Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 18 Aug 1911, p. 9

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-e i INDEPEINDENT ( VVIi. .A............1 DpADirgr 5Wf WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN Tv 1I,'"A I , rniki uMilt'flTfk PAGES. 01.50 PfPR FAR INADVANCE. STI5!ETS 0F CITY TO BURE14 NUUMD, NEW WARJS T BE CItATED 'BY COUNCIL Five Wards Now Exlstlng Unneccssary Wlth Go- Ing Out of Party Rule in City Affairs, and City WUi be Redistricted, StreetsConfusinil wlth Duplicate and Wrong Mouse Numbers . . + COUNTV NEWS. + , Charles Thayer yeterdlay iresptit. e'd Sécretary Robert. Ingalls o! ilit, hil"torical aocltY villi an olt roir i, the torm of as atbecrlption book of t- Laite and Ntelienry County t'lauik Itoati assocIation dateti Dec. 4. 184!t The ouly oneo f the suliacnîbers to tht- proiect yet lviyjia la S. S. Greenleaf. Wtb more than 4500 complairîtiot tax payera yet to ht-ar lieo board if revie'w. uow lu sessiontiaIt t- coulrt honse wlll lie rualied riglit op to1 tht- closlng hours o! tie asat day, T!o complaInts do net give tne apLoaraiiîe fliat lie Wanlcegan assessment lias beeu reduceti anti as a malter of tact . Flrom WedneedaY»s SUN.) attention t th articles ofthte navy tt bst ee WIMth le llgtlng pWblem, the ta, regulations andtet an' ordor of Sept. Secretary B. Rl. Burrouîghs and Pis Woy pzzle, andth le Ors department 15 1909, relaUIng te tlie proler obser- a uevsrFakD hpo h row out of the vay, !t la extremely vance ofthteiSabbah day ho the naval ttcalprvIsrfanitrDati of iha ikaly that tie mayor anti commission- service. By the terres of thia ord..r atateeboate ir! admInIsrt1Ion ha,- s. os vll, aflter neaI itiay. taire up ship anti crew inspections are tilacon- anyoceislie frthwekrf. of th- iiir nome newer anti as ueceesary tlnued on Sunday and no vonkite aayo iIafrleialooo i changee &bout thse city, anti t la a li, doue tiat dees nt appear teo homspecîna the- proposeti ilos toc tut- pretty ae bel that two of them vwili necessary fur tie efilcleucy ot the ser- nwsae$,10,0 naehRia be titi edstricting of tie city into virle. The principal reason for the Their sciv.dule for this w,-,k la as foi moure yards. the prfflent ite behng new order, It appears. la that sone of- lows: Tueaday at Taylorvllle; W,,ed fer too large Welie taken car@ o! cou- fiers are understtoi ho have coaled noaday. Pana. Hlleb>oro and Edwards ville lu the evenlng: Tbiirsday andt veniently, andtheii renLumliering of the slip ou Sunday wI}t-t it titi n0t appear Frlday. Alton and Elsah anti Salîîrday, streot accordlng to moue Plan excePt absolutely necosaary. Springfield. that Indieti by olti Dati Confusion. _________ TheI specisi meeting toelie helti nul The local order of Eagtos ls makiiîci "rdsy je for te purpose of pasalng - ..-ail necsaary preliarations to holil1 the5 annual appropriation anti settlîna QOTATIONS thrfalesilanicriaoih te Uglt question one way or anotlier. public treets of W aukegan ant i fr ChIcago Cash Grain Quotations Itia occasion have spertreti tht- K lu- Nasale Reditrlctlig. l hilcago, Ang. Io 1 ko6 raes hwwoerj The nty lia long Beedeti redfistrint- Wheat-No. 2 reti, 88%#89%c; BrNosurata hos hs, ei tag. Muet of tb. yards bave gene, 8 red. 86%C8834c; No. 2 bard viler, resitaLtive la lunotîr city todav, The, Uar beyond the iegal vote humit of 400 89092c; No. 3 liard viler, 8@91c; loc-al bilîl posters are tistibuting ie, votas ati te scon la sy pu-, No. 1 nortliern sprlng, $1.1001.12; Ne. adverfislag malter and ti l ao ho -'ii yondthe700 ark it a nrciieeri prng, $.00*tt 97: No. 3 tht-y are bhllling for fie Eagl.