ÀT text la the teachers bet comspanlan and cansequently the chide goldeni Marly of Textbooks of School oppartuuîty. Thore in Use Eight Years Athatigi ther changes are rela- Now.tivelyI' lsierative, the baard of edu- I<ow.catbon aitr long consultations wfth ___________ te supelatendenl, the principals, sud teachers, have Iimtted the change Iu Board Chary of Makiig any the grades toth.'.tva texte lu or- Due ç ~ der ta makie the burdun as llgbt ad t.he people. In maklng the exciauge at the. book ______________ store, the oid (et ot like grade sud kInd viii b. acceptei t at40 pear cent Order Changes in Gramniar of the, next text. Atitbmelie Reg. Pr. Ex. Pr. and Rhètoric Books; 9O0110 Elementery; Wentwort.ltc 21c Fathr.C 0anp i e te; Wentworth-e Smithh...............40e 24ec peope F Langage- WU htg Spare Pepl X_ Revis Inlroductory Lan- guage Work .........45ec :27ca pense but to Preserve a Reed an Kelogg Graded I cood Course Iflt&ct. essonS .............. 45e 27ec Reed and Kellagg lgher ___________Luisons ..............70c 42ct (Prom Wedhesday'sS UN) Lest year In the hîgi schooi vont an Informal change to'Walker's Cee-t Iu the introductionl aof nev tat, s9r, vas made whlci viii bu formali>' boots for lie public achols fouir years aslapted hils year. MYers' General sgo ays lue Zian Ctwevsa Hsa>.am ili be lnroduued-a1 Bealing taday, for the most Part Of necessary change on account of short- the ichool board fet lhe ueed Ofad« essng aur ilstary'course ta Onu yuar. berlng ta the texte thet veru then other changes viii bu the physical used lu the Perachilischoals Oufl - feogrpby and nietorie. The came count of the financlal conditiois Of dicount Ot 40 per cent fo- the aid toit eany af lue patrons. wi obtein hem. The texte then adopted were far . sîaiars lu tihe second year need tram beiug the huit an the market nat purcisase a lkev nietorîc. sud isd beffu used for several Pr-- Oçdjng years, s0 liat Up ta tuis tîsue noes<ofthu' texte have beu in lue ýhhooIs for fully eight yers The. 1u page, grammar sud netanlc cours jus bu eyn poarly grssied sud the. moeulin bave been lunbaruaY vlth the. grading. The sane crMeUicmsn e b. justly masde ai the artbeetic sur ts. lIn rder ta obviaI. thuse bock- **rxd conditions of tbe grades, tlu tAxis are being cianged accrdîngy Duko of copnaught son t. *»1hlie héilutthat thse rosit» W511 Suceffi Eari Groy. smpiy jnstuiy the -change. Parents lu hmntly crlt1istng the >rnt change ahauid take Inta con- jgi~ 8tfiCtWl qSdeation the fact that vile the mai Mp~~ 55 teser lun tie prlnýe factor lu lue plý or a sy ciscs, nevertheess bell,. vitic mebas ta oit vils t New incumbent, Seing of 6100,10R«84l Ueotiyexpediate or retard hi, Wm0Se Addr«et ued so ur Roy- acmpesscordlig ta tii. value ai ai Mighaous, No asu 'Yoe' ibe 001. it must ual bu forgotten xcisny Me tsesclmi aupultes tiie toots fa t Uctheacher tn Only thse direct-- tÂgfores luasbpv boy Iismust b. Ott*s, COu- Aug. 8.