hYn M A year ago this summer we enrolied two yoiwgzmçn earnlng,$40' and $70Qa&mont,. To-day -they are ear .ni g Co- siderably more than twice these amountts. L.ess thip a year. ago e gradu#ted a boy Id years of agç,, who' prevlul earnçd $5 a week in a grocery. To-day this samebolýy is earnlng $15 a week. Let us do the game for you. Thinkl LT is a tact that rs. Judd's School of Shorthar.; s the only exclusive School o' SFOrthand and Typewriting in Lake County. We think it's hard to do more than one thing well. This ont thing we do: We develop young people into stenographers --- real ste- nographers, you know, the kind tbTat speils and punctuates, arrives at the office exactly on time, and so on. The business world is calling for you, young man, young woman. Let us qualify you. 'Juid's 30kNi of ~m lé, Il, 12 Muwray Block, Waukegan NEW PRACTICE RIJLES IN LOCAL CIRCUIT 'COURT WIL EXPENITE JUSTICE Regulations Recently Adopted Put it Vp to At- torocys to Dedde Whether They Wlll Go to Trial on cases or N~ot and to Notîfy Clerk, -Who Arranges Judge's Trial Docket (?rom wetiueatars SUIN.> liereitler. lustoat of te famiar china of lb. doclwt in tise Lakte Sccaîr ircuit cout, a tak that cou- Omns a day sud a haIt anS scinetimes Moe, IYYlieu' mies of practice atiopî- ad reconly a revolutiouary change for lbls countY la affecteti, sud te replacethae cailng et lb. doctlatI lot-nya on a case agre vetiier liey, vleh te go te triai or not, one attor- ney fllng notice on thie oter. lb. cir- cuit cleri la notifted ami front les. indications as Siven the. cieni lie Jutigs court triailtiocket la mati, up. This miii.. il posibi, for 4~e court by the Cdent, or by iL mmandun titereof deivereti te te Cierk, vicie daty kIl aâahl hate enter te ti i u tii motion licoltlutle ct-don of lte Mélept ubeneof, blefre tii opening cf Court. The note or memnorandum sia i eignal-e tie tefm nu mien sud ti1le of tie catuse, iti a -bnief mlate- ment of lie nature of lie motion, lb. naine of tise movlug sahlttor <except lu defaull caaes, or ebere no appear. suce hau been entered). sud lie naine of the soiciter oethle oppoite Party. Sncb mtions wvii hacalleti lu lbelr ortier, ln lie motion book, and souci. tora ai l orime te atdres e .Court uiaa a motion untîl Il bas beeu ccll- 10 lie reatiy for von lihe Instant III ed. couve».,,suad means expedileti Jna- If no anc appearg for on agaluithle tice lu tibis counly and district- motion wben cailed, lit vili b.e ticktn Folowtug are the complet. nea fron thle Motion bock. caunty bar fan lie circuit court anS ual a residenl of Lake Counly, non enlered of record August cigiti, cf- ban ara office lu Lake Couanly, hae *hah fICIsie of the court being JudgsCa l- le equired 10 naine tans Instrument es Whitney, Waukegan. (harles H. flicS lu the cause, aome attorney or Donneliy, Woodstock, Arthur l .Pt-ast, filrm of. atrnes lu nild CeunIr, anti hteelforti. L O. Brockway, cierk; Ed- lu case suci Instrument la net fileSi vanS J. Heydecker. maste-r iu chtan- lu tie saiS cans. no notice viiili e cet-y, Hînter J. Green, sieriff and requireti. Fyauk N. Blakese, reporter: Service cf a motion upon a souici. Ruie 1. Ai mtions wilil bc heard ton, on attorney havIng su office lu aI th. opening of Court eacIt day andti îe CaunlY Of Lak<e May b. matie by notice liersof, except lu default cases, dt-hi'.erlng a cepy thereof tO hlm pin. %aal b. given on or belore four sonally or by ieaving saiti cep>etahile cIccit P. M. of lhe day precediug, office with corne prnson employeti lu le lIte soilter of record of the op. sui office, or by tlehpons te Ibm patle party, ifthtere le sucb aaiclor. officte or teidtuce of any selciter or But ai notices serveS for Monday, .torney listing su office auulde the *haIl ha serveS uatlaler lien 12 City of MWaukegau. eciock mn of thle Saturday preced- Ali notis sha libc outilleS in anti lng. On lb. return of saiS! notice, Il gîte te geierai nurnier of the case, a*lappear that saiS motion As la aiýlI le signa-S iy lie sohiciten, and lie contestedthle Court tieserhah citait contait, a brie! lut cear stale. 