-s' f-i-s yondtii 70 mak. t l spciletisprint, 92c02$1.00. Corn-No. 2, 63% val lie beRt. cît-sutst anti most up ii taI redistrlt-tiiig shahl take place, but 044c: No. 2 white, 64'4«$65%c; NO. date attraction ever bîlIed ln Waikr ujider the olti fora of govermnet par-'i 2 yellow, 94064%c ; No. 8, 63%664c; gan, ty and local laine polttic mae tie Oc-' Noi. 3 wiîte, 64%¾064%c; No. 3 Yellou, msury tegerTyniander vif h lie old i 68% 4%c. Oata-No 2, 39*0ý40ic; tlighwooti strefltionisly tit-tes that t paad. and "ev the. vont of tseap- No. 2 whit 40l0441C No. 3 white, bas entertaînedth le grizzly 1fîtar taure preatices. Every day. for several'4)04.0%c; standard, 40'latt41c. ttetreyroanivrsttSc OiW.le nerabenputrogi Chicago Live Stock. oftetretrtadvrsth S- bor tDAmaenalr an puti iy lse u. Bmo9-RC«tie 17.000. Qu"tthOlretry Quayle la wrong lu so sîaîîng a cor» f m ualand ril bytheln-ranges t l$7.6007.70 noice levy. tetStales Atorney Ralpi Datiy The- strsstors. andthie public La Promiîseti177.0 clice Ilgl. 17.15C7.301 most thai u-lgbwood permîts la a miii an ineretlng igbt on nexl Wednes- havi parking. andi $6.26 (D760 good 10 lng litdtrt- show with an ortierli- dey, wheo tlie public parade la isîti 'choice plis tdanice followlng Il. Tht-lghwood Toay, the recruits vere beng put' Catle-RenelDts 6000. Quotatinl cty 0ffciels saet liat they wool titrotagi à course lu thseliantllng of! tnged i at$7.606 8.00 prime iteems. tal Icrso!atiy mpreor ie amali jetiezandi it la expectedti laI $4.30@6.25 good te cholce feti cow'ak e re of ey helti antattie es Iis drill wil b. a part of lie vont' $15-25@6.40 good 10 clice ted hlaiera.eete hl n ht hypri $6.20C5,60 salecteti feeders, $3.400 nnthîlug te harm Hligbwoods 9presett put on neil Wedoeatlay. 4.00 tirnte gooti tockera. $7.2608.00 andi future gond name. Tht-y are try- but On Desertion. good to choite Vaal caires lng bard to retieemn tht- city frotlils Tis fa-t iattit rerula 5 tlt- buP-RecelPts 24.000. Quotatioma paut andi are succeetilug lu gond mea. sclsool are mors tliaç ontenâtet i vthrangodet $I 6.86@7.25 goodte Wprime treý thse Intrutora and th e rk t thlesbea? lamba. $1.0#490 gond tw choir* station la siova by lhe. fart tbst out ted yearlings,.$3.8504.26 choIs. te Il la ratier a plty for tie gayetý of of ail lbe recruils Who bave bt-en sent IPrime ted wethêri. $3 260364 900d W nations liat F'rencb umtn of lt-tiers rat t0 the tation, oly one bas become choies handi' eves. distne wt i utter, nt iIght their duels as duels ane disaislei it islot anti desert- Cremeray, extra. 26e par lb, rnt fouglit lu Greenlanti. lun(Ireenland ad. 28%c; extra grats. 24c; aros,. 21e; when oue man lias bt-en Insulted fit A desartion trou thte naval ciooî draie, extra. 22c; fgrata, 20c; paking another lie ativersarlsea cr compose le the uane as a tiesertion fromtheti stock. 