-A circuler dite, snd ince thse personal atten- lisissifrom b. OMM oftheii.Dominio :t"thit Iatescer cmn give in su>' O«rehafs7 0 .1*sole t iant tise uh"et t la 11ee Pffl41111 te veced qust ionofbila' lu addssathia ehosi.dtnte thse passif spes o n thse <5*. or counanght italer ha o ssn tti'Ibel ovsus lu Put imb is governor ton"ecal a l andla 'Ois. bàMth* very ibel .tins attmuittag ber. - iiii accséissng lastu' LI bisueasl up ta lis Urne governors-feuesi 4*t& lbus beensisi! 1115.1a gboislVe beu addrmmd as -y«ur.e lUs la s uoaiteaciser; os u h0 a" re nodrred lu n» "hlis oi hO ia mperativeiyihelse l a 1mai" Dut *0 du" a" duo»ms Mbea. Irea VSi urtait boek' t a a tu be a ddrafes you Er ~boi s à rcanb. nlli' noutmns.t b aipo0cW ian.suns Mal 'We how tisaI tse chucageiiieu- bau ia pageut t#Le crcuar-- twia Ile extra coeuf.but thé trlle la vith fue utor(augtt. I7; zz Slmg eflwe.itise 04wi Ida bisrd aihigbne, Priams irtlini Ww oui ruaitfiaintfii. Cà-me lsus Patrick huart, <5*. ut cfli U la argned that te pslneiples uf Mul't a" 09ut Srathmn. 4,Cot mi jahhaselcsneer chang" Md tihalles aX. i"ftBut la lb. 0015j el of gramnnar very lovly, visii ltsa mo rwfrail b. ble om Uýoq *negb, bu itla lu el, os as lid Iaribul. IicRoyal Risituesu Xue be et Ooeatagbt, KMlt et Ibb3 1lsst eev lmhueiofdaai ecbing, dclal- ter, etc. fèstion sud expfianation are as can- The circuler isued bb>' te aacretgry tiuasl, csUngiug. asa roat Of of stat vas trauslated Ittu Tetiu qdffoi-ousu apertences, sud as coan-sud sent ta these UfflM s vuMpr of *#Ddly beinz Iaaopçsreed vi tise Quebec sud other Qd whw Whos5vi Ç>qatlW neyver ciauglnt ir~cplaa as vîlI sset i. royalbigsa h s ha tbe Very>' im sUgt4e-blaeoadf the lanli st ibmMal 81110b11tOceté. . bQQ<ký Taks auy ald teeI sud compare a d lie uviia sl tram Llep 1th vil a nModen taxt ot lite klnd, sud Oct.6 pa ascii tier imi& ile lue subject mater to0 bu t&ugt Ocau ]gay bu very much the nome., lue Plans for au elaborate reception O 9eibOd8 af Prusentatian have go rna- the.(lat. e rehave beea complotnd tertll>' clanged as tu preclude an1 *rgumenta ta favor ai lue aid! text., M'NA*iA ASTfI" lUGrAL blev texte are as mucis dsmaadela lie schools as nev mates of snsc)iak, Lattera Bearing Thom Are' Ratumed ery la lhe iactorlee or on lue farms, la Sendors b>' Authurtllia- adth le ouI>' consistent question chat cauld bu ralied at a Urne lite tii, le: ClucnnaU,. O, Ausg. 30.-A budl «4e aur texte aduquate?,, if lie> of letters sent mabu' Clsclnat aI are not tllere shaulud bu a change, bar union, vwere return.d tu soudiers ida hepfi change should bu gaffy Il bas des-lOPOi, hy tise poatlofice do ýeIome; fr ae nt or cildenParteent, becauc e Ib>hadl MN 'welccmedefeforeaieps aI aurd bitdVIA 'Worth more to us lias' the lroducs laiton. dfate ne tp u ioid Id 9four factoril, or fatas? aantsep ecmlsgl la Nt ouly have the texte ln (bu Zion and siýe reguar pstagessampa. CltY sbouls been used for lgil years The lMý-Namarea defeuse stsatu, i>it Same