, Hicir. uou.Mish rueeCroker, Mbookîeer lu esvr Tir e tiodiet cougregation willlgo 10 Viairýiide grocery and mek t.,iîy FIfK ~ rPL Y' tire prebyterian vcurch ou Sunday 1iug a two sceeke vacation whtrb sire is R U P Y muruîug sud lu thre evenlng st 7.,30 ependiug -a li lher parent. r u ie - n .rffl G .-piSm~titho teY M .A. et JolinCrokr et Lancaster. WÇ-. rT'S A SIGN 0P WISDOM Io bc thinking of owning sonet estate, 1<15 wisdoileif o a«t the thought, If you ne in «eM about bWnicg yaur ownho can help you, Drop in. nidt mattm sover. We ha" e at propeionss <bat Meta good for those who take <hem tOP net YOUI ce In Luce Schnaebele & Wheeler Rami Et & Imnumn fekr 0 Bidg. Phote la ~ires~ YOtTR BUTY Will need Its PHOTO& t#I new the searmn waalb.r ie ho Both large andornal ixtu' PHOTOS we can show "ae Lew prices. W. haves just racahlvd aml.* of pictuce frame m-k0*dIrW chu frams yeur picurés on esi notice. BESWJC'S STUDIO LIBEIMIYVLE Some Late Nove1ties' lepr e a f ahon stowawd the »o titis ides, very pretily woike<l oun mIed »prends, sheets and piilow cases. Thtis style of finis costa but little more tItan a plain hemn on au article of equel quality but adds wonderfully tuo ie spamac mi19 xinich sheetq, scalloped erigu ieavily worked, pries oach ............................. .......... .0 Cases to inatdîI, 45 inich widthm, ai........... e Olur new stock of ladies' fali uuderwear buai arrived *ad cenrtaines marry excellent values in severai styles ~~ Ilosiery is becoming ocre of our mnost prorainent linos mndý w. çan offer ail weights and descriptiong of stockIi at vrrry attractivo prios; our 29 1-2o lino as our ei , and we seIl elu 3 for........................... lab Bargains in Lades' Low Shoen at our North Store W. W. CARLL& 50'14" [RY IILT ÀAYS. o '4 c S ER VI C We make it a point that every butiness> transaction with our patrons shall b. satWs- factory. We want each one to feeh thatfthey arg' free to, corne to, us in ail mtatters wIhere 0oW. experieike and advice wilI be of value and suistance. When we speak of the "Service" renderoil to ciastorners we mean the best service, ail that you reasonably expect frorn your bank. Our service includes a hundred and ane ili. details ail of wliich go ta make of aur patrons, "satisfied custorners." If you have had no business with this banc, we f ..I confident you will appreciate the. Service we can render. LAKE ,O-UNTY NATION ALB AN K 1

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