4.AXU'STRPNO D~L a, ubu -Sf a c, O.rTOam a ttin 550 i&*II& atudt voit it Inestiti.S uteai Mmé ibes hé-b lins lt ,e. Belt.- J. AiMMT«UNU IJIIEXIIL Â"L 118 LiO MONOS'LAI4EL records etahillhed toda tisue thret-a. Ia1 Ibait Dut got tdisse uew plaDs become leaà grisaI mesaure Interde- lu Uine te test theur out anti beoomo vendent sud Inseparable. t1inesu by' accugtoef ta ti ait-ais.. tit lthat wheu eausan's bhimberumesi tls-.d hebisodty bocouses tlredti wlt l, De2r0slied by the. StriA. andt 11a ben his nerves are abattes-- Tie mental anti narvonsas- etrano et bis body and ht-aiuigive way fou. tis digitî wfa totalty dmisllg Duutlng the triais lu dis Gordon There waa net a moment of certateity Bëefti -Soace e ernuttPark lu 1>. excspt tise certain» of itemoîl- meel, neas- New Yort, ]et Otuhir. liton If 1 relaOxe my vigilance for su bai bai bull> for my Bisi-luf a sperial litant, sud wth ibis thougit> uppes-- set ut raciug wIng%, Tlîy si-ue the naval It aras ouiy naturel diat diere -imaîlest surfacesst> was p"8imasîlt u lttilit hia reflex action that buS lis fIy Wkh eaveu s> the maximum apeeti. Phytiue iii sict. anti 1 fiiundimyself and ware matie wth as litie spagrss.9iug MY steesieg Post wtis sOrta tfrous dp teu hp anwn s bsluteiy nlec itelý5un ihat It hecama paintul >0 the easary. n0of bat filese shouiti bu thse inger tilsa. amalat ront-elvslsle isaud resistance I> aras lIte Ierante lufy ail oves- Whaxa the machine aras in motion. agalu, sud t was the sole represeuta- On fthe day wben lb, Gordon Bennetti Uve.ity native country la the gre>t trias tok lac 1 ad ad hes Utl set cumpetiduon lu the hlsfory of avia- fs-alatou plce ha hat tlea 1111ioln. MIy position tallât have ats-uck ,wlngs ptîon. I buti navet- tiowu wthltb as pathetîr hnd 1> nu> been no dan- tbew. tint I kuew t aIlIfwouid hi use-<tus ts wlfb the regulaflon size wtngs > o hmecrttsue becus try to compte egaluat the twa 1<10Forg >titat srutuhbo aeo uase. i1e borsepoarar englues tbat vrere enlamed w*dt oqe tadt aea bacause mie a a ly a f5f> y huei1eit oq lsdf asa powe. S 1 ad t trst o luk tfitguounaa shewiug lu the meant as pail- puaes- hoI hd l trst 0 li-ttttt le Then i fet the strain begia te ev.rytblng arould go çgb> tell on my net-aes. 1 tounti uy*MU The ûreatet Dulger Iu F]ying. %YarPting aren Ibere waa no iised for lu fiylng, rau aerouinnthebgietes> IL My arma junapefi tise teertg pst daner mesfren te cnstnt uu4abouî ut nawamy that tdAllate.ed de- sanco iemac r he costpoartteuoi e tstu, aud 1 tannithl.eltriot enyofte nhvas tpovrhoe butklag wbau abe vas on Lancaen *esie or lse otherA guatt fwmnd, ~~e novement of the a-Iitarabody -au>- Agaîn t veuf arounuithe .course, tblng anti svetythlng tends tu tbruw it hurtlmg tfbmungithtIe air a> a speeti off Ita balance. soit tae minute I î be- titat aroulit bave teft nothItna but aptil- glusltl tp dowuaariton onueale If tesaIr I bati aurk the grounti. anti muâtfbchi ngbed. agalu the strain ofut tose unfailar JTere ai-e twa ways ut dlugf tIla. and csntunkerous Ilttîs stingé inctes- A msechauism le pt-uvidetiby wtuelbed ia ievfil ufeets upon usllsna. body Madt th est-er dgeaofthtiseantis t the nervas.Soon 1 tount usy bsai-sdsbâo- ~Ipaes cau be pulleti dowu a- taw lufeiy retnaing te wat-t, My iuVeas juches, thugs offerlusi un tLsiée irhere Jumping lite mait aind uy as-usý,e, awti- tiI.dapressing or. "warpLntulonc dams, legs sud itack ahoitu atittugis a graler impact agaluat the uair sud 1 boniisWu heten wf±b # clUb. z, 'couscatent iy develoIaIR a gi-saler lift- lOlusly 1 came lIewp .tisorouWy ;WS. puwat- Wbeu ite rlgbt wng lntireti onttlu ytoült*l4tmi or -pu' uplIe4 ewua a 4-p tlU " towal t hL. p . I1.