ai them bave been is'th(b binz used b>' bndreds 0f labor oc ulrbet for ixteen years, and (bel gantlistiuns tirouu'lsait lie coatf(y a vihhout an>' matertal revision. This the saue prnile a0 thse Red hCy argument tu IlsuIf tg no vaild argil- stamsp are uâ2d durng ýh$e Cirialin 'iMmtah»aIl, for, if the edlucatianal PIR""' tld luth<te figlt agatreatlu FfW14 babusc t a stendaiil for beirculau. tbernais==Y>'yasrs hure Crtaloly ila 6aitlrs Ordered ta Panarma. u»eed of a change; but, on tieconais-wahlngtan, Aog. 0.-Tië ti utc traq lhe PP11agoglca Pieai ofeduca- li faiaiemilitai>' iqrce lu guart, '4 lion for tlutpaton.pOrites' Years, Patna ancig al bu en iegupq. Tt frpy tu PedMgo)giqi sbase ai educa nflre Tenth Infasstry. commahded I led by an>' liii. perlod of lime in edu- Çolonél Henry A GreaiNe. tlaesdat WtIcistl iîstar>'. Neyer hau usre trous ieau&atou% Tox., tlathe . ii hesi wmuci intensivesBtUdY devated zne sca lie Partflc entrance. asL Proeoutton" Muât CILi1 lore WIa~se ~ Expifi This Up.ts t. a ostal" Dow». Fsbrio ot Evidenos PrqfuiY Dilit up b Omdmonwsiumfi s r. CbuestOm ouat ouse,Va,..Ag 80-i. csrsuw i7 eld «»ua.bsltt uli aahtnatRry C. Eestt$o, Jr.. cbarged 'wltt hmuder , v mac nearly upset iv a b@7 'la b stais es.led as a witueu for the. cOwMhOD- vea]th tlU tstlly mgsast lt m uung man ibm by asny croseezailflatim tif lawyenr o id««e»s.dur«s tha» «> tre pragreas «itii. txuai The whbi.sa A1.xcer uoeabert5os, vas the. lattiat tbisa routioa l1- Oonre.ms BaSba*h .f I Novel Ochesiie Broughit to Attentlon -ofCongremaby 1 b1 Iomse" ' (Tram Wednesday's SUN.) 1ýh neit Mia» a Lakte Forest beirelp 4rtesa Zoreimu »obleimm n d tbOY àe a uhap lad of 1*ke county taoi rta Ilurape vlth tl>sm op tbs)v ufeyoMn, lu bauld up bsttered aid uties And pay cent" of a debta, lbe bieman and tbe beirecs 'pnay b. Led, If tbe plans of Conuaesmsu A. Sabatb af Chicago carry. By Congroeumn A. J. Sbath of 1111»Wla 50,00,0e0sunuli u lmoreth"s 106,000d0Maeiu husbine fr ois f nerlca girs-bs'mblng fo u- ýrboan llucludle sviii taSun- erai ldu lie taleuat ilaibttsgti sus.at ln terais Ibaveofaseaigfors be ptircbuceofaiforeigu tItles tor uSW nis osisun moase than a biIo o- us ever>' tan yearis. daLn evon se ti s couistry'au ours sand uit& iia raia? Tiiemoue>' po.sta Engisu4 ' ta lue Continent Mduilua1tom lu us rever. Most ofthle ver>' big fortunes lu bis country' are nev fortunes. The amean vhose hushans s a*e made aise fortue» anqarly bgipsys devalot, Sials ambîiins, sud 100 commonu>' ahIr ulecuel desîrs la mars-V theiz lugiters ta mnsof lido. Il luevi- il>' happeus (bat Americanu vho go id ijiake. otbobind their bMas ,ouaders"--esieW5lb>' tisa nabîl- y sud ather ulutucratle folk via sia>' 1hemii ôsptWUlty 'sud lorr-ia tein mssmer'. !larhtstely, lue sIînees brlngs reicule upon our siiatr', sud lus-Ila a plI>'. Wis± la neeid 1l a lueavy tax on 3i moaeyi tiat go frasi Agieriea ta Eurape tltroug Int uertionaualmar- ages. Congreas vouid certuiln>'pesa