'Mt A'zfl tinte for iiearnrg saiS me- ment o! lie natur, o! lie motion. t»n Àlu note of inch motion ciali ha Rute 2. Alil divorce anS othier de- i"e by the . oiciter of lb. moving- fault cases may le hennit as titough pu« e a motion book te hae provItiet they venu mations tof course ah lhe 'ES» E. OUETLEE T- ~ 5a~p~ ISse6 lIS. Juno 10, 1910. Mr*. J4. K. .udd, Ver, Kra. Judis Sacioci or Wiorthani, z±an City, tîîîn,>is. a Saur gr@. Jud It gâvea um a great iBal 0f leaure ta cou- msai the sarI you have doansd art doing th yaur wu*as raduatea tram yeufahuol in 190*.&as a resul 01the tharuagli Ltraining roiatysi1 began wunit e» au «quel baueste clii tenogrsphers ut scier4a Year'.~rAeaa.Touayears aflarr radtation 1 "a 014bpi tu teach lan 05 ef tue iepcrtments of Gug go1, ~CagCUO. thelargest aburthâse and = 1pe OIZ ag Bhol i thecountry. & a sy. 1900, I opemaci n ottce An Chicago as 00 f' reiorier ami auhave a must an.iaab1e praeUes, au a mmehrof Ith*ChiaCugo Lab Report. or## .a.oietioandclithe.. Ntional Shontheno Rpurterea Unrob 26. 1910. the Viner edal was p.ruanently awaràd e se lanInternational Cntent mth eightean eflter. et kanownability ttus iif.erent parts of the voir*4. Ibis mgaI carris cth t, An ahort, the. & lleeoft he bout atenograplier An the corli for uw e5xeience. Z attribut@e y suce" tote aarefiaitraining reee5lsd tu your achool ana 10 the Gregg Systea af »Otorliuéwhich you l.aoh. sinceroIy yUrs, jFali Termn Opens September il openlng of court, and noemfere sabal h allowed lu defanit divorce cases, oxcept nas ote i.question of alnioy nysd propenty, ami ahl tesnt-, iony muet be taken liy deposltIona or lu open court. WÏben talera lu opmn court, It nust ha taken linsiiorthand, wntten out and presentedti teb court. snd fled wllb lthe 4erl liefore the decree wtfl ha enlereti. Wllfln 'ten days of lt e iieng of any defauit divorce suitth ie solicitor shall file withhlie cierk a draft of lb. decree and certiicats cf evidenceunies«for good cause siiowu the lim, le extend- ed. Rule 3. No soliciten vili ha permit- ted to wltfdnau bis appearance for any party, unles. the. court shall ha aatiafled by aMtiavlt or otheru'lse.ltat such party bas had reanonable notice of tthe sohlctor's ntenileate wltbdraw bis appearance lu the. cause. Rule 4. When any defendant t maa original suit et lau' or lu Osit,.i suimmonst or olberwlse uclfieti cf lte pen"eicy of the. sit as required. hi lau', shallfIlle a u'ltten appetrane. I perscuaily or by attorney or solcitor, ha fore defnit take nchaab Gendant s*hal ithout suy entier, bave fOve days if It ha a suit nt laie, or ton tiays If il ha a suit lu eqalîr, froni the Onrt day cf lb. appearance terni ln wbIotepleati or anseer; «ecept thal lua asuit at lawi f plaintif lbas awlan suagfitavIL t ,c aim itit the declaratlon, the dtefendant se appear- lut &WW have ltre. days enly freni lb. finat day of tbe spp.arsuce terni lu whieh te pleati. Rute 6. On sud afler lb. tiîrd dey of thie appearance tenza, defsult may lie mtesiertas te uy defeudinta daly ereti or notiWe wbo have net OWet a written appearsuce. Rule . Any appeal lu a civil Case rmay ha dîimasetifor vaut of prose- cution ou or afler lte teutli day of lbe fiut terniet ai ch Il mlght ha trio&, unies. lhe appelant shal) bave Siled a wnttlen appearance; anti If appel- lautlibas lied a wrltteu appearance and appelee ha. net, lie 51111 niay b. diemisset for want of presecution on' on afler tb. tentb day of said ten%, If appelles le plajtîf; but lu MMi case If appellalit le plaiimhanshah be ,ntitied te anu iedlate triai of suci eeout of Its numerical ardur andi wlthout notice. Rule 7. Wieul