-he Physical Strainof Flight Mopsiglu, sI. by Hesnry M. Neeli'. etige IL mates 1he machine t-laion tua> C=p ,tgi> L.Us-etatBrifatu anti Canadaî aide, andthdi inchaniensaet tiesane Ail s-laissaries-pulls Op te roux dge of tise left 'MÀN bas Inventeit notlag plane, thus lesseaing tte IipactOu >t t*t loouk&sosgracaf: u' anti Ia sItead caiu.g It tu faL IL la aoueasy as an asi-opîsosLtu itis way I bat te aviatot- contZtis 8101L. SkLmmlug overheat, is hebalanc-e, waping bis wtugs an ho wift ht-est, ontgtretcbad alugin anti dupaeuneway or dis othîst-asd keeping Witbnose ffort apparent lu so)y psrt tusasîf un au even keel, Atter ha hue ib tas- nuft e boltirs rau sse, the 1 hecunie tf hrOugbly expis-leued be aviatr siting c l bu is #st eat eu- isarus fa balance without warping on- I&WI t4 »>e115< ut auoy s4r ornlnary conditioeta.for It bas been tail, eugisttitilbutenjyig bIi touuid that touriug ftha machins towurd 's sii hsmodem nair ctatt oat u h file blgb aide btnus l agaln u th e the Yvusy cmetfcomtumt, o!las", ut bu-izontal. Thin hatuses fthe wat-Pttn *asbllStou. dei-ks only lu emursiaurias,. rat a tow bhumsIs lue air lu au ses-o- Oun 4Is dsiy t Beliunt parkthdi ptla. le the bardes> day'e wort tw inti arasn asty sud gusty, undi i was &Dy cmsMDcu . -lantrouble at tse vis-y tart. The ex- Wba: là thota'. item-ou*)0 t LWbsa r.mely amali breadtb ofthtesaplanas, I la ther oraua lator tu du or f00en- tonna, aveme atelynu ot dus-e tlit a 111ld4 ak t compes-able ,.,nWaIsupport, anti, Ibougis1 i tp te labos- Tise man who races an au- 0tà,riag tii-t lu oueaide anti then lu toiilhdskua o s otilug ot ths à'bs odier as te machine careeneti »SteL B ut hobu sS 0117 ue Mslo4 *M ~daagerouzly. i tasun tbal tisia et stelus tuesangUabiattention U$V e mettait of rlgbting uMY bMRan esésude hbs mchinete rlght Or 1851 wttild nut suffira. 1I boitutakeeit Vamp- AUd tb> at Il tdure Io to Il. Tb@I&e ig ry wlugB tu theit- utbust ldm1>. ealter must ronslatsty b. in conts-olOU ntetfor une murnu tit titis ne- of tirs. eLà oft ppliratus.sand a nu- cé"ety cease.. Imentoi7 nogie 0utatiY un#eOfthetisa luhfis "a-n laps or the course that tht., ususu wreck. Be muât Steer tip 1 matie I caunut t.l1 ho-w maoy timsa aud dowu, tu igisl or eft>, sud mua> 1 fait tist i waa turmng uver lu tbhs kuep bIs horizeontlbalance linfte ais-- su. Aimosl muniuentas-Iy t feît se Tisniexina~ s ~ ~ thoutisIMuât go crasbing tu te Titrs Kids f Obin n M bat.grounti hiloar. for try as I tii 1 coult ltosigblY, thei.alauoet 8ylng aube' tt rtsu iran balanre unte lits diridut tto Ihie intia-Ibe physîcai l, ueo fofr aoly isugtb ut <me. te mental sunthie nes-vues. Witb i t wîs e toially uew expet-ise tor usen wke ettemps te breask "y c ltsme, at 1 regret ted more then trac. 15qg w Ilto 8, Inclusive, anad It la promlsed or sny, part -t~tueW lbwé , ~USP*j3< that extr a added attractions, 'sabîbits. but on@ prteMlUM. Uttý 4A~i I!