as Wl~u*s'e 80 FWU ~ i4pe, et, -fl, Que A~ Ueiwto, Mle g>bU 'OM Juag m - lu, Wou* i fal* hie autothe MW..c ww, mm ut lien wii hem OSwaI atLeek Broe., *M@«& bit115. FPolok d Lebue» $leUI 1, ap. iIb slea 'H oun" fut of h. vaut. 'are agooa amibuc abd o Fkuaamd Hecusihr mcd cler mE., setu*edto oeir la , uChlcmgo murd~ai'. M. mmd V. Agnel Keunspet aà 1fu Foet lselei vslii riand. ob #e " *4 e.tA J'. Dreu let veok. "ebo' <a q-e151. P HOel sDermbm&»bouc sreelg 0008oà S.BulIoomolpeue mi' 0 ,g ilst* ii, am iea 0 'bmeein ki t km-T a . m Q~eo Ueuvdmutly. Ni. mi ~. w. ~ ~ ~ WU nome»g ~ -woeiug for Ircid 'ifis.aowbmiel o. halai beoi ol -»W Ubrm ts*.b 4" Visace Luti »md MrWée Ilbctmc talM I at WDrew."e rwe w, i« Wout auàea0., sk aulm&dlu * i. i*r. .t jlOAaU&.t cime Artior Réocibl. Who buetb[mu vok. vou *Mt y o. J«se#pic FislCauai. Ibo pOisoMMew, XXt . _ DMUsuandPO ehtli- l..Î e edbw g ol .et A , v.10b.- a qmt verl dye wtk riedu t MWi)» mmdamobtet BRath are Cileego. J ylrwuog relati ves i la leegO t"iw@ Mis Coa Hoi f ans î,ice ~ Min iVraime.Smth vas a iUbertyviile b@CoslaMnof Goel LarereeuUg em iir on liosiai. 'bWe 0"o, .in mwlic. mmd moirs. Frajît Cmmii Xli n, oru*Lver9o<Britol, 6mcW-lire o voul omter. FPrldu,. Ang. 24,eaeon. Q».% Hinlus 01 W1110t. vlitd lina. )Àre. Cremin won f'rwly Belle Brerst 0f chaq. liatiee svm@UUIl. isleplace. The Mies.. Ne5EmcdHUIoUSIl amilir. Bgem Clrk re'speiln aA Great Advantage to Workiemg Meni vee i vtb ibeir brocher Alex, of,J.A rai,18.7bltteb- ville 0., seays: **For 7ars 1 aufiscol Imom veut kid"ss und a nevers blmdder lirs..f orr irvy cidscia ofWa-k-!trouble. Iiemindw of Fowlkmi uyP"llE mau.v.< caUeg fieeodeFriday, uni their vouderuil cuues;i begs. tkâ itm mcd cure mu 1 bai mc gond reente as uy 1 beard about, My buciache lat me uad te> on@ of My Poloys Honey and.Ter C.ompound busin ess preemn; ii t aitue le a MU sot"@ aite bigb plac e asthe test jgreat udynigo. Mv kinelo acte fiee boelold mmey fur ail coutho unid n ormal miii iat Mavedbue a lot 0 col4. oîbe fo chirm orgron~m15rI7. lt lm now a piemaureto vork poions Fryats erins arnit frm bre it usai to tO a xncary. Foiex acol. Tbsoli rne enuns "oly'sKldiie Pille bave curd me und have rny Hoir cd aiCospond iil jlup ighe4t prim." For «e a teail seEtut.focameaial g 1 .Druntiat. Whleu Serviug HOLLAND C.REAMERY* B$UTTER you are serving the rost SANITARY 0 buttpr rltld a' it i,; the 'tly butter chuc-ned. 0 eut, priatt-d and wrapped by machinery. Our 0 roomns xrmo~ idelâ of neatness and cleanliness, with al omployees in white unlforms. Holland brand of butter is charned in thef country from selected pure cream a ad sold in O pound cartons by nearly ail first clami grocers. AR essential and satifdactory adjunct to every* meal. The lutt spread equal to týhe fir8t. A fair trial will demonstrate it's superiority.O FOR SALE BY W.W. Carroil & Son W.Walrondl- Corlett & Frederjcks UIBERTYVILES ILL Geo. H« pn, J. c.