17c. . a satire lu verse. This oaci man re- navy proper. andthle government of- Live Pouttry. .ctez t-s 0has hotîspboîti tilthe set- ficlala bondi efforts te ining the dteseni- Toures. Per lb. l2t: ehlek«. a nvtstanti womon know it by bt-art or tu justice. It caugît, tie deserter fovîs. 114 ; roosters, 714c; îbpiaiii, Tht-n a plane of mheeting la appoînled. fromn lie Great Lates Naval schcio. 13%c; docks. 12l0t- geee, 7c. "The lwo mon, the insulter andthteln- wili be dlstranchised anti uay nover Nev potatnes, Jerseys, 1.510 sulleti, lie offender anti the offendtet stan enter the service ot Uncle Sam. Minnesota, $.f~ .0 stand face te face anti oaci retes hIs Great Laktes Log Out Sonu. Easst Buffalo Lîve Stock. pooo. 1Hia frientis anti servants fortn Tie August Issue, tie irst Issue o! Ei.t Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 15. a chorus. Eacb man trios bard to rats tbe Ganet Imites Log, tihe nevest pa- DunnIng & Stevens, Lt,. Stock <hioý lie laugi agaînathils ativersary. Esch per telie sartqi lu Laite coîntu, wîîî fission Alerchalia, Eait Buffalo. N. Y.,!van speaits lu turn. whîpping the t-n b. ianetilu a ey days. Tht-eentqroi@ carsfarte»:sîov. neRencets 'My viti epharain anti quip, anti aft vont o! gtting out tlilypaper, wilci 5cr;mrte ee;hm,$.0 wo botsraof tuis wordy battîe.t- t containe a record othte iappenlngb' 8.10; Yorkera. $81008.16; pige,.10.3 meeting gives lie vîclory 10 hlm et ofthle naval seheol bas litet' placer!tieep-Receiptz 18 cars; markt loçr- lie Ivo ativersanlea -who lias anaused in te bands 0f Hospital Steward H.e; toambes, 16.68C6.75; yevrlu&S the wliole aasembly most -Lotîoc R. Jackson, wbo represents edtor-lu- $4.7505.00; wethers, $3.7504.90; qoWU Evenlng Standard. chief. edtor. reporter andi business'830003-60, Cav% $4Z8h}.M _________________ manager. W. J. Laser le the only one associated witli Mr. Jackson, takinit the roIes of printer, presoan and so- LA FOLLETTE SPEAXS OUT licitor. Iu o lo The. Log vien It le sneti. wll cou- Mkîl Vigorcut Speech ln Whlch MedmlSleli tain a record of ailt the happenIngs ot Accuse$ tInteresteti Seustors. Ibirthani and $he naval station, alne It was formaI- WThigtnevritîui hecorg iy ope0ftl- .uîy 1. It vîll contaîn. It of he de ate . 16.-m dedthie pane . oa th gute, Pita. or iregg lega of taelinge $3500000 Intittution Senator La Follette lroke loogseand btl d and many anecdotes Of theie ihOOl. delîveredth te moat vclous speech lis 8 Changes .of OffIcers. bon ever matie on thte floor of the son- Mach,. Z. A. Slierwln la orderedt f0ate. duty athtie Naval Training station, He practically accueed ex-Senator A W /ord to t Great Lake#, North Chicago, 111. Aldirichli vthitleng responaîblefe PamstrT.D . ari adetahl- the tieatb of Senator .Joathan P. Dol- W flot dlaimn anythIn PayfrmastrasT. De f Hrr ches- iver anti, dlsregardlng ail fbrm fui n- O W re, we do laim to idfol nt s a lier.prca-atonial courtesy. atlacitet Senatov#4Ihgrdpacia Ing ay ocuber anti general saore- Smoot anti (lgger'beim to ttlr !aaoih rdprcîa keeper, Naval' Training sttion ai for darlrg tu laIe part ln the framihtg duestion, and give It to you North Chilcago anti clangedte,1 duty et tariff legi.slatlc-n In wiich they. teach BUSINESS ETHICS an tas commisaaryt officer, Naval Training have a pecunnary Intorest. -the touchers themiselves are station at Nortli Chicago. v.ry essence o! what thsy tes Paymagter W. V. H Roee la detaci-Inins Womnan Strîicen. In luOur course o! tudy ha* a ed from duty aet the uavy yard aI l'hil- Petookey, MIdic., Akug. 16.