~ J tY prime, arrangements for cure of the toa târt. <~peopleAIJ rairail facilitles, and ail Amerlean Trotting ausSonlou e flylou osni.pmee t pitysicel ab," V -J UYIFURRose thînes ahich go tu maite ni) a tu govern. The o gowI&afo endurance re-.l'!a 19wî igtirne a iii i, ýgrater saddiigger i.tîanee teet of 5 per cent 01 puasui qo l for417~..-,. FADÇDDII I~Ifl 111W that e t and an addltIonai à per gent #Aucted orth are subjtý,% ta, thIs, sud thuof g aaE~ PVJ11Ihi4, LYV b Us Who bAV* màÔe c»ljbig for heigbt IAs. ît'iai tiih i- r ra nd th, trSn l iimoney wirmers. IL tpecâlty knOu' lbhe terroirs of piysi- -horse qho s ii i, > a.titaitl of Partes dlvlded 50,25, 15 and 10 q cal fatigue whK-s ta purely muacular, irr n l iifn but Which han thei Mental and nerv: Ms. EBien Jenkins, 175 #Morth8poeod Program and Ris nih I,, d'&>jli'l ouseleeitaàedta L 1RW S, ielonge] udaid. . 1-1*#ît, At 11 ac One hurse may be entereal in to oui~~ slmctade eIutriek *jeClebrat- Show That Somisthing Gin- tions 3than Vý -î.r otr.- u,iriarra. i ,- aveqand be held for but aone etas etrula of Elidurime Flights .rhaygr u oigmentuta ýa frý,nj rrt t > twomo tre inmore than on. so 1 have'se04È mon crwl down rn a fha er sCoigtous. ,t osqfrolmnthe saineut", tbeir marqpl4u* *aier a long f51gb: and The speed îrovraui and1 the i>î;,, tfla> - nominated In one race upolli fave Sénbf to-ha e ardsh u n a i a onIQontwIr xr de trcin the racing meut pavkilîf-t of otne eutry. them a ýsAke anale Incongrtula WasBorninQeensown, re- xdraProe Attactios mi SphorPrgeam NoIiebbageaWn dho moldmo titaho tion for aïnotewortlteat. Ant i bavef land Ion a - ra Crowds tu The Mid- WVednesday, Sept ."> --, tir t nioney seen itehanddroputi t ous, fr iIilptrae $400; :!2S trot, purse $4p,,17 Usiai eather snd renrvatioij could not respond ta the graup thet W 855ir g way or Pike frelt, pur-,e -iti nnniny îîrni"Laie--intu 9Mdsia . wl. given IL. Tiere waà nu lite lu __________f___ ad era 1> Ibngliu. netpwele 14n mile and repeat, purse $151 Reeords made, ater August ltàdç sM feelajSsIYomthefatiue o elThursdaîý, Sept. 7: 213 pare, pis ~ ,bar tu plirse races. teeluiesfro ~ie at'ueo 1 88- 8sdeS AimotlirectlY AcroiseFair Officiais Rush Arrange- $400'3n trt, purs 3400ta "He. B e plng a lever wth lttle or nu change t1 li Ami) ortrotCnt Evnt esûft, > uto>î e, ntoc, i ofposiu-on for go long a tdine. I Stref l$s ri A monts fooi onyEe tId pace, no enfry et purse ýi, liYt endurance dlgbtesuscb as tbose r tas l re-for ali trot, pure $40u;rriunnu [iiiintuitîg race entance tee of 6 purý made for the >MliIn tropby Ilsudl etMnh ipire$5 eftt ,«m)ai nradtosjS a'rave, 1tmlte dash, pîs 10 ' . i -ioiaî nradtoa prias kre fia"» over goud courseA _______ _________ FrIdav, Sept 8: 222 pace, pîîrsepePpr cent of Purse deducted from *t1u clealy srkd b pyensor ost, sd1 j ~$401), 2 tt trot, purse $400; ree-tor ne'* Entrieg close et 6 p. m. day bo- auinckt nvarlsbiy aoier goed grou-d Fjve Gnratios are NOW Liv' an ao eArneTas atpr ire80 heya-l fore race.