Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Aug 1911, p. 10

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THA T YOU CAN' T AFFOROý TO JMISS Rare Bargains for Tlgîrodgy'ODn., Suits! Suità! Suits!, TWO BIG SUIT BARGAINS SAT1JRDAY An extra specfal display of black, blue and $Iff mixture Suits in new Fali styles..... We stili have 26 more beautiful Sprlng Suîts Ieft,. tomorrow your choice of these fine Suits for ......'I I EXTRA SPECIALÀ 300 more new Coats, ful lerigth, handsomne serges, fine mxtures and good covert cosat COMATION SUITS tioemed wth inen lace and inserion, poifely guaranteed to be $1.50 value, Sat""da 6cà_ CORSET COUERS CHILDU!N'S CATS alightly soied, values Ail ou>' chlldren's up to $1.00, ixisi- coatsatUatwe have tively the flnest ve lkt af aur beautiful bave ever shown at Une ai auzumer coats, this price. 33c» value up ta 4 Saturday .... $5, Saturday-;1i4 LADMe L'DESSES Values up to $6.0, 47.00, and $8.00. To closeout 11 W C offr memSatutday, specia>' I Ifat Barxain Ummi Between the houts of 10 and 11 Saturday mota- mng WC wal sel 300 beautiful Dresses, pricâ 4 $2.50, $3, and $3.50. Durin'g this one hbour one to a customer at ,leine siIk waists, hih or low neck, values up to $5.00, Saturday y o u r choice 19 for......... THE BTO" RT U8ELSWOOLTEX >4EW ltàcriCE RULES IN and excePtionu ho thie niaser's rullng LOCAL CIRCUIT COURT uponthie eahionony, beforo thie court, adIf thie court aushaUic heraUing of thie master, lbe shall ImmedlatelyE (Cotinued Prom 'Pake Four) rceed ta maire ils report uffonthec therextnd te tme or eotsl, estimooY sud evdence eubmlted ho! tilr etea tie hmue forcioiiîghlmandiIf euch objections sud el- , proofs on> elther aide as 1 blimi ma>' cePîlons hothie rulinge of Uic master aceM Juuat. And ln case ille Parties saraI)nul 1e sustained, the master shaUltint cone tiiehir rofs witiiin tir)>allrat wpoe-d Iri take auch fuctjaer tine lirait. teetimony - thle court May' direct. I ex Pate utatters and defaulitisahati dlsregard ln makmng up hts cases the mastct i hlttrwitlih tua w repiort, auch testiuiy 'as thie court kngthie Lime- arot>- pruciicd, take snd rnay rtte tu but Inuomîetent or lrcele-d report proutsantid fluidintys as apedily vaut. I as possible. Rule 3. Ail parties accouing be- Rule 2. Wreever surh eferencei fore a master shall bring ln thieir re- la maie o a inttater ln eltaucer>- of spective ancourits lu hhe focm a1 a this court to talre tcnttiony sud re- deitor and creditor, and ami>'f L lie - Port Uic saune, or tulak-e testimonv te ate h -alvn enta aaid-report thle saine wth iis concu.t lied wilh thie accouts so irougit Inl &a. theuteoi o tire court, the muther shal l e at liberty ho examucinthalue.m labîJ1 have futlIltowef and distcretion cormuhlug pert>' on orai ur wrlhhen In- -tepVus utuon tqrestruna of comp)et_ ierrogarorles lu thc maters office 19" of ritccsc-rî sud the proprc-liy as the mater ma>'direct.E Àlaê reievancy ofattlttti<siorra orln Rule 4. The uaster siral l e ah 11h- ~Plîrt Iylîcisud tire ety Io examine s,> credîhur or other shail note-. !li rîtiiiîga trnou rsun onu:i- o umake a cdaim be- 'ýp e Obection inrthiti rîrtitr>;i-aof the fore Ilili, >f-r i r n,,rille,> laterro. belon rntr,;iiizld ie,, Itle gatucies oral»y or lu hoth modes, as barul es lia>a Itort t>tor ,tt thue imture ut the nase ma>' appear ho1 _410M ý chaffljuaer