-Mrs. W Miity deaka have been rae adelphia and vilI report for dnity t T. Frlendîy, seventy years Oé. are Ibat It wlll b. thé. largest tbe Naval Trahning station at North Madson, Imd., auffereti a utrite' <tI tory qiç the achool. Have a d Chic.o.para.lyahs. Rer apeech andi }lb- 'Yeu con's esrning r Cble! Macl. C. H aa.ri iecm t eokyfrie Glhloey a de. afrecteti and bler condn l UVtiiIm1,00lucsh1i -* dm-dubrint nigenursealiTrainedot e Stsê purcent on *2,000. Ing station t Northl OMtcgo nd gos . pos eo wt er ýW.wkea uines@ C ± 10 duty on thezbýsttleqitp Norths Carm Flash Kule Girl In Bed. acr i otpstosI »o Banday Wff .rit lnNaV<. Il md. Aii$ , misa Lem*, .p MOIs suatbia"Tof ýO Na"y Noyers la a ghsd' 4lui, wa kIUqby 8moe #r 0,3J 1,11>11. cMalsela O WlahIfb MA~TED'C OFFICIÂL LIST REAL v,1cvi the rea1. hlown In the ROAD MÀTIA3LIS ESTATE TRANSYE m0N 1UST SNEEZE h l1,Ioho-ýh oun t t heni. ten. keepa AUTO SPEEDER By ke County Tttie andaNOWiTO a mers h k IWR3KED TODAN Trulst Co,Waukegan, Ab-' WITD TUE FASJIION iIs. l . 1'1,hà, Ite. Switcbmmfl at Operation- of sittng Pls ocoîrd was madie ln i ransforii Cars CauseHay Fever Sason Arrives on é o n wt Ili he lat- Thomas J. ,rntrn asCue -A. .Thomson andi[,UIt iEnielne Spdltan ndWi ort ofi lirii nianiga cr of the- Cubal, Accident L C. Lannefléld, i.pai tofiots1, ad SeilthranCun iT ur aho s a Nt îî ai r iliaiy earg, Lof- lét block 80i, lighlaîd Pa i Ik, W. ré, $1.- tii-iCo nty nquit on tio, thi, t séventh aneeze ________________jand hi otionc i ' ont one- hetter , , K iç .k ' C a r s . U n w ttin iily . I n to Jo t- B a lla i a n d I w f - t o i i î o o i, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - b e fo re h o c u l s t p . T h l tîtie o ra b le CostIy Track Travel- lot "(2blcI l. i)rti ýPi i -hjaonIS IlahIed WIth CLfOUS Or Ker- rOi Notih irago. V. 1), $. choos at Every Smaii Staltion o! lng Machine \V. A. Camiion and %tipti,iJohni Blk- Where he Stopst- _______________ or. lot 24.,tCannonus siilîti% î in anear lts Roadmster oss Nt an ccu-zî i lW m"y, W.t1). $2110) Roadmater Ras No an Ocu- w. Wllon sud wife te ('harles Bs çodtands a i gant But Away ln Yards Pratzke et ai nart ofthe iiorthetft Bet coe Att nezesose37ln H on Business Q. ('.,$4,9r<1 By Chlcago MonR _________________A. C. Thomîsen ant i wie to Il K Accden ReUlits in Noir Luikt-man, pari o!fIlie sîîîîh hlai of Accden Re bock 24, Mears plat.Ilîigliwoiid, W.i No One Who Sneezes Les.s Wreck of Machine Used 1), toI By Officiai W. T'.Waddltt andl wfe4to Leu and Thon Ten Tîmes .Wtbout Arom G_ Di..x, lot a i t- village of rut q sConsidered Eilgin, Joliet andtiEasterniraîlroadtilat Blon oill el s V. aukegan, . lie gat.oliitî Irai k CHICAGO LICENSE TO WED. Toias tIic sut-oh wlll lie spparateti-tee spetier beîonging te Roailiast-r "I froîîi tie goats naid tient- o! true aria, llossl, was nearîy vit-tint-t sen lu Wîliaîi .J. Silli. Waiiktgati.... torratir birti tînt broetlflg-accor.Ill- accident cars were bat-led iown LurlJ 1iksme.......1 lt 1 louiu-n-i Icoiilwllb- il ,Harr>i Anderson, Lake Ztrloh.,.21gin lii suteze. wbiett-ihoat- o! lowlJI ii "ie sîteeter la relutoil itlia t- XIe II ,saine ........ 