\lNiney dlsided 50,-26, 16 tbat provide sae iandlng places t Pisa-a Arne rn-il, ae usu$0;the-ero d i sny us. luthl ~ her ~ ,~ ~. f ing ~~1 s Thm Rght portaton and Facilities fer to,> îîr1e, us 200; un _an 011per cent of purse. Par furtimu ui îe a hswy tberen sIt-al ' ! g Crowds tughtIronnt'r y i211e sudrea. pusprtuasadrs Ja BMr, Use as Possile et nervouz and mental 1 Hanitln SclîbeartyiB.le, li ttrtin. OtberWhae sorcb fligts as thjtbs 0Ti iyWnln rwd iifý,1- ul n et,us Se.,Lieryvll, l ofHn Fra.Who stayed up over I_________ Conditions for Races. ten r oulti hiImpassible. WPb*ntIieee long fllgt are madie îProm W*eaeday's SUN.) iFrom Wedue-idays - SUN i hutraîîîu tiust bu made in accord. ilfppnese In £mploirm.nt arase cou»trY the nerve and mdnc. n- Saima fair" la what the people of aneswlttbthe ruleti ot the Arnerican Thetu W. pr P1, 0 foo lb, tfOOla $or lt the equstion agaloat the man. Her Ile rusoitîfla sy yeasrali- Lake sud surrounding coutttier are figo ltn tunal Ail races muet b*wUro0ùId& alt, a i e, SA u lie1*1ais.11,u10veu anti Probably brokan coidthe alkMthtires score andto tn, loig t e t i a bertyville, the annuellhi, In mile huai best îhree lu Ilve lin J ~ ~i W Crtt1u lana ÙUtfl fur a qulck decent if suy- lIit Ellan Jeâ*bli, 17 5 Nort b Butrick1 Lakte Couaty Agrlultural show, sept.f barnestI. A horst dlsaaclng tbe field aýk« tlbla g'" wrong, aud he frequeutly at reet, celertotd a few weeks ago. ____________ Mmis akrcussountry that lenutfamilar ber iO2nd brtef9' lu a quiet manlier, j -è _ I I -- ta lS. and that keeps hlm lu s mentalbe aytrsissu relatives bers. uuere@rUi f t i dtayrea dtl 0tereydclln à dgrfrtgncogatue ____t_____________________________a_______________________________ the physlIcal fatigue bus han tu sufer. lat Ions on thse day. T1h. Orotet Strain of AIL. tonslderlng the tact that %Ira. Jeu- 1'he eof ns Wbo are toulib euough kîflo bas wtciSudthe yeara pose user ta climb for heigbt have ail of fbese lier heati for over s century, site lesa u d y s h ea t >j. toreus l*utely muitiplled. and. stîli lu remarbablu possession uft berý afl tu theus, We tacs conditions that fartliles and as. a rule lu tain>y goût] are SCIÉ met wth lu the ordinary iîat. osdering ber age. She wasi w ostcoer tathe grSustiborn lu Queeustiau.itireiand. lu 1809,;0 u G~ ê TOImontutjspe lbe traîn of altitude coming ta Amerlea lun 1849. But a few cliltbng ppeîa e b ony smaleryears alter ber coing tu flils colin- ot esdurng the rarefle a ir met witb a cpe16Of Ues sove the sertis butt rY. site witb ber haad, removed to lte big torture crmes wth the eucldien thîs clty, 55 yefl age, movlng loto the descet-wkth the raplct change uf saine bouse wblith Mrs. lenkî:nes slil - preusures ns we drap a tboussod fent occuPies> 7M1W aminute or more-sud titis la ldeed a ____________ tortu. long tu be remembered. Hat Stter 92 Years of Aue. t 9q i Iu the sarI, days ot My altitude Neariv dlreetly acrusfihe street in elmblng, w-bsn 1 set the wordsà rec- fira"' %ra. JeatWa, lIves ber Slter, W h is 5 tu eo o s ord et Lannrk Sctliand. 1 kept Ilgb>- Nira. Amels Tyrreli. 92 years of age, lug for each extra inchase long Rai sd procnislng. ne for as; heaith Io coný there was aoy eahength or endutrance erned 10 reacit. Il net pase the age u tL e O rO r ieft lunume. 1 truggled et the top un- mark set by ber Sitter, %ira. Jeukins. 