a t-rt> lrr;togmt Inn, ho reittre. The evIdence upoai1 e7, It " lb. thie dut, of -.ri-îtj si(-h exannsrti shali1e takien down Morpart>' ho angwer tî inte ir- hi> suad in itiresence, If cither vart>' 118É181 asIfsu îcîjrtîr laj l(ilres it i rden- huai the same >mn> bU 5dbnm o directed by the nuiût i tud i>,thîe i ourt15la ecesaary. fn luIncase dhe rmaster &hatljI nid R ule i. Ait ailInvils, deposihlona- &My questI.nurt ihiti-uttîc.1nandrsahich have been prev-. lha zurquchia la rreevmii uslRitiid-, resu on îued lu thie court -r-t.suuetenh. the sanie tbalil fot blltion rMrr >ir ýiiitllin i>any ciause or &%$wcred. If ciller part>' hall excepi m.mnteri iante -rdbufore Ilie mais. -r> - tic rulilug of the mta it nion the ter. --nigssilllty o! letimotir rtc evi -_____ «seoe tley sllat er the.- lr rtlnouay I rieo ad 41*&* evidemure betire the nu> atr ls In theraigaii Caiofcr. tÎoq*d. and teture lie umku-r-Iii- te- icam-L4rueil ,otiereu betng siucli objerLtious oa THESE MAY WEO. W. A. Annen, Arlington lfelgiltz.... .30 Ber -tila U Blitmaker. same-...20 John Hansenu, Racine-----------..35 Emt Caleon. saine------------..24 W. H. Hock, Amtloch ............29 MarY FE. Drur>', samne-----------..23 F. Kantel, South ilwiiaukee-....30 ElmuoceIlaike, same------------..19 A, M¶. Garland, Milwaukee.... 68 Martha H. Warnec, same--------..48 Bohh o! the last uamied bai been dlvorced, one for incompahibillhy and the ether on a volmantar>' five year separaiou, he>' heshlfied. Boy Kîlied b>' Fail. Pearl City', Ill., Aug. 28-Clyde Fllckluger, sevemteen of!the tomai cf Lorwau, sas klIed b>' a Wfalrom a wagon near ihL3 cit>' 3'llcklugor'a wagon dropped lnto a absmt lu the road- Young F'llel luger craalei hall a mlle aloug Uic rosira>' torard the oeiest armbouse ilefore he mue- Liimbed ho bis lujuclea. Loaks foc Mlealng Se. Granite Ci1ty, Ill., Ans. 23,-Mcai. Dette, a widor, bas aaked the. police te help ber locate iler son, lttaa Dettn, eigliteen yearx nid. Bbc say ile dlsaçupeared reeently iien ber hlome mas pardJal> destr9yed b>' Ore Cclebrahes 102d Ulrhhday. Wftulegs, Ill., g.2-lrs.Ellc birtilda>' snnlvrnsîîy tuile wsmbore lu Irelanci andl camte te Aierica lu 1840. Aileblis a suster living rho Io nlnety-tmo2of a e, Dryden'$ Wise Words. 111i llîa galber b>' unsoon defree% as brooks make rIvers, rlvcrsmarute1 APpropýIato Unpieodt- ly Small Oum of Money for- tho' Nation. New- Joba are Not Oreated iind no Pork-Barrels Are Opened. losing Boaaon Itesterday in Both X*tionaI Houses Very Tame. Ws.shigsgtu, Ang 23-Accorsllng te a Etahement made on thre fiuor of the. house ily ilepreentative John Fits- cerald of >New York, chairman ot the bouse comitte ou appropriations, thie Boutonof ai eqgcae wicb bai just endel ires 0"e-ithe nMost economicai I the bilitmy of lthe goveruout Mr. PitnaeiM declared tintn se*- 510» eofeipffbas ever rmn for ma long a prIW and approprlted no «pllAU ýuM ot mono>'. Ho caled at- tention ta hile fact that no fer jobi hasve boo eft effd under Democratic 91usPIcesMd mIty-live ealaried plio- tlobi b&w e en abali.bed maii more tiuan,ffl00a00med to the goveruient anSruelly. Thle losing Icou neslbath the son- tht bave been wltnesod In Washinug- tou liiniauy years. Tilere wurasla tilan a querm iefth ln bath bouses. but nobody tiiogit of ralslig a point of -order. AUl wisbed ho ecape froni tlie capitol. anidies