18 orîgit il] alltiriie Itîir s'ay asclear del îiî-. inîrne in front.Jolie-t, oan-of tie -__of_ . n t~eéanî fair o! Iroist-as t-rer. This o! ie ai att asle isy levt-r îlay. Aîg.14 la tedateva d ti trats h-rt-null ticLIVEPOOLREIG 0F ERRO c a itiaJorîti- o! those afile- len ýtIjdin onthe raca hee ýhilethe LIVRPOL REGN F TER iFti witlî tliat iivstorlitîts alliment rîîadîîaslei alteudedti ito railroutiitos ! tprîlîîîî rtts i ibiîsiltess. wbeu awltchitueii at work Troops Atacked îy Moi Trylntg Teto f uiribrhohs wo ai iiii s fý,r iin g c a r te a il e r ra , k s h a st- tia ll llt-t fo r ttire b g i r w s i n il.(kd a ne f t hecars W aller terattFroc Pnîsouers. o! tîfe tîroîigît intellect and verves, e - libegint lit 511, t-liloti itir noves anti Of by a-i uitent. viti a cras. -Lverpool. Aut-1-A reigu of ter- tut- their ea. W nor exlis t - oe anti tronlis are liotrint- Tht-rt- lîgins. tart' flett- a v a a e O IDESI RkBENAH MEMBER mA Iela iy 10 lois bwa disirdte rue a sotres of stismtosapezes. C Mca Mrgre Vn Rnul ,re,,tpr)tectthltndilng stage on the an intlorsile irritation linte rof of M ra&- A.î n l r s t e m e r , v t e i.Va nl I l i e m o i t i a n t i a s a l l ia s s a e .. t h e W braIs Mr 10e Brthdy. asacrleti. lie rîoters bave planinedti W t-es bt-came luffaînt-tiant im nNiag- er Santog. .7X -ÀY Apublic destrey by tînt, aras, ant i lnaldy in seiicre casegr r atîog ais ye , bee hotionol et'Five lprson vans. cacanrteti by ftfty tinua vîthi ts dlstîessing ta Mrs. Margaret Van itencaulaer, oldest hussars. altici vere carrytîug riot sensatioin and sbortnes o! bret-tt felen i oterx Nsw Yuorkc anti prisoet-s from lie police court te sets lu andtihle vicotîtusuffera Outil theolstunlult f te eboahWeltbam lail, vere altacketi by 3,00 t- iraI frost iîlspetrses the tnaladyw braditifth Od Flive u ieretnbers o! the rougiest tnIas lu United lStat-s, wodcelbrleti ier one 'aîtxball streot. lu an attempt ta nos- a ucni nia îselul s1I duntrdeli antI thîrti bui'thday. cie0e ptleonere The moli allarked arvt t!ruaîl I hs uI t Mrs. Van Ieussalasr, viete ia - -pr li -atIers wli itth fevet'y de- Ifisdtebhavie hay lt-ver liroîgi rot-aI tactive anti bis fht- appearance of a sriritnu, ,u'd l in efenullng Ibemseleîs tiescent nIt lways have the- prfre o!f 1-vouan o! ses enty. was born a InMou ýticeaussars hte-d. At fret ilanka ver. a cue.Theic îly t-tre Ila ac-lant-e of a treal an Atit-, 1808, accortin te ast-t, anuthlon bal carlrîdge&. Iluhelie ltaethie aashort-, the mouriîsîns, -autititiiz rarda. aflray ont- man' was kîlleti sud manYir th.plue woods niet- tiry llateaus. -pna vREro severely vountiet. What will cître ont- will gIse antier lfLECONTE IS HEAD 0F iIAITI HENRY WATTERSON'S DEFEAT Aietl naoab. nRFevolutiavary Leader Bilecteti îy Il Is tht- muet unreasanable aliment ta Succeed Simon. t-ils Work Agaist Counhy Option, theth îe warld. Geaerally sîippised le Il -Couute For Nothîug lu Convention. bie tue 1teiîst