abill slmilai la one.1Inltroduced la se fltty-nlutb cangisa, nelaling Io le matier, If It coali lue fraired lnl suis a va>' as ta b.e estitutiouul ad et the saine igie effective. lion çaIte sc»& -He bai pot bom S u Pa.iiàla '. LseaS- hoWeadabsguo-te vqlh' Ia'ee vitae""es ieesaa l f .hebu"ahou Wfigt the. b«ybail te my vas th" Progrssvqubial Oe a on the day aller thei. mm'#r e t . flOs pe Beatilo i. Sud dîsooversi anottier. Erg"u ln )VauI1hgton. t"u spt of bload on tlue Midoiasiu lm- IJ.1 pike tia ,tIa vicb bas qoPotantly eliared luns«"dm" sua.msng the Avawed Object la tg Prevent Puî- spot % ber* tise vommmet lber de& d ffect'. Rosomination snd te Tiis .Iiloai ua, âoa bainiuSa Nsme -aProgressive. a.gnsr j& e »tiseboY tetseê vas & about a mile an& a.bit nearer Rci- ef POIsItifltan t'tu IdvhbMuaIRvil- Wsahtnelr, Ana. 30.-A bUreau O, MA neusu. issue tu4tmé-. antis84toi turtiter lies ,a.C51d-itiOeis- Il vaas JUsI bout vison lie rail- sv iIe1 ihW.u terfr e rosi triche cmm tle turpîtl. <upOnlovii W99lvur ft tb.N fa ut lo ie suuism a lit- mer 50Cet5y of stataoraiWiccansilu lu hie UtgilfcaSe but lu 'lie viigist Ofand a poittial lieutenant of Robert M. h testlmy Istrodued iv tit. comaus - LFo chhluarge, bas beon opened i veslth It mu>' bave great tmpqrthasce In Wschitona . The aussuncfenula 'nus le bossu. lb. tisser>ofuthelis e atuIMi. Ifovser asudlh , prascuton bas ooqWiilshnt beeiau scltea vh hm ii t on e b.- *N-7 Clay 4s.fb& 5iOt his vit-h"v in gu ort "wWs a vlsv lu )noinatugo nue vas smtsaon the road i as te Repubisicauupresientda td- fronttheb.asusoUe a lu Iicii 88e 'w daenitys sm n.le foi ber habini uai ridden upt Usar datet y sieovne ietI ron. Abera Jurg pol o blod advits the progreselive oent colctdwhmte ud ve omais The orgomlzaaotenladmitteflyhosa- ti tell, Beattie W psosi tise body IItg& iet l e eminai-tedeuieal.tiic lue front seat et lue Mransd drivenTatu&wleepti nWmdtb Saktotatu"u wIth if. tisaItie movment boau lues tatsi no !nToprosintian. sboailm ny vit- la leie lteresls utflin. LaFoletta. thsa th, nesmae >t it .a-.usi<have beenfuel (bat ltsesragreagivo bureau w5111da Imsposible for the large pool af blond bediected by M. Hopsor, ja LsTol- ai tg boweao, tei.. > bm. BeWelete isas, 19 ôtflot viosat gllceufce. ti bl piot vhibe a" -moas stdtlu a tise AcordioS te ta aenieuatis me er., cmu, sn e vitb tResiéue W»s vissatluecamaigu arainet tise prosltueut ilmu abio met ber <.«iý On ~ th a, that te be vaai vilu hvigor. 1h in ciied tjse J017 ' VI. w tié-ov whereilu.hlust psactically Iliofthtie tiirteen s*M- t hailela nd' lu tise d«fen»et< ate Pigru e pW F lie gO dsstieiesn have occurreil, athe .suggestion of 411h tiieymovent, %" tisaIelght et Il Wstsdenurg every minumadea aclose 'n'ne Oai hem vi Ow 1 i ste Itisithlbu bInspection t<i»o If U Wvasponisbi, in app00ooln ta lise prwdenL visuat tise comiinuihs law7ffl bas.. advancedt ltst no blaad could MJE h ave drtpi hiroue th ie base of thue -E "car O tles sasdTel