Sner thie bot- ter. The boue usualy kck% nu) Ita bosis s«d casertsahththe get-aws>', but tilciWOeraony a perfuuchorY rounad ef appiause and a tew weak cheers. Both housse. badthie business of the mspaon prehty weil dlepoed of vilen flue> met et noon under a Joint agree- meut to put up t1e abotteca ah 3 o'clock. Tic recclpt of the presldeuh'm mýessage vehlng 1the notton bil, thie lest of thi emccratic tauif revislon ieauros. rais practicali>' tie only tlm- pOtant business itefuce congreas. IL bar! been expected tirat tii. preelde'nt reuld send ln bis veto message, as Mlon> as the house camne together at acon. But austhie bauds of Uieclcocle avpproached 2 and no word had béec reeved. disquiehlng rumors arase. 1h ras learned hilat thie preaident's uwsage l'ai been revlsed ah a specJl cabinet meeting ln thie mormln mani bai been sent back ho tue goerazqent piftr. Secrelacy MIlles snd Athor ne>' General Wlckecsham rere botil 111thUi composlng room of thue print- tng cstabllsbmeaý h. e former bang- lug ovor thie typemetlig machines, uahng baste, aud thie. latte erviaz as lroaf reeder. BDy an cxraordinary effort tiie message ras turuci otit ah ilorti>' after 2 oclock and burrled ho lie bouse. Thie Demoerats mae noua ahhmph ho pais tic cotion bill avec thc preal- dénts veto, Repremntatiîve Under- woad, thc majarity Idor leader, cou- tsntlng hhiself ritb remarklug hilat hp Democracy di net bave the ueo.v- grtwo-thirds streugh, and simpi>' mçviais tiat thie veto document ile r- ferred htahile raye and -mas coni. »attee, niera fi l nUlie until the regma- lar session neit December. I>!NEEN SAVES YOUT'S UFE 1 rage Lad from In Front ef Aute thet Wreclced Blcyolic Sprnofeld Il!., Ang. 23.-Qick ne- lion on the part of ()avenor Giarles . - Deneen saved Rufus Neson. a yoîmXnegro, frotu possible death rien the sxecutive'ms utdinobile collicid nli thie youth on a bicycle. Nelson rai hhrown front bic bicycle oly ho fail in Uic path ofôthhbeaT car. Just befoce the machine passa-I aver tbe pI-otrahe negro Governor Dîeen. nia bad leaped tram bisa sest, dr«ggd Nelson out o! the ns>'. Theo crowied condlition o! htIdor- ougbfnre caused Nelson tho smerve 11s nbeel Iu such s manÙer It ras atraack b>' thce ecuhir>es 'car. #UROERER FSIJI"OWNED) .iarch for Stayer'* Compsflof W, Given Up b>' Iowa Faa>mors. OmahIa, Aug. 23.-Titsded body o! on#' c! tie muderirs cof MàtnhM., Othber o! Mlaesouri'Valle>' la, 5wtc Wbos 60 Iowa fai.meen bave boma bralln: ince test Woudsay, rasl iiocovered IluthUi isuur river lias Tile man> lis uppçec4 to lW.e, cer- =fldsuicide- hy j 1141u* Into the rIver ratier timmu becaptured la> hieý f*azncr. Tic searci for thie aller, mrdercr iha een abandouo. sIt iç I bllei'ed he sîso drowed 'iauseli. 1 Atwood Noar End. Yodh Plain, N. Y., Ag. 23. - Cmr- plidng an eticu 140 mués, 'AtWOOd& Ssjudcd berds ah 7 p, mI, haviaig Sit: Amie>', uear Syrac»*, t 5I VOWle )iau and machine wre inlapori4eh c06>j <ica anid ilo shpped ieg.apy iceise of the akos.-iioaviahor- «Ml Ir>' for Rbiaflf,100 mudoa. Ccit-Cand Racor- Has-Beea, Euip1oyed In the OM1co for Fif- teen, Yeare. Will blke Run AgJut L. 0. Brockway, Three Term In4SwIbOt. RuIas Mde 8pi21414 Roç.xd in Ronorery Po~st, Secre- tary Board of Xdue&tion John E. Reardon makes public au.. nouacement todsy of biscacndida«g for thc office et Cierk of tie Circuit Court and Recorder of Lake count>', at tbe prlmailes ho 1e held uext spriug. Mr., L O. Brockray laethe proeut Incubent. bavInluzbeld the o0oie for tilce.. 