-,Moiwbaït& Bro. M: E. Sinl 4& Co., WAUKEGIII. r XY s1. A KE Ordus W"hf*r J*bWOclk IL L.~W~o "I*mo #»*QMer, Ira Ug odonue4 wp.ot MM o th e- 25- Io drl«h.e w haa ut" En» Rvain ofhBoue Lauke mu. Dan BoUs bome s8 West FAO% i snz7mm ofwaS P ommn flb 0a" 8«4w t *"hdme 01is w. a aUa»i tlt i.em is the u emis. oeae. ook -thon aret ues BMues vers uerof Wmur odfr tbe. A fl i sp a mi tudaBa trnoon tim gueker a iehnad O!ie parants, W)ah it blo exa tollof osthe beeta somt or '10. ouekbeOeuv»t.D ruca obesil goolfry 0f &uloche pent »M may ait hWs pa ndpaente JoeWaaf aiuof cd iflo a@ont asn der at oiel.ymdfrsdtend M@. Stoupa~tcIde y mc alubr &Inte Mmaue itore ndofCago 4;. Wgk oUrliJ. geavtiaof .Qdf Dakot, &pot aTueo! Cihicgb ernt csn Siedayn e oW oeInDlr lira. EC B.dacHlodeea Chilr a wPeret. be epotT esda viierndiirte "Mr. G. Pdan md i s. M otani TurnIo bmiiraC.ber soln, .E i nebreand reanrd frniL.Worgaaiall m iuatoe - Vhe for he b...edrngorethi -@numerwl ted ihwol %ira. Tur.nier of Autotb, a, aî.., ofbers viang ber.Mr@ onJ.eneancis Magbe Trneor.uedy 0. . mb ra. .urgedviiicovet - MImer viiirattendinbis achool v n.ati ner o!bisÂ ge L. A Frank, who la runulng a me. hquse for the b.lp ait the corn facter: has about forty tuking their meale there. 1 James Clark qpent Sunduy with his Mater ut Waukegau Sunday.. Chas. Golden bas uccepted a poasition at S. L Cartield store. Mies Tile Tekampe of Rockefeller, eaied on friends hore Santiay. ldr4 Neville bas reaigned his position ut the. 9. L. Curtield store to attend @Choluf t Wankegan. lire. Cleary of Burlington, waae caller hores unday. lirm Fleming-and chliren. who hav beau silealng Lb. aummer ut tLb. cottage bore, retnrnedito Chicago Moi day. Min Strovhouee, a ater of Mr@. J o élcbloaaer and a"so Mr. ScLlosser's neicx returned to Chicago Bunday alter @pend lng a wees witb Mr. and lire.J Schiosmar. Mmre John Mebrg aud daught .FOX LAKE Dr. J. L. Taylor of Lihertyville, w s calier bere Tbnrsday. lira. C.Spring spent a couple of day witb relatives ber. lait week. Misée« Grec& Bayle&anmd loren Geretee vesW aukexau tallera Frida. 111e. Etbel Spring of Lib erty ville. -Pimding",,.rat dàys wlth ber asto Mis. Kitcbon. Mesdame@ kils Converse and J0l Gay i ore. Cbicago paeeengers Wedne day poeiug.é »Me Florence O'Boyle attended ti toucter'ainalutitute ut Waukegaun t weet. T4oe. 6aggln of Antlo eh, was a bu nlet calier bore Tunay. Ragb Kelly of Bluff Lake, traueact bueoh" liera Weqnesday. bgriL, Van. De Lucre, Who hue be ooceuv$ung th Porbe cottage for Oel six p"o lefb for har home in Chic>l le.Jas. Ne"s of LihertyvIlle, eailng a few we.b wlbh ber danght ios W, G. 1*W anmd son Elwin (Ifamg, 110 MiY oyrnmng et "00-le kýb*dOPwlth ber plI TAYLOReROI EW X : is som4 eZ2ZIZEZEZ]um lT ime, uW obukoi.u vltb rgradfadbe. J. T' yeAf trturnsd Tueday fron à a .j vbo la er ii. fineIit la hrelatives ta Vermont. Wiuls8, fou. wi«* 228;17M,~ ~4* M&s.?.u sl.ber and Ivan Maor of