Alexa»sder Rob- Indiana sud lltluois-Ié5ltIoda>' sud "ert»Oan, vissa aked how far trous lue tocsriov; aiovly rn1lag tesuperiurs; i ;blooi spot h. bai bomses voonu bpmaderate ttartiseaatela uotieam a day foloving the homicide heh ail utda th pkIctai P IL yelov cePuIidisirpin, Wlcnii-Fslr ad varmer Iodai; Ith resdy la açideDce. savused b>' stk- fir, varmur ln pasttetti portion towor- au g bin "vhiçh bload spot?" yav; moderato eat to aouest aa Tise iuuyffer thie defense tnev vinda. Cist b moszt b>' luis quoi>'; tisOer b, Sud ussuicod hlm as a vituesansd .sanu 9 Sâdi lt.ssdud ta tirow a mrprisa Iltot MARKET QOQîsswSa k. ith, proematissi lu>'brlnatngout hrougb a1 W tl iluiboy luat tiiaio bailbeau saluter Chicago Liv. Stock. Q w teiltaiStmak a inille-sud ame ave>' Io$g.-Reoef0tu13,000. Quotaliono a r-nain teliseut. Titis vM& tg l*ve bem s aigi $7et k,0@7.66 qhoico husvy lhesunpportb at tei tiseory tM is vr>'- 7.0607.80 ccbe lght, 5.6720tr y thir wugit ha"e bue U nosuie ioavy paetisg lad $6.5007.25 good ta s à snid; tisai 'v is u itewvas shot ber eciace pîga. 8 tlbîcood ba dnlpped fisiongb thi Sr CatUe-RecelptÎ 5,60. Qtuotalon » o ut i cr ho lue rondd'sud tisat, -gai, 780uge1luat7.7508" 0Primae 111ri s whue. h. st opliet autaidof ofimond $.100 4-90> Moud l ho qolot W v5ci t» rell#t islp "p (thmbid qa. wtt8.1».5 gm oi ecbeiu ted bsêtpM ti le thse tmrne'sig oSuuir. *54005.85 nSea5i#. Intf, .188* il l Atter ~'W.ade*burgfor t.hupro@&4» Ininta o " M~o*ezu 19-000s.75 4- ogtionviii on have j» aqmWan seV- oudto ciiosas vYi lives. erl vltuassesta teuiify lia itIllau i>pR-Pt8 34,000. Quotunil OC DbYulcsfly mpossible tLitI lidupilsi ranged ai $6.2504.76 olsolos talprma ( -on lb. trait 1se.! t 9iseautomobile b.avy Iambe, 8$450fi00 usaitoeb&cislt 1Pviia eMIeh.Btwtat hb iv iwt t lued yearlings, ç.15l.00 dzaoe tlu t L ride on lise nl$t oai Pa>18 sisauli dm. nusfevethOrsS to. beilu dmtr htu theaie icelanyows -* i-IresPouihi>'.0 Bd m~ar Turkeyt, ver IIb, 14; ablobsea MM O5I EDLVFQR FOUREY favi. l:c; rotea, 'Se& spnt», e Mr.-em"-14c; ducte 13c; geeee, Se. ,I Former tDeta-oli 4hlCharged uslh Pottte. a- Crimtao Suppoi Siot Uu*uabafld. Potaloes, per bu. $l.%IS0. e- ChIlcsg, Ang. 3.-,ABack oftise ai- Creamery extc, SIc. par itb taý s- ru t «ýMrs. JuoIX pUis h iorset IS%c; extra Urula. Sto <rts,2lc a-. Aller Gi>', N. Mt, às tk ise s f 8, 9 a l1a 7e. paeiigstock XiPo. iI lut yoi ulÏ4e vbho PasWshofound lier Eo 4f I er ,p huuil d as oetpiispttoMd5triioitu Duamng 4v*epn ,@tWt auisCo>- Eave lis flteb>'anes 0 f foirlos, mission M erciantIPàt BlluMi, N. f,, re 'sai 1. ausws. 2fle OS. ' Qute au folites; ilaMWi-aP@p ®r- "M ,, GiSoe ýs. usJoliet Smit Oi 8cars;. Market duIL Hopu - Re- ou Deroit 'fe la tuisni>', Bar -VOIs. ceipla 10 crs; nm4rbeslow, beau>' os live t Détrot are Wtalthysud a e *h.& 7.90; Yro 8081 pia %a keçt ber isubepid.,isl p9b nla$7.60. t3iset>-R4weplS 5 sar.Pa u 1 tu. Ignorance a erofor5psiint.hled op'tMie t.