4 yer termes succea- aivelY. Wile tilla la tbe firet publie au- nouncemeut of thie caudldacy of any ome for a Cotant>' Office, ah hthe next primarles. hoth Mr. Beardon aud Mc. Brocltray have maie ai extensive- irellmluary campalgu.thie former foc ýa ffrst terni, anud Mr. Brockway for a fouth term, of four years. Mc. Res.rdon bas been employed ln Uic saine office for avec fitteen years. He began rork ai a Clerk ln the Law Offlce of Circuit Judge Charlcs Wbit- may sud William C. Union ln 1899, ce- maiing lu Uic employ oft hat firm until thie diasolution o! the pachmer- ehip lu 1903, and ban been ln the Lanv Office o! W. C. Uptun from 1903 ho the. present tme. Ha isa a member and Secretary _)r the Board of Education cf thie 'ai- kegan Townsip Higil Uchool District; and o! Waukegaau cît>' sciaol district; ras Uic youngesh member ever ip- poiuted ou thie foari ut Educahion, baving ileen firat appointed a member ah the age of 23 yenrs, andi ha been a meniberan sd Beretary for setier> years, reeelving appointmcuhe under four Mayors. In addition taets wrck In Uic Law Office ofiWhitney & Uphon, be aise scrved as Offictial Short Hand Report- er lu Uic Circuit Court foc one yeair, ceceiving the appoiumenh froni Judge Douneli>', and aise acted as Officiai Short Hand Reporter o! thie Counhy Court trram 1914 ho 1910, receiving appolnmtlents frein Judge Jones, Mr. Reardon bas talked personally. during is prelimiuacy campraign, wlth over 2,000 men lu Lake County,. 1e ays, anjLdfcQm hie assurances o! sup- port given hlma by represeuhahive men ail over thie County, 1e teels Juatlfied in makhng an effort ho peht1the uotna- tic»a- Ail concede 11e la amply quallfied ho sucoesatully dîscharge the duhies of thie office. 1h ,QUIET AS TO DROPPING MEN V. P. mend S. P. Officiais Fail ta E». plain thc Discliarge of'Thousanmla. New Yock, Aug. 23-Officiais of the Union Pacifie and the Soutileru Puu- duc raliroade rere Icati>te >81k of thie drapping of k3everal thiouani men fconi their payroili. Offielkla of the Rock Island,.thie NortilernPaciilc and Ateilson rallroads indîcate that 11e> wil net adoph almila.r mehhoda of re- treucilment. 1h la gemural belleved hece that the retrencbmct tPolicy mili rbeîîxend- ei hoea&l lines of the Harcmrrau sys- e-rn Ruii Olier il>' utomobie. Wikesbarcc, Fa., Aug. 23.- Misa Gertrude Davis, agsd e'gIheen, mas )lllc'ad Amduer i)aubr flfty-, a ocal operetor anivSnIfer of Luzerne, near bore, ras ael9aIsil njured ah Plyni- outi.rbeiM aU atOolliedciver> b> tiamgJDeMi of PlYruoutb, can them downnas,lb.>' er. about tu-huard a atreet car. Twe Children Bursi ho Death. UhIca, N. -Y., AMis 23. - inl a lire rhîcil deat*o>'d th*Ir home, Brunu MartIno, aoa*3 car oud, andie stour- jear-oldr btOher, .3e.. re burned te Mcath. Theo pardute ere ara>' Aitto CrubKîlis wo. etantbn. ' Aug. 23-W, O. Mon. -ger "di Lese HappaI, business men of Pilger, Neb, rare killed ln an au tomoellie accident ular til cil>'. Thil.Burnette-Taylor anouncemeot tint Christ 10comng ha eau-du again lni 1812 sud rîli uuake ZDonuCityhyie b.aiqua .rhecs fauuding the New Jeri-ý sateut bas reached as fat as Mexico City', rilere 1h nnoeared l I l lermudo' MeOXMOn IuMexicau and Englisir. and bof prohahl>' beemu