h.roe h.attenisi a routon of the Ayers tht souiiea a 0< 1 * 09 Ad«M PIt- La larg, Win., are îlsitlng relatrse1881111y. pIlslieep0dmtkg~ wlborne Mu ierMa"sMacArthur,. vho bas beaun tir. s ia. irsmn W" mi Ethel ,~aminte ffatcdayM&Mle uloIg, bo hbaseu the vitin vtthler doter, Mli. George Richmond, spout1aIh l laeoeburgm. Waui.gan ho taietUp ber echool vo*. Midi . Uer. PWU . hlo bra le bat of Pentier. uI Nuis esoing a esaabbars., 1!91 Riallng bas movsi hie iamlly vtl crW e er l e lamti Normai Mdin Gertru e op e on gioî a.t ~gcarter fam uMrW aukega. *0 Lake F~orentsear ePemdieg l04 - ~~Jams Bartielobas bai a Wanksau m ~10.5 mer vilh ber parenite. Georgew 4000 a"Prnm aspieu.put 1. Tb, oth«ejrtWu rebers Mm G toeCis l JuId u gber dcngh i, sud Mms. 1B.-E8. Vanikusw a boelmsâ 0oe.li4or vilage Mobdsw. hope lo bais oa saISO. ter, Mms.OmraiCrun. lomamCurs .Sonuay. - Y Mr. Lýong"aagb and C. Lambh ilied friande beslest veai. N- tW0 »01ar o,'ad The meeting of the Ladies AUlSé, .lmmiay7_Ili ' a n~sd Ch@&. Lewtna iam ery bu. VreH uw0<vasboi a le b as ! inndi totI be et -%ý utw»- , M. nMi.MciOsnam Wenday aflarmoo&., Frale i~a oo af ul M d uifriande 0f lira. S. à. Mlre. Earbauar adirdmI Holton onseorry ho bear eh. le not go isCuaPrjsou h eia !Wuegu r lilga i I arnma e glu6 10 m Yetry -& ' viL Iol. M eneuicomlng borne s $0 J.L. Burcla'. of 1fr. uni Mms.M. fuga. ani tlasr fileles. Sesme ut the Lyri. eh. al.Mr. sud MLi SvrectrouaTabor, Mine . £@Wlch bas lit Duflo, Le.ý Theatre UpOie Vair grounds. J. T. tri. o! Mr. and lMr@. Fred lRay vere lova, Bam vieting relatves besfor a Y. and le nov locti ut Lonila , IIODEETOII. .sUrprîasi t her that tbey bat mois sor ti».Mr. ad mmilr.J. D.,IMurray so.tame P. D. BaIIsbnflmd famlly ttetuii e> lCo fburn..Mr. soidlMrm.(barbà Graimu 'O! frisais sud relatives tfou Richmod In the automobile tasse ai Elgin, Friay Ch a ia OuBvieapn u-Oicago, bave beau .pas&»iimg -bw vey Sauiay. und Saia"éM. Me.riisHawkinlu"ntvSun- iMr. and lira. Ueo. Loy. lMr. A. .Leiliuhehoeeaayo 15ej" tLoy of LaastFormelhe races wit the,. rove let Baturiay sulipaî ait tr aM W. irei. mat "V *tW .e p igfo i e tSe-u ba fontbersa ae ii .ama me of but a ev iaye. Tie toasta viiiMie. ~ utKenoia ~Emery Bav uni iesSaie Adie vas bellat, OocWt Tussiay mues. Mcm(oifis, W' o8f Chrlevox, UM -Fies Bna t07of Vunkeg- n, le vesKnosha callers Ibs »s. la reIrorn me iueoeà idi., ltua h be angbtsr, idre. uietlng relatives and f neui. bers. Tess,4cooain voo4 ceneGantât John Wo"bbihmi. r.etean i*,rok St omey a r aui~êoba eumngrObitu*XY. vi o bir mut nt f i.ooèe nt 41. o! 1. esmta tu" peutso to ers, William1H. Les vmts bore lu Highland, Stulda!. Ctaomm oid$ffometbettaamslbuai« bas meep1edOboý petlou as man gsi ot1QailuaiCo ., I b.Mi 27,1857. llas Rtella Baconle laepeallt tehé une.bre hy a, i a hig ranc aît g401. Tom MoggWini i s1ud ou a Mfaim tlil about me-en- -ves i viiManie l a bg- a. m i 10w Oie 'itai iubsbsié tais isae