@.s b>'aayss. tht h4@!fiq tulso$14d 5 yqeripa, 84.topLOO- wqq, 4 antai fortune frits ndr gridzïohiser, f4910, evea, s.580 iig.,j Thé alaegai fosei-es venu ou tva0925 l- botan st and ee icovese< vissa adm hed lut Ibis cIls' a'lfbe 4uftekhuiabou. -_________ r i'e Haladylua J, a.iU.Metgs, at4 sjva by takea t biis bedele. .ed " " Kanues Han Shoota inspgehr. Spirit et sympaht. lis oekca. Kai., .&ug. 5.-Kssua nov Dwe01ait» l o 9K o0f J9i UÇÇ bas a* omeWiailaspetor ai bod elcubes. OVII speukin& 8.kfor tlilimt o Ha ta John IKlelaitsnc.s, a sa Isl tôtd tiihi la u tl-t étntui-! di-ecled b>' te lste bOe9 0£begl th Fou osa neyer 88% ox Pns .Vîroi#% Y5bftt tie law anYs tie>' aroeatltld ta ta. steak of 'tîmose&vito- bav ratW - vWhouitise>' psy thoumon,>'. Tinla. euiued ta itala. .dtWpr lau If gr eluios aboeeutaueY-t-oluches long talasvithaul n*ooet,7. u4, poi f500 troCm oe-tiseviWho -Iùki Mur ----- ~ - - Tise difficuit>' viilu e overosa ligviver. Wbita as isedeg, alsYlqttal, Io &. buvi tai oui a1l poone'a tI o fram AmerIca taEurope th-ne W lu t4psiitIoaSl sArniagu. Tutoie areay>, ulous *&alula w is cmIgisI iiis- c mpiissi, lihe s»55p1egl, perbalsa, We- las luIq»o lWae stgx ispqn dps.' Wiha a tas saisit b. es4PblWis*4 qu * Flus±tE acale, g'aba iepercqsfm sa. çlulssi4. b>' Pi emuaar' ve laae<a vlu ltaeun i eotisa fas'uu" titu ept aCroos tii e fl. 1 Tb»l.probsisieta la uxc ly ota piax. iueinah a thse Prfcipal Item '« lole s ut pttraogbhtie pulrai~ of duel-es- Tiseireuto ati>g»)V-U, ,pornlssseoxpeof p iadoIstw lutlo tsuslap caspslp cln jitirape. il&, latW oJ taihusS~ciy aMicoisair>' sslt bu red suld sslt4laed; oate*4aia. iug ofaI sinsulavisis 4srlPtiloss iit be. dans; 444 Il t st]OPIY hIsPPea tltIum sues t Ib. paIG foi lutrÇ4ucj lions bta1>0 aPl>t)lty and lolvitatilin ho (be bous "ofi lWdie fnulie. 40as -ae aI lue proseÏ lithsP (p *lsa4 taan perofts i aquestlan$gïc xiastloPvia A ,a aling, gr S lorgl>' o lui lomes, luy luis ait of buoalaeos - 01 am Aièrf8Uaxft dttwhwo -X"somit bii*iii. lu aceualiating 180,000,000 or Te aeplenty af sucb fortunes nowadays la thi, coutry. Re h a ,qpyple, Pf Attàlibte ansd ho French maqittad tub '#Uw a Rus- ala!n prince (bath mucbln lne".dof the. rïxd#, sab) a 00, ï e0' MsU0 Qu0 *»wo mWry tIw. . * fev yt*Mlatter ha ou< pua d6ý* ' tbe W* -0 »1 IU bu gt*f » u*Mdl vtded betwoeue tlieIils te b. sen 4çW,,*0water auaid. sm4re l up &thelr bauabm..sLq p* bli and 4& otii.t veom Tila ot a picturé o aiht rmigbt occur, It de- scribessomtblng that ilu a»mgug Tt in ot, tle. t sometinlg vsu dons te literftere vit Ibhis misuiiiv. ont tramic? W, are aht ii. present Urne paylng lu Europesa boiers aver 8",.00,oS uualy la loltsies and dMsdends an Aueeacsu toeis snd bonds. "kot t aita ul r.prsssst.< tulug besu acquired by ls tqrsigu ovuers Ibroug iafflAgswith tit datiubtm etaiOur miliii&YE.. Propity Damneo by ~ WiliI Roacb SIOOOGS Wa-.kage oeanpCloua-d Aws>' snd 009W tCa r Ta-sO Riupssud- Nsavy Roi"las IMeasuoDO& mua- fa-m Slleaies. Ckarlestonaa. CiO, Asis. M.