'And remember that hundreds of bargins rnitpÀ III it was nuisea t struggle sny long- The busauti of Mme- Jenkins dled 32o e a h al tl er udten- wlfh a' my streugth vears aga, lu the home ou Butrlck st',' Aw tell ack taeaertb witb my seropiane etîreet. hotables, esciled at tat f lins LLehtintqq=tiW poînteit ansarply toward the eartb as ihe age ut 84 yeas. Neyer lit a daY on ou aJsaw ug gr tyrv ucQ fl 'p y safety woulct SHOW, lu bis entîre Ilet, ho lay dowu ans o morning fer a uap and neeor awoke. 4s" fr NI F na 1 cae don Ilie athaneýýi. utof ira. Jonkins, ther. are ovee genera de th esef eantsprsur esJtions represented Inluthe group. seven wa7- -.. to change rapily vîit my enterlngc ide.51gncbdr,47ratcadsat le Jtat besyler andbeier ~etraof blidru75e13gvaluchesrenn47 reat and 1 hegan f0 feel pains lu My isnd graudrbiiliren and two gfreat-great- etOSf........... anti se-s. These pais got wcnnhs Wit grandcilidreu. naklng a total of 110. every second et the deaeansd wben colntlug \Ira. Jeukins. Ia waa wltblnhsillsg distance of0be Hat Watched the Cty GrIn te estire esrtb 1 tait as titougll sousthlng lu aide my iteetiwouid snreiy hurst l ~T bruI h ue afcetr WashbD»Bses 1.48 Lad es _waisanc o the awtul tightening about my a" ber msiduruce lit Iaukuasu n rs. Jen and temspls. t mauaprecIige no-w kins bsoaîirawn la hêr aide t p i A beautiful selection of Whied wsh silk #alote elôth ,4fw~N~d the tortures auffered hy meievai soir- tnleuda. whonî she baseW.on hy ber styles at this prit-e, eni- ad ainysuîms at tyl, wlpawnu 'nd tyrs who hait banda of trou graduailly mny sterling qualles anti quaint baindaleiu $, nctuina s8leee,em indpai tlgbtoiusd ahout titeir heatis, The r«e- bumurIlii scarcely a week lu ber en- baigvle pt 4 ek ioasevim n cilecdunut ofhat deecent et Lanarkt tire Ilite of 10i2 yeara. ber ,lit, bas been made ot exceptionally broidered, and some ti»i- an4 maltes me sympathise wltb tea po lied witb stoushine, and tis site bas fine gingliam n d lawn, ined with linen lae,uvl- trini t Pîdelphalsyovme. attempted 14) apreadt teajilothirs wbo priced for Satur- ues as high a $2,pejal Mors titan 8,00 test. bigisor ut h as-e beet> brougltit l>t, eoseact wllli day at.......... sal price .... for e lauark sud 1 teslfanter oun y de-ber acout to sartit. bot whIlie mi sUff~Ng~iîy remarkahie talon of the esrlî i wes- itens. tbey wea eat so guat Rndays Of! Wsukegan c»aiid'dranp train :hf in 8cotland, for 1 bad beautod os reilips Teiand ontibroe ~ K J1~o 'a~f t metitod, et counterlwtlng tise lucr.esln la situateti was obtasneG-tsOpa a grant E 8 U T WW prueureê andi used t> wth gret SUC' by the gui umument, sud Wîukegau, SI.hIwmsDrse hIuw siigg e cons. I bad shortly betore Ibis bain fli lime shu removed t intis citY. Ildo sDrse tsiklug ta MdIfusB. Hesrmon about M deI go sous.~ ~ ~ ~~a etbslsîojgepaecs~~ but aîî vllig. and ub leli qi.aliy ginghamis and percales, ditl r$re ~lhi~ k"o nehiiss If ho.land lever sufee changes trîîm that village tu the pros- ages to 14 yearti, valu~es froti f . 14yagam tefats1a --. , buil agrapid descentesa n i d a s- perous manutactaitg ty.wblcla It la $10) 1$504RundUpprt-eU7 am 20, ti p *rit. niov- bave beeit watched -wlth keen- $.0ad*2.0 ' à.. **l «1 irte frequeutly lu my iarly est interesi hi: ibis woman, Wanke day.," saiti Barmun, "but Captsla gan's oldest resideut. 