anti tht- pollen of lie ' Port au Princeitalt. Ang. 15.Cen-comtîosis, ilta latslrcalent anti e Cnchnnatus L-i-unt. was eleteti pies Louisville, Ky, Aug. 16-lu tieipetaot sesere lu dry stîmîners. Thie - tient o! HaltIiv a unanîmona vote o! Demorratîr sittt convention ioDe ht-ai-y raia . lss et-k aîgit to maint- r- dont-rt-s ant inluone a!ft-e Iittpreilt igota whlch thle a tari if uap fever ont- gtorloîîa Leconte heated tht- larger of tht- 1 bas ever utamint- a meeting o! tie hotîio!f it-t-ies. Il la tire earîit-re tyu rt-solo ri- factona tîli ave.- Itemoîratîr partyinluKentucky, a mInib[ is year liait tuua]. lu tart, uany g ln-cv gs1 = t Atntoine Sim t'- rîty report lii roîluceti îy lHenry pol ped ae be mtè d,.'attcrsonn.edîtor outhle Cotîrler Jour- pol leuvbv te mfe val. aîîposlng loail optIon, sas de wilh it tiesre t0 cul offt leir noses.2 1 Mt. Vernon Otautauqits Ents. fealu-tinl a -ourty roll raIl by 667 te Last y-eut- il s'as a wtt-k or vo lIter I in MouantrVernon, Il.. Aug. 16. MoultM4, lie cousontiots sollut-for an ex- than Intiual. q, Vernont hautauiuna ecioeti vti Ex-tension o! tic couiuly unit latil 5- Buti mitaor tline. ittutht- day anti ,h Gui t-mol-Franklinlt-yof Intilana au loin t bilîl.ouîr sett htrt- wîîîIu a siteziuig lthe-atra li' ier 1.500 seak-oni Tht- meastîre had I)rlirlouasy ht-on sam ortedspase la as regîttar r tIkt cefl o etya. aotdi iiUe Yavt f1 as clockworiî. Tht- time tint a îa- t- - _ _ t3. lîut au patllas îîeraonally i tent l8 te havt e t ilt-ase ls learu- Relireti Mechant W - ead. matýI o tiheuteteates by titi- Valler- of McLeansboro, Ill., Aug. 16.-R. C. sion. onth lieurloor tifle, couvertuîîoul. eti by observatioun for ie vearsli. ac PdRobinson, sgt-t 60 years, retireti mer- il wae Watt-,*sou'slsi appearait- lu.tsrs dîsiovotet tuthilut-ular fart. Il m chant a01 his ciIy ted astddsuiv Of a conveniri, île deleat cloln learrives trictly ou tht- dol. alîhouigh pa.raysie of tae litart. îîaîîîîraî caret-r. llereýinay lie a fete prellînary skIr- i years ago. Tiire wore @ix con- ?tants bitt four wet-e ontv amateurs. JAROID M'CORMICK REFUSES STATEM'NT fed of Aviation Meet Ref uses T'o Dlscuss Two Accidents Which Marred Aviation Rec- ords Yesterday H-aroldi F. N1cU-ormick of Lake For- t . chairman of the linasice commit- e and leadlug spirit of the aviation et. was set-n at the banquet giTan 0t,;. mouibers of the varios comf- ittees at le Blacitatone botel lait g1.t. When aketi regaa'dng te lathtt of the two avîstors and te ;rlouq accidents, lie salid thal lie bad -solveti to inaintalu an attitude o! ai. ence. 'n vit-w of thte death of Jonatone - in Itatger today, te tht-te accidenits to Simon, Hamimonti and McCurdy i-sterday, ant he mîraculous reme fi Stone on the tirt day of the met, lt a stop lie put to the, meet regard- lss of the monetary bass?" Mr. Mt- Cornîlck waia asked. -f reftte to Molte aliy stateinint hatever regardng te affair. ThoU commlttee wll liane a stateuent 4de, P "WiII yen fot say aomet.hfng lli-i vldually"' The statement of te coanmtte ili be autorîtative. Fturther thia tbis 1 wll ay nothlng." OFFER $100 FOR LAKE VICTlM BODY Mtaurice Greenbaum, Dr*wâedýl,ý Near Chicago Beach Herl'ffi Sought by Relatives. oy, To