fea tb, lnglen su yomr of neMg d ithm -vtntu,0 Mm s. etlssbAooc of g%»»U, l a lire. Wm. wu Znm Mdis took liekao. Miib., vine bu laborsi na s a leitla a W. Wollo, andmd I)uvIl 4 tondTr In th. cirffl t 4Upo usdy. malsl mc puaf. ua. ~ Lq 'l pO . Md.dov W1m. B itl rbatdbusines. Onlsapemebrl8, 184, beivasaurrei is eaea1 et Bu i-gton . taon in >a N& Keul 01Bnommant, vbo ug a ewàv 1mv-Il là er i[.a.uus., 1 c. iuglisM. Anon vshqiingie el, >. w as liviexa ai Ohtime vltbheW uncle, and Mros. ii PîM l . Vrue Mb*4 d Do L oa u Lire Blufofru giM. Jobn Kant, in inueiogn, Mica., sudni oîeIiawkium andmi fbet Final vece enrpty guons aelé 'cane frm M h àrne 0ami -dimiMOfloligapfgia 00 pter___________ _ 0___ ra.ldenzoa ou ihe oh Kent placebrs amOngnes i.>th'nel h hrif 1Shermnan. lt taie.t imt tventy.lire gtlve d four yeare.TiymOo*ifromautm obleraissé inKebma bulat »om kw bquart@ ftuaatl there, eo mucb lter o«emwe U5re tterupe Su8nday. 1-- naeedeifor tie vintar mppfy. tiirtean years, thenelmo'rlng ack to Alred Day callai ou fialnds bores Tbe Souleai Asserbly bbet to "hKant place vbormétbsy r é unmtil bhienSun*y* ,, ~ ~ - announce thsï loce ope"lalreception dearla vbcbooerrsi lasîlturday mien. Mie@ sb thRessue &peut Bnuday lua ~ nuv~ an r ad bail [o hli" e te ( i mUavolake lng, àmo. 26,1911, at9:i20. Hebai beau Kenooba.&.~ opera hunues iaturdal eveing. Sept. 2. 111 for nome tume but took qetornuy sick The frimais of Maurice Churchill vi11 b.h apcil tenture ci tlis receptlon vil une veek ugo tstlatTbrsiuY. On b. giai ho, heur of bla sale arrivrai et bi.sA 7,Dli. ho a prise vat, ica wunera to reeive ffunday Dr. Young of!-Grus.é home in Engla. Hile trip vas quit. elegmct goli mettait, Theffe assemblisi vas ummonsi uni culi on hlm dallî. an adventure asbeo bed tbé miîýorwun DLC.ROLOVY, r- are boing coudgoW ierery Saturday prom th t ir e entertmluei litie If to b. la a ratiroad dissaster and thé, osvum ovia on»Vmwe 'e a erening by lira. (eo. Oriner, usissi by any hope for bis rscorery. Last Friday etemboat on vhlciplie h.suai vas Prof. Wm. J.. Ashton, botb membra of alceroon lb. uffereri a parlytie troire stranici ouncamui dbar for quite aulengtb mOuu.-4rom 1 10 8 mal &.141 , r *tire International Association Maters uni neyer -apoke or reginei consukina- of tume. 4bryDs la. of Dancing. Tie nmode la furaises by nesu altervards. He anfoeaIintense Loufe Beaumaun ntertmlnsi relativse *the weilf knuvu Prof. <'Conuor'e pain la bis boudviricb druga vers from Kenosba8Suadoy. v&inac wy . orchestra. lirs. Ociner und Prof. poverlee to aooth. PU A rAshton bave for thï puât lys @auona e ie nrvived hv oas brotbor, Frank Omar Carman &134 Omar Caimns, Jr., AWE snccesfully conducathe Boulevard Le.. vo lires lu Chicago; oas itèr, v0s1ueachir uaa' a Aemhilieeu t Oiue hanl,Mrailson lira. Helen cochrun o! Morland, Micb.