csbled ho ever>' f6lîelgn newspaper cf Importance. Who T7"&Y Ammmmoe e ~NaCeadidacy fer the, Office ot Circtuit Clerk aa Raecorder Smboet t. fthe Republicun Primari es ts bc, liti NeXt Upoefg. IIRE IS À NEAT LITTLE SWINDLE WAnhifl "l DEMBI]Q TeaClean Papier Moche. Wasl It!m l ean. col ater, usiaf a seonge or au t clothawhite 80111 danup. coni-c witLb dry flour sud cul dry wltb a picce ut woolen elotil o1 ciamolà. To alstisr s mng land lnUionu Drainage Iistîjt îiiiNumecOne out hie towns nuf Wr -nitiii i'rfiîed, Lakre (ounty. Âdvertisements for Young li Ni bri atîd\riri n-Id. the Mon or W'omen to Write coiîrdI rt', rirt ringWupoe tuhi niîs-;in r>ald dlitrlict. and Lotters A3U1I4.I LUafl. mu (eorge i qoc(tfker, Northfield. Cl',lrtirui - Uttio)Is Voui arc hi reIit rotliedthbat hhe offhee ips rarnagi-titrirr ofirrec tUnion Promotersof chm rt Drainage 111f itNimuirr One cf the Made Dime from Every Ânswer. Later Âtteinpt ta Bell Pros- pectve Writer Typewrit- er of Little Value. Maobiipe Won't Write 1,000 'LeWtrs, and Company will r Not Pay for Less. (F'roii Weduesdays SUN.) Thejtriite depritent has jus> discovet-ed mitat l hii tsuir> a nr of the neutesi schenîca <mr obialitug other pet-tinte a tardri c-rurir ti i, for- mulateui lu ye-ats. The Deîrartoment lias hec-n r-atm-bigthbe dcvtiopmuent of the lan for i ne time sud the rceirt muruuuecurta complatin>te fcom ai. leged i t etns oftihe uiginatur of tire acheme tuas bsd te -ffect uf forc-inig th1e lesuance uf a frn-ud urder agaiuat the cumpaules coucrned and thirnr- dinhment ofthtîe proprîctur outhwoo if the offendiug urganizations. Accordine to tire statemen'e or the post office deteetivea lu charge of the investigation, the Imgemius rîac- iginiahor of tire si-heme had thte toi- oinug advecîibeuient inbecîtfl iti iaiiy tîmîeta >rorighout te rornntry: "Younîg mier> anmteil tu copy lettIers ath hutur-.$15 weekly made by easy, cuagu-niat work. Senti t> c-ntc as cildenic uof >rrrilli to Breaks Ltg In -vrestung out. Springiield, Ilt, Anc. 23 C ri afe Arthur Deanon out hie m>achin>e or> platoon susaaled a fracture ut one leg ah Camp Lincolta mule engaged ln> at frienil>' restilng bout wlth unther memiler of thie pis hoor>- Goes te Oklahoma ho Marry. Hamtiton, hIl, Aug. 23-fly sarmer- log a -mtatrlmonlal adverhisemci in s tiagazine, ies Nptlle Augustine in on ber may tho i3ackman. Okla. abere Bhe la ho her-une theý bride ut a man sBe hae neyer seen. MorcIlîlinois Postal lBanks. Washingtonu, Atrg, 2?,.-- PociniaFter (leoccal Hicirunt> ý1eira atlcd tire tol]6otig Ililinois îIcstofficeg à s crtal savinga banîra. Joit,<'mro. humn- peignanrd tacl sainVitte. Mca. Stepireo Taylor, Mut-hec of Coroner J. L. Taylor ok Llbertyville, dled yestecday ahthue tamîlly cealdenue ln Uibectyvie ah the age ot 79, amui the funersl i li 1e leli tram the home ah 2 oclocîr tomurrow, 11e la sur- vlved b>' lie husbtand, Shetîhen Taylor. Coroner J. L. Taylor, Mca. S. W. Turn- er ýof Iowa, Pannie Taylor, ut Liberty- vl-ile,. . 