113ldwiu toiti me a way tu avolit L "SgWaiow-swsilow constautiy.," sai if Nitra. Jeukinil weme to vilut t-hi i a o inUp <j Ra-mn cg ld>,whta bng oun RED CROSS 1 OX- RED CR0SS SMOES- CHILDREI'5S LI1P. HQLLAND SbI4QE- Bu n Is longruate clu gtieber aia Coma'ud te tha FORDS AND PUMPS A fuw hi-okun luts-1n PERS AND PUMPS - ôt o - W - e Bo on this ploge AIlmlteetheuds sudetuit k i g asucnutsesudo nhvcl'd dpatentliud steve Piladelphie, wissn my nerves cit3 wiueîîtii-st she ia5w.t. J»SOy yearis - Ail atrn îsta,( patentkid, ¶ime $4an gn ve alukd atetand $3,0l a ine.. .lmab.1i~ were sactait to places aud my physi- ago Th,' ix carl coul Il be replaced tls tais7s atn ele,$.0 gnmea1lahr,2 $.04 c5l4um15l8i wereuttes-ly woOuot, 1bv the trolley cars, e@vat*d rflioads, $3.54) aud $4.ti0 salues asfci fr 'atuniay stap anid lacs styles, 6,Sta pscially palonO oudty :1101gb> of titis acheme wbiasu aee' claeptidhyl.blclîaal26, vlues to et' fte pressi-e becasue paisful on My adpair Oipiiid y obl cli w.6 418 a ....Pair .... estr, ad te rlletwu mmese. der angines. The tailow pi, ihlch I ai1.....para et tlt orelIn hejs r foi-ter yeams. sideti amitions atu- Efot0' 8Bos . dents to suive probleuse oY lutrlcacy, k.k Aix altitude f51gb> otftiIS kItitidose ls reîîiaüed by lbe Incaudesce-ntla u i yýa4ý Dot lst long arcording tea h to ligth, which ls igted by the mure FOOTED SHERBET PLATE RACK-34 In- jAROINEREs - Mat.ie- * RRY T-ol5t the. watcb. it aeems ases, but My pressing of a billion on the Wall. GLASSES - it h cr i slog, ion nfin et bamnmered bransa. $»g of 8 incht 11Wl barMph record fur usy itigiest cllmb. Shet-utie ~conquest et the' star or needie etchintac .madeofsod inakif, anilite.witb test 6. four lphauit o.tfist, ahowed chat l oot me js>- desigi t, Cst r o uai-c regutisi 48IL abonttty minutes te reach the amaxi- u.ne yîgitiaogtecois ea it ......OC "lul. for00per gt.... cn iF per as>S ie 4 UI AS Ic Mins 1ltude. 1> couiti net havettan a>ilhe latte fronît, a t1liiug oJalEmeL L YMOILDS bv28,REnS ce 4 SIT ASE 4loc more tg oro fl iute s tade-i~mapssibe In the tiys pben fNirs. f o etr ile a selunitrame, covemeni SUGAR AND CftRAM- ant.but my plongewaa s auratitiJenkîns irai visitud titis Ceumntry. Tatl labe] te lut. iassortui etsguItane i iin I toi, littuhrde wtbshrt chRIa netiy - te i utcould nuit flow tant enougb steel contsructed buildings, semiiug moulds lu a s-tloblong giitrnited cotera. egula folui. eular sha t i.a, nugulas- qRa tsor tetyottiets-mat>s--tipierre te vemy IHetens bitte e ansd mu îîuîd sIedconrs eglr vautglr oula cordd sa I cannet tell exsctty. p-ei h ut h iha tfps, carse in-mCett. .LJ. 8C $.l elr ~ se i placet]ithetbae. the nofai . .....fi-.m tiitlefat nthetotl d tifrnt frumbie tandem the rOunlu IDthe suh _____________________________ strtaio of,.juch work can hoi imaginuit mobiles wbizz fiasl ou Street, pavuti wit sIasy tisai starteni lu fineu coutil- witit theharduesa of Cotienet walsrg, tion, tresb aud teesliug treug andequal aletr ilgbs serve toJihiOe awa>'tis1My, pue moleS ta anytiing, yet wsi-bauIludetilntsIdm bîosout a~es taif mate outpextra ch c c, c