-, Mn. unidlira. Wiliam Kronseof bi3'lls lm d street und Oaiiey' boelsard, 4.hicago. bis vile und i mx blidren, Mlir . a.Kenosha, *pei satum8de*ysuniSuniay ams,8 Their openlng for tile eecon wlflho Ru îey, lire. Frank Haueer, Eari, Forence ut hor brotirer, Frank Brooka. 0Suturduy nigbr, Sept .16, alter sibi (race, uni John, tbree chlir-d, Traesie, [.ast Suna evnn b erle poj),OLXO . rdate. they viii conduct réception dunes@ealrstcarsni Battis bàlik çrcd sevry eneruii«g o lo d 1~ -D5'a . ia Okkey bal every, Wedneeiay uni hlm laie> tire Great Beyoni, uni tbreey. ug orlubrongirt to mibi f a'W Bore 8 $0 12 bs..-1 ta 6 >.. ,Saunrday eveuiug. A codiai invitation. grand ciilirsu. lovai peetors. The ser-nrce conWe& sof .. j '~muu ie extended ta ail Our frieuda from Thb.founerai services were fheld utch. Lb. reding oi lettere Iby former psatori wiib Dr J.Î,.TsylI.Po ce ý Grayeluke and ire suruumdnga to te tesidence. Aug. 26, lier.0 . (J oueeut York Bouse. Bsi. br. Wm. Danismou ' fis. Piou# 1"2,. preonut euocl uni evrr ceptionu pasiar oaithLboaecrans churrh, offici- Of C80tle Park, liicb.. vbo vas our UieiOe. 111111,10 1u ting. A quartet from te Roi3.rrns puetor seveuteen yerersto. vrote a r; Base.Bail Notes. cehurcb sang. Intermeut ru (i?enworrri spiendid letter. Be remambrel ae4 DR. EMIL t SA. X Th traelkeAtitie laedLeecernetery. friands boesand eapecialiy the ginU The________________ eae Lke cheoolclussa wllcbhehoconucWsithe oua. * Blf'y mue ue lfSndyudytar lbe vue boe. He wlsbedtu be oun-8 te 12 a. Man sd 1I on6 S va on tb. gaeeil a score of 4*0o0. RUSSELL remembrrd ta ail old f rienrie. Bei. C. DI In apite of tire fa-t tirt Lake Bluff iTire uhreshing ie about camcrfted. Harold clerk of Wllliumebocg, Ohio, LierI .imui lbud only two of theirilr playere Soon tLb.or binder und abredder vil érote that on. of the greaterat iesinge_________________ Suuduy sunid a iad 0dS"suc@ froc> obo hard. of file vers fiands. fHe sai h. ba! Nortb Chicago and Lake Foreet, tbey) Tb. beuvy rein vi.rted thie section truveled througirail the iliffavant DR. 1.'L. TAYLOR. .- wiere »but ont hy the AtIbiSle. sunduy night. countries but ho neyer forgot the kini- orcaom ,u.rresL. Pitcher Longubaugb truck outi rhe Ladres Aid viiimeet vitir lra. nese uni patience arovu to hlm by iis mume:-? te10 a.m. 2 tu 4W*d 4S tventy.two ruen Srnday, tbat'e going (J A iver ou Thnrsday ufternoon. Yorkilouse friends, whicb gave hlmi 8 P. la. ý @mo.,counrage La do bis part. Rer. W. kLesiieui2e -ru Broadway, oppSolla &54 )n .Oio h uk ,th irylke .r. and Mr@. Wtteraon uni famuly ai Hurt o! Briivood, II., »Iso meot a Auê1< inobrili. tid mu ugOisond yul b oain theqake b. Oak Park. @peut part of tire week ut long la-ing ltter, vitsn mostiy tu> tha ,pr catcher foreaeni bs eauliA C are.young people of bsml uteani the DR. E. V. SUMTt I .purt aI catcher for aMrs. E.P. Sireruni [nez woesKenoshu children.He ribei ac, orne buck Iu tEon RCTC wît a orsbad ud vl laylu ih.via§itora Sturiuy. years froni nov uni fini thom etili . e ve el fr atie.A