elther Party neglect to file lb. proper pleatings wititin teé tImt eti hd y lau', ort<le nule cf te court, sncb paity shah habuoSldoeo Iu default atna" uy lbe precéeedt against accornaty. Detanito uili not lie set, aide except upeua&%"da rit of te Party, ajent or attorney fil. 04, "Mtgfortb h"litaI te a mali. torios cause et action or defonse. and ltheaSSure or it, iu wblch case the. defatilt May lie set amide on Such terni s -the. court nia>'de.m lJuit, and the pleading for the walit cf whlcli such default exlsted, siailibe flled fortbwith unies» lhe court caah ohherwise direct. MuleSi. Amy ebancery ca une ati l- sue m&iab lpaced on lthe Chaucery trial caleudar of sur tumand any cause at lau', at latte, may lie piaced on the lau' trial caleudar of any terin b y a trial notice.wlth evtdeuce of service thereof on the opucelte party Or bis attorney, flled wlth the. clerk by eittier party aIt oat one week lie- fore the firal day of lbe terni of court. At lelet tbre. day. lieore the firsI day jet for tii. ccli ef such trial ca. *endar, tât. clerk "I ica.se thecamne to lie prlnled for lbe use cf paties and attorneys, placlug thereon ail camses uoticod fWtrial inu heir um- erical erder. UnIe..otherile.direct- ed lir lbp court or a Judge lberegf. Amy causqe t issu«. net seouotlced for trial may atterwards b. plaeed at 'the foot of mach trial caieetdar by glvlug the. oppoite psrty or attorney three daYs notice lu w*lu, gand i hng viti the, clerk a copy taeree< wltlt proof of service or upou the. courts own lue- tien. Dacli trial caendar shall expire WUltheii ter n d a new triai notice $hahllie roqulred le place a cause up- Ou a trial docket of a auccoedlsa tertu: Provld.d, that cases noticed for trial aI a previeus ternu andi *gain noticed for trial saol bave precedence On such nes' trial raili. Tiie trial of casesgo Put on the trial cali on the. lau' trialcaludar. shah commence On the. second da« of lbe tortu ofcourt for whichitIlal madie up, sud shahl luclude not te exceed ton cases each day. Mqule 9. %Wben the. Principal collet- ton of a Party la alcit or actufilly en. gageti la lhe triai of a cause lu somte Otber court 0f record. having jurigdic- tion lu oi15 county, or a material Party ltigaul luafli. case l i ck sud anable to att«d, aIt the tipi. the 0"40is.l caiied for trial, andth te ad. vrSe Party li re£4y, the court If sat- Isiet by at*i4st or etberwise tht Vii Party seeilligthe dola>' veli bave been r.ady for triai but for the olckness or sienaaent of bis Souci: tor or lhé, .lcku#s of sucb party UJtt- gant, nîay, order ead cause passai! or COIStinucti upuo Bci tornisas lie Court naaY direct, providoS, however, lte court 047 go' pasulus sncb eau. sett fiain. férn britig p.rinptorly At borne ftm dAy. Ride 10. Whist n«me la reacb"e On b th ai of lb.trial calodar l shall imscodlataly lvltw&d ds"~d. or coutinuei fcç food cause uhown. Rut- il. Requeeta for a speclal verdi.e muet lie presecteti to the triai Judge betere the. commencement of the argument to lb. Jury. Iustruc lions must lie presented befare the commencement of the argument to lie jury. Propositions of law lu cases trled vîhout aJum uait lb. preseuteti by the, close of tie liast oral argument. It wiii rest u'ioily lu the discretion of the triai iodg. ta recelve suci requests. Instructions or Propos- Mtous of lau' after the tis above fiaed. Bach instruction as presenteal must lio upon a separate sheet of pa- per. and free front eruaures and lu- terlineatlons. Rule 12. Every bil of Exceptions caid Certificats of Evideuce shail ha presenlei ta the trial jutige withlu the tine ilmiteti by order of court foi lis presentation, and the fact and date 0f prestnlation shahl haeendorsed at tii. foot tiiereof, by the. Jatge. and he shaii note tiiereon a date mot legs 'han live days laler vien lhe viii set lie the. saine. The. party