Fioat ln on Waters Chicago relatîveti ot Matice Green- baîtm, drowned .Iuly 19 off Chlcago Beach btel. have ae t messages tg &)l cilles at tht- soth endi of Lakte Mîchi- gant oferlng $100 rewarti for lte - covery of lte liody. Greenbaum won 23 years of age, 5 feet 5 loches li-ý helgt, welglit 140 pountis, and oe blite. red atripped blathlng suit. Aliowinq the. Man 10 Tait. She had early adoptedtheii excelleM. principle. wben wltli a Man. of &mot* lng Mi to 1*1k.' especlllly witeM U suject vason.neabout wvieli be enu littIe or nothing.-Mra. Bellec-LowflASS ln "Jane Oglander.' o Youi Want a Position? Tii. WAUKEGAN BUSINESSS COLLEGE can qlualfy you forsa position anti help you geh il. Il has helped hundreds andtIos heipiug more uow thsn even before. Business houses, mnanufacturing Institutions, doctors, lasWyer, ail secure their office hetp at aur office. THERE IS A REASON Keen Discrim h e W ise FOR THIS. --k.--q .X, C Iorî n icris minai ng more than tee eally gîvo a mot thornugi, business and shothand honestty. W. not ouly id GOOO HABITS, but living examples o! lie ci. COMMON SENSE very Important place. rved and lie prospecta n enroiluteft in the hii- Iemt roe.rved NOW. If Power $10, i l ;e qual 10 ne $10 a month 14 Inter- oliege tralneti îtudenta lie country. I f yoia have you are redy for our kespers clerîcal worin, etc., lu luis clly atone. If you wani Jisppy company caîl ath he office, or elephofle Prof. Munsor aud he wilt ttIllyen how yau may do l. Our Empîsymnent Sureau has retiently locateti atudeuba lowhulg fir-ms: Amnertcati Steel & Wire Co., Chicago Tel. Co., Mous., City Office, Repulic Pence & Gale Ce.,.Atahuier Mi Siort Etectrîz Ca., Sheldon Sehool, Wisconsin Mutk Co., Bur Set Milter, Atorney, Liertyvîtle; Baldiîn Music C 11l1141chford Foodi Co., City Office N. Chicago; Butler gros.,( sii0II Field, Chicago; Atwater M!g. Co., N. Chicago; .sud mai OWle lie lIme bo get in action on bila most important ,01LL TERM OPENS Sept il Be on handthie frt day. Its a Good Schi Idoil Sobei ef end n ination lion ln the solectiofl ýn. 636 on 5512 factor% are flecoeaary ta a higi grade colleve* 1 Progresdive an tij Icldous management, trong, eMo- wi thie fol- dern courses, a suffîciently large anti, troug !acultY# Counity Court a :il tic. ant cur Important festures Yeu wiii flltd !g. Co., Norti h b UeWA EGAN BUSINESS COLLEGE. rlgton, Wlm: Prom thie hsgniunqn w. ascerta in wiat s atudantm Co., Chicago; knowtedg. consiseof aud whatever hle pliotai Chcgo; Mar. ducton may b., we begin liere ant tasbot o"U kny nuiera. question. îngîy-îthe tact la we mnian iIntilvidual Ceu o t t .anti uvery student. Thottla viat promptse tlma tien tiat 1s beîng acinet today, "WhY le a ordut~ et tie WAUKEGAN BUSINESS COLLIE aq m»ai Moie. tacceasfui than those trout otitir sCuoQI? ie t se just here liaItih W. B. C. excetba-alm tIta ue It. pont-SIJCCESSs .Young man. Young womnS, wtsstIcIOl et a gistiyou aecurec If you hava rt pratîci bW~nmaandti hortiais ftai 1'~. - 'r t 9 it Df Ln re id ýy se 7e- ?r- rt. ýd. In- ýd, ils 71n [sý eh le LeT bf ol ied Il ý-%iý r-vun elluiLo. LrBERTYVILLE, ILL., FHIDAY, AUUUST lm, IMI. %TAY ý Vylw; '>Zf% Ali 1

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