number atteniti the aviation meet going on lu the good vonk. Rer. R. T. Oieno2 ir The Atiletice pluyed *ie Wcnondas lu Keno"b on $cindai'. Rolland of Bridgepot. Waa., rrote a anoa.Ar lemcc'e vT *M at ther.eunionTu limrua. Mr n ra. J. Rl. Murrie and famili' apenil long ltter iemcrlbing the tovuLwRYVLB ut~~~~~~ ~~~ tieofno huea'onog I(urne., epont Sunday with Murnie uni cburcb thers. fHe cali aWl of tbe Wedneday ultternurn, flop4. Sti the Birno. yonng peuple ani. chirna hi their De Athieticé vili play' th. Libertyville Inwihsoshobntogte L >, Itumbloeaut ch. Fuir.lir. unidlMra. VilIIMeirilire are tLb.nbnre bisb hete uhra itorgttanMATN .DDd Tuea thei enat* leFitup aetsof a lîttie daugirter houn.We u ete a eiIlees iruie-r!t Tiea titepnfltthFarhyar e almoet thait ire vus vtir us ageun. Office Opp. 150h St. Electie stemms* J.Wedneiay, Sept. (tihandi uot for the Sutundai'. Aug. 26th. Atogetheritbeservicavas one long ob.o Office Phrono, 588 '-au. Phous *m0 homrre team. Pennaute ou "ami theb. Mra. Meilrle uni Me of Kenosha, are remenohersd by the po'P>,eto York -T HCG.ILSl Ar drug atore. visitiurg ut WilfliMelvillea8. Boue andwveincerelY thaik tie frienis NO.T BCGQ LiOB William mlirrie epeut Monday lu feztchoir kininesa. __________ (urnee vîtir the Cîitteaden lutnhly. Le________________i.PWI Of4 GASL "Frank Hase ai Rochrester, Wlc.. @Peut G NLICENSED EMDAUMER ;a L - _j teasteek ut A.C. Corie.Héla a ______ANDFUMERAI___________ At Gages Lake Mtoit Episcopal conent bridge huilier and waefli3iig El. (0. Stuces o! St. Pauu,.spent thé tiret AROUDE AI.DmC ,y hrhthe Pustar vilii pramil on Sun- up a job ou Bucona bridge, nf tir eeék bers. dey morning ut il o'eiôek. Subject, Fred Curnéy of Libertyvilfe. apenit Night taille Promptil A4t*tdwi les -'Srving aur Fllowjà." À. hourd Fofny Kidney PuIs Suniai' wlth friende boe. Lady Asislmn-.SpercIctl r y . meeting vii tho eu imoWmately alter Will reucir yaur individuel eue. il You J. W. Grey @peut Sunduy in Kenoaha. 10 L &rd 5M d IrVe le the service. No seriret. 19 te evening. have uny formi of kldney uni bludier lis Erelyn Manford le vlstioglrienieTLPIIN S.' nOn Tuesdai', Sept. 5el ,Dr. Shéphard trouble or urruar' irre-gnfurities. Tryin u Iving Park tis vesi.__________________ :r vilI hoid a Quarteiliy' Cbioenne ut themu. For suis ut ail Dnnggleta. M oni-etr>ie hcg 3:30 P. M. Be ou Lb.. Ipokout Iar the coln pany[the irot oi tbe wesi. W . m sAVI'L~~ )lannouncement of a it - hsocial' ut Speclul cervicea wor eldattbecburcli leGages Lake, date Muni ceta ho. B- unday evé»îng lor the" WOdme» ni ndPl~ be mnouncei net we.k. Roa' Athe ati îî4~t.-RUJSSELL Tire picole girsu bY thre LadWAid b tyI .,I. bi acsty Tbnréday vast mlail sIte. bÇt i L oui- Liii e ~ d Van ENom ouc ugmet Frid" Msd I GET YOURAW ING lut huroday onhiimis, 4~P MM BUS For Figures on l4ESA*lc.sç ND SU Oe~ER BIDING NiATERIAL à E-- i o o o o i. i o o * o o o o Lt GEO, . LI NN & 5S Net ei DNCIQ O