presentîng the bill or certificat. shahl fortivith place the saine or a copy Ihereof lu the bands of counsel for lie opposite party, viios. duty It siail b.i to ne- turu the camne te lie Judge at the tinte nameti, wltb bis approvai or witi bis obijtoUos or such ameudmnents as lie desires noteti upon sepaLrate paper, anti the Jutge shal theu 5.111e sud aigu saitdbili or certlficete. Rule 13. Every party fililg any' pieatilug at law or lu equity shall at the. sanie lime nie thenewitii, for lb. tse eoftthe opposite part yor parties, a copy of sait! pisading, and of all affi- davits, statemeuts of accounts and bils of partfcuiare attacie th ieneto, andi of ail exhibita IeS therewltb voi guex ROB Ri ?TiWMo Abou - pg rs. ohid's 10. 11, 12 Murray Bloek, Waakegan afterwards be siiowu te tb. court on motion liaI suci piantil! or appellant la nt a poor persan. but ia abue te pay cote, a mile &hallien ha entered upon hlm te psy suri caos. Wben any case Io dismissed or set- led without triai nt the tert ta vhlch process a manîde returuabie eue-balf tiie fees se advanced skiaitha refundt ed by tie cierk tthI, maîî> advanciug the. same. RM~ 15. Five days before the. date fixeti by the court for tie trial of criminal cases, th, States Attorney chahl post ln the court room a atiminal trial caiendar, piacing tiereora ail criminal causes wierein the defend- ant hac a rigit ta demand triai. andi lu sucb order as lb. Plaies Aterney may etect. Sald calendar shali be caileti aud saiS causes tried lu the. order se adepteS, unies. tb. court @hall otiierwise direct. Provideti bowever, the court may ou bis owu motion place any cause on the. cnIm- tuai trial eaul. Rule 16. If any case at iaw or lu chancery chah l l e aI Issue on or before the tinit day of lhe second terni aflen tie terni la vilci procens vas matie returnable aithle commen- cernant et sata case. It may le Sue misseS for vant nf pnnaecîîtiou. la the dilscretlan of the, court., Rule 17. Tii. following order shail ha enlered on the firet day of oaci lrm:-"Oriered, lbat leave heanad la bereby given lie dentk of lii court to open ant il11e ait depoottions return- .d and ta lerneturned turing lie pre. sent terni attis a curl.' Rut. 18. Wiien 't affidavit for a captas la preseuîed la tie judge be siail Iodos. tierean a minute of lb. order refusluf or grantung teliI, nt.to Rut. 19. Metions may ha matiet land ail Secrees anti at-ers shah b. requlre a surety ou au appeal bond te prepareti sud 11.lu Snuplicate) in Justify, alter lie bond bas been. ap- default vhereof, suy opposite party provoti andtihle appeai pertectet before reptylua te saiS pieatiing or Tbey muet ha supporteS by afiMdavl jolina gissuethbereon, aisal haenltied siowlrag liaI alant han matie Inctry le a nul. upon the panty filman saiS as taelte respousibiity of sucb sure- pleadluî te filesuci a cepy. Tii. ity, andtihlb nature of sccu lquir>'. dent shah alletpertaît auy pet-son ex- anti. If lie aureity bus scieduiet"idaur cbpt the. officiai reporter ainS the mes- real estata as ta theie thnsd vaine ter lit chancir, be remove from ils of. o! sncb resi estate, andt laI fnom sucb fi or cutcdy »ay original paper lu inqulnry, affiaul lelleves Ibat suci any cause except upon If.entider of surety Is responSîbie, and stallug lbe the. court or due cause shavu. - facte tending te show liat auch ha- île! Io u.lh formneS. If suci afflitî Aut. 14. When an ct-linai suitleIs1l deemed cuffIcient, a nul. u'ili b. en- brougbl on an appeai fileS lhe piaIn* tereti requtlng lie suret, te justtfy, tiff or atapellant obal ps>'lu ativauce onrlthe appellant te give te new bond te lb. cent coftliAs court lie sum by a certain day; andi lu Sefauht, that fixeS by tIge staeute,,forlthe esuofthle appeil b. dismisseti. Thesasme the cierk lu such case, unles lb. motions lnukeii manner may b. matie piltiff or appelent shail