-As 5as'- suit o! the stonsu vhlcb Rwoes1tilaCil>' Ousdoy ausd Moisisy (vell u eiis ar no uoab. doua, wvilla lt e- *le o hoPrity cWeil ourlalal> ,csed *1,0,.Onli thse cite propor la ie- f#ir*4 lu 1»' hoe igues. Tise deti HIaiandthetsaproperlj'loge ave efflèed t.d b. grqsly Iuereueu shmirtle outlylug distrlcts are isrd irons.Ibhsdamuas va, giest cm lbe Gent reilet vwu felbore -ben lte ClydeoM Itm oUseApo eMie@ pot aftla mu- eauelooeqal!tisbar- tait durng i&4 hurilce. Paspo- srs voit$110 pnerversfor reai boum-s Cberkelcnbusgom tlu v»,A* to put tram sîglut tise elience of thlit orms. Te etreet. ms» bolus elsarat e vruand sud teetcar haMe lsbe- ius ýre.uued. Trinsorvtn. la assis »orniL la lb.be i»»S seoflema ts,, lapincli sssalng, ud tisa dge- ter ai alotiiesa beouse of tiesa str aSséisaIo aaidte, b.e st. He07Y iaInc cntribulai la lita hailtofirva- ter lu the utreets sud yards. 1Thore tu goneral crltcin hore that lb. veathier burei a flld thomiss ps-Vi-1 or vas-aiea urthle siptusCb iolte Ayles tram Port Rc>'5lasd Us*us- tn 8Ost atb fiathe iaD tly lIe" ah lises.points la bssvy, but no lmofu iii. la reportai. Tise goulon crop &11 &long Usee omt s' ecti2non ftho aore b" bebobai SAVANNAH GR!*TLV DAMAGED rIfle luISis itq#r Wait fe. ýf flavanneis, Ga., Au& $ (0-Ti Place ta agala lu oommusslastiolt 41h 'thse outide vo-Id atS belinOt Off Over tva dea s a result af tise stoe. Tise Wpertyissloisbasetgw ieav>', pso-a abl300 000, but nu o ep 0f ite, la re- 'In«eutreets sa-e Iih ter d igl, bit bUe«se belts aU s aia-tE.i Butta.aeeg@ lminport l*U ai toutl- bio »#»@ w4th te q8o, f l tise ar eigu'aitE l»~e0Traa.Ôtuiç 0f. o., KttheuomO o t.f - oi4t. 1*0 pas-o.a u ishfea* vr e1> ope todb> » couss i asbaillidau»gM. Um* O Lw et.nahaaru mVTu LMýimgwm idawprauiet arguo u ah 1o ~ epp grv >'viaiveIpd pit, Order Jesse Jarmo#s Films Nît te b. SIwAansd Suip.od AI- Immense >Thr. n ut &ait Fallu leKop Eyaes .C&r- (Prom edn.saysSI. Mayor JolsiiyeP ijinger, commis. sioner Cari Atsrbury of the. city de- psxtmant 9f public bouilh ndsud fli â!i1*aJt Chief of Police Tbomm ~ViT- reii su"reporters ilut night '42* 4 comploe r ircuit of thlb ls**ot sas- ul"al compas'> shows, on a trip oQIDm-J spection, the tva Polics 00»490 and the reporters iieing ln on. partj, &M mithia alj.ctioaiie 10 the IsasI * grs va touia. .xceept " t tisej~s Jasa. movtag pIclrs 4>A M»3re. log isw, liiDoon" ms bateam mrime lu 4iapéRyed lau <risii, l A i.* allp. book for th# yq« Qi oUilsal flpçoaMd AdtheaM1eiii uotba thova Ibis evning. Thora are sixteen shows suduss of couaeoSsla the Vair et agss viii the. carulvai. Amons lthe gssss t. spindiep operats thus fa. bute eue ams, vhl'he .police beli"e t lie-s brsc. saine, viii probably b. sus.a4. ad, s, vibile saab tavestpr gels aoiq- thing for bis raosey tIi. pulldo"s 0« look rlgbl. The. policeay tbsy viii continus lu, késp their eyes on tii. show$ eW4 tis gaine.suad wvii ussieud sny vtli pesr ta be