1 3riggs mmd tira <t.W. Tayn- loi., Tlowns of i i-î >arfîvtd. Lake Coun- ly. Itllinutand rtNorthtieid. <Cook <'oun fi, Iltnins. r ill i-t uon theligtilday of Sejîfenîi , A. 1)i 1!411, ai the hur of 2 1) m r itl %itîinot ';choc] House hi raid liii,>t io hi-ar an y obiectioim Ilthaoiry tlie muie lo the clasificationi ur li mii on lie gradiia> cd -alae lu said District asudiartlrrîtar v fo the le asal- iteef ion of 1,PInneid owned by George I_ Sotetkcri-alýrr IL Soefker. anmd iofijs Srr'ft v,.1.t, more îîartlculsrly deacribed as . i il rt of the north hatt (N. U f the North West Quar- ter(N <NV.Iii t' ny Westeriy of the rîght Ofwa' o. th, (hictigo. ItlrwaYti- iiêo & St rît. ltnîtlwa' V*omuurany <r Secttion> Poi, t t> ir ihi Fîort y- tari (42) îî. l1anwc 'rine t 12) Fast of th, Pt tir> Prnciipail ieridian, jr> tot. r Iltinroisu, excetring tha, partit -.,t!înde ta>rens aa riglit of ma - tor s td I>iitilî-t. ruade b'ý tiiectoiii,i,'i ici. for >the pttrpos ofr gI ii s titi-, nrait tfir tienetits iln i-onscriltir, r.-ot ir- îoni,ftrciition of a proîioe>î r>. ii>i m itîoifidrain- aze for jr-idrliîritc> ahi attd where r-o> irvan , 1>.rttt ra cobjec-tion if yol> i . r t>ated tt 2 ri>day orftirt;A.[J. 1911. I rit Ci't imîrnlroners. Attest dr 11 itricr. ierk. To aitlira. ijc lr'.lttl il ln Drain- fage Diaistict \r itirr (>11of t he Town of Verurrîr tLake tîurltY, Ilifnis, whr mil tt1triti liii th>1e coruined 1 -tu rît >, r r>rî.r e tropruiedho 1ber froua> cr> cin iiiaid1let . ir Viilcit.-in rî noirtfleil tiratthe t>rliritrr r r r> rrr.iirrîimrror Drainage District Ni> iylr r (mc uf t hi'Town of 1 rr 1iii> t . r <r>tt, Illinois. mili uc-ct iirtr irrt th d a" otSeptcruber A. 1).tri> t r> tue liiiroft2 o'rlck p.'frt r .y nus 5rhooul lue jln iraid i t rr t t,,ili-ar uny oiijeîctionsr t h.>t ii>y1,t r aie in lthe ciaaalfiration r lanidsr on ttiegrailtiatrd scale lu sald dîahrîi(t liurlu by the <onunissiouera foîr fltth îiirjýsù rot aclal assacaiments for hoefi a iicouarituence of the con- tîtrition orfr> îrupospilcomined sys- 1cm uof diaarrngirfor aaid District, wben an(] wber> iiiu can appear and make ohjcrtirrl t l an-desire:* 1>ated 24111 day of Augrust. A. fi.. - PEI.TER DIAWSON. m Iib-J. CONWAY. JAM S UTONS. tinage (Oumalasioners. Attetr: V. . C Irpert, 'Jerk. Your fTdottbealarm- ýIi If yo* can't nE7i SI 11Hth, 13E-,locaé,4M later EMIL ggNDERKSJ,. 0-D. 12 yeara practlce. Mrs. Fi1 After ter, S- On B Late Bodý The romnains Ii .. urray Wer om trienda et »'$UN reporter Theotnlusqet lil. atteenoos "oitn rocime lt@an relative Wd Chester, nasanbeing ~,la 14 years of tanner residin thse body was Identific-atior by àa business the lats Mrs. endby her % on e Inner Fred , Feb. 13, Thi. Wauket rthis afternoon. The Waukhi quet of traces ,Wrth of 1h). IL Kittridge v Urieor road or Mlur the 0.1<5 .med the mark the sanMd. He EdIrard Ert ta prQcccdcd ho Big Dcad riy other tracesi found. It le the ilcîr Mussa>'tricd the mouth, C drowned, th& Lkeltthelicbod »0days, and !to.k Utera0 thec point s0 rfeund. ThiIs wnuld that ahc endt A further h aise if her cos, niear thc Pain r The elctcî Mr*. Murray". neOaeLine th lectric q; wàlkcd te the cahfaire te, lier ticket wc The opinict probhbi>' wat lake se W...i Xltlithflf laie tirs F. on the break atreei. near shm, Win., fi mont penni)e; teries thue ci th addrsut laie msa tr- giaie er gan rhortl i point soutil this hheocy 1 froni tre vw r State Lille lake and th p noirba. Edwacd4 Kencetia amu mifent>' t et found, made The hov r vraveg s ln tiere h at, the fout about to" ty there hetd, m<vered. The cocu anîd Mîscirli erti were n iody was arnd haker> ton roorna, pebtding thi nil lie cen - denti 1

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