shiow thb4 ln ail cases of bonds given ex parte ho lit a uor pinson, anti a»abhi to la su rpooeethug.. par censs.iluthe lamniior provided. hy The cdent shah spread. on a book or statute lunviticihater caseIf il saagbooks lept for t151 put-pose, bonade filai! lu a" ' aalu Ibisacourt. Rule M0.The. petit jury shahoh calieti for tie second day of'&.ach terre or ai mach lime as lis court may &_. Rule 21. No cases shanhohaset spectally for tria for a day et-tal excepl by consent of ail attorney# iavlng casea ou triai cali. except that lie court May lu lis discretiou place any cause et the foot of lie trial MIL - Rule 22. The cleri siaît kPop a suttalile bhock l e b.kuovuas lb. Cierk's Reaister, lu whlch shah ha noted tie number andti ttI of lte causes, petitiona or proceedinis con. lhenco inlutuis court, lie nameas a" ad4r«o os f the. respective attorueyb tierein, Sale of ffliug blli. pefttion. summons, Secianalions. Semurrers, plees, anavers, or oier pleatilgu them. ,ail affivits, exhibits or ether Paiaersthferelu, Sescriing lb. sains briefur ase na>'be neo.sary for Ide>,. tiicallon, aud ho sMali netpermit thte files lu au case or procoeding or-aMy paper rehaUthnglereto, te ha talees from fie office, exatept as provid# g thes. rulo. 11 Rule 23., The tinte for coun 4I court sha) l ot bo canier tian' 36 o'clock luli te tonecionsud nou> r lier than 1-.30 o'ciack lu thie afle noon. Rute 24. Parties tiestingnitle . poiniment or diecharge of a rece(vus' lu vacation. &bill serve lie Inlerested, parties ap saiti parties may hea shwn by lie pleadlugs lu lb. case 'qllfb tiiree daye' notice o ettii,»îi -andi place Of application ote eju4é ci ssid circuit courtl for lie applicatio for lie appointment or dimichargeocf suci receiver. Ruts. Governing Masters in Cha""r. Ruie 1. Wlienever a referenoe shah lie made tu lie master l lcah- cery of Ibis court, le laite-testi1onyr sud report lbe. me, or la taie 11.11 ntony anti rport thiecame wllb bie conclusions tierecn u thle oufl lhe. court may ln uscb entier of rm fflSe direct lb. limte witbl itathi hsuai ts- timony muet lie laken, sud lu case no ruhe Io matie for lie cioelug etflrdcf lu saiti order ,of -reforeoe, lben lthé complaluant muet' completse ii.lire.1 Ina of hîl e esmony viliu sixty ulayi atter sntcl ord6r of reference la nmde1 - Defeudanle shaîl/theki tale anti chose1 their teilltmoraywltblu lbrty days, thereatter. Reliuttjaî ltltmony shah be taken anti ehoseti ithin ten dx»y lieneater; and thelb.»akng oft fur lien testimony saal by lie master'ha deetuet uecessary andi proper, t,# came "iI b. taken wlitsncb.q as siaU li l etd hayi te maste. Providei, titlte -umsI,., in4o lb, godueS aus elow%, aorlen jM RS. JUDDS School of Sbortm. hand is Iocated in tbrte of *be most dcsirable rooms to bc found in Waukegan, light, wellven- tilated rooms in the Murray Block, on Geneste Street. This school i15 rairnIy ont of the Most handsornely equiýped in this part of the country, and iîts faculty boauts some of the most skilted busi- ness educators in the profession.' Mrs. Judd, the proprietor of this school, bas had more, than fifteen years' experience in this Uine of work. She personally conducts the most important recitations. STwo dar bave beeu "af. as a i soccesaive day, Lt W. W. Huit. Daims Bmo slore vere The cuti ivho, It la âheiateiy 1 stores ratf no* lu the PELIX1 JIHN Y, Todilis nie Vent ie. whsa fso rau a At any 1 when ibe> money an, One sugg peaied ta. rcpited ith liNiez for a ctore in Then thi the other bave plan adeverly. The IL1 was broiiî witic i dd viage of beys bere lkey iad bougit o' The ne about the terlor of thenJa et tie vil "ane anc entered. atocicings oral dalli about six and a l0 foaded Il outaid, rwsho Iqtur aile e41inue4 at ouate 0 stables ehase ù train Co Iwo boy the ramd Waucc daulile1 s toien 1 'wbich t) S Daims Soe momntu wit)k ai]