oit color or wrouM. Tbom wuvan slacregsàgicrowd o«L ou tbegooning night ofta #s "il.8 every place pas peciind A"a« in Je bunchés ot mono>'. The liigii t#ve. 1- peeacular. tise bigh vire Ws109P,& dsring and tt.riling. snd ptber (ao- urss vere aauog Ii.hfe h alutw91Uc ta b. sdded to Ioday vith belUoojs0& ceusions.' PROftIrEr4 F (Fracs Wodueadays SUN.) M William H. Lee af Rosecrojis, >11.. a wuborn te Highlmnd, OekJp4 coss- yt>', Klcb., Mdarch 7, 1867. Iiie Ur'8 aosli the rn iiihowvashobot Il7 rep ofâg ansd then veqt ta ok#81 Mlch.. where he iabqred ais a moWulA iIn a machinte sisp.,t ari Éa t u ltaIci>, lb» sot S8I Pl# e. Masst, iWho vs. aI hhet lJwei JlYAW5 wm her huunceeslnMusitegan, sud on Septeraber i18, ite>' ere uit lu maillage. 'Tie f9IO)W ig pet* ise>' fook tu balr s-s» cd M aid Kent place ier. tise ved,tft~ yé,re m>oviig thse" aret>Ws viiere they' apent t tisinteaYta-aM'i frein ltussa. tb*samouel l,,c toue55~ crns, vitere 00Y.>' MP , 041 4s4.etb vhlch oecurred lasI lisinida>' evenluf, Auguat 26, 1.211, at 9!20o ilock. 1Re bah been Ii(plulat'ss g serlousîs l' o se a-sO iss%" Tisuru day. Dr. YauI>g a! Garnevaass- moned and i. calsdOi nissadali>' dût- lng bis lait Iluasu. Ps" lise ifse oi hic-s reVisât » etoçtis4 lit11e If ans' htis.fan 'isi =tvi1 Lat Pnîda>' aiterblian e hloe a parlytlO strok& &Ui nover regail"a conacloucasss ReHamssK. Iltaupe durge *ere pgltiro tt o4$t. «. l . lVe<'iy oeilbe Ii Frank Le, W1U40le SChicaLgo; oua ustser, lMre. Halas OuchiCaOf t - ai visom a sq4 ipo fld th's~ Frant Heusai, daKE -libeaic, orto endl Jolis: tise.. idQîk Tê. Clareoôe aid inslciil Î tise rgoiuietiO u5a.t0 gi'f tise aserano ebargi,p-p sM '8 »f tis*luhuz«itwiils.ts ~li! 'Ph. reanileis vsé kglatl f0 pi 4 tu Pr"is Osad 0uuislil u .' se"' e .O& O ----- t 18Fil atmi Aviat at J r Tti Ther of va>y be the sl reu Srlsht( The estiug Davies Runda) valked Aorons sud as bookin overbe ticket on an The lng cil tics s sugges tblug mornif sîtatic "Valk) MWi boaket lus, 1 oron saceut Ulned dirept Bei. had C soifh tbe a track tota i deemi lu or( CutI lonig às ii bear tacts. lu replei à5ia5q vas ( Iug t' 400 1 the 1 the 100 f sight hem exha whi sceni field frois tated b! r. throi 3 te beIlu bam rect>- or ual 1 cannaI say--lial lis 'ouderlltucmMe WU sai ulS can>01 if one of thein rallilu-19Jpcause- qunce 0i tb. maMrise of Gladys ta a ued>' Hungatis *Mut. 'niaI uile- matrimonial event brougi -about lie traniier ai about $12,000,O000ln aub- istaial securilletrRpu Usa United States la Hangsr>'. Tise moue>' ret,- resnteil piopert>' buit up b>' Amenl- Sn isard vio-. Tise nMut annxa the viale of it ion the puice ai s mar- Tiage Ilence. 'nie'rivi (btat 1 bave exPrebseilOn, bhis subject securael>' >eflec tlsOOe of a esjou'lty ai My iellov repre"JMAlS- iveg lu cobasg-somucb ce, tI>.eed bhat lue baisse 'vuld certan>' P@au a >111 Zeisibis la lue malter if Il couli se freiued lu sncb as wae s' ta b. .'outLgtlUa an at th le samo tlme effoctIve.